Page 1: New LESLIE MASINA · 2012. 10. 31. · are they afraid to teach us History and Geography. They dont want us to know French Revolution, and how China Got its freedom in 1949. Some

listen to these good words.LESLIE MASINA

Mr. Ch, and the meeting we are sorry not to have Moretsele here at this meeting. Sometime he has been delayed by other jobs. It is true - this country is ours.So the white people must have fear when we meet. In fact we speak nothing bad by we speak about freedom. We want

■ '■■■ ■■■■ ■ to live with them in peace in this country. We cannot say“T------------ - ——————— — — — — ——— — — — — “they should return to where they came from because they do not even know that place. Their forefathers were bad people. They were chased from their country and used to steel Xosa cattle. What we want is just freedom. We live in houses like these because we do not get suffecient wages. Here at Dube we see many police cars here arresting our people for passes when those people are found to have passes they are released after a time. In European Town things like these do not happend. They want to get rich with our sweat.The cost of Living is high but we forced to with £2-5/- a week, that is oppression. They bear to pay you a good wages. Becuase you will open your firms and become rich. You teach your children to say Baas to Europeans but Europeans tell their children to say to you Kaffer. Tell your child­ren that this country is theirs, and in future they will rule this country. We do not say to them they should leave

— — ———I—i_ _ I—

this country. But we say we should eat with and be rich like them and have cars. We wanr to get freedom for the Af. detectives also because they use while Europeans go with cars. They get £40 while Europeans get £100. This wireless in our township are only radio no. 2 which bring messages of Gov. because at Lower Houghton is not here. We have no electric light at Dube. Even our roads are not good all these things are done becuase we are oppressed.B, Education is not applied to Europeans why? When you failed


Page 2: New LESLIE MASINA · 2012. 10. 31. · are they afraid to teach us History and Geography. They dont want us to know French Revolution, and how China Got its freedom in 1949. Some

to kill a person you use another trick by destroying his minds that is why B. Education has been introduced. Why are they afraid to teach us History and Geography. They dont want us to know French Revolution, and how China Got its freedom in 1949. Some educated Africans from Fort Hare accept B. Education even have at Dube. Others are teachers some work for lawyers they say B. Education is good but they can never call a meeting like this one to tell the people how good B. Education is. I thank some teachers here in Dube who nevery accepted B. Education and the time will come when we shall tell them to speak on this platform. We know there are other people who cannot support us. Because they are bough wit pennies. Our African police are doing all these raidings of passes and liquor in future these police must come to our meeting.School Committees have been appointed but their names have not been published yet but we would like to know those African oppressors. Here at Dube we should elect delegates for C. of the People because we want our streets to be tarred road because I know the municipal will never put it in our Township. The Board is just a plain thing. We made a resolution that in Dube we dont want Hostel and Beerhall but all those things will be buiod. People who cannot acceptthose things must be elected to serve the .... one memberof the Board critizised one of the Board members when he spoke about C. of the people. A person like that one must know that he will never stay with Europeans no matter he can support them as long as he is an African. Dube people complaint because vegetable cars do not enter Dube I donot know who is responsible for that. Those cars sell fresh vegetables. Coal lorries must enter Dube, and a person must by a bag when he likes. Ten people one day were handcuffed by four policemen. Section is caused by Passes. The white people are not carrying passes. We dont want to be asked passes when we are sitting in our township which we have bought.

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Do not be deceived by people because they will soon say passes are good.NTHOLI WESTCLIFF 7103.

My complaint is we have 700 children who have been chased from school. But congress had done nothing for them. We known our sufferings. It is good to tell the people that they are suffering if he cannot do something for them.MAHLANGU

People of Dube. First of All. Let us get into the job we have come for. A person who critizized congress is just like Judase & S. Bengu We are now going towards the ... Those who dont support us you will hear them by their words and those who are with us will go with us. We of Dube we have complain. We pay for streets, water, and houses. The country was captured or robbed from us.The African people now become a moving mine providing the wealth of the country, but we are determined to close that wealth and mine and let it flow to us. Verwoerd is a

' subservantHe will never get this country unless he takes away Queen Elizabeth. There are two forces, One led by the English and Americans and the other a racial force led by Verwoerd. Let us stand on our feet. The front force faces forward only. We are troubled by passes here. The coloureds, Indians do not carry passes. Verwoerd is so nervers. He says I am an agitator, yet I am agitating.The time I take over I will deport Verwoerd because they preach evil on the innocent souls. Let us not deceive ourselves the residents of Dube. Let us call the residents together. Look at the shape of house, no doors, no gutters what kind of a house is that.


