Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1866-05-11 [p 6] · arti»»*. uiid«»r aefaiM ti largely increased tratbc the

t'BItl-IPB« Ut MATTB»^,'

¡palee al ita» amma _,-efcMt#_Ma. 10.© 8 -bj, ls«4*>l,rg T '

h Wtueb. M lloaton Water F'r.»Man ..'«»¦'> «to. 73 3fW..¦¦»..¦.¦ % *«.."' -

- ***.(««» 1> b W. tV Cbie.3 ( leve, th Toledo._e*_l__»r^ . M "».1MÍo?:.?!:AWSÄWBa. H.J Central.

Vow .IO*' 'lUiikSt. N.-York.i Km».bli "-,D._ ti. b-a-kV, (1*1« ."h. 1".i... -d... M27 (8»0 .10.' I.ankof (Viiiiiierci lui.VJ*0. H. te, IA reg. -Ki.109" Brie,i,ty»0 .116 'Am.Kxch. lltti.-. MO........... ."'*V. B-6«, In?. i.IIB -M....»çna WjSO.OOO.1-0 ¡Ki. rtli Nat. llaik IBB..b3U. <'dtreasury 7 it-lOs. I*.M9| l-«_«.»im. T3\

lattserl'8. Ina. t-Tnt-b Kk. .Re-italit g.IJM..«I II .ion M.«...1B7I

1 (m _|0_¡ '( u'iil'crUnu. '-'i*1.hi.». KL»}2'] sen, t. m. « m.Mm%BJhV\80.W0.10.1 l.m.... b'Ki 4M Mich. _o. «ta N. I.»k1 senes. 101..<-". *t. SOO.... ..... »|

I.OtW^eii.Hll.tot. Sr.niii.' *louul-»i.i. lin.»..vd call.. <<>iV.tsTae.1 y.e, n i. It»..... t. Illiaoit CentralüJAtl.KlOi: KHI. Ititi ¡'SI.l.'li

ret.nV- Ktl. i'L IW.»K» 121I«_ IN»» . 901 Sra-oee Hill. "Km.«»i unSlttMfî .«H»¿ lOn. Ii C1« ve. tV l'itts.

IN. M<»" . _SlKOt». ..'«Weall. Kljl.tSK>....l.lH. KJ,

t [fohl- W-

M.«'ar-li _«»"._. Brananich Land. 300. -g,7,(»(!'>.B3] khi. -H '-'"".[-;i

j_oiii«iBiia le. w- niiiiig Valley.l.UiO.. 07 oVhi. I"Ohi" «V Mi«s. Cr. l»el.«V H. Canal.BBMt _ -"1 IM. -:1V \ Central 7i 7( ' ni la proTBienllaWk) .lilli len. Il MM.I » S1

M. V Ceuliulri«, vi West. Oliea M. BM. " 891an,!-«».!»i ion. 83 r_tee«nt_M.WJrtM V béa.*,-7. !¦ . BM iihi...... .... »J.j,!««». "I «m...-lee-. M.I -M...aMeaH. i-d,Krw -d atae, ."'.?. ,Atuta.tic- Moil. A it-go* K. I.lou«).|M» I IM. '¦'.'»

»aVir .ii) n «ge. JAshburton (»m1. 1*100.. 9d enll- 96_1 MB... i»«'** 4" . It.' I":'. Ft.NV.tVC.

_hnelth mtpe. Onichsilrer. 9M.W.l BM . . M MO.. 561 Munetta-(.u. 1 p¦Me-tb aune. -M.»ût»1. '..'»¦ MO. 4:ik,(K8l. M K»l. Mi MO. 4.'

Beaten let ntrs MO. SH Mil. «It St. P.1,000 .... IM M »riposa. MO.i

_B-Bh,«Cea.Ba.a«L MO. 13 BM. -."i|,O(J0.K'i MuniHir-ft l'rcf. It»n .V.M call, .»'i

IIBiiois Central b.i 300. '-.J Mil. «V st. R rr*/»1,0«)..103«I MO. M» MO. <-'¡sUbi, «V «V.W.I. M. 1(H)...".»d rail. M] 400. » .'iliJlJtT.8IJ li.ilia'iHji. \ ( i.- -M. »'-'t'uoc. H IM . i »Mt.. «b13 *'*i

IfJlH). -3 I1 O t'lntX'B BOARD.

MP ««et. lu, 1.1 Tree». tMOmtètta, Mil. A .st. Tu,il.100.»..I l-tw-r.'i. IH..'

Cleve t_ 'li.h.i«-. 9 NI..mall 109 l'uui pnf.500':.l"l4 Man;» »a i,nft mt'. 900. T2

I'll, A H. I.-AH». 24| Iiitlianapolie4; ( in

ann.hi soo. ;5


Iii»i A lin I»- ti. ;l .s.».«,'Si Beaa, ¡Reading.3.r« 149 90,000.I»"; SOO.Mf> H'7BBtatt MUÍ Coal, l -.le. 5-90 ea»*-.|Mieb.8onth.a N.lKi». 4," 110,100.109 MI.TU.KHI |] l\ S. i.».V'JO (...'(»!. l>vf. At l'iltt.»nu.»» .ck Land -ii.iHiO.109 100.WJUNI . !» V. S. re»,.r..*.-tV.,'IV». 6»K». -_]

fantt.n..»'.lir.', Chic. dt*.W.«kX'..Wj V. S. .'«K.'-Ie. 1100.s'il). CO

~e»t. I'-»'.on Tel. 18,000 mdor'd 96 (Chicago at «N. W.pfK«.Mi I. S. >, lt'-loc. I !(»». l'»H

-¿__rilMM ont I,'«»O. .Mil 300. O','»tjir i. -M, Ireiu'uryÎ.I-IOa. iClevt«.«*'. Toledo.

r*^ -ABAJ1 R:.7.:::::*5|I ^na___<<^nLi;agrie. I 7,000.102g1 1,5410.91100..:3|iT*nnew-c»eoi. |Mil. It. St. Paul pf.Bl tiI Kii.r. 1,000...M]l 'Mt.71

100.H*1,! I ion.71J»¦PB» BOARD OF »BtJlï-».3J P. M.

('lev, «k l'i!!». [Canton. |fcne.200 . «-Jj UK).tf-1 100. 73|4M. ti Hi 100.toi. Mgj 200.W. T.ijMÎT... b3, ki -Cumberland. Hudion «Uiver.600.K1 Ii-». ISâ 100.blO.lO-ti.MO.bX MI 100.hi- iól 100.....MB]

.too. Ki} Si.,-....«. Hill Co ¡Reading.Cleve. «\ Ml. 4J 1,000.b3 107.._(M)...KUI U m kiilvir. iMicb. Bo. <fc K. 1

A K.'-I exilv.l IO«.b3. 55} I K»>0. 7S«3100. 94t Suit li A Parmalee. 100.b3. 7S¿Cb»MX100.b3 HW 100.»3. 10| 111. Central.Chi liN.ff. iff Weat, Union Tel.I 100OOt. »'«OJ, lix».ilO. ftiíl 100Chi tVN.W. irf Weat, Union Tel.I 100.1?1*}

(Mil 100.B3.1311ilk ..«..__, Ht] loo.(..'ii 100.till]y V BJ At di«. lix» .bIB. 03 iChic. A N. W.300.9!»g M. Y. CaatraLMil A ft. I'.iilp:.: 100.b30. 9Í.Jli*.'. Î1'Vi. 'J"J300. Mj

TnuMitAT, May 10-r a.

Ot.ld dome» at I'"*», 3 Id"'«}.Government securities continue strong and in ge«»«l

liitiBtuiiiit ilemand not only from partiel dosinng perKiain-i,t i-mjiliijineiit for capital, but from those having__i_i,t i » for which they can find no profitable use. AllG« v. raw li «Bae-I mw ¡selling at pricei over six per?leBt ii.ti ret cannot be readily made in currency without

Buying tkt »»''lil bearing debt*. Stato stock», BallwayHi<>rtj.»:ie< -. «ind Hank tharet are all strong, and holders of«Bolnl iiii<»tmeLt are not disposed to offer them.The It., laa* hd.ire uinrktt is irregular. For MichiganBxnith. ni »:.»! Q-Wjaal it. Pittsburgh an advanc*waa paid For the former the demtn»! whs

arti»»*. uiid«»r aefaiM ti largely increased tratbc the

Bret week m Ulfa trio and Ncw-Tork Central wen» barelyak-ailt. ib«» Jattir, ftftntftkuf 6 per cent dividend», ii

I aow helling at it» full v.ilne as an investment. Eric is neg-leetr-tBt«) ball «-...1 le m .i ik". The small stocks aretteadc.At _I«Q_Mb_Í Bonni the market wat lower on Michi-

pa Southern aai Llewlaudaml Pittsburgh, and itcadyan the balance of the li*t. Rock Inland «old at 94. Themarkt t ',.¦-. i Per* dull ut quotations. The clueing price»were Canton, .'..*» a i«J, Cuu.lierlarid Coal, -4_»-4it^uKkaiivi r, ll|aMj Maripaaa pretend, Mf**M!i n. y.Central «Baja ¦¦:,. K:i,-, 7t\ <i:nA, Baaaea Biter, io*.'!»110 Keilli: g, lu;; a Uni; Michigan Southern, 7»|íí»7H|;lilmoi.« Central Scrip, 121|tlHI|) C«v«-lai.d É PHta-burgh,fl3jaeni; Ck»v(l,nd and Tel-do, lOIJalOIJ, Bael_Bland,94i»9tJ. Nortl.-YVestcrn, M)_>M#| do. preferred,M.afiO,; Fort Wayne, -.»,</9',._h_a*/iaa »»ill ki ibaaBBBl at 4_ô per cent, tumo

aoaimercial paper is »caree, and short datos can be used at

nftijttO j>er cent, lor go- «I, f>ja7j. The flow of currenty«rrom tho Weet eont n . e. and aa the season advanc. I, still

lower rates on eil! loan will be made, ae all long engage-jaenu are avaidod.

8t*rlin,| __a_aaai i» »wer, and IBOJie the quotation forbanker«' billa.

Tie Time» nyt:The holder» of Tennetiee State bonJi eio reoeiT» their ar-

*earaa*M of intereit lime le-Sl by forwardlnf the orerdueeoa|«oDi la the Kim National Baok of NsaliTille.i» s neu the Btate. of Uti same teaor of the old bonds, prondeil theaoupoue amount to an even |l,0OO. If ti.« y are abort of tnataaa« tbty eso be mid at Naslmlie for 7u cent» vu the dollar..Bah. li ia pr iitlile, »nu«, tLougb we are not autliori/eil toaaaounee the fact, tiat t.'e Julr, lOM, con ¡«on will be ca-bedBl tbe same t --if- >.v ['.« kal k at .Vsat.iiil«. Mlle pr-n-ipt

r.ymenl oft!..» coupet. «t tnatuiitv we hate no doubt, and itgratifyiag t«> kim« that nearly all the Kailwat eanaaah * to

whom tbe bor. J- i.f the State wert vtigmtUy loaned it iii furBE.I their rcapeiiire (,uura»*of lutertit. It i» not netet-atyBur Wie baidtr* of tue old hood» of the State to «end them nutloN»iliTli.e fur eianiiuetios only overdue coupon» are re

faired to be forwarded.

Tbe Firat National Bank of thil city ha« made a n-u.i-

anti uni dividend »>f 10 per cent, and added 10 ¡«cr cent

anare to it» alrwtdy large surplus, and has rtill undivided11 per eent ne :«-, Thit bank hu an open account with

Baring Bmtiiert of Loi^ou, n buying and Miling sU-rhngaatbange, d**» ;..-« ita own hills at (JV dayl, AThe trautfer b»«»kt «^f the New-York fjtatc Bounty Loan

twill close on"the lit of June.The Pacific Mail Steamsbip Company has taken office«

is tbe new banking-honae of Brown Brothers A Co. __!¦Building i» the mott »ubatatitial one devoted tuc-tnincrcialparporx» in New-York, and worthy the firm that will

aaeupy it.BuTte or WnWTBBll BOrXD ilBIOBTW PER li»' lb.

fit I.MB ¿ii els«». dil tin«». rill, rita».Cioaiuaai» .... t. .'¦ H M 11 M ttIOl^ittebnrgh ... 1 :.*»» I (JO eilViCbiuago. 1 Be it«) I *!KgPrairie Unthiea.. I !~ a 'JO 1 77 1 si7Milwaukee 1 titi 1 alya

The above ar- the ra'es under-*¡»¡cb the-Trunk mad»» are

.ow pro rating their Wertern-botind "traffic. T<i ].revettapante fr««» ». eaytttaf i*t«s, an BMf-ra has ln»en aelected,«and authorii-id.afiii u..¦ estimation, to discharge sumiti-rilytaap agent offending, » b'» is tin r« after ineligible ta em-

.ployment by the Trunk roid«. Inder thi» cutting sys-Imii,» ha** U-li »h.ppuig g'iod» at lessUtan half the repular tarff. The ucw tmatymill probably be kept m all previo« ones bave been,M long M fenner BBM a ! no l«jn,_er. Batore tho rate».n fhirlv publi»bed,*tbey are generally cot, and luch willla tbe rase until tin roa-Ii dimna» the enormous army of".appert and nunirs' in the form of freight-artnt»liftketaeller», ileeplng-cars an-1 transjKirtation com¡,iinnj»which now Heal their ubatnro-. So long m tbrse para-8>tn ara allowed to priy uj"H»n the earningt whi. h be-longto the ahareholdor», the owner» of the proj erty w.ll louk in

Bala (or high pricn in Wa 1-it, or large dividend»..Uoill Bn^a. It Co. in the Oat on Circular of May 8 layi:Oar NtwntOrlerint report giret de '«»I« of the tee ipt« at that

£rt for the astonta of April, whioh «t kibit a la lia* off oomred with Martih. of only ».87, balm, tau a woiiJariuJ ttg_mMMtmrotbtiirMumtttjAMi J

m .. ¦ MaaaaaaatMB.¦aa.. mhb

There I* nothing In tb« «»«dence ».bn( ,f_ e to prore eiha-ls-tloa of any of then winree», Bn_«Mj1aan Bow for » rotHlnoedl.ut grado., laensa ham » <**_ l<( .«.k At Mobil* tim sup-¡ ii n ule. ilrcreusii.g e- ¿¿gw |.,m ,,ch point. 'Jue icieito«

,.t thal po t, te^otte.l ,_, tjmgtemh, ". the neeb ending lsitSatur-»» (SU n _._,,,-,. n r 3 lUO li i.e.. tot we ot,- saitiwd.fviiy t.i-uw mxtwtaxmaearmawtH rivers. n_stsh uo doubt

V «eenaw hy vsp»» tartha moment, .«nie., «kop -Oat iep.'ii» Ihta am sua« leannbal bb«Ta' «r«,'.tv oft! « went' I ¡', BBBl ',' Uti "* the South, Bud of de-

(»*¦. lue ned, oc rtiijvviil hunk» m otTer», «ud the g, t «".a.t- ptmaAamaarireA ttmmernaaatreepemétamt this «ot\ a»

