Page 1: New Zion Newsletter€¦ · A Valentine’s Day dance contest, a Salsa lesson, a play, a birthday party, a painting class, bowling, a visit to the High . Museum. These have been some

Just ask any teen after service about the ministry, and you'll

get an earful. As the ministry continues to grow, the teens are con-

tinuing with their development through classes like the Personal

Development Seminars. The teens are also planning fundraisers,

hosting another Youth Fire, starting Parent Appreciation Days, and

of course having more fellowships.

"This group is even more unified," Pastor Ray continued.

"They are really close and have a desire to be involved in the


One of the ways they got involved was through the music


"They came to Pastor Ray and I and said that they wanted to

do something different, be separate from the children's choir," said

Sister Brittany Wilson co-leader and choir director.

It was confirmation for Sister Brittany. She had already re-

ceived a vision from God about getting something started for the

teens. The teens have been dedicated to practicing and creating an

atmosphere of praise and worship on Sundays since the new choir

formed. They even came up with their own name, "Witness Revela-


The ministry has also seen a lot of success through some of

its programs. One of the programs, all-day college tours, has been a

revelation for some of the teens.

"A lot of them had not thought about visiting a campus,"

said Pastor Ray.

With the help of Minister Teresa Wilson and other parents,

the teens visited local colleges like the University of Georgia and

Kennesaw State, which helped them understand why college is so


FUTURE Leaders on Fire

Freedom, Unity, Thanksgiving, Understanding,

Readiness and Encouragement

By Sis. Celeste CC Dickson

It's hard to come to a second Sunday ser-

vice at New Zion North and stay in your seat during

the praise song. In freshly pressed clothes and

matching colors, the teens bless us each month with

their soulful voices. But, the FUTURE ministry is

more than just about music. It's about developing

our teens to become spirit-led leaders in everything

they do -- from succeeding in academics to excelling

in sports to enjoying purpose-filled lives.

The church has experienced a teen youth

revival over the past year. The ministry has evolved

into one of our most passionate groups.

They pray. They fellowship. They study the


"The teens we have now came into the min-

istry on fire," said Pastor Raymond Dockery III, min-

istry leader. "The FUTURE ministry alumni really

paved the way for the group we have now."

Those teens (now adults) set an example by

coming to church regularly, attending classes, hang-

ing out together and participating in ministry.

FUTURE's Mission

To equip the teens of the church to reach and max-

imize their full potential. To empower them to lead a

good Christian life. To train and prepare for works of

service, equip to become great leaders in ministry,

academics and at home. To teach them to rely on

the Word of God.

Ministry Scripture

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when

he is old, he will not depart from it. -

Proverbs 22:14 (KJV)


November 3, 2013

Pastor Kimberly Pleasant

Apostle Jamie T. Pleasant , Senior Pastor and

New Zion

Page 2: New Zion Newsletter€¦ · A Valentine’s Day dance contest, a Salsa lesson, a play, a birthday party, a painting class, bowling, a visit to the High . Museum. These have been some

The teens recently received special recognition for completing a 12-week financial course. They became more knowl-

edgeable about money through Biblical and practical lessons.

"The most impactful session was the one we did on housing. I have never seen young people learn like that," noted

Pastor Ray. "They developed a deeper appreciation for their parents after learning what home ownership is all about - you

know, more than just a mortgage, but expenses like utilities. A lot of them felt like they had taken their parents for granted

and promised to stop leaving the lights on."

A part of the dedication from the teens came from how influenced they are by the teachers at the church.

"They really appreciate it when people come down to their level," said Pastor Ray. With the help of Brother Otis Colli-

er, Minister Lawrence Gibbs IV (also a teen alum), Minister Sharon Miller and Sisters Porshia Williams and Kim Womack, the

ministry is really equipped to handle what comes its way - especially with the challenges teens face today.

"Some of the kids come in and they are rough around the edges," Pastor Ray shared. "They are either completely shut

down, or really outgoing and need to be reigned in. They come with pre-conceived notions about church and a mix of world

views. Some are very confused about what's right and what's wrong."

He added, "They want to hear the real story. They want to hear that adults have flaws too. They are not looking for

perfect parents. They just want to feel trust."

Brother Austin Bowan, 14, the youngest of three siblings, whose family attends the church is extremely connected to

the ministry.

"Austin is very guarded," said Sister Celesta. "Since we've been here, I've seen him grow, come out of his shell and begin

to develop more leadership qualities I know he has," she added. "Sometimes after leaving teen church, he even wants to know what

Apostle's sermons are about."

