  • Slide 1

New Zealand Branch Slide 2 Formation of the Royal Marines 1664 King Charles II authorised the raising of an infantry regiment for services at sea Charles brother, James, Duke of York, was appointed commander of the regiment Regiment was named the Duke of York and Albanys Maritime Regiment of Foot (the Lord High Admirals Regiment) Slide 3 The Duke of York & Albanys Maritime Regiment of Foot 1664 Slide 4 Gibraltar 1704 Marines were prominent in the assault, capture and defence of the Spanish fortress of Gibraltar Led by Prince of Hese, they landed on the narrow isthmus connecting the rock with Spain to cut off communications. Spanish garrison surrendered on 24 July and marched out of Gibraltar with honours of war, drums beating and Spanish flag flying. Slide 5 Marines 1704 Gibraltar Slide 6 Battle of Trafalgar 1805 In 1802 the Marines received the honour of Royal The Royal Marines were present at the Battle of Trafalgar Royal Marine marksmen were positioned on the decks and in the rigging A Royal Marine sergeant helped carry Nelson below decks after being wounded Slide 7 Battle of Trafalgar 1805 Slide 8 Artillery & Infantry 1855 The Corp of Royal Marines re-designated a light Corp and the Light Infantry and the Royal Marine Artillery were established as separate divisions This changed the look of the uniforms, and established the Red Marines and the Blue Marines Slide 9 Artillery & Infantry 1855 Slide 10 Egypt & the Sudan 1884 British interest in the Suez Canal led to an intervention by the British Military Warships of the Mediterranean fleet bombarded and destroyed rebel held forts A force of fleet Marines and sailors secured the port and restored order Slide 11 Royal Marine Light Infantry 1884 Slide 12 The Great War 1914 Royal Marines were employed in every theatre of war and took part in major conflicts such as Gallipoli (where a member of the Corp won a VC), Belgium and Zeebrugge (VC) Slide 13 Light Infantry Belgium 1914 Slide 14 Public Duties A fact not commonly known, is that the Royal Marines have performed public duties at Buckingham Palace Royal Marine band service serve on the Royal Yacht Brittannia for overseas state occasions Slide 15 Public Duties Buckingham Palace 1935 Slide 16 Second World War Formation of the Commando units Royal Marines had over 250 years of amphibious warfare Commando units made up of 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48 Numbers rose to 78,000 Slide 17 43 Commando - Italy 1945 Slide 18 Korea, Suez and Brunei Royal Marines played a prominent part in all these conflicts Fought alongside the first US Marine division in Korea Royal Marines re-hoisted the white ensign outside Navy House Port Said, Suez Amphibious landings on Limbang were one of the many actions Royal Marines took part in the Brunei revolt Slide 19 40 Commando Brunei 1963 Slide 20 Falklands 1982 68 Royal Marines defended the islands against 4,500 Argentinean soldiers Special units of SAS and SBS recaptured South Georgia Royal Marines yomp across East Falkland to Port Stanley Argentineans surrender to Major General Jeremy Moore RM Slide 21 Falkland Islands - 1982 Slide 22 Commando Training Commando Training Centre Royal Marines in Devon Harsh training carried out on Dartmore Longest training of all combat troops in the UK (8 months) before coveted green beret is earned 85% fail rate 15% elite Slide 23 Commando Training Slide 24 Royal Marines 1996 - Present Northern Ireland Kosovo Bosnia all around Yugoslavia Iraq x 2 wars Afghanistan last 8 years or so Slide 25 Royal Marines 1996 - Present Slide 26 The Band of Her Majestys Royal Marines Ceremonial dress Royal Marine Band renowned as one of the finest military bands in the world Royal Marine Band used in Britain and overseas for state occasions Royal Marine Band has its own corp of drums who perform the ceremony of beat retreat Slide 27 Drum Major & Bugler - Present Slide 28 NZ History In 1768, a small R.M. detachment of 9 Marines, 1 Drummer and 1 Corporal, under the command of Sgt. John Edgecombe R.M joined H.M.S. Endeavour under Capt. Cook to sail for the South Seas The Royal Marines Detachments of the Resolution and Discovery did their duty in New Zealand waters, and later in the New Zealand Wars Slide 29 NZ History cont. In 1920 with the formation of the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy, Light Cruisers came onto the New Zealand Station. These ships carried detachments of Royal Marines, both the Light Cruisers H.M.S. Dunedin and H.M.S. Diomede and five detachments, H.M.S. Achilles three detachments, H.M.N.Z.S. Gambia one detachment; and H.M.N.Z.S. Bellona with two detachments. Slide 30 NZ History cont. The last detachment of Royal Marines (1949 to 1951) carried out their duties in the traditional manner of the Corps; in 1951 they bade farewell to New Zealand by Beating Retreat; their bearing and drill were the delight to thousands who watched them at the Royal Easter Showgrounds. In the mid 1970s the Royal Marine NZ Association formed their own Corps of drums A further link with New Zealand is that of the Royal Marine Light Infantry Colours. These were one of the first colours of an Imperial force to be laid up in New Zealand; at St. Mary's church, New Plymouth. Slide 31 NZ History cont. The grave of Col Dare-Dowell, one of the Corps VC (Crimean War) holders, was discovered in Remuera, Auckland, and his award which was thought to have been lost, was personally presented to the Royal Marine Museum in Eastney, Portsmouth Slide 32 Royal Marine Assn NZ Corp of Drums