Page 1: Newsletter Date Berri District Youth Club Newsletter Term One, … · 2016-03-16 · The 2015 World Gymnaestrada was recently awarded the Finnish “Event of the Year”. Club Shop

Zoe, Shelley, Carolyn and Michael during Summer Aqua-batics


Stacks of fun!!!

Our Vision is that the Berri District Youth Club Inc. is recognised within the community for developing gymnastics as the best physical and personal activity for the youth in the area. Our Mission is to provide the opportunities for all members regard-less of sex, race or ability to develop their involvement, skill level and personal satisfaction in their chosen sport.

Newsletter Date Berri District Youth Club


Term One, 2016

Important Dates

Club Working Bee

Sat January 16th


Kindergym Starts

Wed February 3rd


Sat February 6th &13th

Berri Swimming Pool

(selected gymnasts)

Come and Try

Wed February 17th

(New members-invitation only)

Registration Day

Sat February 20th

Fee payments and uniform


Coaches Workshop

Sat 27th February




Monday Feb 29th

6.00pm at the clubrooms

6.30pm Normal monthly meeting

Term One Begins

Feb 29th, March 1st, 2nd & 3rd

(All gym groups)

Berri Easter Carnival

Display & Cake Stall

Sat 26th March

Term Two Intake

Come and Try

Last week of Term One

(Invitation Only)

Term One Finishes

April 11-14th

Page 2: Newsletter Date Berri District Youth Club Newsletter Term One, … · 2016-03-16 · The 2015 World Gymnaestrada was recently awarded the Finnish “Event of the Year”. Club Shop

2016 Gym Session Times (ages as of 1/1/2016) Kindergym (0-4yrs)-Wednesdays 9.30-10.30am (filling fast!!)

Opals (5yrs)-Wednesdays 4.15-5.15pm (class full)

Emeralds (6yrs)–Wednesdays 5.30-6.30pm (class full)

Sapphires A (7-8yrs)-Tuesdays 4.15-5.15pm (class full)

Sapphires B (7-8 yrs)-Thursdays 4.45-5.45pm (class full)

Diamonds A (9-11yrs)-Tuesdays 5.30-6.30pm (class full)

Diamonds B (9– 11yrs)-Thursdays 6.00-7.00pm (class full)

Rubies (12-14yrs)-Mondays 5.00-6.00pm (class full)

Silvers/Golds (15-18yrs/19–40+yrs)–Tuesdays 6.45-7.45pm (class full)

Platinums Troupe (Selected gymnasts)-Thursdays 7.00-8.30pm (class full)

Note-police checks are required for all adult gymnasts (18yrs & Over)

Next intakes will be in Terms 2 & 3.

2016 Coaches in Charge Karen Baxter—ph:0418 810 940 (Kindergym/Opals/Emeralds)

Carolyn Martin-ph:0421 784 332 (Sapphires B /Diamonds B/ Platinums)

Jane McFarlane ph:0400 179 899 (Head Coach-Sapphires A, Diamonds A, Rubies,


Hot Weather Policy

Classes are cancelled on the morning of your

session when the forecast is… Opals/Emeralds-36o or hotter

Sapphires A & B/Diamonds A & B/Rubies/Silvers & Golds/Platinums-37o or hotter.

Kindergym/Weekend training-is rarely cancelled and members will be advised via club

website/facebook. Usually following more than 3 or 4 days of excessive heat.

Don’t forget your Water Bottles!!

Healthy Food Policy Parents are reminded about our “Healthy Food” policy. If gymnasts need

to eat in-between gym sessions keep it healthy eg: cheese and crackers,

yogurt, salads, fruit, healthy sandwiches or meals to heat up in our

microwave (remember “No Nuts”). Extra water is available from the

water cooler in the kitchen. Please leave the special treats such as soft

drinks, chips, lollies, pizza etc for club fundraisers and competitions.

Page 3: Newsletter Date Berri District Youth Club Newsletter Term One, … · 2016-03-16 · The 2015 World Gymnaestrada was recently awarded the Finnish “Event of the Year”. Club Shop

Important Reminder-Car Parking We can have up to 120 people coming and going in between each gym session so it’s very important that we all obey the rules to keep our members and families safe. Members Parking

All members must park in the gravel car park at the side of the hall.

Parents/caregivers are then required to walk their children to and from the gym hall.

Children may not leave the hall until they are collected by a parent or caregiver from the

“Viewing Room” only. (Not outside or from the foyer please as coaches need to check that all children

are leaving with the right person).

Coaches/Committee Parking

Directly out the front of the gym hall.

Also Parallel Parking along the gym side of Wilkinson Street by the pine logs.

No Parking Rules (to reduce traffic congestion and members being hit by cars)

No Parking across the road on Wilkinson St–it is reserved for resident’s only.

“Drop & go” is banned by the club as there is not a safe area to do so. Maps are available from the front desk. Note-the club has a duty of care to its members and visitors which includes a safe entrance and exit

to the gym hall. Anyone who does not obey these rules will be subject to the Committees disciplinary

actions which may result in the cancellation of your membership. BDYC Committee.

2016 Fees All members are required to pay their fees in full before they can

commence classes. No refunds will be given to members who have

their membership cancelled by the Committee or those who simply

decide not to continue classes. Exceptional circumstances will be

assessed by the Committee on a case by case basis.

Lost Property Make sure you name all your belongings for easy return including drink bottles,

clothing and shoes. A lost property box is located in the viewing room and all

items left over at the end of each term are given away to goodwill.

Kindergym Uniforms

T-shirts- $15 each.

