Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1852-03-08 [p 3].Mai« P-xgee, Plaae ard Speritications can be seenat U.e (" it ..i t e Euamaer at Dusrat uuiil thetime above asasd. J. B. BASSINGER,ChiefEugtueer


eJ^J*s*s AUTOGRAPH. Ti.haas Office

«SilTK^OHN MUKGOi» wishes to in-ar 7..« Iswers of good raises thai h* hat opened aa¦ .dB'* Mi» .l'»1««' K" ''.»'. '"*' "''

Of*y.',h . Vi ha .1-1 ..» ready te «eeomsaod* e t*

»ff. .*J ibe peMie * !.'«.

fSgMÖVAL-BEN EDICT, IULL *K ro Manafactursit ar.d * f> ?>.¦»!* O al«r« m Bon*."_Xa a'iadiBts, h ,vc ren.ved Vi No. II Pa'k.row.oa""Meftat Od Par* 7 bester, »ipos.te the Arter Hütts«,

j£f«k-_ÄfgnTNu papers by the»f TASS ONLT Ii ... <. -t aad BMaSt C«.r.!i.« «*-

.. *. u* UNITED STATES, f r sale byCYRUS W. FIS.LD * CO.. Ho 11 ClitTst

gg*fj^TCONÜRESS BOOT«.Man.§ sf*c<»rsre *n«i Dealer» in my Pa'ent Contra«* rteot*.

i ik* (v Inwirg «pminri* Snd »ave r^'t «ad damages torS"vT*J*B*jjB*MgrBBi«M be HORACE H D A V owner

JJTutb» FbWbU, Ho. 13 C- b'lUnd «»..New Y-rk. Jaa-

.Yl'fl'J?i0ri«iOKi-I b»»e»t«jniB»id the lottere Pn'ottThroat A Hjit'.. hearug da:* tba 20:b Oc'ober,

laaisad .*> of opinion that tu* «*« of elastic gore*, madeJJ^J^ensg fibrous materials which expaed and contract,J^en-ation with Itdia Rubrer Spriees if apol od in t'.e-.*««»»«a-* «f Gait«i Boo *. i* an isinort m a- a^on :b*SJii, _*r«w York. April 28. 1801 F b. CvTTlNr».'WtTb* Joa« 8. 1851.I bate made a siuilar era m .a

,f lb* litten Fatrnt abort referred to, and concur in¦"ijfjttBg'» SglSUSSB. - BtJFDB Choate.

BEAL E8TATR AGKNC Y.Houses,gvcrts and othrr P ept ti. IB the Ctv aad r.nuitv of

a,w.Y*-k. Let and R»nt* coLectod, Landed aad otatrgjptai** taken n eaaege aa Aceat and Attorney Reaj «.s-

inUbetgat, Bold and exihaiged Mone- loaned oa goad(Bar Beatis *nd Mortgages , .In'eret» aad oth*r Debts cui-aettd aad P*cn pt made in all rases

N VfILLER.OtVeNe. 15 Cbambers-s f. um It A. M to Dal.; Ho.

jMTta-Bt.. fiem 7 1i a A. M. and 6 tu 8 P. M.Btlertu. *. Mon . H Uper 8c Brothers, N-> 8tCliff.*t. ;

¦fajam'a Lodtr, Esq., 1* <. (,3 Hammond st 2 P*t«r ,*ar-aar, tt-j: Ho «8 East lCth-it. ; James B Sfusrag. Etq ,

jg», :J Wa«h.agton place A L. Sands, Esu,.No 30 Lafarettt ttac* j Meaars. Wdiiam Stuitb h Son, 23 Sik-st ffl

0RE1GN PATENT OF* IGE..The.«/«*«.«iber bsnee brau'-he« of hi* ««tablia)im«nl tn

tbtprmi"'«. eitle« of Europe, a* Loadou,Pari*. Madrid.«4sau Vtsana, he... for the parpoao of transarting Pa-i*at Stisiaess. is enabled io sacar* Letters Patoat abroadAjfisiuurtant LDTBBtioas. aad to hate them d'are'ed beieaj hi I ia about utie-f lUrth of tk« time aad at ono-aarth of tkaexpea*e w i<-», * ould be required by spaca1sraaU JOSEPH P P1RSSON.

Soliet.or of American acd Förrien Patents,_Ho 5 Wall-at.. New-York.

Z-INC pa Ints-Warranted Pu7eT--Tko NEW-JERSEY ZINC CO. Warehouse. Nu.

45 rj*i -1 ar* prepared to supp./ their Ziuc Paiaie at Ik*Btsaktl prices:Po. 1 White. gr< nad tn oil, 9c. tor lb.Ho.} White.ciaund in oil. Sc. oer fb.Me. 3 White crouad m oil, 7c. per rb.gsewn *sd Black, crouad m od, 5|c. per bYDt* » Biteof Zmic, 6e per rb.7 WHITE ZINC PAINT,JfWr thor-.i gb test u Earope and the Uarte<l States, has

basa li nsd to retain its beauty and protective quallti**aeg*r th*B say 0 her paint. For whPenea* and bril''H"cyga «>.14«le" ; i' te free from all pniauaous properties to

as*aav>a and dasr*ron* ia other pigmcul*; wi'l ooter.

*g*agw* ght.froau ill to IIS per oeat more space than load,sad is. thsi*fore much cheaper to tko consumer. As aaatide paint, it wdl ant tarn yellow, eves when exposed toShe sulphur ms cases of com fret or the foul air of ships.Tkttr White Z i c ..-round In varnish produces the porce-kjafinmh. Their

»hOWN AND BLACK ZINC PAINTSnt a few boaii feim a hard aad to'id metallic coating orpoawnodbrek iron aad other me aliic sarfares, and are re-msrksbls fsr their firs-proof propert lot. They are speciallyadspled for n<ariBe purposes, having l>een found to resistthectliodisr action of salt wstet, so deatrtictive to othersahtts. Dealers supplied on Ithaval terms by

MAHMNG k 8QCIEB, A teats.

_Ho^ tiPeyet.. H. T.

FRENCH WHITS ZINcT^fiOfTcaaksSnow and 8ilver White Paint: tee caska Gray, second

«ty, of the Vieille Montague Company's manufacture,if. to th* trad* by McCALL It 8 TBONG,No 35 William st Agaau for th« T7»ited feuteaj

R"^1CH GAS FÜaTÜRES »bT~MB>CHANICAL LAMPS.The nsdersiirned has the

bsaorto mfoim his customers that he hasouenad hisahowissass, wheiecsa be teen the large-.t eboioe of French OatFistarei of satirslf new patterns Futures warranted,aad Misd ap » rh care and d soatoh

_H. PARDON VI LLE, Ho 415 Broad-ay.

WCRAWBUCE'S UPHOLSTERY,« HOUSE abd Ship Furnishing Warerooms, Ho.

39 Grand St., How York, where will be sound a completeSABBrtaWBt of the foMowiag articlss : Featksrs, hair, mosesadhask; also, beds, mattrsstss, palliasses aad cmhions:alas, hedtteads of every description, vis: patent screw,

ßa joiat, lock joint, iron screw, cottage and trundle cote,.; also, a spleoditl variety of paper hangings, borders, he.

Hr C. would call particular at!«utioB to his new style ofksat ssd epntg **aitr«**«s. N B .Old beds and mithSSIss r*B»vaied and mail* over equal to new, by

W. CBAWBUCK, No 358Grand-st .seoosddoor oast of Ess«i-st

AWNING and~FLAG DEPOT, corneg¦> * *f Jrasdw ay and Pearl st.. os-posite the New-Yorkmm is! -All kinds ol (taavaa Articles. Bilk and BaatiagFags, fisni'ers. he , oa hand and mads to ordsr.W B. Tb« celebrated Aati- Mildew Solution anolitd te

darting* at a .rtllitig cost.

On i> e oi the Mounts and Essex Railboad Co ,)NBwabk. N. J February 10,1853. i

IX) railroad ton tractors..Sealed Prevosals will be rsceivsd at tin* Olhc* for

the Giadiis.A'aiObiv and Bndgn.c ol that patted the Ea-wati'-a ol lbs RoaO of tbtt Con,pan> to the Dela-var*River,him it pifieet teimmus at Dover and llackettstnwn.lati* an. e ifeicb'ern nules,) until BATCHOA V. the 2,thday ol aicti seat.Mai« P-xgee, Plaae ar d Speritications can be seen at

U.e ( " it ..i t e Euamaer at Dusrat uuiil the time aboveasasd. J. B. BASSINGER, Chief Eugtueer.

EAUMONT'S PATENT STARCHPOl.lbli, tor giving i beautiful Blosa to IiLsn«, uiBs-

Me, csmtiic eel lays, sbirt tonn,*. coTars he It pre-ssats the iron frem sticking. The ladies have loa* siu.'Sah the tec»*«ity of *'i>-h an article, and in this thtir ev-

rlatioa wit) be f*)'l| realized N. B..One cake will d»gasen ol clothes Mai uvsetvre»'e Depot No. 31?