I fiin.auie, atsenperi in_ntM.tt_ennnnrBp8eta.ti »f.»

ntahtaaa Ithn b tam ni t, bowne**! fiat »i. i »

raaajBB.ahn «I paaata en ntereeted m leid'agon the wmntacrouiit* tlint we have to take the altrii.tig report« with

great tBown trees, OntofetrtWB (-rrfk.sin.lent» writes ui

trt'in Nc.i-drta r h after » Journey id Texaa, Louisiana, Arkansas and IM Rli r oaatryi

'"Token «s a »hole, the Spring »TiST be laid to Lave tarn* tlfsTnf ibltlt BBBJ sections of Ibe Collón g1,m ing (

1 le gronads "f s np.dal ara. m som» part», aiaaaalTB i«iu»

mi atlas « ion. « t" ora la« »"ii eight« lu other pl-ea.desirejed the rittlitr of the plant, and m aoan Itaarina ItaIstaaten bad aaedVt seed and found it d,d _o4 bobo Bp n

ii .,! ., .-.m«-'. ¡ii«.ve ground. Then nttf-rtflnn»r n t ni ail iiliir«' « ..'., lOWSTer, ted ure all espuhK' of neu« Tv

bj re ¡¡illili', wblek lu» been dune eitensively. 'I I.ere «re

ii. s iri-..f li.« i".i ntry n here, for m tar, c'servtlni.g 1.««

guu« «raabi«. .!,. a.»pi lor the ssan«e hatea aeeaneiw. taia c.x>d 'alead1 luis bara saeeaed already i. thtgrant

m.'j'.rity <.f tl,c fn-niei«. 'II is 1 can cay. from pi ratea] et.»« r-

s. « Is trae of Mississippi Tel laaa Bien eel»,'I. m.n vet ir,i all thsee Slate» »e I,« ar gti

'.-I neu Seilt'. Western Geer|te t!» rertorts continue pretty

fair, li, m, liábame wa Bara aanta^tsasn complaint» m ia»

gard to del cUti »» »I and gisw.¦saeretty el mai»A eeed whee.iig t. rei|iiirei| I here is h f-reat ir'a'iiui'.ty ef 'pin-arter. tiuouirbout our rei«irt», Huit thi-rn is land

ei i. K-i'¡,'ii.i'il to prul'ii» half of »former ciop with futura-I e«, i:ier fer niiitiiriiig n* il pir'sii.g.

__w> hnainsn mt tim __b*_-aaanrj wau Heeeii.ts. «,>,-

.iii.iiT? \'b f,-r Caateatt, ««l.'.OiSi; rajnaaM. I-VAjI,-'-00 44; Balance, $ »? O.Vi.V.'Tl C.Tt; (¡old Ift-tJtB, «-M.MB.

!'¦.i .«sall 'i Ti,ml'itr cf Wedlitid:.. P.'iVS :

The money mmket enntitian îerycasT. Trime collali-ralli'uns, el. a d', n tel limul,le tiiu r brief not., e nu ri milly ob¬tained hv fan MtBdiiig borrowers ti «.i tist» ti sonenateBen»t tire per cent, Tl.o di-count market is rattier iniictite. Inc .. «i eu a .,! a cent:wBed MtlWttJ ot desirable pa|,er for nile,than from any lack of purchasers. The liest indorsed com

merci «I in i'p. btrltp 8 few .mutha to run. «re negotiatedT'-ri crisilv at atsitit »even ¦«_cent, und choice single n IBM! at

the sane rete, ahUs naen iu taaswf-rw nbasMnalS-tendmue i'1-r Bant, The lower grudes ure Lai der to puss, undranee ¡rom lu to li per cutThe Chicago and North-Wcf-teni K.ulwiiy ctrnt-d for the

first ivcik in -May,|1_,IMM|1M8 ...Ilir.,418 Milne.tWOM 10

Marieta.Ciaarru.! Kifobtbd roa Tn» N Y Tatar»«lu: nulgi Ma] IB IMa

ASIIt'Snre witti«o:)t kaaga Tots arei !!»»r«'t fucly at I' 15li |7 («tit Pearl» are vct lirinlv liel»l at li la 13 '.'.'».

» til I li -ll,e (Iciniiud hMibBU better tn «lrtT tttiteu.iv r..tts. we feote eales of SSO bees Jai »at ¡¿«J ./'.»«

1 ia«. »luiaeuilH. «in pi It ate term», »nil from leeoal bund» l.'.KXiMa» ., t,bo »t '¿»'iaJijid, and l. VA) Jin», common to good, at

- i,.l gall,t»»l 11»N I he gradually decreeing arrivals, hnth here n».!

ut i:« Beethan i«it« /.if ht'ltliTt mare c(«nti«l«-i«i-i», Balprice» le il'iy «re limoger at .14a Joe. for Middling»; »»I«*»,Ï,(mi hale». . .

HOI K AM) MT..VI.-The market for Slite and vfl »tern

penetl loa Jtv. batter, but i|tnei. »nd »» the elo»e montof ti e Impron neal w.i» loM and laa den..ti.«1 wa le»* Bett*«

tah « are ibblt, al lee «- » for .-»up- ria» Stat«. MBMtO for Kuradi«.. M«M-><-M_C lor Kani-y la, t!» .toaHO 10^ft-r the low glades of Watten 1 i-tía, .'»".. -uli-J 20 for

¦| Ohio HO JOBllt '.'5 Ctr Irade und l_mltybrand«, and êl4_B;7 f-i M. Lou»» Kit ra» Canadian Klnurii in »mull *.| it in fur tli'-niinil, omi a »hadel.nii. r. lad m o! 4«.«» 1 !.«. ni M »'¦"'« I'»' M Mt M low grade«of Kit«, ami |IU joatll BJ f.r 1 r.tde aiid lamil» Ktlrii«.S,"!tli.-rn 11 ir :« la letter dematiil, and with modi rote re-niptt petan an Itmu i mic« at MB bbis at lu tsalllKfor M lied to Good Baperlae Country lia'tunor«-. _«», aallia !_>stll75fof lr,t(¡.» niel Family brand« Bye Vl«,.r ',>lu fiiir «.i ;:...:.,! lab » »«I I'M». at I», <*>a .. JO. turn M.-alI* without in!e« of _M hlol«. »t |:i y'o for CouitsouWut« ra, in d 14 ai hwManb » t'nl»«ric.G1.\1.N .^tJtldiiDüiniiiir i.f _h__hfa holder« a| Wheat pt*.

-**ÎÎJ _â-iiai.tlfd an uti» nutt of J lo'.ó cent« per buhb. ; r>Btmeit :» refused to operate, ard the market cloie«! beat T » «1uniettied st »bout tiie «|..ut«tniii» t»f natal- J the imjulry ii»Bl r > for BtilliBf the luie« »re 710DO bnat-. No. a I hungBoring alt«*: ¡M .«on baah. A m»»er Milwaukee at 0230Bl2*l¡li .'!«, bulb. I" ni« »und lied Wef.trn »t l.'at'.! It »ntl 13.001«raab old lied Indiana at I.» 90 Barley Mototij, w,th a

r.i ,.n.«nd, tain of I M «nab ' maila Weal at l¡ ir>.Karby Malt ii dull and nominal. Out» «n- mote nein.» r. 1

a »hide h-m. r tain of «-.«MO bash, at »»Me f--r N.w Weit¬

en, oJdKh f»,r (»id d,i nut) I", for Mala Kre || n, tv

artiteBid, »idct of M.O0O bDth. H' j -. 'f.r Wuitum

t i-4 for Si.,1,, »i,«l $1 .oiitl M for l rtum..,.:,. Cyrn '.I againteuer, and in gi«»d aaanal for the Irado and ripon, nfot of7B0M bii.-b. ut Maila for Uaaoaali îjui-»x». fur linedWeitem in «tore; Kloci«.'., lallintl aud ï:.}e. tor New Murdid «lore.

liA Y.The demand li fair and the market itealy at tv» a fOefor Mi:p( liig anti 7ou ..'«'. for K«-tnil iola.liol*» are firm and la good demand for home eoninmptl'-n,

we (imite at from MB-tOB KM., lui to growth and «luality.MOLA88K.B.The demand i» gt»*d and pr-eei annthet

Irma aalnal .'«o hhd».vI'orto Bienal MiaMa the latterrite f»r a choice lot from newly armed cirgn Bl hl.di. audII hw. Cattnin at fit. and about 1:0 Maa*Maa M pruneterm«.OILS.UaaMBJ hrm»nd inlfair demand at li 44 dil 4S. Ki»h

Otk 1,00M former price». l.»rd Oil tjuict at $1 JOa |. rl. í r

No 2 So. 1 and trune.PKTBOLECM.The market i« Terr firm for beth Crude and

Kebnud, with cou»ider»!-le iramactiou». there are far more

buyer» than nllei». (ind the «tink 1« nu.« li re«li.» ed. «ale» ofa.5.10 bbla. Crude at fro:u M| a Ma eMail at the la ihn price.Ketin-Hl lu bond 11 111 Uetrmnd at 4ds: laic* o! IBM bbl«., on

the spot and al» tim month, »t 4Ju4V> f««r.Iune. I! (»., 44«Jc,Mli daly, tl|a I Btf-i 17a Frc-cUilii tteady al from V>auov.. at to quality.I'lKiVl.-iBJN.s.Then balbeen more artltitr in Wheat 4o

d»i. or o»e lmproTed.aud close hrm. furfutmvdelivrry.talesiiftoothill». Mea», at «JJO C.'j a|J»J t7J, «eller (««lance of thi»mund«: 130 .'«», »eller June, and » »-» Vi. ««.1er Julr, ti.«-»e

rate« are lielow the market »I the «d#e tue ml««,, «nah andrefrain «re lo.üot» bbl».. «t BM .'«>»*JI for Me.i. and «tv*«I,1' "4 for '1 hin Men. Bael 11 firm and nlttBfl to a fair extent

lalabbiarMsi »«le»of r.îôbb!»., at lu</t 4 tot 0U PlainMe««. » «1» ¦-: S-w ti«-'I 1 mt OU Kttra la. aodI.Odt.4 fur New la, 1 icrcc lieef i« neglected. Bael II »in« are

very »caree and fii ni; »aie« of M Obla, «t |4j f«.r Untara,Cut lies'* remain linn st full former liriires, sn«l hue soulnuit» freei» tie trimmt lion« einlrrace 71») pkgs at lW»IJi«<f««r l»n Ballal Bhoailart i?i BMa i*t l*iokl.-<l Hann, «nd pinpkgi itagg«»d Marr,» at 'SJta.iic on «pit »nd BIBItc t.i rtr

rite. Union 11 uuiet lalt-h of M bolt« Mjuii Clear: al )'¦».Lard ia'ii.i«t lina tloee» ratio «nu« r, 00 in- ng about thetitrame foi primai ta!»« of um bi»i«. »nd lee* at itoftatuc. lotSo. 1, aii.ùaiï. for tiny, and ^.-|u.-.-)c f«ir fair Ui primeSteam and Kelti» liei.l.i-il, the i»»t'»f rale fir email 1<«U;ititi it.««« efS-Opbga »t MM. leiier all Juor, and M|t_,»e.ler last hall .lune.Am BJBMI PaOVMOa MtiiKFT.ó O'cvicg..Vori ha« fu»

Iher 8'îv.iiiced and Blarge b .ailie«« wa» done, el ««:ng firm etId 37), take at* I.OH aMa. in lot« at |:»i I'.'iul.ii Mt oaeliand regular. I.nd dull at Mea. for prime. Be» f, tut Meat«and Bacon finn.y lu Id.BICK.The market ream ni uuiet at nemiuaiiy onehanged

rat.-«.M li ARS.Kawi are ftlrly actiT», bat the market Ii not

very ttieaa, aal it I» tlilTKuit to uhtain over 10<rKj. fur fairto good Itetiuing; lale» of about e«J0 hhJi. a! lull)« fur» »lint. 1 1IIB I-'!«¦¦ for Porto Uno, and M bolt-i Ilaraua at lui

lid lined aru di.ii.SKKlJ-.Clover So«»d it in moderate demand and iteady

»teai-Jc. Timothy Seed 1» dull at ton I», ( ;. ltough Ki«!Si'iol 11 only in limite I -lemunil at »a M ti ti To. Caleutta1.-n «eil I» firm and ia fair demand at t.i MkM .>*» in itoatunand 1 39 here.

I ALLOW.The demand i» gool and OH market firm; laletof 100.1» 0 m at Ül ü-II it lor Weitem »ntl i.j a .1,.. fur City.

\\ li l«K \ I !.e u.urkot 1» rsaier and ran ti 111) »aie» oí IIhb.«. at ka M for l:«hi,cd bhia.. and ta tt for Weateru.

U balr-aala 1'riee« «I «1. T. Caaatrv Pr*dae*.i ob 1 ni li caá i «oían May I", lobb.

'» 1 .»ei.'i for Taa .*» Y Taiacaa breer own Reporter1 le following are the idtirreut ratet of article« lo gootX (vradi-

tion. a» »old hv oomminaion homet at wholcaai«. St.pj.««r»r«-. «¦ «.. '¦ to 10 «p cant les», de-.lin-teil for oomaiiwioaa. bc-aidefreigBt «nd other chargea. I'«rtie« receitiug i^nlnec to »eil.often with the »eqneit tkat immediate return« be made, eannotaiWBT« obtain the price* w net. trauneni buteri obto to pay.Our ligurei »re lutendi-d tni-re fur the farmer then the tuerchant, and we prefer not to ,li«.ij,j««,.:,t ly gitiug the outudepritei of very choice artie)»-«.

«Ijt.Ml ___-.____,Prime medium I'.iana «r«. «tHiie. anil the few on tale are

bringing higher pricet. 1'oor lieam are very laid t«i tell.We ij'K»te:Ban*, ten, prime, «g» buih.|1 7". a I'.» 00Heal«- mediiirn prime. 4P bu»h . I vi«» | C5Bea»«. kidner, «p bu»h, prime . IBM I Mlit ana. marrow, prime . I OOB I 2"jBaeaa, marrow, hand pMikt-d or »- iet-ne.1. IMS S 40Beana, inferior. 7j» 100Beau*. I. mi ii ni me, np !,,.--,._p. imp u ._,,

Peas. Canadian. «P I.uah. 1 ai,0 1 .1

I*e»u. Soic.htrn biackeyed. «P buth . ... 1 »t» a 1 _iBITTER.

