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HIV RESEARCHERS SOLVE KEY PUZZLE AFTER 20 YEARS OF TRYINGesearchers have made a breakthrough in HIV research that had eluded scientists for over 20 years, potentially leading to better treatments for HIV, in a study published today in the Rjournal Nature. The researchers, Dr Peter Cherepanov, the lead author of the study from the

Department of Medicine at Imperial College London and his collaborators at Harvard University, have grown a crystal that reveals the structure of an enzyme called integrase, which is found in retroviruses like HIV. When HIV infects someone, it uses integrase to paste a copy of its genetic

information into their DNA. Prior to the new study, which was funded by the Medical Research Council and the US National Institutes of Health, many researchers had tried and failed to work out the three-dimensional structure of integrase bound to viral DNA. New antiretroviral drugs for HIV work by blocking integrase, but scientists did not understand exactly how these drugs were working or how to improve them. Researchers can only determine the structure of this kind of molecular machinery by obtaining high quality crystals. For the new study, researchers grew a crystal using a version of integrase borrowed from a little-known retrovirus called Prototype Foamy

Virus (PFV). Based on their knowledge of PFV integrase and its function, they were confident that it was very similar to its HIV counterpart. Over the course of four years, the researchers carried out over 40,000 trials, out of which they were able to grow just seven kinds of crystals. Only one of these was of sufficient quality to allow determination of the three-dimensional structure. After growing the crystals in the lab, the researchers used the giant synchrotron machine at the Diamond Light Source in South Oxfordshire to collect X-ray diffraction data from these crystals, which enabled them to determine the long-sought structure. The researchers then soaked the crystals in solutions of the integrase inhibiting drugs Raltegravir (also known as Isentress) and Elvitegravir and observed for the first time how these antiretroviral drugs bind to and inactivate integrase. The new study shows that retroviral integrase has quite a different structure to that which had been predicted based on earlier research. Availability of the integrase structure means that researchers can begin to fully understand how existing drugs that inhibit integrase are working, how they might be improved, and how to stop HIV developing resistance to them.

limate change is transforming the Arctic environment faster than expected and accelerating the disappearance of sea ice, scientists said on Friday in giving their early findings from the Cbiggest-ever study of Canada's changing north. The research project involved more than

370 scientists from 27 countries who collectively spent 15 months, starting in June 2007, aboard a research vessel above the Arctic Circle. It marked the first time a ship has stayed mobile in Canada's high Arctic for an entire winter.Climate change is happening much faster than our most pessimistic models expected, said David Barber, a professor at the University of Manitoba and the study's lead investigator, at a news conference in Winnipeg.

Models predicted only a few years ago that the Arctic would be ice-free in summer by the year 2100, but the increasing pace of climate change now suggests it could happen between 2013 and 2030, Barber said.

Scientists link higher Arctic temperatures and melting sea ice to the greenhouse gas emissions blamed for global warming. The Arctic is considered a type of early-warning system of climate change for the rest of the world.

Arctic Climate Changing Fast


HIV Researchers - P. 1

Arctic Climate Changing Fast - P. 1

Editor's Message - P. 1

Do You Know What is Allergy ? - P. 2

Stem Cell Research - P. 2

Genetically Modified Organism - P. 3

Managed Wolf Population - P. 3

Bio Fun Facts - P. 3

Frankefood Fears - P. 4

Researchers Fight World Hunger - P. 4

Population & Family Planning - P. 4-5

Biotechnology & Mech. Engg. - P. 6

Golden age of GM Crops - P. 6

Major Biotech Headlines - P. 7

Department of Biotechnology - P. 8

Indo-Netherlands research Project - P. 8

Editor’s DeskDear Readers,

We are very pleased to take a maiden step ahead in presenting the first edition of our newsletter, for our readers with the vision to create a new forum for exchange of information on all aspects. I thank all the members of EIILMU, with whose joint as well as creative contributions; it was possible to launch the Newsletter into its existing state.

EU-SPECTRUM is driven by the need to apprise our readers about the educational events, functions or extracurricular activities or rigorous assessment of our students held consistently at the campus in the process of building personality traits as well as unfolding the secrets of subconscious mind with an earnest need to create Entrepreneurs with a vision to sense opportunities and take risks in the face of uncertainty to open new markets, design products and develop innovative processes.

We would appreciate new and creative ideas of our faculties, students as well as our stake holders so as to make EU-SPECTRUM as one of the most successful forum for exchange of information. Dr. Prolay Das,

HOD Dept. Biotechnology & Environmental Science


EIILM University NewsletterSpecial Biotech Issue

First ISO 9001: 14001 Certified University In India. Email: [email protected]

e are pleased to inform everyone that our Final Year M.Sc. Biotechnology and M.Sc. Environmental Science students have been successfully placed for their summer training Wand dissertation in various reputed Institutes and organization. Best wishes to all the

students for a successful start up and a bright career. We also congratulate Ms. Ongmu Tamang and Ms. Nishika Jaishee for their coordinated effort to achieve this goal.

