

Astrology By Beverlee

Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life 2

In this Meditation, Virgo, the Cycle of Order, you will learn how to

develop your gifts into workable forms. You may use this

Meditation at any time, but for the best results, I suggest using it

while the Sun is in the sign of Virgo. The most powerful benefits

will come from using it as a ritual during the New Moon Phase –

when both the Moon and Sun are in the sign of Virgo.

"Nothing is difficult that is wholly desired."

~ A Course in Miracles

We will receive not what we idly wish for but what we justlyWe will receive not what we idly wish for but what we justlyWe will receive not what we idly wish for but what we justlyWe will receive not what we idly wish for but what we justly

earn. Our rewards will always be in exact proportion to ourearn. Our rewards will always be in exact proportion to ourearn. Our rewards will always be in exact proportion to ourearn. Our rewards will always be in exact proportion to our

service." ~ Earl Nightingaleservice." ~ Earl Nightingaleservice." ~ Earl Nightingaleservice." ~ Earl Nightingale

"What a man thinketh, that is he; this is the eternal mystery."What a man thinketh, that is he; this is the eternal mystery."What a man thinketh, that is he; this is the eternal mystery."What a man thinketh, that is he; this is the eternal mystery.

Dwelling within Dwelling within Dwelling within Dwelling within himself with thoughts serene, he will obtainhimself with thoughts serene, he will obtainhimself with thoughts serene, he will obtainhimself with thoughts serene, he will obtain

imperishable happiness."imperishable happiness."imperishable happiness."imperishable happiness."

~ Upanishads~ Upanishads~ Upanishads~ Upanishads

Let's prepare to move into meditation mode. In your search for

union—the deep connection to your Higher Power—you must first

make the connection to that center deep within yourself.

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Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life 3

When you feel in touch with your center, you can then continue

with exercises designed to connect you to the energy of the

current Solar Cycle.

The following meditation technique offered by Dr. Deepak Chopra

is a simple procedure that can create a deep state of relaxation

in your mind and body. As the mind quiets down but remains

awake you will experience deeper, more silent levels of


Begin by sitting comfortably in a quiet place where you will have

a minimum amount of disturbance.

Close your eyes and breathe normally and naturally, gently

allowing your awareness to be on your breathing. Simply observe

your breath, trying not to control it or alter it in a conscious way.

You may notice that it changes of its own accord. It may vary in

speed, rhythm, or depth. Innocently observe the changes without

trying to cause or initiate changes.

You can center yourself quickly by simply taking a moment to

find a quiet place in which to be still and gather your thoughts.

Meditation begins by first becoming still, quieting the clamor of

your inner voice.

You will find that at times your attention drifts away from your

breath and you are thinking about other things or listening to

noises outside. Whenever you notice you are not observing your

breath, gently bring your attention back to your breathing.

During the meditation, if you notice that you are focusing on

some feeling, mood or expectation, treat this as you would any

other thought and gently bring your attention back to your


Practice this meditation technique for ten minutes.

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Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life 4

At the end of ten minutes, keep your eyes closed and just allow

yourself to come out of meditation gradually before opening your


Now let's look at the energy of Virgo's Cycle. Virgo rules routine,

daily activity, and a word, order. During Virgo's

annual Cycle, it's time to sort out where everything fits in your

life. Since the Virgo Cycle follows Leo's Cycle of creativity and

each consecutive cycle lends your life another layer of meaning,

in the Virgo Cycle you must commit yourself to adding order to

what you have chosen to create during the Leo Cycle.

It's great fun dreaming about manifesting your creativity.

However, your real commitment begins when you are called upon

to add order to your creative ideas if you are to realize them.

When you get down to the reality of manifesting your dream, you

are connected to the energy of Virgo. In Virgo's Cycle, you

commit yourself to making your creativity a habit. Do what you

love, but do it!

Because Virgo can be a very discriminating energy, remembering

to love yourself is one of the most important processes of the

Virgo Cycle. You begin to love yourself by choosing to love your

daily routine—love how you serve others. Invest your energy

during this cycle in an activity that not only brings you joy but

has the added value of serving others.

Learning to embrace your physical body is another important

process during the Virgo Cycle. To add order to your physical

routine this month, begin by choosing to love the part of your

body that you experience as less than perfect.

Heal yourself with the gift of self-love. Identify the part of your

body that you are least pleased with and every day honor it

during this cycle. You can stand before a mirror and recite

Louise Hay's affirmation: "I love my body, I love my body, I love

my body."

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Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life 5

During the Virgo Cycle of Order our responsibility is to forward

the action of the creative process we began in the Leo Cycle.

Perhaps you've already noticed that thinking up a brilliant idea is

more fun than actually doing the work to actualize it and get it

off the drawing board. Here's a process that can help you fulfill

your creative vision, and it has the added benefit of giving you a

powerful ally—the Universe! It's called The Place Mat Process.