,*mmm.9. Y._CYRUS W FI eld Ä CO., No ii Cliff-

St Ntw Yoik.are sole Acesit in the Uai'.edStatet 'itMaspratt's inpsni r B each.n* Powder.Yat'.or a M:).e calebruted » nftg Papers,kasnl Mills fSne Wnurg Papers.Cswaa k Ce 's E*glish and Stxitch Wrf.iag Papersaawlu's Pat i«h Ti'aue eraGseesse Mills Pnatn e Pspers

Taev areslso Agent* eny th* priaeirM paper maaucactararaiB tharoaauyS&pring fashion .Just finished, thejgm*sajsadldartit-Ja ever cdtt ed.elegaat FRENCHSILK HATS, st ths loa pries of $3, u.ualjr toid at |4.Ass as »rticle st $2 38 Neat Hats at S3. BBOWN. Ho.UttNasl-st.oB* doio



aaaeatRoel. Dou* ou HViuch e>i«i a fur 4r<'*9t* ;>ar fool;s»tr Tis or Rh,,.]., j, c.bU, *<m! warranted Orlice No¦Jfpiagat tollt»'.«


.twselag sior* ibau live hundred ditleieat pat'smsaadWJAlhtai th* t'in*et gi i aad so at to c. inmon Olaaks.fWwSsg I>e aiiers ()*k. Map'*. Marble, tire boardvjahAe or'»ro solicited f> uU tne city v I jSfdt. Thr )al oribers would also iarara* the eittseni¦ee-Tork ae.l Bnaaktvn. th*' that ar* bow prepa-ad to i».

jstSteadaaec- eallordersiu furiiishiagaad puttiuc up D«-aid H.etmsr. b r i v* P.ib'ic HslU Drn»mg

¦Jtso, Pan,,,, &. . Call ai d e4..v us at the MaiP* Eos ;r3 a^J :r Sohsmierh in st . near City Hall.gwtjra. EAMKS. HOOGLAHD k CO

RIHOYAL.MORSE'S AMERICAN. IKI ECRaPH-The iflio* of the New York. 11-Jlkiiad ) '.... Telegiapk i n.i has ;. .* 'em .v-dl*aRo It. a st tu the basement of the Baak ol ibef»k-Wje, i .user <¦! ltroadaav aid Wall-at., N'a* Task,¦aoStiee. mrieüon o' .«...*! t t»>> raogh and ef-n« »e >e-

'''t. 11 use hat worked ia a manner hithetta anpa-a' Bioiriptress ano sccsrncy. in the history of tots-fVki Xlit sirsrceifcetts with various eoaaactiaa aa^avstathas te* n* to effr' ev. ly poss b e faci'ity f. r?. rv*t*s: tr.1 c rr.^r iraa*n -ision of mrtaages des'ined..ejsait oi tt - ii e< Si atea or Canada, Oaeoirbe2I*',,'««SiSg t.' tl I*Cos I'a'.v :m; p'opna'eJ ei MuS'velva.. dts'.ued Ur llaftalo sad place* was t sad sont a

IJ*t Rtw he** working ia immeäliat« ci*\b»ciob w-ih£*Vasvetaeaa'ly beoa eomolsfed, leadisgthroacb all the""..IB lad f,. ,-b assls a State* wo ar« therefore n'> »

fJBSitdtsd i,a- t 'o -attmi. nieasac** wi:h corr*Ct,i*«s' asleh te New Orleass. Memohia. Nasliville. St.aCuatsati Pittah i<h. Cievsla*,d, Da treat. Chicago,.tele*, aad alt a'eriuiaiat* cat

|r S F AXTON President_*w HiGowan. ( ri»r t)p ra'or.

J)0()KS! doors !.Sashes, Blinds,|wi^*^ae»a.G.a». d ,<«iir.. A he . oiade froea t>>*rTa'ta gnsdl s>' *r The uade »i«i.ed invit. s toe speciala^?* of bailee s a«l the trad* senerallv to their «t-

stars , i tke artic:«a, bemc tbe largs*t tadEiyii ta th* Viittd Siates. Ovsr New-Ha.eafmm treoct. C.atro st ewaev o( Oasal.


T" masons »ml wall builders*»-w~Thil»s »ishmg to c, n iact to bsdd a «ea Wa 1Baa*n.' "k-sr ask. aSout 330 tods ia langth. aroundmär J*'* t l»*t'd pMtclietter Haioor, an h ar .ro.n

aJT"' 'five #.*. h'cb s!o.ana- inward at the top,mtuX-4*** »*'er «' iihaad u-a> aet the srascitu au a.s

eWlj r,iK,'Mw *. 1 '.¦ Lmi.."No. ogWal'-at. Hon



>Hll.) l|'s ti I'M KM' KIKK ASM.iifflkJKl,*V"-T"' 8M ERICAN FIRE ANNIHI-iy* tOMFAN \ ar* djw pieoaisJ to disp.>se of Ter-L. C*V* ,or Sta e* and Count ea.and to reso.v* or-"* *«chlase anal ('sun,

Oosagaay ar* eajaalmad* uoder th* d

sV^"**'1»»» »«'y'u vre. and *>a naaibered fr, l 1 too»d.:°* " ». $1» t"»j5.

Ba^ai" "etiitd ted nr. uitb*l mforma'.ioB |'i: »5.««Oftfibac Varrru .! . New York

.5-_> * bABNI'U. Cai.aral htuiftr.

I^-M V \ [T E -Fur aale in loU, aa

'wS'taX'!!1 .*''!*"?w' *' Ligaam Vitm-emaU sixee. aad^^.l»oisis_ ' MOW'TMER HALL. No MSo 'th si.

PAiSSR, m^M-fXctuhers' ma-aasaiij L." i~ 2 he i«aet «>iea«iv« «saitsaant 1- th 1

-vasy.*ss«ai*by CYB08 W. PiEJ.D k CO .

Ha li'.liil

Ai \ TONS CHINA CLAY in atnre and» for ut* by JaS T. DERBI~K*ON a CO

N«. 1*5 Vulu»n-nt

LOlfi SOOA ASH and IMtVrauiariueUta» oa band, and fat svs byJAS T. DKRRICKfON ft, co.. No. 1« Fatton-st.

7ICS and TOUPEES-The bestandcheapest in'ha e"v » n he fund at wATCHE-

LOU'S celeb'atad Ha e Fscrtory, No. 4 Wa'lit

lews AND BOOK PRINTING PA*PEW.»'o-vtsntlyow hand and wade *oorder hv

CYBCi W. FIKL'» a BO nc. HOaxBat.

KELLY'« Ilait-Pnr.. ENGRAVINGund PRINTINO Offica. Ill futon at V Y . *ed-

diaa V «i ii r Acd/rseesel At H n..<i C ndi.iaths vervl*««Style: CakeR'vs Eavelopa, ftc.&c ,aad engraved Plataaae jnCaide lot 10 ahillinra.


Tarred Rope, Old Pspers. and all other Paper Mikcistock, by CYRUS W. riELO a CO.,

No. »4 Be«knaaa st ~

RAPPING PAPER..5,000 Reamsy. r aad Ftrsv Wrapping, lor (ale byJafl T D*tRRICKf»ON B CO . Vo |M Fuit/*o-st

WMRS. L. GIPSEY, Fortnne-TeUer,

Lata of Barnnai's An>cncaa Mnaoro, «nahesto ib/.tb, her fr.«n<Ja avad 'he puti ic. th&*. sue c .:. be c*.n-

nl'ed oa a!) the events ef life, at No 55 East Broadway,from S A.M. wtttil Ift I». if

financial.Proposals for Losa.


SEVEN PER CENT, FIB3T MORTGAGE. CON¬VERTIBLE BONDS..The BeUefoatawe aad IndianaRailroad Company offer for rale $250,000 of their SEVENPER CENT MORTGAGE BONDS, with interest Cou-poss snneird.They are in sums of $1,000 eseii. payable 1st July, IMA

with interest at 7 percent., semi annually, on the 1st day OfJalyaad January, at the Bank of Commerce, in Bat Cityof New-York, where the pritcipal is also payable, and are

secured by s mortgage toJoha A. Stesans, Esq., of New-Yetk, in trust for the Bondholders. They are i .avertible'ate the stock of the Company, at the option of the holders.They are issued under acts ef the Legislature of Ohio, au-

thoiising them, and the mortgage as above to tti 'ire thepaymeat thereof. The amouut of Bunds to be thus issuedaader the Mortgage is timited to $800,000, of which $l0ii 00"have been disposed of. Only ».'.(, ,0 are now offered fursale. The residue will be disposed of as the wants of theCompany, hereafter, from time to time, may make it necaa-

ssry.The mortgage covers the who'e R iad of the C up my,

US miles long, sad is the first end only lien the reo a. Thisembraces the er tire line, from its connection with the Ohiosad Pennsylvania Rsiiway, st or near Ga'ma, where theCleveland and Columbus Railroad crossei the same,

through Marion, Bellefontaiae, Sidney, aad other import¬ant towas, to Union, on the line dividing the States of Ohiosad Indisaa, where it connects with the Indianapolis andBsllefontaine Railroad, now nenrly completed. The en¬

tire line of 118 miles is under coatTael for graduationaid masonry, and about 54 milss of it are now nearly readyfor ths iron rails. A portion of the rails are purchased, andIn the eourse of arrival. It is etpecfed that the first sec¬

tion of the road will be completed, and in operation, by the1st day of July next, and the remainder of the line by thsfirst day of Janasry next.The mtsns for the construction aad euiipment of the

Road are pror.dsd by Stock sad Bonds. The sum of $850,-(00 is subscribed to the Cspi'sl Stock of the Compsay, andover $500,000 haa been already paid in and expended on

the line, and in the purchase of materials, Sit. Ths residueis being regularly paid at ths call of the Compiny. To raiseths means, the Company has resorted to tineloan.Tin mortgage empowers ths Trustee, is ctseof failure

»e psy either juttrest or principal, to take possession of theRoad, with its eijiupmenti, and to rseeire its carninrs, or

to ssU the seme, cn due notice, snd apply ths procesds in

psyment.An inspection of the map will show this Road to occupy

an important position. It is s continuation of the Ohio andPennsylvania Boad, through Ohio, thence to ioiianapoliSand St. Louis, by way of Terre Ilau.e. Ths Indianapolisand Terre Haute Bosd is nsw comp'eted. and is operation.The Indianapolis and Bellefontaiae Road iseompleted, andu operation from Indianapolis IS a punt near ths OhioState line, and will be entirety completed by October nest-A Company has been orgsnized to make ths remaining

poition of road lying bstw« en Terre Hau'e und St. Luis,and the work will soon be placed under contract.

