Page 1: NEW JERSEY T.j M. C A LATEST NEWS BY WIRE. · Two boiiM, one now, two plfpi and all of Mr. M.r.b'. poultry were bumwl up fle BBP«d hi* wmmmm. e Ir* a quantity of natch**, ottbeinhair

|>LAINFIELD EVENINGiriaArtraone, T. W. *wrt—. Wwr—d >•••»»*-». O a ^ f c H w M n ^ i i t Prtaetn* ec All Eu*.


- 1 part? »1 It.inllelrt i-n. will «nJ"TjtiKu ride «• Ibe B>brttn b W « t « l «<* rowl, to morro l b t

-Fa.rVk DUHfM, WbO 4•rldst ulrtit tor rutitlo*. * • • B;I

_ _ oounly farmer. s»U rid o, bypuiUnc bulled! bbctwbsa

aoaked to nalt brine ID bozea out of Iof hU fowls, but rtw tb* Mr*

Z . ? T D d.!". The laie»t report* showtwenty four riders In Bhaoanal, aod anof ih.-ni Europeans.

-The Park Place obapel obolr of Nort

Plainfletfi waa rlr*a a •••trawrldw" 'Councilman I, A. Hummer H* Tbey went lo WeetBeld wtfk-y bad*. J

-aUtbebuesrewalnlnjianpaldln mDoroujrh of North PtalnOeld January Slat,•»li1 t» as*eMed aaalnst penoos ownlnth. property, and the camps ot *

_U! • estimated (bat It cMts the wellKMIO people ID t lit* country •115.000,000annuallj M support obartlable laatitulion*, while at leMt aaflO.OOO are IBTIID permanent Imlldlnss where the •m m L

-il for.

_<h.or««>day for

iiw «rai arretMd Satuiwithout • tloena*. H

l tday for peddling without a lioen**>. Hplead enlllj to the charge thlt morolD.•aid wsa n-rHdiwd .to pay a floe of tendollars or *Denil thirty dayaln tbe oouutj.11. He took tbe latter.

-Twenty-one buslnea* mfn of Asburj- Park met recently aod orpraniied a rw

- . , •* - — _ 1 i. k | i .... AK.A f a m N i i 4 fhr'—HI IT »"*» IM«»MM™ -lleraoclrtr to look after tbe famUlvs _wra-banlM wbo were desHlnW OD »<!count of the oold weather, wblob pr«Tented tbetn from «nrklu«.

—WUllam Roantree oli Grore m ™waa arrested between tWsIre and on.o'clock Saturday nijctit for betas; drunland dtaocderly. He *eta drunk perlodicallj and trie* to make kindling w«Hof bh M M h™«-hoi(i He was•eotenoed this mornln* by Ju.tli*CmMlej lo par a floe of ajo, or to apwnd•tety days ID tbe oouht j ;JalL He w««*

- A meeting of Ihe Plain Held BranchAnianoe of Unitarian and other liberalChristian worsen, will be held In AlBoulu' chore*, next Albion; Hotel, Januaryt l at three p. m. Sulijeat: "Reason IDBellaion." Other topics forwill be (I) "The True Plane ofHelicon," (3) "Everyday BTiucbt br lames Freeman Clarke; (ITbe National Faith In Modern U t e r itar*." All women Invited.

-TorOtaaWi1! Jfasawat for Februaryopens with a deoidedlr interesting; papeby J. A MaeXnlKht, •niltled "BrirtamXOUDKI A Fair sketch by One Who KnewHim.- When > boy Mr. MaoKolffbt, as arelative of tne to-oallod "Prophet," waaa

tbotirh no( • r»von><l n n c u hn w u DOcocwiderrxi > traoWbl*< JOUBC •'Mint.Tlew of U**b'» •iruucl" for atatebood•u I the t-m-r.l i m n n t f Just urBtilO tMnrmoiW hj Pr«i1ent HarriMii. tbla•Mloln PJIIIMIH a tlun-lT iataraat;UieDatnerMWbeaulirul, reproduced from pbotocrmpba, admirably

—Tb*> Columbian rrollnz calendar for•W ta an artistic one. II O»nsMa ot acircular pteoe of oardboard.«7Ineb..circumference, tbe calendar picture lie-Inc framed wiih a reproduction of tbe

to n(iwnn<<>r»>liin,iDd

after apicture la by a aatabftad AmericanVtw, aod tb* reproduotlon la so alose totk* palDtlaa- tkat ooe hardly realtae* tbattb*Jell«fatfal tones and shade* are. not

baaed hytb« Pope Mf«. Oo., Of BosloB.Is adapted for UM library,parlor, or buateeai ofnoe.


