Page 1: News from St. Michael's Episcopal Church · Kristen, Laurie, Ceres, Lois, Dorothy, Monique, Mason, Allison, Jim, Rita, Chris, Melinda, Veronica, Brian, Paul & family, Amy, Rollo,

Your e-connection with St. Michael's Episcopal Church March 20, 2014

In This Issue

+Upcoming at St.Michael's

+From the Rector

+Food for the Journey

+Music Notes

+From the Youth Pastor

+In the Parish Family

+Solemn CommunionReflections & Thanks

+Lent Madness

+Sign Up for Watch

+Easter Flowers

+Help Needed

+Vacation Bible School

+Kookie Needs a Home

+Holy Week & EasterWorship Schedule

+Upcoming CommunityEvents

Holy Week

and Easter



Click here and

Upcoming at St. Michael's+March 23, Welcome Jay Risk, Bishop Anderson HouseExecutive Director @ all 3 Sunday services. +March 25, Prayer Shawl Meeting, 7:00 p.m.+March 26, St. Michael's Book Club, 7:30 p.m.

Wednesdays in Lent

Worship + Meal + Conversation 6:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross Prayer Service (click

here for Stations info), followed by optional HealingPrayer6:30 p.m. Dinner (clergy will provide a salad, consider

bringing something to share)7:00 p.m. Conversation on seeking God & Prayer,

(OPEN to ALL) or other small group conversations.

Click here for more information.

From the Rector

Pilgrimage, anyone?

Teach us to know and love you, Lord,

and humbly follow in your way.

Speak to our souls the quickening word,

Page 2: News from St. Michael's Episcopal Church · Kristen, Laurie, Ceres, Lois, Dorothy, Monique, Mason, Allison, Jim, Rita, Chris, Melinda, Veronica, Brian, Paul & family, Amy, Rollo,

Lou Ness

also see printedschedule further

down in thisnewsletter.

St. Michael's


Worship Times


7:45 a.m.9:00 a.m.10:45 a.m.

For additional

service information,events andactivities,

please visit ourwebsite by

clicking here.

and turn our darkness into day.

- Hymnal 1982, #148 Dear People of St. Michael's, If you were to go on a pilgrimage, where would you go?Why would you go there? What would your destinationand the journey itself reveal about you? You may initially regard the notion of a pilgrimage asarchaic. But consider the Lincoln admirer traveling toSpringfield for the first time. Or the soul finally travels tothe village in the old country from whence forebearscame to America. Or just go watch for pilgrims any dayof the year at Lambeau Field in Green Bay or WrigleyField in Chicago. A pilgrimage is usually understood as a long walk witha religious intention thatwas done a lot in thepast. But it can be anyjourney with a singularintention related to corepersonal values. It couldbe said that we all go on pilgrimages, even if we areunaware and don't use that language. The theme of pilgrimage arises in Lent because ofour imagined companionship with Jesus as he travels toJerusalem and his cross. My inclination to write on thetheme was heightened by a startlingly relevant phone callyesterday. The Rev. Louisette 'Lou' Ness, ExecutiveDirector of Shelter Care Ministries in Rockford, was onthe line. Since Shelter Care is one of our EpiscopalCharities, I thought it might be a money pitch. But no. Lou explained that she's starting a walk in Rockford

on April 1 and headed to Washington DC.

The theme of her walk is 'Hear our cry.'

She plans to sleep in Episcopal churchesfrom Rockford to Washington and all alongthe way to gather the stories of souls whoseAmerican Dreams have never materializedor have collapsed. Lou asked if she could 'stay over' at St.

Michael's on the night of Sunday, April 6. I said yes. Shesaid that she'd accept dinner if it was offered, and/orbreakfast the next morning ... You might think that Lou's pilgrimage is heroic or thatit's pathetic and a folly. But after we absorb firstimpressions we might hear a whisper from inside:"Where, if anywhere, can I locate conviction and values

of that intensity in my life?"

Page 3: News from St. Michael's Episcopal Church · Kristen, Laurie, Ceres, Lois, Dorothy, Monique, Mason, Allison, Jim, Rita, Chris, Melinda, Veronica, Brian, Paul & family, Amy, Rollo,

Quick Links+Our Website+Little Angels

Preschool +Diocese of


Follow us on Facebook!