Leotards- $10 & $35

See Leader Karen Baxter.

Australia Day Theme

The first session back for 2016 was a great way to

celebrate Australia Day. We still have a couple of

vacancies for this session and new members are

welcome to come along on Wednesdays at 9.30am and

register at the front desk.

Page 4: Newsletter Date Berri District Youth Club Newsletter Term One, … · 2016-03-16 · The 2015 World Gymnaestrada was recently awarded the Finnish “Event of the Year”. Club Shop

Best Club Member– How it works

Volunteer to help the club (see list of jobs on the foyer noticeboard).

Points will be awarded at the end of each task.

A running tally will be placed on the notice board in the viewing room

and the club website at the beginning of terms 1, 2 & 3.

The gymnast with the most points at the end of the year will be awarded “Best Club


Awards are for both Junior (7-12yrs) & Senior (13-18yrs).

Age groups as of 1st January that particular year.

Winners will have their name engraved on the club trophy (to be returned after the

Christmas break) and a replica trophy to keep.

Have fun and good luck!

Remember-Points become void if members do not follow the club rules and code of conduct.

NB: Points are calculated from Nov (after Presentation Day) until the end of October the following year. This encourages members to participate in the summer break activities and also allows time for the trophies to be engraved.

Coaches Corner Welcome New Trainee Coaches

Amey Thomas and Alicia Austin.

New Junior Coaches

Rebekah Thomson and Layne Fenwick who were previously club demonstrators

have now progressed up the coaching ladder to Junior Coaches. Well done


2016 Gym SA Coaches Congress

9th & 10th July

Qualified Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced coaches.

Gym SA Headquarters-Marion

More information will be available in Term 2.

New Accreditations

Congratulations to Karen Baxter and Jane McFarlane who renewed their Advanced First Aid

qualifications over the summer break.

New “Trainee” Program

New Adult coaches and Junior Coaches from 14 years of age are now required to undertake a Beginner

Coaches Course through Gym SA. For more information see the Head Coach.

Note– coaches 18 years and over require a police check.

Page 5: Newsletter Date Berri District Youth Club Newsletter Term One, … · 2016-03-16 · The 2015 World Gymnaestrada was recently awarded the Finnish “Event of the Year”. Club Shop

World Gymnaestrada

(Austria 2019) After a successful trip to the Gymnaestrada in Helsinki, members

have commenced their fundraising for Austria in 2019. The second

hand shop will continue with lots of summer clothing, shoes and toys

from just $2 each. If you would like to donate items in good

condition to the shop you can earn 10 BCM points.

Holiday Gymnastics Program

The troupe will hold another program during the term one school

holidays. It will include a gymnastics session in the gym,

refreshments and a gymnastics movie. Information flyer out soon.

Interesting Info...

The 2015 World Gymnaestrada was recently awarded the Finnish

“Event of the Year”.

Club Shop The club has its own uniform shop for members to purchase club uniforms, training gear and accessories.

We also have a great range of birthday gift ideas. The shop is open at the end of each gym session for

your convenience. Please remember that at all other times this room is closed and used for our coaches and committee only. Thank you. New Stock

Scrunchies- $5 each

T-shirts- $15 each

Colour Change water bottles- $15 each

Club Hats/Caps—$20 each

Gym Bags-$25 each

New Design Club Polo Shirts—$30 each

Summer Leotards- $35 & $40 each

(Grips and Grip Bags are also available for the Platinums group).

Page 6: Newsletter Date Berri District Youth Club Newsletter Term One, … · 2016-03-16 · The 2015 World Gymnaestrada was recently awarded the Finnish “Event of the Year”. Club Shop

New Clubrooms

Update As we reported in our last

newsletter the Riverland Regional

Innovation and Sports Precinct has

been approved for Glassey Park in


This means that we will be very busy

this year fundraising for new

equipment for our gymnasium and we

need the support of every family to

achieve our goals!

The Berri Barmera Council have

received a large number of tenders

for the construction of the new

facilities and the successful applicant will be announced shortly.

Glassey Grass Fundraiser If you can help us roll up the grass and sell it during March-April (2-3

weekends) or want to purchase some discounted grass then please register

your expression of interest at the front desk. We need about 30

volunteers so grab your Dad’s and receive some BCM points!!!


2016 Sponsors If your business would like to support us, information packs are on the front desk or contact the Secretary

Jane McFarlane ph: 0400 179 899

Mate Sponsor ($100+)

Champion Sponsor ($200+)

Hero Sponsor ($300+)

Page 7: Newsletter Date Berri District Youth Club Newsletter Term One, … · 2016-03-16 · The 2015 World Gymnaestrada was recently awarded the Finnish “Event of the Year”. Club Shop

Berri District Youth Club Inc.

PO Box 447

Berri, SA, 5343

Email: [email protected]


Face Book:

Like us on face book and receive regular updates as things happen. We have just reached



President-Peter Jarvis ph:0419 812 615

Vice President-Karen Baxter ph:0418 810 940

Secretary/Public Officer/Member Protection

-Jane McFarlane ph:0400 179 899

Treasurer-Tammy Thomson ph: 0418 828 664

Committee Members

Jody Scott, Carolyn Martin, Michael Herrmann, Cherie Staples and

Cheryl Vanderaa.

Other Club Positions

Website Co-ordinator-Cheryl Burgemeister

Cleaners-Skye Hampel and Tammy Thomson

Patron-Wanda Herrmann

Parent Volunteers

If you would like to join our group of parent volunteers to help out with

club events and fundraisers please see Jane McFarlane.

Note-Police checks are required.
