Transcript [email protected] الموقع االلكتروني

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w w w . u o b a g h d a d . e d u . i q E-News - November 2014

Starting of the Activities of Second International Scientific Conference of the Institute

of Genetic Engineering

Under the auspices of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the presence of the President of

University of Baghdad professor Dr. Alaa’ Abdulhussein Abdulrasul ,the Genetic Engineering and biogenic techniques of

graduate studies in the University of Baghdad has held its second international conference .The Conference has begun

with recitation from the Glorious Quran and then the opening speech of the conference has been delivered by the

President of the University Prof. Dr. Alaa’ Abdulhussein Abdulrasul , representative of the Minister of Higher Education

and Scientific Research, at which he has welcomed the attendees wishing the success, and then Mr. Dean of the

Institute of genetic Engineering Prof. Dr. Abdulhussein al-Faisal has delivered a speech.

Where the grand central hall of celebrations (Al-Hakim Hall) has witnessed over two successive days the starting of

the Second International Scientific Conference of the Institute of Genetic Engineering and biogenic techniques that

came under the slogan "The university scientific research is in the service of society," which has discussed the role of

genetic engineering in the diagnosis of diseases and syndromes. The first subjects of the conference has began by

playing the national anthem and then reading verses from the Glorious Quran.

Prof. Dr. Alaa’ Abdulhussein Abdulrasul , representative of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, has

welcomed the great combination of professors, researchers and guests who were guests of the mother, university of

Baghdad, where the university president stressed the work and seriousness in taking scientific steps to embodied the

provided researches and not to leave the outputs of such researches be on the shelves because the basis of these

meetings and conferences is a society. He also has urged that communication and teamwork between researchers from

the University of Baghdad with foreign and participated countries should continue and to work together under the

recommendations that will come out in this conference. The Chairman of the Preparatory Committee of the

Conference Prof. Dr. Abdulhussein al-Faisal, the dean of Genetic Engineering Institute has delivered a speech where he

has thanked all the audience of scientists and researchers from universities, scientific institutions and relevant

ministries from both inside and outside Iraq for accepting the invitation and participating in this conference, which aims

to highlight the important things that affect the lives of the Iraqi society and keep the developments occurring in the

field of diagnosis of diseases and syndromes and follow up the developments taking place on the diagnosis level.He also

has thanked the Arab and foreign guests who have held the trouble of traveling.

The dean Al- Faisal has added at the beginning of his speech the most important achievements of the Institute saying,

“I am pleased and honored to be called in the academia medium that we are the jewel of the University of Baghdad, as

the institute effectively contributed to get the world rankings through publishing more than 80 scientific papers

globally at the impact factor journals in less than two years.” Al-Faisal has also referred to three patents in one year in

the field of extraction of DNA with a single step and a very standard time and identifying the abnormal gene expression

in an innovative chromosome. Furthermore ,the researchers have reached to devise a new class of wheat in Iraq

recently as well as globally , our registration for more than (30) genetic sequence in well-known International Sites

such as EMBL, NCBI .I would also like to announce that the Institute has succeeded in producing a number for the

extraction of DNA and we will send those samples products to some university and medical laboratories

,standardization device and quality control in order to be provided cheaply, as well as we would like to inform your that

we have a distinctive website which gains the first rank in the university and we have an electronic archive for all

dissertations and theses that were completed at the Institute since its foundation till now and we have also an

accredited scientific journal from the UNESCO.

He has concluded his speech wishing the guests good luck and lasting success in science service and has greeted our

heroic Iraqi army and police and the crowd folk and the noble Arab tribes.