At times, it's a challenge for Austin and his family to get to church, but according to his mom Celesta Bowan, they come as

often as they can to stay involved.

"Although I've been here the least amount of time, I feel like I've known these people forever," said Austin. "When I first met

Ministers Zack and Zari, I could really relate to them. The freedom and the fellowship that we have is just amazing."


FUTURE Leaders on Fire

New Zion Info A Family Affair By Bro. Eric Stirgus

As a child, Sis. Nadine Louis would create sauces and mixes in small

pots in her mother’s restaurant in her native Haiti.

Cooking was one part of the recipe she was taught to become a

good wife and mother. Unbeknownst to her, Sis. Nadine was also learning

skills that have become the start of a promising family business.

The Louis family recently unveiled a gourmet product called

“Lynn’s Gourmet Hot Sauce.” All three daughters have Lynn in their first

name, thus the name of the product.

The hot sauce currently comes in four flavors and can be purchased online and at LaCitadelle, a Caribbean bak-

ery in Lawrenceville. The ingredients include fresh Habanero peppers, lemon juice, salt and other natural spices.

Sis. Nadine, her husband, Bro. Serge, and their business director, Sis. Sophia Marshall, recently sold the sauce in the New

Zion lobby. Apostle Pleasant enthusiastically endorsed the sauce at the end The Louis family has spent close to $20,000 on the

business, primarily using money Bro. Serge has made from day-trading stocks. They said they tithe every dollar they earn from

the business.

“We are so blessed. I just feel that God is moving so fast in our lives. I’m proud. It’s like birthing a baby,” Sis. Nadine said.

Sis. Nadine actually started the business while she was in college. She cooked Ramen Noodles and made sauces for the

dishes that she sold for a dollar.

of one service, encouraging them to get on the popular television show, Shark Tank, where aspiring entrepreneurs pitch

their products to a tough team of successful business people.

Page 3: New Zion Newsletter€¦ · A Valentine’s Day dance contest, a Salsa lesson, a play, a birthday party, a painting class, bowling, a visit to the High . Museum. These have been some

Apostle's Corner Love Letters

There is no death that does not produce a resurrection!”

Apostle Pleasant published his sixth and seventh books this year, From My Heart

To Yours: Love Letters From A Loving Father and Today’s Apostle: Leading God’s People

Towards Unity.

New Zion North pastors have engaged in an ongoing Bible study series of the books.

Copies of the books are available at the church or on

Here are excerpts from both books.

Love letter 12, titled “When you hurt, I hurt.”

There are times when unfortunate events will occur in your life and I must

stand back and let them happen. Please understand I will not allow anything to happen to you

that will make your life worst in the end or jeopardize your walk with me.

There are times unfortunate things will occur that will cause you to

cry and want to quit life. Please know that I am experiencing these things

along with you in order to get you to a better place in your life. Your desti-

nation will be better than you ever imagined and this may be the only way

to get your there. Yes, my loved one, even when you lose a person close

to you in death, I am working on something better to happen to you. Mary

and her sister Martha had to experience their brother’s death in order to

see a bigger miracle, which was his resurrection.

Now, I know that you might have loved ones that have died and

are still dead. However, I want to you to know even though they may have

died, something or someone was definitely resurrected! There is no death

that does not produce a resurrection! At every funeral, someone is

touched by death and will focus on me and begin to direct their lives ac-

cording to my will. You see, what Jesus was showing Mary and Martha

was that unless a seed falls to the ground, there is no chance for another

live to grow.

Tell Me everything, so that I can become closer to you than you could ever imagine. I

want to share in your trials, so I can better celebrate with you in our triumphs!

So let’s do this together. Let’s walk through the fire, rain and sunshine together. I am

an all weather God. I am with you through it all. I will never leave you, nor forsake you. I prom-

ise. I love you.

Yours in Peace,

Jehovah Shalom

Today’s Apostle: Chapter 1. Do Apostle’s Exist Today?

If we look at Ephesians 4:11, we see that there are five spiritual offices that exist

that are commonly referred to as the fivefold ministry gifts in the body of Christ.

Have we all reached unity in the faith yet? Have we all reached unity in the

knowledge of the Son of God? Have we all become mature? Have we all attained the

whole measure of the fullness of Christ? Of course not! We haven’t even come close to

achieving any of these things yet.

Does Ephesians 4:11-13 say anywhere that the prophet, evangelist pastor and

teacher will always be needed, but the apostle’s role will become obsolete? Of course not.