With cooitantlr inereaaiug r*»ceipt». and qnaltly lmprorlngall the while, trade ii not active and pnce» fall very giadtially.thu» e»l ndng a healthy tone of the market. There 11 no callfoi foreign ahipmeiilt. and prime butter mint »eil it 40c. or lenbefore Califoraia ibippen wi.i take hold of li. 'I t_ara »^ temidemand ior C1 arleiton. New (»rleatu, liu'tiiu. re. anil Philadel¬phia, betidoi a lût:' «.iii fruin the Kimt» ru Stan 1, but the m»joritr i« taken hythe locsl tratle. The |B*tti*l i« »aki«il:

What efti-tt will l!,e Bialerantof Kurope have upon thebutter trnde of tim nountry r" Our opinion in that it willcreate a foreign maiket, or" li laaetn ftihance the price ofbatt-eria Ki.i;:»n(i that if gold ralee na! meicnt. aar au>I« 11 wi.l t,-i.d It »'iroeil 'iiue. KugUnd gi le lurg«qaantltlei of butter fmm the continent, but willwill uki-onr» whenever Bacrtilug here bung* it «<¦ ihnt tintrate» of ex-hange «ball leave a littlevnuigin lor profit. Iiiinngtheaaal law day*aal«etal Dataware Caaaty lauf Irkln «*..iv«,brought 4!.a 4(x but this afternoon n, 1. aariI thal it ii nutt tocount upon, and holder» ate alreadv of i 1. fog l<« ini.rr«.w. Ml.tennd inn« d Ohio tnitte» ii han «ta »lupine uf luirtiei relu» g it ut Ma Se 1 .m Yellow Weat» in ItaaarvawlJIbring UM pihe of Otate half lirkli-. Soma light-coiored .Statebutter wa-»-id at > a Mo. U'ti-d rurel» hrlan «twer4 le 11,0t«nal reee pu oí yeiterdsr ar« put at I.4U pkg» Wa aaataill.lf firkin« new, Cue. «P IB._.4 -. uSt,ite -edium. new.0 I». .4»i»«i«Oiaai* '". ..nd rp Htm pella «p it .

' '." 4.0 « viWeiten Kt-serte. Yellow .


gj-g,..Wotton ':-»erte. White and Mixed. 3093sI'enuiylTinia tube and paila, new.. 40a47Mate tun». Welsh, new. *'"".'tlB13

aaaaWilh hear» reeeipt» »nd a »low market, price» have worked

d ¦« n to a low figure, comparatirely l.ols Imve been aold at17« hut gmid Ina), egg» arc attintrally worth Me* le lorneciue« lue and Bingle bblt. have «old at 20c. 1 hey are comingforward freely from tun ula, the West, Vir_iu'w, i'auairlvarna ed tl.m .State. We quote:

Be» Jersey arid Pennsylvania fre»h, tP doa. li» B196t«le. rood mark«.17 a »Bouthern and Weitem, «m doz., good order ..Il BI7Oana k'yga. p dog.«15 .-¦

Itiiek tan «? dot .ne _jotggUsta. P bu«b. jrood. .40 dio

1 ii» «tar.Wa now drop quotation»of . k1, therebeiug do 1 to« k lack in

the aaaakJ «tu.i mu. h of Uat lan being poor. Kui» ot oldand new. j>o«,r and ikiniued. hate been mid at 1.;«title , uhllonewfurm dairy, ikimmed, ft brid at Mt. will, no taken.Hklmmed Ct,,.e.,. ¡, ,. |,tt)e d_ma>-td, even the Orange CountyFactory telling tloaly at roach Jowar rain A lut 1 urn :lylue trean. fnirui «UI»- I* bringing Mat but a good .lue of Her-MM «van. oktrn ig «¿ana mM á-tlM Wvh«-, Ulf J

pera will tay ne. Mt me *,ant .actor, b_, if, bm tittt^lTieLometriiiletsklnrit s*#iq;i'.»(V1, ty»« coote

Bag-tl lx«iry. _<w. *y lb . ir, sisFactory, ne^, ay *_. ,. ,. _0Farm .>.,.,«, new.-. l8 #||«'rar-,«,C«iqt,ty Fw.tory. Hin,r.e,!,|l>.m -IO .iih'at-Mllk, |» Ita -it) ull

1-ClTS AMD Bl T8-1TRIF.D.lined apple» bato goue up I..',, during ti.« past week, »nd

I remain eio.ti-d with few tai lie bail ant Itasaa BSatly in the

haTid» of »pe ulatura. Single !i.irr"lJ of Bann iju triers, rleui

and »Lite, ! ave i ild ns ! i»-h >«.'(. tht-fk in only a few in

si.i-c*s ahoTc |1 ". In lots le.- is Bien the figir"f r ga .1

s ¡«j le« Some choice Virginia j-e.iclii- brought J.v. \\d

(,'aute:A rr-«***. tlleed, *f» Tb. II BMApples. State, 9 To . IT Mi

.Si;n Southern A Wettern, «J» 16 .14 «tdfiBl, 4» B3.M BMI terries, pitted. «J» BJ_.MBM( : rr.e«. pits in. «te» th. I B IPe.ii'.cs, uni«eeled «J* 917I'e ,e rp, ,r elcil.llif, -r.or |» 85 .li -.-4

I'caches, peeled (prime Va. \ A> ID.'.p. »JOI'eanuU). «1? »nil 00

Mum», ty> 1ft. M 4 EJin.plerrics, t, a, k 0* Tb.M n',1Whorileuerrirs, */ a.i

FUI ITS AS!) hi .(lilla».

Straw herries sre mw aaalag la feed «tearAan N« rfc".Vn.. and bring ll.ll'A (!,« laifr brim mt ti ., Wi;.a

AltDny. One (.' receive,1 '. rates of 6TJ »j u.irta each

during the pa.t two dsys, part li« ripri-i. Hie ether» bvH"ii:iii'r.the hitter in the best er.ler. T'o-y are not a.-liiiigVery quickly, tierhapa fear of elouera. Apple« «re

I inner, »nd io are the few feed (ranticrilcs in market, liuglobbU tine Cape Cod berrie» banging Bl 1, SS'r .¡uote:

Apples, common. ?» tibí.p. ii) «I 00

Aipie». gee«! Üiisset.. 4p- bl,!.1MB G MCranberries, extra, 4j> bul.lois, a- IBMt rani', rries, eora, »oit ájp- l¡!,i_. _ («ti loo I

Sub»benn», Vu. 4> ,jt. 7. tf \ mjroULTKY AM) lISMr».

l.ive fowl« are sesree uovr that Bania «re too BBS. pi intingto send them to market Some lol» oí fine rhlffktBS brought2-Jc. «P IB. We quote:

Lira.Fowls and Chickens. I»pair.1 T17 n 1 7T>luula imdCliieki es. 9 I* . '.'*' a Mlui-»'1.«, e**_\ (deal seid. ._"! « pi

HIDE-, 8KL.V8 ASO tat*.We quote:»a.lgcr. each.. Hit 1 00 Mink, peta .... 1 MM 4 COJWar each .110 MM 15 M No. 1 4"- MIWi.Ter.lilk«Pm. 'J (»)_ 2 .'»0 do. No. ii.... MM 40

lie,iTcr,pale|>m.l 00»* 2 («I 1". Kita. .... MB IICall, gr ii,|* ib. MM M Opostea. lo»Cat, hou»e, ea.. Iii J Mdo »Hld, each. 1 OT»

Cattle, greenhide». «Km. en 7

Prer, Wst.dr ft» fi0_ 7.',Foi, Ked. e-b 1 ..»'_*- Vilas, (day. '¿ia 1 (XiFoi. Silver... .18 OTxi.o '«>

Varteii, e.i.h... 1 *._. « Mk1.¡...ais. .'.'.-_ ti ""

(liter. North'n. 4 (ST- 7 ti)do Banter«. 9 (-'? 6 no

Ballina, tttfa mm nodo, Siindirin.. tOW f«0Bhsepala.B «.. ".-'"* l '»s'Sktiil. ."»tripe. Id* -10,io. itisvct. ant i mdo.. White... Í.* 8

SS'.'lf, Mutti, ea 2 "4>. T» '-0Wolf, 1-ranic cal Mt I Vi

MBA-*.Beef «nd mutton are lower, l'mk higher »ml icune. We

QUO"'- ,.S r_ lil

l'eet Shies, I» th.._ . _Mlb. f, Fare«laartar, t» » . 8 *Hi«'. Hind Quarter. Xa» ¦<>.'..14 * ,MY ml (»r.n-e» «J> tis. II » I«Mutton t »rea«.'.. »J-m.W * MlI sab, PI. .M a 'si

Fork. City du-.M-d. f ft.''I1* ]*f_B8__B-BBi

l'otatapea »re rerr «caree and high R^-ne f tit I'Jil« ar«

Itathsralag n ti Man Mi «tate riuniri on the N«irthtrnCansí hire dering it iiccetsary !¦ hu:,if deni rmuidi «'ii

csrs__.l,i t«, th« («¦.«!. 1 hey di n. t a) ;.'¦ .r le he pi-"country. Some now pótala.« « bars I» r- «" i« ¡'¡I fruin Charli-s-lou, but are «mall ami unripe, arillng at tl-H '.0 p r Inr.TThe crop from Herminia - !.. be it; Lt. dr. en e is ure

ciii.tik.-m'"ore fr.eiT, t'.e HMi»!! sorts from Norfolk m go,«!or.ler. while the BBIieefall Irntn t.'harlSStee l«".k >lry si,iiwiltel The late warm weather burg« t .rw.ird IBS a-; naru«.which has declined materially. Kunu lum.«* aro very

A.psragiisOyster lln» «T* do« Il BtBêi MAppirsgu», .Y J «j> eta Lou. he» 1MB I '-»O: itlBI, >'c» Hi nu uda, 4}' It,!... 1MBOiions. red «J»nb.I Vi- I .'«JOii'.u.t. N«w BcijS*»*!«. h»uijjers, f B>- «* _ iOnion», st h!i«.*-.' i (*'t 7. m1'eaa, Norfolk, af |,bl. I» t«i_.

IVtatoe« Mercer. *Y bbl. 4 0)* 4 M-*nt»ti»o*. li-ekeve _c. g bul . 2 .'«J- 1 »,

I'iitatv>ra,(»«rBetl'hili, I» hbl . 2 7ú_ Ti ..'.-»

ttlsttis rissbblmr. */ bbl. ó- 7:.* 4 i«J1'oUtoet. I'rince Allserl, */ bl»l ... '..... J, M»* J 75Foi«!..*'« Vifs Senti« «J* bush. »"ii I U0Iilsluss. ti a nil Bala, f IM .7.-4.-8Khiitiatli. 4* lou b-jiiehe*.I .<>_ 4 .'«0Tastalesa Bsraeds.«* boi.,, 1 '..*Tmuii»», Kulai«, *P bo!. 4 .«Ja»

M .Mii_K.iV.Feather» «re i;iirce and bigh«^, They haré been Bri 1 at li

f m. Mssril Blgn M lower ami alow of Bale. l!ee»wui i»

timer. We iu .teKrrjTWAX. pure, f ft. M n MtF.ppswix. l-iptil. ?» ft?. M a ¦-"<..

tinta «y gai.'X-* n .tv.

BaiPotiCoK-i, *y n». "i n i*.«-.I*_t*»_naa -tee (».*»»... «F H. n » '¦'..-.

Bonana, We.iern. «j» n .. * tim.Onnannv Bee-ntn, *9 m . M B-flM

Hoops.Hickory and oak. pn I two:14 feet ll.pope. ||-.»8«'«IVfeet lli»)t»t. I*« '?S)i(«it_i and liSA-*>. each. l.ln'.'SMaru scoArt, tub« t* ft .¦.... ''.¦.*

Mar_tBonan bissit, f ». '

Mai LB SI I vu, ratea s.r naall I-ara. ritana¡ >! while «J» It . I'l

Ma» i« Sime pngM I MlH_BBr_raaa i»t»iu,ii',p_. 7» .

Rai«*, ('lean White, «tr* tt .

fsa 'K'.tlt M SlRll*. *f, gai .'t'A.

VtSB-AB. * f«l. . >«««c.

-financial.Carrino nu No».« St »its»:I Uaiiwit ( oar«»» j

Mcaiiikl. orrira (Sin«'., M,7.x lT* ....

THF. ANNUAL .MKITIM. OF Mil H<»M>-llill.lil-'H« AM» «-I'»' KHOI Id H« .f '.- di« k

Mlhdl! SS 1 «I r IIN RAÜ.1S A ii'SlcvN, w11 t- '.» «'" «

d«: a f ihr i u,]-.,,y in .. « l '-it "I i I.!-».", «-n 1 III It «l'A Y t»»7th diyof Jua« I»*, »til.. » «

MM» S H SI.IN.1. S« p'.r»

oiric» or tb» llroio» up« »iiik.ii, oariM IN rpi SSiit I mariala ir Saw I .it Si.t 1" 'a- '

rpHE ANNUAL MKETlNOol the si oi KIK»l.|).1 ».KS«ti!,.-lll |i«iiSHIV»H K VII.KII4I) ( ost I1 |V| ., .

Y LI ( I |)(S c1 I MIHI » » N DIRK.« lons f ., t|. rnl .i ..,, -,

).. it in« ;.« el ti,« i ears* .v N r»W.«T Irtt*. .* '..-S i» ut, n MUMDAP, Jua« II. lau», Pa . aU !.» ,p-* f-. m IIoi. utt'ii 1 p. ni »nd ¦. m», h lonrer. a ? naramI I.a »»'.i-iifih*. ir. n tip» »»wir day. ». t»,r Ir »¡,r '.,r« rny tal ti., «...ty. tu i«, r|.»th« »,'». ufpn lan | r**«iilin« t! ».i»»l»r»Th« TraaafM Baaka aillssr ..ard tnm « la » ,. m on ti,« jin

liy ut May until 8 u'rieck a B, "¦ the I ."li ,!«» o' Jam_

A.lll'gTt'H -( MU.I. «V retire

orri, s t isTBiL I'.iiLBuiti onrisi or Nsw la«'«.Nsw Vo«« t. in. isa (

V-OTICE isheretiv given thal UieANNUAL MEET«I» IMO of UM .Mi-kbu'ldrr» if Ihr l'ii'i.l Haiiroa« ( on. pal,» ollN«w J. ia- » I" -irrt nil,« l)ir«.t,iia lu a«-ir« foi ti,« i«-.i i.«,i- en. -.- «

ail Ir r.J at tia. uS. . of Ihr (Ti.iihiit >t > Btlhattaall Nr« Irr.r-T, Ila..» tlrr I" ,. f l.tu'clui'k II, »li-'J e .urk p. DI. of I- KIDAY Ihr Hil, ..' .M.,, |,e.tTrie Tr-,.f*i h**k. wi,i IM cl-fd fron lb» 71.« I. ti In th* .t_

pi"I,:no._«i«.\ll PI,KNO\ li-paui«r

K KW-YDI.K^Hii.l II A If I.KM i:.\'<)\]>( (»Ml'.\.KV.-NOTICr. TO KTOi K 11(11. Dill« 11... i,.. .... ,:«, ,,..

fur thiitr.n,« uf (bli (.,,,,p«,,, (,,, ih« «niuinf y«M will b»b«ld at tt,r oflr« of IIk, t wi.piuy, iuiii»r .! r,, »»r, »lad J WrLITHill, it on IT » «DA V. Ihr St I, ,I.t of M»y um

It.«,, awi., b* opaurd from li ,. r« »t ..un. until 1 .,

Hi- da»Ti.» t:«naf.i h«"k. will b* (Iowa fium 4«,, l.-k p. m ,-f ii « |,t

tay of Miy ant, until ts'i.o-k i u. ..! ii.« I« a ,1., r M-, n«n. SS. II EME-ttOH,

N»w-Tork, April 11, l8«._P»rrrl.r) », 1 1 rr.a .er.