The scientific halls in the Central Library have witnessed on the first day of the start of the conference to discuss and

review many diverse researches regarding cancer diseases, which the names of the research titles are : (assess the

frequency of mutations of the fetus K-ras and P53 in Iraqi women with ovarian cancer, measurement of nucleic acids

salivary minute Ribah ( has – 200 , has -amiR- and has-miR-93 has-miR-125a ) as a life indicator of the epithelial cells of

oral cancer, molecular localization of gene expression for the leak of Eistein bar and a gene that suppresses cancerous

Rb in tumor prostate and benign stromal, assessing the status of PIK3CA in breast cancer and its relationship to the

expression of gene of ER, PR and HER- 2 in Iraqi women patients, screening for the genetic changes K-ras in codons

13/12 and 61 with breast Iraqis cancer patients, molecular description and enzymatic of enzyme FOX of Pittalaktames [email protected] الموقع االلكتروني

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Count. Starting of the Activities of Second International Scientific Conference of the

Institute of Genetic Engineering

product of clinical isolates of bacteria Klebsiella pneumonia isolated from Najaf hospitals, comparative study of the

molecular and immunological between diabetic patients with type I and 2 , the effect of expression of multiple

resistance gene MDR1 and its relationship with the multiplicity of site models C1236T in Iraqi patients with acute

leukemia myeloid,factor derived from and the growth factor of vascular endothelial in diabetic retinopathy, detecting

gene CTX-M1 in isolates of Klebsiella pneumonia in the province of Najaf, evaluation of some genetic factors in

patients with pneumonia joints in Iraq, relationship stimulating hormone vesicles FSH by the number of skin lines of the

fingerprints in the sample (PCO) of multiple ovary bags syndrome, a genetic study of some bacterial etiology in people

with rheumatoid eye and investigate the prevalence of the gene SEA, the relationship between the age of mother,

father and tests of cellular and molecular abnormalities in Iraqi children with Down syndrome, multiple models of gene

coding heat shock protein 70-2 hsp in urinary bladder cancer)

The second day of the conference completed the first day in reviewing the submitted scientific researches by the

involved researchers which dealt with the diagnosis of pathogens in (methylation gene p16 in Iraqi patients with

colorectal adenomas and rectum, evaluating small tests cores nuclear division coefficient and migrainous Alkromatidi

in lymph cells of human blood in local samples from Tuwaitha- Iraq , molecular diagnosis of bacteria Proteus mirabilis

using Albulmra PCR technique among patients with urinary tract infections, molecular characterization of isolates of

Staphylococcus aureus resistant to methicillin gained from society and isolated from clinical samples in Iraq, a

comparative study between the screening of serological and molecular methods in order to detect filtrates of hepatitis

(HBV) and (HCV) in patients with chronic renal failure in Nineveh -Iraq , a study of genetic mutations in a gene FLT / ITD

for some Iraqi patients with acute blood with natural cell leukemia, an assessment of tumor gene protein bcr-abl/ P190

have some Iraq patients with lymphatic leukemia , immunological indicators HLA-linked DRB1, DQB disorders of the

thyroid gland in a sample of Iraqi patients, detect anti-DNA HBC and HVB in blood donor samples non-container the

surface antigen leaky hepatitis B in the Central Blood Bank in Mosul, , molecular detection of parasite Altoxollazma

(Toxoplasmosis ) in serum samples of sheep, the impact of polluted environment in cellular divisions chicken embryos.

At the conclusion of the proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference the researchers have come out with the

following recommendations:

1. Emphasis on the study of pathological family history because it may be the only way to diagnose many diseases with

Mendelian genetics.

2. Legacies study at the molecular level in order to diagnose diseases and identify mutations types and to identify the

people holding the disease who do not show any symptoms of the disease in the early stages.

3. The production of drugs capable to target cancer cells by its distinction at the molecular level, which reduces the

possibility of targeting healthy cells.

4. Create especial databases of the results of Iraqi researches in this field .

5. Training the people concerned with this specialization on the latest techniques of genetic diagnosis and contribute

to the researches related to genetics at the province level and the establishment of training programs for the various

disciplines of genetics.

6. The establishment of the Department of Genetic Medicine, or the establishment of the unit of heredity at least in

each hospital under the framework of genetic diagnosis to be the nucleus for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention

of genetic diseases and the establishment of information unit and its statistics in the region and prepare for the

programs of early screening of infants for genetic diseases so that all births will be examined for these diseases.

7. There is an urgent need to build a genetic profile of each patient of cancer before his exposure to doses of

chemotherapy because of differences in the genetic changes and genetic variability.

