Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1844-06-18....lathi* noted rtnrc, he,yesterday,in company iriÄafriend, visited theoffice of Mr. Low,and rt> istaicd '. I rivate intervit w..*»h

A TiuOKDA' in St. Louis..Wo c<>|>v tho fnl-

I !o*hijt fr,,,n luC I'011'* Republican of the

C**z ,>F Seduction.A Fathi r's Revenge..Qlfcitv was thrown intoa *t-i:>' <i' excitement \r-

«rd«? ',v " ,rnr c "*''"ll"'',l<"'" between Mr. E. rordSffiatharitcl W. Low, on auctioneer on the corner

jjujnand Wnlrtüt-streele. It appears fromevi-StBCf elicited in nn examination yean rday that Low,ir * promise ofmarriage, succ< eded in seducing the

chi!<' of Mr. K. Ford, and pereunded her to

Jopt from her father's heu.«-; that he cent her to3&Orlcan*, and some days after followed her.rjg|ut Monday, on In* return from New-Orleans,Vlefthrr at Sie. Genevieve, and on Thursday ar-

riftd alone in this city. The lather learned iheseActs «nu< immediately sn forth in search of hi r

itJucf- From the period of her leaving home up.o uV t'mP °t ,no ,,r< un*n ''¦ he had notvaxd to scircli for her.had employed others to.jlfcirn. and in a frenzied state continually rnwd(hoot his daughter. He suspected Low. His sue-

uition.« were confirmed, and it drove h'im t.« a statepi n»dD,"~*lathi* noted rtnrc, he, yesterday, in company

iriÄa friend, visited the office of Mr. Low, and rt>

istaicd '. I rivate intervit w. .*»h. L. complied ; and1. ih- p-irties adjourning to his lodging aparttncitl,Ford inquired where his daughter was.' Lowjujäcrrn "thai ifhe came ;;it business he hadviirr clear oat." Ford then remarked ti...t he,Lo») had promised 10 marry her, and by thatji-on-.i*' had succei ded in ruining her; ihai >h was

'tteitntr, and he wished to know il he intended tofuiiii bis promise ? The witness stated that LowpU'tbt father to "go to hWI." 1 le, ibe witness, on

yiring an^ry words commence between them,.:...(-c! towards the door, and, when lie turnediroand, observed Koni standing up with a i>i-toi in-i. band. Ford repeated ihejguestion." Will youssurv my daughter !"' Low again told him to " go.. he 11." atol t.'t i exasperated father fired the pistol.Low w as seated ai the timi* he received ihe wen.'1,fhe ball i ntered nearlt in tin- centre of Iii- lor. head,

Iztkins a ghaetly, and* it is believed, a fatal wound.Mr. Ford iim.'e no effort to evenpe, hut yielded

¦¦selfup, and desired t» be condui ted to the II"-neVr*a office. He .-poke in a cool and collected

IstStier about the affair, and, on his examination,ifjerday afternot n. exhibited the same calm deter-

|sjtaatioa to abide the consequences.Low is u young man of about thirty years ol nee,

\ntl lm^* for some, nine resided in this city, pursuingliksJaisiness ol bh auctioneer.1'hc f»> t of Mary Ford liritiir in company with

l3w, and crituinul intercourse having exi-tei! li.rINetttime between them, is n matter upon which, itjopears, no doubt is expressed, nor is ii denied bvjtjjewounded man; but under whai circumstance'sUxk intercourse commenced is a subject upon

iiich we can throw i o liebt.The farther examination of Mr. Ford was de¬

igned last evening until the certainty of Mr. Low'sits ii ascertained, and bail required and given inHum ol $5,000. Wc lenrneil from one of the

Kieading physicians lust evening thai the patient|*a* gradually sinking from the effects of his wound.The St. Liuia Reveillo, of last. Sunday, ehj-s:Mr. N. W. Low, when our paper went to pressat evening, remained in lite same precarious.;ste."


(¦leide.Elopement.Fatal Quarrel, «tcCorrespondence of the Buffalo Commercial Advertiser.

Frbdoxia, < lhautauque t '>.. June 14, 1MI.Two or three incidents ol a startling charactei

ate occurred here this week to break the usualonotony of our usually quiet eommuuity. On[today a Mr. Henry Dalrymplc committed sui¬tes in Stockton, by shooting himself, bccausiai father left his property to a brother instead olra«rlt. He wu* givi n to intemperance.On the night following, a respectable y mnglar of the same town, of the name of Todd,md from h^r fatiu r'* bt.iiso to follow a ch i|> she had been engaged to be married, butrkich ceremony had been broken off in conscarnce of Ins iming taken up for larceny, had lefta bail, and absconded.But tho most melanc holy circumstance occur.

Isiin our own village to-dav. A drunken Irish.jii namcii I'atnek Mclutyre, was instantlyüsd by the discharge of a gun in the hands i

fNathaniel W. Slierrill, with whom he was

tring some harii words in consequence of some

Scully about wages. I refrain from any thingare than barely stating the fact, as Mr. Shei

a roung man who has maintained a gou;;Hiding here, is to have an examination.


ItrpcRioR Court..Noa. o2, VH, 46, 66,1, 36,' it;, dt, . '.'.Til.ClRCUl r < Jourt.. No calendar p Stt d.0..tii >t..s Pi.Li.-..Nos. a, lo, 11, 10,16,17,20,21,123.


: ICOMMireiOKER'S OPF1CE....BeforeS. Ratkub,B>c. Comtuisaioner.A warrant wsb issued yesterday neainst Captain

Abie, ofthe sloop Rival, (already refeired to chareine h n

ijs peu'ury, and m th presetitins raise invoices ut the Ciutom-5*ae. lie was committed tor examination*


(Villiam Renwick, Plaintiff in Error,»*. Lewisk MoHau, Defemlanl in Error..Action t recover dam nn

f leiking »um th.- limn in i lie ilnrlcai Kiver. It was shownla previous to the erection of the dam, Albany sloop paa*eilfc-iLiiti the Harlem ltiv.-r. Thedam «n. erected in pursuancepttnniasiun from iiie LeRiilature, l.nt kniscked away hy per-Is* moo contended iliat it was n public nuisance. Thedefendasm,, mie.l lortrcspuss, hot judfioents given li.r him in tinCams below. Fuiuier i.;n»-:il i» made. Messrs. Ulunt andküci were hemd li.r ulaiuutfin crmr, and Messrs, Ii. II. Mmaind Lord Gil ilefendant in error.HkooKI.V.n k»\Nh VX.SaMI EL \. WlLLOUCilBV..r VVdlnuxhby, in IKS, wai I'residcnl of ihe, ami iuhBated, it was said, two notes (ol \V. L Deeraw and It. TiA«i f.r ha owu olilujalions of $14,180, which were Ratasan f. have been paid, end judgment was recovered acaintlsi in His Superior Court lor the amount. '1 lieäuprcme t '.nutwrw.l thejudgosent, andturtherappealmade. Mr O'Con-f *s» heard to: ;.iaint::r in error, and the Court adjourned'jsday. _

CIRCUIT COURT....Before Judge K«xt.iLFRrKD RlGGS rs. MOKXOVTII B. üakt. latl

latiff..A quantity ol dry good* was seized id .No. US Sixtlrsoue no esecution attain.! Ilnani llamlili (the occupant oltauureiai the suit ofMr. Henry Hol.on. Mr.KiggieKtalioM thegtaal. under assigiiinenl IromMr. U.aadrepktied. '1 he present action ts tu test the question. \ cnlictJJulaj. _

MARINE COURT....Before JudgeSniRXAX.Mi. hael Terri vs. Jons Ltnch..Mr. Lynch

¦stick owner, and enjoyed much profitable custom Irom tinhCommon Council. 'I'errv was employed as a driver, feepairs i.. recover itK.ut SSO for «»g« due. Mr Lynch coi

Na)UMt Lc regubirly paid him, but took uo receipt nor kepit 'Jo«.k». Verdict for plninlitl, fc-x1-

RlERIOR COURT....Before Chief Juitice Jones andju.iges Uaxlkv and VaNDgaroxL.

DECISK isNS.ii.i\. M< \i pine vs. Lewis Beach..Mr. B. inJr. 1MT. compromised w ith luv creditors l>y giving (hem ui--ntd endorsed n .tesforSOper ceuL ;.t 8 inouüis, and 85 peit, more a", i. months, He was indebtedto McAlpimj&Co.

MC. hut to.- ii"le v.r.. ii,.i .in.- till Cctoher. 'I he credit, rj ac-M.: the compromise ofJa i«r cent., and gave a release. Pre* new arrangement was entered into withUpmeAt Co by»h,

f-iesil «I the ~!i |.ei cent, in nutea, und il is ."id Mr. Ilcnch'wai-.-d to pay ti* remainder when he «n. able t" do w. ii>uait." wnr.i« sued for the difference, nnd n verdict »vas g vi

»t..r of McMpnie ii t'o. Motion is made lor a new trialMCourt, in ns decision, stated thai the statute prohibits a

tenor who is party to a general arrangement, making at

pirrangenvent with a debtor in relation to haclami ui

pjaäaole affairaal been letlkxl with tho others; and whereWffttand creditor voiuntanly come together, make an air^isriie: t, and :i rdcn-.' is given, l onaideralion must ber*'t tu bold n.e further. Ne* mal granted.

.Is.Mi.- Mi Bride r... James 11. But sdage..Mr.M assed premises. No, 6 Park.ptace. forS years, at 41300 afe»r, taxes. The property was undei mortgage, and Mi.shfe.le became tt.e purchase! on lureInsure. He claiim >l thair1"»»-.! from the mästet gate aim a the i gin- ..I the nsortsajj". Artinii is bruught t« recover reut. The i oufl d ded thait'asiti.ere b an agreement between the i. not aud lessee, tlxWateannot be held by the moitgaget unless attoummenti*J»a or sulrviuent pa) ment of rent to the new purchaser In-.<b tns is Dcknowledgod. Judgment lur deteudant en*aam-r.Milvin Wilson, and others, rx. Robert Ho-

K<4 lad others.. Wilson & Co. ate Bankers in London.andW ii'ii. n mercanule firm in New York. A balance aboutpfV** a mid to be due plainuHs, which they ;.->.¦ it uld !.

dstiiii ihiVereii* ..; exchange so na to secure Urem thai. ajantm Loodoo. This the Court would not allow, the ac

!*<ihaviiii been brought, >>:. asaumpsit, in tin. it>. andjudg"et for plitintilT, uinuum to be adjusted.ODTtT IF SCIONS....Ilefote the lle-.-otder. and Alder

Bicn Coxxi gi and Williams.¦VC PattkRsox, IhatricJ Attorney.Trial or William R. Prince for Lisll..'.trial of Wiliinu K. Prince for a libel on Gabriel Wintei

l*m rwmiied.-Aijred A. Priurr recalled, in cross-examinationp Mr. Cutting. I did not stand in the hall after Mr. U ntei".maum, mr t.auier'. boose «i"i Mr. Bradford moretban ten

unite,; the was open some 4 or5 inches, and ntler listeatastii ie I went away I lieanl Mr. Bradford tell my fatnoiMhr* (old Mr. Pnnco thoughl Mr W liter was inimical tit fali.rr--hu. that In; was nut. Mr Winter then Mid, "Mr.'Cce. I lin\e s .ted >..ur property fol y»u once, ana run sriltWorcandoitagaio.' Mr. Winterfurtlaersaid. I UiinkWunrrhuy in the property tor you.* addressing himself toP5 bth^r My fulli.-r teemed to a.-rnt. run! went mid cut :.

faueof »ine, ari.MiM-v drank together. l-it alt« tii-..-

faadtlie, g..i along ?.. pleis ...lly. Mr. Wi-r.rr ».-!, .1

ysenr, to buy Ute ;.r..[<rty it:. M htch was t..t»- paid hnck h)isUier. My understaudiug vtn. that my faUier's intern. tobe protected nii over and above the iacumbran.nth.

burnt rmumrd. I listened to the conversation, as there wa.Hh'eacitemcot about the property and i.-;t anxious to knowat kh. to m '.'..ii eol a.

I Hr*. Moil/ Ann Harri* sworn. I am the daugh-p oflb* late VVilliam Prince, and sister rndant My fit"Csw on t!ie Ith of April, ISt.'. aged Ti rein? and J n.

fever beardan) eonvenauuo between v.r tX inter and mjfbwthr «igh .Mr. ItrndC-rd. I knew it was to take pi.,a«iI* Mr. Bra tior.l on lise I7ib or 18th ol kpre. a tew days aftip>«le I beard m) lathersai lo Lawyei Kane that my auulf."«. Winter was much aflecUsd wbeo ihe came d. wnt<

kfa.t. nnd nearl) Gtiaied, a.o thai wo consoled ii^r b) tellput that Mr. Winterwas going to boy in the property fol.'.rrmee. My mother and Mr». Wintei werosisters. Mr

^aler was r.!.o my lather's second COUSUI by blood. In June,p- 1 heard Mr. .»Vinter say to a in his uiH ei m-stnai, that um property be bad piut^uucd ol my father

un« worth i£0.«B i« April; 1*11. before the .p. |Mr. \\ inter comingto my lather's with Mr BradÖud and inlinj t .H er c -m.-nnt und re«;'»«-;..! meine'-: a boricoloM M'-nter-. v :ne. y) ves.» ohl,

' -.'** tz*,*1*»^ ten in 'be i>-,ss-c. «.*.; king to :nvdaughter when Mr. U ta'ercaoie it: | dot,'! know t ral hesawrr.c. I w. ..hen- halfenihouc I was arranging : take mylinier iter ywuy to school, and her trunk* were in the entry.Joan /. Mitchell »wom. Had papers handed-to

witness by hi> brother, n Masterin Chancery. f..r Mr Winter.ITie witness said Mr. Winter reoui led him not lo cive Üieuito sir. i,r ham nn'il became. 'Jnepapen have retVcnce to asuit m i .han *ry between thi »e parties. i'; linallv bandedover!y order ol Mr. Wlutiog.John Wkilcomb iiffirnied. Am in the nurser« Im-sine»». Conduct ti.e III »odgood nursery ai Rushing. Knew

;-r..-,.-rt) ..| tl. !.:,.,¦ ;-:..»r) Itln-timeol wie VWthought it sold very low. Between ihe time <>t sale and 1842there «m very little rhnnso in -he \tlue <.l the property.

