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NEWS TOPIC 1: CHINA PROTEST Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced Questions

TranscriptPage 2 - 9

NEWS TOPIC 2: WHISTLE-BLOWERSElementary, Intermediate, Advanced Questions

TranscriptPage 10 - 17

NEWS TOPIC 3: DATING VOUCHERSElementary, Intermediate, Advanced Questions

TranscriptPage 18 - 27

READING ARTICLE: A WAKE UP CALLIllegal strike a wake-up call: Amy Khor

Page 28 - 29


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Qn1: List the two adjectives posted on Weibo in response to the 6-week jail sentence handed down to a Chinese SMRT driver for the illegal strike in Singapore.

Ans1: Unfair; unjust.

Qn2: Were all the comments posted on Weibo against SMRT’s decision to prosecute the Chinese drivers for carrying out a strike?

Ans2: No, some felt that the drivers’ behaviour was unreasonable.

Qn3: What, according to Lin Hai, General Manager of Jiangsu Huaian Yunhai International Labour, is the main difference between work demands in China and Singapore?

Ans3: He says that unlike in China, the work efficiency in Singapore is very high and everything must be done quickly.


Qn1: “But some also felt that the driver’s behaviour was unreasonable.” What does the word ‘behaviour’ refer to?

Ans1: It refers to the actions and reactions of people.

Qn2: Give the antonym of the word ‘abundance’ in the phrase “…there’s an abundance of manpower.”

Ans2: Lack; shortage.

Qn3: “So they won’t choose to go to Singapore.” Replace the word ‘choose’ with another of similar meaning.

Ans3: Elect; opt.

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Qn1: In your groups, list the top five industries in your country that rely heavily on foreign labour.

Qn2: What kinds of problems do foreign workers in your country face? In your groups list the top three.

Qn3: What can be done to address these problems mentioned in question 2? In your groups, brainstorm some solutions and present to the class.


Qn1: Imagine you are one of the passengers who is affected by s strike staged by all the bus drivers in your city. Describe in 100 words what happened and how you reacted to the inconvenience of not having your regular transport for travelling.

Guidelines for students in point form: This is a personal recount so the language will be informal and seeks to

entertain and inform. You will present it in the first person and describe all that happened from the

beginning of the day until your ordeal ended when the buses resumed their usual schedule.

You should include how others react including a combination of positive, negative and especially amusing reactions of the sudden unavailability of buses.

End your recount by describing what you had learnt from this episode and how will prepare for another event like this in future.

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Qn1: Why was the Chinese SMRT bus driver jailed for 6 weeks? Ans1: It was because he had participated in an illegal strike in Singapore.

Qn2: Which parts of China do most Chinese workers come from and why? Ans2: They hail from Jiangsu, Shandong and Liaoning because there is an abundance of


Qn3: Why do Chinese workers prefer Europe, Japan and South Korea over Singapore when choosing overseas workplaces?

Ans3: It is because they are paid 3-5 times more for the same position.


Qn1: Give the antonym to the word ‘unreasonable’ in the phrase “unreasonable behaviour”.

Ans1: Sensible; rational.

Qn2: “He says salaries in Singapore are now almost on par with what workers would get if they stay in China.” What does the expression ‘on par’ mean?

Ans2: Equivalent; the same.

Qn3: What does the word ‘recruit’ in the phrase “it has become increasingly difficult to recruit Chinese workers” mean?

Ans3: It means to gather or enlist people for a specific job or cause.


Qn1: Do you think foreign workers are treated fairly in your country?

Qn2: Instead of carrying out a strike, what else can foreign workers do to gain attention for their problems?

Qn3: Are the negative reactions of the Weibo internet users justified? Do you agree with them? Give the reasons for your opinion.

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Qn1: You are a reporter for the local newspaper in your city. Write a news report of the chaos that ensues in your city when all the bus services are halted due to a strike by drivers. Your article should be 250 words long.

Guidelines for students in point form: This is a newspaper report so the language will be fairly formal but informative

and entertaining. Your report must include an interesting headline that captures the readers’

attention and makes them want to find out more about what happened. Your first paragraph should be a brief summary of the event i.e. the bus drivers

going on strike and the chaos that ensued. The next few paragraphs should describe the most significant events to the

least significant. Remember to include quotes from disgruntled passengers and representatives of the bus company about their reactions and difficulties and responses to the event.