TaBIirat flrriBl«»*1 Afl /T 1»»«,."

"VeniCK is hereliy gtpaa Unit on tin* l.'itli dav otlit M»y Ik*, th» b.tassl upoi all *:i,n, »tr. «f ,|rp,,«ii .n areoun.ef Taini.rtry loin I other than thoa« la. ,«.! lui ( ,e.i -, li. ... , .i

p"»r.i ii,«ii ,, it.lal,lu.« «ud uliflid. »Liai rpslucvJ I" ti,« Binnar»t» oi /I«. p»i »nt i-rr mmin, frum tb*I dit« »nd ill p-r.,.,. timle .!¦: , I d. «I'.ti.'i'ri |* Wl if li I 1 l|..| Tat» .I lul«IMl la l|- 1.1,li* r*q leiied to ti,« lam» lo the (!, n. by whom l.i .. I. thalother '.-' »in u..j b* »¦ hu.»','»,I therefor


II Mc Cl.taO« II 8«.rr!.rT"fT,r»."rrNsw i uri IB» NSW It«»»» »tin ««.Al, I «., 1

Con «I of luulth «»e. Hill Twenty »rTruth .1. N.a S :», ,

Pbb.iubst» orrie«, A|.,l :i Ita i

tjmVi NEXT ANNUAL IfEETINü ..I the .TOCE»I HOI ULK-« .f l.ilCn«,p«Dy will be brid it Hiewitrr . Hil lu

thedtyolNrw IllTen. on TI!I K.«tllAV «I.« ITU. _i7 of Mit i,«iI,Bl II o', '¦¦ la li. T I,« fliuilrr lluukl Wl'i I,« l.u.rj fluui th» lilday of May uutil the day of tb» uirrtu <

_(I I» ( ARIIAItr, I'ir.lJrnt8r. Masai Ki«« Isiraisi a t oartsr

Nsw Vi,«« May s. I«sas (

Ïr-LECTION..A SPECIAL ELEt-TION totlaasll Iii Dire, tor» of lb!. CaMSIBT will h. I.. .1 »t ihr (.m

pii.T'i Oftir». No. 87 SV.ll.t., on MUNDAY, »he Hil day ofMay,Ittof. P.. ,1 uprlalt IX O.Jo«k, III Sll I.e.« «. III


Ïr* I.ld I Kt.N NOTK'K.-NT. LOI 'lu, ALT(»N andJ TT».RR_ IIAI'TK KAII.KOA D < (»MPAN Y. Tt)« AN.NI'AL

MUf.T INTi of ti,« M.n¦!. l.lrn »nd Slorkholdni «f lha Ht !.,¦:. ACn ."<! I'm« lUul* Railroad ( oinrsiny fur tb« »Urtion of Ii.i-cMiand the Irauudlon of «ue'i «r hiinurii ii ii,st r¦'¦¦ p-rlT com» h«foi* ti,« ii.rrtiii», wiii b«h»id »t ih« on,,« i,r ti,» Caawanr, No 39Koiilh Kourth.l. HL LuuitsMo., ob MUNDAY, lb* 4th diyofjun«Brit, it . Hork p in

1 ka 1 rai,i!n It,, ki uf th» C,,_ip«ny will b« clo«ed .uni th* Sth ofM*y to Hi« «th ol J,,,,» m. ...i.»A pul io ISB6._J. ti B4 t.lsTON. Peneliry.

orrie« or rai Ii li»ern Cbíttbal linusiu i uariat. iNaw Sok« M»t IK»«1 I

l'HF. ANNTAIa Mi:i'/HNCi ..] the8UAKE1IOLD*1 BKflaf ti« II.I.IN«.H C» NT H 41. Htli.HoAli COMPANT,

f.rd,» ELECTION ol Dlllil »His and ile U»b***»Ucp* b1 .n,.rhn.ln«»., will b« 1-1,1 »I th» .'..,-. .I ii - -n.|, m ia lb* City .I( lui aau Ml Wl.llNI.8IXAT. th« «Iii ii») .I May. lina, al 3 oT-lockp mTh« Tran.fn 1' .» of li,* Cnmp«ny w11! !¦« ,!...,.] ,t n. v,.r of

buaine.a i. Ile l'.'lli matant, aif.1 n j, ,.. ,1 li lb« Id day al .l.n- uni.

_L. A (APLIN S. ..».,,.

*,l^(» I1(>l,l»i:i{«s ni INKIANA '_»" iintl .'. per CENT1 BTATE HT(K K8 -Notir. ia h.-rebyil»ru In h.hirr. uf latinanli pot m »nd '. per awl kana Pteaka t-'-.t -a . ir ii, hi Bl .

kia Tarni CorniMuAmmmal lattaa» -BL >"> Bta mk d.» ni in«n«I» pis. ¡,r. rall hr»t to ti e I, |ri. f I M r. ut ( . itilu- ,li ¦

Btocli,tl,r aasoaatat mumef l_sa on m ¡,,,,.un to th« .*-t«i»Drhi M,,,..i j I .nd, «nd «Uri «I, ol li,» . l.l .'J SM nt Stark! sr*fully r«d,i u,«d thru t. Ike holdrr. ,,( i ii, r ,n.l erinra'r. of .«lurk,.Mer li., v a;r a,, i. njri.d »t li.« uliii-i if the A|riat of BUM» iu th*( UT"! Haw » ta¬

ll,-ii, i. M »aidntork w .d, ,ii« In ir, aft thr p., rentum of prlnrlp.1 Wbh h the Kund »rt «part fur lill« ,r|.,«e ti ti,. t. par «Te re-

l| nrr.l I,, 's 8« S4.1t I M»t-' «' III. Ml I IO Ihr ( l(y of N-W-loik. un m bi.', re Iba nib daj of Ju-ir n-it. »t »» lu, I. Hu., ai.T i.i_r«the peí 1, ni nu wi,I ia ¡'i .1

JOIIS I MOItRISON. Tr-»»i,rerof S.ale1 H Mci ARTY, Aiidluirofí o A. lil «MUK Ai<-¡.I .I Sisle

li (ifli--m Htal* Debt H lint Knnd Com.

ONE MILLION -KilliT-*«l\ 1 liol SAM» AM»THR» V. lil'NDHKI» HOLLAR.-«. BEIN- T» N TilOI'SANIl

Hi.H I III NIiJU.ii AND SIXTY TURK! SHARKS Ol 1 IB«AI'ITSI. PTOCX OP THE LANK OP IIIKSTATK OK MISSOldll »OR SALE -Thr uiiJrr.iii.i d hivm» hero ipa-alll A,-nlIn bek.lf .,f t»r Sif. af Milli mt *'i ti «.«'« of ti.« 8_st_ l-l. by is',IHt«t« lu ih« H»Uk «a! «le- Ha. u, Mtla.'liri, W II irir,»« aralr-i propo-¦¦'« '¦ "I, pure base «fiiid Ra I or an« part lhere, fun! ii 12 ..'. i..,'-kBl of MONDAY. Juct 4. Il*. u -»ara ,»II « uf »li a. toi lb* Oem lal«».nubia of Iba Sill» .f Mi..,,,,.,, a.Utl.d '.\ri«r. (n a,itiiuri*e tr..Htnk ol ih« Stn« uf Mi.«ouri lu rnuaiui/. ». . N.iioi al Hank, tu pi,,»1 :»f,,i thr «a!« uf th. ^»««wnrd br II ii stat» »n nil b.nk. «ad luI r- l.rt l,,, -n.tnarj »_d ( o.-ion Srl.o,' IT.lid, Baa! piuTlde (ul Ita.«/« li,v«.l_k__. " Ap|,,.»rd M«a-( h Jib. Ittat.

1.» h hui n. ..i itate ,,,, .uiuber of «hare, propoaa. te bepuirhuerj,ti- mita am Ama», Um u,«dium nfp«ynr t. «baba m moury oíb« ). I» .' la-la ttitr, and anal 1.» ii|ii«. h» t'.» »udder »A Mt. IBM ula be -ialitiMil Hu. ,ib II"- ''' .' '""' I» Ih* uutjer-

.iïieJ.lM I,,,,!.. Mu «OIIAUPO-OIt» -eui» Avrti H, MM A.n.! .fix» Ita-»


lfwOl.\\Holed by


Nd . O, Pin* it.

'l'liAVhU.Mi i KI.IUl'S on .Mensra. J. .*t .M»'K-1 llaN k Cn, I.OMX1N (SUrr....,r, to f.Y.O PKABIIDY

«V Ce», «T«ila»,le In (he arfaetaal et.« o! 1.1 H''Pr* Bad the

i-t-r, i««oeJ by liAB.S'LY MOBOnAB k Co Bal S.I Kicl.anje-i-i» m_

ßanking jQonacg and oankcro.





flegi.lered HI.I ... ! .11, «ti ......

i-.'ii It.g »i.r..i vio n, i..'...

t28(itiupoB, M...t, ." esBWB, '» .'»¦IO <U H«ü»ltere,l ,.,

lo M maa.( ,r ti .li, Ile«,.

A««fit. 7.M'.


M:\V-VOUH, .May IO, IS416MI« aI- i lune. 7 in.l'»t|I» Í



li I i-

7 IO.-, Ni le«. t

I IN-.i I. N'« lea, ia i..( I. Belt*. UM..c. N.i,., ia iC 1. N tri, 1165..

,i i..-.. 1,1. ins..('. I. No*. . III».«..1.11' .t.. M ..


»It»}HillIII]iiiKM";,IO',l-U!1K» }



n.-'.,li I


Ho. 5 RABBI l! ST.11! y ii.d HU ArMA-K-P RAI Ka Al.I, IiK.«('R!rT10N8



on f»Toral«le ti rim».



JAY COOKE & CO.,i «»UNI | WAU, AN!» NI«-- ti

We buy uni «all at the nni,l lib« n' al»lull « "I


» I HTIrli-.tTl-S 01 INOBBTBDBBnia,SKI»

riiMroi'ND INTKBP.BT V»Tr's,An«! »i*rnt» or.!, ri f«.r mutha»» .ml ,».« .t .«Ti li h B P.ON'IiP, ,.nd

».»HilJAY COIJKK «V I ..

T« NBW-TOBCII d keep no bind


Bl "iS.. 1-11,1,» 1'H.rOiHAPII -.1 KXPK1 -»-Tin KS FARMMORTllAOt, It'iNU- tad RUI.WAY IE» lill TIES of ererydriel,;'', n m4 ..¦'.I .t iii« ilock en I,., in.

ADAM«, fi y X1'It I'Mi liiewiit«.-k. 1.ii li It STATES KXI'KP.BH (new) it-k

AMI UK IN I- Xl'Kl .««, (i..«l it-k.nUVVJid'.'». I SHARES »b te jWANTEDr.iiTrfi .* r v 11__ ii.i.KiiUU'HINKW.YORB I NT w UAVENBAlLBOAD Çtstock, «k BUKD9, le., «li-

¦ ah Tekfnph tal i tpt» h Mi »< la Und r«««ir ha Imnaenk la

li. ti. lit.*., UM I» II» NU, IHK) í». K11 IV I. tKd

HENRY CLEWS & Cb.,I« ., »... n !.. 1 lum« i- (.«.'.'

BAN K11.s.3*J W11.!. I**B1 ii RBW ."UK

i>i POarn is »irkini . and hold RicrivFDMer« ».«in!., I'n.kei, ii «I .i..i!ti«i«ia.i <-p«i..i.g *. «Batt Bil

Al.I.OH II» INTKHKSTat the rrent r».irk»t rat* BB all DAILYBALANCEA iel.», li ¦¦ k at deaisad wilB««l «xtt-tUa

I S Mu HltiES-l'l BtiHASED AND PUB BALIA k ,d. .r« l.n.J. I.o ii.« ali*. al ti.. lOWtM muk*!

rtie«( ..¡1.. i. a* on Waad.ngtoi. «mi *!l p. .i ta of t » i. n, with

Uik Kel in._I (»UN JMl'.NROR »«. »<»..


1No 7 KI I tCtltt: PA III

li »JIN Ml SKOE á i -..,

ami.lil« an BANKERS«N.« 7 Bl » a RIB! runs.

No ¦ .*» ILL «I NI U 'lOltK.!,iu» rir*ul*r Laitetl I » 'edit o«r Trarei,ra in ai« parta ti Eurer»,I t. An. t.... e- .«;ireli-..


1 'Mn.N BANK ii POYE.«.,linTi« N I M«r li J' I»-".

Ttii Pit.k L.Tliig . irrnJered Hi rhirtei in.l reaae.l b i.ioeii.

ROI II I 1« het.hy giren (hat Ike oiititaiidlrg eireuUlt»| notei i.« :r i

hy the In Haul »t I».rrr wi! I.. redeemed by i'i Prei.Jrnt md<«» I« Ik« .. -<. at Dor*«. ._.! BJ the Mel tmiSt Nat

lo »li* I Bj "I Near Y«,rk «n«i «uri« rlreuiitliig ti.ilei mint be pre.. B_kk OBI li til li«on the dlle i.f I-, . .,».,. rr (I f,,'li

¦'. ii. ».( Indi li J'.ltlOOillg li- '.«I «iii belil.lud'. ».' . n . ¦ I'I.

ii. !,.¦ ii .... ii lu at ni«' .¦ with »1 pi.,t.,-iiiii ti in .« o!the .« ... .. .'«». m,. ». a Itled " Aa Art U» ...... .¦ . ll.ukitli.Tei in » ..i,«T i Moiii tai ,«.¦:'. hmlinm. tlyíldala lu

. lit« .. «i it« m .laüi.g i.ij!« . within al__BaItime* »||,,,itJ II «TC Ii SU, 1*1.

» .» O. M. illNl 1IMAN Preiid*n»._..TIT« or Ni w I na« 111«« I»* etsT««.» » j

Ai«A«Y latil J"» a I

Ni U MT. Ia HEREBY (¡l\ IN. pnraaant d» «Cbap-le»__ . «« «.f Mn .. fl_ Law» t «Ht il,.! t' . ilaltBg

col.* ia, ,ed Is the Ph.. .1 Haul of the ( Pt "f New York-. bankingmirkilsa, kmtil t»» thal ly at Baw-Perk.will i« r-d-emed. «t

pai br li.« Sup«i«étendent if th. I'.-iit lug liepatint-n' on nr.-a.nla

t on at Id. Ne« V««ik «lal. .N .ti. li in the I Hy of Albany, yr»ri aram th« Jil* her» 1. »i. mil th*r« «ft« r

1 li« ml«!* .1 lae f tu'idiig i.. let «f tie »».J li.i.l mint h* pre-.ente«! n ifurtiilJ, within ill r« iii from tie «lit« BaBB*f| «»»J »Ii tea whlth «ha i ¦«! ha p-e*ei |e,| far r« >¦.['. I within(he ii«, e iii ii ,|.ee,lie,l ». id . ... |.. be | e|.«i-e the lund in thehaadl at ila Si«!«».alenden. f..r (hat pu-i ...»