Mr. Graham introduced oaevideuee the conditions ofthe «n'.e"ftho I'riocc property, t.y Mr. Mitchell, n Matter in Chancery,with the signature Of Mr. Winter n- tho purchaser, approvingthe conditions 'i!:.- paperhad erasures which Mr. Graham oCVr-ed to read, but it was pposed7\nd the Court allowed it tosotothejury. Mr. Crnham ahoread a letter t.> the Muter in t hnn.cwy, Mr. Mitchell, Irom Mr Winter, dated H.o S-Ith of March,IM!, requesting him t.. furnish him with the amnunt of csus,A.c. on the vile oftJ>c Prince property, to estinuta the proper.D or s.'-I.^Xi J

WUtiam Mitchell, Master in Chancery, sold thePrim e property mi the SSd April, IStl, nt noon.deed was made2<th April. I'heie were not more ttmn »:x per»ons lit tie- «uk-;there was no competition. Mr. Winter's was the only bid. Hewns complainant's solle t..r: t!.c r:,u:i]| unar.t was tne M^.-l.nn-icV Hicik. and theitecd made to the Bank, Mr. Winter signingthe condiuonnol sale as Kiln :!.<r pf the Hank.

< ros* examined.At ihe request of Mr. Winter I enclosedand sent to ex-GovernorCollii - ..I Rhode !-i in 1.1.. Mr. Princennd to Mr. Kane ol Pine street, slips containing the notice ofthe-me ol the Prince property. AH the mcuinbrancesoo property amounted i->£U,3co ii.';. including costs. Tiieamount it «.ld lor wa-!..» tka tue |.i:m,-th- property wn>.old in tw .parcel-. Imnde li-o ultctiit.oiw in the condition,myself without mlviec i.i .Mr. Winter.The « hole amimni of money »«< handed me by Mr. Win¬

ter. Ii. l.'iejü-el f.r tic- Me.-hniiie,* linnk. 'i he Bunk n..nv«>yedthe property to Winter oa the 13th May. 1841. fin* 414.339 84und that and the other deed ... the Batik were recorded on theMthJuly, 1841. Defence rested.A lu-r .! o'clock the Court ucjourncd to Vi o'clock in the of

urnoon.afternoon »f.ssio.v.

1 he Court metal 4o'clock ami proceeded to bonnets.Joseph II. King, tur defence deposed dial he had

not coi suited with Mr. Winter 1;j lb the value o! the Princeprop r V.

iieirjamin Wright deposed thai ih* property olPrince i«-r Mere, without the improvements, war worth £*. .-I.COO. ..t, in froot w«. worth SfiDOto^SU) per lot ofliio.lM...... Xlwn «siemmU kas n fnnt.

i roos-ei-'minft .I won hi hns even *jg.i>."! f-T th-pr...petty, but du! not know of the s:de til! tire day thereof.I >e.fence re>ted.Mr. Peck recalled hy Mr. Cutting..1 had o

claim against old Mr. Prince in the bands of Mr; Wintern»Counsel, but no j idsmeat was obtained. The money winpaid by Governor Collins. I sued because 1 thought I shouldbite my money, as then- WeM many judstnents nsmui-i bim. Ipurchased nil the land of old Mr. Prince at SherilPs sale thatWinter did not buy. I paid 84.847 in January. 1841, lor tiiepreperty i bought. Tiie property Mr. Winter bought I consid-c cd sohl very low.

.' sin.,,» r-"7iiie.l..I'roricrty has depreciated lomeMper cent in Flu-dons within a year. I would not note be wdliusto »nko tiie property orThts hands at Ihe price he cave.Ovfa-ezUBtiited..In April, IStl. thepruueiti of Mr. Prince

vvi;. much muri than iÜJ.Ui.v. I did not Co lo In« »nie nor buythat property, because 1 understood thai tire property was tohe purcriused lor Mr. Prince, and I dx! not wish tu interlernwitn it l«r that reason.Mr. (.'uiiinj: put in ns evidence ihe u cord ofmany

'judgments nsninst Vld. William Prince, amouutins to 965,-S.b uenr the tune of the sale of hi- properly.

Nicholas Dean.\ was uoi acquainted with ticvulue of the property of the eld -r Prince at the time of s:;lc.

Htcplutn A. litUxey.deposed.That he residednt Flushing .even or eishi) can »so.and knows the properlyof the bite Mr. Prince and the value of property in Hu-lun?.I agreed with Mr. Wintci to become inlereslcd wilÄ bim iutine.hnlf ..I the property of the i-i.!^r Mr. Prinee nt not h.i-ln.rthaii$lö,i*O0 1 lie understaitdinK wosif 1 went iiiIji this pur-elniseihat ..Id Mr. Prince was t.. nave one thud of the profitso' th- Nurv-iy biisiues. iluuns Ins lite.not however --x-eedsl.'S.u n year, and his wife if »!i- lumvcd bim to have feSWI ortUUUayear durinstliei life. < lid .Mr. Pre. iu tuperoitendtr-c Nursery, &.c. 'i'lu. propoaition was made hy Mr. Wn.i-rtome. I wat not willing to eive over $15,000 as ih<- property» ns not worth more. I purcbated hull ol ihe property »I Uinir::te.

' 'r*$r-Etaminca\.\ never took a ilee.l of the property, butto-k h declaration of Irust, n seciet instrument, which I neverlob! old Mr. Prince about In the winter of 1813 I resold myhrdi'to Mr. Winter for thesameprice I save. Nothing by wayof priivisj-Hi or suiiport for Mr. Prince wns ever made in partyeither meor Mr. Winter, 'iliedec'aralion of trtpt 1 return¬

ed to Mr. Winter. Ohl Mr Prince moved of*'the ptoticrty soonaller tl e --is I--.Direct..The reason I sold out my ha''"..'- the property back

to Mr. Winter was, that my etjkirs became embarra med, und 1wa« bouml to -eil_.Sheyiherä Knapp, sworn..Was Pn fidenl of iheMechanics' Bank in Apr:!. l*tl. '.»'h<- foreclosure oplte M" ofthe Bank Bssm-l old Mr Prince was f.r thebcnelil olt!ie Hank, nod the proiieni was purchased by Mr Wmler, thecounsel for the U ii'. fir the It-ink. Winter Im- been!I'm the Hunk .lue» ism. The Bank iut*equentl) sold the pro-1 erty t.. Mr. Winter.

Uabriti Winter,^sworii..Deposed thai a IctioiI'um Willis in Prince, tire elder, to wiiness, dated April 29th,mi,seveudavs after die sale, wat in the hand writing of Mr.Pniie«, ihv. elder. '1 he reudinc was ol'jecitil to.

After some more l< stitiiouv, the I)mi riet Altornev.Mr Puter« ei mbiiiitted a prnpodtitei. th ir Mr. Prin-e makecortain retraetiiuts ol what he h oi published, und that IhhciivIh-.! m-onliiiueil.that Mr. Wmtcr Confine himselfiilonc tohis civil remc I.. '1'bis the i' lunsel on both »..le» su far aoteilelo that the C 'irt mlj .iirm il to sivetune tollie retnective i !oun¦.¦I to iierfeci il.e p'op-.-ed arrnnscinents to be brousht intoCourt on Tuesday morning. A haimed.

poi.iii-. OFFICE.Tiii- ks.. Mexaiulei Itlooiu was arrested and coin-

mitte.l for sicaliiis 'i pur ofhoots nnd some money tr-mi II.Mm. !.:>. \... gTU Wi.lker.tieet.Theft of Honey.. \ man named Knwe'l Jones

alias Owen Jones; wot wrriHteil by nrncer Benimm tor huvme.>n the 'oth in»t »Uiten 62.14 SI from the ttunk of William Jef¬freys. No. 17 Front at. Part of Ihe money was recovered andJoii-k cunmitietl,Discu sites o..-George Maihews, colored man. of

;r>C.i..tieet. who »ras committed on n cbarse of rrn* on

Bmtly Jacobs, who said the was >.l 183 Tenth-street, but wa«

not; ami .-il«-. lor incest with Nancy Aon Mathe«., who -ui.!>lie was ln< dausbter, bill via. not. was discharged to-«lay fromcusUMly, ow mg t., the discovered teJsenoodi oftaoto who te»ti-fied against him.

CORONER'S OFFICE.De \th Fitoji an Exploding L imp.On ihe niehi

of Friday luvt, as Mary Omway, nn Irish servanl sirl. nc.-.! IS,wns engaged in filling a lump with Spirit Gas, iu a house in

Broadway, c unor of S-h street, the lamp sxploded urn! so «c burned her tbavheing conveyed t.i_ tiie Hospital, shedied there last night, Tiie Coroner's Jury found an myuesi inaccordance with the above facts.Killed by an Engine..Last night as a colored

man, named Joseph Sprule, was riiiiiims with the Engine So.i', he fell dott'nextaustcd ami ivu so bully hurt that.on L-.-n sconveyeil to the Hospital, he wus fouml n> badead. Verdict olthe Juty accordingly;

A temp ro Commit Suicide..Last night Geo.Nockman, of No. G [.inle Water street, eul!. s throat with a

r-t/.,r. und then stabbed himselfin the side with die same sharpinstrument, lie u:n conveyed to the Hospital in a dangerouscondition,

TUE ROMAN EVE B VLSAM.Oh! who would !...<. tiiut tense ..I all.thetlOHT,loving lo nicer hupe» eternal night,lilo nn)' the mind, «II earthly things but dr.ns.Compared wall this, the worst ol human l.ras.

Negligence m aUending to early stages ofdiseases ofthe Eyei« perilous in ihe extreme. Tne coiurtimtion of the Eye is so

nennte n'ul frail lhat weakness, inflammation, irritation, painnnd contusioai uf nil kind- should tic speedily attended to. Inmany cases this neglect has caused wi akrtess of ihe orsun» ol

sight through life, nnd in »..ine ca.e. blindi.e.... How necetsa-r> is a, then, that we should guard against complaints of theEye, The Romax Bye Balsam is n remedy certain a:..! etfrclUal when u-ed lit the proper time.

Prepared and sold by A. 1!. SANDS& CO. t'iion ist*, andDruggists.273 Broadway, comer Chambers .treet. in tlic Gran¬ite Building. Sold also at ~? Fulton ^t. nn.iTT East Broadway.Phi c X) cena.


Give Kkp and Grey Hair ami Wuisxcrs another

Color, Who b there, young or old, that hkc< ted or greyI a'r .' This question applies to both »exe«, nnd should here

msmbcred if they feel inclined to change tho color ofthe.rlocks

" Red checkt tre! red Innr.Ti:o iiittct ihamtrs couiplexioa t-..r.'"

The celebrated I talian Dys changes red or grey hnir <>r

wlu»kers to n beiiutilul nntiirnl looking brown, auburn or hluck,wittioiit staining the sl.ui m ihe lent- This i» warranted: w o

then, will go with red hair or red whiskers longer. T. e ItalmnDye lo'.J» a gl...».:!05 nnd appcaranco to the lair equal tonntur.-.

Prepared and sold by A. B. SANDS 4t CO. Cherabts nrdDruggists, iT:j Broadway, comer Chambers street, in theGranite Building; r-..!.! also at 7p Futton-sUesl and 77 Ki.stBroadway. Pine Co cents.


Svik's SaRSAParilla..Cmild the many thousands whonow Mitferfroiudoeascs lor w hirl, tins preparation is n certainspecific, h.ten lo the grateful lesOiiionj ol those w ho have uk-i!il ami been cured, the) wouhl no h-ngenfoubt in regard t utsetficncj. or be*itale in approtiriating to ibemsclves the beuciiuurbieh this medieine can alone bestow. OI>siinate cutaneouserupliaus. scrofula, chronic sore eyes, enlargemenl and pain "Ithe bones ami joints, tlieumntism in «II its forms, ami diseasesant s froman injudicious useof rnercury. are solelyand speed.i!y eine«! by 'Is u»e.For particulars and conclusive es-MjeaceoriUisupe

nor value and elhcacy, see pamphlets, which may i-e obtainedol agents grün».Prepared and sold, wholesale urn! retail, by A. B. fc D.