Student Name Course of Study Institute / Industry for summer training Rani kumari Sinha M.Sc. Biotechnology Cipla Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.,KumrekTenzing W. Bhutia do Cipla Pharmaceuticals Pvt.Ltd.,KumrekPratima Pradhan do ICAR, Gangtok,Dept. of Biotechnology, IndiaPurnamaya Karki do ICAR, Gangtok,Dept. of Biotechnology, IndiaDilip Pandit do ICAR, Gangtok,Dept. of Biotechnology, IndiaChandan Rawat do ICAR, Gangtok,Dept. of Biotechnology, IndiaLalit Mohato do Indichem Pharmaceuticals pvt. Ltd, KumrekSumiran Poudyal do Citrus dieback Research station, Kalimpong.Bishal Sharma do Zydus Cadilla Pharmaceuticals Ltd, RangpoNarmada Sharma M.Sc. Envi. & Ecology Yuksom Breweries Pvt Ltd,YuksomDhanMaya Rai do Yuksom Breweries Pvt Ltd Yuksom

We take this is opportunity to thank Mr. Mahadev Chettri, GM, Citrus Dieback Research, Mr. Ajit singh, Head HR, Zydus Cadilla, Mr. Deepak Gupta, Chief Chemist, YUKSOM Breweries, Dr. H. Rahman, ICAR, Joint Director, Mr. Ramesh Kumar, GM, CIPLA for extending this golden opportunity to our students to gain valuable inputs from your esteemed organization.

s holder of Nuffic Grant in the Netherlands IFellowship Programme for

her Ph.D studies on “temporal dynamics of herbivore induced responses in Indian mustard. Her studies will throw light on alternate strategies to control insect pests in an environmental friendly manner. Her research supervisors are Dr. A. Sankara Reddy, Vice Chancellor, EIILM University, Sikkim from India and Prof. Nicole Van Dam (Radbound University, Nimjegen and Prof. Lousie Vet (Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) / Wageningen University, Netherlands.

Vartika Mathur, has successfully acquired a European Mobility grant of the International Doctoral College of the European University of Brittany (IDC-EUB) to perform part of her PhD-research at the university of Rennes, France from April-August 2010.

Department of Biotechnology and Environmental Science

Admission & Administrative Campus: Jorethang, District Namchi, Sikkim-737121 (India), Tel.: 03595 - 276947 - 48,

Main Campus: 8th Mile, Budang, Malabassey, West Sikkim-737121 (India)


Indo-Netherlands research project at EIILM University


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Ms. Vartika Mathur,Asst. Professor, Dept. of Zoology, S.V. College (Delhi University),

Volume - I, Feb 2010 Issue

U G C R e co gn i s e d & D E C Ap p rove d

Page 2: News Letter

y far the most common genetically represents progress.The root of genetic modified (GM) organisms are crop engineering in crops lies in the 1977 discovery Bplants. But the technology has now that soil bug Agrobacterium tumefaciens can

been applied to almost all forms of life, be used as a tool to inject potentially useful from pets that glow under UV light to foreign genes into plants. With the help of that bacteria which form HIV-blocking "living microbe, and other gene-implantation condoms" and from pigs bearing spinach technologies such as electroporation, and gene genes to goats that produce spider silk. guns, geneticists have developed a multitude of

new crop types.Most of these are modified to GM tomatoes, as puree, first appeared on be pest, disease or herbicide resistant, and British supermarket shelves in 1996 (a include: soya, wheat, corn (maize), oilseed rape different fresh GM tomato first appeared (canola), cotton, sugar beet, walnuts, potatoes, in the US in 1994), but the consumer peanuts, squashes, tomatoes, tobacco, peas, furor that surrounded GM technology did sweet peppers, lettuce and onions, among not erupt until February 1999. This was others. The bacterial gene Bt is one of the most because a controversial study suggested that commonly inserted. It produces an insecticidal a few strains of GM potatoes might be toxin that is harmless to people.toxic to laboratory rats. Those experiments,

subsequently criticized by other experts, Supporters of GM technology argue that were carried out in Scotland by biochemist engineered crops - such as vitamin A-boosted Arpad Pustzai. What followed was a golden rice or protein-enhanced potatoes - can European anti-GM food campaign of near improve nutrition, that drought- or salt-religious fervor. GM crops are today very resistant varieties can flourish in poor rare in Europe, strict labeling laws and conditions and stave off world hunger, and regulations are in place for food. Some that insect-repelling crops protect the African nations have also opposed enviengineered crops, even to the point of ronrejecting international food aid containing menthem. GM produce has been taken up with t by far less fuss in the US (where it does not minihave to be labelled), India, China, Canada, miziArgentina, Australia and elsewhere. ng However controversy over a type of GM pesticorn - only approved for animal feed - cide which turned up in taco shells and other use.products stirred opinion in the US. OthThe human race has methodically er plants have been engineered to improve improved crop plants through selective flavor, increase shelf life, increase hardiness and breeding for many thousands of years, but to be allergen-free (see also: hay fever-free genetic engineering allows that time- grass). Geneticists have even created a no-tears consuming process to be accelerated and onion to banish culinary crying, and novel exotic traits from unrelated species to be caffeine-free coffee plants.introduced. But not everyone agrees this is

