Page 1: New Perspectives in Biology and Infection Hydra, Helminths: New Perspectives in Biology and Infection 1-6 September

Parasitic Helminths: New Perspectives in Biology and Infection 

1-6 September 2019Hydra, Greece

The study of helminth parasites con4nues to excite great interest across the suite ofmodern scien4ficthemes.Withawealthof genome informa4onandhigh-throughput technologies,newdrugandvaccinedevelopment,andintricatehost-parasitemolecular interac4ons,wearewitnessinganeweraofresearchon these organisms and the diseases they cause.Parasi&cHelminths:NewPerspec&ves in Biology andInfec&onwillbethe13thinahighlysuccessfulseriesnowheldeveryyearonthebeau4fulislandofHydra,Greece.Allmajorareasofhelminth researchare covered, includingnewgenomicsofanimal- andplant-parasi4cnematodes,interfaceswithfree-livinghelminthssuchasC.elegansandplanarians,developmentalbiology, gene4cs, neurobiology, pharmacology, immunology and vaccine research, all aimed at crea4ngnewstrategiesforcontroloftheseveryprevalentparasi4corganismsandthediseasestheycause.

Organising committee: Richard E Davis, University of Colorado Kleoniki Gounaris, Imperial College Rick Maizels, University of Glasgow Murray Selkirk, Imperial College

Keynote Speaker Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado, USA Invited Speakers include : Amy Buck, Edinburgh, UK Louisa Cochella, Vienna, Austria Alison Elliott, Entebbe, Uganda Carolina Escobar, Toledo, Spain Elodie Ghedin, New York, USA Nicola Harris, Melbourne, Australia Karl Hoffmann, Aberystwyth UK P’ng Loke, New York USA Peter Sarkies, London, UK William Sullivan, Santa Cruz, USA

Conference Venue: Hotel Bratsera, Hydra, Greece

A key feature of the Hydra venue is the BratseraHotelwhichwillhostthescien4ficsessions,anditsquiet, traffic-free town with ample facili4es forinformal interac4ons between delegates. A widerange of accommoda4on is available within 5-10minutes walk of the conference venue, includingpensionsforthoseona4ghtbudget.AKendanceislimitedto100people,consistentwithadiscussion-orientated mee4ng in which every delegate is anac4vepar4cipant–earlyregistra4onisencouraged!

Register online from 14/01/19 until 29/03/19 at