SA.N'llS. wboletnle DruggisU. 79 Fullon street. New also81273 Broadway, TTEast Broadway, and by drug¬gists generally Lhrougboul tho United States.Connkl's Maoical Pain Extractor..Nothing, ever

mink* will cure n.» many complaints as tins uiiirlr. No t unily»liould !»¦ .! day without this Salve in the house a- it w ill -avcblc in every case ofburn or sen Id, ifthe vital parts are unin¬

jured. It is now ndmiued by os-er twelve ofthe L.-?t physicians.; the city, the only tluug thai should be used at all. Besides,

it »'np» all pain from brotscs, or wounds, cures obi ulcers, re.

d ceas»-ellings. andsiopt immediately nil iutlammations. endis a general euielor all oulwnrd comphsiiiU, and il itdue»n..tdo just what we say. and more, we will pair back the money.For «senk und inllainci! eye.-, it is u positive cure. At 21 Court-tandt sireet,


BaLOnssSaxd DAXnrorr..Oldridge's Balm ofColumbia. tue ...vv article ilul » a..|. tl." from laüaig

stifte il w-hoo bald.besides, it always keeps the hair free fromdnndrutT. «! -eh - ihe primary cause uf baldness, except when

svt by s cknest, ami tins balm causes it to grow thick and tasL.-»>.:.i ui Ji t 'ourtlandl -treet.

£y The East India Hair Dye it warranted to impart to tbehsir u beautaul j.-t black, without either atfeclins its toltnes.or strength,.ami without -tu..g, or in any way injur.oe ihe»kio. It .» iK-rieetly innocent in it. nature, m d bas no neleieri.U» etlcCts on the hen Ith. as is>->tij.! by the experience ofIhose in tins city who IvaVS iis.-,l it for n long tim*. and who still

... m to us..- it. An apprehensioa of :t» pisisces eg tome in

junous qualities, bos alone deterred thousands from usmi thisv^' .-.>rii;ui»iti«.;. which so much beautifies aad adornspersoual appearance. Sold at i lourtlandt^LCoMSTocK't SaRSaTaRILLa.An effectual purifyerol the

h'.k.I and a radical cure ol all daetues »inch ari»e Iryin iu im¬

purity, vis:i.'utaneous Empdons, Bnlarseinenl ot (he Hones.k-i..-"» Evil. Rheumatism.T) im. ecahl head. r^crofula, Ilde».i'm.pie. l.'h-ers. Chronic Disorders,Hereditary . r i ionstitntiooal Diseases,At2lCourtlandt street. Price 10 cents pet bottle, or $4 per

dozen." If e'er toy gnotne could spoil ¦ grace,

* >r raise u pimple on a bcautl fuce,Tur Ith us MedicatkpSoar, soluonli at Dr. Goc-

Lai n*K, 87 t\ alkei.n. J.i rtoreFRI IM ila-cornerofBrisnil-ray. Sew \ i.ik. immedn lei) re i. as w^li n« nil oilierTuption , excoriations, efflorescences, spola. blots, ilitcoh'ra-ions. .r:;rvw. erv !n». I.ur...-hiC-. scrofiilo. s».It rheum,btuber's ileb. i.IIb un.-, chapped hands, ten.h r Ocsh. chasing.1. children, &c tic Pi-, lue most blessed d'.e..very evern....!. Buy only, genuine, at e" VVaiker-atreet, let .tore fromBroadway V cei sacaki.oiberwiseyou will bechealed byu shameful counterfeit. jetj ätcodGoi rut n't IIi.anc D'EsrAONR, or Spamsii White, for

ttw Complexion..Avoid a counterfeit Ueniune only at tT7WrJker-siroei, tiru store r'Kuil Bioadway, jelö Aevi

Steg. HnTUf iir..I; shonld beremenbeteu 'hm nekno,-, mall cases, pfneeedi Irom a disordered .tnmaeh nmiar,.rr>iv-lit., pi i,:,.M|. »'.,i,r. i.,(,.. Vegetttble Pihaarea c«t>mnnefot f.,rrr rleienntion at heariarhe, becausethey .'leante the 1« dr from th«te fm..I humors which, ifcoo-tiftrdin i!".. »t:ir,i;,» tli<-c-u«^rit .-inu.>,,t,.«r,,^.. want01 aptKTt.t», ilivicrecnhle tau* in Ihe month, bad brealhioc,w itiugnt the gums, decayed teeth, und many «ther -1 «r.-.>.mg comotamta, «»,l when taken into the circulation, nndi.iV'w n iii-i.-i ih« i.-,rI,.,.v.,1rt. ,,f |,»iv, en-.. t.. rterymaia.iy meinem >. man. Four 01 fire of bihI Indian I ili«, ttisrnonr« intwenty-fnut hour*, will, m short limenut n complete stop t.,« ck the .imie time tn» orens will I« f. To e I to a health* tor.e, and the blood.i. ejrnipfetely panned, that tick headache or disease of anyKind « be in n mannet impossible.

i'ai this.As counterletü are abroad, amid ail <.f n

vr***'*'*'1' character, and he particular to Wright's l.vhnnVegetable Pirn.

I >I*:r>» ibrvoted ctrliis.vnlT to the j;,le of t.V Medicinewhdeaak and retail.Xo.3SSGreenv< street. New York \'o!lift i ¦¦!:-.j. .I: ,,-- ,:;..;.

R i :k hair, r-lean hair, toll lilky hair.How beautiful ton «eem,On man or woman'* praniuni,' 'r youthful lace.I .|er,r,All to be humanjackasses.Whose bait w Kant or rre.f.And will nut pay three shilling..But will listen In mv lay.Try Jone?'« Coral Hair Restorative.Nay, reader, do md stare.T will cue you all.aye, all of yon.A splendid headofhair

U~ li'ies virit II,tR twit on' p..e> tT TtT.n- natr-'

nre yon Laid '.r ham you had tiry Ii or ? It to. u«e u 3 tbillirutN*tle of Joxxs's Coral Haik RkstoRaTIVI An articl-inti«t be Bond when we sell you so -ma,! a quantity. Get it atthencnol the American Eagle, 82 Chatham-it. or 323 Kroodway. and l£> Fulton-st Brooklyn. el8 Ctend¦O" Ox-Marrow. nr.. t:. i i.y si b«.tkp. listx Otei,rtttnmadea, Perlutnery, i.e. at t~. Wuiker-lrevt. first .toreFROM Broadway. jel5 2teod{XT' Ibille»'. Mar-.-.' I'.::. i.i.Salve, at 67 Walker

st. 1st Store PKOM Broadway. Uef'rtoall New-York, lieware o! nn imitation hy the name of I JonneU.

,£T)- PoCnRR SiBTlt.E fot end rating hair from any paflrdthe hu<Ttan body. Tested before buymc at 67 Walker-:.,1st store FROM Broadway._iu!3A Nbw Bra is Mboii lnx..The difficulty nfmnk ng medi.

cine palatable has been overcome at iu,t. Cl'ckener'i Sugar(Wed Ppi. being one ot Dielt-st purgatives and purify/en ofthe IiIihkI ever discovered, ;.t the tmn>- time thai they are easilytaken as so many bits ofcandy.produce none of thenanseninn! griping iitrendant on the operatiun of other nie lirme, andtheir tpeedy effect in removing nil impurities from the system,cannot be excelled by any .eher nf-i cine. Sold at thewhole¬sale and retail I'r^^ Warehouse. 79 nnd SI Barclay street.

Commercial ami ."»loney .tintterat.JCJ- Far Gmstsrciai arid .Montu Mauert tee f.ajt Päse.

. Monday. P. M.The ..""luck Matket was heavy tu-u'ny, mid inmost

descriptions:; decline took place.Exchange is quiet ai '.' a 9j I'ur .Sierling, nn l

ö.2ti:4 lot Francs.The Comptroller of this State advertises to buj

up the Loan, bearing interest nt T, per rent, per annum, ma¬turing in July. ISIS, .it 102 '

ex. the J .ly dividend.The following i< a statcmentof the Tolls collected

on the various Public Work« of Ohio during the three week,ending June 4. lS£f, r.nd also during the three weeks endingJuno 4,1814:

IM:i.ii'iinl nrnl.SJ-y.f) '.ft |41.iä G8Miami Canal . S,4t9<S 4.430 P!Miami Bit*nsion. *s »jn4»n5Wabmh and Ene Canal. !-v-j 4--i n.:'^i .:llo'kitiir i'nniil. ;j4i 4H4"".'^':Walhnndmg Canal. I&5 \2172 52Muskinghara Improvement i.until... 2.1:*1 2.573 8U

Tumi.7h'..4". -Si_

*.<.m-> ittIn favor of IS! I..iti.bsi* il-A lew days »mec we gave tho receipts Irom the Public

Worka of Ohio up to May 12.1844. The above »tat die iftr-riceexs next MJCCCedingJJiat dale.The total receipts from Novembei 14. 16-13. to June 4, 1844,

compared with the previous year, ii Hdlows:IM^. 1«U

(lino (.until.S'J.IIS TA fl/ss XjSMiamiCanal.37JM4 B7 47.h~ 5UMiami Exteusion.a.i23a.isil miWnba.h ami bUieCanal. 1 Ml 85 18.794 9t*UocKingCanal. l.UÜStä .j.u.-"- H6Walhonding Canal. trio ".">Mu.kingbnm Improvement Ceaal...lOJ8>815 lu.'Al 9ü

Total.siSSjTj :-i V.>.v i 331..S 175->

i;v-o-.. in favor of 1MI.b'.v.öiSor nearly TO per runt.This is a highly iatisfactory io>uli. and place, the credit ol

Ohl.» beyond all petadventure.No arratigciiieni has yi t been made \>\ the Penn¬

sylvania State Trenmry to have the transfer of'State Lsasns.issued for intciesl, and Iranslenible br law at liurriaburg only,.niiitteil tu Uta care of the State Agent ut the Bank nf Petra.lylvania. As the period for closing the b»ok approaches, thetuihlers of cortificatea not in their own names apprehend ai

..mile- deal of trouble to obtain Ihe interest from the partieswho sold them, nnd to whose credit they will be carriedThe whole amount of Coal shinned from ihe

i-tchuylkill region the present season, up laThursday lust, i.. n-

rolluws:By P. It. uml P. Railroad.tons 137.55?.. SchuylkillCanal. 83 \" Little echuylkill l!nilr..nd.Yi

Total.3ib.2".t"The I'ottsville Miner'n Journal of tSaturda> says

tin.i ii man by the nauieof Jb Seibert, n bmttman, was or

tested on Saturday lust at Port Carbon for having pussod sev¬

eral counterfeit S5 bills, purporting tu bewiUVe 'Formers'Bank of NewJersey:' II¦? wu« arrrstcl, nnd upward vX Hi-:ii counterfeit notes were litond concealed in his boat, embrac¬ing nop-* nn n great many Banks. He was taken before'Squire Colahnn, but, by lomc iueans or other, lie look to In.Iicels nfler he left the 'Squire's office and made his e>cii!>e,.

The notes Ruind in his possession consistod of lens fives, direnami twos on the Globe Bank, New-York; inn-, on'he TenthWard Bank. New.York; fives on Üic Miner-. BankofPuiut itle: lives on the Lancaster Bank dvei an '.he Farmen' Hankof New-Jersey; lens on the Mechanics' Hunk of Unit.more;tlirc. s on Ute I 'nion Bank of Delaware; tens on the kirkiandBank ol Ohio, Joe Smith's; threes on the Citixens' Bank olAugusta, Me.: fives on the I'attitriiucu. Bank. New-York;ones on tho Agricultural Hank ol Montreal, Canada.The following sales of Stocks were made nt Bos¬

ton on Saturday:\i til.- Brokers' Board.635shares Reading Raiiroad, 27 a

27'4.125 do Bast Boston t 'ompnny. .12 a U)«.140 do WesteinRailroad, f3I».8 do .Nur«ich and Worcester Railroad. o"2. ludodo, 65.30 do Long Island Kailroad, 90.70 do do. SflJi.SOdo dn.MJ'j.55do do, lw. EL

Counterfeit fives of thr> Lancaster Bank Hre incirculation. They bear no resemblance, in the engraving, to

the genuine. Vignette, a woman buckling a child; on one

end a statue of Washington; on the other, a female. Sup-pi..,',! to be altered from Um Commercial Bank ol Millington.The following are the exports from Montreal and

Quebec tu the 11 th of June. 1SI4:Atlie«, Flour, Wheat, P..rk. Beef,lad.. bid. bush. I.hl«. ol.l«.

From Montreal.3.747 16,215 62.3W 1.154 7«FrontQuebec.¦ 2S 39.113 33.23 »fl _££.Total.3.772 w.oT« b7,"rC3 2.147 314

j.urd. Cutter. Oatmeal, Pen«,k-i--. kees. bbb. bush

From Montreal.r.0 65 33U t.2 -4FromQsebec.¦¦¦¦¦IT 177 4ri7 5.7.'.Total.W "2*2 7« 14.030At Louisx illi*. L istern Exchange is firm nt 1 pre-

niiuin. and in demand. Four months Bills on New Orleansare 1 per cent, discount nnd interest. Alabama money Id a 30per cenL discount.


Sales of Real Extate. June 17.Hu H- .4ins/ie, Jr.