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•ffc ¥ i

ftk £ S t ST M / E / C C M T . W U A m M S W U M S A W t e T I B G «TH*3 wrro^Ai ^^-■'usss ass® a$ sf. a »qa»££ ^L*T*aLiu tcw«-

Meeting commenoe 1 0 .4 5 . Xetiaated Attendance 60 .

Oplleotior - N il .

Ha the <3 advertised - unknc wn.

J B t f M M - -»>«x m u .

When we say Freedom la pur lifetiise we me an that we should all

stand on eux feet to fight for and sttain our freedom like the Nats

who deoided against all personal, aiffer6ucQ5aj^on,£st themselves ojkj

itajfohed forward to ru*£ ,this o©untry, but we African* always t^ke

heed of personal differences amongst our neople when we are fight

ing for our freedom. It is tru*th£t the way tc our freedom is

thorny but our determination w ill win us wh; t we must achieve.

We must preaoh the gospel of freedom to our breth^n. Just nor r«

have s cesn-age from our National leader. Chief «..•> . i-uthuli to

organise the Congress of the People conference ;nd to collect the

demands of the people tc be embodied la the Freedom Charter in

Kliptown on the 25 eud 26 of this month. But is funny is that

we African* <re always spying on one e-nother si though we are a l­

ways oalling out "Freedom in cur lifetim e" I w ill call 0 n Lr.


o.Dear Africans. Ti:ue is very lim ited. We have no tiine to

play, tfhea we call Africa we oall our own eountry but I bec&nc

usba*/ad when such things as spying are being said to be rife inside

our organisation. I dont kno* where thut spy w i n -^rtr

o»wUty. I fc tefr since ~*e wil 1 * a * refugs iu tfrlcu. ^ou n;ust net

listen to the flattery of the*# iurope^ns who t-ive yo * r,onay to

sell your own people. Ttv t is the s*;\e ccney shich betrayed *esus

You must think of the people wao will bury you wLefc you die . The

Xuropean will neverbury you. le shall be responsible fti your

funeral as your oin country rcee. These . ;r:e ^aropeuns are ooming

to our raertings day** and yet if you go to their "ae^tiu^s as en

Africa they will kiofc you out and sale y0 u wi ere ti e other keffirs

ere. fellow Africans our tf*e is ocmlng slowly wJ-'en we shall

be able tc oompile our demands to fltrljdom in the Freedcn Charter.

The future l e g i s l a t e * o f / this oountry who will be chosnn by us

will ole-n our hearts of t^<ie£rri-*Tr7 1 have not mucl, to say but

I sell upon ell those who have not yet Joined Congress to get

Membership oards today*. ISsa^ership in our National organistion

serves to show that we are e United Nation. Is we are gathered

here we are all Africans and we should have unity «uid distinguish

our Nationality - ifUXIBUT*. *»

Osuntr* inea I jtiet want.. . • » «tLf ■»An._a.'

Page 5: New LESLIE MASINA · 2012. 10. 31. · are they afraid to teach us History and Geography. They dont want us to know French Revolution, and how China Got its freedom in 1949. Some

Z just want to te ll you one thing. We are buey here in Alexander

Tom felp responding to tho •*11 o f Ohief Lu th uli, the organising

for the Congress of the People conference. 1 w ill call upon my l&at


m & m j jL,

j l J L J * * * ' ' .I enypeoe that as we are auppoae to go to another see*

ting. 1 should be brief. What is neoeesary now is that etch and

every memt^fj of the African national Congress should work hard

Freedom. In fact % w ill never oome to you in

a tray while you sleep in your house. What fTe dom do we w-int and

f^t^lihom do we demand that f rae^m ? We must realise that the Eu­

ropeans in thiaoountry hare ue of all our rights and the

African Hational *ongrees la determined tc uni^e the masses of

the African people agalst the reaction of the Euro-e-n exploitation el

and domination. It does not matter for a mun t© be educated if he

cannot be of help to his own people. The -fTionn National Congress

was founded to awaken the African people to realist thst they were

robbed of theii rights. You do not know where your strengh^ lies .

The power of the Europeans over you is that they are Nationally united, but whst about you fellow afric-nsV The 3ritish policey

of domin ting ather races is divide and rule. They will create

oom.'nc tion vherever thej *ant to dominate, You pec pi® ancn^alt you.

These whites are just blufi’ing you by saying th«-t they are friend­

ly to you. They will sever be your friends.

The C of P. is being orgraised to shew the world whioh

laws we like and which we dont. "tie have no rights fci instance to

trade where we pie -se. We are like strangers in our country of birth. 1 heve told you th>re is no time to wo-s‘ e. The time

necessitates th-t xe should work hard - more harder than ever.