Esther Hicks, who channels the wisdom of Abraham, and her

husband Jerry often have lunch at a hotel or at a coffee shop and

there's usually a paper place mat there. If there isn't, Esther

takes a big piece of paper from her purse. They draw a line down

the middle of the paper and on the left side they write, Things to

do—Jerry and Esther. And on the right side they write, Things to


On their side of the page they write down the things they plan to

take action on. On the other side they write what they would like

the Universe to act on. They simply take responsibility for what

they feel able to accomplish and turn the rest over to a higher

power. This sounds like a brilliant strategy to me, and one well

worth emulating.

The potency of the Place Mat Process is this: When you tell the

Universe what you want, you accomplish the prerequisites in

what Abraham calls "Deliberate Creating".

1. The first is, you identify your object of desire.

2. The second is, you have no resistance. More positively stated,

you allow it.

"Want it and allow it, and it "Want it and allow it, and it "Want it and allow it, and it "Want it and allow it, and it isisisis."."."."

~ Abraham (Esther Hicks)~ Abraham (Esther Hicks)~ Abraham (Esther Hicks)~ Abraham (Esther Hicks)

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Channeled Wisdom from Abraham

� "The Universe will always give you what you have asked for."

� "The question is, how soon will you allow it?"

� "How many things will you use as your excuse to have

resistance that does not allow it?"

� "How long are you going to hang on to those habits of thought

that don't let it in?"

� "If ever you are not letting it in—you've got a signal that's

telling you. That's what negative emotion is. Negative emotion

means, "I'm right now vibrating in a place where I can't let it


"We catch on to the truth and technique of expectation in those

rare moments when we are stirred by an awareness of a

guidance seemingly higher and greater than our own, when for a

little while we are taken over by a force and an intelligence

above and beyond those commonly felt. Confident and free, filled

with wonder and ready acceptance, we permit ourselves to be

taken over by our unquestioning self." ~ Marcus Bach

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Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life 7

"We never know how high we are,"We never know how high we are,"We never know how high we are,"We never know how high we are,

Till we are called to rise.Till we are called to rise.Till we are called to rise.Till we are called to rise.

And then, if we are true to plan,And then, if we are true to plan,And then, if we are true to plan,And then, if we are true to plan,

Our statures touch the skies."Our statures touch the skies."Our statures touch the skies."Our statures touch the skies."

~ Emily~ Emily~ Emily~ Emily DickinsonDickinsonDickinsonDickinson

Since you are moving from the concept of your dream—your

creativity into its actualization--during the Virgo Cycle, you must

be assured that you have the necessary skills to enable you to

make this leap of faith. Virgo's energy is also about acquiring

techniques that work. It's time to take inventory of your skills.

Think about your current skills (abilities). What are you good at?

Make a list and add to your list activities that you may not

consider yourself good at, but for which you have some modest

skill. Think about skills you may have in all areas of your life


� Work and/or school

� Relationships and family

� Recreation, art, imagination, and creativity

� Physical activities

� Spiritual practices

� Taking care of your body and mind

Notice if your skills tend to cluster in one or just a few areas. Are

you focusing your self-development too narrowly to be well


Are your skills commensurate with the dream you wish to

actualize in this Cycle?

Give yourself credit for developing the skills that you have.

Remember, there was a time when you didn’t have the skills of

telling time by a clock, or tying your shoelaces. You have

skills. Appreciate your mastery of many tasks that did not

come instinctively, but that you can do anyway.

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Forget the word impossible and think of the skills you need to

become the person you would like to be. Decide what you are

going to do to develop the skills that you want. Practice.

Practice more.

"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go

beyond them into the impossible."beyond them into the impossible."beyond them into the impossible."beyond them into the impossible."

~ Arthur C. Clark~ Arthur C. Clark~ Arthur C. Clark~ Arthur C. Clark

This part of the annual Solar Cycle—Virgo's disciplinary and

achieving energy—requires more than ever that you keep your

thoughts positive and on the highest level in order to succeed in

your undertakings.

I cannot emphasize this point often enough: You are what you

think! I am certainly not the first person to have noticed this

phenomenon, nor do I have trouble finding sources to reiterate

the message.

I would like to share some of the wisdom of Seth, channeled by

Jane Roberts:

� Thought is energy…Your expectations send telepathic


� The intensity of a thought or image largely determines the

immediacy of the physical materialization.

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Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life 9

� True self-knowledge is indispensable for health and vitality.

The recognition of the truth about the self simply means that

you must first find out what you think about yourself

subconsciously. If it is a good image, build upon it. If it is a

poor one, recognize it as only the opinion you have held of

yourself and not an 'absolute state.'

� You create your reality according to your beliefs and

expectations, therefore you should examine these carefully. If

you do not like some aspect of your world, then examine your

own expectations.

� Your world is formed in faithful replica of your own

thoughts...If you think positive suggestions to yourself about a

situation you send telepathic ammunition for positive use. You

must learn to erase a negative thought or picture by replacing

it with its opposite.