St"re nn.l lot on the southwi «i cornet of Catherine andWater-streets; lot40 lt-=t iquare.glo.CCOJllai'heis_Carefully Reported for The Tnfrun-

Mo.iDAT. June 17.ASHES. lloldertof P..L. lire generally Mead) nt i«

th* iranmctions are UOl large. About 2 U bbls. hate been takenbr exportal 5«', a i4.2i. Pearls are #4.50 williout mu-lidoing. Sale.. ljO bhb. at that lute. The leceipts to day are

aboutSOObbU.COTT4 >N..There ii not much activity, the near approach

of the «i.-iuiicr having an elTect t.. check operations. 'I be -ab»u ere I2G0 to 1500 balesofw kich 750 were in one list plandsandFlorida middling at 7i» cent... The market is steady. Verylittle enquiry from manufacturer*. The .nie« of last weektvero about 13.0H0 bales, and of the mouth unto this esenius11 IU bales. The receipts of the monthare ..'¦StiOaiiJtiie stockl, estimated at 110,000 lailes.

I l.i.l'lt \Ml Ml'.At..We have no ehim re to notice in

BrMdswns but Uie conünued inactivity and tendency ofpricestodec'ine. Genesee is *4 « 4t- .; Michigan 4 tr,.^. Asaleol äuubbls. Genesee was made tor England at 4 :*'<¦*. andsome TOO or800 bbbv. are going from first hand* for the same,

destination, 'liiere is some inquiry lor freights ibr Flour, a nd

la 10J Id. sterling was ottered a Liven.I ship t.. day lot 2JJUbbls. to go probably for owner's1 account. We notice Nile-Venice Je I layword nt sö n I2:,. and 4to bbb.* StarMills nl4 43?,'a 4 50. mostly the Infer. Nothing d..;:i: m New-Or-leans. Southern Sort* are very beavj. and some brands can

be had m 4 50. Georgetown and Rrandywine are musiinally nt

4 7,'. The small lot ol RtchmoodCity in miirket is held at o'..u.RteFltmr b doll tit 2 Tj. No sales of importance. J. '-. t

M. al 2 'iü a 3 t72 -. with moderate demand. Brendrwine 2 w-.-;hhd. 813. Short-are T a L .-!«. Slnp Stull, at :»n 10 .-t..

WHISKY..The amvab are large, some lbuo i.l.i-. t" .. ¦.

nn.l Friday, nl which some ii joint: into <:>.re. Sales ,vO bbl«.

equal to Sure Prison, at 33 a 2:!^ cent-. Domestic BrandyBodtÜnareStn 33cents: AI.-..i...14Sn iPcenu.GRAIN'..There are two ur three IiXs ..I Wbca'm market

and considerable nllout. and in the absence ofany demand tor

shipmentthe market is heavy. Large supplies ol Con nte

evitected from New.tlrleans. and the datijlen being well supplied, prices arc n.-i firm. Sale. 1500 tHlsbeb Jersey at 4,sct..measure. Northern i. held i.t4T n4Hcent.. .Vitnmgdoiuc in

Rye It B nominalal ui a n"T cents. . Intso0a3l cent..II \V .'I te is a hr ik demand forshipment. and Saturday

ami in-day about1200 !...lej have been taken atSSaSSceot«.nenrly clearing U>e market. ..,,..,,,, ,

SALT..We notice sales :o?t bu.l.el. lurks l.ltiud. a-.ialK.ut 2> cents, 4 mos. and 100 half bbls. 'uoi da^a hue at 57*3

lliflKS A sale nf 1500 R.o Grande was made at 12 4 cent*,d con t ptf l..r cash. m . .

lit Ks\t \.\ V\e notice farther fa es lie. NorthernYellow at SO cents, cash, f. r exptart.SEED..Nothing doing in Cover or rimothr. ITierehave

l*en ...ven.l arrivitis of foreign Linseed, most ol winch Come,

to >i rnisher. ,

T \R .Sale. ICO I.hl«. at I 43 t cents, cash.J Pit A'isii i.\~..There i« but a .mud inquiry for barrelmeat, to-day. llcrf is especially quiet. We quota $^ and jo|..r Prime and Me.«. City brings 12?» to35cents m««re '..rki« nominally *o 50 and S fO for small lot-. A sale ol 150 bbhPrime was made at $t> 4:!-4 atnt hw do at the same We. r.0day. with, u; mtera-t. .-aie» ..I 10"J to 150 hbls. Me«*al88 oO.Ttteea is" enouiry for Lard Bbb nre worth ä'3 n ö ceils,

nn.l Kccs ö a t"v- Sate, of 301 bbav. were n.itcle at ö'jCh,. Alot ol S,-ur ll.iwis. KO tcs. sola ut 1-j per lb-

New-York Cattle Market, June 17.[Reported for 'be New York Tribune.]

At matket. 1.150 Beet Cattle, lTj Cows and Calves, and1,850 She*v and Lambs.PatCBS..BBBV i 'aTTLE nre a shade lnwer. We quote S5

a t> .fi a. the range für retailing torts. Four extra primebrought ST 2;vj unsold. M

Cows ax»Cai.vbs.135soldat ei5a83B.Sii«:sr »>P L»Xt8S.The n.nrk-t was ceared at 1 ot) to 4 30

for Sheep and 1 TO 3 50 f.-r I .am!...DAY.\Ve quote us last week, w th gnral supply.

tr> Ooaid, Transient and Permanent, a:

ad st._ _


{xt '/.. Lacy, Dentist, h.a. returned in the City andresumed the practiceof pnaessitsn al No 4t:' Broadway.atew d.m.r» iiImivc iJni'.d.s'reet. where be i. prepared to »ee hi.

lorn or paticUta and all ..iher- u no need bu profcsioiuilservi.i eet. 1J..-17 IQirs*] Z. LAt\.

y- The Itltarstnall T. A. Society willhnhl theiiusual Reform Meeting at Concert Had. 40C Broadway, tin.

Puoda) evening, A«ldress»s by Rev. Messrs. Everett andWeltou. ami .Mr Casaidy of Bellast. Ireland. by Mr.( .iiiinehain nnd the Choir. I'erfoniianee >.n the Accordion byMr. Iluntley. Tita public nre invited In attend ExercisescommenceKt&^ i'. M. A. D. WILSuN. PresidenL

j T, -M. WoopKCrr, i^reiary. H

M i RillED,On Monday moriiin;. Jon* lr. by lb-i Rev. "'- «¦.«.?. Mr

E F. BaCO.i ! Mi« Mar? W. SANDMan. allot' Trei-u.-n.b-t ex-mine. Jone IT, r:* i*.e-. Mr. Bang«. GEoR'ig e*.

Mnxosj- t.. M . M. . i!tot.:>K. daughter Jane-sRil». Eni. rdlof ihr»City.At Hartem, on Tliurtrlfty, tite ISrti in«t. br th- Rev. j|r.

3el lonmakcr. Mr. Wilu.OI H.jSirrPAM. of N-rw-Vork-. toMiss .-akak A. daoghterui Mr. r":.v!.:n VVlilmmioo.ofnat-liu-h.At Vorwfeh.Ct. M ¦- lay. Jone I th. >.tt the Rer. Mr. Bond,

tlcrrtty Rctle*, of New.York, lo ScsasJL, canister of.lo.-.n Be «Vitt. L-i of the f.rmer place.

DSKI»,In th* !6th [tut Titgot* -ht tJTWO«to!». son of tVilliam

H.nnil Eliza Dnvi«. nged 2 tears. S months and 3dar«On Sunday afternoon, 16th inst.after a sti rt UliJoseph,

ins El:z ."-.Tit. write of «.harle« Gardner, in the ISta year ofbetOn the I6:h June, &f consumption. SsxrEL Hzsofiicsor,

rent>n Sunday, 16th :n-t. Willum NottttAS, youngest child uf

D~' »?..: IV .'. I y-t-.r-.At M. t..t Morris, Lit ii cstne f. m tv, Jone 1"'. T.-.:.b..t. in¬

fant >o-i of Darid and Hnrriet T. I llybhant,-¦:" t.-..- .-.-r.At Cwcianati, on the 5th. Mr.. Kansas Balstxe, ac«d 73


PaxxcB?era A t r i veil./« th» packet .'hin /n.-.o-.'. n.-.-.-"-.-n ,'.i--r-> -V.Dr. D. f?. !

Micklbam. lady, three en idren and two servants, ni Ha- jvona, Mr.. II. Carewrigar. four children and servant of Can--.':. M .. I.Shakspear,tf£n;lrir I.Dn A. Dodd da S. Uyde,.New Vork.

In ihr hark Xev- Tart 0axket.from /./c-po-./.Mr R.uVnson. l.-o). and Schildren, Sr.. It-tim-.n. and239steerage.fntheschr Lvra/rva t"::-.-:.James Steveuso:;, i-ilir.

McKmz.e. Mr. Fräser.


The Stnr. fiii: Moos FrLL?ea.RL«es..4 3U-Se:s..7 3l 1 Mor::. f' 20 Mom.10 33

LAl I" ST llATEit.[»aodoa.May U Havre.Mny 17Uverpool.May fill New Orleans.June 3

Cry See Last Pare.Arrived,

Pn^et .hiri Independence, Nye, from Liverpool. May 2l«t.mdse to Grinned, MinturatfcvCo. S!d in c» with >nip Adirun.mirk. Hackstair, for NVork.ShipCato, Hallet, 37 us t.-r. Juitwerp, in ballast, to Gcodrtue

it Co.Brb-u-kXew York Packet; Uossack. 35<b from Liverpool,

ttiii«- to \\ iboo it Brown.Brie . !yros, Mernmnn, fm Matanzas, June 5th, molasses t.,

FGThurston. Saüediuco with bark Bohemia. Nason.(ori'owe. und a market. Left »bip HeUespont, Ellis, fur £\ i*ork,to sail im 6th: brie Eaele, Fullert in. do m -I da,

Brie Ava.Chas-», I6dsfini!unyamn, PR. sugar end molru-.- in Nesmith k. Wai-b. Left nn.- .Colus, llaiey. f.-r Holm«,to load tor .Work: SCOT Red Jacke;. Jams, for Vattiles, to

load fordo.IS::;: Sterling. Pe:rce. 11 I. !:o C.enfuegr-s. Cuba, sugar and

nn.lnsv-. to M Taylor;Scur Gbartpsdl. Sawyer, JOdi fm Tobascn. «s.»nI:u A Pa

:riii|o. Left brigs Elector. Peckard for NVork in lOds, CapiJ hi .Eastman, fordo do; Susan. Lake, waiting a rise of wa-..t to get over die Bar i«r Marseilles; St Lawrence, bound uplie River to load for NYork.N irvv .-rnin .ri-.r Dolphin, Mülbach, S'. iL Im R.o de Janeiro.

ottri- to J I. Phipps .v Co.Sehr Boston, Bradley, Is: d« Im NOrkan», Tjm bushels com

to PC Cole,S. :,r Lyra, St wen«, Wds from Bonaire, «alt t.. .1 Foulka k.

Sona l^ftbng States, Keazer. fur NYorkiameday.Srhr Maria, Latourette, 4 As fm Baltimore, fl.air to Johnson

Ji I.ovulen.S ur Exile, Sn.fce-. 10 J. fm Frederickiburg, llour to E Corn-

ins Ai i'o.Sehr Martin Van Huren, Pliillips, t o Folly Landing, Corn to

II P Havens.Sehr Per.ev»rate.. irom I mlaili Ipl.ia. e..,a!. buund ro New-

London.Sehr Daniel, Parker, fm Philadelphia, coal, boun to Troy,Sehr Altoere, Cornelius, fm Havre do Ura»s», cu.-n.

Below,ltr sinp Edinburgh fm Liverpool; lir iiag EUzabeth.tra Ulav-

sovv; abo. a ship supposed to !.« tiio Philadelphia from LiverP<k)I. _

Stalle,!.Ships England, Liverpool; Sully, Havre; VYiadSE.

Spoken, iVr.June 10. ht 43. Ion Sfl^, saw packet slop Pnnce Albert, fm

London for N Vork.June in. tat :;i I.'. Ion 49. saw ship Philadeh, Isia. Watinig-

ton, fm Liverpool tor NewVorkJune 13th, l a .'>? !!-. Ions oJ l!r hn^ Knerjj-. from Havaaa

RirCowes.J me loth. Kir* Island light bearing ESE, 13 m le« distant,

passed lir !-r.s Elizabeth ufKilcakly, from Cis>suw fur .\^vvV»rk.May 28. latIS, Ions 4145, .poke .nip (whaler understood

Halifax, bound t-. \r«.e.May 31, a I i In bmg 51 3). spoke French bark Cu.tnve. Im

llor leaiis, lor Mn e

Jim-.- U, Im .'ii jn, long 69 10. spoke »Ii p Emperor. 60 di fromLiveipool, lor \ew Irk nm.June 16, lat 38 15, lung 7J 30, spoke Italian bt.c [gnario,

nonce for Fillermo._

F'"'R (.'LAV AN i> FRI LINGHUYSEN.DO" Knsi t\ aril < Ins Club..Pu suani torecom-

ineir.latioli ofthe *'i'entrnl i im r.|ittee."a s s^-n.1 n-eet-mgol thisClub will he hekl nt Thresher's Broad -ire-.t Hotel,un Tuesday i v.-u 18th instant fit S o'c oi kMembers, and others who wish ui unite in doing " Justice .'.>

Harri, ot (As West," urr inviteu In ii tend.By order, J. N. UEVN'OLDS. President.