Congress is recognise by the nationalist viovernmant as the repre­

sentative of the African people allthough ti.« c*ovt. will not re­

cognise it o ffic ia lly . Verwoerd veri. led this in his recent stsech

in P a r li ‘scent on tr.e schools boyoott. ue calls ue «git**tor«, but

we ere ?-git~tlng for the right, thing. The lAitch rebelled in Jlnet^thetv- .joverament.

sion or my people as in *frii

tell you fellow ** leans the gi .it of Africa is waking

up. We shall not be lnte^nldafed by their thre ts .d deport tlons%

I f they deport me I w ill stl2I be In Africa where I shcl?. be kept

and there I shtll -reach th<* eiosnel of freedom. In the ^ho+e world

a Govt, is by majority, but why is the Go t. of £ •» . a at* jo

Oovt.? That Is why ve say 3 . .. is a x .o ist cr rcllce state. Why

should r>e be oppressed by a . J?e deny the allegation that

we are not yet ripe politically* Why cc they not try us one day?

We shall net oppress them but we -hall cc-operate in manufaeturU

legislation cr this country , ....*/-/

*hy - w h ^ ^

.c«n shculd I be pronounced wrong^ I

< ■» m j. *. Vi— -- Wnb.. m m *■- — - —-

Page 6: New LESLIE MASINA · 2012. 10. 31. · are they afraid to teach us History and Geography. They dont want us to know French Revolution, and how China Got its freedom in 1949. Some

Th« l U t i *an want to o h our people *a too i t . Jt*r©pe*fcaare

Ilka-mr tney uro p a i f r i w * busy aucking our blood by manna of

work for unequal pay. -PftAt-Tiatan to 'aa ll out a and renegadea.

la aay tbe auropeana are bad. In faot they are not all bad ge­

nerally. But politically they ara all bad because they are

monopolising th© franchise alone an4. yet tt the same tirae they

are pretending to be friendly to ue. All African# will eventually

come home and their home is the .afric n national ‘'ongress. You ms

must not trust these white people. We allowed thea into cur

Toountry and today they tre kicking: us out and telling others

of such * fent-sy as it a whitea&ns country. Th**y h ve nosh-n? of s^yin£ this.

1 1 .5 0 .


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1.EXHIBIT G. 143.


A.N.C. Meeting ; 24/6/55 ° Commence 8.10 p.n.Chairman ; S. Tyike. Beware of the Police. Even during days of Betlehem it was like today, I wish our work at Kliptown to be successful. I shall now give you the speakers Nthite to addressyou.1st Speaker - Nthite.

Chairman, sons and daughters of Africa.The Africa is going to give birth of freedom at Kliptown tomorrow. You know that these Dutch people of this country claimed our land as theirs. We have long given chance to these Dutch people to repent but they do not want. Let us gather together and this freedom fruit of the Congress of the people. As we are going to Kliptown I am sure that we are going to seize freedom.We see the Govt, of this country is frightened. They can not have rest because are after this organisation. This is a non violence organisation. It is pregnant of free­dom. I say, Afrika, Mayebuye.Chairman;

Africans, you have heard the speaker, and I shall now give you Mr. Resha who will address you ab^ut where is coming from. Afrika.2nd - R. Resha.

Chairman, S & D of Africa. I thank you.I have been away. People of Natal send greetings to you. People of East London are also passing greetings to you. Port Elizabeth people and Grahamstown are passing good wishes to you and say, forward to freedom, of people.I have been at Transkei and you know what Verwoerd says he wants to remove the Umtata because it is a blackspot there. Tomorrow we go to Kliptown where we are going to get our

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freedom. We see today our friends can't sleep are trem­bling. Kliptown is where we are going to have birth of our freedom........... march forward to Kliptown. Re­member at Cape th&t Mr. Gwentye is deported. We must see that cur support'it ion is strong to look after him.°n Saturday and Sunday we are going to Kliptown where we shall have our freedom. Afrika,


/ 1

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3.7.1955 - 12.10 p.m. to 2.30 p.m.Morka Central - CHAIRMAN JULY MASHABA.

Fellow Africans we met when the Nationalist G. is in a Terrow the sooner they see our flag, they come. We have 3 items,first is service site Scheme. Instead the City Council build houses for African People Bantu E. and Report about Congress of People.MR. NGWENYA.

Africans I will speak about houses to be built at Moroka W. Members of A. Board don’t tell you ar y- thing about this matter. We told the City Council that we want to build houses for ourselves. The Advisory Board < members said you must get sites 40 x 70. The City Council promised us to build houses with in 5 years. If the City Council don't give place to Build houses for ourselves, then we shall go to the higher court. You all know that the time for Election is nearer they will say vote for them. You must ask then what have they done for you man and women .We are poor. We have no money. The City Council will give you £35, he won't give you this amount of money, he will buy with the money Second hand. Interest is £1.6 a year. You will be allowed to Build houses for 5 years at Service Site Scheme don't elect members of Advisory Board.J. POO.

