Page 1: News & Notes: January 2012

JANUARY 2012 l 1


After hearing that one of her 24 great-grandchildren enrolled in the Pathway program, 76-year-old Diedre Lingenfelter decided to finish her education too. Currently the oldest member enrolled in Pathway, Dee, as she likes to be called, will finally get to finish her education from the comfort of her own home in Riverside, Calif.

“Since I enjoy participating with younger people, my view on the Pathway program is, as the kids say, ‘awesome,’” said Dee. “At my age, being able to study at home and complete assignments without having to go to class everyday is a blessing.”

Dee attended college in her younger years but had to halt her education because she was too busy and had a demanding work schedule. But in 2007 she began attending a community college where she

Since I enjoy participating with younger people, my view on the Pathway program is, as the kids say, ‘awesome.’”

D I e D R e L I n g e n f e Lt e R , PAt h wAy S t u D e n t, R I v e R S I D e , C A L I f.

Back to school at 76 gReAt-gRAnDmotheR PRoveS It ’S neveR too LAte to get A CoLLege DegRee

» Nikhil Chabra and Rob Eaton

Top: Diedre Ligenfelter smiles during her interview about Pathway. Bottom: Diedre (right) sits next to her great-grandson Chris Vega.

Diedre Lingenfelter, a 76-year-old great-grandmother (middle), sits during a class discussion in the Pathway program in Riverside, Calif.

was close to qualifying for admittance to California State university, San Bernardino and finishing a degree in sociology. But having to walk more than two blocks to get to class wasn’t ideal at her increased age, so she again put her education on hold. This was unusual for Dee because even at age 76, she considers herself significantly more active than others of her age.

“I’m not afraid to try something new and exciting under the right circumstances,” said Dee. “I recently went ice skating and sledding with my great-grandchildren.”

now she thoroughly enjoys the luxury of taking classes online at home and surrounding herself with other students in a Church-oriented learning environment that upholds the moral standards she is comfortable with.

Just last year, Lingenfelter would have been over the age limit set at 30 to participate in Pathway. however, with 2/3 of the 36 sites worldwide now including separated classes for members over the age of 30, she was able to restart her education last fall.

“It’s not difficult to get a cohort started for people over 30,” said Brian Justesen,

Pathway director. “They dive right in and are hungry to continue their education to achieve necessary degrees.”

Dee has decided to finish her bachelor’s degree in general studies rather than her prior emphasis in sociology. “to have a program like this available to people my age is important to me,” she said. “I consider myself blessed to be active enough at my age to complete college.”

Page 2: News & Notes: January 2012


Dave Stricklan discovers rare fossil

Biology instructor Dave Stricklan has discovered a previously unknown fossil fish species. The specimen, Bourbonnella jocelynae, was found near Lehi, utah 10 years ago, but was just published and named in December, certifying his find.

Stricklan found the specimen, which barely measures 3 centimeters, in the manning Canyon Shale formation. It is currently on display in the geology museum in the Romney Building. This is a significant discovery because this is the first fish fossil to ever be found in the area.

“This area is famous for plants, but virtually no fish have ever been found, until now. It has been an exciting process because it indicates that the area may have been marine, something not thought of before,” said Stricklan. “It gives me more than just another story to share in class, but puts me in contact with people on the cutting edge of science.”

This fossil was recently described in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, noting that this discovery has opened a deeper investigation into a marine connection between north America and europe 325 million years ago. The specimen is the earliest known representative of its kind from north America.

winter semester enrollment largest on record

Statistics released for winter Semester 2012 show a total enrollment of 14,937 students, a 5.9 percent increase over last winter.

Students are taking an average of 13.1 credit hours. In addition, 3,726 students are enrolled in non day-school programs (including online degrees, Pathway, continuing education, and high school concurrent enrollment). Combined day-school and non day-school totals make winter Semester 2012 the largest to date.

The student body consists of 7,140 male students and 7,797 female students.

Students from Chinese university study at BYU-Idaho

five students from Capital normal university in Beijing, China, arrived at Byu-Idaho Jan. 14 as part of a dual-school study abroad program.