Iiwtinn airn li W -.('III YI.KR, Hu pert,,tende-lt.Ila»« l«»r»BT«s»v. Ainitr, April It, IB.*.

N< HICK MWIMi BEES FILED ia tins Défait-¦net-it p.ii.n.iil !,, ',,w, bl F. V III I.I.I Ni. K II. an .i.ilnl.l , «1

Hiiiker pi<.|.n.r ,»ef TIIK 1:1 f.l.l N« liVR H INK .. Hertnner. Merkim-1 (mill«, thal the banker lisa ciiinged hil renden e N.II. e i« >oV»t»h* «'.»' »hat »ne ni h»ah»» te.ile« In the ( Itr ,-f Uro k

l)n wl «i* ide haalaam "( »li» ..» t Bin» wUl ti« bereifter roaduet._

II. W. Si III YI.KR. Sipeitnteiiilent.Mllli,»'"l* Iii«» «KI IHI'lltlWI j

Albaüt. April li, )n*i I

^TOTI('ld IS HEREBY (H\ EN, purauant to (.hup-I tei j w Lawsefiaie u lit Lswssl Inf ti.»» th« cir,-u'»ting

BattaIttatdt«the hank ok NEW y«»HK » Biakl«i A..lo. .led In ..¦ CUT .¦» Ne» 1 otk. will te re.l-. ead -t pu l-T lb* Mun.rti »en.lei.t ..i tu« Bn.k.i.g liri.iim.-..'. u srsseatsilsa .» th« NATIONAI. MUHANK M AND BABMKRS' HANK In the City ofUkang, tor it« yam fium the d.te hereof and nut ii.-r.ifi.rTh« .....'...dli.g Circulating Not«« of the . .ni H»nk mut be rr-

maaaijM afwaiata, wubin ni yean »¦¦«. »¦ d»t« »i»«r...i aaa «liNotei whir', ililli nut be pre«* (or re.l.-n ¦. a,.j |«*ji« lil« tillie thui (pen-lfled wl real« lo be s rlil'gs np n 111* lundIn th« lu*.I. ni li,. .Superintend*! t bl Ihn pinte i,

IswtiVn Apn_ (I \*> Sllll I.Mt Siiperliitemlen»«tits oi Nsw i«iki »tana DsriBTwa»*, /

Albabt. April li, im I

NfBTK'K in liiTfliy ajv-B, jiurKtiHiit to ChapterI«- Law» nf :-¦.-. and »! Law* ,: '« (hat the ,-n- ,. «dug

aaam haaad la "¦. N. , Hank in (he (di; ,.f S.w York a hanklug IIIHdaHlB I .ted I-, ti e I 111 ni New Y'xk. «li: he r-'deemed ATbab by the Mi,p.i.ut«! a« nt of the laaklai l'»i titaaaai, sa |m..-«In n al ila N.i..«««.: (d.iiioierntl Bank In Ihn ( iiy of A.bau) for ii»

y**i* from ti.s d*le b*re «i,J not ,r»rd ... outaUndiot cirruliting a.«tea .'..«¦ 1 hark, i,mt'.« pre

.ented. I! if. lea*id wilhlii ni rev« front the «lire. hef.-.f «nin te« «hi. h ililli not he Btataalaa Aw r»lawail»» »al jayanal wiihmUki tim* linn ip*elted will team t« I»» a rh*rg* upon Iii* hiad lu thelundi of the SiipeiiuKuid.ul lar (hit nu:.--..

Ay lb lisa tai li H «!i II! YI.KR BuperinUndeBt..-rill.,» Ni« Iiihs Mt «i lurntiiir, i

Aliiabt, April I«, "»» I

>TOTI('K i» herithy given, purnuiuit to (,'liii¡iti*r _S6,I La«-« nf |«M. «nd «7« l.awi of I«*», that (lia clrrulaUng not«« ii

. i,e.i i. th.. MIHI ANI-II.K HANK. . Kinking Aune lallou Ion-Hied iath« City of New York, wlil be redeemed, al per. h» the Superintendeut Of (h* Banking l»el »ri me, aa pre.enta'lnn »! the N» U »II! KMTATK NATI(li*ML BANK, Is tb» City ni AiUuy, foi eil year«front Iba date lher*of, and rot lh*r**ftei.The ontilii.Jii.g cl-e-i! .'nig n,(ei o: the ndl Biak mint h« pre

lenied «i i?.re**i,l within iii »e»ri from li.« dale hereof, uni allnolriwhleh ilii.l not be pr.twnteif f..r redemption in.I p-.Tment witl.iuti.e lime inn ibbi lied »»«li «as« to he i .-l,.i,e i,p..n the loud in the Í"I tint pi«ry «.

I» IV. M II-TLER, .«n,ip..r:ut i,!, nt


HPill '. m in«. 11.1,1. ut l.iUli t-uiin. from |1 lo *."i IHK), l.T

'A iii ltd I M i- IA« I NI I» I» INI» ruer «if I We ty .ml .! «n.l Third «re.

Duiibcub Kotiere.

tiiplxioM til «hell Three I*,um Killel andTere Waaaded.

r.i,«i, v, Tbaralty, Map in. nuIn the iron f'ninilery »»f liavir» »V Kiiriiuiu in' W¡tlth,im,

J« Mt-rilit}'ufleriiiion, u »ll»-ll, jinri'liu»« ii fur ulil iron, o\

[»l'l-'cil. i'iitittiiilly killii it Win. H, Hmviinl and Iva j« \ -t

i.iiiii»il:('rt»iv itiiil n» mi; olito aerereip voaadiag \lr.Houp, tbt» ftircinan of the foiiinlcry, anil" Mr. Mi.K.iiliui I,W'irkiiiiiti. .Mr. Ilnw.u«!, wu.-t t'tini'icrly C-iJtail lathe 33thMaiiachuMett» Ui-giiiii-Ut, Alni waa Bbiara ai.i ^«.«.«i «.iii. i-r.


Fran t'»liu»-»ii limmin-isl Inirllig« nrr.

Sa*» 1 HAM I«. (>. 1 uenl.iT -kB Bj 'el'li.The Wlieat m-irket ii linn with | f,ur 1*__B_CKlour In moilenitu r .in« «t .ii¡.| »t.-..i,.l'ncci of iuiuiiir atoi'it aro quoted a» follow»: Ophir,

CTI Imperial, IS; l!« I» har. :ii:.; Vell-»w Jutkct, 717;Hule tV Koo N0. 'MO. Lefd Tender», 79.

Aliini g «I.-ii* iirifr Ophir, ¿J.» uaparial, I'M; Y»lli» Jack» t. «JMl lln.ii, ¿ii); CtiollU'Puloti, M4


Beard *( MapereUara.OtBMB-k]» Mat 7. ISNs, 1 o"(!oik, p. ».

e, ,i,:.L.i/n-m Ti« trtmmtef Wama \ )|Ch.p»»r rtr]

an «( T to siABr.r th« Bet-BTMsas ntbb (Tr. aso (oc-r» or

.'.aw \ ok» to nnsr. Jlosiii bt IazI' ... t| r l8. IWa«; three hf b. brill. I'til.»».

The re, 11- ijj tie gtatl "I .S.k » ._, rr,.e,ented ,n b. note anJ .«»«'»I

bly. du ena. t a, f. tit «-,

«.rc-ricT 1 TI.- It ,, ni «i r» -, ri uf Ile City »nd Coniity ofturn 1 arl i« k» rakj b Ih r >¦ ¦) » .! Il»«rted to le.» and collects las

upon the Banb pi« ter'» ¡Ir ('. Bl} uf N. or «i i,rk 1er the «r.-ii ofti ir'ren tliou-ai.,» »,« and «weñiy three lal r» YU (>".' 'I he¬ir.« the »lie,nut v un nier, .t ipurunnitrd by Gisarts H- E. Lyneh.tai« (' rrk oi th- «,|i'n.i t, mt a IBs < ¡ty «T Bi »v tari '«« l»M«rt*_mr. ¡n ,l,.i«air,i .I au r.le- al thr Bafirlll ( «-'iir-. r,-.p,ir:iiz im to

dp «l* Mil "I'll I« tb« Nr» Sur« l.lír lu. iramr «li T. »I u p .nySM .' l_a( r.'l!»r of the City ol Nrw .art i. hi r-by luil.oi

:;, .1 ii ,! ,lir.,-, ,1 iu ,1 pw I. . stirnr.t pni, la» Cb.mbrrtaia of «ndit» !«-r »«id »um ol tlTi'ren tliiiii»»nil «li hundred gul tWMty-tkrr»

d ,lir. + i'.Ml. in fa» ,r "I I, hu SV.-.:.-: v»lt, 8t-1 1,,-n H._..r», PI I»

J ai,i Muk I.» »T. li-, ir bru» sr »><lgn>. rr»pertirrtv in au, I. pi a-

pur»I n, ». iball !,,. i r, v.", ta ba dm-1«> sa h t »a d i i».,m.

BBC. 3. Thi- ii« »ha ikr ette t ii.iu.ediat.Ty.Maa r Se ', ..... Mi Stxrttnrp if $'n'e~\ «an rr>m

turril l!,e pre,,,.- win th» rig Bal ia»» aa ti r )u ti i» i!i e ami Jonneby eeriify «hat ti Maa w » ,.orr»ct tun. ript th« rerom, aud oft; e s» ia e ,.T asM -i.-irial l»w.Olsen ,,i der my h»nl ine! «es1 of effier it li:» lily ef \ htny. »hi.

¡L »| -'Hill ,Uv of April, I'i Ihr Vrar mir ihn IM.I el -I I, ladré * lud»my »ii K11 \~T - -LARK Dr,,uty Bl¿»lay "! -«tatr.

SS hi li »sa. rr'r-r' d ','t.Te ( .ii muter,,], Annual TitraThe follu* la| w..,. ri nirti (¦¦ m the Board of tin* ,ti s vi

«i Board or Tuen«»'» or»«..-, coi Lins Ior'Tiir ( ITT or Nsw <.RK V.,y », 1E64J. 1

To It* tmara of ga)**. , r, i ihr Cia»If .r gem ) riThe '«. Bl 'I.- lief* of tb* ( uv uf Nu* S u. pnrroint la

»hr BWT-JOB! ot Ih* Art ol ita I.e.lsl it ¡"re uf the Sliti ,.l .«srs» V »

p.,-.d April 17, lu,«« »id r tirl-d" An A,t in relilion totheCollrgr oftie I ty o TV".s .orb ii hi'iehy r-pert tu vonr ID nu.- hie I!, ¡j ibalHey ripir-' f.r th« payan Bl ii f ilia Miarlas of the .rofnaon au d

»T t T ;e f "r ul'.inii'-.iii.l r_ralibi_| iciea.1 ip»Bal '",'.- f r t'. Lil" ,, ¡,ti i-t, hit«, fartas*..t Um i svjsbuihtiiivi. «ml ir li.« iipp tri. B n '. M I "I ,.)' st» r_iaatri At» i ! i i if- |, i t,.,, y. r hj.», the (am .I nghty-ve ibuuiaud I|l8,-

li.r».TTie liu.irei. Hu irf r« »»k fn fir.,,«D'» of ta« provisloui of »Id

Art, that v. sr Hooarabl* It .ly s» ill, au»r to be lalird by tt. .he »¡.m

of ei-hiT H»e l_B»«_ ,1 ,!. lien ¦. af» u J, r .1 lb« li,.. f Truatre«.

jolis McLKAN, C-ataaaaTito«. !tor.i« «ieairiirr.A i, | y ol the Ai t ia bttl-W I» MM.uA

ii say »AN ACT is Batanee to nts i at.«MM orTBit crTT or «aw TO««.

I' \| .. II -. li » Iltth! Nil I orr.el t

ThtPeu.U IA« stale <if >«_¦ lor»;, rrpretenttd in Senat'and..»»«..*' ii/. 4» tanti a* foUowt.

lamil Ti. u.t.i » I t),. Coll»«;« if IheClty of New Y, rk.ka i i- rbal .. tim BflesaUatrel,rayâtntie Board .f.-»iiperTi.or. of the (Tui-iry of New York .urh .ubi not»i .-. J,n«our hundred and tw»i,ty h»e thomind dollar» in ob» yi-ir.». thry may iriiuir«, fur the piyn rut of the »alarie» tt this Prui. aai t.

and ( dii. raafaa.ICoUaaa: foi ubt-lmu« », al lumiabiai «¦ imtiii. «as

p.rstn., b.-ok. for the Library »:.,1 St ..Irnti, ind a utlirr »opulinthen 1. r, f r r,-| ,.r ; tai ¦ '. r:r,i the ( nllr.-e kui.Una, md f«.r UM¦ "pi1' it. ma'uten«! r«aanT i«nrr«l ripa-nan uf nid Collr««. Aril the

i«, I Ho.rd ol Jiipeivli. ra of the ( BWBtf of t»«w York .»hereby«uthor:«»d and dirnted in urb and eiery yrai to raiie »nd tata* t hytil on thr «.tate., rial und ^rr.m.a'. MTM M MB1 I m ..ic»i uiinty,» irh a in, .r n,i,m .. ti teil .,iii.* Um amount tataTMS.I a« nay ne

r, p -r'e.t .. ii a by -au! ftMlat "«'¦ arnoiiDt I« be ra)»al MMcu¬ll 'e,l t-i b« lu ».I,li:, .ii ia the inn« irq Mud for the purpu-n ol Cam-n n I ho. ni the (nyul Saw York, umln ti,.- .', i.t.ted "AnA-t to aiiiei ,1. i,.,, ¡,I.|«, «i ,1 rr,lu t«, (¡r A t ihr »arion« Arl« of»ne < ut of Nea Y, rk i-Bv-iTi- |o (,,.... .-. I,-,,:», p«-«d Julythird r <l Inn iiulrrd »nd t.ltv oi«. and thr «al.SB »«I« ¡iiiirmli1.. ryti.i-,'«' knit ¦. iii ,i apailim« a» naaalri I »el dluflintn-«ne and r-Tli-rr in »he nunr.' r if.rri«ld, fas IS» 'l'ruairri at «aid

la li i year ii» ti uaai1,1lri|!'t leo drr.i an.! «my .ii. thr »um

"I i>i.«'l and tst ei.ty Uti: ibouiaud du Jar», tor tb« use« «nd pul

BBC 2 D« Id i-the .I l'y f thr Tr..t«»a h«ri'itih»fore ii»m«d tot. Balah b.. li 8| a Ihl i.n-t» of thr ( .rp- rat.a n! Iba ( i(t ufNew Park, n ,ith ui 1 rtieili Xretst, in »«Id City, tot the tutnie .ae uftli(. I»«» of (hr I it- al Nrw Yuik, »nd notify the ( nnuin.stonrra

. '.. Biak if I n i,.-: «. .. '», u a: mi iu h .e» m ,ll not b- »¦ M'...el .,, Ihrrwl»« el ,'.'l ulileil .uri, dltpu.ulull li,. nul ii

ily i ti r /. .1 !>r . :,.e du» kenella« lamed.lae l I lu* A t .,,.!: tik« tflrçt un the û/»t diy of Mit BbJMhB

liuutlred and ilgty «iiSrtTBor Nra»iii*a. j

Orrtr« o» tub .«itaaiant ».«tit« (I karv» «ouir-ire the ¡r« ««'mt wit li the ori-i.i.1 on lue in ti nat »,

.ed J«» I,, r. r ti IT that tim |u:«j ji I CUtlCl trauieiipl .Len-f «.ni,H di ti,. »1. .le . I II .1 io,jil al JW.