Africans today I stood at Moroka West for about 2 hours but no one came to the meeting. Our children are to be told taught by the Police Mr. Verwoerd say no one of his employees to complain if he does then he will be dis­missed from work and will be deported. I want to tell you that we are the • •

EXHIBIT G. 109.- 1.

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that we are the people who told you that don*t send your children to school during the School Boycott. The scrip­ture has been shortened. You all know that the Dutch People came with the Bible. Why? today they change scripture before Jan van Riebeeck came to S.A. No Af­rican person who had seine — seine started when the Dutch came today Whites are sorry for bringing Bible.

We are still on the Boycott. I appeal to you don’t send children to school. Children don't learn history and seripture at schools. Also there is no Geography. If we tell you what to do you must follow us and do as we tell you because the Government wants to make your children tools. If a lion kills people you must alii take your assegais, and kill the lion. This education is very bad. Most of you are employed at factories. Only because you were well educated. European children don’t pay school fees. Every one of you must tell those not

present here that we don't want Bantu Education.MRS. ELIZABETH MODIQUE.

Africans I feel sorry to see children when I see children shouting Africa but I thank them because we are fithting for them today - concentration camps are being built for them we don’t want Bantu E. Our men are paying 2/- paying Paul tax. Beerhalls are built for them to drink Beer. But the Police lorries are waiting for them outside the Beer Hall. The Buildings in town are built by your hands. Everywhere you are doing the jobs but if you think how you live in this country you will find that you sleep in emergency Camps. Our children are dieing daily because they don’t get proper food. Many of you think that God made whites to oppress us and if I can hear my parents say so I would kick him. God did not say there is a nation which will be above another, Africans at a conference in Kliptown there were many anations. They had come to gather


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to talk with ore voice. We don't say we want to be above whites. You will find that the A.N.C. is only the Or­ganization to fight for you, everywhere in the world people want freedom. We don't want to see our children being slaves. We will fight and fight until we win the struggle. If we say don't take your child to school, and say where vail your child attend school. I want you all to join the Congress, These Detectives work for their children and will poison your minds. We did not say the Dutch Children must not go to school or what they must join the Police. Africans we are at war. If war comes you must not join the Army because last time you got nothing. Today in Germany they say don't want war.I say we are meeting Mr. Strijdom at Cross Roads. We bare no gunai but will fight to end. Goals are for everybody - if you are prepared to fight for freedom come together.J. KUMALO.

Africans you all know that Jesus Christ was crusified alone. The day I die I will not go to church but will be taken to grave from the square. European women are sitting outside Union B. in Pretoria to fight against the Senate Bill. We say everyone of this country must join the ^struggle. The Freedom Charters of all-------- —------------ -people of S.A. ^ They took flags and money of the A.N.C.They also raided people for passes what was said at Kliptown. Wen't work unless we are allowed to select our own men to go to Brliament. Mr. Tabete has no freedom but given priveliges to write. What we say at meetings but they have houses in White City like ourselves. A human being should have the right to own land. We want a European to have a M. Car and an African must have M. Car. When they dig Gold we don't get a share of Gold the land must be


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shared to workers if we go to Dutchman has a "big farm which you walk for about 10 Hours or you cannot finish it.

Africans, it shows that you know what to do because you have collected money. I did not ask for money. I don't know whether I will be committing crime because I was once arrested for collecting money. The Congress of People has opened doors for our children to attend school and children will be educated equally.Mr. Strijdom, Swarts and Verwoerd must start now running away as Malan did, because there is trouble coming when, theyg* back to Holland they will leave all transport in South Africa.

* 4.

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im c 4 t jXkmu. cttwmaa ma *a m. 2 s«cm .. albmrmJfc—1s3I*1255*.

/i****»»&*&«• - fft * > - 1

c a ^ i M m - «anm e a d s yea will have to •▼ouae mm for haring done any

HnaitT X hiYt boon atruek^l by -the interference by tho Polioo

it our mighty eoaembly in Klip two n loot week* It woo tho *o ata . . *. . » •V**’4

Striking of tta# struggl* agalntt th# . . . . Strijdoa Oovto

Vo aaa t&ueanda of police armed oith Sten gun a and handbombto

against a pottcoful\ got ho ring of Afrloane for their movement of

liberation . I will ooll upon my flrot apeaker who w ill addreee

you ea mattere of freedom*

L J u ^ O ^ S k .