Is there any scriptural reference that says that Apostles will cease to exist? Is there any

scriptural reference that says that the role of an apostle in the church will not be need-

ed or diminished? The answers to both of these questions are a definitive no! There-

fore, scripture supports the existence of Apostles today.

The Lord of Peace (Rom 8:31-35)

Page 4: New Zion Newsletter€¦ · A Valentine’s Day dance contest, a Salsa lesson, a play, a birthday party, a painting class, bowling, a visit to the High . Museum. These have been some

Bringing Couples Together A Christian marriage should not be boring. A Valentine’s Day dance contest, a Salsa lesson, a play, a birthday party, a painting class, bowling, a visit to the High Museum. These have been some of the fun activities New Zion couples have recently participated in, all part of an exciting new ministry led by Ministers Lawrence and Audrey Gibbs. Apostle Pleasant and Pastor Kimberly asked the Gibbs to lead the New Zion couples ministry about a year ago. Each fourth Sunday, the Gibbs lead a class where married couples and those in serious relationships discuss how to be better mates, using the Bible-based teachings of a couple married for more than 35 years. Once a month, the couples gather for a date night. Each activity, all inexpensive, is the brainchild of a different couple in the group. The Gibbs, married for nearly 28 years, recently talked about the ministry. Here are excerpts. Q: How did this all come about? Lawrence Gibbs (LG): Apostle and Pastor Kimberly had a vision and they mentioned it to us about being the facilitators. Q: What did you all like about (David and Teresa Ferguson) the couple whose book we’re using for the classes? Audrey Gibbs (AG): We liked the longevity of their marriage. They seemed very real and very relatable. LG: They deal with the same things we deal with. AG: And at the same time, they’re spiritual. The way they wrote that book is applicable. The assignments, the activities, they’re things you can actually do. If you actually did them, you can strengthen your relationship. Q: Were the outings your idea? LG: It was idea. (laughter) It was our idea. That was conceived at home. We wanted participation and what better way. People like doing different things, so if every couple comes up something, we would get to explore things we wouldn’t typically do.

Q: One thing I like about the outings is that it helps couples to get to know each other even better. LG: People are sharing things are happening in their lives. That’s the thing. I know that’s one of the hardest things for a couple is for you and your spouse to talk to each other, not agree on something and be able to come to a conclusion. Because you hear all the time ‘That’s just the way you are.’ ‘Well, the way you are is when you come home from work, all you want to do is sit around and watch TV. But I want to go out and I want to go walking or let’s go to dinner. You don’t want to do anything.’ So the person who doesn’t want to do the walking and all that, they hear it, but they don’t really realize it until they hear from some other couple explaining why. Sometimes, we have a hard time understanding. When you hear it from somebody else, ‘Oh, okay. I didn’t see it that way.’ You get a better understanding and your heart opens up.

Q: Do you get people coming up to you saying this has helped our marriage? AG: We get that a lot. LG: We have people who want to extend the class, make it longer. AG: What’s funny is we have people who don’t want to do the class on a Sunday morning, but a Friday night. LG: They say it’s not enough time. That’s the input we’re getting. Q: Is there anything you all have learned about yourselves or each other? AG: Oh, yeah. Nothing that we can talk about. (Laughter) Q: What would you tell couples who have not been coming about the benefits of the ministry? AG: I would say give at least one class a try to see how it flows. There’s no pressure. It’s an open atmosphere. People share. Most of the feedback that I’ve gotten is the reason people like to come is because we are very transparent. Even not just with us, but other people open up, which is what I like. LG: You may not feel like you need to be there to get anything, but you can give. AG: We haven’t been in previous marriages. We haven’t been in blended situations. We love when people can share from those situations. LG: And people with no children at all and people who want to have children. You have children who stay with you or children who live with their mom or live with their dad. How you handle those things or how you cope with those things. Finances, we talk about those things. You just don’t know how you’re going to help somebody, so that’s why you should come. Q: And there aren’t any right or wrong answers. LG: Exactly. Q: Is there anything else you want to get out about the ministry? AG: That the purpose of the ministry is to bring couples together as a whole. We’re there to facilitate and lead that group. We are there as couples. We are there to be there for each other. LG: It’s open and it’s working. It’s not a pressure situation. You come when you can come. I guarantee when you come, you can get something out of it or you will give something to someone. It works both ways.