n allergic reaction is the body's way of involve the whole body.responding to an "invader." When the body Minor injuries ,hot or cold temperatures ,exercise ,or even Asenses a foreign substance ,called an antigen ,the emotions may be triggers of allergic reactions.

immune system is triggered. The immune system Often ,the specific allergen cannot be identified unless normally protects the body from harmful agents such as you have had a similar reaction in the past.bacteria and toxins. Its overreaction to a harmless Allergies and the tendency to have allergic reactions run substance (an allergen) is called a hypersensitivity in some families. You may have allergies even if they do reaction o, r an allergic reaction. not run in your family.Anything which starts allergic reaction can be called an People with certain medical conditions are more likely allergen. Common dust ,pollen ,plants ,medications ,certain to have allergic reactions:foods ,insect venoms ,animal dander ,viruses ,or bacteria are

examples of allergens. Prevention from allergic reactionReactions may occur in one spot s, uch as a small skin rash Most people learn to recognize their allergy triggers; or itchy eyes o, r all over a, s in a whole body rash. they also learn to avoid them. A reaction may include one or several symptoms. Skin testing is the most widely used and the most

helpful. There are several different methods , but all In rare cases ,an allergic reaction can be life-threatening involve exposing the skin to small amounts of various (known as anaphylaxis). Each year in the United States ,substances and observing the reactions over time.over 400 people die from anaphylactic reactions to

penicillin , and nearly 100 Americans die from Blood tests (RAST) generally identify IgE antibodies to anaphylactic reactions to insects , according to the specific antigens.Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA).

Other tests involve eliminating certain allergens from Most allergic reactions are much less serious ,such as a your environment and then reintroducing them to see if rash from poison ivy or sneezing from hay fever. The a reaction occurs. type of reaction depends on the person but is sometimes

People with a history of serious or anaphylactic unpredictable.

reactions may be prescribed an autoinjector ,sometimes Allergies are very common. The AAFA states allergies called a bee-sting kit. This contains a premeasured dose account for more than 17 million visits to the doctor each of epinephrine (EpiPen is one brand name). You carry year in USA. More than half this with you and inject of all allergy visits are for yourself with medication seasonal allergies. More than immediately if you are 7 million people visit their exposed to a substance that doctor for skin allergies causes you to have a severe annually , and food allergies allergic reaction. account for 30,000 visits to

Allergic Reaction Treatmentthe emergency room

Avoid triggers! If you know Causes of Allergic Reaction

you have an allergic reaction to Almost anything can trigger peanuts ,for example ,do not eat an allergic reaction. them and go out of your way

to avoid foods prepared with The body's immune system or around peanuts .involves the white blood cells ,

w h i c h p r o d u c e Self-care at home is not antibodies.When the body is exposed to an antigen ,a enough in severe reactions. A severe reaction is a medical complex set of reactions begins. emergency.The white blood cells produce an antibody specific to Do not attempt to treat or "wait out" severe reactions at that antigen. This is called "sensitization.” home. Go immediately to a hospital emergency

department.The job of the antibodies is to detect and help destroy substances that cause disease and sickness. In allergic If no one is available to drive you right away ,call an reactions ,the antibody is called immunoglobulin E or ambulance for emergency medical transport.IgE.

Use your epinephrine auto-injector if you have been This antibody promotes production and release of prescribed one by your doctor due to previous allergic chemicals and hormones called "mediators." reactions (see "prevention" below). Mediators have effects on local tissue and organs in Slight reactions with mild symptoms usually respond to addition to activating more white blood cell defenders. nonprescri ption allergy medications. It is these effects that cause the symptoms of the

An oral antihistamine , such as di phenhydramine reaction.

(Benadryl). Caution: These may make you too drowsy If the release of the mediators is sudden or extensive ,the to drive or operate machinery safely. They can affect allergic reaction may also be sudden and severe ,and concentration and interfere with children's learning in anaphylaxis may occur. school. These medications should be taken for only a few

days.Your allergic reactions are unique to you. For example ,your body may have learned to be allergic to shellfish or For rashes ,an antiinflammatory steroid cream such as other foods from repeated exposure. Most people are hydrocortisone can be used. aware of their particular allergy triggers and reactions.