The concluding paragraph could be about the authorities response to the event and their plans for preventing the same scenario in future or their advice to passengers about what to do if the same thing happened again in order to avoid the inconvenience.

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Qn1: How do human resource companies ensure that the workers they send to foreign countries adapt to the working life there?

Ans1: They send their workers to preparatory training programmes to ensure that they understand the working conditions and requirements of the country they are going to.

Qn2: What is the main deterrent to Chinese construction workers choosing to work in Singapore?

Ans2: They can earn just as much staying in China so it is not worth their while to travel to Singapore to work.

Qn3: How is the Chinese workers’ attitude towards workplace destination choices being affected by internet use and social media?

Ans3: With the information garnered from these online resources about labour laws and worker’s rights in various countries, they have become more choosy about where they would prefer to work.


Qn1: Replace the word ‘unreasonable’ in the phrase “drivers’ behaviour was unreasonable” with a synonym.

Ans1: Irrational; unacceptable.

Qn2: “And the latest bus-driver incident has deterred some considering Singapore as a work destination.” Replace ‘deterred’ with another word of similar meaning.

Ans2: Discouraged; put off.

Qn3: What does the phrase ‘becoming more aware’ in the phrase “more workers even those in the rural areas are becoming more aware of labour laws and workers’ rights” mean?

Ans3: It means to have greater knowledge or understanding about something.

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Qn1: Are strikes illegal in your country? Do research to find out under what conditions strikes may be considered legal in some places.

Qn2: How great is the demand for foreign labour in your country? Why is this so? Discuss and research in your groups and present your findings to the class.

Qn3: What kinds of industries rely heavily on foreign labour in your country? Why are these industries unable to tap local manpower for these jobs?


Qn1: Write a discursive essay on the topic: “The advantages and disadvantages of relying on foreign labour.” Your essay should be no shorter than 450 words.

Guidelines for students in point form: This is an expository essay and therefore the language must be formal and

persuasive in tone. Your content should focus on both the advantages and disadvantages before

concluding with your final position on the matter. Give examples of events that have occurred in the past in your country and

other places in the world to illustrate your points and support them. Conclude with a summary of all the main points of your essay and end with

your final position on the topic.

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Job agencies in China say recruiting workers for Singapore has become increasingly difficult over the past 5 years as the wage gap between the two countries has narrowed.

The fallout from the recent illegal strike by SMRT bus drivers from China is also deterring some from applying to work in Singapore.

Channel NewsAsia’s Valarie Tan takes up the story from Beijing.

Unfair and unjust.

Just some of the comments posted by Chinese internet users on Weibo after a former Chinese SMRT bus driver received a 6-week jail sentence for taking part in an illegal strike in Singapore.

But some also felt that the drivers’ behavior was unreasonable, and called for more to be done to prepare Chinese workers before they go overseas.

This lady says:“For the purpose of work, understand the laws of the country and the related rules, I think that’s normal, and necessary.”

This man says:“Before they leave the country, human resource companies should do some training in these areas in China before sending the workers out.”

Recruiters in China say the majority of Chinese blue-collar workers in Singapore come from Jiangsu, Shandong and Liaoning where there’s an abundance of manpower.

One agency Channel NewsAsia contacted in Jiangsu, says it conducts a preparatory course for Chinese workers moving to Singapore for work.

Lin Hai, General Manager, Jiangsu Huaian Yun Hai International Labour says:“When they apply for work, I’ll introduce Singapore’s situation to them, let them understand that the “Garden City” name is just the general environment. But work-wise, Singapore’s efficiency is very high, you can’t bring China’s standards over, which means you have to do everything quickly.”

But Mr Lin, whose agency was set up in 2006, says it has become increasingly difficult to recruit Chinese workers for Singapore companies.

He says salaries in Singapore are now almost on par with what workers would get if they

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stay in China.

And the latest bus-driver incident has deterred some considering Singapore as a work destination.

