Page 1: Newsletter - Cox Green School Newsletter 21st... · 2020. 9. 18. · Nikita Myles, Sean Anawaynu, Evie rockies, James Harrowell, Ryan Nistor, Aimee Munt, Stuart Fagence, harlie Ede,



21st September — 25th September 2020

Committed to Achievement

Weekly Calendar

Monday 21st September Year 13 Career Appointments

Tuesday 22nd September Year 11 Career Appointments

Wednesday 23rd September Year 11 Career Appointments

Thursday 24th September

Year 11 Career Appointments

Year 11 ‘Ready to Succeed’ event available online (please see the link

to the letter on Page 5)

Year 12 ‘Ready to Succeed’ event available online (please see the link

to the letter on Page 5)

Friday 25th September No Events

Message from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers

The weather this week has been quite exceptional and we have all been enjoying some late summer sun! Whilst the weather is warm please may I use this opportunity to ask that your child is provided with plenty of water and suncream.

Walking around the school, it is fantastic to see all of the Year groups back in class, engaged and ready to learn. Our new Careers Adviser Mrs Thompson has really enjoyed meeting our 6th Form Students and discussing their personal statements, university applications and apprenticeship opportunities. We are very excited about the interesting pathways they are choosing.

I am thrilled that we have so many students being awarded achievement points and I look forward to rewarding those that reach the first milestone, in due course.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge and thank our school site team who have been working very hard to keep our site and us very safe.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Cathrin Thomas


Page 2: Newsletter - Cox Green School Newsletter 21st... · 2020. 9. 18. · Nikita Myles, Sean Anawaynu, Evie rockies, James Harrowell, Ryan Nistor, Aimee Munt, Stuart Fagence, harlie Ede,


Team Year 7

Year 7 have had a brilliant start to the year. On their first day, students spent the whole day getting to

know each other in their tutor group. Then they had a brilliant day with the PE, Art and Science

departments doing team building activities, designing a name plate that showed who they were and

performing skittles chromatography. They finished the week in lessons, meeting all of their new teachers

and starting to think about their different subjects.

They have had a really positive start and the Year 7 team have seen so much kindness, happiness and

trying their very best from every single student. We are looking forward to a fantastic year!

Here are a few reviews from Year 7 students:

‘The best bit about starting Year 7 is meeting new people and new teachers!

Everyone is super kind and really funny! I have already made 10 friends and

they make me smile and laugh all the time. Getting used to Cox Green School is

actually really easy because if you don’t know where you’re going someone will

always be there to show you where to go. I'm really happy I chose Cox Green as

my secondary school.’ By Ellie

‘My first week at Cox Green School has been an absolute joy. At the start of the

week I was quite nervous but now I wake up super excited to go to school and

make new friends. All the teachers have been really nice and the change from

primary to secondary school could not have gone any better.’ By Lucas

Year 7 stars of the week are: For this week only and because we have been so impressed with the Year 7 start

to a brand new school, form tutors have each given their stars of the week:

Lucy Hayward for being the first to offer her thought of the week to the class, asking a good question

for the other person’s Thought of the Week and for being kind to another student. All in one morning.

Leo King has had a really positive start. His thought of the week was detailed and passionate and he

has been helpful to other students since joining.

Nikita Sandu was picked first at random to do Thought of the Week. Nikita didn’t moan about being

first and showed a positive attitude towards it. This morning she got up and shared a lovely thought

about the sport she liked doing and what she had achieved in lock down and it was all done with a smile.

Definitely Ryan Lovett. He did a very brave and powerful presentation in form this morning and he is an

amazing chap.

Sana Krubally and Kyla Burke have both always contributed heavily in any form discussions, always

been positive and often persuasive in their contributions which has been nice to see.

Jess Blackwell for being extremely kind to pupils and staff. Always asks me how my day and my lessons

have been, showing great insight into others and being kind. What a superstar.

Gabriele D’Orazio for a stunning presentation to support his nomination for school council rep.

Confident, articulate and very impressive.

Abigail Robinson showed excellent diligence to overcome her nervousness to speak in front of the class

and deliver two excellent presentations to the class in the last week as part of “Thought of the Day” and

nomination for one of the school roles.