For small ,localized skin reactions ,try cold ,wet cloths or Certain foods , vaccines and medications , latex rubber , ice. Try applying a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in aspirin ,shellfish ,dust ,pollen ,mold ,animal dander ,and poison a towel as an ice pack.ivy are well-known allergens.

Bee stings f, ire ant stings p, enicillin a, nd peanuts are known for causing dramatic reactions that can be serious and

Genetically Modified Organism: Acceptance And Controversy

esearchers writing in the February issue of BioScience propose reintroducing Rsmall, managed populations of wolves

into national parks and other areas in order to restore damaged ecosystems. The populations would not be self-sustaining, and may consist of a single pack. But the BioScience authors suggest that even managed populations could bring ecological, educational, recreational, scientific, and economic benefits.

Managed wolf populations could restore ecosystems

The authors, Daniel S. Licht, of the National Park Service, and four coauthors, note that research in recent years has shown the importance of wolves to ecosystems in which they naturally occur. For example, the presence of wolves usually leads to fewer ungulates, which in turn generally means more plant biomass and biodiversity. Wolves can also increase tourism.

Licht and his coauthors believe that wolves introduced for the purpose of ecosystem stewardship, rather than for the creation of self-sustaining wolf populations, could enhance public understanding and appreciation of the animals. Advances in real-time animal tracking made possible through global positioning system technology, as well as the use of contraception and surgery, could help in controlling the growth of introduced populations. This approach might mitigate concerns about depredation of livestock and game, attacks on pets, and human safety, Licht and colleagues maintain. Fences could also play a role.

Wolves were introduced to Coronation Island, Alaska, for ecosystem restoration in 1960, and they successfully controlled deer there before the wolf population grew and subsequently crashed. Licht and his coauthors suggest that with more intensive management this unfavorable outcome could have been avoided, and that desirable results could be expected at many sites in North America and elsewhere, provided there are sufficient prey.


n march 9,2009 wrote in his order. He U S p r e s i d e n t conceded that for the past OB a r a k o b a m a eight year the authority of the

signed an epoch making d e p a r t m e n t o f executive order “removing Health(NIH),to fund and barriers to responsible conduct human embryonic scientific research involving stem cells research has been human stem cells”.It is l imited by presidential indeed a shot in the arm of a c t i o n s . O n a u g u s t the beleaguered stem cells 9,2001,Bush decided that researchers. Steam cells federal funds may b awarded are,”blank slate” cells which for research using human can devide and renew over embryonic stem cells if “The long periods.they ccan derivation process (which develop into specialized cell,tissue or organ and can effectively serve as a sort of repair system for the body.medical specialist believe that stem cells have unlimited potential which can be used to return memory to Alzheimer's,the p a t i e n t s t o e n a b l e wheelchair bound patient to walk or to replace begins with the destruction of damaged skin of patients. the embryo) was initiated The possibility of miracle prior to 9.00 P.M.EDT on cures lies tweaking the cells to august 9,2001;the stem cells develop into new insuline- must have been derived from producing cells to treat or an embryo that was created e v e n c u r e d i a b e t i c s , for reproductive purposes and cardiomyocytes to replace was no longer needed.”damaged heart tissue or Stem Cells Are Blank State cartilage cells to treat Cells Which Can Devide And arthrities, new nerve cell Renew Over Long Period connections to treat diseases Scientists have to wait till new s u c h a s A l z h e i m e r ' s , guidelines governing what P a r k i n s o n ' s a n d research can qualify for federal A m y o t r o p h i c l a t e r a l support are issued by the sclerosis(ALS), a progressive National Institutes of Health.degenerative diseases that

There is another roadblock in attacks the motor neutrons in the form of Dickey-Wicker the spinal cord;it leads to amendant which prohibits debilitating paralysis space of the use of federal funds to l imbs and respiration. support scientific work that Appropriately morphed stem involves the creation of cells may replace nerve cells embryos.damaged due to spinal injury. Scientist who want to create “Advances over the past embryos-and extracts stem decade in this promising cells – matched to patients scientific field have been with specific diseases,can not encouraging, leading to get federal funding till broad aggrement in the Congress withdraws the scientific community the amendment.research should be supported

by Federal funds”,Obama Raj Rani (, SEM-II), EIILM University

Rizwan ahmed khan(Lecturer, Department of Biotechnology & Environmental Science), EIILM University

Deepankar Moktan, (Btech Biotech sem-IV), EIILM University

Ms. Nishika Jaishee, Lecturer, EIILM Univeristy

Bio Fun Facts: Do You Know?1.Dolphins cannot stay long underwater because they

breathe through their blowholes above water. 2.The biggest egg in the world is the ostrich egg. It could

take as many as 30 chicken eggs to equal its volume, and up to 2 hours to hard boil. An ostrich egg is also the largest existing single cell.

3.A kind of jellyfish (Turritopsis nutricula) upon reaching adulthood can transform itself back to childhood by converting its cells. It may repeat this to live forever.