Mr Lin says:“For example, in construction. They can get about 7-8000 RMB (US$1,124 - $1,284) each, a contractor can get 10,000 (US$1,605) and more. In Singapore, a worker is paid 8-9000 RMB (US$1,284 - $1,445). So if a Chinese construction worker can get this much staying here, it won’t be worth it for him to travel far. So they usually won’t choose to go to Singapore. Now, if they apply for work, when you mention Singapore, they don't want to go. Unless they have friends or relatives there but those are a minority. So it’s a challenge for us to recruit workers for Singapore.”

Valarie Tan says:Job agencies like Mr Lin’s say skilled labour workers will now prefer to travel to Europe, Japan and South Korea over Singapore for work because they get paid 3-5 times more for the same position. And with the growth of internet use and social media in China, more workers even those in the rural areas are becoming more aware of labour laws and workers’ rights, therefore making them more choosy about their workplace destination choices.

Valarie Tan, Channel NewsAsia, Beijing.

What do you think about the bus strikes? Do you feel the workers were justified in going on strike or do you think they shouldn’t have done it?

Get into two groups and take either the side of the workers or the employers and debate the ethics of the issue.

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Qn1: Why, according to experts should whistle-blowing be encouraged?Ans1: It is because it can help authorities uncover fraud.

Qn2: How are whistle-blowers protected from the companies they expose in Singapore?Ans2: Their identities are kept confidential.

Qn3: Which Chinese company was recently accused of fraud, according to the story?Ans3: Sino-forest.


Qn1: Give the synonym of the word ‘regarded’ in the phrase “recent attacks on Singapore-listed commodities trader Olam may be regarded as a form of whistle-blowing”.

Ans1: Considered; viewed.

Qn2: What does the word ‘discrepancies’ in the phrase “sound the alarm for any discrepancies they spot in listed companies” refer to?

Ans2: It refers to irregularities or unfair or illegal practices.

Qn3: What does it mean to “protect the identities of whistle-blowers”?Ans3: It means to hide or prevent the discovery of personal information about whistle-



Qn1: In your groups, list 3 possible situations in which you may have to become a whistle-blower.

Qn2: If you saw a classmate cheating during a test, would you report him or her to your teacher? Take a poll in your class and see what the majority’s view on this issue is.

Qn3: Why do you think some students may hesitate to report cases of cheating to the invigilator? Discuss with your group and list the top three possible reasons.

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Qn1: Write a diary entry of about 100 words about how you spotted a classmate cheating during a test and how you reacted.

Guidelines for students in point form: This is a dairy entry and the language will be casual and friendly in tone. You will begin with what you saw your cheating classmate doing and proceed

to describe how you felt as you were deciding whether to report him to the teacher or invigilator. You may explain the reasons for hesitating and wanting to do the right thing.

End your entry with what you eventually decided to do and how you felt afterwards.

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Qn1: What does the word ‘gripped’ in the phrase “the number of stories that have gripped our headlines” tell us about the stories?

Ans1: It suggests that the stories have dominated the news i.e. has attracted the most attention from the media and viewers.

Qn2: Why do you think it is important for whistle-blowers to provide as much evidence as possible to support their claims of discrepancies?

Ans2: It is to ensure that the accusations are valid and accurate and not based on rumours or gossip.

Qn3: Apart from not revealing their identities, how else will whistle-blowers be protected?

Ans3: They are insulated from defamation suits.


Qn1: What does the expression ‘sound the alarm’ in the phrase “whistle-blowers should actively sound the alarm for any discrepancies they spot in listed companies” mean?

Ans1: It means to tell or inform or highlight or publicise any problem to the authorities.

Qn2: What does the word ‘substantiate’ in the phrase “provide as many facts as possible to substantiate their complaint” mean?

Ans2: Support; prove.

Qn3: Give a word that can replace ‘insulated’ in the phrase “whistle-blowers who made complains on good faith will be insulated from defamation suits”.

Ans3: Protected

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Qn1: In your groups, brainstorm 3 possible scenarios in school whereby some form of fraud or cheating could take place and share with the class.

Qn2: Why is it important to report any kind of cheating or poor behaviour to teachers? What could happen if students keep quiet out of fear? Discuss and share with the class.

Qn3: How can we make it easier for students to report any instances of bad behaviour such as bullying or cheating without worrying about repercussions? List three possible channels that can be used to report anonymously.