Wkt laPtek lBcOoalM' i b e Railroad

Mr. Cbrtatopher Beokerof East foortb•irn-t wa« iujorwl on tbe railroad, neartb* Baa botMe, Saturday. He waa p*e*-Jat coal on the track, aad, belnn deal.

-w~ >u> - . . in toe o . m t or KOtaW M««• tre:-k» M nick coal n^r i j every d . jma whUe ao d o n e WM MnM* by ai•twio- MHoe time ajra. Tbe e^dae n >raaeioR *«-ry alow al tbe UBM and tb i


A bar* (M-looKf ux lo Mr. Jobn War.;, ofBoolob Plain* * u puUrrly deMTOjrrd byBr* 'earlj jt Xarday morulac

Tbe Ore brok* «rt al>out tO'clock, aud waa Irat aeen by Mr. IlMey

DMffltber. who bMtflr «»»• tbe atartsTbe Banm bad oUned auck biwtw*

by (be l i n e they were dlaooT-rtrf that 1impoawUe to queorfa laws . aa4 th

cb HaltM •return forwed a book*

In* of adjotolB* *worked bard and •uoorwtod 1B kevptn' ireoosnned lo tbe bulldinc to whtc

Two boiiM, one now, two plfpi and allof Mr. M.r.b'. poultry were bumwl upfle BBP«d hi* wmmmm.

e Ir*a quantity of natch**,

ottbeinhair burned, were MtindDear tbe tiurtiiujt hulldlnjt

Tbe reCeDiloo from tbew u M brUbt tbat wnoe ooalarm trota box la la C j

K com panic* raaponded, l>at rttamed afMr *oinjc a* f«r aa Lfland ai


Justice CroMley of North PlainBeld laoooaned to bl* noBM with ao attack otfteftrip.

A little daughter of Mr. John StaalUner streot, North Plalnlleld, Is Ul withdlpbtoorta.

Mr. Oeonre W. De Mesa of tbla oily wasworn lo a* a master In chancery,

Trenton, to-day.

Mr. Edward Toms, of Warranavllle, laTl*ttln« bl* oooaln, Mrs. Tboi•on, of Orchard plaoe.

Mr. and Mrs. Win, Harmon of Brtda*pork Coun.. are riMtin*; Ur. Harmon'pareoU on Harmony *treet. North Plaln-

Geontf Henry, the Infant son of Mrnd Mrs. Jamaa Henry of Wart Thirdt r e a d l e d to I* moraine with OOOTOIIBM.

Mrs. Au.u. to , Bolm.-r, of Soroerrillewbo ba* b««n Tlsilinjr her slater, Mrs.

W, Dodx*. of Eart Front straotreturned borne.

Mra, Ann* Miles, of• undrew for H. W. Marshall, whll*

work In tbe yard baok of the laundry, fell~ >oal«d ber foot and frao

bone of her lev. Sbeie Influence of ether and tb*

raoture ae( by Dr. Frank B. Searlea.At IIIB annual meeUni of tbe trustee*t tb* Sootob Plain* Publlo Library tbeItowlba; offloer* w e n elaoted : Pre*i•nt, Mr*. Cbariea L. 8yke* ; Vloe Presi-

dent, John Robinson; Keeordlns; Beorv-tary, William B. Motile; Onrre*pondingBeoreUry. Mrs. Tboma* M. Faff, Jr.Treasurer, Dr. Frank W. Wtvtoott.

Mr. J. F. Pearson, a resident ot Barrt-soa street. North PMnSeM, feelsodlcnant OTIT tbe treatment be *ays fahj

>j£ reoefvad yeat*rday aftei•pot. He aaya tbe hoya, wbo badt**ed one twain for Bound Brook,!'«' alttlnn qiiiet ly In tbe waltlnc roomitll the naxt train «bould arrive, wera•dered oqt by a policeman. He aaya

be boy* wera not dlaorderly In any waynd that tbey *bow«d their ttoki

tnepolkoeman.butbe told them to "clearout," Tbey obeyed. If, as stated, ibeboy* wen not noUy, tbe polloema

BOded tail authority.