This newly developed program, initiated last semester, enables Byu-Idaho students to study a semester in China and vice versa. Byu-Idaho students study the Chinese language and culture as well as serve in the community, and Cnu students will spend their time pursuing their majors’ coursework, engaging in campus activities, and participating in the Chinese Cultural Association. This is the first semester Cnu students will study at Byu-Idaho.

Dr. Scott galer, chair of the Department of foreign Languages and Literatures, said the program is primarily intended to build cultural bridges and continually improve the relationship between the two universities.

Student Activities helps teach classes

Beginning this semester the Depart-ment of health, Recreation & human Performance is bringing in reinforce-ments: Student Activities. Because the high demand for skill-based courses is greater than the current number of instructors, the department has started using Student Activities for compet- ency-based courses such as cross- country skiing and mountain biking.

Depending on their skill level, students can go on excursions with Student Activities and then take field and written tests for course credit. If students feel they’re already competent in a specific skill, they can skip the excursions and go straight to the tests.

“In our traditional courses we can have no more than 11 students in a skill-based class, which limits us to only 30 students a year,” said Kari Archibald, recreation management instructor. “now that Student Activities is helping with our courses, any student can receive those credits. we are able to reach more students at a lower cost without lowering the quality of education.”

University News Briefs

This fish fossil, discovered by Dave Stricklan, is the earliest known representative of its kind from North America.

Page 3: News & Notes: January 2012

JANUARY 2012 l 3

Introducing two new medical programs

As part of a new partnership with Salus university (Su), Byu-Idaho students can complete both a bachelor’s degree in health science and a master’s degree in physician assistant (PA) studies in just five years.

Salus university has guaranteed to admit four Byu-Idaho students into its 3+2 program every year. Students complete their first three years in health science at Byu-Idaho, and then move to elkins Park, Pa., where they attend graduate school at Su for two additional years.

“two years ago we were contacted by Su representatives to place four of our best students in their physician assistant program,” said greg Klingler, health science faculty and Su liaison. “Because of our partnership, Byu-Idaho students’ chances of getting into Su go from 1-50 to roughly 1-3.”

Byu-Idaho is also creating an applied associate degree for physical therapist assistants. It is currently being developed, and the Department of health, Recreation and human Development will offer this degree in 2013.

Mark Nygren teaches entrepreneurship courses at Chinese university

After being contacted by one of the 30 universities in China permitted to teach entrepreneurship, mark nygren, a faculty member in the Department of Business management, knew that this was a great opportunity to go on a teaching fellowship.

During the fellowship, nygren spent over a month in nanning, China, teaching four business classes at guangxi university.

“I enjoyed my teaching experience in China. The students were very kind, thoughtful, but a bit timid,” said nygren. “I also had the opportunity to share a workshop with all the faculty on how to integrate entrepreneurship into their classes.”

when not teaching he was involved in backpacking through China with his family. nygren spent time in Beijing, did a habitat for humanity build for earthquake victims, hiked the famous tiger Leaping gorge, and hiked to two monasteries in the mountains where he was taught kung fu.

Since there is no branch of the Church in mainland China, nygren and his family would listen to church on Sundays via a virtual branch. “I had the opportunity to share my testimony over the Internet with the rest of the virtual branch members. It was amazing to hear the gospel on the other side of the world,” said nygren.

I~Comm revamps agency structure to provide a greater real-world experience

This semester I~Comm Student media began implementing a competitive-entry admission model for its agency.

modeling other professional agencies, I~Comm’s agency will have around 30 positions ranging from graphic designer to account executive to give more opportunities, defined roles, and be able to produce full-scale advertising and public relations campaigns.

geology museum offers new attractions» Spencer Allen: Junior, Communication

With careful planning and renovation, the BYU-Idaho Geology Museum on the first floor in the Romney Building is once again open to the public.

While under construction, volunteers from multiple departments were enlisted in the project including construction, art, geology, and communication students. “As much as possible, we’ve been trying to provide students with real-life experiences,” said Forrest Gahn, instructor in the Department of Geology. “It’s a win-win-win situation. It’s good for the instructors, the students, and the community.”

On the east side of the museum rests one of the new attractions, a 13-foot mural depicting an ancient environment. The painting is closely intertwined with the fossilized shrimp, fish, insects, and plants in the mirroring exhibition. The specimens on display are brought to life by being depicted in the mural in their reconstructed habitat.