8.An interest in studies related to common diseases between animals and humans by increasing the researches

because of its relationship to increasing epidemiological genetic diseases.

9. Students of masters and doctoral stages should participate in scientific conferences inside and outside the country

for the purpose of taking advantage to build a new generation of scientists.

10. conduct a field survey of the population of the Al-Tuwaitha area and assess the diseases caused by radiation. [email protected] الموقع االلكتروني

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w w w . u o b a g h d a d . e d u . i q E-News - November 2014

President of University Lays out Strategy for University Applications

Mechanisms to serve the government institutions and private sector academically

When the students and researchers act as ambassadors - is the title which has been

adopted in the first Arab –German conference which was held in Chemnitz, the

German University, where our university as well as 25 university presidents in the Arab

homeland and at the invitation of the Association of Arab Universities. Prof. Dr.

Alaa’Abdulhussain has attended the conference in order to develop new applications

and mechanisms that contribute effectively to graduating classes of students who

achieve the actual service to the society and government institutions and the private

sector, through the translation of studies and researches that carried out by the

University in order to access practically into the labor market.

In an interview of the website team and the university satellite channel with the

university president he has explained that the conference has disclosed a lot of data

and information, which are suitable solutions and effective mechanisms to find ways

to carry out practical experiments which helped us in achieving our university strategy

in the application of a renewed approach to integrate the university with the society .

Dr. Alaa Hussain has explained that the plan that we set will be identical with the

major international universities, including German, which we looked at in the last part

of the conference and we strive to apply what fits the situation of our country which

often require many quality services and scientific competencies that verify the actual

service in our

cities , factories and all of our serving institutions

Here it must be pointed out that the conference in which we participated there has

been a review of the available potentials in German universities so as to put the

general academic framework of cooperation among Arab universities, including our

university with German universities, and then to interpret this meeting to joint

cooperation agreements with the Chemnitz University.

We started to open centers, training and development laboratories at the university,

such as laboratories or German Knauf company training center or laboratories of

Chinese Huawei and there are also new centers of training and laboratories. At the

conference there has been discussed the possibility of providing scholarships to

students, and the opening of a joint communication channels for the exchange of

students and faculty members and the publishing of joint researches and the

establishment of various scientific events including conferences, seminars and

workshops, to take advantage of the advanced German experience in the academic

field. [email protected] الموقع االلكتروني

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w w w . u o b a g h d a d . e d u . i q E-News - November 2014

Baghdad University Museum Represents an Idea and a Creativity

Because of the ancient heritage of the university of Baghdad the idea of founding the University of Baghdad museum

has emerged to record and document and preserve this great heritage .Baghdad University Museum was founded in

2007 under the guidance of the former President of the University of Baghdad, professor Dr. Musa al-Musawi and it has

been rehabilitated and renovated in accordance with the technical and aesthetic standards of high quality and re-

opened on 13 / 3/2013 in the era of the presidency of Prof. Dr. Alaa’ Abdulhussein Rasul on 20/3/2013 and it has been

disconnected from sport and artistic activity department and has been linked directly to the President of the

University of Baghdad being aware of the importance of the museum in the university life.

The director of the museum , assistant professor Dr.Hayder Hamid Rasheed has confirmed that the support given by

the former President of the University and the recent one has a significant impact on what the museum has reached ,

besides the sincere efforts made by the reconstruction team of the museum to make it worthy of our University and the

new look of the museum is not less than the museums of the world. This is the testimony of those who visited and see

the museum .

The museum has currently more than 300 images representing the historical stages of the University, since it was

founded in 1957 and until now, arranged according to the years of the founding of its colleges , institutes and centers,

and a particular side of the museum has singled out featuring historical photos of the presidency of the University

including oil paintings of the presidents of the University of Baghdad since its foundation until the end of the

presidency of Prof. Dr. Musa al-Musawi , a museum also includes a large number of historical memorabilia of the

University representing different stages that are rich of scientific achievements at various levels. It also has an

electronic museum which is a screen (LED) number (2) through which documentary recordings of the University of

Baghdad has been displayed as well as the historical images that can not be displayed inside the halls of the museum

and the electronic museum is being controlled by the room of the director of the museum across a computer that is

prepared for this purpose and the museum is supplied with the Internet, which is used for the purpose of collecting

documentary photos of Baghdad University and their own recordings and whatever is related to the University of

Baghdad and the museum is collecting the heritage and history of the University of Baghdad.