Vary Imprearire funeral farrfoa*•M by tbe Plalnneld Oeaana; and Turnerotn Sw-Jety,at tbeuj- ball

afreet yaat*rdayart>rBOon,over tbe re-Bialnaaf their late brorner, Mr. EdwardMau. Mr. M. Heul.ner made an address

* Hcv.Mr.of tbe rella+oo. serrlaea. Tbe

of tbe

oountry.L. D. Wiabard,forawr ooOnte Meretaryf Uie International tiMntnttiee, and

Fonttan SeoreMry of tbe .jworld't Comwbo baa n w m l y

ions Aaaootalloiiapeak on Saturday cveniionday fvealnt.Slate Becretary, B. M.


y, and Jasoo Cood«, of Ibe Food

Henry Hauraod. Rudolph K e m -D*T aad C. C roraznl af tb* Plainneld

and Turn Verein Boolety.Tb* BrM number of a new an

etiUUed O*rmt Topic, baa jort been kv' atGbtaana. W*

m are two talented PlalnBrM <*»U«-- Messra. Bobert Lowry. D. D . andin a Lewl^Pn.O. Tba list I* a*iw*t Pr^ldent Wm. Ralney Harper,

Pk. D.. Prof. Was. D. MeClbalook, Bar>Cdoaard TOD Botot, Ph. a , HHa

D.D.,P.. & J. MoPberaoa. IX D., Bobartvry, D. D.- Joatab Stvoac D. D-, Babbl

Lmll O. Blrank, Pa. D-, Thomu W. Law.I.L.D., L. T. l»e», Uobert ~



y U>«*«allotiof ttM TOOK. Men'* Okrtathui A*eon(alk>nala M>w irrery naMmjas* to b» aaarw hv

d I^H

tral at a ekotr director and o r g a a l t«xpertenor, wbo la to li»e tot

with aawotatlon vort , wbo ta full10,-aBd wbo can play and stnK effeo-nrly kbaaalr, as weO a* t*E oiaxv* avwdo it. l i r e imawu m III ba a feature •

tbe oonTenilon. At Ibn opaatac awday rreolnjt, Febraary t,d cbonj*e# will be illT en by

Paul's PhllnarmoDtn Sacsety, a nn« or-

Tbe folio nine will be eaaaa af tbfeature* of tb« coarentloa:

EL 1. McBrydc D.D., of hei\oKi.Va., Beotor of Kobrrt E. Lre MemorialCbnrcn, (BplaoopalX ao wHl-knowu a*tbe antbor of tbe admirable addreaa oa

The KrlatloD ot tta« AaaooUtlou ta (beObnrcb.- will d^llrer tbe openlaa; ad-

Ker.A. B. Bradford, D. D-, oflair, one of tbe foremaet Amerir»o Ooo-

arejtMtonallttft, -ill apeak on Friday, o"Slna Specially Prevalent Amonic YOOD

Man." Dr. Bradford to ao asuob In 4»tbat be baa enicaaementa for avery

lay or e»f nlnn for t h" nrxt four mootbiBem-lary, C. i

Hk>ka,wboaebeadqBarirraarelaOli~will prreent Ballroad AawcUOot.on Friday emriw. Htaaddmw will be


General Seoretary,of Newbarxh. X. Y., wb

in ofwill praeent •The DaMrlot

~ A. Mofkdden. 8«or Ury of theof Brooklyn

Work.'A. H. Klecfrled, Pnatden


boyhood, will apeak *t "Taod tbe Newspapers.'

Hon. John; to make a postUweoit at all poestble,be p m * n• Saturday erentnit.WtataCbairtnao.Hon.cwark, will speak on Fi

on "Weak Spot*." ''DuoMr F. Dudley. wHi'ork,"and Wm. D. Man

will xl*e lntereatlnjt fi•Htat* Work."

W. E. Blederwolf. Q von?rinonton College

Sunday, and Hon. T. 0. T.Crali

f N«w Yorit City, and

and fe*( badly rrottrv. as t fMffM. It k> aH4 wm bar

of tbe Mootre ofrom

• ba OHtaauMa*) Mxpnaatkm.Tbe Udie* of Dnton eounty Wfeo ba1

Interrsled ibenwive*biU for tbe Woman'. UeparlaieiColum?}lBii KxblMltou b«M a

irdat at tba rvsMrvw of »i»* Brluion Wanliiujtton *ire*-t. Ell!

aad a ron*ld--ralwa* dtapbvma by rbe

Of tb*> ciMDOiilfpf. The objwrt oflacrnaanil Katbetin* m to br«r Mra-Okaa. P. Vardler. memhvr of Ibe Stat

, w/bo vare i be ladW aa tntanID* address recardlna-1 ln-lr work. '

i w i n l l f n on tbe *aT*VBlof work ba>eMlMti*Mefl an<t

bam at work •rourina: thvir data amtfor fjsdon t«uniy'« exhii.t

Tbey am lo ha»e tl»-lr nport* in reatflntna to bwpivKean oo February 10.

t ladtra Irom KlMnneld.


Am Appeal ro W w n n .