Qn1: Write a personal narrative about how your best friend, the class treasurer, pocketed some of the class funds and tried to hide it. You discovered the misappropriation of funds and struggled with the decision to report her.

Guidelines for students in point form: This is a personal narrative so the language will be informal and entertaining in

tone. It must be written in the first person i.e. where you are telling the story. You can begin the story at any point of the plot. Either use a standard

chronological order where you describe the events in the order they occurred or you can use a flashback technique where you open the story in the middle or near the end of the story e.g. at the point where you are struggling with the decision to report or where your best friend is pleading with you to not report her etc.

Your story should include the reasons why your best friend resorted to stealing money from the class fund and how she hid her crime and prevented discovery as well as how you eventually discovered the truth.

Your essay should be no shorter than 350 words.

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Qn1: Why is Carson Block not considered a whistle-blower by some industry observers?

Ans1: It is because he is an analyst who is merely questioning the accounting methods used by Olam’s research report and this may not necessarily be evidence of fraud.

Qn2: “The matter is really very contentious” Why are Muddy Waters’ questions described as ‘contentious’?

Ans2: It is because they are questioning the method of valuing which is a matter of opinion and therefore difficult to agree on.

Qn3: “…whistle-blowers who made complaints based on good faith will be insulated from defamation suits” What does ‘defamation suits’ refer to?

Ans3: It refers to companies being incorrectly accused of fraud taking legal action against those who made the complaint without proper evidence.


Qn1: Replace the word ‘fostering’ in the phrase “experts say fostering a culture that encourages whistle-blowing may help…” with a suitable synonym.

Ans1: Promote; cultivate; nurture.

Qn2: Find a word that was used in the story that is similar in meaning to ‘fraud’ in the phrase “the recent rise in frauds”.

Ans2: “Discrepancies”

Qn3: What does the expression ‘on good faith’ in the phrase “whistle-blowers who made complains on good faith will be insulated from defamation suits” mean?

Ans3: It means that the complaint made was made responsibly with good evidence to back it up and not out of vengeance or petty grievances.

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Qn1: In your groups, discuss why it is important to report any discrepancies in the management of a company especially for listed companies. Discuss and present your reasons to the class.

Qn2: Why is it important for all whistle-blowers to ensure that their accusations of fraud are well substantiated? What are some of the repercussions if their accusations turned out to be false or unjustified?

Qn3: Do you think channels created for whistle-blowers to accuse anonymously could be exploited for personal gain? Why is their identity critical information for authorities investigating the complaint? Discuss.


Qn1: Write a complaint letter to the relevant authorities in your country about a neighbour illegally subletting his apartment to a bunch of rowdy tenants.

Guidelines for students in point form: This is a letter of complaint to the authorities so the language must be formal

and persuasive in tone. The contents of your letter will be focused on describing the situation and the

presentation of evidence that the subletting may be illegal. Begin with an introductory paragraph that states the objective of the letter i.e.

to register a complaint about illegal subletting. The body of the essay should flesh out the details of the situation like the

number of tenants, disruption caused and the lack of response from the tenants or the landlord when the issues were highlighted.

The concluding paragraph should provide your contact details and appeal for action from the relevant departments and an assurance of cooperation from you and other neighbours who are ready to support the complaint.

The length of the letter should be no shorter than 350 words.

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Recent fraud cases in the public sector and alleged breaches by Singapore-listed companies like China Sky Chemical Fibre have put the spotlight on whistle-blowing.

A whistle-blower is someone who tells the public or the authorities about alleged dishonest or illegal activities.

Experts say whistle-blowing has a role to play in uncovering fraud and it’s necessary to ensure that channels are open to allow for this.

The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Singapore or ICPAS - the largest professional body in Singapore has also called for companies to build a culture of ethics and governance.

Our Channel NewsAsia’s team with this report.

Experts say fostering a culture that encourages whistle-blowing may help the authorities to uncover issues or discrepancies within an organisation.

Ernest Kan, President, ICPAS says:“Whistle-blowing is not a new topic, but of late, it has gained much attention judging from the number of stories that have gripped our headlines.”

Some industry observers say short-seller Carson Block and his research house, Muddy Waters’ recent attacks on Singapore-listed commodities trader Olam may be regarded as a form of whistle-blowing.

