Page 1: Newsletter June · stakeholders, further developing the Momentum solution, working on listing, visiting Blockchain events

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Newsletter – June 2019

Amstelveen, July 7 2019

Dear Momentum Protocol supporters, Despite the warm lazy summer days, children finishing up at school for the year and many of you going off on your family holidays, we here at Momentum Protocol are hard at work. Talking to various stakeholders, further developing the Momentum solution, working on listing, visiting Blockchain events and doing a lot of business and partnership development, every day is packed with new challenges and opportunities. This month we have been able to make some fantastic new connections, sign preliminary partnership agreements and welcome some new members to the team, along with making some strides in business development, sales, product development and… the listing. In this month’s newsletter:

● Listing

● MoU with Ramat Gan Municipality

● Meeting in Zug Switzerland

● Blockchain Expo Europe 2019

● Appointment of new CTO

● Appointment of new CMO

● Product Update - Progress Update

Listing As much as I’d like to give you direct info about names of exchanges and the number we have been engaging with potential listing dates – I still (due to regulatory restrictions) can’t provide you with this direct info until listing is finally happening – one by one. Here is what I can say: Listing has been (and continues to be) a top priority for us and for me personally. What this means is that every single day I and at least two additional members of our team have been working on driving listing forward. As you can imagine concrete progress is happening and the practical implication of this should be the listing on (some) exchanges. I imagine you are all anxious to know more details, however I hope that you get the essence of my message above: progress is happening daily. Stay tuned.

Page 2: Newsletter June · stakeholders, further developing the Momentum solution, working on listing, visiting Blockchain events

Copyright MobileBridge Switzerland AG. All Rights Reserved.

Once again, I would like to thank our team for their support for the listing and a huge thanks goes to Juergen Hoebarth and to our chairman of the advisory board – Alexis Sirkia, who is really committed to making the listing happen.

MoU with Ramat Gan Municipality We are proud to announce the recent signing of a preliminary partnership agreement with Mr. O. Gur-Arie, advisor to the Ramat Gan Municipality in Israel. I was happy to meet with Mr. O. Gur-Arie during my last trip to Israel where we sat and discussed the possibilities of a working relationship between Momentum Protocol and the Municipality. Ramat Gan Municipality engages in Smart City Development and Urban Development as well as the exploration of policies, technologies and business solutions for sustainable Urban Development. As you are aware there are many businesses in the municipality which can benefit from a technology such as Momentum Protocol and by engaging with the municipality, we create an interesting acquisition channel.

Page 3: Newsletter June · stakeholders, further developing the Momentum solution, working on listing, visiting Blockchain events

Copyright MobileBridge Switzerland AG. All Rights Reserved.

The signing of this preliminary partnership agreement is the natural first step in creating a complimentary relationship between Ramat Gan Municipality, local business and Momentum. We are looking forward to working with the municipality of Ramat Gan!

Meeting in Zug, Switzerland In the beginning of the month I headed to Zug, Switzerland where I spent the day with our chairman Ariel Luedi and some other business professionals for a focused strategy day, to discuss business development, partnership and ecosystem development opportunities, listing, product development and various other topics.

Page 4: Newsletter June · stakeholders, further developing the Momentum solution, working on listing, visiting Blockchain events

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Ariel Luedi is one of Europe’s most successful software entrepreneurs. He was the CEO of Hybris which under his leadership became the #1 e-commerce software in the world (with customers such as Nespresso, EasyJet and numerous top Fortune 500 brands). Ariel sold Hybris to SAP software for 1.5 Billion US dollars in one of the largest software deals ever in Europe. These days Ariel is a huge believer in Blockchain and the revolution that it can bring to the world. This is the main reason he is Chairman of Momentum Protocol, which is planning to disrupt the Loyalty program industry.

Blockchain Expo Europe 2019

A few of our team members found some time in June to visit the Blockchain Expo Europe 2019. Here we got caught up to speed with some industry updates and more importantly we had very productive meetings with many very strong potential and current partners including exchanges.