It will be seea that this is the nearest, most natural anddirect routs from Nsw York and Philadelphia to St Louistraversing perhaps 'be m ft fertile populous aad improvedpoit ions of the States thtoagh which the line passes.From the nature of the country, ths construction of a

Railway is ea>y and cheap.The astimatsd cost, with snfficieut eq oiant tor one

year is $1 048 680The BONDS abose-namrd c ias'1 ute the only debt of ths

Company. That this road will prove one of irrest uaefulbtss al d profit adui ts of but little doubt. It i >cal businessalcee will yield it a handsome supp'i t. But, connc '« :n

it is Bestand Wein« 1 be u.e of ths greatest chaarof through tiavsl in the United Sta'es. It must evei be

the principal lies of Irate', i. m the Eastern atd NorthernCities to St Louis and he vast reg oas be.oad. ladt srtt'ii nk. the cosveitible elsuse of great value at an earlv il iy

SEALED PROPOSALS will be received for any amountant less than $1,(|(|". until Tuesday. the 3 ith day of H>instant, at 3 o'clock P M. Proposals will bo addressed t i

the Agsnts of the Co . Messrs. WIN8LOW, LANIER &

CO, No. 511 Wail-sl indorsed "Proposals for Belief >n

taiae aad Indiaia Ror.da."Twenty-five per c-nt. of the purchase ni-»ney will be re¬

quired to be paid an at csp'lng the Bids, the remainder i

equal monthly ins'a'msnts, of »5 percent. Any purchaserwill be at liberty to pay in full at once, and interest on the

Bonds will run from date of par moots.The above $2.0.leu will be sold absolutely aud without to the higbeat bidder. Apuntnct exhibit, with |

map and ali the necessary information in relation to theiesecnritifs, can be had by caBlaf at teat office of the ag en'of the Company, at No it Wa'l st New-York, March o'

1153 J AS H QOPMAN, Prest Belief. Ui RR C

KNICKERBOCKER SAVINGSBANK, Eighth-av co» of Twente-third-at .tv-n

every MONDAY, TH1RSDAV and S ATl'RD *. Y. from4 to 8PM This institution pays 6 per cent intersat casildeposits not exceeding $5(0The charier of Una insistntioa secures to mr ors ir.d fe¬

males, married oi unmarried, the enure control of allBionsys c« »r.ed ib thsir aalues.

TRCSTKKS.V. ii.iain W. Campbell, Heusv Dab is.

John Ivrs. M. V., Jons UoClellaBeL M. O.,Joseph W'. ?av .gc, William A W heeler,AbBSSJ W lilis. John W. Howa,HtS'V B leJtSer, John Watte,QaorgoH Williame, William Winelow,JetkB Dent.aBi. Wilaoa Detfeadorfl eoBBid Iis Bailiae. M-ses C. Edwards,Leraias Kinsman, Aadrsw Rust,Albeit Gilbeit, John A Van Riper,Vis,ihi L)mu, Elijah Ward,er .iHao a Doo r, r*risl strase


j^^XHUV^aK-jVee Preside.'..As.-i'N Willis Secrsiarr.

Tksa.ukbbs OfTBIB, Nun« k h and Wob. ts raa Raii,-aoart Coai srtT, Not» l( it. February Its 1853.

]\OTlCE it* ht rebv givti that trie Boardit of Dii.ctois of th a CoaAB4ta| at a legal meeting, haveduscttd ibal the ft i: ».i Sa$ ii ata'lmaat of Tel. Do'- ais persh&ie on ths Prefer-cd Stock of this Company be paid tothe Treasurer of tbe Coir.par v. at ths Tiansfsr Office. Ns.J9WtHiam st..m the t. ny of New-York,.a the 15th ofMan h nest.

luterratwill be ciurged at the rate of 6 per ceat perarnum from the 15'h . fjanusry last.The bo. i* will be e'n?ec en tbe !4th of March, and re¬

in l closed until ths lü n dav «f that monthG L PERKINS. Treas re'.

Ci SB a or Tin; Gko. ebs' Pirk lasiRancg Co., fNIM Ydks March 1. Is**. {

DIVIDEND..The Board el iMrt' Uns Ci n.tjssy have this day declared a seci-sB-

tiuai Dividend of on per Cans., payable oa aad afier thsaajt MM PON v>|t,-4. -r

ROCHESTER, LOCKPORT ani NI-aoaba falls baILBOad no MOktrtiAi.K

Bti.Nj.iS .$lt0.we iieanng istersst at 7 per ceat. par m

sum paisbln seuii-avaaa ly, aed reim>"irsarie IB InSl,(prtacii al and lateres; payab.e ia ii e s'i y o Ns«-SatkSid coiiveittb.e. at the opiioa of the holder, Ln'o the ftWkof 'he Compass at ar . Ssy time to ist Aug ,

IIM Trur'ees tor the 1?-ud holders, J B t 410 l it, Ad-wnrd W hitehouse ami W alUfheiman.Tbe K ehester. Loikpoit and Niaants Hi i 8»

l»74mil»s long, aad the total cost will be $!.85.5.S*e of«. ii i BB unt Sl.i.\> fiaj is provided for bycarh aubscno-li. as to the Stac* act aal v paid ax. aad the balince by theiv . 11 e ret M o «üe Bonds, b rining the ea!v bea u, a

lbs > is*, *c The total issu* of Bonds is $W«.ot*; ofwb" L <be-t». ve n .med BBBi-ant being all that lraiaia* to'ol are'or saJ* byCAMMANN. WHIIEHOUSE A CO .

No 5iWaJJ-at.

ILLINOIS GENTRAL RAI LROA I)COMPANY -The annaal masting ef the sioehhcUl-

<ib of the llharla Central Railroad Company. fiT the etec-bemof t! res Dirsctur» :a thn place .if taoea wh-sne'ermi fserviee wil'aspire en that dar. and for the traaaami. n

i I other butaass. wd' be held on WEDNESDAY, March1*. ItiJ at the office of the Compeer. No t Haanvsr «.,at t o'c'ock P.M.- The trsnsfer books will be caused fromOe IJth to the 17th of March, »51. eo'h davs iac asive.

BOB11T BCHCYLKB.PreeidentXTarw Tovb. ngnrek a. IS5S.


J|| ()> B V..Money may be obtained, torIv I ,,io,-tperio*ls, la aaass frsnm at to $1,080. on watches,tsate. welt*, dry goods, or any other tnePAI l I« i.s VFB EL ACENCY OFFICsTno IHGraaaV

aaWAei l B rwdwar, over th* Pacific Baak. The("v in . - honor may be relied oa. ObWIwac ^. m«to».na>dfr»m»U7oeisjeh. Heeees, Leads,x its aad to let.

RAILROAD MORTGAGE, CITY aodI'OtM , ronds .w. mumm sal* »t it.rrate*

taelbl L*ugBEClBinK8<fti>e mi¦|undoubledaa:sc-ter, tu

!' O.-'IO ..,d I'FV: YLVA*TA 9EVr\' PCBCENT. RaILBOAD i'ONV KRTIBLE BOND), Coe-pans p»»»b* in New Ywh, lat July aad lat Jaaaarr.Priietpal die in \165.MW CLFVF.LaND COLUMBUS and CINCIN¬

NATI SWEIt »er CaTBT. 00MVi!tn»-LE RAIL¬ROAD bon 09. with Casjg ». p.yabie Ut March and tatSept. Prnc pal /all* doc in isa}.$?5.«0 LEVELABD. PaINESVILLE aad A9HTA-

Bl'LA Ktll.RuAD Si:VEN IEB CENT. MORT-OaQF BONDS, Ccoposs pajauis lat Augustani1stFsb.Frmcir-al fal « dna ia 1851

$2.1.f*0 AORTHERN INDIANA SEVEN PER CENT.RAILROAD MORTGAGE BONDS, Coupon* psyabaslat Aug. and lit F*li. Pr nr. pal Tal!« du* ia 1181$30,100 WILMINGTON aad MANCHESTER SEVEN

PER CENT RAILROAD CONVERTIBLE MORT¬GAGE BO.SDS, Coupons payable in Near-York, lat Jonaaad lit Daa), Principal payable ia 1868.SU.m MADISON aad INDIAN 1POI.IS SEVEN PER

CENT. CONVERTIBLE RaILROAD FIRST MOBT"GAGE BONDS, Coupons payable let May aad lat NotPrincipal fall* doe in 1MI. Entir* debt of ike Company$36<l.(i00. CRAWFORDVII.LE and W.ABASII RAIL¬ROAD CONVERTIBLE SEVEN FIR CENT. BONDSCoopcsapayable lat Dtc. and 1st Juae. The prtnc.pal failadue in 1861.

$10,000 INDIANAPOLIS aad BELLEFONTAINBSECOND ISSUE CONVERTIBLESEVEN PER CENT.BONDS.Coupout parable lat July and lat Jan. Tbe prin¬cipal falls due ia U8L

$48.180 CITY OF COVTNGION (Ky. opposite toCia-CiLL.ti « IX PER CENT. B JNDS, Coupons payable 1st

Jnly snd 1st Jan , guaranteed by the Covingten aad Lce-

ington Railroad Company.$40,000 CITY ol CINCINNATI, Ohio. SIX PERCENT.

BONDS, Coapcns payable in New-York.SI5.00U CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, Ohio, SEVEN PEB

CENT. BONDS, Coupona payable in Near-York, 1st Julysed 1st Jan. C israntsedby ths Columbus, Pequa aad In¬diana Railroad Company.$25 0(0 CITY of PORTSMOUTH, o v.o. SEVEN PER

CENT. BONDS, CoupBaa paya' Is in New-York, 1st Julysad 1st Jan. Cuaiaateed ty the £cioto and Hocking Val¬ley Railrrad Co.

«,35810 JACKSON COUNTY, Ohio, SEVEN PEBCENT. ISOND3, Coupons ptyah s 1st July and 1st Jaa .iaNew-York.S40.CCO DECATUR COUNTY, Ind.. 8IX PER CENTEONL8, Coupons payable in New York.

Sir SM CITY cf LAWRENCEBURGH, Ind.,SIX PEBCENT. BONDS, Coupons prahle in New-York. Thatwolast guusateed by tte Luwienceburgh and Upper .Mississippi Rsilroad Co.$3P (00 BOSS COUNTY, Ohio, SEVEN PER CENT.

BONDS, Coupons payabis 1st July and 1st Jan. Thsprincipal falls due ia 1671. Ther ars guaranteed by theCincinnati and Marietta Railroad Co. Popnlatioa of theCounty, 32.0C0tools; rslue of taxables, $11,000,008.$10,068 HAMILTON COUNTY TEN PEB CENT.

COUNTY BONDS, Coupons payabis ia New-York.Princ pal falls due in I860. Population, 15,000 souls; raiseof taxables, $2,484,265; entire debt of the County, $32,108.