But many point out that Carson Block should not be considered a whistle-blower.

Instead, he’s an analyst who raised questions about the company’s accounting methods in the firm’s research report.

Tan Lay Hong, Associate Professor, Nanyang Business School says:“The matter is really very contentious because if you look at what Muddy Waters is questioning. It is their way of valuing the natural resources - which is basically mark to market.”

Given the recent rise in frauds in Chinese companies such as Sino-forest, experts say whistle-blowers should actively sound the alarm for any discrepancies they spot in listed companies.

Philip Fong, Managing Partner, Harry Elias Partnership says:“Whistle-blowers also have a responsibility to make sure that what they are reporting is true to their best of their knowledge and in a sense, provides as many facts as possible to substantiate

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their complaint.”

In Singapore, there are laws to protect the identities of whistle-blowers who may be a staff member or external parties.

According to lawyers, whistle-blowers who made complaints based on good faith will be insulated from defamation lawsuits.

In what situations do you think whistle-blowing should be encouraged? Do you think there are times where it could do more harm than good?

In your groups, research 3 instances of whistle-blowing and evaluate their effectiveness.

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Qn1: How much do the dating vouchers cost?Ans1: They cost between $10 and over $1000.

Qn2: What groups of people are encouraged to buy these dating vouchers and why?Ans2: The family and friends of singles are encouraged to buy them and play an active

role in helping to widen the social circle of their single loved ones.

Qn3: How long can one keep these dating vouchers?Ans3: One has to use them within four months which is the validity period of the



Qn 1: Identify a phrase in the story that suggests that there is a variety of activities organised by the dating agencies.

Ans1: “Wide-range”

Qn2 “The dating vouchers, with a denomination of $10 each, be purchased online.” Explain the meaning of the phrase ‘denomination of $10 each’ without using the words in italics.

Ans2 It means that each dating voucher costs $10.

Qn3: “Dating agencies say some singles may not want to use their services because they don't want to be seen as an unsociable character.” Give a synonym of the word ‘unsociable’ as it is used in this sentence.

Ans3: Unfriendly; unapproachable; reclusive.

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Qn1: What do you like to do with your friends during your free time or after school? What are some of the social activities others your age enjoy?

Qn2: “Students should focus on their studies and not be involved in any boy-girl relationships when they are still studying.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Qn3: Do you prefer to be an academically brilliant student or a socially popular one? Give reasons for your choice.

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Qn1: You are a single man or woman who has just been to one of these activities organised by a dating agency. Write a diary entry on your experience. Guidelines for students: Write an entry of about 200-250 words. You may include the following:

- How you felt before you went for the activity. Why did you attend it? Was it because a loved one gave you the dating vouchers?

- What the activity was and where it was held.- How you felt when you first arrived at the venue of the activity and describe

how the activity progressed, emphasising on how you felt during your participation.

- Did you meet anyone interesting or get a chance to know that person better? What attracted you to this person and is there a difference between your initial perception of this person and what you think of him or her towards the end of the activity?

Would you participate in such dating activities again in the future? Explain reasons why or why not. As this is a personal recount, emphasise more on your thoughts and feelings

rather than events. Write in the first person and use pronouns like “I” or “We”. You can make use of the points generated from Question 1 of the “Air Your

Views” section.

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Qn1: According to the story, what do dating agencies offer?Ans1: They offer a wide-range of activities for singles, such as social events, workshops

and even personalised dating packages, which may help them to meet Mr or Miss Right.

Qn2: Explain the two tactics used by the SDN, Social Development Network, to encourage singles to widen their social circles.

Ans2: Firstly, they came up with this idea of getting family and friends to get their single loved ones dating vouchers. Secondly, they are also going to have other programmes such as a Dating Fest, when singles can enjoy subsidies. These two ways encourage singles to participate in activities which can help them meet their future spouse.

Qn3: According to Michelle Goh, Certified Dating Practitioner of CompleteMe, how will the idea of dating vouchers work?

Ans3: She feels that some people will still feel embarrassed about using the vouchers, but since someone has already been given such a voucher, he or she might just be encouraged to take the first step and utilise the vouchers.


Qn1: Identify a word in the story that tells you that the dating packages can be customized to the customers’ wants and requirements.