Folio* afrloono, I ekould thank * r . Chair for offoring

ko this opportunity of addreaeing you. 1 folt vtfry glad to hoar

of tho nowa of what happonod at tho Mighty asaoably hold at Xllp-

town. Another African remarked at this gathering that the freedom

of tho African People lies within the abllltlee but he did not ex­

plain how the African* hawe to achieve It . How are we going to ae

hi owe our freedom?, le have been seeking for our freedom fr0<n 1912

but our atruggle for freedom ooeae to progrea8 no further than a

soldier doing markt*^ in one place. Which frendom do we want?

Lot us oak eureelvea. Tor lnatanco here In -le^andra Townahlp t

there are people who hawe collected our aosvlea and bought oera, but

look at our atruggle for freedom. Then wh t kind of M M 4 X 4

freedom w ill we need I f we do no*- beed the advice of our le'fcera

’ Our freedom la not in*, the Xuropean^ Parliament but within our

own bordere. no r^oJLU achieve our freedom through aaorafieenj

oil our available strength toearda our gc&l.


/allow afrloasa. I am here before you to explain to

yo<* the wind of the toad to yeur ultimate objective. It la tr*e

that mo have been etruggling for our liberation for the laet *C

ywera aince the founding of Congreaa. Tea friends our Hstlonal

orgaaioation was founded to free the African people from opprea-

•lo n . People aay that they know and aee that theyare oppressed

lm> la oy ♦vo eppreoewd but they ref uoe to follow the atepa of tho

leajora wh* ehaapion our national laboratory movement, /uat

yesterday wo wore all in Kllptwon kad almaot *11 who attended

rttT: w5wP6a^£a* . • . . wueh to thel1* friend a. The Suro peons wore

alao there and to aay the faet those are tho Suropoaao who are

at perfect huaanfc uaderatanding with tho Afrioan eoplo. The

lurtffaana in thlaeountry have their freedom aa » V r t t ? ' from their

but we efcalfe etrt*gle herd for our freedom. Hence the sioa-

§4&i U *1» t v t ^ a W r t a s * f ***** Africa W therefore

n *a i? *eo*a*e *♦**!**» a mat*aaa* U « « H * atfr f *****

Page 14: New LESLIE MASINA · 2012. 10. 31. · are they afraid to teach us History and Geography. They dont want us to know French Revolution, and how China Got its freedom in 1949. Some

»2f »•••feet which cannot be T ^ 9.* ^ in to»l oengress It our llber%*cry

fH H l»»tl»a with * oonstltwtlen shlch clear explains the at Ac and

of %hs Congress for thoss who wish to join and I dare .

•ill A frloans ehoul^-Jeln Coagreaa. I ua a fan deye ago Mr. 1x1 o l a w the m a l a tar of aoonoaia Affairs openly Insulted our paoplo la tha £ & £ * of tha world and tha Uni tad nations m x f \ . 1. rfTaetioc- la •aid to ba aa organisation which for tha protaetlon of thaepprssesd paoplo of tha world. Vhat aa know wary wall la that

osngrcec la aur llberetory organisation going on, *i . r. . . tha toroh to bs(fet)by tha rafc#^trrrr.. .aur $ \ T i tha Strljdom olique tha pregr«^ of • latlonal etruggle i * 4 in the aupport glron it by tha wemev&lk of that nation. It la not a fault that wa hara net ac­

hieved onr freedom but the f#ult of our leadera. Again our leader a

a ay that the fault la with ua we do not giro then a following. IN

£en4ya today when a European dlea t e police go about to arrest At

rlc&na to anawer tha ohar^e why a european died . South Afrlea#■era la trying to turn our oountry Into a Kenya which la under

Brltiah protection a oountry eald to be a democratic ruled oountry

and yet auoh lnl£ultoua practices are perpetrated on the *onere of

the country. Congreee oalle for all our Africans to cone forward

and Identify themselves with the etruggle. 7a are not lnoitlng

■on, gentlemen, but wa shake your heade to wake up to the feet

that Aouth African Government does not repreeenttyour interreat

in tbla oountry. lAntBUY*.

Jellow sI s t o s of ^frloa . I feel quite sora at heart when

I ecu that you are In a email number eepeoially on 1 giftered by

the fact that people who were sbaertt from the Stlght} Assembly In

Xllptown last Sunday. It ec happened of course et the C.of F. Con

ference that even the representatives of the mad ruling this

ocuntry today did see the way to freedom. { He strrted reeding the

Freedom Charter).

