
News of Polonia Serving the Polish Community since 1995

Wiadomości Polonijne

Wiadomości Polonijne Białous - Muzeum Sybiru 18

Cybulski - Nasz Ojciec Święty 18

Cytat Roku 19

Goss - Optymizmu i ralizmu 18

Jackowski - Kontestatorzy 19

Kamieński - Tolerancja 17

Rocznica Radio Maryia 19

Zrywy wolnościowe 20

Korbońska, Zofia Antonina 17

Pogonowski - Izrael sprzedaje do Rosji 17

Prof. Przystawa - Nowe otwarcie 17

Reportaż z Centrum Wagabundy 20

Ryba - Kapitulacja, Berlin i Moskwa 18

Sądy nie boją się 20

Śpiewak - Kongressman King 10

Świat bez Boga jest piekłem 19

Włoszczowska, Maja triumfalna 20


Justyna Ball - Estilo Polaco del Corida 2

Calendar 2

Czop - Christian Democracy in Poland 2

Film Festival Schedule 9

Hero of Warsaw Uprising 6

Jarkiewicz, Zdzisław - My friend 4

Investments - Giving away assets 3

Jewish Ghettos in WWII 4

Kerosky - Domestic Violence victims 3

Kościuszko Mound is crumbling 8

Music - Polish Music in Antipodes 3

Northern CA News 12

Obit - Albin Obal 6

Obit - Halina Polek 6

Orange County News - 5

Pogonowski - Kopernik 4

Kielce and Communism 8

Polish names 11

Pride of Polonia Aaward 4

Taxes - Build America Bonds 3

University degrees in Poland 8

Volume 16, No. 4 September 2010 Free or Home Delivery

Poland Celebrates

100 Years of Scouting An August 19 article by Agnes

Sekowski in the KrakowPost website

reports… If you’ve walked the streets of

Krakow in the past few days, you couldn’t

help but see at least one of the 10,000

visiting scouts and guides or even entire

troops of them marching, singing, and

enjoying the city. That is because Krakow

is hosting a Holiday of Scouting for the

Polish Scouting and Guiding Association

(Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego, ZHP)

until 24 August, celebrating 100 years of

boy scouts and girl guides in Poland.

Polish Scout troops from all over the

country plus the many who are visiting

from various countries have literally set

up camp in a tent city on the Błonia

Commons, complete with miniatures of

the Floriańska Gate and the Sukiennice.

The ceremonies opened this past Tuesday

with a speech made by Prime Minister

Donald Tusk on the Krakow Main Square,

in which he commended the Polish youth

for the roles they have played and

continue to play in Polish society, from

the times of war to the recent help offered

during the floods. He pondered, “How

much better, more beautiful would the

world be, if we all and for always would

remain scouts.”

During the remainder of their stay in

Krakow, the scouts will be busy attending

lectures and discussions, concerts, and

workshops organized in the Mały Rynek,

such as pottery-making, blacksmithing,

wickerwork, and carpentry. The

organizers have even arranged for various

competitions between scout troops. On

Sunday, 22 August, they were scheduled

to have “dragon boat races” on the Wisła

River. ❒


“Unity and Diversity -

One Lord of All” Krakusy performed in the

Cathedral of Our Lady of

Angels in Los Angeles By: Urszula Grzelecki

On September 11 2010 various ethnic

groups participated in the beautiful

“Celebration of Cultures Mass” in the

Cathedral of Our Lady of Angels in Los

Angeles. This year’s mass theme was

“Unity and Diversity - One Lord of All”,

a colorful celebration of cultural richness

and diversity of the Los Angeles


The Mass was a unique

and colorful celebration

Many of the ethnic groups in attendance

were dressed in their traditional attire. To

symbolize multi cultural unity, following

the mass various ethnic communities

performed their traditional native songs

One Lord of All to page 7

The Krakusy opened the Ceremonies and

led the Polonia contingent

Photos by Zbyszek Grzelecki

Theresa Dudzick and Chris Czapla took a

traditional Polish designed cloth to the altar

The Pope John Paul II Polish Center in

Yorba Linda, California celebrated their

32nd Annual Dożynki (Harvest Festival)

on Saturday September 18th and Sunday

the 19th. The overwhelming crowds on

Saturday and Sunday proved to be a

financial success for the Polish Center.