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Europe’s largest Blockchain Conference held at RAI Amsterdam, focused on the future of enterprise technology with two days of top-level content from leading brands. We attended some expert keynotes, interactive panel discussions and explored solution-based case studies. The blockchain conference showcased the latest developments in the Blockchain arena, in both emerging and more established markets.

On day 1 I attended a lecture that was given by my friend Gil Adato, VP Digital Health and Head of New Business Development & Connected Value Propositions at Philips. His lecture “ IoT, AI & 5G Enabling The Next Frontier In Personalized Healthcare” was truly fascinating and covered many issues surrounding health care, IoT and AI.

After his lecture we sat down for a couple minutes and discussed how Engagement and Loyalty can be incorporated in their future plans. We definitely see cooperation opportunities in the future!

The remainder of the day was filled with business and ecosystem development related meetings. Amongst the many meetings we had – we met with Cisco and Sophos, IT security specialists.

Page 6: Newsletter June · stakeholders, further developing the Momentum solution, working on listing, visiting Blockchain events

Copyright MobileBridge Switzerland AG. All Rights Reserved.

Worth mentioning was the following panel discussion: “Blockchain Solutions for Transparency, Customer Loyalty, Profitability & Provenance.” Despite the subject of customer loyalty being slightly neglected, it was interesting to hear from experts about their ideas on the future of Blockchain, Loyalty and the expected impact on the industry.

Day 2 was even more interesting. As blockchain technology is rapidly being adopted across various industries, we see more and more use cases and/or efforts to utilize the blockchain to its fullest potential. It is very encouraging to see that there is finally a healthy approach towards using Blockchain to disrupt traditional ways of doing business. Which is exactly what we are all about. Blockchain has the potential to disrupt “traditional” industries like finance, supply chain management, public services, digital rights management and many other areas.

To summarize - I attended several meetings, gaining insights and building business opportunities with various types of companies. I even had the chance to talk to some investors and VC’s who were all extremely supportive of the concept of Loyalty on the Blockchain – most of them said they have heard so many promises yet have not yet seen a real serious solution which work for enterprise companies so our solution was a fresh breath of air in the field. The market for blockchain technologies is anticipated to grow exponentially over the next period. If applied strategically, it will transform the processes within any industry. These technologies are helping organizations, large and small, to increase efficiency and ROI while reducing wastage.

Lastly, I had a very successful meeting with our partner Walther Thoen from Flashboys where we discussed our continued partnership.

All in all it was a very successful business event and we look forward to following up with our new connections in the near future!

Last but not least, big shout out and thanks to Emma Patch from the Encore Media Group, who invited us to the event, kudos!

Page 7: Newsletter June · stakeholders, further developing the Momentum solution, working on listing, visiting Blockchain events

Copyright MobileBridge Switzerland AG. All Rights Reserved.

Appointment of our new CTO In the April newsletter I spoke about our plan to open a new R&D center in Israel. We are very proud to inform of the hiring of a new CTO, Itai Kasree. Itai has joined the company as Chief Technical Officer and will divide his time between the teams in Israel and the Netherlands. As CTO he will be responsible for leading the teams developing the Momentum Protocol platform.

Prior to Itai joining Momentum Protocol, he has worked as a CTO and as a Senior Technical Executive for several Israel based start-ups. He is a highly talented developer and a true multi-tasker that can make ends meet with the best possible results and under tight schedules. Hands-on, he can get into new technologies quickly and deliver - both in designing and in building new products. Itai shines at the most challenging environments: researching cutting-edge technologies and coming up with creative solutions to impossible problems. Itai is the cornerstone of every development project and he will be leading it with absolute devotion and professionalism.

Appointment of our new CMO

We are very happy to have announced recently that Juergen Hoebarth has joined the Company as Chief Marketing Officer. He brings extensive experience in blockchain and enterprise decentralization space as well as expertise in digital marketing and communication to the position.