Baghdad University Museum is part of the project of building the historical memory of the university , it is the main

memory center. The colleges, institutes and centers are the secondary memory which provides the university museum

annually of all its activities for the purpose of documenting them .

The first meeting of the liaison members of Baghdad University Museum has been held in Dr. Jawad Ali’s Hall in the

development and continuing education center .Through the meeting a discussion of the ways to develop the

performance of the Museum and museums of Baghdad University formations , as well as clarifying the work and

functions of the liaison member in accordance with the tasks that have been limited in advance of (14 points) and were

discussed in details with the liaison members during the meeting. It was decided unanimously that a meeting of the

liaison members should be quarterly and the members suggested also the idea that the President of the University of

Baghdad should write his memoirs and that will become a tradition with the other presidents of the University of

Baghdad to document each stage of the life of the university , one can visit the link below which contains some archival

photos of the University of Baghdad:

During the meeting, the tasks of a liaison member came as follows:

1. The University of Baghdad Museum is the main saving Centre of Baghdad University heritage to be preserved from

loss and the formations of the university from colleges , institutes and centers which are the secondary memory saving

center .

2.The liaison member of the University formations will document their activities and save them in the secondary

memory center as part of the heritage of the formation which is not for media only, but to preserve this heritage .

3.The secondary memory center consists of a computer where activities are saved as an important part of scientific

and cultural activities that should not be cancelled in any way. Preferably the museum should be provided with LED d

or LCD screens placed in a suitable place as an electronic museum , where the heritage of the mentioned formation is

displayed to let the students, faculty and visitors know about the heritage and culture.

4.The University of Baghdad Museum is the main center for the preservation, documentation and archiving.

5.The liaison member directs the departments of his institutions to document their activities. [email protected] الموقع االلكتروني

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Count. Baghdad University Museum Represents an Idea and a Creativity

6.Emphasizing on the administration of the website in the college or institute or center to keep the photos and

videos displayed on the site and save them in the archive as part of the heritage of the college or institute or center.

7. Preserving the old collections and considered them as part of the heritage of the formation and keeping the new

and clean including at least three

8. The liaison member should supply the University of Baghdad Museum annually with the activities of the institute or

center and put them onto a CD for the purpose of preservation at Baghdad University Museum /main memory center.

9.With the start of the new academic 2014 - 2015 the activities of the Cultural Forum that belongs to the Museum of

the University of Baghdad , among the activities is hosting pioneer professors, who studied at the University of Baghdad

and became a significant social, cultural and political personality to talk about his experience in the field of teaching at

the University of Baghdad and his memories as part of documenting the historical memory of the University of


10. facilitate the work of the University of Baghdad museum to get some rare old documents belonging to the

professors and well-known personalities for displaying them in the Museum of the University of Baghdad.

11. The liaison member will organize quarterly visits to Baghdad University museum for students, faculty members and

staff. [email protected] الموقع االلكتروني

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w w w . u o b a g h d a d . e d u . i q E-News - November 2014

Manifestation to complete Recording University of Baghdad in the Guinness World Records

University of Baghdad has completed all the requirements to be recorded in the Guinness World Records, as the first

university in the Middle East and the Arab world , leading education and peace, this is done by the major activity that

lasted for two consecutive months in coordination with the astronaut Farid Abdulzahra Lafta who contributed to t

follow-up the project to be held in the University of Baghdad and under the direct supervision of Prof. Dr. Alaa’

Abdulhussein president of the University of Baghdad, and with the management of the project by Prof. Dr. Abdul Basit

Salman, head of the project, who explained that the project represents a new achievement of the University as in the

international rankings of universities such webometrix and global QS, adding that the activity is under the title "the

greatest symbol of peace in the world," noting that the symbol has been done by the capabilities and potentials of the

university students and faculty members ,where they have drawn a great symbol of peace by line up formation that

consist of children's toys in the closed playground of the college of Physical Education at Baghdad University , in

order to break the previous record that is recorded on behalf of America with an area of 61 square meters, Baghdad

University occupies a new record with an area of 103 square meters and 3000 children’s toys .