Lenten Greetings

from Bishop LeeClick here.

If you were to go on a pilgrimage, where would you

go? Why would you go there? What would your choiceof destination and the pilgrimage itself reveal about you?

- Patrick +

Also from the Rector

+ Those interested to read more about Lou Ness'

walk from Rockord to Washington DC (via Barrington)

may follow through the page on the Shelter Care websitethat can be found by clicking here. + Destination: Jerusalem. Getting there. Let's recall

that the Lenten 'pilgrimage' leads us to Holy Week ...first, before Easter. The steady rise in participation inHoly Week services over the past few years has beenmeaningful for all who've taken part. The schedule ofservices beginning with Palm Sunday, April 13, andthrough Easter Day, April 20, may be found elsewhere in

this Sword. + The search for a new Director for Little Angels

Christian Preschool is now officially underway. A

Search Profile has been completed and can be found byclicking here. Please consider individuals known to youwho may be qualified and interested or who may knowothers. And keep the preschool in prayers during thistime of change. You can also click here to visit thepreschool website for additional school information.

Food for the Journey:Sunday Morning Formation at 10:05 a.m.

This Sunday, March 23

It ALL starts with asking "Why?"

Why do we get out of bed? Why do weexist? What is our purpose, cause, belief? SimonSinek argues that all the greatest and most inspiringleaders and organizations start with these types ofquestions. They start with: Why, rather than What? orHow? During our last workshop with the Diocese, St.Michael's Thrive team watched a video in which Simon

Page 4: News from St. Michael's Episcopal Church · Kristen, Laurie, Ceres, Lois, Dorothy, Monique, Mason, Allison, Jim, Rita, Chris, Melinda, Veronica, Brian, Paul & family, Amy, Rollo,



St. Michael's

'Household Prayer

Calendar'Click here.

Print a copy foreveryone in your


Preparing for

LentClick here.

The Lent AppChurch Publishing

for iPhone & iPad

Suitable for all ages.Click here.

Lent Madness!

Who will win thegolden halo? Click here.


Kids Korner


The True Meaning Milagros Cross Last Week:

Pretzels for Lent The Lent Song

Sinek explores this thesis using the examples of AppleComputers, the Wright Brothers, and Martin Luther KingJr.. This video has been viewed more than 16 milliontimes! During today's Food for the Journey, we willwatch Sinek's talk and then with the time remaining havea conversation about how these ideas might impact ourlife at St. Michael's. Ann Ross, one of our Thrive TeamMembers will be facilitating the conversation. If you will be unable to join us, or are want to watch itbefore Sunday here is the link: Next Week: March 30, 2014

What does it mean to be "Spiritually Vital?" (Aconversation about Thriving at St. Michael's) In the midst of our recent conversations, it became clearto the Thrive team that the phrase "Spiritually Vital" isunderstand very differently by different people! Whichmade us wonder, how can we understand what it meansto be MORE spiritually vital, if, as a community, we aren'teven clear about what it means to be "Spiritually Vital" inthe first place. And so, on Sunday March 30th, we hopeyou will join us as we explore what it means for thiscommunity to be spiritually vital. The Thrive Team looksforward to listening to what you have to say!

Music Notes Thanks to Christy Cressey for arranging

for Xu Rui to be here from Beijing andshare in the music ministry at two liturgies this pastSunday. This is Xu Rui's first visit to the United States toplay at the International Young Artist Piano ConcertoCompetition sponsored by Emilio Del Rosario MusicFoundation, fostering artistic excellence in gifted youngpianist and composers in Chicago. Thanks to Aaron Albin for serving as a regular sub for

us in January, February, and March. He will continue toserve as needed. We look forward to hailing Thom Wibbels at the 10:45

liturgy this coming Sunday.

Page 5: News from St. Michael's Episcopal Church · Kristen, Laurie, Ceres, Lois, Dorothy, Monique, Mason, Allison, Jim, Rita, Chris, Melinda, Veronica, Brian, Paul & family, Amy, Rollo,

Lent Word Search



Faith@ St. Michael's

Small Group,


There are anumber of ways toparticipate in smallgroups this Lent.