This year’s Chairman/Darek Światkowski

along with numerous associates continued

the Polish Cultural event which attracts

people from all over the Southern

California area and neighboring Nevada

and Arizona. On Saturday the festivities

started at 12:00 noon with many booths

serving food and games booths. A special

performance sponsored by POLAM

Federal Credit Union featured Zbigniew

Gałązka and Andrzej Mossakowski,

famous polish entertainers who performed

in the afternoon to the delight of the

crowd. In the courtyard Al and Claudia

Wrona were playing some old Polish

favorites which brought back many

memories. Later that afternoon, Holy

Mass with the Center members and the

Polonie Polish Folk Dancers in traditional

folk costume, bringing in the crops of the

season along with a large loaf of bread

made of the first grains of the season

where processed into Church. The

procession was led by this year’s honorees

Irena and Ryszard Nowak, Dożynki 2010

Lord and Lady of the Manor. Both

honorees have given many years of

service to the Center and were presented

with a plaque and flowers for their

service! The evening festivities began

with a program of Polish folk dancing by

the Polania Polish Folk Dancers of PNA

Lodge #3259 (Yorba Linda) and Wessex

Consort Group, entertaining the crowd.

Afterwards in the large hall, DJ Jerzy

entertained the attendees to a variety of

dance tunes until the wee hours of the

night. Sunday’s activities included a

special opening.

Rik Fox, dressed in Hussar armor led

the Harvest Procession followed by the

United States Marine Reserve unit from

Pico Rivera.

The program began with the

presentation of the colors by the United

Dożynki 2010 to page 5

Dożynki - 2010 Pope John Paul II

Polish Center in Yorba Linda By: Rick Kobzi

Most Reverend Jose H. Gomez

Coadjutor Archbishop of Los Angeles and

officers of the Polish American Congress

SoCal Division who organized Polonia’s

participation in the Mass.

L. Treas. Theresa Dudzick, President

Natalia Kamińska, V.P. Rich Wideryński

Fr. Henryk Noga, Director

Pope John Paul Polish Center

blessing those in attendance

Rick Kobzi and Viola Turek narrate the

history of the Dożynki in Poland. Rik Fox of

the Hussar Regiment in the background.

Polish HIstory

Polish children kidnapped

by the Nazi government

during WWII By: Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski

Otward Mueller writing in Culture Wars

July/August 2010 on p. 10 spreads

misinformation about the kidnapping of

Polish children by the Nazi government

by stating that the accusation was

“probably not true.” Mueller should know

that the Nazi government in Berlin

ordered the kidnapping of some 200,000

Polish blond children in order “to improve

the German race” which, among others,

carries the genes of Avars, Turkmen from

Asia who populated the Mark of Avaria

later named Bavaria. By 880 AD Fankish

fortifications called “Limes Sorabicus”

and “Limes Saxoniae” on the eastern bank

of the Rhine River were built from the

“Danish Mark” to the “Mark of Avaria.”

The “German race improvement” plan

was mentioned by Hitler in a memo of

March 4, 1944, addressed to Himmler and

reproduced in “Głos Wielkopolski” nr.

330 in 1947. In Himmler’s mind anti-

Semitism was mingled with a crude blood

-and-soil mysticism. The “mixed-race”

German people, he noted as early as 1924,

must once again become a “pure

Germanic race”. Himmler, who had a

diploma in agriculture, and had been a

chicken farmer, believed that he would be

able to instigate the “breeding” of the

renewed German race by using the

methods of his chicken farm.

Heinrich Himmler created the

Lebensborn Project on December 12,

1935 in response to declining birth rates

in Germany. Himmler was the

Oberfuehrer (head) of the Schutzstaffel

(the SS). The purpose of the SS was to

enforce Nazi racial doctrine and Anti-

Semitic ideals. In a lecture by Himmler to

the Wehrmacht in January 1937 he cited

the SS creed: “We have an ideological

enemy...Bolshevism led by international

Jewry and Freemasons.... All states and

peoples who are ruled or are under strong

Jewish-Freemason influence will

eventually be hostile to Germany and

create a danger for us. Bolshevism is an

organization of sub-humans, it is the

absolute foundation of Jewish rule, it is

the exact opposite of all which the Aryan

peoples love, cherish and value.

It was a diabolic outlook, because it

appealed to the lowest and meanest

instincts of humanity and turns those

instincts into a religion. Its goal was the

destruction of the white man. “We are

more valuable than the others who may

now and always outnumber us. We are

more valuable because our blood enables

us to be more inventive than others, to

lead our people better than others because

we have better soldiers, better statesmen,

a higher culture, a better character.”

Nazi specialists of the political problem

of the race, members of the ruling party

the NSDAP, Dr. Wetzl and Dr. G. Hecht,

wrote on November 25, 1939, that Polish

children, racially of a great value, should

be deported to Germany and brought up in

proper boarding schools or orphanages as

were the children of German soldiers

killed in battle or else, those children

should be adopted by German families.

Pogonowski - Children to page 7