$18,000 MIAMI COUNTY, lad , TEN PERCENTBONDS. Principal falls due in I860. Coupons payabisin New-York. Population, 12.0C0; value of taxablee,$1,532,473 ; eatir* debt of the County, $40,000.The two last named County Bonds are guaranteed by tbe

Peru asd Indianapolis Railroad Co.The foregoing BONDS are la each cue for $1,000, princi¬

pal and interett,in all cases payable semi- annually, inNsw-Yoik.Ibe RAILROAD BONDS are secared in the most am¬

ple manner by Mortgage cr Deed of Trust, to sotns knownasd responsible citizen cf New York, with power, incaseof default, to eater and sell each line, with all equipments,he, to raise money to psy amomt of interest or principalThe CITY aad COUNTY BONDS are issued, in each

ease, by virtue of Special Acts of ths proper Legislaturegranting full power for that purpose, and on a direct roteof the people interested, that vote being iarge'y in favor Oftheir issue.The laws uedtr which these Bonds are created, require

the proper authorities to make a SPECIAL LEVY ofTAXES to be SET APART ezelusive'y for the purpose ofmeeting the accruing interest, and gradually to reimbursethe principal, which can be enforced through the Courts ofLaw, should it become accessary.These debts operste in ths natura of a mortrage, on the

reel sad personsl estates within ths respective City aadCounty limits.Tbs New C institutions adapted by the people of Ohio

ssd Indiana. prohibit absolutely tbs creation of any fnsd-ed d»bt by Count lea, wilhia their boondanea. This willprevent a further laaue of aecantie* of I tin sort.Punted Exhibit*, in each case, c in be bad on applieatiea

at our tffice. givug full aad dctailsd laformatioa aa to tbeaature of Iaeti eeoiritv.

W1HSLOW. LANIER k CO .51 Wall-el.Hew York, Fob. 15,1853._

THE TRANSFER BOOKS of the Buf-fslo h Ri ehester and tko Rochester ft Syr tease Rai!-

road C< in, ai o a have brna removed to the office ofStenn. DUNCAN, tHKRMAH ft CO , Bankers, No. 4gWilliam St.

DRAFTS~öii the BANK of IRELAND.Payable at sight in a>l parts of Ire'aad.for sals by

ths Irish hmigiant brciety. No 51 Chambere-st.GRaGORY DILL >>', Presidsat.

Jsmbs Stuart, Treasursr.

Water fcnre.W ATER CURE..Dr. SHEW, (Use* " ear i*at Amencsa Hydropathic author and prae-titucer) rsceivrs patieats lor tiea'mea', either with or

with, ut board, at his commodious Estabhihment, r or

of 12th st. snd Ustveratty plsce, near Union Pars. Citypractice attended to.

HYDROPATHIC INSTITUTE.-.DR. TRALL receives paiisats, at the coinm <ii.ia*

city estaklishmtnt. No, 15 Laigi.l st. A special dnpai.-meot for the mechanical and surgical treatment af Fen-alediseases, is anasr ins charge of Ors Trail and Hoslord.

DR. T. L. NICHOLS and Mrs. GOVENICHOLS, will remove May 1, to their Country

Water Care Ectabliahmeot, Prospect Hill, Port Cnettar,aud give tb s early notice, fir :he in'irinatiin of a ;ch asa av wish to consult them at their present rse.deu ¦<. No.91 Cliatoa-plaee. t> nauLatuas from 2 to 6 P. M. Fe« 15,a ith fall directions for treatment. Persons wishing adviregratia.ars iaviud to applv at II A. M oa Saturday.


DOCTOR 15ARON 8POLA8CO, fromLoidon. aad of Eurojeaa fains, has received the

heart'(|r thsrk' of Mr J, lin MeCarty. of Ho Jll Wooater-¦t arrt tbat of Mrs MeCarty and famdy, fir hiring carsdMr*. MeCarty, afir >3years of suifcing. aaditne pe feett ll.ire fall medical iven and means previously re* r edte in vein. This great cute pan1 tiers erer 1,880. poefJIBlld?y Dr. tfpolaecu. sicee his arttval i«o year* ago IB New-York, frcm Oreet Bn'viu. Offee No 513 Broa I way. At-teid irce i»eir 8 A. M. to 1 P. M and ia the evenisgfrtm 7 io Id o'clock.


]>AVILION and IODINE WATER utHAL"' PBK'E-To elo'* a partnership, the suo-

eenher will SOU, d«rie« tin* month. 30o do/, a of beet Min¬eral Water fn ni ifce Pavilica, Io.lii* and Empire 8 irnissat Saratrra. at SI per d, /en, iin-'udinr bott'es and box.JOHN B nABBHBB .fisrt for ths Springs, at No 13JChatham-it

i YONfl K a T Hi 1RON for üm HAIR..J A Behold Read '' and Realize 11.TsWgiaal physicalremedy for prut*' til g the Humaa Hair rrom Stfl di*eae*sard luipariuet. had never beea d.acavered until Mr. E.THOMAS LYON letrodneed his u.-< n'ested, hit ineontee-tible KATHAIROH. He may truly «tclain. Eircka'Eureka'' I bav* found it IhavsL'iudit i'-.s arti.-ieiitbertsa.t cf a lone chemical re<earch. aad is eatirrdymedicisal ia its rutu**, preservise the hair with ail thelively beauty of youth until the o deal age ; producing newhair wb*n any vitality exist* at lbs roots: prevents its

tarnisg tray aridicatss dasdm if. and by pene's-atrag thenerves of tue kead. 'villeure the Headache. I's bstaty,refrething fragraaee. and pnnty rrr-miaSisBStve logred eet«,mskes it the te pins nltra for tu'et a*e It iassjataeaieadd isstho'usad certirirates of latiefai-tory snperiontyPvr* only 15 ceBts per b. tile A liberal dierouat to the

trsde. To be bed of all the dregeist* in ths country and saE THOM AS LVOV, tieneral Ageat.No 161 Broadwsv, Nsw-Yo'k.3d fl»nr

fr i |UU- REWARD.Will be paidty? laXlVfYe'bv ELMORE ft CO.. on the folowmgeor.dr ions, viz $250 if ths celebrated Bohemian Hair D>edoes not 'nstatrtly cbasre rray or r-d hair to a beaut fulblsck er brown , $350 if U it jares tks hair or skin ; > ¦¦»

if tbe c dor ever change or fvde $'58, if say other ba r

dve xat'ari th* .«»* or as raaav good gusiities Hold at

Perfumery Store No 137 Hadson-si «4 ceau a c«s*>.$eper doeea._i ^OURAUD'S LIQUID HAIR DVE i«" ' poaiuvaly, withoat *xo*pta«B ar r**arrxtioB, the verybest evsrmveated Dr. Ci-araud's estal.l^had recittat ona* a Chemical Philoeopbar, i* a guarantee that it is sc.

This Dye a*v*r staias ths skia, reoairse ao dryisg ia tilinn. no trouble, and moreover p Stesses the stngtuar pro?-ertv of the hour inakinr it soft ssd aics. E:usi.rreaowaed at Gouraud'a ITALIAN MEDIC A TED SOAP,for eating lava, pimple*, frscklos. saliowueas, casp*.«'racks,rhsJes and all skis dsfomities POUDRE SUBTILE sp-

nws hair from low foreheads, apber lios, or any part of t«s

IOU ID ROUGE t >r pals cheeks and M. H-A'5GI OSS ai^ IILY WHITE Fonad st Dr GOrJRAUD Said esishl^hed LaoorstarT. g7 Walksr-et.. soar Bressdway.

ATCnELOR'S LIQUID HAIRDYE .BATCHELOB'S Liquid is soesleb-atelI asd

sacceeifol.tfcat rt is sxciting the c pidity of a boot of us-

... 1 he public must be caitfiil to gst tbs.genuijisjiiI a TUHVLOR'S Wig Manufactory, No. I Waff «t *

Y is s. Id wholesale and retml. er avpbed This try aa*

\~rm in mcnparnl c-oetalioa Ska t«i* laat t-ralv* year*.


baatrawa hi eai Koasw rtea^kmdat. MOO&J. | ^

'^'PARTNERSHIP..Tue «ufccrib«.'h:* <.» ?o-m*ü a c-»n»rtii«r»fi !, nwder tie S-m

oicWaN*, BeKINBEY tettM p<i-p.*e»i traorar agB Ml»' »' Pr. rue* Cemmiasina hu<e-ss ia this city. Sl«re

- . ,'"H ARLES «JV4«.

Nsw Y. ik. March. 1, 115*. JdHN McKlN.MEY


1 m Banes' ¦' ma effect from .t« Im d«#Bf 7lHTl«(T. 18^1 p PRICE SBthlti/-d 'O BdlUSf »4nusu ess i tnr ,. ,ftcmrUi gt,.j ,. u. he ssm- f".»») firin f rilitptri»!. CmARLtML .SM.'KNEY,


2tni'#?«. . "T*"J » r-nirtB*rth p under the ti;m uf"I'll E k f-OrVS, ai d will cob mue the bistne«i of lb*pWyj St et s*y k Pries at Mi Utf Eul?>n st. Tie.respertfs iy invite attetrioa t> tier very lane atoea oiLa'eis, Warper*. Pateat Medina* D.reetiaa* ke , . re ef 'he moat eiteasive nssortmaats to be fo tad|n iba Uritail futes. stapled ta Dimes sts. Pffam-ra,J""B"'*c,"r»,»- snd othar nara Every description of La-aal. Wiapper. ke , funbe»! la ofoar. Printisg ia sveryJWiigklal finest Gold. Silver. Eabiesnd. U\_au%V'a**a \vj. arapbi di.wa to Uta c amest Lat er PreeeWorks promptly rurnUd. PHILO PRICE

. EOW aB') a. PRICE,Near York. Fab it, 152 THEODORE H PRICE.

TPHE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore.^JW*Mwm hetmree tka tu'iecnoers. usder the ftm ofDBKW. ROBINSON k Co i. this day dieeolved bj mu-tua' r< bsi nt SRI <ON ROBINSON w,II sertln tbe busi¬ness of the nrm. aad evn u ae tbe Stock, Erckaaee andf *.*.iiB" Bnaenanss w tua .«u m mal_Maw Y ..... MuchLISi». DANIEL DREHT.


TtfESSRS. CARLETON A CO. IMtWaT-" lu'' dar eoJd their entire partnership aetate aadamets te ABRAHAM R FROTHlNGHAM. the businesswill hereafter be conducted by him. aad all debts doe orowing tot »rieten k Co are to be paed to him..New York.F«b_ 11.Hit CARLETON ft CO.Tbe firm of CARLETON ft CO. hai been this day dis¬

solved by mutual conaeat .New-York. Feh. II. 185*.CHABLE?G CARLETON,CHARLK8 CROSBY.MR s KY J SEAMAN,

_fCoey ) ROBERT CHARLEB._DISSOLUTION..The Copartnership

hsistofore eintiac ander tbe same of LE WITTft CO. is th s dar mataally diirolrsd. cn aeoaatof theeontianed ill health of the seaior partner, Jr<na'han Lear-rtt. The bnsiness ef the late firm will be settled br GEO.A. LEAVIT] JONATHAN LEAVITT.Naw-York Jan LtaM GEO A LEAVITT.

