
New Worlds America and Oceania


Dona Marina- sold into slavery by her family and became an interpreter for Hernan Cortez and later became his wife.

Hernan Cortez- Spanish conquistador who conquered the Aztecs

Mestizo- Spanish and

indigenous mix of



Brought disease which devastated the natives Powerful military, horses, and ships Began heavy mining and agricultural ventures Put natives to work and brought in


Spanish Caribbean

First site of interaction Met the Tainos Created Hispaniola as the base of operations Established Santo Domingo as the capital Settlers came in to mine gold Recruited labor through encomienda Social disruption led to bringing of African


Conquest of Mexico

Hernan Cortes began a search for gold. Seized Motecuzoma II. Aztecs fought back Cortes created a small fleet of ships and put

Tenochitlan under seige In 1521 he starved the people to surrender He moved across Mexico conquering through

disease, battle, and logistic support of others

….and Peru

Francisco Pizarro takes the stage in Peru Right place, right time Lies take you places…. Atahualpa the Incan leader gave lots of gold

to Pizarro, but was strangled and decapitated for his gift.

Viceroys established Creates new capital at Lima

Iberian empires

Created two centers of authority New Spain- Mexico New Castile- Peru

Each was governed by a viceroy Created audiencias to handle disputes Forged ahead in discovery- St. Augustine Created the Treaty of Tordesillas with

Portugal- Pero Alvares Cabra – Brazil Really wanted to exploit not settle

North America settlement

French, English, and Dutch settlements Pushed Spanards from Florida Early 17thc- permanent colonies established

Port Royal- 1604 Quebec-1608 Jamestown- 1607 Massachussets Bay- 1630 New Amsterdam- 1623

Settler colonies

Relied heavily on provisions from Europe Indigenous peoples helped also Private investors helped colonist and

financed expeditions to America Seven Years War 1763- France/British battle Relationship with natives forced them inland

because of their acquisition of land Battles- 1622- 1/3 settlers killed by natives at

Chesapeake region

Multicultural societies established

Mestizo established in Mexico Mulattos and Zambos in Brazil Mixed society prevalant in Brazil Peninsulares- migrants born in Europe Criolles- born in America Metis- French and native peoples Less common mixing in English North

American colonies-led to racism against natives and Africans

Money, Money, Money

Spanish melted precious metals of Aztec kingdom

Began mining with help of Zacatecas at Potosi

Recruited laborers for service Silver most precious metal Quinto-1/5 given to Spanish crown Traded for silk, spices, porcelain in Asia Silver stimulated the world economy

Farming, stock raising and craft production Created haciendas Repartimeiento- compelled native

communities to supply laboreres Treatment was ugly A record of native treatment was given to

Spain Natives ran inland in retreat Led way for the need of African natives

Sugar slavery

Portuguese nobles established sugar plantations throughout Brazil

Used mainly Africans for laborers Engenho- sugar mills- combined agricultural

and industrial enterprises One of the most complex business

enterprises in America Slaves were mistreated and owners lost 5 –

10% annually

Slavery continues

Motivated by profit Government gave little incentive to change

conditions Every ton of sugar cost one human life

Fur trade

Effective trade in Canada Natives trapped animals in exchange for wool

blankets, iron pots, firearms, and distilled spirits

Fur used in European markets for beaver skin hats and fur clothing

War created as natives land was taken over by trappers

Cash Crops in early U.S.

Tobacco, rice, indigo Great need for cheap labor Began with Indentured servants from Europe 1610- first African slaves By 1750 over 300,000 slaves Not in Northern colonies but they profited

from the use through their rum distillation


Spanish missionaries spread religion through Franciscans, Dominicans, and Jesuits

Natives accepted but still kept traditional ideas as well.

Natives looked to missionaries for spiritual guidance.

Mixed ideas Virgin of Guadalupe Little spread with (U.S.) natives


Also issues with disease depopulation Terra australis incognita- belief in a southern

land Dutch- Jan Carstenzs- New Holland James Cook- found south end of Australia 1788- English created a penal colony Ferdinand Magellan created a trade route

through Manilla and Acapulco Some whalers found home here.