4.The little Alaskan Wood Frog is capable of reviving itself back to normal life after staying completely frozen for months, during which its heart, brain and other organs stop functioning.

5.Some species of earthworm can have as many as 10 hearts.

6.To avoid predators, a mother Slow Loris licks its offspring with poison before sending them off to search for food.

7.There are more species of fish in Amazon river than in the entire Atlantic Ocean (Over 2,000).

8.When the queen of a clownfish school dies, a male clownfish changes its gender to become female and takes her place.

9.The acceleration rate of a flea's jump is 20 times that of a space shuttle during launch.

10. While we're awake, our brain generates enough power to illuminate a light bulb of 25 watts.32

Page 3: News Letter

optimistically believed that the population slight lowering of the 1981-91 population growth Studies have found that most couples in fact regard would continue to grow at roughly the same rate. rate to moderate successes of the family planning family planning positively. However, the common

program. In FY 1986, the number of reproductive- fertility pattern in India diverges from the two-child Implicitly, the government believed that India age couples was 132.6 million, of whom only 37.5 family that policy makers hold as ideal. Women could repeat the experience of the developed percent were estimated to be protected effectively by continue to marry young; in the mid-1990s, they nations where industrialization and a rise in the some form of contraception. A goal of the seventh average just over eighteen years of age at marriage. standard of living had been accompanied by a plan was to achieve an effective couple protection rate When women choose to be sterilized, financial drop in the population growth rate. In the 1950s, of 42 percent, requiring an annual increase of 2 inducements, although helpful, are not the principal existing hospitals and health care facilities made percent in effective use of contraceptives. incentives. On average, those accepting sterilization birth control information available, but there

already have four living children, of whom two are was no aggressive effort to encourage the use of The heavy centralization of India's family planning sons.contraceptives and limitation of family size. By programs often prevents due consideration from

the late 1960s, many policy makers believed that being given to regional differences. Centralization is The strong preference for sons is a deeply held the high rate of population growth was the encouraged to a large extent by reliance on central cultural ideal based on economic roots. Sons not only greatest obstacle to economic development. The government funding. As a result, many of the goals assist with farm labor as they are growing up (as do government began a massive program to lower and assumptions of national population control daughters) but they provide labor in times of illness the birth rate from forty-one per 1,000 to a target programs do not correspond exactly with local and unemployment and serve as their parents' only of twenty to twenty-five per 1,000 by the mid- attitudes toward birth control. At the Jamkhed security in old age. Surveys done by the New Delhi 1970s. The National Population Policy adopted Project in Maharashtra, which has been in operation Operations Research Group in 1991 indicated that as in 1976 reflected the growing consensus among since the late 1970s and covers approximately 175 many as 72 percent of rural parents continue to have policy makers that family planning would enjoy villages, the local project directors noted that it children until at least two sons are born; the only limited success unless it was part of an required three to four years of education through preference for more than one son among urban integrated program aimed at improving the direct contact with a couple for the idea of family parents was tabulated at 53 percent. Once these goals general welfare of the population. The policy planning to gain acceptance. Such a timetable was have been achieved, birth control may be used or, makers assumed that excessive family size was not compatible with targets. However, much was especially in agricultural areas, it may not if part and parcel of poverty and had to be dealt learned about policy and practice from the Jamkhed additional child labor, later adult labor for the family, with as integral to a general development Project. The successful use of women's clubs as a is deemed desirable.strategy. Education about the population means of involving women in community-wide A significant result of this eagerness for sons is that problem became part of school curriculum under family planning activities impressed the state the Indian population has a deficiency of females. the Fifth Five-Year Plan (FY 1974-78). Cases of government to the degree that it set about organizing Slightly higher female infant mortality rates (seventy-government-enforced sterilization made many such clubs in every village in the state. The project nine per 1,000 versus seventy-eight per 1,000 for question the propriety of state-sponsored birth also serves as a pilot to test ideas that the government males) can be attributed to poor health care, control measures, however. wants to incorporate into its programs. Government abortions of female fetuses, and female infanticide.

medical staff members have been sent to Jamkhed for During the 1980s, an increased number of family Human rights activists have estimated that there are training, and the government has proposed that the planning programs were implemented through at least 10,000 cases of female infanticide annually project assume the task of selecting and training the state governments with financial assistance throughout India. The cost of theoretically illegal government health workers for an area of 2.5 million from the central government. In rural areas, the dowries and the loss of daughters to their in-laws' people.programs were further extended through a families are further disincentives for some parents to