COPARTNERSHIP .GEO A LEAVITT o'the lateArm of Leavitt ft Co.. baa 'hi* day a«s eiated with him, aspartner. JOHN K ALLEN. Cor the last sitteea yearswuh Mark II Neeinan ft (to )lb* baainias ol Po..ii»h i.r aad Bookselling will be eoe-

tinued at tbe new store, No 27 Des-et . amdef the uame ofLEAVITT k ALLEN GEO. A LBATITT._St» Y n Marrh 1.1852 JOHN K ALLEN.

1V0TICE..The partnershipr~of MAX^It WELL ft SICKELS was di'silred by matnal eon-sent oa the 1st of Jaanary. I8)t The hntinew of the lateArm wi>l be settled ny W. A. WAX W ELL. wh" will Con¬tinus the tame at the old Staad. Nu 110 Cbathtm-at cor-nsrofPrsrl. (ftigaed) W. A MAXWELL.


LIMITED or SPECIAL PARTNER-SHIP .This >s to certify that the at de.-s gned aase,

paranani to ehspter fnorth, title first, of psrt secoed of theKer.seu Statute» of the Sta'e of New-York, formed a hunt¬ed partnership ander the same, style or firm of BCisDICKft COOK. Taat the general aatare of the bastaeee to betraaaacted ia the wholesale Giocery buaiaoas, and all ae-oessan busisess conxecifd therewith That PKRBINBURDICK and BENJAMIN A. COOK, of the City aadCounty aid State *f N*w-Vnrk are the geaeral Banners.That ALFRED MARTIN, who resides in the City andCounty and State of New York, as the speeial partner.That the said Alfred Martin has contributed the sum oftwenty thousand dollars in cash, as capital, toward thecommon or capital stock. And that tha said eopartnerahipis to commence oa the setond day of Febraary, one thou¬sand eight handrsd sad flfty two. and is to sno and termi¬nate oa tbe second day of February, one thousand eighthundred aad fifty-four .Dated New-York. Feb I, 1851.




LIMITED PARTN ERSHIP..Noticeis ksrsby gTsea that the undersigned, according to

the provisions of the Bsviaed Statutes of the Stats of New-York, hsvs formed s limited partnership, and that theasrae or firm under which such partnership is to be eon-darted isFENNER, M' MILLAN a ARTHUR; that thegeneral aatura of the business tatended to tie transacted isa Grocery aad Commission »us ness thst the names of thegeneral partners iaterested thereta are DEAN K. FEN-NER,SOLOMON D McMILLAN. aad JOHN B. AR¬THUR ; aad that theaame of the special partner interestedtherein is OLIVER B TWEEDY ; sad thst said Deaa K.Fennsr and Solomon D. McHdlaa aad sa d Oliver B.Tweedy respectively reside in the City and State of New-York ; and that said John B. Arthur resides in Jersey City,ia the County of HadsoB, in the s ate of New-Jersey i thstIM smonat of eap*tal which tbe said special partner, Oli¬ver B. Tweedy, baa eoBtnbuted to the common stock, istwenty thousand dollars, and that said partaersbip is toenBineuee oa the second day orFeluuarv, m tha year U5I,and is to termiBBte oa the second day of Esbruary, ia tkayear IW7..New-York. Feb I. 'tit


WOTICE OF LiMITED PARTNER-SHIP .Notice is hereby gives that the andervtgned

have fei nod a limited partaersbip perauaut to the Statutesof tbe S sts of Nsw York, that such partasrship is to beconducted under tbs ntme er firm of O'NEILL ft COL¬LINS, thai th* gsi-sral aaturs of the hasiuess intended tobe transacted ia the buying and selling iif tobacco on ae-ooattcfthe said limited iiartaershv< and on commissionin the City of Nsw-York, that the namss of all ths eeneiaJand st -lal partners iaterested therein are DAVIDO'NEILL JAMES B COLLIVS aid ROBERT H.ARKENPURGH that Ike *mC Dsvid O'rsnill, who in¬

side* in the City of Bi> oklya, County of Kings, and Stateof New- Yo'k, and the said Jame« B CnPtni, who resideein the C"y. C 'UBts, and Sta'e of New York, are the gen¬eral partners, and that tbe said Rouert H. Araeaburghwho resides in ths City, C-.m s», a^il Stats of New-York,ia the siecia' rartasr, that the said Bobert H. Arksa-burgh, the said special partner, hss contributed ascapralto tns commnB atiick oi sard huuied partnership th* turnel live thkusaad dollars in aaah. and that tho said limitedBartnership is to commeDce on the ssencd day of Febraary,oae th-wuand eigm and Ifty two. and to terminateoa the atco'jd duy of February, one thousand eight hasdrad sad £ t, five.t Dated New York. Jianary Jl, 1IJJ.


IS80LÜT10N. . The co;,artnerthiphatetofor* slitting betwttii Ifte subscrbera under

thefrmnf WORA M fc JI A C'lHWOL'T. is this dav dis¬solved by niutBal e n sent Eitoar partner wi 1 attend to

the aaajettled bn.utss o/tce c inceri... Yew-York, Fsh 1mj WILLIAM WORAM,


LIMITED PABTVEBdHlP-Notice is hereby givsathat the anders gned accoidil I to the protruioes of thetterusd Statuten ol the State f New-York, have formed a

limited psittsrih p, am! thai the asm* or firm under whichauch partnsrsbip is to he conducted is HAUGHWOUT *DA LEY, and that ih* geuerai nature «f the busisess in

tended to be tranract-d is ths Importing, Buying, Decs-ra'ing.Des'ing in and Selling «f Chins. Glass Lamps, OssFixtures, Gas Pipes, and other Hnosa Furnish ag aadVat ct Goods , thst the uamei of the gtnsr il infuest'ed therein are EDKB V. HAC3HWOUT and*»iIITAM I F DAILEV, a^d that the mma ef thesp*e-\l pnrtne- interesreal is WILLIAM WOHAM; anu

thu. Euer V. Haughwoat, Wiai-un I F. Dailsy, and Wat,Wi ram, rsrpec.iiu'l) rssids ia the City of New Y 'rk aur!Brate of New- Y< rt ; that tVe siro :nt of ta* M iltal whichthe said special sertnsr. Wuliea Wuram, baa "asatrbatejt the '. r..;., stock, .-nr. Th .¦«.. -i .'."ar». a. a ;U '

asid partnership is to rorr i.ence f>u tbe second day of Feb-marv 1141 and is to tsnnissts os 'he second day of Pea-nary 1157 -Nsw-Yerk. Feb. 1 til7 WILLIAM WORAM",


Snsnrcince Comiianics.OSci OF '! ETC GROCERS' FIRE

INSDRANCi: COMPANY, No. II Walbst .cor¬

ner of Pearl-at.CAPITAL $2O0,0wO.

At sa sie" ea held 'f-s ay, the foUowltg gei.tle-ceawere chosen di ect ire of'.his Company for the easraing

Bai r r'"t Moore, Mose» "Lay'or, OeorfsE ''''"

Best B t>h*rmsa, Msrs' s" Pepooti, Francia m hayPeter Ma-tia, Aei H Graat, Charles Bars aa.ter,RufaaStorv, Asa R Pnrer James H W 'soa,H*>ry Edea, Isaac C. Taylor, WsBaSBS aEJPsetan,At a sut'iequaat meeting n> the 8oa- i. stMPiON

MOORE Eaq , was er,, nio one's reflected P'estdeat efthe Company. J MII.TUN SMirH.8«crstary.K*w-York. Feb. 1.1151 .

N. B .Th * C*mpans cHCtis .st to assure IiiHr.i, M»r-ebsadiAe, Hf UsehoM F irsitar*. V»«a*ls ib Port, ftc , ia

the most favsraMs term* AL Isases pmmpt'.y adj jstedsad pa d._


Bers st. auV'aiiig Stewart s stor* -Thai Compsav hanagall th* capital paid m are prepared to receive ar-pl'eetioosfor msarance m Warehoases, Dwalungs. Meruhasdise,Hoiaehold Furnitur*, Veessis ta pert, kc . ftc , agarastloss or dam tge by 9re

DIBftCTORS . _ . ,_Cora's V Anders»*, Divid Morsia.«, JoBa R Perhriw,Na'hi P Bailey. Adaaa P. Peers. John A H*m*t,Jan. al Reaedirt, J ka J Sarreil, EU K*iiev.»amuelBel, Nabum Sullivaa, Morgan Morgme,fa 8. D< ka. W Hum AJao.s, Aad'w G wsjeesa,gjL*ou Diaper, The*. M Bear*, Aasedes C. Farr-s,V e b C Jung, W.llis Blaeks^ua.W'ash. Sfuiia.Z pbar Mills. Ezra P. Davs. Job a Add. Thomws,

Th ,inae Tti -malCORNBLft'l V a vppR«ON. Prsmdeat.WASHINGTON SMITH. Vice-Presideet.

Cabiislk Nobvs ood. ascretruy.John floocB. Jr, Surveyor.t for iBMiraace m this Cwmpeav will be re¬

ceived at the 1..-* oi Mr. A. G Norwood, No. t» WUliam-



CAPITAL (ralntPLBBi T'lntS. . .___ ,.

Erastus C-ra-ag. Wi tt Sherman. JtssbaaA Cottieh,Frees! Hnan br.y, I) V N Rsdeiiff. Ell» B*'*T.Bauen P etssts. lleaiv H Msrtia,Eb Per.v, Gi'esVinaf^rd. Jared A. Post,

Joha KnowerEBASTl 8 I OKNINfLPraaideat.FRIENÜ H'.'MPHBEY, Yi.e-Pres't

Ototcs ¥ CSiT, BaniaenryD. V N Bsi'tLitr, TreasuisrRefer :o Duncan, ft Ca.. Baakers._be new e n"GL~A N D LIVESTOCK INSURANCE COMPANY of New Butvea,

Oan., insare bones, rattle, ke . against toes from deatft,of say de¬althe r from aatura! cause, accident, or

sentu*« whateear. New Tort Agency Ne II Wall st.