CEl IHR I' i >i liv, I,- o

j- v.; 11.. J \ ice Presidents.Chas. McDocoall. ) ^ ,,,, ..

L. L. Juans, jaecretenes. jI72tHCT" Silt-inn! V.'iu-'l lli-ni y ( lay l'lttl»..A spe¬

cial meeting of tiie Sec.I I'biy Club will le- hell at 8o'clock, on i oe.. av Lv etnnr, ilw ISih net., at Jones', Seeon Il\nrd Hotel. \.. ?i .Nassau-trsct The members are requesi-e't lie pun. t.mi in their attendance, n- Ibens will beinipor-*tiuii businessto tmn«net REV( » C. HA.N'CK. Prcsidei I.

Aax. Routas. Searotary. ji7

Orr Kifili IVarel Clay Assncintiois..PRO.TECTII IN T< AMERICAN LVDITSTRY..A special meet.

will be held nl Marbm Hall, 165 West BmsuU-ay. on Mon¬day Evening. 17th inst. at 8 o'clock. Punctual attendance isilcire.!. us business oi importance will he placed losforo themeeting. Jdii.N C. HAMJLTON, President.Ciiarlcs J. Sukfakd, 5 a -.~<-.i.Jamss Umuscg, juK(XT' Eleventh Word Clay Club..The members

of the ('in!., and all nihers fiiendly to the sledion ofClay «n.lFreUnghuyseu, are invired t.. a meetingto be held ai tii»American Republican Hall, coroer of Avenue C and ThirdsusstU-Tiiesday Evening Joiip 18th. Punctual attend¬ance is requested, u» business nf importance wilt he laid tief.iretiie-meeting. JOHN McUOlVAN, President.AU.EM CaXEROST, Seeretniy. j IT

fr Dr. Felix Gouraiid'M Italian UTedlcntedSoup..For curing frei in.-., peni le., eruptions, blotches,scurvy, morphew; heatspots, musketo bites,and nil irritationnnii roughness and sallownessnnd darkness ofthe «kin. ThisSoup > one of the most reiunrkiilile of recent eh-iuiciii ih-cerics. Iu emollient and healing .malme« spoken of in alldirections, and every one who use, recommend it. Due cake.».-eilt«. We warrant n to unswer all ordinary purposes, an.Iis to be bad genuine only at to Walker street, one ihair Irom¦he corn, r of Broadway. Aeents.2 Milk street, Boston; 76( hesnul »ireet, Phdadcpbia: Gray, PiaighkeepsH;, 't'lwsey,Rochester; Myers,New Dyer, Providence;töteten,Lowell; andTripp. Newark. i-lTlni

to- I),-. FelixGourand'*Poudre Subtile willcompletely and pcrnuoentltr eradicate rapertliions human hmrfrom iciiuile,' upper lips, the hair concealing a broad nnd ele¬vated forehead, the stubborn beard hI man.or »ny kirpi ot.iioerihious hair. Be sore to set the genuine at the originalotfi.-e, 67 Walker -treet. one door from Broadway.£1 per bottle: directiiao French and English.Agents.Gurthrie. 4 Maiden Lane, Albany; Myers. New-

Unsen: Brown, 76 Chesnut street, Philadelphia; Jordan, 2Milk street, Boston; Gray, Poughkeepsie; Gieen, Worcester;Carlelon. Lowell; (.'. Djer, Jr. Providence; Matthew-on,Norwich. Tonsey, Rochester, .N. Y; Guild, Bruigor; Wime.Calais.Can be seen and tested before buying. Proof positive this,jul no mistake. _

je!71mKT" Vmcrlcan itlusemn..ON WEDNESDAY

NEXT. JUNE 11, iii- Manag*! of this deservedly morular es.

tablbjiment will t ike ¦ BENEFIT, «heu he heirs his friends tohold turn iu substantial remembrance.The richest eiitertainmenu of lire season will be given, for

the Harticulara ofwhich reference maybe hud to the bills andsslvettisernents of the .lay._ jel4 4t

P" Gentlemcn'4 Summer Mats..Bird's stylesof Summer Hats, comprising the !u;ect patterns, exceedinglylight and beautiful, an now ready. BiRH.jeli ow i»* crner of Pine and Nassau.

D2F" Summer Muts at $:i 50..O 1 ist.'. Faii..nable Hatter, has now ready nn assortment of Gentlemen'sPearl Brii.h and Cassimera Hats, at the above price, ol .uj*.nor quality, -t> :¦. am! finish.Also, tine Brush Hats at 54. n cl.r-e imitation to the Drab

Beaver, a beiiutiful article, winch surpn-sjes any before otTtredin the city.An assortment of Panama, Sir-iw nml >.!t-..-k and straw col¬

ored Leghorn Hul-.ull ol which th* public are invited to calland examine at ORLANDO FISH'S

let if . Hat ii i 'n^V'. ii.'i .'iiiu»e, 137 Broadway.IO* Gentlemen's Summer Hats..AMIDON,

corner Wall ami Nassau-streets,;» now prepared to furnish InsNew Style ol Summer Hat*, vv'iich are very light and ofLeautiful style and tiui.h. my24Isnis

NEW.YORKCash TallorlnR Bstabliabment,

I 12 FULTON-STREET. NEAR BROADWAY.Thiscstoblishrnenl i- furoisbed with an entirely new and

splendid Stock. Gentlemen abcut to order their »upply »1

Ootbing for Use season are resnecfully invited to call and exa¬

mine our large and trarierlasssirta-ent of Spring and SummerGoods, which have tseet selected vilh the greatest possiblecareas pi .juiility of material and stj .'t..:" patterns.embracing tn*

finest French and English Cloths; iassimeres and Vestingstobe'found at any bouse in this or any oilier city in the UnitedState«. The Cutting Department will «tili he conducted byMr. Fisher and Mr. Couch, of «.ur firm, who have been longand ur believe favorably known tiri.ecu>touierj ofthis hou*^-,:ii<.1 wc tUiiter ourselves tnat v.c wil able lofurnish's Garments equal in i»o.nt of it and eseganee to thru ofuny trthl-rrftsbKfhrr-ent in this country or Klimpe. And by nd

bering strictly to the Cash and One-Price system, we are eca.

hied to supply our customers with first-rate articles of i 'lathing

stgreatl) reduced prices. \. S. FISHER t Go. m22Imi«

E3~ Ilarclware, Cutlery, stf.-LEWIS BENE¬DICT i: ('(». respectfully inform thai] friends and the pubbcireneraily tliat they nnve removed to tkttf city, ami hare takenthe Store 81 P«vrl-tr*et. loppo-ite mo House.where they are now opening a large and weii-seiected a-*>rt-

ment ol Goods, botb Foreign and Domestic, to which taejwould call the attention of those wishing to Durchase. apüp II

to- Cotton Canvas. COMPRISING ITEAVNSAIL DUCK, LIGHT RAVfejS. fbrMBOAT SAH--.AWNINi.S. to Abo. HEAVY 1 AP.i' II LLNS, PA¬PER FELTINGS. 32 to73 inches wide; BAGGING, plainand twilled, 22 and 44 inch. Aiso. Grain and .-ieo! Uu_-i. 2Sami 3 bushels. For sale by _ ..... ......

BRINCKEBJIOFF, Fl >N ^ POJLHEMUaiTtbmis 37 Beavers*,

ro- Price 50 < cuts ;><-r Bottle..The thief virtuesof this Tricopheroii« or medicated eomtsnerad nre.

1. Iu bracing, irengthento»an I clsnrjing mialities;2. It. gently .timulatmg OieartjonofrJie «»uj;a. Irs pnidoetngand cnt-ourn.j.iis a leaCtlun in thabu.b

rcsoceusd particularly in the pulp, which receives t_-.e ve»-i^and nerve, g ring bra and stg .r to the 'tan-.

4. It« equal ixing th* circo ration of the nmds;S Us fre*ing th* .km from t^e erTe-n ..I [«rspirnttnn. «rrsrf.

,nd .-ln.-nrT. an.1 d>.iK.«ir.g :hr hair t.. curtet And its frenuent um> will pri-erve .:>-.. na.r 13 beauty and

healtn P. the laie-t pttnod oflife.Gratuitous ,-idviee given n all cLseascs connected with the

hmr. at the llntr Cutting Rooms.Ii-: Hrrwdveay. center of Liberty up s'.air«. ni)29 laus

C3- Grnh.-iiii House, 63 gsaiclay-ttreet, by ROS-Yi sXL G'Jcd. JW U

( -r- pappr !I a n izi;: ^s. nr,r'I*r »»..:. !'irc

in.ii'u rnivrs.-j. ii.& j »lpratt. No. ftwhWi f:nr> end 47 Ss«n« street, h:-.e on !mrt.' nri extensiv« as¬

sortment o{ rsff*r Hsjjgjngv Bsifdets nr.d F5r« Board Prirei,which th-y ,,li,-r **> WtSSry MoTCbant* er-i otrictj on :r

most ravoraMe tana*. m J'

j.w.DODfi;"., Miniature Painter,L>> HcxaT-rraacT. >n!7 3mis


rcf Tin. So. cant :-. Sn 3 nf D ITTLE t.K.irM**-CMrWr HOI ?E.BATTLE r>| GERV CVf..WN.


Graham's Mien.- nowast iem*l tounnono-r*1 me Battlr-Groop« or-Anaaac*,and Um-pnbK: are well aware-hatuwas:!.. f 1st ma.-", ne tnpmVisA is-m. Tins his created quite.n ' cctti is rat an.-' BHne t.Vajtozine PubUthersTenants per annum : two copies So; tive copies .10.

äEltt^fffit. VV. ttGHAHAM.ISO Nassau ?t.

A VERY O »SIMON TRICK,ft ir ceesaaioa r>roribra:tmWM»iwn.thet is rapidtp gains

dorn to rent its bit* u a which i« pnthing it to the eeju./rijaraw r-:.-i f->r a quack to brand the wares oi a

Rirat a* eotntrrtrtt.Ir is ii common trick :.>r the aame ciack to copy from the

same Rival arid then erratop thief. Tie trie', is common.

^Fkiere a) i rxicx wor.h two of these. It i> to b* " ao.txs r

xso Tara" m ,.

Jtotkargt mir. f.- :v>in -,jt nu thedirtiest Periodtea man

in New-York. 1 be great P. uuuj _k'STO A R MS : Tu ARMS :OREGON IS OURS!

N'>W READY.At the NEW WORLD OFFICE. .*.'.>. 3b Ann-street,






A complete lusMry of the question of right, w .th a!! the au¬

thorities.with, interesting de-criptiur.s ofthe COUBtrr.

JUST PUBLISHED,SEATsrirH.fes WORKS."Life in the New World."

bound in doth, Si..M-RTII AND SOLTII, or Scenes nr. I AdroitIL*« in

Mexico. Price i'i cents, complete.THE i'ABIN l!' »OK. or Sketches ul Life uiTcsa». :a three

part.12;; cents etch.F \THER t;> IJUOT. or Scene* ot Lite :n Paris. Price 23


VAN PIEMAN'S LAND. 2> cent*.HIGHLANDS OF ETHIOFi \. with plates-price 8L35.

A cap tal 'xxik of travels, full of thrilling adventures amongthe Arabs.MEMOIRS i>E MRS. GRANT, wifs of Dr. Grant. Mis¬

sionary to the Nestonans. Pr.ce in paper, 33 cents.bound.37-.. cents.

'XT' Abo. all cheap works for tale at SO Ann street, whole¬sale and rein !.


ABRIDGEMENT tor-::, cents.II ERE Ml E CO M E S ill" II R A II!

THE OMNIBUS So. :i(» f M oder n K n in a n c e ,


FRANK HEARTWELL, OR FIFTY YEARSSINCE.Um- ofthe In-M Nautical Novels that hasapi-eared since Peter Simple.


A most iidnnrnM.- Novel ul Engii-it E»sh-..nah> Lite.This im- been recently mihi ibad by Galignani in Pans, and

i. now for the rir-t time uttered to Use \>i can PublicI'HE Ml IDEKN LOTH vRII

From the German bPtbe Baroness.DE i.\ Mlll'l i. FOI Ql E

A most thrilling story by one ofthe most celebrate '. of the liting writari ofGermany;


Foil nl the deepest in'erestRttL WiiSI ITHS, ah froroUie German ul noffman, the

Walter ScoU of Rermany.THE V» IFE HUN LR.

From ibe German of Caroline Pichl er.All'he nbova wotks are csiMFLKTX. and are nnts roa Till

nasTTtxx ouhlmbssl in ihiscountry, I'n- Public an warnen aiimn-i >.oo'inii im rlni.-es. iimil<.> iu> of out pami'hirt>.-t tcbeil tstgether vnthout reganl to uniformity. Ever] Novelin tne present -er e i- pnnrnl expressly f it. never having before been published in the Un te "»ra -? in any shape.Published b» J. Mi IW \ F F, 171 Broadway, and sold nt all

the eputsnfNew Pubfcntioiis. jel8 Jti,


In ii neat pock, t volume, cit edges.Plot a KeFLtCTlOMS,

In the same style.P« ilisttedaitd fur sale bv C. SHEPARD.

jlS 181 Broadway, oppositeJohn st.

nPO -TRAVELERS..The Traveler's Hand Rook tin thea. StatrofNew Vork und Ute Posvince of Canada, con.

tning brief nccoonts -f the Towns; their Cut.In- Buildings, amiother isbjects ol interest; Modes of Conveyance. 'Fables oid dunces ti>_ Kailmnd, i 'anal. Stage and Rivet Routes m -wiydirection. Tho w.hsdo anwoged.sMi n new plan, wiUi Maps,Btc new edition, l«R.TheNuith Amen an Tiiurist, containing n large number oi

Plates and Maps. 'Phe Centml Travehtr. or Tourists" Guido,throogh the States of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware,Marybind, Virginia, ttc. Arc. new edition, I8M Tanner'^American Traveler or guide throiwh Use United States, withMap*, plans, Si.-, new Fihusin, ISM. Disoirnel's Northernmvesler, containing the Hwlsoii Huer Guide and 'Font tu tho

Springs, new edilitm. 1844 Description ofTexas, by Franc«Moore. Jr. new esht'on. I'M. for .ate ,t

_jei;_II M S. RAVN'nICS Book Store. Til Bowery.sECM\n an(i ein: \i- ri".\.