Vhat is now needed fellow afrlcnns la not to Bay that slnee

the Freedon Charter waa read to you thats enough as far as y0 u are

efncorned to go frcm house to house and explain the contents

of the Freedon Charter. A peraen who fa lls to de their duties aa

far aa their people are oonoerned are not better than these Luteh

People who only hawe brains to know hoe to be uased , »a teals. The

Iratoh People have no brains and you must not follow their example

whut will help T 7 T T T . your freedon is n l g M y . It daes not natter

where you cone from hut o a .thing remains you are oppressed alike

erreapeotlTc of our national Status. Let us go alth out Libe­

ra to ry j©Tenant and Continue aguinat the w n a o T ^ l 3?Tfcd domination

of helng represented in Perilaaent by such people like Eailinger

who da not know the eondltlone under whioh we l ir e . The £utch

OoTernmeat oeatlnues deporting our people end to . thslr worst sur­

prise they do not know t}»t they so doing tftey^^TT^Vtfie wholem A!;

Ion. 1 t W r . f . r . t f i i u m »*»»».■« *

7. u w la tMtad^7 . n r i H U <mi .p w k .............' J/-

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• I f * <u* ap*ak , t rm h * . iJea* lira Cbitr L,tk«U. U t aa

U n a o n f m l i i la aur U f« t ln , < n ]u ,

h i ■"fallow A fr la m a , . U k n < U n M y heard M U t

apaatera k«T» pat tha « « . • of aur f r . .d c a b .fo r« -tha poopla. Th .

° * * * r* * s ° r ' r‘* i’aopla C o n l .r .n o . *aa orgunlaad and hald to afe«

th . « r i 4 -ho. t h . paopl. , f S«uth Afrlaa « r . dataralnad « « * in ,t

U th . raaattonary r . r o . . . f th. la t lo n a l i ,t . OoTt. ! & . « i .

* “* T l Z Z k ' * * tok* » • •* “> « ' • « a * . no. . . m■ho Jlfl.ffPTrHU freadoe Charter. I W4i0t aoney.

(Collaotion euaounated to fcl-c-9f . )

F .U r . d m . Of .ufrlaa. What I f.el duty *fTT7? to Inform

>o- In that freadoa » . .oat and fraadoa ahall a. aahl.a^ la tha

"“ r rtttu r” M *** • ! « Chlaf ► ^ . LuthuU our l.udar to our

c»iir»<! gaal- narar alnd wh.t tba ahlta ao-oallad pieado - au-

parlara aho doalnata ua in thla - our oountry ifrloa. w. ahall

aak. * l t flat* and daetroj all raaetlonan,,. aMy w#pl,

ato aay traado. 1 , n T j r a » t a ara halllnc you tlua 11*1. Tou

will see freedoB with you own eyes.

J . J . MMGCaU.

I hare nothin* to eay ay children, hut I just want to

remark on tha Kliptown episode. Srec whan tha rclloe am *ilKo tha

tooth our bpya - A fr ic a # war# buey Ji-ring with whita girle ajtf

Indi tinawoaan. Saoondly - what was read to you todey a8 tha 7rae-

floa Charter ia what will happen when our jiew Cbrt. c0aes into pa­

lter and .hen thla deweliafa and Strijdo»-it«-Oc rt. goaa

into tha bottobIbbs pet* aa ita grawe. Tha Chartar aay, a paraen

whc h*te* another because of hie nationality will be thrown into

p r i » n . Th*t ref ere to auefc people wTi© ueually 8ay Kaffar and

fcoelle. rrr\ wlah I oould eee that day. in Kliptown when the

Stenguna w < * l i f t e d . African boys and girla *arched pa .t it and

not ana of tha guna aaa flrad .

Ca the I? July th%f*ill be an election of ereoutira.

2 )aObert*4»ry death of Hr. %aenyt» Juubaml of Lena BGHXMAf

Bo a 1x3 “ Ibtti a Y e Alexandra Tbwnahip,

■ee ting oioeed at 1 .

Page 16: New LESLIE MASINA · 2012. 10. 31. · are they afraid to teach us History and Geography. They dont want us to know French Revolution, and how China Got its freedom in 1949. Some

fre«;ccsi ct p«e"le oonferenee at i-liptwon. There ie anoth*»i greet

lefuier who c it* meeting with three people that ie Dr. I ado©. 1

dc act surprise ..hen here I «an speak hncncst s tone s. 7re*<J**:ib«es

forrxd tt .11 wen last week Suiioay. The Imtch people cane at

.'J.iptcwu c-^r'ul^ 0uns. We ere surprise thi* * toMRM90HS

.'iewl-ads W ^ c e , t;.e police are sent out to er-cst people so that iLcre oioney ie wanted. Thie (*>vt. le very bad. People ire arres­

ted for liquor. iou c±n notice the difrsrence in other country

wh t is the work of ifclice. This proves straight that they are ♦hieves. ~rte speakers are here to explain to you. cur gun is •Xctt. —J. Chamile please.