Consider investingsome time in your

Then on Sunday March 30 we are pleased to bewelcoming our new organist, Mark Sikkila, who will play

at the 7:45 and 10:45 a.m. liturgies. Please consider sharing your gift of music for some orall of the rest of Lent, Holy Week and Easter. I amparticularly interested in parishioners who can sing. Youdon't need to be able to read music, just be able to"make a joyful noise." If you are interested in joining usfor part of Lent, Holy Week, or Easter please email meat [email protected]. Blessings,David BakerDirector of Music Ministries

From the Youth Pastor Kara [email protected]

Greetings All, I wish you all a safe, rejuvenating, relaxing, and restfulSpring Break. I want to say thank you to Dr. Ken Stiff forcoming to chat with our youth about Camp Chicago. I'veattached the flyer to this email (click here) for those ofyou who missed the presentation onSunday. If you're around at church duringSpring Break, don't forget to bring yourcanned goods and snacks for feedingthe hungry during Lent. The collectionbasket is next to the Outreach Table inthe hallway. THIS WEEK:

Saturday, 3/22 @ 2:00-6:30-Youth Lunch/Snack &

Divergent Movie Outing to Deer Park Century 16.(Outing time changed due to movie schedule) PLEASE let me know by Thursday 3/20 if you plan

on attending.

Sunday, 3/23 @ 9:00-LIFT Worship & Formation

Page 6: News from St. Michael's Episcopal Church · Kristen, Laurie, Ceres, Lois, Dorothy, Monique, Mason, Allison, Jim, Rita, Chris, Melinda, Veronica, Brian, Paul & family, Amy, Rollo,

life of faith.

Sign up now!Click here.

Did You Know?

You can listen topast sermons

online? Most ofour Sunday

sermons arearchived on ourwebsite. Click

here and turn upyour volume.

Sunday, 3/23 @ 10:45-SMUSH Worship & Formation

UPCOMING: Click here.

In the Parish Family

This past Monday the parish office

had a visit from the Leprechaun.

The little fella peeked into our officesand then was off like a flash tosearch for that proverbial pot ofgold. The face looked somewhat

familiar...can you tell who it was? Those who have asked for our prayers: Dolores,

Julie, Carol, Brian, Dave, Donna, Dimetress, Cynthia,Kristen, Laurie, Ceres, Lois, Dorothy, Monique, Mason,Allison, Jim, Rita, Chris, Melinda, Veronica, Brian, Paul& family, Amy, Rollo, Wauconda/Island Lake FoodPantry, safety & peace in South Sudan.

AWSM Retreat a Blessing to Many

Nearly 30 women attended the AWSM (All Women of St.

Michael's) retreat March 14 - 15 at the Cenacle in

Lincoln Park. Rev. Jeanne Stewart, Associate Rector,

Page 7: News from St. Michael's Episcopal Church · Kristen, Laurie, Ceres, Lois, Dorothy, Monique, Mason, Allison, Jim, Rita, Chris, Melinda, Veronica, Brian, Paul & family, Amy, Rollo,

TODAY is the

First Day of


If you look very

closely you cansee the new green

buds pushingtowards the sun in

the GardenColumbarium. The

vernal equinoxbegins at 12:57p.m. today....andnot a moment too

soon either!Happy Spring.

Christ Church Winnetka led the retreat. The womengathered in large and small groups to share their storiesand create more meaningful relationships in thecommunity of St. Michael's. During the Eucharist at theclose of the retreat, Rev. Jeanne reminded us that Godis present in our authentic selves. By all accounts theretreat was a success! AWSM is looking forward to nextyear's retreat. Bishop Joseph to Visit in April

Companion Diocese Bishop Joseph Garang Atem,

Renk Diocese, South Sudan, has been invited to attendthe consecration of Bishop-electMatt Gunter as the Eighth Bishop ofthe Diocese of Fond du Lac. Hisscheduled time Chicago is April 23 -May 5. For information on hisschedule, contact Jackie Kraus,

coordinator for the companiondiocese relationship between Chicago and Renk, byemail at [email protected].

