Page 1: Newsletter - Junior [9 July 2021]


S t J o h n ' s G i r l s ' S c h o o lT e K u r a K ō t i r o ō H a t o H o a n i

Principal's CommentsTena koutou katoa – Greetings to you all


StripesWe had great pleasure in presenting the mid-year stripes.Congratulations to the following girls:

I am well through the enrolment process for 2022. If you have ayounger daughter who is not on the waiting list, please fill in anApplication for Admission asap. If your daughter will not be here,or may not be here, in 2022, please let me know asap so that I maylet a family who is waiting know that a vacancy may come up. Wenever like to see ‘our’ girls leave but realise that things changeand we will support your decision. It looks as though the schoolwill be fairly full again next year.

Nga mihi nui (warm regards)

Brenda MackayPrincipal

We are proud of our uniform and how the girls wear it. As it isgetting colder, you may be looking to buy a new jacket, so areminder that the school jacket is a plain, black jacket. No colour atall. This includes zips and hoods. Thank you for your co-operationaround this.

We want our girls to continue to look smart so do not allow fordeviations from the uniform code.


There are 5 spaces available; 2 for Year 4, 2 for Year 5 and 1 forYear 8. If you know of anyone who is interested please let themknow.

Vacancies for 2022

Congratulations to the recipients of these special trophies. Theywill have their photos put on the Bonus Point Trophy Award boardin the office.

Stripes and Bonus Trophies were presented today.

Bonus Points Trophies Term 2

Room 1 Briar Brady Room 2 Courtney MackieRoom 3 Abby Unahi Room 4 Libby Hamilton

Room 5 Georgia BuchananRoom 7 Isabella Moore Room 6 Charlee O'Connor

House Order Enderby, Marchant, Alabaster, Lester

Please have all accounts up to date. Unless paying by automaticpayment all accounts should be paid by now.

Accounts / Financial Matters

Work StripesGreen Work StripeOlivia Crosbie, Amy Fieten, Emelia King, Nicola Schol, HarlowSheehan, Olivia Sorensen, Matilda Stevens, Molly Stockman,Georgia Buchanan, Emmerson Dickson, Sienna Hunter, Lucy Muir,Grace Pope, Lilly Roughan

Red Work StripeCharlee O’Connor, Holly Scarlett, Meg Scott, Luca Unahi, Sofia Campbell – Wall, Jessica Huang, Pippa Keary, Binne Lenihan

Sports StripesWhite Sports StripeCharlee O’Connor, Olive Rutledge, Harlow Sheehan, Scarlett Warnock, Pippa Keary, Lilly Roughan, Sienna Hunter

Gold Sports StripeGrace Pope

Thank you to everyone who donated money or goods to help thisfamily. I have always known that we have an incredible schoolcommunity but it’s at times like these that I really appreciate theextent of people’s kindness and generosity. Parents who don’t evenknow the family donated considerable amounts of money and I knowKasey and her family appreciated it. I’m proud to be part of thiscommunity.

I wish all girls and those of you who are able to take a few days’holiday, a relaxing break. Thank you for your support over the lastterm. It has been a busy and successful one.

Support for Scarlett Warnock's Family

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S t J o h n ' s G i r l s ' S c h o o lT e K u r a K ō t i r o ō H a t o H o a n i