By: Bro. Eric Stirgus

Page 5: New Zion Newsletter€¦ · A Valentine’s Day dance contest, a Salsa lesson, a play, a birthday party, a painting class, bowling, a visit to the High . Museum. These have been some

By Min. Zackery Perry

God is awesome! He can speak into nothing and create anything. Nothing in the entire universe

happens without His permission. He cannot fail. He sent His own son to die for me and redeem me from

sin. He has plans to prosper me and not to harm me. His is totally trustworthy and yet I sometimes find

myself in a position where trusting in His will is difficult, especially when I do not know all of the details of

His will.

Now I am not saying that I have been cured of all doubt, but I trust God more than I have in the

past because I can see where He is working in my life. Most of all, I see His hand at work in my academ-


About two years ago, I took my first chemistry course during my junior year of high school. I had

some interest in the subject. However, I only planned to take one chemistry course during high school.

Fortunately for me, God had different plans.

At the beginning of that year, the school counselors placed me in a basic chemistry college pre-

paratory course. I excelled, and one day, without me asking, my teacher approached me and asked me

if I would like to advance to the honors version of the course the following semester. She then recom-

mended that I should take Advanced Placement chemistry the following school year. At that moment, I

knew that God had a plan that He wanted me to follow, so I accepted her offer. After Christmas break of

that year, I started my first day of honors chemistry. The following school year, I began my first day in AP


When I began AP chemistry my senior year, I noticed that God had set up the entire situation for

me to succeed. The woman who taught regular chemistry, the same teacher who recommended me for

AP, also taught AP chemistry and thus I ended up in her classroom again.

God blessed me abundantly by placing me in that class. I had known this teacher for two years.

She wrote fantastic recommendation letters for me for college. Moreover, the class challenged me intel-

lectually. When God is determined to bless you, and you are in the right position to receive His bless-

ings, God keeps prospering you. During that time spent in her class, the Lord was preparing me to re-

ceive yet another blessing.

Since I had been thriving in chemistry so well, I know that I wanted to pursue this subject further

in college, so I applied for the Chemistry Scholars Program at the University of Alabama in Birmingham.

I desired to get into that program because those accepted into the program received scholarship mon-

ey. I knew that God wanted me in that program when I received an acceptance letter.

The Lord can see into the future. I do not know all of the details concerning God’s will for my life.

Nevertheless, I am comfortable with the uncertainty because the Lord is the same yesterday, today and

forever! Jesus’ track record in my life is absolutely flawless. Since

He is caring for me now, I know that He will continually care for me

all the days of my life.

Two years ago, if someone had told me that I would major

in chemistry, I would have not believed it because I had different

plans. However, in the long run, my plans don’t matter because as

God says in Isaiah 55:8 “my thoughts are not your thoughts; neither

are your ways my ways.”

In God We Trust

Page 6: New Zion Newsletter€¦ · A Valentine’s Day dance contest, a Salsa lesson, a play, a birthday party, a painting class, bowling, a visit to the High . Museum. These have been some

Walking for a Purpose!

By Sis. Kimberly Womack and Bro. Jeremiah Chapman On Saturday, June 22, twenty two inspired members of New Zion Christian Church (NZCC) gathered for the 2013 Prayer Walk. Initially billed as Faith Walk in 2010, Prayer Walk is the spiritually inspired progression of the fitness event. After Apostle Pleasant's June 2 sermon, "Walk in the Spirit Not in the Flesh," members of the Women of Purpose Operations Team were moved to restructure the walk to become a more spiritually rooted and spiritually purposed activity. Following the 9 a.m. registration, which in-cluded a review of the prayer list handed down by Apostle and Pastor Kimberly, par-ticipants gathered at the altar in a special prayer circle for scripture (Joshua 1:2-8) and prayer led by Pastor Quest McKinney and Pastor Debbie Acholes. In the spirit of the battle of Jericho (Joshua 6) all participants commenced the Prayer Walk by walking around the New Zion North sanctuary seven times, giving praise in song and prayer. Next, the prayer walkers left the church grounds and walked around the community before triumphantly returning to the sanctuary. "We should do this more often!," Minister Lawrence said after the event. This was met with excited agreement from all the participants. Taking advantage of the spirit of prayer that permeated the sanctuary, Pastor Acholes asked everyone to re-member "three o'clock prayer—it’s still going on in full effect." Finally, everyone received a heartfelt thank you from Elder Michelle Earley, the event's coordinator, for their participation and commitment to the Prayer Walk. Be on the lookout for the next Prayer Walk. In the interim, consider incorporating these six additional prayers into your prayer life to keep in stride with the Walk and keep our ministry healthy and active: Pray for:

the casting and removal of all demons out of our church! a heart of service within each leader and member of New Zion, so that each one may ask themselves

"What can I do to build God's Kingdom through NZCC?" perfect love, peace, and unity between each leader at NZCC to do the will of God.