(. \. n under uiy lurid «nil «eil W, _u«, at the ( i-.y'of Ait any. thia[t- I .i *e. i.ih di» v! Apr! io the year ne thouiand eig'.t'i.I«J Bind 1.1'», ._ M.'I.e.l.

EBAITUI CLABI Deputy Secretary Ol t"l».eM L.. h »ti rt-fi r-ed te the C« Bnlttat vn A» Baal lanafit f win WM lectire-i.

Naw-YoBB, April It HA«Tor*, it r ill .*« Reaitl rf taaarvls raO-BT-BMBB Th» bl ., »el a «n I..I a..» p***edbr the I.*gt,!*t.ire

ii nka '»Ii l-i-B iiv.a the Due« li ri of lb, Jm» iii» .»«»I ii,

UlfM r i«i mr-'ii ne I'mant it ptttti in MM, Li «Inn Be

pr. i killi a. .-r. r b« «ii ii «¦.)- i«t Ita ( («..ii i. ead ilanmlirn-iian.»»..vii ee| BMJ ha piBViaad lit the erection ul idditlouai buildu .-¦ m ita .«.«¦.-.«.«r»

IV ». n in lav» nile IitIiiiii w*i rhirtered. no do «bt it wulnt»n<!><!-te n ; led lad » pas» I 'ed ia tn*t laalkatieallould b-a ij.p. l*'d f- «idetitr 1 rea« ii), the Pifan»»» hate nut

«oil« |,.,»,,|e,l «aa h«lf lill »llárj el|ei.ied in real e,l«te ind the,.!!!. II., ia. ,.' II.« ,,(ii.n tail fe Ait mu h,,t r.l .-«-led

¦ nattily el»!»»«» Ir-in tie b« ne» eut for the brit ten y».«ra ,' ktlirrite ipnr.lnoi -lid ir ii/ ti » pall tire ye.r« of high prier* tor

ti«. I li.« i - .. r » Iff e«. a l»ii!er a.iiunnt ht« beenre«j,.u«..i -.. eevai .üm.i taeaa . Hy thii *, t lha.eeanaaaa.n >.

i». r« «». «J 0» for e.« h el Id p. r annum io si to relier, the Dire, t« n

furn no. I. r.l- i. !.«.> a.I thal + lu.»«*' e addedtalheTaitLavy, mikn-i ?»..Vu««J mi(r*d o(e..5»«lo io aa to eurer

m «. «ersassd si ewaaee tad ¿It* nithority to the Cou p«rBaa to peyIt.« nair. M iib »reit ie«pect, I aoi i.ipe.tlully tout-, fce ,

A K. WaTBOB« l're.lientAN Al T TO A»««»b Tiis act TO ti imP««a«ti tus »iw rou«

jivr-.n... aanaa, pamaa jubb M, iui, «no ih« amititi'tt it or th» «tait

Id..., j tn Mar. h M0T\e fmglt ./ lie » .' 4 Vu 1 «..Jr. rrprr.enled is it tall and

Amtmktp 0 arnottmJetleme ila Tin««.l T! ¦ «.i.« th .. Ile* f ««:d Aet. li imer.did by rh.pfrr

tnre. h..kad and eighty leren of the :«wi of eight«eu huulird andBl_» ' - la kmhy in,ended .«¦ .. to rea«) b* follow*:Th« »n.,t i|. u».m aiaj r«,'«o'.e#unil*r It* ca-e and n-anageniei.',h.d-eii hatwraa ii» »;». if lavn ntl »kart-aerean, ki*itn ging to

tie «-»Jlleiiln I- rilned ill «hit |e,!l«,I. U.lill.O l-l.l.dlH, ,1 ,!. I tl. «I

atfatveajwan kakaaJaB»*«l»,ie*. who. in »h* jodinieru ofth»r-. field ,, r|, ni u, hare ipeclai cain.i ou it* The

j., r.« ii« n-e Intel I* «le

1 «-u. h i.i «tren .« Pt th.« e«ini»nt. In writing, ofthelr pir*nti ind...ii! ali «I» !.. ». I.'.ii . irr.: i!.-r*.l and animated i-

.. i rhllatreti U ii ay b»» minuted to it br ord. i f any maiii-tate ..r u i.iiiraiei of the I y lal Cuuuty -ii Sew 1 otk. under the

ii nf ,>.«. Art3. Turn li drei. wh«. hut he eon mitte I to iii charge ny order of

.By uiigii-nie or nit.titrittei ni dei the thirteei th te, li« n ,| »I. is Arl._l. » 11 dren d»iert ni ;n:i li «tal m du« bedient to their parent! or

gnir.lin.« wi:u in it b<- roi, uti d la it« «l.«rge by the order of anym.lii'ia!a "t mif .«rate« Bad** tue fuurterlilli HallBB "f t .1 Art.MC / II.el.iT.itn S. et n of laid A--t a« amend.d by chapterIhm l-.i dr».| ia*! elglty-twrea al lae ana afaaath aaaadeighiLud mi ml t, '» i i« I.« r«i y In-ended >o u to it*d mfaltan

lmii.rdja'eiT j «u I: e (fitünj of j'-y mell tWatt '.le u »*ntr*t*

! n.iîkir.g T.. tarni I» Unllvw Bapawemn nt tn« Pty »if»tialljJ .ii..: i r i .it .« m. e » i., i en. writ ii|. id.lreiard to lhe fatheraftai u id' I' » ..».r.^ md itiideut with .ii the city.» t tara to Bl mother If iheWflV._ »».J «o »ei. dent, ind ifII ere I.« i.u tuber vi n.-lher f m. h rhild rendent wubin th« it»,

»wfull|aardka of m.-h my, or the

I««» i,«...; ia.ia. rdnBgtotka eiaiiilna'.i'-n of th« rhnd *d«1 (he, ile lawfulgt

(rit.ii eoj ii lay re. m,J by .uno ..aglitiale, lucb child «bal« rend«,,. stnepstty I «ham the«aaaa i« «Jdrenrd ih»n b« ii.

iii.-.l al the i-n)n,n lui en! o' lui li child.ti« ti.« liouie «if Re. e| i.. n ofti.ts I ,.rp,«iarion, ind itit'l ha n »4Mk1 that uniese taken therefrom InIn« minier pre. n ...I lid» »» iinin twenty «lajiilier the !eiTii* of¦ «. », ii toe .- .1 .. r» lu BBaad will be ted bet unit the wird titina . ST» r.llon.

«ni- Ma TwelfthIteBn of bj d Act. ii meid«.! by .-l.ipter!t.:ee I'«i. ire it. tai.-««!» «er.-ii ot|tt.e «iwi of eighteen bundled iudlilly .«i iheiaht iioended io .. to read al foi owl:

Su. h ii »it* ili«il be ielTed by the policeman detailed for that 1er»ii- id. .ame le the put! t- wh «ni it! h»T* been

i«t«lr"n,ed. i«eri.iiiaoy *r by eiruu it with mine |« rn.u af »OB...M¦ge at the pare of rinaiil.'ii. e r hu.hie** of aui-b party, and it «ball be(lied 'r ,'f ni. li p- o: enan ir i-i.rdi.tely te report the tact ii.J thetime «uil minnel .,. I, mr» CO to tin nía,.trate, niter in .

nook l" h" pr..i .1.1 l.,r that pirpe«»» lad lepl It t'le BaaM "f Briep-tu,u .floe New KtM*. Jurel.iln- Altl mi. Hie f_ t of barlil«! arixrd. Sark e. the f.ii.e and una-ilnel of l.lih Mrriee, and the fata t 0m

I ihail :., all a.e. be i It.«BaBB-VI endenee «if the ptoper maaIBB afaaeh aatiee. If the i*ity lo »hum m.h notice iball hare beenad,lreiin-il«i r ai.) «»I ei p.-r.«,i, ihail wiilun (lettnie Ihetata ipe.ob»dBreva, talk ooi .: li,« u_gi.*rile ,.. u,g the «ime. ihat lhar irnmHame» ««! wiut aI lolteiing or «,lher rlrcuuntau. < I «le.« nb.-dIn -t.. I'hteenth Se, iii,n ,f the afmiaid Art. paned Janu«iy .Ml,IBB ininiei whii-l!-tnli ,-liild lha.I har» been found, hare not h«-en

. I hy in liaittuai aeekal m nim».nd««,i af the yarratt atIswfal < a a,.«ih «Illili iden it iii« be the duty of lu, h nugi*trite, n» irder la winn,!, i.ldiea.ed to ti. |aa_.I lelldent of theII us .f R.- i .:..!, ti . (d ri..nati ni. to dum! «i.i-li Mi|»fintendent(, .!. .r^r «a ii «-Iii .1 to ti r cm: "iy li il^peity named In Baal order.whatheilthsnaBBB ha »alllled to ..*. .«. I« «ind non the »niHu«.* ul Baatfttaa. Hut li' .nell pio.l .hail no1 be piodured withinthe lime .li.,ii see* libad. Bath fluid .!_,! be leiinied ti in th*Hone af l: ...... lo the A.» iiiiii. ad » h.-il.n lui li in ural tu Ih*Aarluin I... token (lire or m (, ile urde, ( .,,-,,ullin.i,( hy «ui liI!, .-'alla*, li J.I be Billi a! .1 h* ililli Ihrr.-lllV T hit* HO ¡.. tn .. |. ji«.charge «m h chid from the II tul« of Re.epii m or (rum id- .ti» lum,ur ni aur mai ner Braal the rare ind «- ol Mid ( 4 S., -.hoi 'Chuteen al «sid Act illili reid ii folowi.If *ny chill under the age af I« year*. I,«ring mtla__| bodily

health and ment.,1 i-apicity to attend the public »cheek, iki.l be found».ml.ti,,* in in* «I-n-ei, mr tai ei. or in my pukli«- «¦ » in the City ut

New-^ ort. ide. tn lu«, or without my liwful o.¿eup*tion, my Po'uceM*gi*tr«i« or Juitice of th* I «urta in »aid t itr, on I uipla'.ntiheie f |,y any citisen. on oath, ilta.l ciuie inch «.luid I» ha hrvaaJMhe! re I.;. o ¦. ni.i 'i ia tal ihill a io cauie the or guardian i«r ii,««!., «.f . i« ii child, if li* or ih« hare any, to be iiutined lo

attend . ..ii riimi'iali ii If aa taeh Bl.B...toa, tie «up.unixlexti ha iitiifi-'nrry .-.t ihd.i ed I« ii Mji;l.ti.te r I « .hall re

th« p»i»i», g ur u a.t« i tn en-er into ill rngagruieut in

»milli j io'l ki ( «reátala AatkstMist ef i«»d (itr. that i.»- «iii tttttB.Ii ich Bl «1 Iruiu ao wind, nug .Imut, will keep lum ki bat « I li. »» I

lui aacaaattoa, md »> i.i.»-».«*«*¦.-,, n ,-i.ild tu!.«*( four mouth* in each Tra/, ii ni. he ui

.: «. I.e. nail« rtaeavaam o .1. Su h Magistrate ur Jmm e a» .!. re. hut in hil .lili red m reo«ilie Mnuuly fe« Ih- tiilhiul pi tfw IBIBlaol lucb rnguennei t li .net. child ha* nu parent, «ftiirJiai. or ot.Uri.or uuiie can D* fuiuil, or if «urh parent, gil ii dieu sr muter rrfuie or

n*g e« t l.'paeoty -I«, a toanlei lulu au. h an eniaji-mn-ul. and lo gl»ea«., h *eci!ity. it t-i-u.e.l .dei, Magiatrate or J nain«, »hall, by warrantululer h a inai'J. aaaaa ii auch ni.1 rxelusirely r.. li,1.1 ipora i. i«. 1Ih* arBBBjaBM» I p i.Tided lui In (lu* Art «lilli be I. not ada orIntent:kaaa yri. lated »u. I. .«.. ur Jaulte i i_ll, un i. isplalntthereof In th« n.Buer «Irrady di»cribed in ii.ii lectioii, reuie m« hchild to I -ug.1,11 lo, ..I 11 .-!, ii him f. r eiiiuiui» i-I!, with i , II« eto theBan ah) aaam maaaaaraMal ¦¦«¦«. m««i» or u «uch pen ¦ taaaai hafound, or n Im.-i* I .« ti.«-. i. .< Iy nt luclirlid, ihn ~lth BtTtloa tithe per, n haVk| (he gu int.: ni! ip or i Olliml «>1 .in h rl.l d ii luv ii.,.|iBama* 'der«. I.e. le atti nd null emuli,all,'U, and If tim* u'i ii,al:

.»'»1» ,i. »ml Hie II «¿titrate «,¦ Jmtlcr, a* iftrml J.xbail, by w«rran!. «ash lui i ti. laiiiuly tu *..i«l Calf raino,.

Nnti.iii« herein «¦«,, Ulm J .had he .uii.tni« d tu I»Be«« the pri-haa m «I latcd eugagemei.r tumi tin- p. na.Iy pre*, ribed hy a. Baa... eade! ih*pter aaaaaadrsd Badalgan iTssf the Liwul lasj,a .Ide pr. »linn., u' ti .nt »et- lou ire ri'.euil'd to Ai r, .. far »i

ti e HU :e ara «| pit ti la It ihail be the duy at er.ry ¦ let u «i, f-ni .ii o city wha »ha.. Bad any IM in Hie «edith u

I enon ,|. ¦ nhi,I o ..-¦.-.¦ and l«rn_ .«n'll Indi li,¦!¦[.¦ n,, I, M 1.r lu«! lu lu- id «,- wi'n j. .-..r In a t.« lha pi«,Ti.I«,n» t »hi- a. Mt« B,I he f kletrea lina PaikaCeaiailadenut aa haathraatt Iii. d mil le.i .lied lu i.itkn- li. i«-.«af> and Mitel . I gsistli Bl Ii cairy-o..'in'.« ti,. lbs dut] deich», Impwaed np.ui »aid polii -iuru

MC. i Bt liol !. urti u'n: ii . «e J A, i ,|,,i! ,rjj i. I,. ».