Congratulations to St. Michael's Solemn

Communion Class of 2014by Jeni Younger, Children's Ministries Coordinator On March 8, our Solemn Communion Class, along withtheir families, celebrated their hard work culminating in aservice and celebration created especially for them. Inthe weeks leading up to the service, the children werepart of an intense preparation of Holy Eucharist thatexamined some of the most compelling parables thatJesus shared with us. Their conversations were livelyand filled with wonder and grace at Jesus' invitation to sitat His sacred table. What a privilege to share such ablessed and joyful experience withour 16 Communicants. Please joinme in congratulating Rhett, Ronan,

Jacob, John, Cole, Austin,

Lauren, Tyler, Ella, Ben, Scott,

Campbell, Abby, Julianne, Natalie

and M.J. Click here for a photo

montage of the special day.

Page 8: News from St. Michael's Episcopal Church · Kristen, Laurie, Ceres, Lois, Dorothy, Monique, Mason, Allison, Jim, Rita, Chris, Melinda, Veronica, Brian, Paul & family, Amy, Rollo,

Who will win the

Golden Halo?Little Red

Wagon (located in the front


St. Cyprian Food

Pantry will be our

focus in March andApril in collecting

food for the needy.In addition to

regular supplies,specifically

requested itemsare: au gratin

potatoes, driedbeans, canned

There are many people to thank for the gifts theyprovided throughout Solemn Communion: FatherRaymond and Father Kevin for their time and talent withthe children; Sue Beverly, Terry Haycock, Kara Nance,and Brooke Raymond, our Catechists; Kara Baker andKay Lewis for our music; Jennifer Mears for coordinatingour wonderful reception, Tina Stoval for the beautiful altarflowers (one white rose for each of our 16communicants); and the contributions of our wonderfulparent helpers. Thank you all!

Lent Madness The bracket for Lent Madness2014 is filling in. Are yourpredictions faring well? Did yousee that the king of all Englandwho repelled Viking invaders, Alfred the Great, was sentto the showers by combative street fighter J.S. Bach(something about a bassoonist and jealousy)? Talkabout your saintly smack down! Earlier this week, thescriptural saint Lydia, an apparently independent womanof renowned hospitality and patron of Paul's ministry tothe emergent church in Philippi (read all about it in Acts14), defeated the patron saint of non-violent resistance,Moses the Black, one of the great desert fathers. Oooh,the ironies abound. Can you feel the tension as theSaintly Sixteen takes shape and we move ever closer tothe nail-biting rounds of the Elate Eight, the Faithful Four,and finally the championship match for the Golden

Halo? Cheer on your favorite holy women and holy

men. Learn about sometimes obscure and alwaysremarkable people who were an inspiration to others infaith. Make your vote count at www.LentMadness.orgeach weekday of Lent.

Watch at the Altar of ReposeApril 17, 2014 to April 18, 2014

Christians observe a Watch at the Altar of Repose aspart of the Holy Week rites in which we remember andre-enact Christ's Passion. The watch recalls a scene in

Page 9: News from St. Michael's Episcopal Church · Kristen, Laurie, Ceres, Lois, Dorothy, Monique, Mason, Allison, Jim, Rita, Chris, Melinda, Veronica, Brian, Paul & family, Amy, Rollo,

tuna, ham, fruit,yams. And,needed forMarch/April:Easter type

baskets.Thank you.


This Week

Birthdays 3.23

Kati SeffertTommie Nesset

Tim RaynorJoshua SchultzWhitney Brett

3.24Bailey Gunderson

Beth RejmanFord Wickman

3.25Kent Carrell

3.26Hannah Harris

Sean Harrington

the Garden of Gethsemane onthe night before Jesus wascrucified: After praying withgreat anguish, Jesus discoversthat the disciples have beensleeping. He admonishesthem: "Could you not stayawake with me one hour? (Matt. 26:40). Our Altar of Repose is set up in our chapel, adjacent tothe choir room and sacristy - and also accessible from anorth-facing exterior door. The watch beginsimmediately following the 7:00 p.m. MaundyThursday service and concludes at 6:30 a.m. on GoodFriday morning. Devotional materials will be available. Anyone may take part in the watch, whether or not theyhave signed up. For further information, contact Fr. Patrick [email protected] / 847-381-2323.