B M U M or Tax Hwwai—wm yonKindly allow ua a port Ion of your valuable

. aaake an appeal to tba wowrltera, aathorefaa. journaltatiwritrra of maaaatnpa'arttolt-s of PtoJu-•eldand TlciaHrf The Board of WomenM Of tbe World's Criuaahtan Ex-

all boofca written by Anieri<Ma t

alnlbf number ofto make a 1W of•ml trill ta Ike Oaiied Statea.

Th v n*w Jersey woliiFn tnanair** r* d t•ire a aeoond copy of eat-b book for the!Stale BuUdina; at Cblc-no, and propMe

•ka a Sew Jerasy sorap book.

and any Informationtterary sotieiiea will be ptladly reocir«d

by tb* Committee, and should Da aent in


dark was •DDoylnc reatdenta of FifthIIIIIHIJ iMiniinaalU waimnp. In mnC "i front of tneir houaea.Tba priaaaar waa nt*«m a haaiHng tbla

• beld bl Mr. M. M. Oam

f Health of thiaoity were met byW. L. naaai lm Bar. W. Jt Boneynaaa,the riasiiiiiil . and Dr. Oarmaa, tbe Seo-ratarr of tba Board of Baaltb of Mortb

. e W « wajroa. It took ahoot half aaarsvaattbw besatoat of its predkw-


[Btsbop Brook* * M very well known b)PlatDfleM. Bewa*ar*Haa«ftably

•and aiory It | a U of klaa. Heeet four inches Is brtgtot and

a*, wblto in •arapa, wttbfiirixl* alBWM b!> equat la kwtcbt, BOfour sltendVd a l^ture. Tba leotur-r-*•opK) was "Atlkrrtaa aad 4a>s»li»JlM.~ aabe dniTl hrd IrawjloaaB ta ba a pu oyaaderateed n*e», d*tyta« anyan* to «b>approve bi« statftaiii

Jtalber a*lb4paHa*Taan in* four trWada

of iba hooaa, aad wbc

ed for wowbten, on* of tb*four, tb* wnellest ofs U I»at b i n , mrmm and aald be tbouajbtibe let tum- waa in arror about tb*of AJMfVaaa aad asked if there w

bia atatawmi. Tbaa tb*B a

not aa* mom American la tba* lanceaadtraoa wbo would Join them ID Lhelr

aTor l o upbotd tba dbnaltr oftea,*, rejeard* *i»e. The aodtenoe brokBto a Utter a* tbe tftlrd Am irtoaa I

aa a little m»o nlw,oo)j»lx te*t«*>M bl balKbt. Tben tbe tbtv« called•oa more and. amidst wild rra

and aradnally arose. Wben beinally erect, sattmlns l*> dwarf every onewar by bbi BMfmttoanl pbystqoe, tb*

audleno* (airly booted tba lecturer off

A Jolly SletKhlnK Party.• MlddleMX Dmmtr* says: Ooe of

tbaJoUlestaMartiias: parties chat hareeft Ibe oily tbk Winter, alartad Batar-

party of ber friends to PnlaAeM. Tba

dyapiu. Tbey W t this city ahalf past seren, and did not returnthe early hours of the mom.

ABHMK tboac wbo partMpated «Mr. aod Mra. K. a Popbam, tbe MAmy Cornell. Mary Hall, A«n*aAnnie Parker, P. Parker. Mis* naantin ofPhiladelphia, Mia* Dou«biy, Maaara.John Wataon, Dr. Ramsay, Jack WaUon,Mr. AnMey. Edward Popbaaa and Maa-

•oBi.d with U-Dd*and Pert Proa

Ooraelma CUran, a*rd forty-ate*, Ioand at Metoofaen earty

u» to ea t She

which is sufficientfor recuperationa n d fr?tTtfartKnv

iows This?


No Show To-Night.

Uaasicf Mr. Ka«j, 1

wH ba ai abnw Bt I



Thursday Eyening, January 26,



Ara aaw odhrins; a faa kta* of


Utopia and Arcadia Gernuuttown Wools.



Doane | & Edsall'af.'/-


Leading Store.