network of primary health centers and Another important family planning program is the have daughters. Sons, of course continue to carry on subcenters. By 1991, India had more than Project for Community Action in Family Planning. the family line (see Family Ideals, ch. 5). The 1991 150,000 public health facilities through which Located in Karnataka, the project operates in 154 census revealed that the national sex ratio had family planning programs were offered (see project villages and 255 control villages. All project declined from 934 females to 1,000 males in 1981 to Health Care, this ch.). Four special family villages are of sufficient size to have a health 927 to 1,000 in 1991. In only one state--Kerala, a planning projects were implemented under the subcenter, although this advantage is offset by the fact state with low fertility and mortality rates and the Seventh Five-Year Plan (FY 1985-89). One was that those villages are the most distant from the area's nation's highest literacy--did females exceed males. the All-India Hospitals Post-partum Programme primary health centers. As at Jamkhed, the project is The census found, however, that female life at district- and subdistrict-level hospitals. much assisted by local voluntary groups, such as the expectancy at birth had for the first time exceeded Another program involved the reorganization of women's clubs. The local voluntary groups either that for males.primary health care facilities in urban slum areas, provide or secure sites suitable as distribution depots India's high infant mortality and elevated mortality while another project reserved a specified for condoms and birth control pills and also make in early childhood remain significant stumbling number of hospital beds for tubal ligature arrangements for the operation of sterilization blocks to population control (see Health Conditions, operations. The final program called for the camps. Data provided by the Project for Community this ch.). India's fertility rate is decreasing, however, renovation or remodelling of intrauterine device Action in Family Planning show that important and, at 3.4 in 1994, it is lower than those of its (IUD) rooms in rural family welfare centers achievements have been realized in the field of immediate neighbors (Bangladesh had a rate of 4.5 attached to primary health care facilities. population control. By the mid-1980s, for example, and Pakistan had 6.7). The rate is projected to

43 percent of couples were using family planning, a Despite these developments in promoting family decrease to 3.0 by 2000, 2.6 by 2010, and 2.3 by full 14 percent above the state average. The project planning, the 1991 census results showed that 2020.has significantly improved the status of women, India continued to have one of the most rapidly During the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, the growth rate involving them and empowering them to bring about growing populations in the world. Between 1981 had formed a sort of plateau. Some states, such as change in their communities. This contribution is and 1991, the annual rate of population growth Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and, to a lesser extent, Punjab, important because of the way in which the deeply was estimated at about 2 percent. The crude birth Maharashtra, and Karnataka, had made progress in entrenched inferior status of women in many rate in 1992 was thirty per 1,000, only a small lowering their growth rates, but most did not. Under communities in India negates official efforts to change over the 1981 level of thirty-four per such conditions, India's population may not stabilize decrease the fertility rate.1,000. However, some demographers credit this until 2060.

ritics fear that what they call widely contaminated. Another study "Frankenstein foods" could proved that pollen from GM plants Chave unforeseen, adverse can be carried on the wind for tens of

health effects on consumers, kilometres.producing toxic proteins (and Many experts agree that insect-allergens) or transferring antibiotic- repelling plants will also speed the resistance and other genes to human evolution of insecticide-resistant pests. gut bacteria to damaging effect. But Normal crops are often grown there has been little evidence to back alongside transgenic ones as refuges for up such risks so far. the pests, in an attempt to prevent More plausible threats are that their accelerated evolution into modified crops could become "superpests".insidious superweeds, or that they Environmentalists also argue that could accidentally breed with wild growing GM crops affects farmland plants or other crops - genetically polluting the environment. This could be a potentially serious problem if "pharm" crops, engineered to produce pharmaceutical drugs, accidentally cross breed with food varieties (or seeds become mixed up).

Large numbers of field trials, carried out by the UK government and others, reveal that biodiversity. Field trials to test for this gene transfer does occur. One 2002 have produced mixed results - some study showed that transgenes had suggesting that GM crops actually spread from US to traditional maize boost biodiversity.varieties in Mexico. A 2004 study revealed that conventional varieties of major US food crops have also been


Population and Family Planning Policy: India

Department of Energy, production and increase University of Missouri- foodstuffs around the world." Columbia scientists, in In addition to mapping the c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h s oybean g enome , MU r e s e a r c h e r s a t o t h e r scientists have created a institutions, mapped the d a t a b a s e o f s o y b e a n soybean genome to make transcription factors, which crop improvements and regulate the expression of provide a key reference for genes and can turn genes on or more than 20,000 different o f f . T h e d a t a b a s e , species of plants. Nguyen SoybeanDB, can be accessed a l r e a d y h a s b e g u n through a web server and collaborating with animal contains information such as science and nutrition experts protein sequences, protein to modify soybeans added to family classifications and web animal feeds that could l inks to other protein increase the health value of databases. meat. Specifically, he is The genome research has been looking at ways to impart published in the January issue certain antioxidants that are of Nature magazine, and known to decrease the Nguyen's research on soybean frequency of cancer, and drought-tolerance has been proteins from soybeans into published in Plant, Cell and the meat. Nguyen also is E n v i r o n m e n t . Fa c u l t y studying the root system of members from the MU soybeans and how they College of Agriculture Food respond to drought. He's and Natural Resources, pinpointing which proteins College of Engineering and or genes contribute to the Christopher S. Bond Life drought tolerance. Sciences Center contributed “Perhaps the most exciting to the study. Nguyen was thing that we have found for recently elected as a Fellow of the soybean community is the American Association for the gene that confirms the Advancement of Science resistance to the devastating (AAAS) for his research Asian Soybean Rust disease," contr ibut ions in plant Nguyen said. "In countries genetics and genomics and where this rust is well the national and international established, soybean losses recognition of his research can range from 10 to 80 and leadership in plant abiotic percent. Improved soybean stress, most notably in strains resistant to the disease drought tolerance. w i l l g r e a t l y b e n e f i t