Thank You

Insurance – Check your cover, speak to an insurance advisor and really think about what it would cost to replaceevery item. Understand that if they try to clean and restore items the cost to do this may come off the totalcontents amount even if it comes out unsalvageable.Support – Lots of people will rally around to support you. Allow yourself to be vulnerable as hard as it may be andbe grateful for the support.Starting again – If you lost everything, even with insurance would you be able to afford the basics. Do you knowwhere you would stay? Insurance takes time and you will need support in the meantime.Important belongings- Shortly after fighting the blaze I was asked if there is anything important that I needed toget out now. Do you know where all your important documents, portable hard drives, laptops, photos, keepsakesare and could you clearly explain where to get them? Smoke alarms – ours had recently been replaced with ones that are connected by Bluetooth, so if one goes off, theyall go off. The amount of times we got annoyed with those smoke alarms beeping when the dryer went off! Theywere loud but they would have saved our lives if we were inside. If you have smoke alarms with batteries, pleasecheck them regularly and never leave them without a battery.Fire Safety Plans – If you and your family were inside in a fire and your house is full of smoke would you know howto escape? If your animals are in another part of the house do you know how they would get out? Leaks – Please don’t ignore them, try, and get them fixed or patched

I have been in banking for a number of years and over this time, I have been a firm believer in insurance,stressing its importance to my customers. Well last week I found out just how important it is! LastWednesday night we left home to pick up Scarlett from art class only to come home an hour later to ourhouse on fire. We live 20 minutes from town and were lucky that another local had spotted the smoke andcalled fire and emergency. In the five minutes of arriving home to the fire engines arriving the smoke andflames had really taken hold and the whole roof was ablaze. The fireman fought the fire and extinguishedthe flames, but the damage was extreme. The fire had been in the roof and it had come through the loungeroom and kitchen with everything in the rest of the house smoke and water damaged. It was then I realisedwe were homeless and only had the clothes on our backs.

The next day it was determined the cause of the fire was electrical caused by a leak in the roof that had sparked someold wiring. We were lucky, that fire could have happened at any time of the day or night and we were grateful that itwasn’t when we and the kids were in bed asleep. It has been a horrific experience and one I would not wish anyone toever have to go through. Fortunately, we have had an amazing support system, we have a place to stay, we have hadpeople who have helped with donations to get the basics to start again and we have insurance. Stuff can be replaced,people can’t. You may be asking why I am sharing my story? Simply, this experience has opened my eyes and providedsome learnings that I wanted to share in the hope that it may help you rethink your own situation;

For us it is going to be a long journey to get back to “normal” but we have been lucky, no one was injured or worse andthings can be replaced.

Finally, a big heartfelt “thank you” to all of you for your generous donations, for the kind words, messages of supportand offers of help, it is really appreciated and has made this so much easier.

Kasey Drinan and Family [Scarlett Warnock's Mum]

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S t J o h n ' s G i r l s ' S c h o o lT e K u r a K ō t i r o ō H a t o H o a n i

Awards Congratulations to the following girls who have received awards recently

Room 1 Mackenzie Brown, Lara Preininger,Portia Smith, Aoife Gordon

Room 2 Emily Mitchell, Meila Greiving,Lily Malcolm, Sophia Lillo-Dockerty

Room 3 Nakaysha Fraser, Mia Padgett,Abby Unahi, Emma Visser

Room 4 Sophie Warbrick-Smith, Amelia Reijnen,Greer Macpherson, Lucia Erskine

Room 5 Ella Pope, Grace Pope, Sienna Hunter

Room 6 Lily Hillman, Olivia Crosbie,Olive Rutledge, Harlow Sheehan

Room 7 Amaya Swale-Jones, Camryn Shepherd,Nieve Peddie, Olivia Gibson


Lucy Middlemass [Room 7]Binne Lenihan [Room 5]

Coming Events TERM 3

Interschool Speech Comp - Area FinalMufti DayBoP Meeting [7.00pm]Gym Festival [Senior am / Junior pm]Yr 5 Speech ExamSchool PhotosBoT Meeting [5.30pm]Choir out [am]PrEP Market Day [11.00am - 1.00pm]School Disco [6.00pm]Dance ExamsSMAC Maths

6th7th 8th 10th 14th15th16th


September [continued]Day 1 of Term 326th


Parents' Association Meeting[7.00pm in the staffroom] Yr 7 Speech ExamYr 6 Speech ExamYr 8 Speech ExamBoT Meeting [5.30pm]Aviary Fundraiser Talent Show [Juniors]Aviary Fundraiser Talent Show [Seniors]Polyfest [1.20-2.20pm]Father / Daughter Netball [2.00pm]Pizza Lunch [Alabaster / Enderby]