White ftVanAradak

'TinuH * umu,



of Ckr-t —a akfkt. , a oanbrr nf 1** — —OOP nf Ikn aM|| EfWna

•mi r™«. Ho. a. o. a. «, -Ml !»• MU -1 nf •Ut ltd. an lb. Hobrtn. bOnoO-d on -Pair— lk-w wkp *• ft*., olabl for «•»'■*«• MM-IM •»*«■ H* nd ... «,-d ol«EI doH-i* -» MM —If 1EW, ap- tM Of Mn" If l~l«WI knMnd b—tw—at »l>1 In nit briar lo MM -HI M of bb lo-K MB •«- “r“ °*° _CHl«-rT»«1. to Ik- -i«lr.r,JOJ- mkMkin-k MU* “yl—* wnw in Cklu*. Tb» !•**•* i*p**rt* 1—17 Mr Ittk •. HIM««k*. Of lb— Enrol—o* _Tn- Park PI— ohapP <*o*r •» "•«*■ ithM — f>*r • *t Ooom-ilmao L. *. Boon "" niubL Tb*f —I >• *• fp.f hod rofroohmonlo. -Oil If— BI-IMlnlEf EMOE* la U»— karoofb of Monk Plalolold Jaooarj iloo, v« bo an.aard oaaliwl poraow — proponj. mad I ho M—E drlloqoon t. pobllohod. -II UroWhhlod Ikot It raau Ibo -Oil a*> p-opi- Ik thio ooooirr «U5.<«n.r-

aru <—I for. -Moor.. 111*0— -a- Eir—d Mi- la for poddltba wllkoua * 1—. Ho p—d anlllf —» tbr -*•-*• tklk morn' aad «m an—I <0 par • Oor of dollar. or rprod Iblrly dojo'lo Ik. Jail. U— look in- lallrr. —Tw—lpoo. tnoloofo art of kkbory Pei* mol rrorotlr End oncEOlkrd a ru- bor «<d| 10 look Eflor I bo fomin.o of ■rohEMoE —ho — dooUlolo oo ooaol of tho oold ooklkor. Tool—1 Ikon fron oortlk. —WUUon hooolroo or Oroo* Mrid m orroocod bolkooa Ikoloo End OOP O'cfook HklurdEr nlrbt fof brio, drunk sad d—rdrrlf. Ho rot. dniok port od—Ilf and inrs lo mako klodlloa woo. Of bU wlfo'E hoooobold HOOIU. Bo -a* ala. bf J— OanlofUmra loo of WO. ar Id .pond PUT daya la I bo eooalf Jail Ua waul to jail. -1 moo!In. of Iba Plain—* Bran.* annuioo of Unitarian aad ockor llharal CkrtPlad wo—a. alU bo bold la *11 •alf oborob. boat AIM— Holol.f anuarf M .1 Ibroo p BL Hubjoott • Brlknoo - IHbor lop— far EM ba II) “Tbo Truo Plaoo of k-Upoo." (*) I.orjdaf Bollctoa aa TEaakl br Janoa Proomao tilarkai (*) Hi national Pal lb la Mod.™ LI torn

Page 2: NEW JERSEY T.j M. C A LATEST NEWS BY WIRE. · Two boiiM, one now, two plfpi and all of Mr. M.r.b'. poultry were bumwl up fle BBP«d hi* wmmmm. e Ir* a quantity of natch**, ottbeinhair

] Pfil-iiri.1

This at a new name giren by physi -elaas to tbe tompbrary 111 nns eanaed by

r some hours in a closelyEverybody has observed

Ibe nsnsea. headache and ReuaaDy die-gnmtled condition that follows anfag at the theater, or at •large social re-ception, or at any crowded gathering of

Another fact familiarla haman experience la that It la not out-door exposure that gives one severe and

is colds, but "•speenre to crowd-is." aa It t u been called. Gi-n-

eral Butler probably took the cold whichis the immediate cause of his death in

'" wntilatcd courtroom at


Park AvenueExchange,

WASHINGTON'S SOCIETYAm pFiftee a Perwn. Fatally Injured ' T * " T n « » Coo«resslooalForecAiiFortlie

Fine Confections.


BL E. BEACH, ; Williams' Pharmacy,aa open •witcb Into s . jsUlMflty of im A r.

Impmned Itaelf upon contfraem. TheITit • In i n c h h chugmUe with the grantor d«Uy to this

on* of the bill* ha* jrtT of tfc* lntrr»ner that body, sHbon^V the KDOM h a Map l i u d a f u<* li-il1 orer three which are rexdr for wtion. It Joseph T. Sulfiyan,ST.A


•tamp«th»«trci>i»rt«l»J»»tOT8r»MUiati I Tt«wnck took irt, aad while »

Wvm, Liquors, etatCatarrh in the Headorder In this respect long eooagh to allowj Of the fstalty In jar* 1 all sre more at ,

aVwn. one bring elected by rota in eavb lest seriously bnme.1 sboat tbe limbs and |•Uatrirt. with, in addition, two st large. - body, bnt theI . b . balloted fof by aUtto-of™ of the b-rf-Ur burned a-de u d u e r n AD »

hiepreedinf. A bUl proridmg-'or • staotojnred Intemallr from lahsllng th«

no- tbe urcaldentlal electon In ttila ""

Catarrh tea COXSTTTUTTOMAI. dbesse.

a. Q n » t o M » w o a l d b . bUhaadoneor

The scenes in thekera predicted that ooctlpied by the Injured-A— their develop. ' I * t o * * " "°**- •*"»"

FRED. w. Duinr,Ik nuawd ta,

No. 18 North Avenne.