BV THE REV. IV, J. KIP, A. U.Author ol " Lenten Kn«t."

One vol. 13mo.board, cloth hack. 75 cents.full cloth £l.Ciintent.«..1 Introductory. Necessity for Knowing the rea

son. why w- are Churchmen. II. Episcopacy pru.eii fnimScripture. III. Episcopacy proved from History IV. A:.!i-quity und Authority for Forms "t Prayer. V. Iliats-ry ofourLiturgy. VI. The Church's View of Baptism. VIL TheMoral Pnining nfUVe Church. VIII. Populartrhjectimts toUse Church. IX. The Cnureh in nil ages the Keeper of theTruth. X. Conclusion. The Catholic Churchman," This u a sound, clear, and able production.a book much

wanted for liaiselimes, nod one that we tVyi penuiaded « IIoreveeminently.useful Itisanappy delineauonolthntifonbleWitness which the Chun b im- o. against Romanbun and ultia-ProlestanUsm. and psiinis out her mi.blle pain m the only oneui Uuth ami safety.".Bannarofjht Cfotn.

D. APPLfiTON & CO Publishers., 2l>J Broadway.

A ,o, recently! I'M I V OF THE CHURCH.BT RXV. It. E. XAXXISO. jel7L'ln

PUBLISHED THIS MORNING,KÜHNER'S SCHOOL GREEK GKAM M A R.Translated from the second German edition by Prof B. B.

Edwards of the Theological Seminary, and Samuel II. TaylorPrincipal of Phillips Academy. Andover, Mass.. designed forlliüh schools. Academies and Colleges, monc iariraocavo vol.Price 33.



Bf Edward A. Park Bar»let. Pndessor ::i Andover Ti.oolo; ci.lseminnry. Price :f7-_. cent..Tl e Trade suppluM on hf^Tul lenn*..'-l*3:i. M ARK II NEWMAN. !99Br.Iwnr.

VPHYSICIAN want, a fülltet of Suriricil and Dental Inarumenis and Apparatus. Also a Rim recent Medical

liooK* m exchange for ib.nrd. with the use ot pleasant fir.aished rooms near the Post nfice, or if preferred near the L'ni-v-r-;t) Med, College. Any person havuut u partor all oftheabove Sir sale on the prescribed terms, may address " Physi-cB"j" 'IVibiineJ Itlice._jult) it .

BOY WANTED.A white or colored youth, well ree.-mended, to act as waiter, go on errand'.Acc: a;.«-.. for wh ch

he will receive his bounl and So"! |ier annum, with such pcrqui-sitesor additi ais as htsaltention a*id mdu.try ma) destrv In.quire a: 34? Washington between 10 and 13o'clock. jlS it*

UrANTED.Situations by tw., young women, one u gosalLook. Wadiet ami Iruoer. the other.a Prutestan'. as

i [lumberman! or Nurse. Bet of City relerenee. Apolr ai 34-Bowery, in the .tore. jei83t'*

UrANTED.Employment by a ii her. ..»¦niiv man to mindiiorM.-, or an) work. Apply at IK* Molt str..»t. bnse-

menf, je!8 it*

UTANTEIi. A place as cook or btundresi by u Protestantwoman. «nth good City references. Apply at Ham*

iiiso dit. jel8 2t*

UTANTEI».Tw Buys (one 14. the other 16 yearsoid uv

apprentice* t*i the Bookbinding bus.uess. Apply t >jCo'd 'tres-i. aistsiry._It*U,"AN I'hli.By a Protestant young womaa, a situs.;

us Chambermaid, who brings a ;pM,i| recommeadnuoti.Enquire "r I: Porsyth No. G in building. il; 1"

U'ANTED- \ r«s:,<..... ii!/* f.¦ii...:« to cU.rj.- of n

sniull puncv Sioie. None need apply who would not

devote the whole ofber time ti> the business. She must giveuwmost unexceptionable references for honesty, modesty, go* <!conduct. &c Address by letter only, post paid;'.to "FancyStore." nt this office, st.t:ln .aiary e\,»-ted, irefetences, itc.jel\ \AN'FED..A situation ai Coachman or Waiter by a

V t very re-pect.-.b'. p: .:..r.t young man w:0. :iie v»ry'¦estot itsnmionndatioBS. PiVt.* .-.:;.; iirt a: No. U'oad.wny._ ..:-!:x *. ' AN'PEI*.By a respectable woman, a Muatioa es < 'ook*» m a private tamily- The best of reference from nr.- hut

^!a-c can be n.veu. Please apply at No 41 PittKfet, up-tairs. __JlS «*

IV \NTED.-P trcl a*er< lor !>. iDGE'S CELI UK \TED» V FULL LENGTH LIKENESS OF HENRY CLAY.The most liberal discount made to the Tmie and to A«-e::t>,inr Quh nnJij. This splendid Engraviog having, «nice its

yublicatiun. been .ubmitr.a! Lithe rigid cr ticirm .¦: the conn.

.r>.|. now universally acku-wlelg"! to tie ti.e ..m'a pefie .

¦,.'¦.-..::-:.:¦:.':¦. ;».:.: i Mr l.'l.iy ev-r tniblislies!, which e»

I., it at the S PANDARD LIKENESS of its liluauiuusoriginaL _

.'Ir. Clajr'a Opinion.I Cortsider the psirt'an of me, by Mr. J. W. IiOJlOE. as an

ible and excelled by no orhe* iikenui of me that 1teer teen. The Ewravtng from /.now betöre me, by

U S Sadd, is executed with perfect Sdebty and with greate^ranee. «. LL-\ i .

Washington City. April 30.1844.The above S'eei Plate Engravmg, *l^> a fine bUxtgrapnic

zoßg ui ::i- same picture, sold wtinlrwie a:, retail :ne PupihTng Office, ISsNassau^treet . ,

N. B. Copies ready hmmed in varans stylos, at the lowest

A:-. Urge's unrivalled iikene« ofGeneral Ja-ksor. fir-ale.m35 amis_IL M. DtjDGE Agent,

\SMALL private famfly. havine an unncrup ed furnishf-droom, wou'd ke to tu.» tw,, gentlemen and benisii them

> it'';C. A i : ts. A. i- i r.:.u.Pi' cT: «.

j^!«lw«__.AP. I'ING AT 51 E \ST BR VIIW Kluee ur f-r.rlast rctable liiHirders can h» r.ce,nntuo<!a'ei! w ' pleasant

room* and hoard on renssmable term* at No M East Bror.dw>v. ri-t M..CH ;,b.ive i' uti.aui S.pia-e. jell Steodis* VI E IP »AtCHN'i;..A rentlemnn r.n.i S:i wit's canbe accommodated with h-mrd in an asrresrabie fanidr at 113

Leonard si. ,.;.».iv the I'nrltnn Hmrsa m3S istf

N'OTICE^Vrtruggists and Perfumen.For »al- at No.1? Plait street, one thousand doren of supenor i> h:te eartn-

en war-.- Paste Boic.i.'oven fit exact, and the col; r nearlyequal to CiuftJ- WJt W. siiIitLx.1.



\7H DEJIK-TER'3 t '.'T. EXTERTATXMKXTC»»l CO.VfINLTSD..New '. .. :"¦-., ! branr. Broadwnr »nd narrt sirwi.

.Mr. DEMPSTER has the horror:. anncunre in-'.. -.-..,..«

quencool th* fsr.ira"-'* r»r*atio.i h:« Bail..! Soi f-a »IHwith from highly ii.ielh.ent and i*i^f itv« ;i-v*i,;.?inriocn! to eoctinoe iff"', tt tN>«nn:# tit.-i<-». )!>f i r.m

0ftl W ;I>.M:-"I>VY. FKID \Y. an.; S \TL KH \ V ISrJj, Si>t und üi ol June.when he will <ioxchoreeandvnre«, >:'.-..: tof h.»mostpocVarSonssumI Rallads, ineJnd.irc tn. Inte.t c.-:--".Ball.'¦u..a:»; I wtücft will I« madeknown tri ;mall Selb. UJ ..*". nt :h« Musi? store, ar..i a: trw

Society Ubrarr\ change lYcn-tiin- every evening.Ticket» 50 certs, to !<e had at the ih-or.I Soors »pen al ball* past et ma rtenee at J ..'rl.vk.Mr. DEMPSTl I! v.:! given Vocal EntertMimsmtatthe

BrtwEreri I e.tlate Lyceum.) onTHURSDAY KVEX.tNG. June"»"-. _pH .'itrpHE lÖW'AS ARE STIEL AT IK 'lh >rvY..\ -OwnsX' to »he great c:i:i.i».ty mmnh.:.-.! Use New Vork publicto seetboac noble specimen* nftha unrivili/eii in*blFar-W*»t. ami the iratavombk weather they ratedisplay Hl tiietrexrremely interest persurtraisce*; they i »»*

been Induced to pro oog t-.e.r nt 11, .lauten oneweek mere.

Theyw r-Hoam then encamped until riext Tuesday,June25th. and wi! present a perfect :«c simile .¦. Indian re in 'lieliirest bv Pitt rroance ot their rarious char ctef"stic l>a ice*.Rite», i ereg p*B«.4se, &c. between the wrsi :t indrjintbtatierno-i.-i. and will erlch atietDoon vary their perfoi .- «-

." Wh itc Cl in d" ii tee moat celebrated Indian. Chief thai iasbeen m Sew.York once the tat- Ct Black Hawk,among thennrnbernt th.e whose portraits mr rmmortaltzedby Catlin. arid ofwhom mearion is made a hit « -r<

the Abor r.New mon-ya W Ik in 0V Kam »l> thin't"liter ofrjVrN"atio«.andSe-m axy yah ttcdseineManare .>!-. I e De'ogatiim. and ttaveevery wot e attractednnefa attention.T te-e im ¦. ere no 'heir way to Eornpe from their huntin.'

gro>r .:- 50!) miles !*.¦>..on the Mi» ssipoi.The terry boaU frort] Bare ay. Carril ar ! CJ rittopherUreeb

la"-! within ..ue hundred yarü» of then encompmerit_Tb rjixrubitton al ree._j»18 Iwo

GRAND PROMENADE CON. ERT ITETI -Al üeine»: request ufa l^ige number ol I idies an ! ^eiitieiiie.:.

a series of tJsese concerts, »>> ia»hn>iiable and popular in ISr..will be given during the p"-»vit summer at iw M.-lrnpohtaiRooms, ~JJ Itron.l««.. eomitsenctng second Tuesday in JuneVocal and Instrumental rserforroers ofthe tirst rwpeetabibt]will f»e engaged; an.t every exsrrtsoo will he made to ensure th-

highe»: devree of intellectual and ..k-ntl eryoj men:. Subsehplions for Ore sssason, *.>: singlenckets GO cents: ye.irl> «'e«

.r: Ih-r. to the Metroi-oiii.nn. *d the reason, -> cents luigh;. ¦»..:. ".ujscriptno limited. Subscription Nn.k now oi-en at

jv '.i Iwajr. By order..:' ü-.- 'omm tree.mSlisü" ^_SPELLING tT13DALE

rVTIBLO'S VRDEN, Corner of Broadway and Piinceud^> Ncv \ ..rk.The entertii.ninei.U are under the role .hre. tn.n of Mr. Doors open at 7, £rir*riiamments commences! Spre-

THIS EVENING, ftwobsr. June loth, the entertainmentswillcomroenea with lisrlheSndt nein America an en.

Iirciy new and origntsl ./../.'.;;.:.'..;<. entitled>!.K \->i AM \

"'r. Porri'igton, a rct.i.u üvntleomn ot ti;e .*:.! school..Mr. "Vicklnson,

i.iurn Dornngton. h .. .iiugliter sciit.ment'i! ind * Cjsylnr.

Susan, herattendant.M v% i use.