Pray that: each member of NZCC will continue to grow spiritually and do the will of God for their lives. God will open the heart of the people.

our 10:30am service will grow and people will give their lives to Christ Jesus.

Page 7: New Zion Newsletter€¦ · A Valentine’s Day dance contest, a Salsa lesson, a play, a birthday party, a painting class, bowling, a visit to the High . Museum. These have been some

A smooth way to better health By Sis. Latoya Dockery

Smoothies can be added to a light breakfast, a snack or even become meal re-

placement. I have used them in those ways and sometimes all in one day. If you

make it with the correct ingredients you will have a great tasting and nutritious

meal or snack. All you need is a blender and the fruits, vegetables and herbs be-


You can purchase most of the fruits, vegetables and herbs from your local grocery

store but the best place to purchase them is from your local farmers market where

they are extremely affordable or if you would like to take a short ride town to the

DeKalb Farmers Market, the biggest and, perhaps, best farmers market in Georgia.

There you will find everything you need and lots more.

These smoothies above have a great source of protein and fiber. Who says you

have to get your protein from meat???

When making the smoothies above feel free to make substitutions but when you

do try not to substitute a veggie with a fruit. the vegetables has a specific protein

value that our body needs to give us energy and keep us working properly

throughout the day.

Family Time: Allowing your kids to assist and the smoothies making process will

show them that you are promoting health and also show bring their independence

out. Encourage them to choose their favorite fruits and vegetables to add and to

the smoothies. You can ever let them name the smoothie.

Now that you have been equipped... Go and get your smoothie on! Don't forget to

have fun.

Important Facts about Fruits and Vegetables

- Ginger: including heartburn, as well as nausea and motion sickness. If you team

Ginger up with a banana, it will act as a natural antacid. Think about this combina-

tion before you spend money at the store or your local pharmacy.

- Pineapple: alleviate pain of arthritis and improves condition by strengthening


- Celery helps lower blood pressure

- Blueberry boost immunity

- Mint strengthens skin tissue and helps reduce oily skin

- Watermelon promotes weight loss and lowers cholesterol and controls blood


- Yogurt is another option which provides probiotic live cultures and calcium


For recipes, please go to

Page 8: New Zion Newsletter€¦ · A Valentine’s Day dance contest, a Salsa lesson, a play, a birthday party, a painting class, bowling, a visit to the High . Museum. These have been some

A Family Affair (continued)

“It was my college hustle,” she said with a chuckle.

Upon getting married, she made sauces for dinner parties. About

two years ago, Bro. Serge came to her with an idea.

“I want you to be out of corporate America,” he said. “Honey, my

vision for you is to have you start your own hot sauce company.”

Sis. Nadine started experimenting with different sauces but the business

launch would have to be delayed. She was pregnant.

While on maternity leave, Sis. Nadine went back to work on the business

idea, conducting more testing. Bro. Serge worked on the business plan. The big-

gest challenge, she said, was complying with U.S. Food and Drug Administration


The family has trekked to car shows and other events to sell the sauce.

The couple hopes to sell their product in higher-end stores, such as Whole Foods,

and other local restaurants. They hope to make enough money from the business

to start a restaurant.

“The whole goal is to create a brand,” said Sis. Nadine, who said she is

working on two new sauces.

And about going on Shark Tank?

“Hey,” Sis. Nadine said with a smile. “You never know.”

Lynn’s Gourmet Hot Sauce flavors:

- smoky chipotle - fiery hot sauce

Where to find it

online? - original hot sauce

- premium hot sauce


Sis. Lisa James Editor

Bro. Eric Stirgus

WritersBro. Eric Stirgus

Sis. Celeste CC Dickson

Min. Zackery Perry

Sis. Kimberly Womack Bro. Jeremiah Chapman

Sis. Latoya Dockery


Star Achievers

In June, 18 youth from New Zion earned certificates from a finan-

cial literacy course. Here’s the list:

Austin Bowman

Shayara Dockery

Zach Ferguson

William Ferguson

Asia Flowers

Amaya Jackson

Jamia Lawrence

Taylor Lawrence

Baby Dedications: -Naomi Sarai McKinney - Jan. 13, 2013.

Kymani Nathaniel Taylor - July 21, 2013.

Wendell Terell Edgington III - Aug. 11, 2013.

William McCutcheon

Bria Mitchell

Stedman Perry

Zackery Perry

Christian Pleasant

Anthony Ross

Charise Ross