Buy Your Sona Suit ofClothes.

Iry the northwesternplr their wants on tbe apot

T that many of them pos-• M undergToontf. K is bats* dtoeovereOthat nearly every one of them baa ebon-

strata, In Colorado the amountof coal mined In 18M ws> Jt.~O.0O0

Hood's Sarsaparilla!• »TI • • • aaiilnaiiili ~ H n j u i * * — " SO

aeMistsatT-ra*? ***5V3

« u auch as to aplit two loadedtankH wide open, and thaoH hnmedlslatyDsogbt Or*, the flame- shooting W fast Intothe sir.

The locomotive and | Eugene Hoerster,206 Grove Street,

pasWDger train waa remoimli nf ilnlTaiaii Inan

fmithton Ibe

r r r ^ J T I The Torrey bsnkrnptey Mil U tbe specialM O1^5:Iri order for TaeedaV and W

Marsh, Ayers & Co.through to St. I^aU. Hearing : the ooly u t

* . hundreds of people trom this that the two *ow r ifimj iiitnii •PAJKT8, OILS, QL 8-*, WALL FA FEU

of th* wreck, hundreds of psopl* from thl>city aod ricinlty war* attracted by ouriOB-

Then occurred 00. of th.awful liisastsra on racutd. Then was

a drafening report task shook the-arth forhalf a minute snd spread one aheetofsMtb-1ns:. burning oil in all directions.

Wholesale DealereaadrycirU MU Is in tb* oVflcteneyMU is last on the

up at tb* firstWIHK8, BKAMDI88, WHISKEYS,


. K-TuEVtbe era ofthe little dlaner. followed by either a muat-ask, with sdditlousl InritMl gtxata, or sasaaatng of the dtoen at on* or the other of

GJeorge - Bremmer,i. Bis nets, etc, ataostprlej. Hews

worth SOc. The be*.rtaedal in SrsM Ooode tall

begsn miming hither and thither,Par help.

Same went to tbe nearest water and oth-ers ran into the fields and arePaoic rejjraed for a short time annisjurad reoorered their presenceta esre for tbe sfflfsted.

Two barrels of Mnmrii M werfrom a BTOoery atote snd appliedwounded by asversl physician* Who hap-

the ground. Every bouw: :.• le rillsice w v

j they wants-talwan* 1st. Today all three

{ cuaes, Tbe Drtuocra Cleaner Goal I. Rkeommt, Agt,.

theboita'uieBJoyadasot. fJh.ran.boat READY -MADE CLOTHISO,


To Suit Tour Pursesaseaes ttass WaaUagtoa,ron lesnbeiv BiraeHln of

lunched by MOL Extra SpecialW* hsr- left s few of our Cue line of

given by Mr.

noe honored Washington within the past week—Hhi Kntl-

Dolls Wot worth psefc-ore, for a short time ooiy.wa

Spicer & Hubbard,troversy between FaUier Kopytki* a t we have IWn few, b*a*c entirely oatand the conicreKntioo of tbe Polish of tbe church apprtwfeed be

sni >hi hand, aad they ktssed the ring,was a. radical aad enliaaj hmoyaUsw

A. W. BABfD,So. -M Wert. Front Strert.

• A wura. n u m .

The New AddressWhen You


To Hire

A Sleigh,

advising them in tiie nnme of bin rxcellta

iuthUdty. Tb*Lake Srleswitchuv ysrda, which hsre been closed for ibepsatten dsya, wcrsopea«I with ISewiichnmo from Chicago. Last nlcbt s cro*

boysSontbera hotel, threaten

Ing the CfatcStfoans' live. If they didleave tbe town. Tb* men aay they will not

and the company asya it will yet get

m Brae* Campbell, daughter ofGovernor Campbell of Ohio, Is vbtting thefamily of Secretary ETkhi. sad has beenintroduoM to cspitsJ aociety In s