20th26th 27th28th


Bonus Points Trophies presentedLast day of Term



Speech Competition [Yr 5-8]Christian Ed Speeches [Yr 8 - 2.00pm]



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Room 1 reflected on their stage experiences after they had performed 'Rock Bottom'. Here are some small

examples of their writing and pictures that they drew.


m 1


S t J o h n ' s G i r l s ' S c h o o lT e K u r a K ō t i r o ō H a t o H o a n i

I went to Rock Bottom and I was

on the stage. There was lots of

people waving and I wiggled my


By Lucy

I was in the school production and

it was called Rock Bottom and I

was a Growler. My favourite part

was when the dinosaur came out

and I liked the bows at the end.

By Portia

In the production I was a

Growler and my favourite part

was at the end because we

had to bow.

By Lara

I was in Rock Bottom and there

was lots of people. We had to

wiggle our bottoms and we

had to wear make up and

lipstick and mud on our faces.

By Harper

In the production I wiggled my bottom. I was a Growler and we had

very, very, very messy hair.

By Charlee

The colder winter weather inspired these penguin and igloo pictures. We have also been thinking about the stars

in the night sky for Matariki.

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Room 2 had a lovely time celebrating Matariki over the past week. We read stories, decorated lanterns, made stars, and

cooked a pot of delicious Matariki soup. We enjoyed a fabulous shared breakfast with Rooms 1, 3 and 4, singing stories and

making wishing kites with Lindsay from the Invercargill Library. Many girls shared stories of their weekend experiences at

Queen’s Park in their writing. We also had a wonderful trip to the Murihiku Marae and spent time writing about our visit and

drawing images of the marae. We have had a fantastic term and we are looking forward to a relaxing holiday break.


m 2


S t J o h n ' s G i r l s ' S c h o o lT e K u r a K ō t i r o ō H a t o H o a n i

Matariki S



atariki So



atariki Craft



i L





i M








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Current Events

Throughout the term, 2 girls a week prepared a current events item. We have had a very wide range of topics which have

created great interest, questions and discussions. The level of effort is always outstanding and we all look forward to

Wednesday morning to see what we will be learning about.


m 3


S t J o h n ' s G i r l s ' S c h o o lT e K u r a K ō t i r o ō H a t o H o a n i

Matariki During our literacy programme we have been reading a variety of texts about Matariki. We have learned a lot and we’ve written

some of what we’ve learned on our paper origami stars we made in class.

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S t J o h n ' s G i r l s ' S c h o o lT e K u r a K ō t i r o ō H a t o H o a n i

Rock Bottom!! We thoroughly enjoyed being part of our school production ‘Rock Bottom’. After we wrote about our

favourite part and it seems that the Juans and their funny antics were a hit with most of the girls in

Room 3.

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S t J o h n ' s G i r l s ' S c h o o lT e K u r a K ō t i r o ō H a t o H o a n i




Next term in week 4 the Aviary committee will be holding a talent

show. There will be a show at lunchtime on the 19th of August for the

Juniors and another show on the 20th of August for Seniors. You can

enter in groups or individually. Please keep your act to 2 minutes.

Let us know the name of the person/s in the act and the act name by

week 2 of Term 3. It will be a gold coin donation per person to enter.

There will be prizes in the Junior and Senior categories for 1st, 2nd

and 3rd.

lost property

We have several items of un-named clothing and other items in

lost property. Anything unclaimed by the end of the first week

back next term will be donated to charity.

We still have some blue plastic high stools for sale, at the

bargain end of term price of $30 each! We only have a few

left so if you are interested, call into the office or phone and

get Mrs Roberts to set some aside for you.