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Juergen began his career as a Multimedia and Digital designer before becoming an international Digital Marketing and Communications expert. In recent years he has been focusing on the digital asset space. With his extensive blockchain experience, he has a particular passion for improving and bringing this industry to the mass market. "There are only a handful of use cases which will be the spark to user blockchain technology in the background on a broader space. One of them is the customer Loyalty and Rewards industry which is huge, yet is in need of serious changes and perhaps a total disruption." commented Hoebarth, "I'm extending my involvement with Momentum Protocol because I believe there is a very high chance that Momentum will be an industry first." Juergen holds a BA in Multimedia and Design and has two Master Degrees from Hong Kong Baptist University. Juergen is not only multi-disciplined, but also has global digital market experience with a perspective on the eastern as well as the western market. He is a believer in decentralization and tokenization and brings the right mindset to the table. I'm thrilled to have Juergen expand his involvement in Momentum Protocol. He is a proven leader and has strongly contributed to Momentum during his more than 1-year-long position as an Advisory Board Member. Momentum Protocol would like to extend both Itay Kasre and Juergen Hoebarth its warmest welcome to the team! We look forward to a strong and prosperous working relationship with you both!

Page 9: Newsletter June · stakeholders, further developing the Momentum solution, working on listing, visiting Blockchain events

Copyright MobileBridge Switzerland AG. All Rights Reserved.

Product Dev - Progress Update As we mentioned before, improvement of our Momentum Protocol progresses steadily forward. We are creating an infrastructure platform, which allows brands to launch or convert their own Loyalty assets (points and miles) which are smartly exchangeable with other company Loyalty assets, using seamless peer-to-peer matching and exchange technologies. In this way end users can benefit from an automatic swap from the points/miles which they do not value or need to those which they do value and need. The illustration below conceptual images gives a good visual idea of how this peer-to-peer exchange system will work. Take into account that the platform is rolled out in phases we will soon be beginning with commercial rollouts of the first phases however further phases will be following. Due to regulatory restrictions we are unable to publish a roadmap as it may be used for speculative purposes. However I am able to let you know that some of the concepts we are working on are (as far as we know) industry first and potentially very disruptive. Once we roll them out we will be revealing some of the work which necessitated the help of 2 mathematicians for algorithm and data research.

By having a data feed to multiple Loyalty programs per user, we will allow brands to gain past and future data and behavior insight as well as use a prediction system. This system will predict the behavior and needs of both individual customers and clusters of customers, driving revenue and profit. Details we will be revealing soon. However the main point from the companies point of view (and this is critical to the CFO of each company) – is that each company only issues their own loyalty asset for their customers - and only accepts their own issued points and miles. As such, there is no requirement to accept assets from any other program and

Page 10: Newsletter June · stakeholders, further developing the Momentum solution, working on listing, visiting Blockchain events

Copyright MobileBridge Switzerland AG. All Rights Reserved.

therefore do not have any cash flow or increased commercial risk due to other participants. This creates an industry disruption with a truly open and trust free Loyalty alliance. For example, a gas station chain in Argentina and a clothing chain in Korea can be part of the same alliance (something which could never and would have never happened before) without any negotiation, commercial risk, endless margin pressure or value adjustments. In addition, the data insights about customers are enjoyed by all participants - including the ability to cluster their customers and use real time and predicted data to increase conversion and to increase basket size.

The above allows brands to launch their own loyalty assets (miles and points) as part of a trust and negotiation free global loyalty alliance without any of the usual alliance problems or complexities and almost guarantees full liquidity for the loyalty currencies which maximizes their value, customer satisfaction and loyalty program performance. That was this period’s update for now. To those who will be taking a holiday with their family: have a great vacation! And to those who will be working this summer, like us in the office, have a great and fruitful summer season with lots of good news! Once again, our sincerest thanks for your continued faith and support in Momentum Protocol, we are all working day and night to make this project one of the most successful Blockchain projects ever! Best regards, David Mock CEO Momentum Protocol Do you want to stay up-to-date with Momentum? Visit, or follow us on one of our social channels:

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