If any I,lid in li.« ( :ty .«! N xs h \. bet» .-.ii 'I e «... u: «Stree andruiir*e«n year«, «ni.' Isa huiii. wiilm it lalielnl laie, r »lulllaapaetaaaay »..i. disM t.-.r», io. pattan .«nu«» ti.. i«».''ni

o .,u ,,. «i. i loerJIea <«r utl«ei-n.r.,.lim in tin rei it; ni ol |.,I lit, ii » ].. ,..-tr.te ui ill. tri. t

«-it v al.a.l asaes aan eh_d » be bl ,t ,-. f.-r.- bl. t

ny ol i.« u.a. Ind at.» atJamies for n.m.ii«i. si, If an. li jua» u « ur

.irai, le aull.lle.1 by i- 'inpet' ut t«-.l.ii...l» that am li cr lad I» i

ol un-1-.» . ..i ni if«-.« r h« «I ia theIm ele -« ef tiik «Mettam be.Batt,by » irranl n.i. r bli baud .;,,,,»» .!. la u di me n,t. Ide^e i.rthi. I ,ir|...l:i'l. n. Nothing herein iiIt .J. pntaat priii ertiing« Barn halaalakaa nmh r nti.rr Mai.larp ytavkaiM*;,; »-able tothe Class el lu uren tie- .'«J iii II ia M liuu.«iiuliutted under tin. aid tin ure, «do:. MB.«* .dal li« .udje, ,-d !¦

lha aiii,,» gi ne-i.ii 11 eil i; -,t aa a.ter i hiwdraa e<.» mntrd to iii« cb*rg«««1 n.i« MTB ...i',,.- r t iiitalllj iiur «.. I la it

.-KI' ». laetl II .»til.ttr. it toe laid ait ia hereby amended IV (.

t Mad ia fal ow.The Mid aatpataaka »hal hamt pawn to return to the MnariB__

M null ile ur .'du r | r IBtbM Ui..«, lie di.pu.ed ul ti« due I, >rv«

ofliw, any chili what »eve! wbefoi ni linea to tia UdgaMtt afthe d«iee:. n ut i eryartlli a. «hall aet b< ¦ pnaai »aaj» t t« harire, li aha I alan h iva |ouei tn »riiifrr «u I, kihi to Ik» steady afid, I «ni«m :.,,. ii.n ! Pu di. ( him lei ind furn i of (he ( y ii dt ii't nf N'» Y k. M 'n a t other incoipunted pubiir inititutionfor the riii- I~.j-.ii'. I,oui. .. uipl-in or cnuiinil du Jo n. taitamik* » i'ii m u ii ii..talki «uttahk aadaaadfal irraaaBflMato fartnear., «-ippiut liukedin atli'li of .,., h i-hi.d .«.ut I .mun«nouera or

lu,'ll lmtlll.11,,11 lllldlllTK pOWer .11 their put (0«nrieÍTS lt., li ChildIr m ti .-Ni k lurk Jnveuil« Airluui. und to enter into »ii* uraniemenu for (he ire, *upp<fit and rio« thereof iieietoluie lae» liai JIn thl> «adie«, «uytning In it« chattel ul th* lawi gotrming ii la theconirtiy intw.üi.t.iidingSsc. 7 l»e. tlon Eighteen ef »eld Act ii hereby snicnded io ii io

i»vi ai follow!:I ha iild l orporalio» shall ha»« powsr, in Iti discretion, lo hind ont

er liid«niiiir »irliiki r ipprrntn** in thia Stn*, md lim In »nyStile of th« I Ulled Stltei »n;. n «hi by li! law« in .,<» ia thevaldllT n| mi h ,i,d. Muli «, lo lorne prufeiiion tnd. or employmenl.Ihe -hildlrii n.ttli.tnl .' .'Uimilted luid rhllge, «ad lol« «I,, I.

sr i««ugi! ptnuil, uut neennj tt.« »g* ul tw«uty ona yasra li thaii

b* the duty of «ii Court* anil Mt... tute» by whom any child it »li Imc*mBiiit»d to th* natte of Ititi Coryeratioii'lii »Kertala U,t aga olMa I, I, id By mel. proof li u,iy be lu tuen power aid to ..». rl »,. s¦|rii, tS«Ori'«r of < n.i.u'ii.ei I. and thr .¦».. Ihm an nilli.»,! i,»Thr ih-n,r,l si I Blas I" be th« ti,.« »go (MB «rl I. In «a» wh«r«the lit of tlir ill i! .o co_iniill»4 i. no. m ».i-er-i'i.d and in.arl««In li r Oruer .I I oniButinnit ,r »Irr-tier Ud I« Tol'iBtanly SSSrrndrrrd undert'.e p'uTinou« ot thli «..» ile uni ( BPBB- I aIt» loiiButt-r on 4 basa.«a. Iiid-n-ur«» «nd I Hie li. ._». «h»ll al

lu. n ». hr aaay he li It »11, i, cnlirl ii r ¡-. IT | y ti., m, «.certain th.ass t », eh I, d by »a«b paett m mag me U ikmu power ami.«,««

¡a«! 1-ei.i.t, d in a bunk lo _« désignai, a ,, ,1 »r,,» .tii.i«foi that p irrsnar, pud the s¿» »ho« «aeril«|,r.| »li.'l be iie.ii.elaid taken In »elbe tri*.ai» or . c1, «hil- TI,« Hoi d of Di»«' '¦ -»

oi mid I rporatiou. ,.r it. t'.-r ..,, t |., \....,n, laAsBsna ti 4Dtaebafa» iballbaTi |)t»,r le ae«-_rtafor «alba m iMiMaimm t«inri, prr-on .,r | r»< M B «My l| o rr ra eli Koar.l oi ( ou.u.lle» I«j .- i, i. ¦¦...¦ i¡»¡ te a«« ii i,« ataud. oi «oi,c*Tun.iii- tarni m. tlirbsTas nr traut r it rhl litn «»a i fata JUtIB I ."¦ t ii Tv i. r-n-rea of sail A-, »mended by .h.ti.r,

fi'ts ti-vi -I aflbS L.W. of Ki.litern haiullr.i Mell ty »ii and lull,,«n¡. i,!iT by chnutrr lurty thrre .'ti.-I., » » ¡,\ **i I. mirrOaiB

'.' r V fuit' r .ri el.J, ,| |,v II., W'.üaJ a-Id.'O I.

ii pi'.id* ti r p« uiiitt mr»in fi r ti.i' Bill «MB crlliirif «Alad I r ..¦ i. i .,! Ti al- |*fa»uitil e I, s o, b leim»» ».4la 4r_ayiae t.a o-faaaa of n. .,» mo p ,ir< »¦ .».x-tibrdlu .bia A, t. It ililli »..- . m».-1 to I.I H..r:.fS'lpervi». r. ofthr t ey m4 C-Baty .«. .N. a S rk. by the »für ins« ,n

r t!. '«s,t .1 t:i» I'm drnt and s,-, r,-' os ,,| », d A.yl»in, ti it « ¦:.

dlli« B to ti,« l.tll »,«.- I «d ii, »ri'linl, I ,f II, A'llfl)« th« W«W » IS Jiivrnie tljIaM, Ml.»I J-in« *l Ntl,I lalla n Klditein to the tur'her I« in ipii'.lied in srcti',11 mr ii a».

Art to nun ii an A t li, srp r,r« 'I .¦ N' ¦» 1 ark Ti,»nu r A«y" . "

p»a-r 1 Msreh ti II ' .r. n u-iiltioi t,, r|At firriiair inm ape trii. .«i »'ipi ,¡ .i i¡ ¡ip-ei » .i ti.i i.,s».,i Um ti.« imrtaa a»a «1tw*_ty-tn lan In aoaey ot r ',¦ » em by

lipt Bl er BtbI '. I li ">

laid A«vi -i 'hr aaul Hoard of Superst- r» al raia«! »

tile «nu. 11 IWl nts firs tl.oiinid d...n» n» -i asa« th- ir.i :.r I Sar*tra- property a ti.« »«id (it» tr.d«C .nts. to be io levied tai «'¦

|r »rd »t the" »»me time »nd In _M Bal»a n, «me r »» the e.ini., .,,,»iilara** and eiprn-e» of ile «ii,li ', li M7 Bl» h I-,I aIrrt«,! » 1,h niniu-yi io lined by In- I o-irr.i >,. »ni l.r a_4 Hi «iduf I ¡ri'.I,. a to b* '.' .'.¦», .! Bj. »"''I Cnrp ratl.,1. .

.- ti e i,ei-ri»»ry buildinp, «itei ind land« in .-... ,.,- ,i

f r .-' .- ti 1 seraiai. bo -Ban lie) l-l I 'r ta| li ,r .

peni», of'1 .. «sid Ait. m, until _! permain ti, np ii be cae

pried lid it 11'nth. r 1 li I, W»l .nu the furturr .' m 1

um 1 f teu thoimud dul al» or m,,r« ir. in-, f ,,r appro»..! .*, «ruie«

bara r, m tim« »u Iii ,r, hr Tiili.ntrrs »aba» rin'(i "'. or ol.Ma.! ka »

rii-r.l f. r ti.e p irpaa »' . M S-' ¦¦ -, lb» mI4 Bond of Sup. ram ¦.

I« a t.. -.nae ral. an,I r Ire. a Ula- a a, or »uoa» by It.

apaatbara« as! p»iM«»l yeomapy of th« »aid city «b4 Ceaaty »»»dtai to-lr i, T, ,1 .,:. Ill' rl ,1 -f ,e pira, I I . d

alni l.r ii ni »a lo 'liaed I b« r s ja" ,.'..,! II lbs lllslilii:lW«»,d CM IfeBp ,rpca. » .rrieiOi .'. ,i ipi I..-.! '111 » ,. . ,i, ,. r e.ii.i'. I,pu»« cdleried bv »aid bond «>t Silt» rviaora n,.,let tie pr t » n«

thli lectinu ina I m t rx,_rd tilly ti,- B..4 teilen, Said Corp. r»« B

ih.II ha»» f"li s»,r sala lb rtty I« tain isAbtvtl by p r

la-Ma or aVetas, Ml I 'ai d m rr-il r.ra'e .» may he nec«i»»ry SBBM 1»

or proper to »rry into i ff.-i t the sbieets and urpn-e. ot .na irt«rl '. ». in Twents riiht di ti« aald A, In in, ti.«

New York JuTrnlle A«yh ni p«»«rd June l'I Il-l «nd au., k4» .1 >te \ t t'lititlidkii Act inrel.llou t, the N'» Yoik Juv.-nl'a A.y ¦

pia.r.l MarihliS. IHMt. »i.dfuirbrl »mel. 'e by C1 B.«l Nmrty foalof th» Law» of Itfiü. li hereby «wended «o _> re ,d ii f> !l.s> .

Io rai b and tiny yr«i tl.rri-«fter the Ko,rl ni S ip»-r»isor« Ma in

the mm» ma«IB. r»y and ed *ct bv tai, »nd lay over lu It,» »...J

N'es» S .ii Juvenile Atyium. f.r the ..<.. «id p ¡rp,-«« »line. I ina

Hundred .nd Tri, Pillara p*r «ui MB. and prornrticBBS. tas any WSt

llonefiyrar for rae-«0-14 wU ti. by i li '..- a I ia pur-'.in tut tl.a

srueataaa «f Pata I t,aaa be aat.aaalera a .¡.utrj to th«»«id A»y¡nu, ,,i ,1 ik.Q be luppurted »n ii.-ti ii' 'ed ti« inn

\S i. », ita. rr-i ir. o '., iii« ( .Ui.'iuit.i aa Si Tal«».Iba li iowug wa re, rival

Mn.i-TPH i ri'» aa.atn Baeanea .( ITS AMI 'iCTTrör N)W lliUK AprilS. l8"- I

T tht Honoralilttht Hoatd ;l »,., ..«..

Thr Conm i««ioi,rra of Recnrdi i«.[«s. iully.rrpr»i«nt Ti " «¦

ii. n r.a.e'lreril o' li:- j a..M I a I d ed hy Hiern at Su H

Liberty »tr<et. ihry deem i'their du'T to rein t' the hook. _¦ i-

!er ¡I.e.i bsrs» li ."Ui- «.thrr kMBtiaai and th.-r.-'ore r».|.inl y BB

1!. i.i.-.hir Body t pr.iv de ile ui v» it h r- ..m» »u 'b e lor the purf«.»«Cr - .penile,, lent. Mr. Hell, will Wai» BB«« J'«, sud t'A,,,

to th* leuiuvai at sa put a day .. mun,» Baa o« pnmttn*.it i» lr.rsbir mt to d-la} UM lemcTal "ii ¡»it the lint of Ms. a»

the ripeni« wetla be m um i» ere.^J. Itr»|a-, rl oly.SV. !-. SSETMORK, ( h.lrm.B .I B.ard of R-c rd«.

M h wai rrfmr.-d to the Con.mitUe on Aiiiiuil Tale«.'ihr f., osv;i.| w«a reeeis-rd:N«w Yoe« Srr«i«r ( ocrt-Citt asd Cor-irt or Ban Y« «a

Or r.« 11,,,.«in| ;. :

aylir,,t II. B. BertRrh»r» R. SVirdwu.-th and Abb'« P tVoud :St«mp, C--MB-4

wnrir.. ia wi'e; John B. Yo naj. John SS ; .

«riiup SSui. It SS\ I i.auTiru. S\ m I!.,« bemefii* Jur hut,'

Lyndi, BaasaatB. alaaabe, ssuitnj,r ¦ No i

n i. A,, 0* «"I 'I « iperviaor» o' tim] Cam n< t wr

ry if Ni» York, ( « ¦.» T. McCU-iai I x

,-. . ). mmmf**mm\>

To :'.«. d-rr Mmtd Defenrlar.l,Y 'i »re he reba mu mu. ed «nd r«q«ilr«d to «n.wer (!«e rompU., I ii

Ihn i, non st ii, ii b ed l the ort: e uf ti.« ( Ink of th« ( )ty «nd'

County of Nrw t cr. and to ierre i e. py of Tom ain»er to the »aol'

,. u.pii it 'te » ibMSiha st In» "*m .N... Id Broadway io lb»ti .1 .New Pork, wubin twruty diyailT«a t' earr.i.-e ,.t inn .. u.

uioiii cn »ou. ri ,.ive .f mr «lij cf «.<¦!. «erne:; ii,d if yu f««l to

»« « ». r tile Mid»:nt th» time al.r-a. 1, lb« /.iuiuliaf ii»

tbia .'tiun will »pply tu the Coull for the relief ile_i»uue.l ta lb»< MBBMB-iD»trJ New York. Apri 9 IteX.