Easter FlowersRemember Loved Ones and Give Thanks for

Blessings through Easter Flower Donations

As Easter approaches, we anticipate a joyful andinspiring celebration of our Lord's resurrection. Wewonderfully enhance our worship by adorning our churchwith glorious flowers that announce "Christ is risen!" Donations toward the cost of theEaster flowers can be a special wayof remembering loved ones; they canalso express thanksgiving for themany blessings we receive.The Easter bulletin will include a list ofthe flower donations. To donate, please use one of the provided flowerenvelopes located in the narthex (front foyer). Fill out thenames of your loved ones on the envelope, place yourcheck inside, and drop your envelope in the regularcollection basket or bring it into the parish office. To

have your donation printed in the Easter bulletin

please submit your envelope by April 13.

Page 10: News from St. Michael's Episcopal Church · Kristen, Laurie, Ceres, Lois, Dorothy, Monique, Mason, Allison, Jim, Rita, Chris, Melinda, Veronica, Brian, Paul & family, Amy, Rollo,

3.27Bob Erker

3.28Kristin Tomczyk

3.29Lisa Van EatonLynn Van EatonDavid WaringPhoebe Welsh

Rest in Peace3.24

John ThomasToni Kania

3.26Babbs Wastcoat

3.28Ruth Kraus

Help Needed

Receptions will follow all the Easter Services, 8:00 p.m.,April 19 and 7:45, 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. April 20. Pleasebring a plate of finger food to the service you plan toattend. Marti Callahan is looking for volunteers to helpclean-up after each service and to keep the food plattersand punch bowls filled. Please contact Marti if you arewilling to volunteer at [email protected].

Vacation Bible School 2014June 16 - 20


Where God Guides and Provides In just a few short months St. Michael's and St. Anne'swill join together for another Vacation Bible SchoolAdventure. But, we can't do it without the help of adultvolunteers. We need several volunteers who can sharetheir time, energy and love with the kids who attend. Ourfirst planning meeting with adult leaders will take placeon Tuesday, April 22. Below are some great ways you

can help make this program a success:Celebration LeaderFun and Games LeaderCraft LeaderTribe LeaderPreschool LeaderRegistration TeamDecorating TeamPhotographerPublicity CoordinatorSupply Coordianator Please contact Jeni Younger at 847-381-2323 [email protected] if you are interestedin volunteering or have questions. I look forward tohearing from you!

Page 11: News from St. Michael's Episcopal Church · Kristen, Laurie, Ceres, Lois, Dorothy, Monique, Mason, Allison, Jim, Rita, Chris, Melinda, Veronica, Brian, Paul & family, Amy, Rollo,


Senior Cat for Adoption I have raised "Kookie" the cat from the kitten stage - firstas my daughter's pet, more recently, mine. She is alovely black and white, female house cat. But now, at 13years of age, I must put her up foradoption. You see, I am selling my home,and cannot have the cat in the housewhile it is being frequently shown by and tostrangers. This is not in the cat's bestinterest. In addition, my beau's entire familyis allergic to cats, and cannot even visit myhouse for a few hours without becomingill. So "Kookie" cannot come with me when I move intoanother house in order to be closer to my job. Would you please consider adding Kookie to your familyor passing along this email to "cat friendly" families?Thank you ! Kathy Randolph, 847-373-1516.

Holy Week and Easter Schedule

Palm Sunday

April 137:45, 9:00, 10:45 a.m. + Holy Communion

(with procession of Palms)

Maundy Thursday

April 177:30 p.m. + Holy Communion

A Watch at the Altar of Repose will take place in the chapelfollowing the 7:30 p.m. service and will continue through 6:00

a.m. on Good Friday. A sign-up sheet is available in thefront foyer.

Good Friday

April 18

Page 12: News from St. Michael's Episcopal Church · Kristen, Laurie, Ceres, Lois, Dorothy, Monique, Mason, Allison, Jim, Rita, Chris, Melinda, Veronica, Brian, Paul & family, Amy, Rollo,

6:15 a.m. + Stations of the Cross10:00 a.m. + 'A Walk Through Holy Week'(a liturgy for children, suitable for all ages)

7:30 p.m. + Good Friday Liturgy

Easter Eve

April 198:00 p.m. + Great Vigil of Easter

Festive Reception will follow

Easter Day

April 207:45, 9:00, 11:00 a.m. + Holy CommunionFestive Receptions will follow each service

Catch the Latin SpiritSunday, April 27, 6:00 p.m.