Another added feature of the museum is the redesigned minerals exhibits. Prior to the renovation, shelves were piled high with multi-colored rock formations. Now, selected minerals are on display showing their beauty.

Although the renovations for the main museum are complete, it will continually experience change. Besides the permanent displays, exhibitions from other universities or museums will occasionally be showcased. The first travelling exhibit is on the Idaho ice age. The Idaho Museum of Natural History has agreed to loan the university materials for this exhibit on a long-term basis.

In addition to the museum itself, the hallways leading up to the museum entrance are under construction. The exhibits in the hall will include the origin and expansion of the universe, the solar system and earth, and displays about stars. The main hallway leading to the museum will showcase the planets on the ground and will be placed in a way to teach the relative distance between planets.

Page 4: News & Notes: January 2012


Question 1Q: Will the President’s Q&A be broadcast so instructors and students living outside of Rexburg can participate?

A: we will look into repurposing the video of each Q&A online so it can be accessed by anyone.

Question 2Q: What is the potential for a student who holds a steady job throughout his schooling and receives a high cumulative GPA from BYU-Idaho to go on to an Ivy League school? Does BYU-Idaho have a good reputation for producing academics of a sufficient caliber?

A: we currently have Byu-Idaho graduates in more than 100 graduate schools. These schools offer very high-quality programs, are all over the country, and offer 200 different degrees. good schools look for leadership ability; they look for experience where you have shown your ability to perform well in a work setting. Students looking to pursue

graduate studies at a particular institution should get advising help from the Academic Discovery Center, which can help students prepare.

Question 3Q: What role should we expect BrainHoney’s gradebook to take in our courses?

A: Brainhoney is intended to be the permanent location to preserve assignments and maintain grades. however, all faculty should back-up their course information outside of Brainhoney.

Question 4Q: Are there any plans to develop training that would keep administrators and staff up-to-date, given that every employee is a teacher?

A: we have a strong desire to create training opportunities across the board, especially as we look at increasing our number of student employees. we have a new hR director who has started, and he understands this is one of our challenges and opportunities and will help us determine how to move forward. our greatest and most important resource

is our people, and investing in them is worthwhile.

Question 5Q: Are there any plans for the Kirkham Building?

A: The short answer is yes. we’ve discovered that it would cost about as much to remodel the Kirkham as it would to tear it down and build something new. we have some very interesting ideas revolving around multiple-use buildings that could serve academic, ecclesiastical, and office space needs, as well as provide room for an auditorium similar to what’s in the Kirkham now. multi-use buildings would save the Church a lot of money by avoiding the construction of new stake centers because the buildings could accommodate stakes on Sundays and academics during the week. This idea is not approved, but we’re hopeful we’ll have a solution within the next few months. The decision will involve the Presiding Bishopric, the Board of trustees, and Byu-Idaho as we try to determine what the right solution is for the long term.

The President’s Q&A occurs monthly, where President Clark and university vice presidents answer submitted questions. Questions for an upcoming Q&A may by submitted to Kathy Webb at [email protected].

President’s Q&A Recap jANUARY 5, 2012

A Day in the life of ... A BYU-Idaho cadaver» Stephen Henderson: Graduate, Communication

As a group of students gathers around the table in the fluorescent-lit space, a specimen is uncovered and prepared for

today’s demonstration; a show and tell of the areas within the skull. A tiny video camera on a metal stand hovers next to the instructor’s head, sending the image of the dissection to a screen in the corner of the room.

In a typical day the Byu-Idaho cadaver lab may see a range of visitors. from biology and music students taking an up-close and personal tour of human anatomy to local emts brushing up on their knowledge of vital organs, the four cadavers are some of the most valuable teaching tools on campus.

“we’re incredibly fortunate to have access to this resource,” said Sidney Palmer, chair of the Department of Biology. “There’s really no better way to study the human body.”

each of the cadavers, on loan from the university of utah, spends a two-year stint at Byu-Idaho. “They come to us embalmed but without autopsies performed,” said Palmer. “As we perform our dissections we often run into old

injuries, surgeries, and diseases, which is a great learning experience for the students.”