ITOS, Jan. U-Biaaef, Kern,rector uf the CatboJic unitmilj, gave ailtf 11st dinner Is aoour of the d* ia*natioeilligi nalnlllaij •••aTTjagiiinl nTlj 1 Lcat* to tb. United Statea. Th* cueaf in-eroded Dr. SfcGlrnn and his friend, Bishop

of St. Aagastia*. FU, aad tksDoeklow. Tb* fact train sast Mopped onthe block to repair tb* airbnke, w h o tbe «IOBI«S QCiVlTDK COHTillrrpair ibe airbrake,sssopd ssetian ersabed into tb*

which WOT four paaeengen. Theesagbl Ore from the looumotlre of tbeoud Bvctiun and w u partially

to hissteller. BssoU tw«aav»M a « to tha prUeUSt th.dK.Mr wer. all <

the tollWifistf deletalo.tbe Intercollegiate FootNew York in practically -r'-fTiTtag ta*University of feamytTaala to datet bybarnus^om^arlag all etaaSnu ontaids JONES & CO.

FRANK L. €. MARTINof waleh J. Q. A. Wart aicaalr-

air Mia. itmn Hal-afaty J. Csasatt. and



Medical cbemlsta who have analysedtbe air which oauMa "crowdteport that it la loaded down withbonia siriil gas, and ftiis is trJfe wmroe oftbs LQnesB. If prtoeent in snJHcien t q.tfty it would speedily cans* death byaujff)c.'itii>ii. But there a) juit enoughGXyy&ti in crowded meetinghumsnit; to live on miserably. Thewhole tone of the system to weakenedand bennmbed, however: ~not circulate or react when cold airstrike, the akin: hrnre the person "takescold." Oftra It U IK mnch as one's lifefa worth to RO to a meeting of any UndtneoM weititter. ' Why will not archi-tocte and praple if ho buildTide for fresh HII^

KrJ Jmnum i iryp coatrlpatea to ThnKnrth American'; Brriew an elaboratecomparison btttwemi potitkal party or-ganization in Oreat Britain and tbeUnited BUtes. it a In the United Statesani'T-ic all the oatkn*. be say». thatpart v organization has reached its great-est strragtb and< cumplefsneas. Otli*irnations win. wand to hare well drilled•ad marsliolvd poUlical parties, organ-ised on a regular *yi-(<Tu. most look tot! ii> United Stataa ami lean of us. '<

Tbe American •politician win feel topity with, all his soul tbe poor Britonwho has ao primaries or even a nomi-aattng oonventknL Tbe only electionsfeet* which elicit kny great interest arethe pSTllamentary ones, and theee donot come nftener tlian on an aTerage offour years. Th* Briton has no stateelection, for there are no statem, and tbeouly legislature isjtbe parUamoit of thenation. How mudh fun the poor BritonBUS • - . fi ln-Miru! Suffrage has bran BOlimited in England that only since 18TOhave echool bt«rd4 bwn elected, and thegoverning boarda callivl county connHUonly since 1SW». in which year tbe rightof suffrage W«H still further distributed•kimiqg British frWmen. Members o^municipal counr^o, oonnty couacfls,school boards and barBatnent are all tbeottctve Toted for at popular electtoa InGreat Britain. - [

Tbm parlianit-afary cuiutitaeocKs areaawll la some tjswe teas tfaao 8.000Tat*-rs elect tbe wetabw of parliament.Hurcorar, tbe member does not evenhave to lira In tbe dintrict which be rep-resenu In parliament, which, from tl..-

OK& nesMTf b a * tb. loosl polMeala r i s i b i a J W r i c t had • o e h a ^la tks cho.*injr of a parUamett- j

Ma«o-w.«hsAaMrk»BAH ASTOT Ml. Jan. CL

ass* of the a n . of m•nhbiirt at **w Tork U ta

- iheSeatasn "*"


M. R HHAfliT, Williams’ Pharmacy,

Joseph T. Sullivan, POOD MARKET!

>eaf 'for a Year Catarrh in tha Head

FRED. W. DUmr,

No. 18 North Avenue.

Hallock & Davis,1 Eugene Hoerster, 206 Grove Street,

Spicer & Hubbard,

P6btkal pan



iooMisaPi 888 49BW^^-

Page 3: NEW JERSEY T.j M. C A LATEST NEWS BY WIRE. · Two boiiM, one now, two plfpi and all of Mr. M.r.b'. poultry were bumwl up fle BBP«d hi* wmmmm. e Ir* a quantity of natch**, ottbeinhair


Mr-. Mary Motto <*« lac-r-s Fan.