ohairiaaja hes offered ae. She reason is that I must speak with_I _____A T — — ir .. rv

i ter. Th t 19 why here at

Chalratn &uo gathering. 1 than/', the opportunity the

Page 17: New LESLIE MASINA · 2012. 10. 31. · are they afraid to teach us History and Geography. They dont want us to know French Revolution, and how China Got its freedom in 1949. Some

_____ __ -■■HIM | I I .fjggll

means the white people to work the!t people. The bleck people to

v.crlc their own people* The polce should d« thdfiitoBiG. The trains

loading whites, he mist heve white servants, '-nfl blaok people shouM

dri-re f0 r bi~c^ people. Who will &a undet cc J. n iaes, ma&lie

field-e « ‘ e. This ^owt. dees net kao;; this apartheid is da*»

ger> . s . Shp-%11: do the ci*.v oleanin* oer^ylng ashes. I f we say

f # t r i e :-s 3t«| US d i e , s u r e l y the auropsans shell also d ie . The

white. cn sh^ll se > ti t the £un Is useless, then they uil'ithrow

5eTl GhariS ^ a ~t~sk 11 not go xurther. Our people -et

We want t-he C.I.*>a tov we t h e l \ not safe v>©vt if «e w

«ant d etect !v e a . -v/si10* i.3UZA«

tr.e.. a»ay. us w iT' e ur

— jCwiCu »Ch-irci Q ~ad nation of « fr ica . 1 tnaan the opportunity

given to me. This tltae is time of oppression. In 1952 *e had

ijr. ti;Tcke celying the pass, but this shewed to us -hat the iJovt.

has ao interest with his people. 1 eis a grown up in fa 'n s .

^iad you there i f you want w^rk 70U must always report at pees

o ffice . You get work then work for three tapntA»without pay. If

youV-nt wcr.: you are only e>lven nine ooatArO .


*rd - W T a iT S iM -

Ch-Jiman and meeting. I thankyou. Last at Kliptown it

wes a sign that tha freedom is near. I want freedom with my own


atre ukbSu. The time we must atep forward as you had seen at JQ.lp»

town I f you do net oomplain who will sympathise with you. fe m ,

j3df*thst the freedom is smelliag and tfgoal is no^lMiai ng two crushexs

because he was f*st with this mctereyola t© Kliptown. *a« also

you two detectives writing now you w ill use three orushsrs because

ycu sell ycur own nation. The Dutch people suxrouaded tha pss-

ple at Hllptorcn with guns but that is nothing. The a.JI.C. orga-

nisstion is net agai st any person but weat ths rights of thie

os'untry.— ^ *a x freedomHHM

4th Bciuua.

* * ' * -VChuirmea, ar.d fellowj^L^ves. Before I start on wh *t I

sLiil say. I riant to tel every oody must-*new ta~t we havs

nesting here on square every Sunday. To preach to the wilderness

as Johan did . Todty we are are aohiag here in ilswolars amongst

pec ole. 3ut they gc huagry f f c ^ t h i s ' squsre. I went te start about

the bsautifuli orsaalaetlon of a .ii.C . started in 1912 opposing

whet la not ri,;ht. Thie organisation ss it goes on it got ether

krgtmi sat lens which are %n action with men prepared to sserlfice

ves for natica. Kow it has ^>©ra the C»w.P. oelebreted on 25 *6 .55

This a©a is very strong end hops thst this son *toali bring us sooa

good. I am proud of this songresa. flhere ware men like 3£S£:UU

. V • » « T . trjrlr.a. tc W . U»» « h . t « , . '

•ft*w i .


Page 18: New LESLIE MASINA · 2012. 10. 31. · are they afraid to teach us History and Geography. They dont want us to know French Revolution, and how China Got its freedom in 1949. Some



- j H *'-'r' • • • * • • • * / • » * « • * » •

part where are they? The United party was started 'but hat died.

1 ena standing here preuohing what is ooming. There is nothing that

gods f©r eter. The sun of w hit; rien i j si$ting at the west. *

Theve was e a«u seat to bwaangwato to investigate the situation

about the people. This man the** «^a m«t by the er.?opeens and toj.d

then tu« A fr ic ,* ia out on.*./ vne tiling avn,ng orranisetion

to bury the J-t. Cicvernment. iier© it ie m p roer. i©u n'iat sup*

port. When you coa»e in S .~ . ar.a oppose the :.f * ' i*2i«te they w ill

hfate you. The

The wheel of /r

fore i t , blec

tirsel dott md w

sh®i 3te

1 core rx%ot eV,.ell se* *.ve clock V cy,

fc.:rc ah -vl cruah anybody c^nr.d be-U t K t l Z

The a . i^.C. h*‘s t.^ve bifth *e Te nance

C ^ ap -ig n , j o >co11 end C . C . P . i.very>c y 'wes r e p r e s e n t e d there In Co.grere ox freopxo. Even the Suropw«h8 in Pretoria *ere ^tri-cing r& L:.i+ t e wey Strydom i s h a n d l in g them beoeus9 lews are i ede by

mad people in Parlixent. - . . h . C . ia o n l y c rg«nls&t icn s f - i l bury the Government.