The laboratory is equipped with a portable camera and microphone, which sends a live feed to tv screens inside and out of the room. And with more than 1,200 students per semester studying the specimens, many observe dissections and lectures from just outside the lab space.

“Being able to see everything beyond slides and textbooks is an amazing experience,” said Chris Ricker, a senior studying biology. “working with them was a little shocking for me at first, but it’s really enjoyable once you get used to it.”

But more than biology students learn from the specimens. Kinesiology classes study muscle groups, vocal performance students study air passages, and art students use them as models for figure studies. Local groups come to study them, as well, says Palmer. for years, emts and nurses from around the area have come to review and practice simple medical procedures.

Page 5: News & Notes: January 2012

JANUARY 2012 l 5

Matthew Longmore in front of the Taj Majal

when you enter the Student health Center, a student receptionist greets you. when you have your blood tested, the student lab technician draws it. when you pick up your prescription, the student pharmacy coordinator hands it over. Throughout the entire Student health Center, students have become an integral part of the medical process.

“we’re the only university I know of that has undergraduate students so involved within their medical center,” said Shaun orr, health services director. “we have students working as billing coordinators, secretaries, lab technicians, tB surveillance managers, and area directors. generally, students wouldn’t receive an experience like this until in a graduate program.”

Starting last July, the Student health Center heavily integrated students within its management, making it possible for students to receive a hands-on experience whether it’s as a human resources coordinator or a pharmacy technician.

Among the 48 employed students, seven are in management positions.

James Cooper, current student area director, is a senior studying health administration but has the duties and responsibilities of a health services director. “my duties consist of ensuring everything runs smoothly day-to-day; mentoring students, reviewing budgets, leading councils, and creating policies,” said Cooper. “even though I am a student, I am given a lot of leeway to constantly improve the patient’s experience at the Student health Center.”

The Student health Center is one of the largest primary care clinics in the state of Idaho with only seven general primary caregivers. These primary caregivers are not just doctors, but also mentors to their assigned students.

“As doctors, we have the students do everything that doesn’t require a license,” said Andy Bradbury, Student health Center medical director. “I have two students who are hired to work with public policy, so I give them instructions and they go from there, checking back periodically to ensure they are on the right track.”

➝ student employmentspecial feature

David Tinkorang greets students as a medical receptionist.

just what the doctor ordered StUDeNt eMPloYeeS BeCoMe heAvIlY INtegRAteD At StUDeNt heAlth CeNteR

» Jessica McIntyre: Senior, Communication

Ana Saucedo works as a student phlebotomist drawing blood for lab work. Jenna Haderlie takes X-rays as a student radiology assistant.

James Cooper, student area director, discusses business items with Renato Silveira, student operations lead.

Student Medical Assistant Melissa Beus schedules patient appointments.

Page 6: News & Notes: January 2012


Students Ryon Hays (left) and Jeff Kenly (right) help customers at the campus Sprint Store. The University Store took over operations in December.

employees get new perks with Sprint cell phone plan» Spencer Allen: Junior, Communication

The Sprint Store located in the university Store is now a Sprint Authorized Retailer, bringing new perks for full-time and permanent part-time employees.

Previously a third-party company operated the store, but in an effort to improve customer service, offer a broader selection of accessories, and increase the variety of devices, the university Store took over operations in December. ADDItIoNAl PhoNe oPtIoNS

The transformation from kiosk to store, among other things, means that all Android phones associated with the Sprint portfolio are now available, as well as the iPhone 4 and 4S. The only devices not included are Blackberry and nextel. loweR DAtA ChARgeS

employee data rates for 3g and 4g phones have also decreased. These

unlimited data plans were previously $9.63 per month but are now only $5.78. The new price will take effect in next month’s billing cycle.

