Transcript | Email [email protected] | Telephone 01723 512354 | Fax 01723 512165Muston Road, Filey, North Yorkshire YO14 0HG | Headteacher: Andrew Galbraith | CEO/Executive Headteacher: Richard Ludlow


Part of the Ebor Academy Trust. Registered office: Robert Wilkinson Primary Academy, West End, Strensall, York YO32 5UH. Registered in England No. 08806335.



HEADTEACHER’S  NEWSLETTER    Friday  17th  March  2017    Dear  Parents  /  Carers    Welcome  to  our  latest  newsletter,  it’s  amazing  to  think  that  a  quarter  of  2017  has  already  passed  as  we  fast  approach  the  Easter  break.  Yr11  final  preparations  have  begun  towards  their  GCSE’s  and  demands  on  their  time  are  now  increasing  as  deadlines  for  coursework  approach.  The  Yr11  Mock  Result  evening  was  well  attended;  if  you  were  unable  to  attend  please  contact  Mrs  Pickering.      I  had  the  pleasure  of  writing  to  all  our  new  applicants  to  the  school  for  September  2017  and  this  year  again  the  number  of  students  has  increased.  It’s  been  another  busy  period  with  Yr9  Options  evening  recently  and  upcoming  events  include,  the  Prom  Fashion  show  (Tuesday  21st  March),  Yr7&8  PFG  Disco  (Thursday  23rd  March)  and  Red  Nose  Day  on  Friday  24th  March  will  allow  students  to  come  in  their  own  clothes  with  a  £1  donation  going  to  the  charity  and  Autism  Awareness  events  week  commencing  27th  March.    Successful  Futures  On  the  morning  of  Wednesday,  8th  March  our  Year  9  students  attended  a  Careers  event  called  'Successful  Futures'   which   took   place   at   the   Coventry   University   Scarborough   Campus.   After   attending  three   short  presentations   about  Further   Education,   Apprenticeships   and   Higher   Education,   students   had   the  opportunity   to   meet   and   talk   to   a   range   of  college   providers,   members   of  the   Armed  Forces  and  local  employers.   It  was   great   to   see   our   students   engaging   so   positively  with   these   representatives   and  asking  lots  of  questions.  Once  again,  well  done  to  our  Year  9  students  who  were  a  credit  to  the  school!    

   Maths  Mastery  Ebor  Academy  Filey  is  one  of  only  327  schools  nationally,  103  of  which  are  secondary,  who  have  been  selected  to  deliver  the  Maths  Mastery  programme  which  enables  schools  to  deliver  a  mastery  curriculum,  using  a  range  of  innovative  classroom  resources  and  assessment  tools  to  enhance  the  learning  experience  and  engagement  of  our  students.  We  are  already  encouraged  by  the  progress  that  the  majority  of  our  Year  7  students  are  making  with  Miss  Smith,  our  Maths  Mastery  Lead  Teacher.    All  Maths  Mastery  schools  are  inspected  by  a  Lead  Practitioner  to  quality  assure  teaching  and  learning  once  every  term.  We’ve  had  our  second  monitoring  visit  and  are  delighted  to  inform  you  that  the  Inspector  noted  that  “books  showed  extensive  evidence  that  lots  of  pictorial  representations  were  used”  and  that  “students  were  seen  to  engage  in  mathematical  language  and  correct  terminology  when  answering  questions….fully  explained  their  reasoning  when  asked.”    This  is  a  great  start  and  we  are  delighted  to  inform  you  that  the  programme  will  be  continuing  into  Year  8,  ensuring  a  coherent  and  sustainable  plan  is  in  place  to  transform  the  way  maths  is  taught  and  increasing  the  levels  of  attainment  in  GCSE  maths.          



 Olivia  Smith-­‐Duffin  (Year  10)  –  Netball  Congratulations  to  Olivia  who  played  for  U16  District  Netball  Squad  on  Wednesday  8th    March.    Olivia  played  in  a  tournament  at  Queen  Ethelburga’s  against  teams  from  York  &  Selby,  Harrogate  and  Hambleton  Districts  beating  all  3  teams  to  come  first  overall.    Well  done  to  Olivia  and  her  team  mates.    Jack  Lawrence  (Year  10)  –  Table-­‐

Tennis  Jack   was   born   with  cerebral  palsy  which  meant  from  an  early  age   he   was   unable  to   walk   without   the  aid   of   a   walking  frame   and  specialised  lower  leg  splints.     However   in  2010  at  the  age  of  7  

Jack   went   to   America   and   had   very  complicated  surgery  on  his   spinal  cord  which   gave   him   the   opportunity,   with  the   help   of   lots   of   physio,   to   stand  unaided  for  the  first  time  in  his  life.  Fast   forward   7   years   and   following  further   surgery   on   his   legs   and   feet,  Jack  has  been  selected   for   the  Futures  Programme   by   the   English   Institute   of  Sport,   based   in   Sheffield,   (where   Rio  Paralympic  Gold  Table  Tennis  medallist  Will   Bayley   trains),   with   a   view   to  hopefully   represent   Great   Britain   in   a  future  Table  Tennis  Paralympics.  As   part   of   his   acceptance   into   the  Futures  Squad  Jack  is  expected  to  train  for   a   minimum   of   6   hours   per   week,  keep  a  record  of  his  training  goals,  and  take   part   in   various   tournaments  around   the   country.  We   are   delighted  that   Jack   is   accessing   Ebor   Academy  Filey’s  Table  Tennis  facilities  so  that  he  can   receive   extra   one   to   one   tuition  from   his   Scarborough   coach   Ashley  Hodgson.  