Preparations are conducting in full swing at the University for holding a major scientific manifestation on Monday

24/11/2014 to receive the certificate of the standard record certified by the Guinness Book under the auspices of the

Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Hussain Al-Shahristani, at Al-Hakeem Hall at the University at

ten O’clock in the morning. invitations to VIP in government institutions and civil society have been distributed , where

the university completed the project on 12- 11-2014 and with the contribution of the Ministry of Labour and Social

Affairs in the presence of more than 250 orphans from all over Iraq and all its sects. The Minister of Labour and Social

Affairs Mohammed Shiyaa’ Al- Sudani has opened the celebration in the presence of Prof. Dr. Alaa’ Abdulhussain ,

president of Baghdad University and Assistant Professor Dr. Osama Fadhil and a group of faculty members and

students as well as many of the mass media that covered the celebration. The celebration has begun with the Iraqi

Republican anthem and then a word of the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs has delivered and another of the

president of the University of Baghdad and finally the astronaut Fareed Abdulzahra lafta also has delivered a word ,

then the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs with the president of the university and Captain Fareed step forward the

big board to put the last three dolls from the total 3000 of the peace board , to complete the board.

Mohammed Shiyaa’ Al-Sudani , Minister of Labour and Social Affairs has made his speech clear to celebrate the

accredited humanitarian approach in our country to take care of orphans and the important responsibility to embrace

them and the plans that are set out in the development of their potentials and their educational and cultural,

intellectual and creative ability , explaining the unlimited support from the government and the Ministry of Labour and

Social Affairs for this class .

Prof. Dr. Alaa’ Abdulhussain has explained that the University of Baghdad is not like other traditional universities, which

only relies on the scientific method in the graduation of the students, but the educational programs contribute more

actively in serving the society .

The astronaut Fareed lafta has explained at the celebration the importance of this major event that would change the

gloomy , distorted and contrived picture by the hostile mass media to the homeland, stressing that our country is not

as hostile media described , but is one of the finest countries in the world for carrying advantages and centers for the

development of human and intellectl, and that Iraq is not as imagined by the West , like Kandahar or stricken countries,

but it has the most beautiful humanitarian image and progress of civilization . Fareed has also confirmed to shed light

on the reality of wasted childhood in Iraq because of the violence , terrorism and conflicts, television and video games

or the imported violent toys that contributed to the ideological violence among children, stressing the attention and

care of them psychologically to be support for the future, and also pointed out that the major scientific manifestation,

which the university has set up a message of love and peace from Iraq to the world through the unconventional major

symbolic board which forms humanly expressed entity through childhood games that represents the peace symbolism.

He has concluded that this event b came to represent an academic promise from the University of Baghdad for

orphans and displaced members for building them intellectually and scientifically in order to be in the seats of study in

the university to convert to builders , thinkers and innovators of the future.

The website and the Office of the university channel go pace with all the important stages of this great project for the

University and documented with a set of images and scenes . The university channel will review the details of this

activity and scientific manifestation. [email protected] الموقع االلكتروني

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w w w . u o b a g h d a d . e d u . i q E-News - November 2014

• Selection of Ph.D thesis from the university of Baghdad discovered a drug for leukemia to be published

by an international publishing house.

• An instructor issues a book by Lambert academic publishing.

• Russian academy of sciences accredits a research of an instructor of Baghdad university and selects an

instructor for scientific appraisal in the foreign ministry.

• University of Baghdad participates in the 1st international conference of the holy Shiite shrines in Iraq.

• A study at the university of Baghdad discusses the effects of intelligent building systems to reduce

energy consumption.

• Development center uses virtual reality technique for an introductory presentation of Baghdad

university museum.

University Activities