Aj; Yi.nLxa.Ipth - £. j vLuPi .

fellow sl-ves, I greet you all in the ntvzie of C.v .P . «£

1 hafce told the the d«*e of freedom Charter ia coming, tc tel£*

the Govt, why they rob people. Yes the day come it * 3 o last week

The rubber stamp vras put on freedom Charter. The u©vt. people

did not ocne but the stupid Ptllee were there, even the members

of Special Branch. The Afrloane were ubout 2ew and Jiuxope&ns 1J5C

The date started on Sunday whsn 1 siiW the 5c perse ns representing

the other oountries and this ftovt. wa6 not represented. I only

eew the Bantu World and fihnd Laily representatives whc were re­

presenting this country and the- stinking paper Vaderland. That

is why I day the sun is d«pn and Sat is t'cne. The Govt.

people l » c o ^ > IhepjyTt. is elected by people. Spt the Govt,

elected ■ y t o oppress peopled Te have .formed ~Gavt. which

is aTS.C . ?he members who Govt, shall be leoted from Con*

* s

gross of people. Therefore the people started to rally behind

C .C .P . There were 22 nations who sent oea?ega that if we ere not

free we wont t ’-ike cff our uniform. What Isaurprlse I huve eleo

mesra^e from hollend where I sr. e-p»oting the Dutch people to go to

We must decide^ Whether it will be ne-t year for cur Govt, to

te’-'e over this Govert. We ehali^c to churoh ^ e n we have b e V c i

Govt. -ost of people htve believe t h -I the **■.«.C. will Co nothing

tc europe-iie. #e * . J .C . dc not believe tc any spy or trator. «>

Police i s jus* l i / e e dog which you only deceive it wit!, a bone.

Lr. ...ail -n left zees: age with *»ats that ii thej co not look after

their freedom Congress will tuk© over.

' ijftl&k i^YlBUYi.

Chairmen we see the sun is rising for the blackman and

is ssk'liiig fox hutch ^eo^le»- • • shall rule our country*

have s illy Police who earrjr s^Selce and worry u**-. . *

Page 19: New LESLIE MASINA · 2012. 10. 31. · are they afraid to teach us History and Geography. They dont want us to know French Revolution, and how China Got its freedom in 1949. Some

le do not etop them to do their work. If they demand a pass free

a parson they auet not throw down. We have other silly fellows

goina srrcund cr^.nisint' theohildren to go to school we &oi*£now

or they « re sent by Govt. The parents have token decision tfeat;£**

they will not sent children & schools. That has been d~a»n lfc. f .frf-edc:n C\ »j: r . Ib%ae people 1 oelA ve that ti.ey were dismissed

fro. schoolb new they fceve w-nt our children tc go tc s o h o d . If w<*nt tv. ®i, r k it r vtt they muet-not co~<e her*> i«ewcl are.

ti.a,. ^ e^uejit^b^^ u nd 1 a they must to H86teTa *'~tivfe Town—

ship. - i e> to re -d * L1 s le11« r o Jfre*'" dt>7'~""Sh 'r"tVr in thepresence police *Lo Kere searching us c;Ul tf e -11 our papers :ja ye" let their time. It they deport Eennitt Sechiro another

cne w y £ * succeed. *ie tnen rec-d the letter oonttinlng laws drt-wn

on ijpedoii; Charter.

^n flundtj ne^t *e shall hcve our meeting &t the square

com«-r Polle^k Avenue and Hamilton read - i*ewolere.

Collection we make amount to 1 5 /7 . Let us close our mooting.

fjr Xna A.fl.C. ATTMilikD.

Frank MB&XBA.

Sample ftalupe.

Smely RliC-jLAHA.


Isaac DCtiuJLii.

Soot oh JJ&TC^L'a . •

Andriee W U M 1 U .

Bennitt SJSChlht.

Hoses riHCPA.

SCrL . J UAL C AiuAitL .

lie. 2 929*» 3 /V C C .8 T .

Page 20: New LESLIE MASINA · 2012. 10. 31. · are they afraid to teach us History and Geography. They dont want us to know French Revolution, and how China Got its freedom in 1949. Some

Collection Number: AD1812


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