OrTlCa f'K Till A \T B MCTUAl Il'l R*1 IT 'm'UT, I\t* YOBK. J»a tt '* 1 I

The following BTaTKMKNTrf the affarra *f thai p iM.»h«4 ib ooa-

form; y war. n* r. mireaet ta of th ehalte*:in oust of P."ai.uw» not mat Seal otf l>ec*«vb«r j; rtSl_.$I!l.m li

Aoioitat H Preamuii -t> Maria* and IslandNavieaiioa aad Tr*B*t>«rt*'ns risks tor taavsar*edik« De**P »>er It. 1851._. 831.819 93Tu*, *sne*xs I r.r«mi->raa.iMl »73 at

Amcsat of .»»»».' ?r*» ami du-iBgtfca «aar aa»1«»»_.$893 *rt Ja

Less retina ft* ::_» ._. »9 tat 14Nat aarrao preminat* It5l.pM 19« 96

Loa»»» paid itai tc »araa aanoa.$339 987 14S» .-.> -.!<- < m .i. i,... . ,,.,.,,,.aad haddebt*._ 58 lit O 1.8 «39 J3Nat earned profit*.~ ..T.TT.SUI «34 T8

Th* profits .1 be <'..«,.«¦» irmn rhe M A evil,1849, to taa 3lat Decan.h*r, ISir. for whichsertlÄe»'** a;a jaaee. *mo ant to.$177.538 18

Additioaat piofiu aa above . I ,« Oil 71Nat earnings t }:»t Decainler. 1331_. $313 394 73

The Asaet* of tr r ( »mpaav oa th* Slat Daeess-bar.185.. w*r* at foil «aBills receivable.. $434.137 73

Cash.ti'gjt i)I ein» n stocks. 83 3*0 t?9Preanam CO .!. a to be ol.aed by Bote* orrath, scrip of »onrtry Mutual laanraae* Co :>-

paaie* ami ealwges. 83 971 33

_ _ $610 833 8tw Tr.,t l 'u.piLi taar v. > I"iTS Ru>»* disconnected wuhlt>riK Ki»»«The Board or I'm atee* have This Day decla-ed a D.n

dead of twenty hn, per rent, oa the ranted .> re an tat ofthe year «Bdisg T>ee 31.1851. for which c*ru Scale* will beleaned «a aad after the "to of April neii. Ale» aa latereatof an percent, on the Mtrp heretofoie ieened. parable iaeaah oa aad Betel the 3d of Februar*. By order of theBoard. EDWARD A. STRONG, Secretary.

TRl'STBBS.lebedee Cook, Fran .a f?*idd». P A H Ronan Id,Thomas Tilettoa. Saml E Ssrosills, Chas. Coaaoliy.F. 8 Latnrcp, Alben B. docker, Eiiaha Robbies,Sinne» Brook*. John A McGaw, Pa il Aldan.G*o. Ori*weld. Jr., Wm. F B'tlkley. Thomas Dunham.Bane PoLTsrt, Arthui Fn nsgaa, W. Keut. 8j Cedar,E.J.Brown, James 8 Hyde, Jona Harper,Frede'ick A. Lea. Wilnam B'yce, Jarnaa kfysrs,George Bud. J W. Colbert, JsmseStuait,Jeka B Kurhiag R T. Woodwaid, Samuel I. Bush.Alfred Barrett. Theodore Oane, Fta's L. Cook.C D, Robert L Taylor. Ben: A MurafordEdward Aatheay, S. 8 Chittendea. Wm. K Loturop,IB Breweter. L 8. Pond, Joeiah O.Low,

L. B. Wvmaa.ZEKFPEE COOK. President.EOW4.RD ANTHOHY, V.c. Prseideat.

Er.wt.aD a. 8TBoa-a, Sseretary.


BOWERY .This Comp**», with a cast, caoital of. liSO.OOO,

sad a large sarplse securely isees'e t. continues s* lasnroagainst lots or dsniag* ¦>) r IBF. oa dwelting-honses. msr-ehaadise, bsusehold furnrur*. and all dsecri,>ti.a» of Persoaal Property, oa the ... at favorable terms.

rwnacToas.Jeremiah Johavoa, Aloazo Alvi rd, Dtaiel BurtasttWiliism Wallace. TheuashfcEirath. Lake Baker,Wm J Valent ne, Jamea C Baidwia. Jay Jam*.JobnS. Hain«. Kob«rt Bnrklsy. Franei* A Palmer,

Jaccb Mdler. Jam«s M. Wat»rb«ryDAHTEL BURTNETTjgPreetdeat.Jambs M Mt Lisa, Secretary.

B^ERF(VrD &^CO.^S next C aLIF(Tr.NIA EXPRK8S will be d .; *.<¦:...¦ bv th* EMPIRH

CITY on ths 9th irast, to eontect with tks Pacit'o VfaiiStram*hi|i Company's fast ruoaing staamsr NOHTHERN-FR, in ckarge vf our Specia' Mesaesser.J COCHRAN..We espect to deliver our Eipreas matter la San Franciscola twenty-six davs.and ahead of all etheis. Small paieelsrereivtdtill 1 P. M. on the day of sailing. Large packagesiLUst be d».ivered to as. with mvo'cei.on Maadsy. to givet me for cording and seal eg. Freight taken at the lowesttales. BERFORD tt CO.. No 3 Vesey si.

ADAMS & CO.'S CALIFORNIA EX-PBEdS Ag«ncy for procurinc f.-nje Ticket* for

CALIFORNIA, M'hOeE HAV »NA and SOt THKRNI 8. PORTS..The sunicnber, uader sanction of Mosers.Adams h lo., erters his services ai nn Ageat tar procunaiPasasge Ticktt* by th* various Steamer Linea, Pscktt* andClipper Ships, lusnins f'om Hew York. Parties wuhingto avoid ths sipenso and delay of vtsmng the city in person,to pficute Paesage Tickei*. especia lv by the Californiastesm*r*. msy be tHiciil of having their orders pr niptlystieaded to. Ths eiperienre of the subacriberin ateam*rsat «*a, will slio enable him to maks tatisfsciory selectionsof scccmmodations, where a choice is to tieobtainsd. Prac¬tical arq'iaiBtancs with the Cslifoinia Boatss, c.i"*aiBg theIsthmus, he, s'to saah'es him to furnish in format!an frs-quent'y dssired by pai'iesg ungoat.Orders sad Reaailtsnces msy bs forwsrded by A. tt Co.'s,

or other Exorsasst, or bv Mail, toJ W CARRINOTON.fcsrs nf Adarai ft Co..)

No. l8Wall-*t..N*w York.

FSlcntttboiite anu ttatiraabo.

or ALU AN V.With relay of En-gin**, and without eliangs of cars. Fars $3 90. Ke-

en'aiity and aafetr oeubiBad. The cars of the NEWYORK srd HARLEM RAILROAD leave ths Cilr Hall8taiiuN. New Yuri, Daily, tSuadaya excepted.) at »o'olookA ,.M .March «. 1853._M. SLOAT. Sup't

MERCHANDISE forwari)eo toaad froas Haw-York via Nsw-Haven and Spriagfisld

to buriiLgtoa. St. Ji'buabury, Ogdcscburgh Bad Montiesl,and all Iowas on ths Rutland and Burlington. Pa**nmpeieRivsr, Vsrmcnt, Ceatral and Ocdesabarsn Railrosds.Great radnrtiun e price* from laeal rates Sntony steam-MB Traveler and Cbsmpivn. from Peck alip, Ea*t River,svfrydsy at 3 P M Ths railroads on this routs ferns. *

through contectu u te Burl ngton, St. Jnhusbury.Ogdeus-bn.. h and Montr**' Pataeosers can procure thron»atictetsto al1 'he principal Northern towns at th* New-York and Nsw-Hsvsu Rsdrosd Orflcs. No. 35 Canal st.,}<. Y. F«r l ,iwarduig instructions apply teth* agsnts atth* stB'Kras on the railrosds, aad to the ageat of thet-aavers on the whsrf. at Psek slip, N Y Mark goods,. Meichsntt Pirpttch H F. HYnR, Ageat,

Ho. 133South-s ..N.T.


I. iRil eat of N*w-York leave asar cu.sar of1' ». and Broadway.AtcoMatoDaTioa Traias isave for New Harea at 7 and

II. 30 A M 4 and 4 iP.M The 11.38 A. M runs in pita train trom New-Havsa t* Hartford asd5^iiagfield, a,.d witn Train over the Canil RoadEteaasa TbaJRS re, New-Haven, Hartf rd, Spnaefteld,

fCoaaeetieal B vor tad Vermont Railroads, to osdetvourgh ami MosdaosU, tloaion »td '*'orres»er. at 3 A. Mf ia-t 0- ..a 'ord ..' Hrn's-eport,) and 3 P M , (stops atStamford Horwalk ,a<l BndgeiKirt ,) tiais, sh.c,t >| m urs

... w,,-*u. raegA.M sastsasete with the lUsaetei adHar**<ataek Bsslissds sd SnOseport. and Csaal Badrosd». New-Havsa The I pgleaa P. M w.;b NasgatackRailroad ai Brdgsport.

y-fc( UL Ts itsfl foi Pert Cnes*.*:,at ISA. M. aad ttM Mop at M Hint V*rnea and Peinsmv .leftAim.NT,' Nbw-Yobb.Aoeoiami>d:.'.ioB Trains leave

Hea Revei *? 5.1» i uti It)A M., sv» 4 »o P Hr-.i'i A M.reaieivas "lasserger* from tspnagflsld s-.dt-« vr. a and Canal K»>lroad at New-Havsa, and from, .. Uilros Bridgsport Ths 4.30 P. M. ra-» vea .»«»» » .» t' irtfn d »od SnrogfisM Bailmad»'trarr ^ 1 aaix? :eav« Ns* Haven, -u arrivaj of Iraiaa

frrm B 1.15a«d 3 15 P. M., fstopnineat Br .!e*p»,rt,»,'. rwalk and Staat/r rd ;) leav ig H Sgaa at 8 A. M., aadI P <>jSrSi.uL Tatias Isars PortCbsstsr at 5 38 A. M., and

^'-t :«ri« oili of advsrtisemeat at the RgtBagLHouse aad,r-.'ipat HoteU. ONO. W. WHISTLRR, JB.,F Aapenatesdeat.