Head of Year Miss Venning

Page 3: Newsletter - Cox Green School Newsletter 21st... · 2020. 9. 18. · Nikita Myles, Sean Anawaynu, Evie rockies, James Harrowell, Ryan Nistor, Aimee Munt, Stuart Fagence, harlie Ede,


Team Year 9

Year 9 have made a fantastic return to Cox Green. First day back, greeted with lots of nervous smiles and

wonder of who the new Head of Year 9 is. The assembly was based on having a clean sheet starting a

new chapter of their school life focusing on the start of their GCSE courses and looking ahead to leaving

at the end of year 13. The students left feeling energised and ready to tackle the year ahead.

The pastoral day focused on settling the students back into their new routine recapping expectations and

new school policies. Sessions were also devised to work on sleep pattern and how this has changed

during lock down and the importance of sleep for general wellbeing. We also looked at time and how to

structure the day to ensure there is time to fit homework in, as well as still being able to continue with

the new hobbies and interests started over the summer. Ms Nilsson’s tutor group won all four prizes for

most accurate sweet quiz. House Captains have been voted on as well as School Council reps and Mr

Gullick has launched the new school Sports Committee Leadership role which students can apply for if

they wish to be considered for the role.

Year 9 stars of the week are:

Leroy Kabisira. He is just being brilliant!!

Archie Francis. A really positive and enthusiastic start to school, a number of

his teachers have commented on how well he has started Year 9.

Head of Year Mrs Bentham

Team Year 8

I have been extremely impressed with the start Year 8 have made to the new school year. They have

returned in very high spirits and have shown great

enthusiasm with regards to their learning and school life!

Students began the year by reflecting on their lockdown

experiences and creating targets for the coming year with

form tutors on the first Monday back. The form programme

that students are following has allowed them to continue

to reflect and set targets as they have restarted their

subject lessons. Students have been continuing to settle

back into school life and their teachers have been quick to

comment on their enthusiasm, maturity and hard work.

Keep up the good work!

Year 8 stars of the week are:

Aiden Twomey for being enthusiastic and very welcoming to new form tutor.

Sylvia Possmayer for always making a fantastic effort in form and acting like a

role model.

Head of Year Mr Furkins

Page 4: Newsletter - Cox Green School Newsletter 21st... · 2020. 9. 18. · Nikita Myles, Sean Anawaynu, Evie rockies, James Harrowell, Ryan Nistor, Aimee Munt, Stuart Fagence, harlie Ede,


Team Year 10

Year 10 have made a very impressive transition back in to school life and are adapting to the new

regulations very well. They have showed a great deal of kindness and positivity towards each other and

the rest of the school community, creating an excellent example for our younger students. Now we are

firmly on our path to the GCSE examinations, we spent the first day back setting goals for the future and

giving thought to upcoming careers to ensure all aspirations for the coming year are aligned. We also

explored resilience and how this can affect our transition back into school life, as well as having a positive

emphasis going forward. We look forward to seeing all of our Year 10 students making amazing progress

this year.

Year 10 stars of the week are:

Nikita Myles, Sean Anawaynu, Evie Brockies, James Harrowell, Ryan Nistor,

Aimee Munt, Stuart Fagence, Charlie Ede, Amber Gidda and Natasha Sloan for

making a great start back to Cox Green and for their contribution to Pastoral Day.

Head of Year Mrs Brennan

Team Year 11

Year 11 have made a fantastic start back to their final year of their GCSEs and have impressed everyone

with their brilliant attitude and efforts. There has been some excellent work happening down in the

Fifield building, as well as some great attempts at building towers and learning first aid on the first

Monday back. Miss Brown and Mr Mitchell have really enjoyed welcoming the students back and

working with them and their tutors during tutor time. We asked Year 11 students to share their thoughts

and feelings on being back at school after the lockdown.

Callum Addison – “I am really enjoying my maths lessons they are engaging and enjoyable”

Jamie Hirayama – “I am glad to be back in school and in lessons with my teachers”

Elliott Tomkins – “I am glad to be able to get help from my teachers again”

We also asked Year 11 to share any interesting or funny stories that happened to them in the long time

away from Cox Green. Here are two anecdotes from 11.2, who as you can see have been up to some very

adventurous pastimes over the summer break.