""""Spiritual force is stronger than material force; thoughts rule theSpiritual force is stronger than material force; thoughts rule theSpiritual force is stronger than material force; thoughts rule theSpiritual force is stronger than material force; thoughts rule the

world." ~ Emersonworld." ~ Emersonworld." ~ Emersonworld." ~ Emerson

Let's begin to create affirmations to help you accomplish your

dream in this Cycle. By working with affirmations, you enter the

process of changing negative and unproductive beliefs into

positive life-supporting beliefs.

Some of the ways you may choose to practice affirmations are by

writing them down using pen and paper, typing them out on a

computer, or by simply saying them aloud to yourself.

Establish in your mind the specific area in which you most want

to improve or which goal you most wish to accomplish.

Affirmations are more effective when they are stated in the

present tense. It is helpful to see yourself as already having

obtained your desired outcome. While holding the image, bring to

mind the feelings you would experience when you have actually

accomplished your goal.

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Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life 10

As you visualize your goal, your subconscious mind will go to

work for you, behind the scenes, to encourage the manifestation

of situations which will ultimately enable your goals to come


What follows are some affirmations that seem especially

appropriate as, during the Virgo Cycle of Order, you seek to call

forth the abilities that will bring your creative vision into reality.

Remember, these are only suggestions designed to awaken in

you the desire to create more personal affirmations of your own

that will more accurately describe your particular situation.

� My body is relaxed.

� I am calm. I am clear. I am focused.

� Every one of my problems has a solution.

� I am strong and capable.

� I appreciate the good job that I am doing.

� There is enough time to do everything that truly needs to be


� I accomplish my work at a calm and relaxed pace.

� It is okay that I am not perfect.

� It is okay to ask for help.

� I release my attachment to the outcome, knowing that the

universe will act on my belief and intention to provide the

result I seek.

� I release any signs of haste and anxiety.

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Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life 11

� I am centered, calm, and productive.

� I listen deeply to my inner guidance and know exactly what to


� I create my own reality.

� What I intend comes into being.

� The universe takes pleasure in manifesting my intentions.

� My response to anxiety or fear is to take a moment to be still,

to observe the sensation and to let it pass.

The Violet Flame

The violet flame is the ideal tool to help you in your physical,

emotional and spiritual life. It is a unique spiritual energy that

can heal emotional and physical problems, to help you to grow

spiritually, or just make life easier.

You may see, feel and even hear the violet flame when it is

invoked correctly. The violet flame is invoked through “decrees”,

which are based on the teachings of the Ascended Masters.

Decrees are spoken rhythmic prayers which use meditation and

visualization. They call forth a powerful spiritual energy to help

remove obstacles on the spiritual path such as fear, anger or

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Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life 12

pride. On the physical level, the violet flame can help heal our

bodies by removing the karma that makes us vulnerable to

illness and disease.

The Violet Flame Invocation

Breath of God inside each cell,

I AM the violet flame.

Pulsing out the cosmic time,

I AM the violet flame.

Energizing mind and heart,

I AM the violet flame.

Sustaining God's creation now,

I AM the violet flame.

With all love, With all love,

With all love!

Now, let’s think about the Tarot Card that corresponds with the

Sign of Virgo—The Hermit.

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Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life 13

Meditation on the Hermit

You look down at the landscape

from your cold peak

Illuminating the path for others who wish to

Journey inward, seeking Truth.

You have withdrawn from

the material world

To attune to your inner self,

Activating your unconscious mind.

You lead by your example,

Demonstrating that approaching deity is

A personal, private experience.

As you contemplate the road you have

Traveled to reach your peak,

Quiet your mind, so that you may

Listen to the voice of your higher self.

The way of the Adept is lonely,

But it is a path that can only

Truly be walked alone.

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Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life 14

To familiarize yourself with the Tarot Card the Hermit, and how

its essence resonates within you at every step of your journey

through the Virgo Cycle, why not take a few moments to explore

these questions and write down any feelings they may provoke:

� How often do you make time just for yourself?

� What do you do with this space and time?

� How can you make better use of this time in order to fine-tune

your creative gifts that you wish to share with others?

The message of the Tarot Card The Hermit is summed up by

Karen Hamaker-Zondag in her book, “Tarot As a Way of Life”.

“What is the meaning of events? Why do they happen to me? Who

am I? In the phase of The Hermit, we need the freedom, space

and independence to discover our own answers and to gain

insights that can lead us to our own truth whether it is spiritual,

philosophical, or social. All this is a painful psychic process

which leads us to the insight that there is a connection between

our own psyche and what we endure. It is important to note that

although the connection is there, it is present at a level where

we cannot immediately blame someone else for our situation.”

Invocation to the Yellow Ray

I call upon the Creator

Of the Topaz Ray.

To pour Divine Realization

Through my body.

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Guidance for the Cycles of Your Life 15

Through the Yellow Ray

I awaken my Divine Purpose.

I call upon the Yellow Ray,

To strengthen my sense of service

To the Source's Vision.

I call upon the Topaz Ray.

To soften my ego,

That I may surrender to Spirit.

"Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let

them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness,

insight. When we do the best we can, we never know what

miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another."

~ Helen Keller

Now it is my prayer that Order—as you conceive it, as you refine

it, and as you implement it—willl continue to enhance your life

from this day forward.