Ans1: “Personalised”

Qn2: “…cash voucher will encourage family and friends to play an active role in helping to widen the social circle of their single loved ones.” Replace the phrase ‘play an active role’ with another phrase of similar meaning.

Ans2: Be more involved.

Qn3: “The stigma of dating agencies is still there…” Explain the meaning of the word ‘stigma’ as it is used in this sentence.

Ans3: It refers to the negative impression people have of dating agencies or people who go to activities organised by dating agencies.

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Qn1: What qualities do you look for in your future spouse?

Qn2: Make a list of social activities that can be organised by the dating agencies which will attract people to attend.

Qn3: To what extent do you think family members and the government should intervene in people’s decision to get married or remain single? Support your stand with relevant arguments.

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Qn1: Imagine you are working for a dating agency. Design an application form that a person who is registering at the agency has to fill up. Guidelines for students:You may wish to include the following in the application form: Personal data that you need to ask the applicant and decide on the essential

ones, for e.g. name, age etc. Decide if sensitive info such as race, nationality, etc, should be included.

Brainstorm on the different types of people who will approach a dating agency and decide on whether certain information needs to be included, e.g. information needed from divorced people.

The different criteria people have when they are looking for a spouse, for e.g. looks, educational level etc. Decide on the important ones and include them in the application form. Discuss whether you want the applicants to rank the criteria, e.g. “What is the most important criterion you look for in your future spouse?”

The type of activities people will be interested to participate in and decide on a few for the applicants to choose from. Include them in the form.

Organise your form in a particular order, for e.g.:- Personal data/information- What do they look for in their future spouse?- Activities they like to be invited to

You can use a mixture of open and closed questions in your application form. Students can make use of the points generated from Question 1 and 2 of the

“Air your Views” section.

Different types of questions:Open Questions: Open questions encourage the flow of information and usually begin with

words like “What, Why, When, Where, Tell me about, or How” to encourage a longer response. E.g. what are some of the activities you like to do during your free time?

Closed Questions: Closed questions are direct and focused. They could lead to simply ‘yes’ or

‘no’ answers, short and simple answers or you can provide a set of answers for people to choose from. E.g. put a tick next to the activities that you are interested to participate in. - Lunch or dinner party- Swimming- Excursion to neighbouring countries

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Qn1: Why do you think some dating activities could cost up to a thousand dollars?Ans1: It depends on the activity, what it is and where it is held. It also depends on the

service provided and so if the activity is personalised, it will cost more.

Qn2: The dating vouchers could only be used at “accredited” agencies. Explain what could be a reason why this is so.

Ans2: This is to ensure that the recipients will participate in only wholesome activities as “accredited” agencies are governed by a regulatory body.

Qn3: “The stigma of dating agencies is still there…” From the reaction of the people interviewed in this news item, what kind of stigma exists?

Ans3: People feel embarrassed to be given dating vouchers as there is this impression that people going to dating agencies are unsociable and therefore need extra help in getting to know more friends.


Qn1: “But just how receptive are people to the cash voucher?” Replace the word ‘receptive’ in the sentence with another word or phrase of similar meaning.

Ans1: Open

Qn2: “Single recipients can use the vouchers to pay for services at any dating agency accredited by the Social Development Network.” Explain the word ‘accredited’ as it is used in this story.

Ans2: It means that the agencies are officially recognised or approved by the Social Development Network.

Qn3: Give two adjectives to describe how some shy people might feel when they are given dating vouchers by their friends or family.

Ans3: Embarrassed; abashed; ashamed.

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Qn1: What are your thoughts on matchmaking agencies that help people get a wife or husband from overseas?

Qn2: Discuss in groups possible reasons why more people in your country prefer to remain single or get married at a later age.

Qn3: Discuss ways in which a high percentage of single or unmarried people could affect a country politically, economically and socially.


Qn1: You are a researcher working for the Social Development Network. Write a proposal to your Deputy Head on the types of programmes that can be organised to encourage singles to widen their social circles and consider marriage.

Guidelines for students: Your proposal should be about 250-300 words. Use the format and tone of a formal letter. In your introduction, identify the purpose of your proposal and outline the

programmes you have in mind. In the next few paragraphs, outline briefly

- what the programmes entail - explain in detail on how they could attract more participants - cost of organizing these programmes

You may use the points generated in the discussion of Question 2 of the “Air Your Views” section.