Jackson Green –“I went to the beach with my surfboard, got caught in a mini riptide and the waves were

really big, like a wall. Some guy came out took the board off me enabling me to swim to shore. From the

beach, it was possible to see that the waves were dying down on the right, but where I was, I could only

see huge waves coming for me. Later on, I went back out surfing so the experience didn’t put me off.”

Joseph Stonell – “When I went mountain biking on a track, I looked to see if I could go and it looked

clear. However, when I went to jump, I found myself close next to a man who also took the jump, but he

landed at an angle on my bike. My dad saw it and it all happened so quickly.”

Year 11 stars of the week are:

Harry Wildman for always being polite and friendly to members of staff.

Jamie Hirayama for an excellent start to Year 11, especially in Science.

Heads of Year Miss Brown and Mr Mitchell

Page 5: Newsletter - Cox Green School Newsletter 21st... · 2020. 9. 18. · Nikita Myles, Sean Anawaynu, Evie rockies, James Harrowell, Ryan Nistor, Aimee Munt, Stuart Fagence, harlie Ede,


Recent Letters

Childhood Flu Immunisation Pack - 2020

Year 7 - E-Consent Letter To Parents - Flu -2020

GCSE Year 9 & 10 PE - Change of Exam Board 2020

KS5 Ready to Succeed Event

KS4 Ready to Succeed Event

Lockdown Letter Contingency Sept 2020

Team 6th Form

It has been wonderful to see our 6th Form student’s back. They look very smart and have been fantastic

role models to our younger students with their positivity and commitment to their studies.

During morning tutor time, Year 12 have been getting to know each other and their tutors, as well as

considering different strategies they can use to manage their time and the demands of being a sixth form

student. This week, Year 12 were introduced to the very exciting opportunities they have in the

Enrichment programme. Staff pitched the Enrichment activities they will be running and the students

opted in to the one that interested them the most. The activities focus on broadening students’

opportunities and giving them ‘work ready’ and ‘life ready’ skills; they include cookery sessions, a

journalism course, sports leadership and debating.

The focus for Year 13 has been careers and UCAS. Each member of Year 13 has been met by Mrs

Thompson, the new Careers Advisor, and they are working on completing their Personal statements and

UCAS applications. There has been lots of exciting discussions about future possibilities and pathways in

Year 13 at the start of this crucial year.

Here are just a few quotes on how some of them feel to be back.

“We’re enjoying the sense of freedom we currently are having with Sixth Form where we can spend study

periods at home. It gives a sense of independence and responsibility as an older student.” – Edwin


“It feels nice to be back in a sense of routine and structure that I missed over the lockdown period.” –

Kathryn Birrell

“Having a sense of routine is helping us get back into school work quicker and the sense of reality feels

refreshing after so long away.” – Mia Ellis

“The best thing about being back at Sixth Form is seeing friends on a daily basis after being apart for so

long; it feels like a community and I’m enjoying the social aspects.” – Lucas Scott De Marcos

“It’s good to see my friends every day and get back into football, which I missed hugely!” – Louie


Heads of Year Mrs Gibbons and Mrs Thompson

Page 6: Newsletter - Cox Green School Newsletter 21st... · 2020. 9. 18. · Nikita Myles, Sean Anawaynu, Evie rockies, James Harrowell, Ryan Nistor, Aimee Munt, Stuart Fagence, harlie Ede,


RBWM Libraries Consultation

RBWM Libraries are under consultation and are trying to reach as many people as

possible who value the libraries and the services they offer.

If you value the library service, please use the link to have your say:…/library-opening-hours-consultation

Governors Annual Report

The 2019– 2020 Governors Annual Report to Parents

is now available on the Cox Green School Website

You can also view by clicking here

Year 7 Flu Vaccine – 29th September 2020

Please click here to view the annual flu vaccination letter.

Risk Assessment for opening Cox Green School – 1st September 2020

Please click here for our reviewed whole school re-opening risk assessment.