Jeuirey, a tiger, stagema.I.Jfr Holland.Adolpbus VVlPirion. a medieal student, given to the

mania of I' the course of the pieee lea Polka will be dance by Miss

Tnvlorand Mr. Wells, MisS Clarke and Mr. Holland.njf \n intcrntisstoo ot* tbirty mindte* betsvsen the Vaude.

riiWru>ds3f>s>m.To bv lolwwed bv n tmn»lr.tion of fatnn i\era ..t " I.n

Fille du R«*giment.*'«intled theVIVANDIERE:

Orth««"InId . I" tu* R-runent ;Grenade, n retera i Sergeant ofthe Reguncnt ..Mr. Niekin<onKodelphe. « young Tyroh-a.Mr. Dei n

l.ohw.t/. Steu r.i p. the Marchioness.Mr. HollandI he Marehioness of Rerkcntield.M.-s. HardwieliTöe Dutehe«sofCmckentborpe. Mr, Wstt>Marie, the Vivandiere.Miss 'I'miXf Tickets Fifty Csnts. N'.> post; onement at this crab

lishment on accoonl ofweather. jiS« MERICAN MUSEUM VERI VI. GARDEN "IND PER

. a PCTUAt. FAles;.Corner ofBroadway and \ |.street,opposite the Astor House.

P. T. Barssi vi.Proprietor.F. Hn p. ..< k.-Maimger.

Monday and Tuesday, June IT mid 18.GRAND I KK! IRM \NCES

Ever) aib'm-h.n at balfmrut3 o'clock.and 8 mil.e even.;:-.

TUR QMXT AJfU UJ.iJVTKSS.The Largest in thr World.

may !-c seen ev. rv day from in ..V:.ick A. M. till I;from2tilhalf-pa»! i. and imm 7 tiil 10 n'ebick. P. M.

UKPHKAiN FAMILY i.»i'- VOCALISTS!O..O..I wJ|!nTI»E op )N( v S1>. yEAftg;nre redngsged, bi universal .le>ire.MKS. Wi.S'l Kli's. n talented and aecomtdUhed ern-i

will api^'ir is a>!« and amusing . "i 'MIC OLIO! an,tnoi iiinitnble ' YANKEE t'OIIRTSHIP!'GKKAT WKsTEILN, LA PETITE Cl^lTO.and othi

are ; -o engaged.UTJ" Admission tothe whole25 cents.riulvlreu under 10 tree

hull price._je|7iiüiiiiiiia

Ol! STE \ M tiATi'llLNG KXIIIIII I' IN.< (pen from 9 A. M. to Sunset, Tickt t. ä

1J> c-iiis_rrtB Im'

VLW VORK Ml SKI M AMI I'll 'fl R|. G \f.!.i^> RY.Broadway, opuusite the < ity HalL

Mr. II. iissvs rr, M ii iger.til s.N Hi i\


Being three inches shorter thanTOM THUMB.

\ Gl \Ni ESS SIX :e-t h sii.ö-TWELVr PERFORMANCES.

I lor I >NE SHILLING.TheCELERR '«i i:i> Pi IKEH M l.NIA. by theORPH v >

FAMILY. This is the real Pinter Dance, n* each perform,is supplied With a red Im; mio.

Engagement ..!MON?. \Nli .1 IDAME CHECKENI,

Who. wiüi the assisini ee »fn t torp« de Ballet.witl introduceGRAM' DlV'Erl ISEMEN p,

Comprising a v iriety of D ince>. serious and grotesque.The perform e in conclude < >tii a

COMIC 'i v iii i. vi i:-, i nr. win i.k t o.mpatvi .

Mr. it IM ULLI..Miss M.\Kl A BARTON, Master BARTON.Mr 11. CONOVEK, the Modem Pneu«.Mr. W. C< 'Ni i\ ER, the i omie Singer.Mi s R' '> (LIE CLINE, too acconipb»bed Sui bsue s and iMnsense,


'r Penny Beg Vocalists.Who sing HIGHER and LOWER than any other melodish

in America,as one of them stands_Seven I'. 11 lli,'h,

ami anotherTwenty I'wn Inchi b !

frTT" Vfternoon Pertormnnci every Wednesda) and Sniurdm s nt J o'clock. 'I'., commence in the evening at e t o' in. 11 ,e Slid iisg _Pil<\ Mil vi. M IGNiri ISM. \ REMEDY Fi iH UISE v-l.'V.Mr. Johnson, who lias devoted several years to the u.v..

Itgalion ol thissultiect, luts. at 'he request ..t many fnembopened an olfice al IIS i hHini.ers «treet, where he will treat.! -i. i.y 'I...¦ ..f Ulis agent He bus secured the m rv ..

..I' several eminent . Ilairvoj mit., u bo will m ike examinatmnof individuals while under the magnetic influence, as well a?

magnetbe tl.hat require it. The attention ufthose personU particularly invited, «h<> have long standing compbuntnad who have been treated by physicians to nn pur;. MiJ. can ret. r to numerous peisons in tbuCity, whoduring lb.I.i.t year have been relieved by this .igeut.

¦ mice hour, from lu ..'dock A. M. till 9 P. M.N. B. Families visetwl attlieir houses il desired, mil Imistih'


JWILL sell at pnvatesale, lö.tM) acres ol land belongius u¦he estate of AlexanderHenderson, ofDumfries, Ii:. tu

ated on the waters of I'ocatalico River, and principally <»n ¦!»

ll?. i h.rk ..I tlmi .trenm, Irom its source to it- junctu n with th.main river. This region of country it very lertile, well water,ad, nrnl admirably adapted '.. grur ng purp.»-., 'j'he la'.d liesin Jackson county, antsul 22 un!e» from Kipley, thecounty teat.30 miles froin Charleston Salines, and the same distance fnmtheohto Risreral Ravenswood, .-v g.t.Ml mail is npsrnedinl'the h*>ut of 'he land Irom the Charleston road It will I.Iin tract, of500 acres or ns mas he desired by purchaseriThe title is in.-i.spuied, and us si»h1 ns uny in v'. r.teiu VirSIniH, Any further inlormauoo in regard to the land. btle. amterms, may he obtained nn application to Fenton M, Henilerson, nt Parkersburg, VV.e..i county, Virginia, wn«, will als.,klmw lie land '.. any one disposed to pure! ase.

ORRA M. HENDERSON.Adm'rx de bnnis non with the will annexed of A'ex inder Henderson. ofDumfries. j.i-. Iaw3mpa ALL TR \HK-S' n I'll AND WEST -Advertisemei bX are received lor Sou'.'.em and Western V ¦. .-.

forwntded by the Acent, V I!. Palmer, at the Coal Office Molot)Nassau street.(TribuneBuildings opptsdte thei ityllallIii» Agency embraces most of the principal newspapers in listfollowing placesAlton. Frederick-burg, New-'lr.'eai.«.Augusta, tlimtsvillo. Penria,Hurin.'toil. Indianapolis, Pituburg,Charleston, Kiioxvule, Humcy.i h cago, Lexingtim, Raleigh,Cincinnati, K .in.v I.e. rsavaiinah.Chili c .'he, I.iaysvlle, St. Louis,Columbus,», Snringsield,

Erie.Mobile. VVHseeJing,Fayttte. Nash« II*. Zanesville.Frankfort. Naroher., if ,\i.c 4.r.Besides imr-t of th* pun.-put towns in N*vs Vork. n.e ijitt-

en. States, New-Jer-r.', Pem...yiv«nia, Ilelawnie and Mar)land.iXJ~ Kv»Jv information given at the .nice, where th" papers

marl.n. V. B. PAGM ER.jei-eieitf A.-eiu Cot Country Newspapers, WO ".ir.u.i .

rsr FOR I.oNIi./\-Pa. kktofti»yiRsTJl l.v Tlxilendjdfasi sailing p-cr. t ship VICTOR 1 \. i apin E. E. Morgan, will sail punctually as si.ove. bei

leeular dny.This «uirerior packe', has very fine accommodations lorcabin,

second cabin aiid steerage passengers, who will he taken aiver.- reasonable rates if early appticalifin be mane on board,

ort.. \V. «c J, T. TAPSCOT1'.7'! South «Ireet. cor. Maiden lane.

Person« w b.h ng to send lor their friends to come out in Ibissbiporaoy ofthe line, or who are about totemit money, catmake lavotabie arrangements, i.) applyii i as above j*!1)s-s A Clrri'AGE TO LET i >ll FOR S.\Ll.-i' * -

f-.-aft anl tuated on .-tat-n J.;.: about ones id a im I:JL^iats» m le fnim SiapU ton, near me dwelling ol the sub!>*r. i'here is halt an acre rrf land, with a barn and goodol vv nier. The Richmond Stages pass the door in connexionwnh the Ferry. Apply to W. EMERSON'. »;i Wail street.m25 3t.iw .tf

Ry or'er.W.! Ian

I VIVIDBND..The 0 ol I eW ami irgh Fire in\J wir I'ompan, .' ¦¦¦ ti.i, day deeiarr i n «. on aunuaDividend ol 5 ;.*r cent, payable on ami atier !he2bth dny oJune in.t.TheTransler R.»*s. ¦* .!: be los» I :r<.m data to '£ th nst

r.A. B. HODGES. Secretary.amsburgh,Jnoelt, IStt

rklWdders can ree*n* tiieir Div dends at Ihe Agency Oflice, 83 Wall «t. .New-Vor». WASHLNGT" IN PI 1ST,_jel31wis*_ Agent.TRENTON FALLS. NEAR CTICa. NEW VORK

""I'llr. .iibsc.-i:».r iM.oui.ces r,t.-,- .¦ t.,i> i.ferai,1 fence ol two seasons ha has resumed the direction of >¦

Hotel at the Tti? bouse has umi tnoroughtjrefurnished and ut in complete order, ami he trtnh, by hr» at

leiirion to ibeoomio/t ol n > gtie,t» to merit a re'urn ol Hie ;svtrooase liberally bestowed on him in former years.ju8 Imis*_M MOORE.



.uWriber has isrlected a tub assortment of okm'iis stawnop Gatte* amd UlsCK I'rss. an etamirmtion ami triel ol

which will ,at »I» any person Uiat a var,ety e.pial to any Otbetest tph»hmetit. choice quabties and low pnei-, ar* to l*r toon.,nt tue Sugar store. Ml Bowery, N. V. Families may rest «¦

.urei! that Teas wil! he weighed to them from theortsrinal packaj. a* packed in I 'hma. uriadultented and never exposed,.-.must rseeessarily h« u.e .ja.'* when repacked at leisure and soidfrom the shelf.Also, a superior art ce of Government Java Codes roasted

and ground every Jay al Is lil per lb..'. P. MOODY. Ill Rnwery.

j.15 Imis* Succextir to Pcrkm* it. Towne.

OILS-o.OiTO gaüor.« Sperm I hi.lO.'.'sj " Solar Soerm Od.

Sai barrels l.*r.l < ML!i0 1 s.» vil .'.an:. eVr s9 ..

J. L. V\N" ImiRE.V.mZl is'fMariuractursr.34.Ncw.lree».

REFBIGEB VT' IRS!.REFRIGERATi IRS! REFR1ii F.fl VTt iRS '!!.Tlie above jeowmable article ofevery

>.se l ist received .!.r*ct from the manufacturer. They er»

mode by a pr.rt.cnl w..rj.tna_n on an im^uved plan whichprevents the..- ever bee. using foul,fold on cssmmiasinn at tn* menuracturer's ranees by the sub-

... .. .. al tl r rsess B C lean Pumtahtng \ ."are Ron-. ». .No.Mi idea Lane. VVfljiTTEMORE & TORKEV.


josiAH ElfJHARDS, KueHonemr,IM ,:\Ni->. RICHARD? s. PLATT. Store No a»I) l ¦. >i. . Liberal rash a" iwfj m.'.de on c*?»stgsm*bu

r vi Iii naile*.Ö" B. K. it P. have h KM« i. BD Xn.'AH Wt.*.!»ii. aw r.-ors af-ovetb*." fefsaff Dtaet

VVEOXRSOAY.JoaeÄAt % ..»«k.

LaxoeSautorsfaxosan »m. öcroolBoons.."Anex-.,...«<.-«r--i.-ri. t s-ntii-iiiV St.".'-ird Works; au»»fflru .ir .....::< .1 !t.h.k«. WibV«. Arc. in ouant t «. t«> suit lb* true*.

Arrtoagtbem ire 1 OqoartoB W ». uu froetaoo'* kl r:a*»- .. |O0e«eh3J,3ilaoH 4ta 0/3 S.-.'.o .I sn.t P.«-k»t

Fest r:.. :;i: '. -»nciei t IP 5 F- r-- l?"»k; 1< «H.ti ,-. i« |>....... 100 Muvrs-v's G nmart tOV Welver*« £>-» t r. 9p« ins Boos i< Bout .N ttv4V. u.-'»« .«Ilajt-,n Moor*'* Pi rat« !. . Magaxme: 3 Fsmitr

i .¦. i¦¦<.; '«r»- S) Saturda . M"ue trti »¦; 13 liontekec«. r'« (..¦».i... Ff.» rieonlaoce: >.!'...¦ .-: lo f ei\

i i merson'. ¦»;. .er. v Letal »<.>*. !. -a- 2o- ;,-,\ ..-.I' iry: I*» NcwYocawed

Brown** Grtmwar; .S Phrlp"* Philosophy f.«- Ketxmer»;HS Leonard's Arition ; 0 »Hssoo s History ol F>npe^10t; .. nsry First* loTomßoria; .' *"¦<*¦"¦ .»*¦ « Work«: 3I',. 'a-.-V. Live«: 13 Common Prajer Book»; 23 HepjyEam»-

. 'o Em--« -n'- \r ihmerie.Also. CampMrs I iri ¦.¦>¦'. i fc /".. - 1'- M .'on

t rot>>>; '. «. .'.V r»«: i'tr.g.r D i r,-t V.JOI- :.c. 4 I'- .'.' »Vi II Diet .. ir*"i 41 .\" !'i».i>. t V .-'I - I..'-' . W it,V ili che'»L'S Ihspensatorrr rViinde Poets; I ittj Book of Krotm.*..dams's Kvunan Antiquities; Rn Wu:k.; LondonGull»

t i;-rr» et. Join ¦¦on's Work*. iiC.