Use topic sentences to clearly highlight the point you are discussing in each paragraph. Substantiate your points/topic sentences by elaborating and explaining the main idea.

Use connectors to explain your points, such as therefore, consequently, as such.

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In Singapore, the Social Development Network is encouraging people to play Cupid by buying dating cash vouchers for their friends and loved ones who're single.

The vouchers can be used to pay for activities at its accredited dating agencies.

Channel NewsAsia's Sara Grosse with the story.

From social events, workshops and even personalised dating packages, dating agencies offer a wide-range of activities for singles hoping to meet Mr or Mrs Right.

But they don't come free.

Depending on the activity or service, prices can range from $10 to over a thousand dollars.

The dating vouchers, with a denomination of $10 each can be purchased online.

Single recipients can use the vouchers to pay for services at any dating agency accredited by the Social Development Network.

Sara says:“The Social Development Network says they hope the cash voucher will encourage family and friends to play an active role in helping to widen the social circle of their single loved ones. But just how receptive are people to the cash voucher?”

This lady says:“I think they may find it quite fun but I guess if they were to go together, if I bought a few and gave to a few people for them to go together, I think it’s okay.”

This man says:“If I were to receive the voucher, I wouldn’t want to join because it’s not my kind of thing to go for like these group events or group activities.”

This lady says:“I think it will be quite fun, so I will go for it.”

This man says:“Just a bit too embarrassed to give them like this.”

This man says:“I guess many people would take it as a joke or something.”

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Dating agencies say some singles may not want to use their services because they don’t want to be seen as an unsociable character.

Michelle Goh, Certified Dating Practitioner, CompleteMe says:“The stigma of dating agencies is still there, but since you have a voucher, why not utilise it and then this will encourage them to take the first step forward.”

SDN also announced other programmes for singles, including a Dating Fest, where singles can enjoy subsidies.

Do you think the dating vouchers will be effective in getting singles to pair up?

In your groups, examine why it’s important to raise the marriage rates in your country then come up with suggestions to encourage this.

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A WAKE-UP CALLTitle : Illegal strike a wake-up call: Amy KhorBy : Kimberly SpykermanDate : 05 December 2012

SINGAPORE: Minister of State for Manpower Dr Amy Khor has called for employers in Singapore to keep an open channel of communication with their workers, so that grievances can be promptly dealt with.

She added that the illegal strikes by bus drivers in late November should be a “wake-up call” for them not to take industrial harmony for granted.

She said “Labour and employment grievances should not be left to fester for too long. So I would like to call on all employers and companies to really make good management and HR practices their priority and an intrinsic part of the workplace and company DNA.”

Dr Khor, who is Chairman of the government feedback portal REACH, also elaborated on the feedback Singaporeans gave on the illegal strike.

REACH conducted a poll to gauge public sentiments and perceptions toward the strike, as this was a major issue and a serious matter.

Nearly eight in 10 Singaporeans agreed that while the bus drivers’ actions were wrong, their employer, SMRT, should also bear responsibility for what had happened.

Dr Khor said the poll’s findings showed that they were concerned about industrial harmony and investor confidence being compromised by the incident.

It also indicated that the people expected the government to take action.

In addition, some Singaporeans gave ideas on how to prevent a recurrence of the incident.

Dr Khor said “There were some contributors who said that the tripartite alliance should step up efforts to engage the workers. A few gave suggestions about how we could enhance driver profession, so we can attract more locals.”

Others felt that efforts to help foreign workers assimilate must also be strengthened.

These include setting up formal channels to air grievances, and inviting foreign workers to attend classes to help them better understand the culture, value system, and employment practices in Singapore.

Dr Khor said the government’s decision to call the incident an “illegal strike” was not a

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trivial matter and that it had carefully considered the facts and circumstances before initiating any action.

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Qn1: Share with us your views on the local public transport system. Which form of public transport do you use most frequently? Have you ever had a bad experience on your journey to school?

Qn2: Do you enjoy travelling? Which country do you hope to visit next? How different do you think it will be compared to Singapore?

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