“when everything else in the world is going up in price, we were able to negotiate and bring down the data rate to an unbelievable cost,” said Jarred Brandt, Sprint Services coordinator. MoNthlY FeeS

All devices except the iPhone will continue to incur the regular $15.95 per-line monthly fee, along with an additional charge of 3 cents per minute. The iPhone will cost slightly more at $38.80 a month per line, which includes unlimited data. The per-minute charge of 3 cents will also apply. All users, regardless of phone, receive the standard package of free Sprint mobile-to-mobile, unlimited text messages, and free nights (7 p.m. to 7 a.m.) and weekend minutes. DeMo PhoNeS

Another benefit is the implementation of additional demonstration phones, which allow customers to try out the features and capabilities of available devices. Previously the store only had one demo phone, but they will soon have four.

meetings will be held Thursday at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the hinckley gym to provide additional information and answer questions. employees may also contact a university Store representative at ext. 3469 or at the university Sprint Store.

HigHligHtssprint cell pHone plan

• Greater selection of Sprint phones

• iPhone 4 and 4S now available• $15.95/month per line (excluding the iPhone)

• $5.78/month for unlimited data (excluding the iPhone)

• $38.80/month for iPhone plan (including unlimited data)

• 3 cents per minute (all plans)

• Free nights and weekends

• Free Sprint mobile-to-mobile

• Free calls to 496 prefix

Page 7: News & Notes: January 2012

JANUARY 2012 l 7

As the first lecture of the semester for Alan holyoak’s foundations science class begins, he projects on the overhead screen a simple drawing he hopes will set the stage for his students’ next 14 weeks.

“This is the ‘continuum of truth’ introduced to me by geology instructor Daniel moore,” he says, motioning to a horizontal line stretching across the board, two small lines intersecting it at two points. “one end is bounded by observation, and on the other end by doctrine. The area between observation and doctrine represents truth, and beyond either mark is a zone of speculation. unfortunately for some people, their concept of truth fails to incorporate one end or the other, and all too often relies heavily on too much speculation and personal opinion.”

According to holyoak, some students come to Byu-Idaho with a ‘guarded distrust’ of the sciences. “I try to let them know that in this life our goal is

to search for truth wherever it can be found,” says holyoak. “The idea of the continuum is that whether you have truth through revelation, or we have scientific understanding that’s based on observation, all truth is going to fit together.”

Since the foundations program began, instructors have surveyed groups of students to gauge their opinions of the sciences. In the fall 2010 semester, 1,414 students were enrolled in all sections of Science foundations 101, and every student was surveyed before and after the course. “for every question we asked, with very rare exception, we saw statistically significant shifts in favor of science over the course of the semester.” says holyoak. “And this has been the case every term.”

holyoak attributes much of the course’s success to the wise counsel given by President Kim B. Clark at the launch of the foundations program. “President Clark stressed that our job was to do three things:

Alan Holyoak teaches about science and religion and how they work together as part of his Foundations science class.

teach all the science we could, affirm the faith, and avoid speculation,” says holyoak. “we have tried to follow that counsel.”

tRuth IS tRuth RegARDLeSS of ItS SouRCe

over more than 30 years of studying the sciences, instructor Brian tonks has developed several principles upon which he bases his scientific inquiry. “Some of the apparent conflicts between science and religion can be fairly severe,” says tonks. “And if you’re going to deal with science at all in your life, you need to have some kind of way to deal with these conflicts. otherwise, myths about science and religion are perpetuated to the next generation.”

Just like holyoak and other instructors, tonks takes time in class to establish understanding and eliminate biases that students may hold. “These principles have helped me maintain a clear view of truth,” says tonks. following is a summary of these principles.

• Inherent value in science. Like art or music, science is a creative activity and has value in and of itself.• Truth. truth is truth regardless of its source. Seeking truth should always be our end goal.• Leave out all bias. It is unfair to impose one’s own biases on another culture.• Science is always evolving. our models of understanding are constantly improving; the earth was once flat, now we know better.• God is the creator. how he did it is much less important than the fact that he did do it.• Faith. faith is the operative principle in both science and religion.

