Page 1: News From the North · Zahra H 22nd place Year 12/13 Boys Hassan Y 3rd place Shadman M 14th place Congratulations to all of the competitors - you have represented Dandenong North

12th June 2018



Calendar of Event

School Website:

JUNE 2018

18th - Regional Cross Country

19th— Pizza Lunch

22nd - Gala Day 2

- June reports go home

25th - Parent Teacher Interview

English Speaking

26th— Parent Teacher Interview


29th - END OF TERM 2


JULY 2018

16th - START OF TERM 3

I will do all that I can to make sure that Dandenong North Primary School remains a great school.

I will try my hardest to fol-low the 4Cs to keep our school a safe and happy place.

I promise to treat others as I would like to be treated.

News From the North

2018 Successful School Review

Last Thursday signaled the end of a four year cycle at Dandenong North Primary School.

Every four years, Victorian Primary Schools undergo a Review. It is essen-tially where schools are assessed against goals and targets they set four years prior, as part of their Strategic Plan.

For this review we had Mr Howard Looney from Phillips KPA who was allocated to our school by the Depart-ment of Education to undertake our Review. Senior Education Improve-ment Leader (SEIL) Ken Robinson was also present for the five days. The panel also consisted of two challenge partners who Mr Mackay was able to select. Our two challenge partners, Mr Mark Moir from Lyndale Secondary and Mr John Mooney from Emerson School were present for two of these review days.

Mr Looney initially received school documentation in advance of his visit. This document was put together by the school and encompassed evidence of how we achieved our goals stated in the Strategic Plan as well as all of the programs, staff, and finances that relat-ed to the development of DNPS over the last four years.

Mr Looney and Mr Robinson were then present at our school for five days to see if everything that was written up in the self evaluation documentation, matched what was actually happening in our school.

On one of the field days, the panel was treated to a wonderful presentation from our Student Leadership Team and

selected Student Representative Council (SRC) team members who outlined the programs at DNPS, along with their own fantastic educational journeys.

There was also an opportunity to talk with parents from the Af-ghani Mothers Group, who spoke about how education in Australia is very different to what they experienced and how the school is meeting the needs of their children.

There was also plenty of oppor-tunities for Mr Looney and the other visitors to view classrooms to see how our dedicated staff develop students in a safe learn-ing environment. They were most impressed with our inter-vention and extension programs and the Talk For Writing pro-gram.

The final day outlined the Stra-tegic Plan goals for the next four years. Howard could not speak highly enough of the fact that DNPS had not only achieved its goals - but were providing all students with an education that was competing with the very best schools in Australia.

Congratulations to all members of the DNPS community.

Page 2: News From the North · Zahra H 22nd place Year 12/13 Boys Hassan Y 3rd place Shadman M 14th place Congratulations to all of the competitors - you have represented Dandenong North

Page 2 News From the North

Divisional Cross Country Results

On Friday 8th June, over 24 students from Dandenong North Pri-mary School competed in the Division Cross Country Champion-ships at Tatterson Park, Keysborough.

The weather was not at all favourable on Fri-day - with the children having to endure rain and cold conditions.

Dandenong North Primary School has continued to dominate this competition with 18 of the 24 com-petitors placing in positions either 1 to 10.

This means that these children now progress through to the Southern Metropolitan Regional Pri-mary Cross Country. Which is taking place on Has-tings Foreshore on Thursday 21st June.

Below are all of the results from last Friday’s event:

Year 9/10 Girls

Yalda Y 2nd place

Michelle W 3rd place

Aisha D 4th place

Connie P 9th place

Year 9/10 Boys

Haris R 2nd place

Bol N 4th place

Marko R 5th place

Luka R 10th place

Maysam N DNF (injured)

Year 11 Girls

Vaishnavi D 7th place

Asma A 8th place

Natalin A 9th place

Angela K 15th place

Sugoud N DNF (injured)

Year 11 Boys

Hassan A 2nd place

Alex C 3rd place

Noah A 4th place

Reza A 5th place

Year 12/13 Girls

Sally W 2nd place

Nyoka W 6th place

Freshta R 14th place

Zahra H 22nd place

Year 12/13 Boys

Hassan Y 3rd place

Shadman M 14th place

Congratulations to all of the competitors - you have represented Dandenong North proudly.