  Sea  Cadets  –  Football  Tournament  Ben   Colling,   Tom   Garside,  Ben  Brazier,  Will  Kaye  and  Mikey   Adams   have  competed   in   a   Sea   Cadet  Football   tournament   in  Lincolnshire,   playing  Ireland,   Scotland,   South  West,   London   and   North  West.   The   Sea   Cadets  

team   performed   brilliantly   and   came   second   in   the  tournament,  losing  out  to  overall  winners  London  The  boys  are  pictured,  proudly  wearing  their  silver  medals.    Hull  City  Trip  53  students  represented  the  school  brilliantly  at  the  Hull  City  Vs  Kenyan  side  Sportpesa  All-­‐stars.    Each  student  received  a  free  Sportpesa  match  shirt  and  (to  the  delight  of  the  teachers)  a  vuvuzela  on  entry.    The  game  finished  2-­‐1  to  Hull  City  in  an  exciting  game  featuring  a  lot  of  Premier  League  youngsters.    James  Walker  (Year  7)  –  Athletics  James  has  recently  attended  an  athletics  event  in  Pickering  where  he  competed  in  a  number  of  track  and  field  events.    His  results  have  seen  him  qualify  for  the  Indoor  North  Yorkshire  team  and  he  will  compete  in  South  Shields  on  25th  March  against  Year  7  and  8  students  from  other  North  of  England  counties.    Good  luck  James!      

Prom  Fashion  Show  Students  and  staff  will  become  catwalk  models   for   the  evening  on  Tuesday  21st  March   at  6.30pm.     The  event  is  being  organised  by  Year  11  girls  in  association  with  Desire  of  Filey  who  will  provide  Prom  gowns.    Tickets   are   available   at   main   reception   and   cost   £2   for   adults   and   £1   for   students.     Proceeds   will   go  towards  the  M10  Missions  housebuilding  project  in  Mexico.    



 World  Autism  Week  Ebor  Academy  Filey  students  will  be  supporting  an  event  in  Filey  on  Monday  27th  March,  9  –  11am,  as  part  of  World  Autism  Awareness  Week.    Come  along  to  The  Place  Café  at  the  Youth  Centre  on  Brooklands  and  enjoy  delicious  bacon  or  sausage  sandwiches,  treat  yourself  to  a  home-­‐made  cake  and  join  in  the  many  activities  on  offer.    Filey  Rotary  Club  Concert  The   Ebor   Academy   choir   and   drama   group,   under   the   direction   of  Mr   Chatto   and  Mrs  Waines,   will   be  taking   part   in   the   Rotary   Club   Concert   ‘One   Voice’   on  Wednesday   5th   April   at   7pm   in   Filey  Methodist  Church.    This  event,  organised  by  the  Rotary  Club,  is  a  celebration  of  local  talent  and  will  include  a  variety  of  musical  entertainment  from  various  clubs,  societies  and  schools  from  the  town.    The  proceeds  will  go  towards  local  good  causes  including  Scarborough  and  Ryedale  Young  Carers  Resource  and  its  nearby  centre  in  Hunmanby.    Rotary  is  delighted  to  work  with  Ebor  Academy  Filey  and  tell  us  that  we  can  all  look  forward  to  an  exciting  and  memorable  evening  of  entertainment.    Tickets  costing  £5  are  on  sale  from  school  and  various  outlets  around  Filey,  including  the  Post  Office  and  Dixon’s  stores.    Message  from  the  Art  Department  We  are  appealing  for  donations  of  resources  to  be  used  in  the  Art  examinations.    If  anyone  has  any  spare  canvases  or  large  boards  of  wood  we  would  be  very  grateful  to  receive  them.    Easter  Competition  –  Students  are  invited  to  create  an  Easter  inspired  piece  of  art,  either  2D  or  3D,  to  be  handed  in  by  the  last  day  of  term.      The  competition  winner  will  receive  an  Easter  egg.    Diary  Dates  Tuesday  21st  March  –  Prom  Fashion  Show  6.30pm  Thursday  23rd  March  –  Year  7  &  8  Disco  6.30pm  –  8.00pm  Friday  24th  March  –  Red  Nose  Day  27th  March  –  2nd  April  –  World  Autism  Awareness  Week  Wednesday  5th  April  –  Year  11  Group  Photo  Friday  7th  April  –  Ski  trip  departs  Friday  7th  April    -­‐  Last  Day  of  Term.    School  breaks  up  for  the  Easter  Holidays  at  the  usual  time  of  3.10pm  Friday  14th  April  –  Ski  trip  returns  Monday  24th  April  –  School  re-­‐opens  for  the  summer  term    Congratulations!  Students  of  the  Week     Year  7           Year  8    3rd  March         Amy  Raper,  Darren  Holt     Paige  Bingley,  Tyler  Vasey  10th  March       Kelsey  Tuck,  Billy  Heseltine     Shakira  Day,  Ben  Jenkinson  17th  March       Casey  Crabtree,  Owen  Horwood   Jessica  Lawrence,  Saxon  Davis                  

@ebor_filey­‐ Academy-­‐Filey