
New Testament Survey

Class #5

The Gospel of John

Basic Facts about the Gospel of John

Who wrote it?

John 21:24 eyewitness

John 21:20 the disciple whom Jesus loved

Identified by other writers as the Apostle John

When was it written?

Probably near the end of the 1st Century in Ephesus

before or after Exile to Patmos

(photo by levork/Julian Fong)

Why was John written?

John 20:30-31 (theme scripture)

These [signs] are written so that you may believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and so that by

believing you may have life in his name.

The signs (or miracles) Jesus performed, believing in Jesus and who he is and the life Jesus gives us are each key themes of the gospel.

7 Signs (Miracles) of Jesus

Water into Wine (John 2)

Healing of the Nobleman’s Son (John 4)

Healing of the Invalid (John 5)

Feeding of the 5,000 (John 6)

Walking on Water (John 6)

Healing of the Blind Man (John 9)

Raising Lazarus from the dead (John 13)

Believing in JesusFor God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life

– John 3:16

:17-21 whoever lives by the truth comes into the light

(photo by Jeffrey Beall)


Believing in Jesus = eternal life (3:16 & 17:3)

Jesus is the bread of life (6:35)

Jesus has the words of eternal life (6:36)

Jesus gives us abundant life (10:10

Jesus is the resurrection and the life (11:25)

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (14:6)

John vs. Mat/Mark/Luke

feeding 5,000/walking on water

Passion Week

• Written in 80s/90s• Jerusalem focus• Debates & teaching

about belief & life• Footwashing, prayer

and discourse during the Last Supper.

• Written in 50s/60s• Galillean focus• Parables & great

ethical sermons• Birth, geneology,

baptism by John & trial before Caiphas

(stained glass by Alfred Handel photo by Toby Hudson)

7 Great “I am” Statements by Jesus

the bread of life (6:35)

the light of the world (8:12 & 9:5)

the good shepherd (10:11,14)

the resurrection and the life (11:25)

the way, the truth and the life (14:6)

the true vine (15:1)

before Abraham was, I AM (8:58)

Divinity of Christ

• The Word was God (1:1)

• I and the Father are One (10:30)

• He who has seen me has seen the Father (14:9)

• “My Lord and My God!” (20:28)

Presenting Jesus to Jews?

• Sermons of Peter and Stephen in Acts 2, 3, 4, & 6 do not mention Jesus is the Son of God

• Letter of James (probably written before 50AD) does not mention Jesus is the Son of God

• Acts 20:20-26 – sensitivity to Jewish feelings about Paul

Woman Caught in Adultery

[the earliest manuscripts do not include John

7:53 – 8:11]

This is the disciple who is bearing witness about these things and we know that his testimony is true!

John 21:24