"\ew ROUTE from NEW-york toi s NORW >, LK aad D A N rfUHY .The new and fast-

e iag s'eamer PACIiTC. finstsaai ci tus Dau.< iry," aa

toi temp'ated) Capt R. W. Fowler, will oomuisace ma-u .¦ u:e.-:.... Lue 0*1.0.17 :. i Norv.a'k ^a. road,

' hing at Sonth Norwalk. on MONDAY. March I,ea»ag Koivsl Lndge every MONDAY. WEDNEg-T) ».Y a*d FRIDAY at 8 o'clock A.M.aetrir* rg *'ll iesve tbe *Sat side Peex T.ip E .at R.vsr.

*>.ry TVEBD *. Y,THt'H-iDA Y ai i I kTDU) \ Y tt 1 P >I.'assage, I7# ceuts. Freight laksa oa reasoeable tenns

lad r Bptly attended to by Area's at .aehe«doftheroete For p*»«a*:e or fre.sht apple M SAXlOf aW EBB. No 1,3 S'.u'h at., or 'be Cn

UDSON kiver RAILROAD,.» * FREIGHT A BRA NOEMENT, Deeembsr 13, 1831.Fr*ieht*sd *nngran<s going North aad W*st wm f>* is-

caived at CaiiSl-»t Fraight Houeo Fr*.rhl arriving fromthe North aad Wast will be ualusalad and de ivsr*d st i

liik-st. SUtiou on West st, aad ss allowaaea of 38 esiUaei tan will be ci*d* for eastage on pioperty eoasigssd u»r soutk of Caaal at Live block. Hay. he. wiB be r*-

aa rad aad d*'TV*red oalv at Jlst-stBOBEBT HIGHAM, 8ap*ns?*ad*B«.

ITDsSON river railroad..r. m NEW-YOKa u ALBANY aad TROY WiatsrArrasgemeal Ox THCkSDAY, Jan. 15. Us Traias wall,attil farther a' tice. run »* fo'lows:

Loare New v , ag Hogth baji 'aks -^J»»fChaiaeasre-st. At H a m fcrthrouga fr.,gkt aatf.Jssaat-iaa'freaTtist-si) At 7 A.M. h\???Wn^Jgt*:a.l taJ ... :i,t-i...e ,.t sU'.t. .-. 9 A M..1Mtont«fct Albany and Tto stessyiag at *"m*'\-J.J!***^aertbottaat peata on swasj At 3( A M ,for wuvaad.,..-. - r st ) A. IJIJ-a,

Rtn'se* rn a ' Albaay ane Troy stflnpiajt only atPsek.kill.CouJ üpriag Fi^a.r, Po ^nsse^.s.JUrne^ka. i H ¦>.,. A' '|P X ,p«#seuf*.-s -nd frstght to Peaks-Utt oaly .top^ikg st all way stat.ovs. Al tj-*^*"?*'.Mil H^'1 r-niy. staapviog at way sUtaoas At 5I ... v. ,- ,. läsauty*ad . >f* -«_»-,¦

r... i ,,, i atkd!.New.H^ban ^ff^9^uxC -.1 s* .t^as a. v: that p.»e.e wa « At HH.M,f. r P u« <" " .piug at way-s'atioes. At sjiP.M.,for Emigraals and ihr agh fraight aaly (from ^et-etjIrcin/Sech. leave Troy Ecgtn* Btaaeoa, .'7» VM ,t|AM Bad 3 lim PM We AJhaay « H A af..f»itbrooxb !fiaärM oaly, (f^m East Albaay.) At 7| A M ,

Mad Train far Hsw Ysrk, stopeing at all way-styoaswhere th*re tr* are mails** be received aad d«hv«red. At8 A M for way frearht on>, (f'om East fttnecv ) At 11A M Expree* Traia for Nsw-York. stoptrtag ¦«!* at Hnd-» a Rsjiste-cs.Pooglueepsie. Fithkiilsaad PeekskjLL At3, P M .for >*it*«Bge/s to New-York, »ta.pj»ing at way-statioss on aigaaJs. it «i P.M., ( East Alhaar.)Night Mta° Tram.Leave t»..usnse*c-«i* for Nsw-Yora at HIM stosr

¦in«- at wav-itsXi, asLaars Peassaill for Hew-York at S| A M.,passsragsre

for ppiLsral sraj-sttiions At II A-M-,paavssbgers seal fisisbtto Hew-York, aaovstag ai way atadaaaeAt 5 P M. passeagers ka Hsw-Yerk, stoppiag at way-ota-

»aassagtrs wttl araears Tlekets before oajarbMUeOsra.New-Yon Jan. 15.1853. BOBT^gggjr}l\ EW-JERSEY RAILROAD..NKW-II YORK aad PHILADELPHIA slli'sart.H^SCAEIaaad EXPRESS LINES-Thi'iugh us «| B^sjs-N*w-J*r-aay kaairaad eta j« -My Clty^**van| Bt^TegatJst9 sV M.foot Of Coimaa*vdl-tw s K M- '1 JjJbL ^rxj .x

Laave* Ph;'.«atalplu* at Ui "d 9 A M. ^fliflt"jr."3foait of Waiaat-st. fa/a rodseed to $1 for iusi-claea aad* BAtTIMOBEM'wASHINGTON aad CTABLsWTOHl^.£r~M . ths ahewa imea, ,sdfjaga carried a tbe 9AM aad JiP M ass from wew-

Tferh, witi threagk eowdsetofs



II IM b'U Hol" 1 ¥ FO CHICAGO.? t _|, .-isra and Northern 1».

araaa Ra 1 reacts rma d.w.) iS*ad««s «in Msd) aa«aüaa»:Um« V.1T-« u ? ? V! irr re w LaV*

P.r* .( « »SP M ran* r«-*». t° bv «tage «aIva. h i<j t «%ue» :<. M «.»¦«».¦ O.'.f ; tawawaa» can esaiWiwi >.<«*¦ tu.! H sules ta Oürar* Af¬ter Fsb t. hi «ayW* o '"ftieeara.

ri«t»ia n« .¦. L«; f.« <¦ - .» Ära leave l.aps»rie atT.iV a kl.. AI: \ -. ..J ^«JjtlJOl' M.Da tj . aar«, r w.naa« Stenns, witk

Lo*»n«p-»t La PaylBs an-t iBxtaaaaaatta, at Sea IS Bend.a"d al .*»»«.' p « '** principal t«swa*north neu «..ein.A T< ir- > ... .e, ... « r M r 7 A M.

taa La». Ena Sorna St ,<ra rotste uy .Cag« aaal railroad taCaan au), ebene* h. ... «.' aaal ta Ena , thsac«»r I*aafaa4 i I I ... u n.~ V,»ra et kr «tat* fleesP'.i.. ra * R-iff«; *' > -a-i ip.-i V «V IfaVal t M t.-va .<a tha ha« Tara «cd Ena Bawd.eea-

aeete »na Iba Lea' sanr« tr»e>.Panaesaert at Cieve»«ad ran, taa« «an all tfe« »ny ta

pttiaknmh.rhenc* br nd aa4 ta dum statiag «aPa iastelr bie asti Ne-v vots im M« ti«,,.,« an« Washing-toa «. P.*JI UiMS. Saaanataaalaat.

Istrks*. Jen. M, ItM,_I~7«ÖR BOSTON, «u M^ViH>.tr\.4

FALLB1VEB -If ? «nd><laa4waaaaawwuaaaa|kMflKL MAlE.Cipt b-.i«mio B «tt>a aad STATEOf at.MvK !.*»« aa Blteiai's days < saadays cseepled)romOitr.N' » N R.aear 'h* Ha tety, al > P M ParEi.»«ki, apoly a hoard or at th««iSee. .» Paar He IYI9D«1 E it BORPVN, A;»ai». N a 79 «od *t W««t at


VükD a. d TaI'S roN.-ra« COMMOOOBlaiJ MAVUCIlUSIcriS.of ttnüna. an« r«a 'Mtiartfaa t»r»t \ >-rt. t y ... n r «r No. t, Harth Rim,A'it «hart ab««« Hattujr clac«. aailj, Sonata*« « J P. M. *ii4MnniBit'fa S »i,v«a, p H «r aa amraftf' de mail t-a>a. »»bM-U lea»-» 4-<«.<miMNTot fi» «ht ii» raa.a«« a;< .,jr al ib* oCVe, Ha. I# B*tt**tt-

i> .»r .»> hwmd th* hoata.

(^AMDEN bp«J IMBÖY RAILROAD^ for PHILtDtl.PHl V. .*rw*a Piar No. L Natth

Bi**i. t<- . cl B i tr*> p.ara h; »TaniNiaX Jaka Pottat..Two hae« datl? Morata» Lue i«a*aa al a A M , Aftaf»Boon ki|>r«*« Line at t P M thrmnb to Pailadelakia aa4| k»ari h'are lat c'ia* c«r« tt.'dcaee, (t aWiarair«.Iea>* fbilaaelpkra f'oca I v>t ..«: Wa.oat at at I \ M aa4lP M Knnfiant I n« Ii. i'axubual Ttannport. f<"Wi PvatNo I. aOP M Pa - tj B)_NEW -YOaUL aNBal atKJ E RAILROAD.

-Trataa leara aa iolaona ;SaJ*aiiya aaaaata4) Braakplat foot of Baaaa-at.:¥ tu CBaia at I A. !BL lot Uanaira ana al) Btatinaa.nb»bi«uH Bxpaaas inn at « P. M.War Taait. a: if at., M la toraa, Oafoid aad ,atat>

aaeiliale .-.tali'-' -

Evanao bral a TBaiN at i P. at for Dnnkuk, aoa>aartint wtb «b* Oankirk %ad Ktata lata« aaal mri* Ban)None «... K .I...N,. . .1 Kr.«. 1 a

THA" >fINOT, tap*nat«o«l*ai.N*w-Vort. U«c. I» It,:.