SKI II VS*. SPKIR, Pl.iotif. Atún».SS'1,,1 h wai referred tot,.« l.r.ll AdT.atrTLr fslle« i.I * i* tremed

Cut or Nsw So»».IiKr-RTttrsTo» 1'ijtisii ¦

«era. i.lsu . um, ». Mi» ". 18-4l,e,.1^».«* of the Board of Sopen',,*, I the i Bat. / .Vrio loth

I «rrw th tr_,.mlt . err beda a, y ni Ila Ceui.ty Tax Law p»»a*d>Apr.i .'e, in«) Chapter il.t", »i.d rntiii.-d An Ar' tu uiiltaBB«Beard of Supervinnoî »tie ( .> .ni) at .Nest-York to r»l«e mu «y hytai i.,r rrr'iiu ( u ¡ piip-w-..'*The draft ol a «uiuble ordinanre. nakina »rpr.»pri«ti"L» m « « n-

roiu.iiy with Hie «aid «w n «ubmitted tor your con«ld«r»tict. «»al».ti

Kr»| «¦ IT..!» I'il ll.itt. d,MATTHEW T. BRt.NN.SN. Co.i.pu«ll«i

fceirTBBtr:.]AN ACT

TO I »ABLE TUB », ARD 01 -rp ¡UTl.O-l 0» TH« C0.STV o» HW


r«-»rd Apri ."M It)**, thrr» 6:tt t h«in¿ StaaS.Thi Yu pit «J tht Stuf of St* York, teyre rnltd in Strutt and .i

ir»s ,'y. du eoa,A '). 'Ila ,

SacTI' a 1 In «ddi'ion to the lereral imnunt« luthorlrsi ».'I By eli' ii« Uti lo be ulled by tax m (he ( uy ind I oui ty it

New Y. :k. I. r ti,- u»e of the Suie, ai,d I r drt'tayit I a porte n f (I .i,',, '»l.l .¡.'I .¦! !,i I 11,114.X Pir-s-p- «t MM ( It» tbd t «ali n(y

."cr the ye« one thouisnd elfht hundred «rid .lily «li, the H> «rd uf

Siipem.o-« of «lid County ire l«nt,v n p strn d «ud rn|uirrd _>

.ooii ii «-otiTriiient y m»y «,« after th*'pn-ije ofstfil» Act, i«, Irdrr

.nd i»u«e to be raised by tix, ou th« eititri iul ¡-«-I to taja! «.

rordini to law, within th« Mid Count», »od to be colleet«. «c

rordlm to law. th« tolioairn «lim« of money f.i r!.a ««vrrij p,.r-potei lereitiaftrt ipeeihed. drductiii* fruin the eira.!« »'«te »"'< .'«

llierrof th« e.tiiiiAt-d ieT»nueicI the Com tr for the »aid yeal .o*l-.e-M -. »di .fi. ally a) pr 'priated by law, that ii to My:A.I »erlitt: (. twenty ti. .»«ni d liar».( «all««« in ¦' a for C'.mprolirr i Other, two thnaiii,4 4el!*r-( remen Turn tw«ny i m I.o-ian.i a «.

( . .. ty Contin.-rriTr«. rl.irty ti unr.d do liri.«'.uri Home (New). Couitmrtiun of St. Ia*_.«4 theuMSd do,l«r»sElection KxprnM». aevei ty h.e thouiind del inIncambriDcri in Harbor. RemoTal of. li ».- thoiiiai d doll«r»Likjhtin; ard C rli.inj ind ,-uppll,» «u I ounty (», tifly »..»a

(»,, ..,i ,| ,1. .'tri-. i e- ti ami Frei of County Offi-en ud UTtnei.e», ».ila

thouisad do'liri.I'r min». Sriti.n»ry ind Blank booki. sixty tkaaaaa4 d' ,n

1!, ..-. ti I Pint» B :1 B-BB st d Olti a ten 'I 114», d dol.«l~.Rent», fourteen l_ou»»nd fi, ir ba_4e I »nd ts d Ur«.lal.ria..Leiuntf*a Depart.tut, tints ei^hl thuuiauid three hu_.

died do. iii.8. artal.F.xeci.tive I>ep»rtmrn'», Ir .-iiJin. «Trn lhou^_ul «».

bnnlrrd du Tai» fur .rreai. of uitrie» of, (ti rr. of the Cui.-.iuiaai.I o.r«of T.ii1. »nd A»iei»niii.ti one bundi.d ii d bltieu tie u>»i.d Iwu

hunJreil J I sr»BsmMS.Jiidi"i«ry. full hundred inJ twn.-v lise thou.ii.d Lie

hu¡ tiri do*1«r».B»| rt of l'rt»on»r» In th» Cotirly Jail, fire thotiund dol »i*

."- .,1 rt of D«t»inrd WllBlBW! t»o th, ii»,ii.J d,l.»r»Kor the coinp.eiiuu of the new Harlem liri _e, one b.nirod and

eSjhty «¡X thouiand eiiht hundred mi »-»> tit- -i ,1 tara tu be («udbj tht lemptrolier of Hie I ity »i.d l m'y ¡. I -e B^M..I u of a ,,.»

lority ui the C, n.i: i»»n m n. and no rmiioaJ irtcJl ih«l!, at aiay -.. ».

be lid Kpon or acron laid biljie.' X. The Mid «eTeral lunn ».«II be ippropiiatej and apple! tr

tin-nari'rr pi« T.,i»d r,y i.w tu *be piymnt ot luiTi le rr..ry el

p»a«ra ofth* «aid County a« are uiunl; s ti at.I m4 pr »eini (,. nu

it r the I,radi Hld to the imuunll, lisely .peeltie,I in Ihr tir»t»«eti a M thli art bul nothing herein conta,.: rd ihall be con.lrue. to au-

thorne any drpsit:i.riit .r tttmm M »»ul ( :.i.'y. M -the! priva «.

peitt'i,«. ind they me hereby I.r!,idd,-i. tu ¡lu-ur eipenae« for «uy pur-poae wbateTer. to be p»id Ir r, the t u.i,tt-Trra-iiry, »»I.,, h aie ac«

eipreaaly ont. lnplated «ml «uthuli/ed l,v ist or ,¦«, reilma in la».nutthe *uin.p.ovi4r4 for Lip., tis: ty by ti I» A,t or bv »ti rr ",»,.14. The farther «uni of twi-utr tire tbou«uiid bre hundred «ud

tlty »ii dollin ind ris'.tv f' uti. s- Bah ii ' S!»b'y «ppropriited f< r tb*I' ,1 thr ia II ra o' Iii' «pp. ".Utera ol Amor J SS 11 linisun J.St. Biowo. and ii,«1.-:. SS Altaa»» ul I»«-..,.-.A.-ei.ii.,'iits Ti kB May lilli ei|htrru let, ta»Mt and liity foui. U th«twrnty thirl day oí lune eighteen bundled n«d «uti tis« «ml ».»o

t'.r piyuient of the judtn en' nbtaturd is Iino. J SS illniuMu aad JSS Hr wn. under Hi« dei i«i >n o' the C-BTt T App ala, in pr.-cr» I ni»n.litiiled by them I* matn'.iu their 'C e _, rt. r ita i, th» fur«*» er

«¡on of », »rr, tin,,i.»lui t,»r indre,! della!« Mt I.I I «Tineiit ,.( th*tee« ot the fulluwini c,i,.i_el. to bepiidoi.ihr cerch ii-, of the T.a( -uiiii.i-iui rr.. to SS¡; :,m ( urti! N, sri Ml Keon k .myth*'SV_,irlintel .nur.. H. aba Dein k 0, m I. Bat ind T hu 11 Key.u.d». wt.i.hllW i!l«iiri,juJ(inruli, lud Ci le -frei II.» CouipIMiMt ti ita14 Hyof New Yoik ii hereby luth .ri/ed «ad directed to pay.

I S. Fur the Mrtrop. inn H, ir,l .t He. ,n me undrrd ind 6ltyth ui.iiT d, 1 -rt it hereby ace, nil« «ppr puai««] fur lb* purpo««« el«aid Buird of Health, in «ddili, u la the in u *yi aTraTy «ulboili«. hy¦ haptrr »rTentj four of the lawtot eiii.teen ai.dird and «lily «ia. t*be rala.-tl hy turn..u and t« b« ripendrd -»« e.i.Trlv in tb« City olNew V.u k. foi the UM »id bruer.' ot a«! I I it. »nd win, ti a.,,1 a ii,

»liallbe drpu.itrd tilth ll.r ti .i beiltm by ne I iiiplrullel i-f «aid( ey 11 ti.redit T the Sletepi. uni H.ard u' Ilrilth. ind lubjecl Wthru dialt, imiurdiltrly alter III« piMasr n| til» «ct. Alio lol III.aid M«trnp.,,itan B«»rd f Hi ntl-to be ,-edie,1 ti rhe (Iraniomití'el Nra S,:k.| i, .:» rilab r pa . Ita mener» authorised

!., J l,y t.ntkui, lui ti.« patpaataa »mi,í pumiaBI to

ch.pteI »r»rntj four ot the 'aw» ot eui tr. ii i nndred and «lily ni.Ita« SB.:i of MT, utj Im ti. ',.,:,,!,!.,; Ar«. .. ria.iI iipui, level.u*

Sa».I », rordii t m law. n 1 p«id to thr S I.-. rt-r. to the creill»if ».id Heard itiim«iliat«ls »fer ti e pi-.j». ftbl

i 6. So iii'i.-li f ie, ti. i. ti rer ul' .-I a;-.. li Tr- ,nd fite ef th*-l«w« of eljbteeu huintred .ud »lit» t,v- t» r, s -.. a. tolicwi. 'IX I..hall be the duty el r»i "i o! tl.r trsr'sl I li .»! ,,..-ra st I, h leOelT*.nd rx|and manag ra:«eJ by t i la Um ( estât) <«f New York lo ke*af,Hinii mai et a> li « iiinerti,¡«a. a: ,1 u ad)uurai_ei..(u triu.niK . cupy thr »ul lu tl,r Boar 1 ul 8 |« aald Couuts, i» ¡eby (epe»ltd.

I 7. Tin. »c1 ii,al. take tthei in " ed.itelr..s(ir. ../ Vru- lort, t Jk- e ,,/ the s. r-. s / StoU I h.T* Wa-

p.i.u th« r-rs-cedil. will, lb« uri,.-,»1 la« on r IB Hill orrs« *, air« 4«hereby csriify tb*t (be «.me la a mir,st ir.i.« li. tn-r..'ru_. aad ulti,,, is I,, I« «f ..Id original I.w.

(.ivrii und.r my hal d «i.d a, .! uf ofti, ». at thr C,i- .f A b*l»y l»l»IibauI twenty irl.tii day ol April, In ile ,, :t on, tbouaaual ii^bi«hundred and ni: t >,i

KRASl ¡S( BARLOW, .«.crer.ry ..I Sl»4-AN OBDlMANCe

o is».! us iriDDiiioa ro tu omisisi'i iuish t«* a»>' ii si'i'SufsiAiios« »,,. tus »'i'«.,.,, or in« ,.o»«»«¦«¦»-or mi: c CSTT or xaw tub«, api-hov i, bt vii bavoh iiiiiIIX l.llilllll HI'SI'l, I, AS,, . lu ..t

The II, .ii .J Suj t, .,..,». ,./ tke*t ,u.n .,» Sr. Y.,*, Wu o dam -r

«¦rCTins, t t r ti-.i «arti a «f ita al n asM a- n.» mnuai ipprupnaiiuii lor ilie.up.eit el ti,. ,nsrri, n a Cea Is I Nr*lurk, «ppruTed by ti,.- V|,, r MaKh »li ¡. .'..¦ i :,,i,j.',Jki.J »ntyni ia hrr.b» amend, la. li How» to vi it¬s'ruse pal ilr I ,. .we | ward» «a Scan». 1er the head i f -Adaerni. til.I I lullt- Hie tim.mud du .an *. 11*8»," .m1 lnae'1 l»

II»« I. irof tb« tails» tat, tu wir T,,-,,It «houuud délai*It .'ii '»4.|.

Strike out the (.Unwin« w .¡.I« »nd ti« rr_i. d. thr brad ul ('« |, ii. a.« .nipt, o i.i . dil., «./ i.,.. _illllial d, «rr

(»,.'.I,«li ,,,,! ui.rrt in li, ll.elref ti.« 'u «Bf lu s» ii Twoti ou»»i.d duiiirai«.' I»»'I

.jinki- ut tim full» a Ma aah ta4 Isaaaaaln (b* »,r,,d ofI .ÜICV ( Ulli ll.'... le. »lal 1er» li.,,'-»',! 4*41*1» 40 OCC |.*»

«: ,1 li .. .1 i.i .; I!« e ' li,.- lu.i.os I -, (,, ail « 1..I) <l,na»i,««1 lal. sJ.J,..r

,«'i »¦. ,. ,t ,,. foil i»,r; », la «ml ti.lue» ni,d r lb- head ol" .ifBtiag «m! Claaulut >u I 8u it .-. Im sty ort',, en. t.aSr», nty lirr IhouaB'"! I I« 11 .¦'. 'SKI, " ;,).d limit lu I, u thtitul

the ful'uwitif. lo wn "Ki'ts .s all M .1 » e.'7.'»«'| "

Strike nut the folios« in« st.'.rl« « d h.nira tel il e brid of Print-ti, ry. »ni Blank BuoJai ria. -My u. ,., ,rl ,i.. .,,

(tps),)ssii. u ii inter m lieu tbeieot the lillnv» u|, lu »tit, >,«iytl.uu.aod dull.i. ( #(«1.(4».

I'"»' 'I' «.der the brid if .«-»Uura.KahuIít« Drpaltai.Dt«. lal. n hy u.i -n.le.1 m i« ,| «. ,

t-Aul'«ia«.»iKicriVs PB.-B.-B8BB..Pel tie c"iu¡*n-¦atiun f the Mayor ( on ;,,r, l'«r. Drpu'v l ¡npiullrr.. n 1 .ti »r ollie, r« ind elm.« M ile I). ,".«|,.m ,| Yl-BaSMS) tbel 0...U.IM "i.m deputies »nd c «rk» a -Bl». ,

li d A..e«iuiei.ia, «i.d ilinr .uiTrjni iniludiuj anear»s"i «'»o incliilina the mm of twenty file iTicuiindBt» luiul-ril ard lift» »i.d'lim and n«l«v cent-, rthr pasmel.t of Itr lal.iirl ot the ippui; t'er« An. ,r

J TVUllmaiB, J. V» Br,,wn. .nd Jonitlisn S\ AlVn,I .uni,,..,,, un« ul Til«! »i.l 4. rinii'l I» ti m May ti1 M lu tu« X d day ut J,in« Ititi"., nil fur thr p»yni»nt ufthe J'i'l|in«iiti .bli ned by Amor J SS i,li»u,»oii »nd J.S\ Hrown, «aImUm laeWea a»*.«Çaarti t App»» » luprnc«rdinta in.ti'utrd by tin m te main au thru titi« to

fl, ri. pr.Tldrd by thaptir I3T.»i of 1 *.:. Onehundred «nd I- rty thouin, nrrn buudred and n:tr i.i

dolían and eiihty ceati.tl4_7*ai «aSink* out in» lol.uwuif a,,id. »nd MSMaV undel th* bead of

" S ,!_ir>. JiiJietirr. Til : " Yo'tr hundred ina MTrntern t!. u.u.dlol «ra (1417.(100), aad inwrt In lieu (hereof th* lolowin«, lu wil:" K. m huudt*4 «b4 Iwenly It* thuiiwnd 8»* huudnd 4« .lal»(?4-3 -(«Ul.Hsi. I Tb« fo'!owlr|»ddill( n«laprropr!»tlor« ar» hiirb» n»^ «.

li, J lor th» lesna ub,rita und p,ii|i a. ¦ |e. U.d Ti

U_si_a lia.iwi |An i it»»..u«.- I« .n.Ti4* i»,