.*.. E\W IRE. Tm . JuneilS IV o'clock, st tio', .. t o-, !;.-.:.:, ;> T'.T- -i » ._. ¦¦¦ 'in ¦.!. »..'II i

;. - .Ii t' h Chamber», B..»K. Nappies, 4;r .

r'-i n-v !i't - -r>- .* ....! ...:..,..,! I'..«l«l -.!'.. Mia' MbrCortre* p ¦.. r Dil ..¦....¦. ,\ !'. '¦ Uns», lea Wans;

teTeas. .'. . -: r.--.K Plates: Hl .-n rr-en

llocks. loOdöiea oew oatrem s.-.. .¦cut « ami. prrs,ed. :»..W".. <¦ .¦¦ bV< .-. -i ¦ " ;' l-m'ns \.fsi

shades Chimaess tte. Terms, 4rn nths cTeoitossirflO t*

r i . l. i'< >\. An. .

|-« (X)I.TON a, it.. s md..-. Merchants.r .X« IU Fi ti und "4 .: - .' adsicca«tusM'tn c<m.iesincnti. a.i«' omni, t ret-tm. ir-«S ..

OHOWER BXTIIS -sp...\..!>¦:; BATH3!*.Jost re

0 ee\t.i s freshMtpplrol the ah h th . fecomn>»ndeoirticl«: abooniätnda ! jwrm.'it«t BaUunc 'I uns. in-

c minie the .in .' .!.'.¦« fof cbthlfen. «. »ei» Ii w rnor«.WHlTTEMOREA 1- RKEV. « Maideo Laoe.

n>11 Imet.'is _

W'IIIK DISII COVERS ...¦.\:--Te .-. .¦.> nfrheabOTa*» artscie. both oval and toun.l.p'irticti tri] adapted tothe-^ent warm season, to foi nd at the subscriber* large I iu

nishinc Wntv Ruou», 43 Maiden Ijtn*. _.

m3t Itnewb* U lli PI EMORE A. TORREY...'AN DÖREN"» SOLAR SPERM OIL..Warranted to

V 'n'rioT ti: .v.t> :¦¦.;".¦*. ¦. ¦. ¦'...*. S; .t :\ .»!».! iim.'b ("heap*«h as a beaOORll burning OU. antl ni>oa merinnerr..

.r. ^rf rt-"ie«'.-l '¦¦ '<¦¦ >m! e.anuce for rh-n.«ei»»«. Hh> Oil. Sli'KK. t4 N^v-- «ir^e»_«i'' "ods

f 2>>< -KlilXP'M;..Ti' .-.¦.-¦.. armsomnurneed too

4>.r.biptries*, in all tsbmi .-- :.r\., ,ire.t.

jrjstnn,j..... nrevared 10 execute Binding Tin Booueber*.Public Ltbrane*. aral Ptirats individual-. »in»e pnuouag*

>» wouM respectfull) totiefl ,.

N it Particul..- attei ti.1 to retnnding <»-: Books, t'e-.'.!¦. Music, ate. inaood ttrle ladat r»»** nable rates,I/flenn« ofall kinds oeetl) done j .'. >n no ¦;¦;. ,.___


> » ci -Ms Tl' LET..Ontlemen can nip fd with plen. \ sani bed-iwin»*. al nmsane lent., .i: 6S9 Broadway,''a* Metropolitan Cireulanng library. Readme Room and

room isofien every day and evening. Uentwinen sjaouldDntroni-^thj.eatablbluntnt. Term* jantannura. npJJ MO


GRAM '.">' BUILDINGS.No. ~S BR( IADWAY, corner of Chamber*-**.

' I WE constantly on hand a choice assortmentöfMED I-. «- i 'IN ES, CHEMICALS. PERFUMES. BRUSHES.|-\N> » IRTM LES. MED1CEVECHESTS,t*cc.-fcc.ske.Amonetheii assortmept will be lound e»c,v snryty of new

t bemicalsand l*reparaU awroved and used byrhystcma*.« Perfu ite*. fresh Drug*,! Alto a constani supply ol

and healthy S»«! >b nr..: Gei' »an LmcImh.

SYRUPS FOR SODA WATERAlto constantly for tale, of ibeir o\m Manufacture, « l.vrr*

variety of the choicesi Fruit Syrup* forSoda Watet at

lowest market price..Among tli..n are

S'rn»berry S> rup, Sarsaparilia Srrtip.Ka-i'l-erry do. < useat do.Blackberry do. l/emoa ilo.t'urraul do. 1,'uiger do.

Pino Apple Syrup.

S A It A TOG \ W A T E IIS.A constant supply r«e lived fresh trem ihadüH rei.t Springs


Vlway* on band, and delivered iu anj partol ihitcily, itoe of

Physicians' Prescript as, Family Medicines, Medicineir»N for Ships, Familie», and Plantation- put up with thereatesteare, aecurue] and neatnes*. Ue<bcuie put up atanyour ofthe night'.y .nip ¦tent person. I lim»


PRl SENTS.Strängen rititing Hie Citj will findal our estab)i-.bmeat.Vjj ii'iii.dJ-" Broodtcat, beyond ci mpariion tlie mcatele-ant and extensive wln-leatle ami retail assortmentofEAKCi Ali I i' LES F« 'U PRESEN I S

ithissidetbe Atlantic, which we take pleasure inirtowing,nd engage tu -ell at price* a* low (saying the leu«. a« those ofwY other house.Our present dock of Fancy Stationery. Umbrellas, Parasobi¦I Sun Shades, Glove*, Hiding Wli ps, Pans,Card Case* and

i.. Desks, Dressing Cases ind Fancj Boxes, Purse-., Perunery, Faucy Porcelain and Class. Gdl, Steel cud Mourn-ig Jewelry, and indeed of every thing we uro accustomed lo

uiport is na anmiete and perfect at can bode»ired.A full Catalogue bat ju«i been published and may be bad on

lion. TIFFANY. YOUNG «t ELLIS.jell Jw end is

U M. T. JEiNtNINGS .v. UO.1) RA P E K S A N I) T A 1 L 0 KS,


F'tnrij Dress .'<> ticles, «f-cEMo.231 BROADV, \V, AMERICAN HOTEL,

OPPI »SITE THE FOUNTAIN.\ra prepared with an extern ..¦ assortment ofNew Goods, for

Spruit and Summer wear, «ouiprii'iig«'Li ITHS.CASSIMEll ES, \ ESTINGS DRILLINGS.Ike.\ d solicit a call from Cintiaen* and StranSef*, under tiie us.

^inutcethattlieirprice* will lw lound lufler grnnter uuluee-oent*than ar- ....!.! oui by ai > other establishmem furuulunggarment* of the tame ttyle and quality;

i,,.; would commend ..,:. aUeni on ofTraveUen, the newayJe of Ready made

U V E K CO A T S ,

FOR ÜPRIMJ sV SI/MMEH WEAR,ing made particnl rlj '^'r. and well adapted htrTravcIisgrpuaes, whi ialu ivy g mienl would provecurnberioma.*-*

vVtui a large assortineni ofTRAVELING FROCKS,


ml istl Funny In.*, Aiticlc in gi->ni Vnriety.


Ifiatnblleltment,/.Vt»/r I>1S Fulton-street to 187 lUuiiUtrat/.

TL* .nir.cril..t. I.nvo l>i.|oy..,j -h'-ir i.tnblishll.ent to 1-1Broadway, 3 doors below the Franklin House nud are uo

prepared with a full and varied rusortmont of CkriJi*. Cataj.L-siui l V.-»t.n^«, to which they would invite the attention

nf their old customer* and the public Inremoi ig to a more¦eii'm: location,with increased iacilitiee fordoing b.niu**»,

.. shall be enabled to offer (till gr.'n'ei induceim-nu to theuh paying customer, es we shall always aim, byadhering tole i lath and Ine Price S. item, to rco-nn the conbdence ofour

"¦mtniotrs. Having ia oor employ the most esperieoced cut-.. and employing none but the '»,t of a/orkmen. m. having

the whole business under our own immediate tupervi*ion, woan snteiy guarrantee thai our garment* will compare in ityh*¦nd elegance with those of any h m*e in die i Iniled States, in

lion to our former o,h-k. w* have on ha .d n full and com*assortmento! every urticie usually kent m a genileinan'etting house, where our cu.ri.rn.irs run olwaysdc:jeud on.. ig ::.eo,---.'.es with a first rule article

¦ n J. C. U'x/Pil At 00.

NEW .SPRING GOODS!Ita's, Boys,' ami Children's Clothing.

t; f: o k <i k t . a it e b fi,Sit, 1 !u C!.«. Iih 111--.1 r« er,


AfRAf'S. BOYS. .I.v/i i////.///<f^V.s < hOTHIJfO,n e in itv aoai raaiuoMAaLB «tvlb.u»

lie m on id leapeetfull, mv le the tttentton oftherein want..\s be has made arrangements lei recci*»

LOTUS, CAS&1MKHES. VESTINGS etc.iy every : j. a--', si d hat secured the services .,( esi-enenced'.i'ters. he pledget nimtalf to give perfect mux faction to allhv may purciia»e.-V". B..Garments tacdf to order at the shortest notier, and

Mtg jlr:cr punr.!,m. itt). mil Ulf

\\ Vi HIES. JE« ELP. V. SILVER WARE. Ate".g '/'A The lubscnben nsyecirully invite me atreunou off'.j-4 Jft their frti >b I the pi dn tot-h eu and elegant

si-.' ¦ 'jSi artFINE t."I,!i AM» »II VI.i! WA'i i II ES. r.g ol

Duplex; Lerrei and Lepine Watcbee. of the various approvednakers. cated in the ucat»-»: .tylc. and wammteil correct uroe-

e-;e-r».Sliver Kniv.-., Fori.«. Sp'ions, I.adb s. 'Pea Set.., Cup». Cos-

. r-. Ue.Plated and Mr fiinr: a Ware, ectaeles, Pencil Cases.Ma tel Clocks. Fine Cotlery, J incy Goods, ate, which theyre enab --.i to oner r..r -..n very redo, ed prices.Watches and I b-rk. ci.r-.|ii ly r«-pa re.l an.l warranted.

LOCKWfHM) tL s< the' fid Established .-'ore,

1K5 Pear', corner ol FuIpni -tn-et.jri 1m ¦*_opposite Crni»-d Sices Hotel.

WATCHES.Tlx o^e-i ami m<-t .pleml.dat.VVSv lurttnent of Watch** in t'ie e ry is to be found at theJy*** eBsobscriber't. II- - constantly receiving all descrip.P.'...^i .,r.. .' Gold Silver Watches. ..»' ilw» newestrtylea. Irom tli« atanafcctiiren in England t raneeand 8wü."rrland -iin! .s en..bled iuSlt a larger :.«.>.>rv-<eri», and rt muchess priee* al re'n.i. than any other boose mibe my. GoaliVatche* at low ai (30 to S^i each. Watches ami Jewelryexchanged or bought. All watches warranted «<. kmi ».-isj'jineor Hie atone) returned. Watche*. Clock* and jrwelryrepaired r. rn-, best manner, and warranted, lower than at anfOther place in tne /.

ll. C. ALLEN, Importe- ol W'-nc <¦* and Jewelry,i'.h jj| ... .n.l re«;iil.* Waller., uo «tair

*»V FINE VI m;ill^BENFJ)ICTfcHAMMOND.H Merchant*' Exchange.corner ol Wall and William

wpd njm¦. ic« i.rt« ooor in William base rc-eivedftj' * Ig-Tr'rl addition to '.;.¦¦ ir previous itock an areortrneat o*

M aienea am equaUal in the city.e i.. .ring of Cbroooa et^.Isiiplcs and I^rver Watche*, l».lh for !.-..iirs ar..t eeniieinen.Merch u from the South it well as the city trade, will findwhen 'junbty i* compared one.-, low.A general asaortmei of Jewelry »I U>e i«-<t ouabiy.Sterling silver warn at manufacturer's prio**,ABkmd* ofWatdn repaired equal to the original. Mantel

Clock* tssguJaied by a fin rate workman. nt^.-n


V- arc, etc.*0I Btriadwaj. ¦. net Walker »'¦ ">»w Vork.

!s of R«] rim: earH , dooe. ' I.! «'. avh<.«. Goldod Silver. t».k>-t.'n eiehai «<-. ..r nougiit keetmh. s^,r)vp

IN PIPSCAME'I mi. rderiiftheSurn-i.-.tenf the f.oun-t> of Natts.York, notice «. Hereby gven u> nil persons^a-.v-

lOg claim*(gaUSSt l3uT>b»e It. Knaep. tale o» tire tiiy I >«w-

li ..rk rle.-en»«i to piasstntthe tame with ose vouenen tnereutto i' - .i ti-r-nher. ct », . r-iOrn-v So. KU street in thel it N'ew.York uo or beben ths» twaatwah-tsy m lleoeat,

*U uwtSr1 v''rk-tjAM^'u:'^:Ädm.