I?OR NJSH IHK -I' .re Vit renta..¦ riB| Anaoj«ni«nt . ha «t**ta*r P A^SAIC,

Papt. J Oail* witl on arvl a .< afaioh IB. rua aa fialtawaIaar« |f«w>Vatk, Mat al B« aaf at. at t o'uloa* P M. 1Laaaa itawart hi«a*f Caatra rt at ta'aMh A. hi ; Ua*Vla. a B«rg*n Point each *ai takna at nnaw-ab'e ial*«

PENNSYLVANIA HAtLROAO .«V1NTK K AKHA.N ..- .M .. M . »«taiaaa PhüntUlphi«

lud PtttahurfJtkroajj La twbmti roua aooa* .Oaaaaai'*r Dar II, Paaeeur«/» earned b» th* Heuaaflra-Bi* Railroad Companr. hatwawa Philadelphia and Prtta-barf, is Twaatr hiur Hoar*, «itb >ul« It rai'.e* ji Staanaao»ar an «te«U«Bt Turnpike Far* $11.Thut iB the «horten and !>< »t maul batwaea tae Oraat

We«t aad tha Atlantic CttiaW, and the accco.omiHlalioaaare ia all rcapacu. of U.e b.fboat haiacter Tb* EipraewTbioach Tiaiaiia It h « >. '. .>.* tka Depdl.Market,»*»t of Broad-«t.. ererjr *«an u« -a >i a'cloeh. Tk* Marm-ai* War Traia laavaa t*.a aan-r place at I e'eloeh, A. M.Bt thia lia*.Pa**ea«*r« will e c ried throachialt bvara.with a goad aitht'a rent at Hu> lidarabarg.Tha ab-ve Line* paee thr iuaW Lancaster,Harrivbara,

Lewiatown, H »1 w 0 J .aatvwa, Be., eroaanne: ikeMowataiaa rrv dav light fa< vieculnn. Dee I IBM.

THÖg. MOORE,a tent P»«n«> oa Railroad Oo*apaa*.


PORT WA8HINOTON. MOUNT'S aad BROWNSDOCKS (Maid etuwa.) na« t.KD BANK .New awe)rpl*ad;e ttcamboat THOM«ii HUNT, CapUin A H.Raraeitv wui leave New-Havea pi«r, Pack-slip, aVaetRiver, aafollowa:

Leave* N*w- York I Leave nnwebervy- .

Tnaedar March!.lie P. M TV. <d.r. MarehI. t P. M.W.i'aetday, 3 l\ IThnrndaf, - 4. 3J JFlidnr. "" 5. 7 A M F-idny, - L *Satardny, " I. 3 P. M IMooday, ~ I. tTeetdey, " 9. S) A MWed'aday, " II. 7ThunderFnday,Saturdar.

11. 7|laeaday. " t.llWed'aday, -* 10. HiI'hunday, ** U-UK-wav. " KlMonday. "

Tna «tare« lorK'iuam aed b'teeboid' win raa ta «oaaa«tioa with nont S'aien to c«nv«v ¦»»«. tivan to all parte adth* cooarry Ali pervaia* are lorbid treeltaf the above beatee the nceouat 0/ th* uwu*r«,

<PrENTRAL~ RAILROAD of NEW-N-y JERSEY-WINTER ABBA*fOEMENT8. .LeaveaN*w York at t A M. aad 1, P. M .foot of Caartlaadt-at.;at 11 A. M. ;.>«.«.1.1 aad 1 II V M.. Pier No I. Northu ¦.-- :»t Eiizahathpon, tiiiia! e-W*etael«LSeotelPlaia«, PlaiaHald, Boaad» r~o*, H. r-«rein«, aWitaa, Whitett ... taaioa M


COAL . I am now diachareing sevsim]oargoe* of tha best juahty */ Red Aah aaeve Coal,

which I wiiuell tu d«]l«n aad oib*n st|ti Ii per loa freeaSveaawl. aed will deliver 1.el Bl ti 9ii froBB vardJ JO PfrrjBR CLINTON, eaar Klag aad Or«*nwWh^uaderek aad RrvlBgtoe «t«

^OAL..Th*} aubaenbet hm» im yard aN^y fall *apply of Aathra.ii* ar.d Sitamtaoea Coals ooe-Blattag af |>eeeJj o.cäa d, u. ^. Heath. L*high, Ifaaletea.Ejs.iai faaa*!. Ijvarpool Orrel. Cunberlaad, Sidaey-älluf i« wtrnnted lobe of . . b««t leaUty,daliveredlia the her order, aad far sale at th« very lowed mark**'reM _ M- JAMES a.. WORTH,

He 14 Broeitwar Baal »)> et cor Twwuapena.

L'cyul XolicfS.OIJPRRI1I COURT..It] the matlur ofewihe »tiplieal'on of the Maro«. Alderaaea, and Oeea-nioinuvof th* City of WeavTerB. renalivs to taeepeeaaael SIXTY-*E< ONDST.fiow. .,; av ie I'h-av, la theCi y ol N«w York Noto e 1* b. given, that the eor*.i'baige*. end diabariamei.l. neurted bv reaaaa of tBe procee.iiBga 10 Ike above ul<ta4 Matter, will he taaed by Ikelloaorabi* Hem, i' iBoase of kis aheiaes,bv one of the Jaerlees .f th a C*urt. at the Sapreme CourtCbsmhaUB in 'he City H ill ol the of N«w-York, eaTuesday,'he <7d day of Mir 9 n doe's in tbsI irsateeai D*'*d. New York. Hatch t.ll)l.

h»:nby bkkk»1 ^n, )' .1 tvK.rvKOE,>Co,»,ijiieei'aera,MÖSLS win fix, )

HeaSYl Dai igs, Attorney. mlttJ

[\IEW-YORK SUPREME COURT.1 ' W H Rae ,i' 1 at..! C w TaTtta agataet Jae F.

caan and Jro. If 1»<r '« .To JNO. F.DONZILMAHN aadJNO. H D iN/LLMANN Teaan hereby summoned snd rtt,- ired to anawar the ooui-

plsfat in His scti b, which a e filed n the «rflee "f ther era of the City sad County of New York, al the CityH dl hi i> ii ei y. sou to serve « ropy of year answer toIk* tsid eeaplaiBt tiB the sn - lbe», *t hu 'ffiee, N». I'/iBroadway, iu said city, witLm twenty days after theservice of ihta sun muna on you. eiclusiv* of the day ef. 1 ¦¦ service sad if yea fad * s . »«r trie said coreplaint

1.. i. > tisseaforeea is ibtiBsta tin* sot ea willt.«e ,u.Lawn agaixsty 1 ftu ;h* sum of oae haaanredssvl»»vebt)-r°»>* cot.ais, with ittetret fieta tha Utk eat ofFtbruaty,one tboni d sigh 1 *d «a4 flf y two,b«stCe« h* coals iii this acti ,e.-D l»d FsB 19,1851^jflawSwM A. fi J hJ';:\ Jr.. PlaintifU' Altoraay.

I N PI 1.. [NCI; ordtiroftheSur-1 rugate of the Co at] -Terfc, aotare 1« iaerebygi\eo tu all persons having tlatina aguiuct A BR AHAML bba1m, Its of I <i City of New York, deceased, to

present the saaie with virocUirs IfcaareoC W tavBeaalnmBjker,,. e N Ti Vn , ths CltV »f Nsw

York, on or befb.e fl-e nialh dap of June u- lt..DatedN«*-York Ui«l»h day of Nt .».über. IUIdl I.iwi.uM MARY ALLAN. Eiscwtsis.

IN PI RSUA NCE si 11 w'W of theSurri*ate o the County of »'.<«<«-York, rot: » kj here' s

Even to aH per*was h-ivrey daises agsiast WILLIAMHOBBY, lnl« of 1- l! . Ve* Y.irk, deceased,to

ti 1 . . . 11 nr.,1 in it.e e«|am¬ber. «' hst rSJce N lit Wasi u«toa-et., ib U.e C«v «fN. -A \ e l,.e tw. i.t^ eaveh a d-i'/ of Maynert .Dstna* New-York, the t .eti'.y-««r md <U. ol Novem¬ber. 18>1. [«24 laAtiiiiMM JOHN B. HOBBT. ¦resAoa

f N PURSUANCE nia.i order of the Sur-¦ r. r ¦-<,( the Cwunty of N*»-York. notice ia herebygiven t» ai. o-rr - isviagcl 1 >««nit<.tOkf)B BUS-SEI L, late of >he City «f Ntw-Yark. liassail, as fte-sewt the *«m«. with ch e» n *..f. to t.t^ a iiao-nbers,±: ihr.a ... iUKI.Ko l»i -.(ELL No. 7'at} Itoent^aa-.t in 'be Citv of New-York,ec or be&ea the tut dee ofApril nest .rutrtd New-V-rV, the ITU day of Oetohor,1151. ALPI'i 1) .".' SHELL. Iv.^,^.

faaM* THARI.M BCBMIJ.j^*^*^N PUR&l AlfCE of an order of the

:-«« TJ,<ia^a:d-I^Ns?rt.,1. ti .... ,v . Ki'ii at in the City *fJBsw-York. ea er hefty the aijtt. da» of J ily Best.-DnBedlNew York, '.be Sd day of J ri IMS.

O. \A> COrC. Adiatuistratec.ti IsweauM* _bäbau LUNT. Ae^auasatrtlrte.

IN PI RBUAN< B ' tQ order of the Sur-rogate of the County ef New Tork. notice is1 Beveby

...trii t« all poisons bur.rir eiaime sgaiaet MARGARETWYNKOOP.U * o< IheCi , of Nev-Yirk, dsssWBBit. Uprerea- the earns, v ~Y- re thereof, u ta* sabecii-fieri. at the office of SMITH A WOODWARD, sfe-7*W sil-st is th e C ty ef N*w York. en or b«fw« the mv^a.lay of August Best. Oited Nsw York thy jNk awyetJaanary.llll JEFfKRUON WYNKOOP,»lensaiByj!9 lawainM HARRIET DCNNIHO.

IN PURS1 A \CF. of %ri orderofifc<g^rogate of the Ctmaty ef New-Tert..^/gTHm^ ail persona havinr cIaib* aa-ai**TJ m si.«an tha*

Ute ol lbs City of N- v'' *k «CSa-riewr. «t ter r*«-

anme. with r.Mjchers thereof, '*'**.fc7nt» of New-York,deoce, No 117 I^oanrd-eS, " _r>«ind New-Yevk ,

en or before tb* «Jth d«> jrf'*ams«.^iBtJa^s^^i?smTaAw^'*L,**. tZVdui ie law. ny ue Sarsagnte ef th« C««aSe'r^T^k^ si ante* 1* tk. Hall of Be-.rde.sslike£?,7n.-bb the IP.h eat ef Apr! saaL-sl»

* al Bew Y 'ik, »eh IL Uil_"let*A f. B*UPFiBJ>.BWresBs1av