The 1910 statement issued by the first Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, perhaps says it best:

“our religion is not hostile to real science. That which is demonstrated, we accept with joy; but vain philosophy, human theory, and mere speculations of men, we do not accept nor do we adopt anything contrary to divine revelation or to good common sense. But everything that tends to right conduct, that harmonizes with sound morality, and increases faith in Deity, finds favor with us no matter where it may be found.”

where science and religion meet InStRuCtoRS weAve ReLIgIouS tRuthS Into SCIenCe CuRRICuLum

» Stephen Henderson: Graduate, Communication

Page 8: News & Notes: January 2012


News & NotesA monthly publication of University Communications

a d V i s o r / e d i t o r Andy Cargal

w r i t e r s Spencer Allen, Nikhil Chabra, Jessica McIntyre

pHotograpHers Michael Lewis, Doug McKay

If you have any ideas for future issues, please e-mail [email protected]

University Communications215 Kimball Building • Rexburg, ID • 83460-1661 • Phone: (208) 496-2000

FoR SAle

st. george Home. Spend your winter in St. George in the Temple View RV Park with other fun-loving seniors. A single-wide model home with a deck and covered carport is available for just $15,500. Call 201-5269 for details.

nordictrack elliptical machine. Model CS 998 elliptical trainer. Bought in 2006 for $650. Selling now for $125. Contact James at 201-6445

miche Bags. Large bag with one cover ($50 OBO); small bag with two covers ($40 OBO). Both are like-new, only used a few times. Please call or text Ashlee at 801-427-2716.

Price Pfister Towel Rod. Brand-new, never been opened. Bought for a remodel and didn’t need it. Color is Tuscan Bronze. $10. Call or text 351-1590.

Since July, Janna nelson has been drowning in invitations, bouquet orders, and guest lists prepping for her two oldest children’s weddings, which were separated by only seven weeks.

“These last six months have been more than overwhelming, but of course, in the end it was all worth it,” said nelson. “The greatest challenge, though, was to see my family dynamics change in a short period of time.”

even though nelson was flooded with taffeta and ribbon, hosting parties is where she shines. She was once told she just needs to host a party to be happy about life. “one of my favorite things about my job is that I get to plan luncheons and dinners for campus guests,” said nelson. “now as president of the university women’s Association, I organize a quarterly event for all female employees on campus.”

After planning two weddings, nelson is eagerly waiting for summer to roll around and huckleberry season to begin. The nelson family spends their August nights at moody Creek picking huckleberries.

“As soon as huckleberry season sets in there is a buzz humming through Rexburg. It is difficult to pick huckleberries though; you can labor for hours just to come away with a few handfuls,” said nelson. “I was told once that you know you have a good friend when they give you huckleberries.”

Along with picking huckleberries, nelson and her family enjoy trips outside of Idaho. “we have done cruises all around mexico, but my favorite trip was a 10-day vacation to Barceló maya beach,” nelson said. “when someone tells me to go to my happy place, I am laying on that beach.”

Clenching the fence, Dallyn Zundel’s knuckles turn white. focused on Pivot Point, the sleek gray quarter horse races through the red dirt. with 300 yards to go, Pivot Point stumbles and Zundel gasps, clenching the fence tighter. Recovering quickly, the horse picks up speed and slowly passes multiple opponents — but it isn’t enough. Zundel’s pride and joy takes third in the richest American quarter horse race in the country.

growing up in Ashton, Zundel raced horses for his father and grandfather during his teenage years. But racing Pivot Point was the highlight of his horse racing career. “he stumbled twice in that race and still got third; he could have gone all the way,” said Zundel. “Because of the stumbles he took, Pivot Point’s knees were ruined and he was never the same.”

Along with helping with his father and grandfather’s horses, Zundel’s first real job was working at Les Bois Park, a horse race track in Boise. There he helped train and prep horses for races, but he realized it wasn’t what he wanted.

“I love the sport, but I knew it wasn’t what I wanted to do the rest of my life,” said Zundel. “I soon found a new love, and that was painting. I love teaching the Intro to Drawing class at Byu-Idaho; I love being an artist.”

Zundel loves to paint landscapes and regularly takes trips through Provo Canyon to paint the mountains. “my family sometimes comes along and reads or fishes while I paint,” he stated. “one of my favorite paintings I have created is of mount timpanogos at night.”

Janna nelsoneducation & human Dev.Office Assistant

Start Date: August 2007

Hometown: Rexburg, Idaho

dallyn Zundelonline InstructionRemote Adjunct Faculty

Start Date: January 2010

Hometown: Orem, Utah

employee Profiles