Nithil Raika Thapa( Biotech Sem-IV), EIILM University

n 2009, soybeans represented an almost development, productive characteristics, $30 billion industry in the U.S. alone, disease resistance, seed quality and Imaking soybeans the second-most nutrition, which could lead to extensive crop

profitable crop next to corn. Worldwide, improvements. Funded by the U.S. soybeans have been used in human foods and livestock feed for centuries and have been a key component in industrial products, such as plastics and soy biodiesel, an environmentally friendly fuel. A team of researchers, including University of Missouri researchers, recently completed a study identifying 1.1 million base pairs of DNA in the soybean genome, including more than 90 distinct traits that affect plant

Researchers fight world hungerby mapping the soybean genome

opulation growth has earliest national, government-long been a concern sponsored family planning Pof the government, efforts in the developing

and India has a lengthy world. The annual population history of explicit population growth rate in the previous policy. In the 1950s, the decade (1941 to 1951) had government began, in a been below 1.3 percent, and modest way, one of the g o v e r n m e n t p l a n n e r s

Rizwan ahmed khan(Lecturer, Department of Biotechnology & Environmental Science), EIILM University


Page 4: News Letter

odern biotechnology has b e c o m e a n Mi n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y

technology that not only integrates food technology, pharmacy and medical engineering, but other disciplines. Biotechnology has entered classical fields of industry such as c h e m i s t r y a n d m e c h a n i c a l engineering. The question is how can mechanical engineering benefit biotechnology and vice versa.

examples of many other fields in which biotechnology is applied, for example, environmental protection and food production. However, biotechnology and mechanical engineering goes hand in hand– and the whole field still has huge, undiscovered potential.

Biotechnological evolution in mechanical

At first sight, mechanical engineering engineeringand biotechnology seem to be worlds

In the course of evolution, a highly apart. However, this is not the case at diverse and flexible world of all. Classical biotechnology can trace microorganisms developed from the its roots back to the field of first primordial cells. Many organisms engineering sciences. Biotechnology live under extreme environmental creates new products and methods conditions and are equipped to tackle that are made possible with new any kind of problem. It is worthwhile mechanical or systems engineering further exploiting the enormous methods. The variety of potential these natural helpers have biotechnological processes has led to a for industrial societies. Biotechnology similarly high number of different has been known for thousands of systems and plants that would not years; the fermentation processes have been possible without classical originally used in the production of mechanical have since been further developed to produce highly effective No biotechnology recombinant pharmaceuticals. But it will be interesting to see how it is without mechanical possible for biotechnology to be used

engineering to remove rust from metal!!!!!!!!!

The complete process chain of Potential of biotechnology can be mapped out using mechanical engineering: Highly biotechnologyparallel robotic systems are used for

Biotechnological processes involve the identification of new drugs and the composition, modification and for the screening of microorganisms. decomposition of material using Cell cultivation involves different living organised systems. Mechanical reactor types and a complex engineering also deals with these infrastructure of tubing, pumps, topics. For example, bionics is a valves, sensors and process control bridge between natural construction elements. The products thus generated principles and mechanical are further processed using different engineering. Examples of bionic separation and purification methods. development are the production of And finally, the resultant pure light but stable working parts and substances are bottled and packaged better hydro- and aerodynamics. using automated systems. There are Mechanical engineering also concerns

Biotechnology and mechanical engineering: two different worlds ?

the modification and protection of nanomachines? Biotechnology is surfaces. Microorganisms grow on already used in mechanical surfaces and modify the structure engineering. Biolubricants, of such surfaces. What are the produced from renewable advantages and disadvantages of resources, can not only be this nanoscale interaction and how degraded biologically, but also can new materials be generated? Is have better qualities than it possible to convert cellular traditional lubricants. More than production processes into 450 different biolubricants and mechanical engineering processes? hydraulic oils are already on the Can biological systems be used as market.examples for micro- and


Arun Kappen, LecturerMechanical Engg. Deptt., EIILM University

HE war over genetically modified foods is entering a new phase. At last, the GM industry has produced a product designed to have real benefits for consumers. Its oil from T

soybean modified to produce omega-3 fatty acids essential for health and proven to reduce the risk of heart disease. It can be added unobtrusively to ordinary food products, potentially bringing health benefits to millions

The oil contains a dietary precursor of EPA, an omega-3 fatty acid that is vital for heart health. The new crop could also relieve some pressure on the world's fish stocks. Demand for omega-3 fatty acids is rising, and at present, the principal way to obtain them is from fish.