at Nacional 27, Chicago

Benefit Chair Kay Lewis promises a Bishop Anderson

House party you won't want to miss. A night of incrediblefood and drink, plenty of fun and fellowship, and even adance lesson--all to support the one of a kind pastoralcare ministry of Bishop Anderson House. This Sunday, March 23, Executive Director Jay Risk willvisit St Michael's, and we will be selling event and raffletickets at all 3 services. Raffle prizes include the popular"Downton Abbey Style Feast for 8," a $500 Apple giftcard, Kindle Fire, Kindle Paper White and more. Bus transportation to the event is back by populardemand. The bus will depart St Michael's at 4:30 p.m.,and depart Chicago at 9:00, when the event concludes. Price per person will be $20-$23 per person,depending on interest. Contact Ann Ryba

at [email protected] for bus reservation.

Page 13: News from St. Michael's Episcopal Church · Kristen, Laurie, Ceres, Lois, Dorothy, Monique, Mason, Allison, Jim, Rita, Chris, Melinda, Veronica, Brian, Paul & family, Amy, Rollo,


2014 Barrington Area Leadership

AcademySaturday, April 12, 2014

8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

This one day program is open to anyone interested inbecoming more informed and an effective participant inthe community. Click here to view their website andregistration information.


CROSSwalk Summit A Day of Work Against Gun Violence and its Root


When: Saturday, May 3, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.Where: St. James Commons Read more about CROSSwalk here.

Upcoming Events for Your Calendar

School of Faith ~ On going. See side bar for details.Wednesdays in Lent ~ 6:00 pm Stations of the Cross Prayer Service; 6:30pm Dinner; 7:00pm Program

March 25, Prayer Shawl Ministry, 7:00 p.m.March 26, St. Michael's Book Club, 7:30 p.m. April 9, My Bright Abyss, book conversation, 7:00 p.m.May 4, Confirmation Recognition Sunday, 10:45 a.m. (see 5/18)May 5, Vestry/Leadership Summit, time tbdMay 10, Flower Sale, youth fund raiserMay 18, Confirmation @ Christ ChurchMay 25, Summer Worship Schedule begins, 7:45 & 9:30 a.m.June 1, Senior Recognition Sunday, 9:30 a.m.June 8, Day of Pentecost

Click here for a complete calendar of events on our website.

Page 14: News from St. Michael's Episcopal Church · Kristen, Laurie, Ceres, Lois, Dorothy, Monique, Mason, Allison, Jim, Rita, Chris, Melinda, Veronica, Brian, Paul & family, Amy, Rollo,

Contact InfoSt. Michael's Vestry

[email protected] Atkins - Senior Warden; David Buckley, Jr., Junior Warden

David Bishop, Sof Ts'o, Dolores Kampert, Ray Kean, Pat Kane, Mike SavageChristy Cressey, Teri Doran, Randy Lewis, Leslie Yerger, Jay Younger

John Davis - Treasurer, Craig Anderson, ClerkMarissa Longo, Youth Representative; Sean Tucker, Youth Representative

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Clergy and Staff

The Rev. Patrick Raymond, Rector; The Rev. Kevin Caruso, Associate RectorThe Rev. Ulrika (Eva) Baydoun, Assisting; The Rev. James Bullion, Assisting

The Rev. Elizabeth (Betsy) Ward, Assisting; The Rev. Laurie Michaels, DeaconThe Rev. Judith Heinrich, Deacon; Caren Hunter, Director of Little Angels

Preschool; David Baker, Director of Music Ministries; Jeni Younger, Coordinatorof Children's Ministries; Kara Joy Baker, Youth Pastor & Director of Children'sChoir; Kim Lessner, Parish Operations; Nancy Holmes, Parish Administrator &

Rector's Assistant; Rich Hornickel, Sexton; Jonathan Gallilher, WebDesign

~~~~~~~~~~~~~St. Michael's Episcopal Church

St. Michael's Episcopal Church, 647 Dundee Avenue, Barrington, IL 60010The Parish Office is open 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Sword

The Sword is published each Thursday. The deadline to submit items to beincluded is Tuesday at Noon. Any questions or comments regarding this

publication should be sent to [email protected]

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St. Michael's Episcopal Church | 647 Dundee Avenue | Barrington | IL | 60010