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  • 8/9/2019 New Microsoft )


    1. Its Fast:The Internet Revolution started in 1962 and today almost 3 billion

    people are connected worldwide. In 1995, less than 1 o! world"s population

    was connected, the #rst billion was reached in 2$$5, the second billion in

    2$1$ and the third billion in the end o! 2$1%. In a &uropean wide poll people

    put the 'internet( at the top o! the list in daily essentials !or li!e instead o!

    bath, car and T.). The bi**est ris+ o! internet is 'ddiction(, in the -. 2 out o!5 reco*ni/e that they are spendin* lon* time on the internet but admitted

    that we can"t stop. 3 out o! 5 chec+ their emails and that"s the #rst thin* they

    do when they wa+e up in the mornin* 0 and the last thin* at ni*ht, they put

    this habit ahead o! interpersonal communication. 2 out o! 5 women say that

    the *reatest challen*e in a relationship has become0 'ow to prove more

    interestin* than their partner"s smart phone.( 9 out o! 1$ people are sur#n*

    the web rather than readin* a boo+. e humans are not neurolo*ically

    desi*ned to with4stand the initiations and oers online, and that suits the

    internet companies ust #ne72. We know too much and understand too little:The amount o! data on

    our #n*ertips in incredibly lar*e. &very minute the 8aceboo+ users share 2.5

    million pieces o! content per minute, Twitter users tweet 3$$,$$$ times per

    minute, outube users upload :2 hours o! videos per minute, 2$$ million

    emails are sent per minute worldwide and pple users download 5$,$$$ apps

    per minute 0; < 8rom the start o! human civili/ation in 12,$$$=.> till the year

    2$$3, 5 &?abytes o! data was created but that much in!ormation is created

    a!ter every 2 days. There is so much data that we have to come up with a

    new word ust to describe it0 ilobyte, @e*abyte, Ai*abyte, Tera, Beta, &?a,

    Cetta and the latest is ottabyte which measures 1$2% bytes. To maneuver this

    type o! lar*e data we have to rely on search en*ines. Aoo*le ma+es 2.5

    billion searches per day but we !or*et that these search en*ines are hi*hlymechanical and colored in their interpretation and constantly direct our

    attention to their hi*hli*hted products. lot o! the in!ormation is non4sense,

    durin* the riots in Dondon in 2$11 the 3 most shared stories on Twitter was0

    'the Dondon eye is on #re, the army is on the streets and the ti*er has

    escaped !rom the Dondon"s /oo.( The 12thmost typed Euestion in to Aoo*le

    is0 'hat should I do with my li!eF(.3. Privacy is under threat:Dar*e amount o! coo+ies trac+ us wherever we *o,

    on mobile phones the data is sent every 5 seconds. The head o! the 8rench

    Bolice !orce proposed it"s now almost impossible to commit a murder and

    remain undetected. &very year in -. we leave up to 5$$$ pounds worth o!

    data online which is then sold to mar+etin* companies, which is then studied

    detailed and critically to *ive a view point o! our lives. 8aceboo+ will +now

    you"re in love lon* be!ore your mother does. :$ o! the people !ear about

    what they have already shared. 1 out o! every 1: teena*ers in the -.G has

    sent an 'uncompromisin*( ima*e over the internet and has an

    'inappropriate( chat with a stran*er. @aority o! the &uropeans !eel that

  • 8/9/2019 New Microsoft )


    security a*encies have snooped in to their private conversations over the

    internet.%. Online Crime is out of control: ;ver the last 2$ years crime has abated in

    over many countries since it pea+ed in the -. in 1995, it"s !allen by 6$ but

    internet crime is e?plodin*. In 1995 the HGB>> estimated that there are :$$$

    +nown 'indecent photo*raphs o! children( at lar*e and in 2$1% merican lawen!orcement !ound %2 million 'indecent ima*es( on ust 1 server. The -.

    *overnment estimates that there are 5$,$$$ people in -. are actively

    involved in downloadin* and sharin* ima*es o! child abuse. ;nline abuse and

    hate speech is endemic. ;n Twitter 1$,$$$ uses o! racist slur terms occur a

    day and 2$$$ tweets are sent containin* the word 'rape(. 69 o! youn*

    people in the -. have e?perienced cyber bullyin*. The head o! the -."s

    Hational >rime *ency has recently stated that they would only ever be able

    to !ocus on less than 1 o! the users involved in child abuse online.5. Conclusion:Technolo*y can and do brin* serious problems, yes there are

    dan*ers and !ears that could rival that o! the residents o! iroshima have

    reali/ed. The internet presents unrivaled challen*es to our abilities to interact

    deeply with our partners, +eep our critical !aculties alive, stop thin+in* that

    the answers always lie 'out there(, remain emotionally connected to real li!e

    people and ma+e the discoveries that come when we are bored and lettin*

    our minds lie !allow. e need to educate our children about the dan*ers o!

    this tool, to reconnect with the nature, to tal+ to one another !ace to !ace, to

    stop downloadin* inappropriate ima*es. e need to learn to control