Created by Monsanto, the soybean is a far cry from just about everything that the industry has thrown at us so far: modified crops benefiting no one but seed companies and farmers

GM crops have been grown on a large scale for more than a decade, and by and large, the predicted environmental catastrophes haven't materialised, nor has anyone suffered health problems through eating GM food.

First-generation GM crops may even have brought unexpected benefits. A recent report from UK consultancy PG Economics charting the global impact of GM crops from 1996 to 2007 found that over that period, pesticide spraying dropped by 8.8 per cent. And because fields don't have to be tilled before planting GM crops, energy savings in 2007 alone amounted to the equivalent of removing 6.3 million cars from the road. These findings are disputed by environmental groups and need to be independently confirmed, but if they hold up it will be time for the technology's critics to reconsider.

Golden age of GM crops:Fatty acids good for heart found in fishes to be produced in soyabeans

Tapas Ghosh,(, SEM-IV), EIILM University

of Wild Fauna and Flora, but Tanzania vaccines. The immune system is made to 1. Biodiversity Law Could and Zambia have asked the convention for see something as foreign and can then

Stymie Research a special sale of 101 tons of ivory seized destroy it itself. This has the chance to be from poachers. Nature, Feb 2010 issue curative.”Tighter rules on accessing and developing

genetic resources may be counterproductive The hypothesis behind cancer vaccines is 4. Separate policy for for conservation.Scientists who study the not necessarily to prevent the disease. world's biodiversity are facing a dilemma: Instead, once a patient has been food processing proposals to regulate access to the riches of diagnosed, the vaccine programs the industry in Karnatakaecological hotspots may hamper the research immune system to search for cancer cells

Karnataka will become the first state in needed to monitor these areas. and destroy them. The vaccine then India to have a separate policy for the food triggers the immune system to recognize The warning comes as signatories to the processing industries, according to state leukemia cells if they return, which Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Minister for Large and Medium Scale prevents a relapse of the disease. The begin negotiating ways to strengthen the Industries Murugesh Nirani. vaccine is created by removing cells from treaty's legal framework and goals, which

the patient's blood and manipulating them 'We had success in IT (information include conserving biodiversity and in the laboratory. The cells are given two technology) and BT (biotechnology). promoting the sustainable use of natural genes that act as flags to help identify the Now, we are focusing on FT or food resources. Nature, Feb 2010 issueleukemia. It effectively focuses and boosts technology,' Nirani told the media here the immune system's ability to seek out 2. New Korean Science Friday after a meeting with Union and destroy cancer cells. The research is to Minister for Food Processing Industries City Caught in Political be published in an upcoming issue of Subodh Kant Sahay. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy. The Crossfireresearch was carried out at King's College 5. Leukemia Vaccine Plans for a new $34 billion Korean science London's Experimental Cancer Medicine city inched forward last week when the Under Development in Centre (ECMC), which is one of 17 new South Korean administration unveiled the UK centers across the United Kingdom enabling legislation that will eventually go launched to develop basic science into British scientists have developed a vaccine to the National Assembly. But opposition treatments for patients as quickly as treatment for leukemia that can be used to political parties may thwart the city, possible.stop the disease returning after proposed for a spot 120 kilometers south of

chemotherapy or bone marrow transplant. Seoul named Sejong after a former Korean The vaccine is due to be assessed on king, in protest of the administration patients for the first time. Eventually, it is backing away from also making the location hoped the drug, which activates the body's home to 13 ministries and government own immune system against the leukemia, agencies. If the revised plans are blocked, could be used to treat other types of the scientific projects might also be given cancers. The study led by Prof. Ghulam up. Nature, Feb 2010 issueMufti, Prof. Farzin Farzaneh, and Dr.

3. Big Battle Brewing Nicola Hardwick has involved comprehensive work to develop a synthetic Over Elephants at virus, which carries the two genes into the

Upcoming CITES Meeting immune system. Farzin Farzaneh, professor of molecular medicine, in the Wildlife advocates and scientists are department of hematooncology at the concerned that a proposed sale of elephant College, reported that if the trials are tusks may spur even more poaching of the successful then the vaccine could be animals in Africa. International trade in “rolled out” to treat other leukemias and ivory is banned by the Convention on cancers. “It is the same concept as normal International Trade in Endangered Species

Major Biotech Headlines

Ongmu Tamang, Lecturer, Biotechnology, EIILM University