Good luck to the competitors heading to the next level of competition.

Thank you to all of the staff involved in develop-ing and assisting these children to reach their full potential.

Page 3: News From the North · Zahra H 22nd place Year 12/13 Boys Hassan Y 3rd place Shadman M 14th place Congratulations to all of the competitors - you have represented Dandenong North

Page 3 News From the North

Michael Ymer Visits DNPS

Special Awards

Prep H - Deyan 4L - Manahil 5D - Ali 6H - Tabita

Prep A - Reem 4FM - Kaleb 5WD - Nardos 6L - Alfred

Prep JM - Mahdi 4H - Jayden 5H - All of 5H &

Miss Mac

6V - Sathi

Prep M - Aziz 4N - Dylan 5L - Thomas ICT - Daniel (6D)

4K - Sadaf 5F - Farzaan 6D - Freshta ICT - Chloe (4H)

2019 Prep Enrolments With a continued pattern of increasing student enrol-ments, we are keen to ensure that all our current fam-ilies have students enrolled for 2019 in order to assist with planning and to keep all class sizes as small as possible.

We are aiming to keep our Prep classes to below twenty in order to give children the best possible start to their education. Therefore it is highly im-portant for us to have an idea as to how many stu-dents may be enrolling at our school for next year.

If you know of a neighbour or a relative who has a child that turns five before the 30th April 2019, please ask them to come to the office for an enrol-ment form.

Parents are asked to bring proof of birth and an im-munisation certificate (obtained from the local coun-cil offices) in order to enrol their child at our school.

Early enrolment also ensures chil-dren are included in our Prep Transi-tion Program which begins in Term Four.

We look forward to meeting all of our new families enrolling at DNPS and making them a part of our community.

We had our resident Maths Consultant Michael Ymer, visit our school on Wednesday of last week.

Michael had the opportunity to work with the Preps, Year 2s and the Year 5 and 6 students and teachers.

He provides staff with the opportunity to see a tar-geted maths lesson that builds upon student knowledge.

Later our staff have the opportunity to discuss mathematical concepts after the demonstration les-son that allows teachers to redirect misconceptions in their students learning and to build on their prior


We thank Michael again for providing an invaluable ser-vice to our students and teachers.

Page 4: News From the North · Zahra H 22nd place Year 12/13 Boys Hassan Y 3rd place Shadman M 14th place Congratulations to all of the competitors - you have represented Dandenong North

Page 4

Year 3 Excursion to the Zoo



I would like to enter my child …………………….…………….. in grade ……. to

enter the University of New South Wales English Competition.

Please enclose $9.00 and return to class teacher by Friday 15th June.



I would like to enter my child …………………..…………….. in grade ……. to

enter the University of New South Wales Mathematics Competition.

Please enclose $9.00 and return to class teacher by Friday 15th June.

University of New South Wales Competitions

On a cold autumn Wednesday morning all of the grade three’s travelled to the Mel-bourne Zoo. When we arrived we were all elated. A zoo keeper explained all about the endangered animals we would learn about. We took lots of photos with animals, it was so fun because it felt like the ani-mals were actually having fun at the same time. When we arrived at the beautiful butterfly house, all of the butterflies appeared calm yet surprised. Oh my! You couldn’t imagine the su-perior scene that stood before us. The majority of them landed on Mrs. Massey, because they all loved her. It was hilarious when a butterfly land-ed on a D.N.P.S student’s head. We all learned about the different species of butterflies. Juve-nile butterflies were camouflaging themselves in

bushy, scruffy, iridescent, damp green leaves.

When we started to settle down on our seats we were going to watch the seal show. There were three wonderful seals ready to perform some brilliant tricks and we were all amazed by their flips. The trainers explained that we should all use bubbles instead of balloons because balloons are ghastly to the environment and the animals… How do you ask? Well, when you let a balloon, it eventually pops, consequently animals think it’s food and feast on it. As a result, they become very ill or die! However, if you use bubbles they pop and nothing happens!

So we should all use bubbles instead of balloons!

By Kavya, Tenzin and Ashritha 3H