BEECHAMS PILLSwill in future for the United

State* be covered with

A Tasteless and

In a boiler explodedat Kapanee, IwL, SsCornalina hnMfc an.Parker wan LitM,- « f ^ l y hart, and

psuknJs tte sfcfe; I • sikats « n aad

rial proper, a. All dmggi-U aril meal »

Of all tbe atrlea npoav wbitbeen pleaaed to anlle.Of laiKems to retain her farm- tiabffolutely perfect enirfre .by high EoKli*h authoritybUck satin. Tbr cot Of

^ JAKtTABT 23 1893J


tM, J « - « - - T t etaih«

pmnfi, w U pmj-rty Intte rives*, particularlyA pill* h«rs statas) that

^ w U f t a l i u r - U y movlo, m o u r n slacwouh) «n>e down with laay «maiderHe rise mttlng a good rtarf In weight aadrjoiw'of toe with tte opening of t te MR« • * M.^.n-town/wB*™ tte km is£)ed up In law river from ttto It fast deep

Blrar VBODKh to tin and jtacfa t te Im-aaaue •ccno.ulatifm-. from Iteir rooorine*.ud at tbe «*me time fnenlsb w « w to

gnrr p p a i T e <* * greatod wteu the ttew coma*. Many tnrr-uiu and others (ioinit bunlneSB along thear fronts have taken time byttefk «n.t ha»e removed their good* from

l f « « ^ U""

d forth**At (o'clock there h

parted ID Mr. Blaine'i condition.

Ubor « u l> Pluabarg •onfeerlng withoftomrrf Ui* AmaljpumtMd MoeUtioe,— l i m ol HomcMnul'* Tivisory commit-tal Mid Attorney W. V. . ;Erwrn, the St.Paal Uwjrr, xho It defending the Hon»•Usd men -:ti«nt«l with murder, in reta-•Bo* to those a u n . Mr. Gcmpcn declinedto .UL* wtet painU werr discnassd fur-ther than to n«y that ft had to do with ttedcf«t»r of Homestead mm. Spnki forUmnelf, be Mid, "The FedemUoulasdf to oo-ofH-ntfl warmly «od rtiirwtth t)i« ABi»lK«iniitrf association In de-laut or tbuee who bavs bM« no f*l»My me-eased of murder mul other crime*" Kr.Oaapara left for New York.



HEALTH OF GLADSTONEInteresting: Political Situation*

Engross Europe.


LOVDOK. Jan. 2a - A t a prolonged cab-inet meeting the ministers dltcuased tbe

I Mpaeta of t te home rule bill. SirCharlen Huftell. attorney general, andLord Hentcbetl. lord high dMneallor. whopreviously had not attended ( te cabinet

at length.Tte Right Hon. Ja

selected to move t te amendment of the ad-dress. He will n-k that Immediate « . ; »te taken to legislate aftninnt pnupar alieus.Legal reatrictiotiH ol pnnp-T IramiBTDtUinhave been advocat. d l.v fn'ooiM nowip*.pera for many ipwit ---|n ci, Il> tin a* ttesipulakra of m.tmi ' • Iron, Francs last•prtng swellrd t ie . n ,rtiii-.i oniony with

Mr. Rarrla ll'f.ndi B n son.Niw Yoiiit, Jan. 23-M™. F. McCrady

Barria, motber of Carlyl. Hani*, found

Cy of mnrderinx hi* jnung wit*, pub-. a letter in < of her Wti. Mr*,

tlarria revien-a Cnrlylx's tile and f[ivea herIBMonxwhr tlie death ptnaltj ihould notbe Inflicted ujion him. "We have tuiw sodimportant rvklrne* to pnaent which clearlyprortm thmt lirleu P o l u w n addicted totlie(uoof morphine." Sbe laja in conclu*ion,"I demand number trial Ur my hoj. aiid Iaak p*tT« lairreTt' every' doctor, ererjd«r|fyniaa. evorj man aad wonuA who• a m for j.ntlice to be admin lateral to de-•MOd OJI. new trial." . -

new dpvotrd to tte InterOf l«bor U to be tonwd a* tte ilnea

by ProfamrGoaltl, who*ecvntl jwas before the royal labor comaiiaaion.Tb*M linn conform gniBrallj with thosefollowed \>j the labor bnraan in Waahfaag-ton. Batter ancxpectedlr the Iallowed a haiuinome MUD f "tioD of the burrini.

Ur. OUdMflOe baa reoMved hnadredj oflfttera in the. last few days and atorea ofcaller* making inqulrir* ax to toe state ofhi. health. The rrporta that he i* failingbare caused great nolkltude and M Malarm among hi* nemonal (riendi and tteadvocatca of hone rule.

There la general apprehension amongLiberal EnKliitlimen Unit their prime roin-Ivter Is not i*) well aa he a&d hi* friend*would maks tbe world U-iieve. Mr. Glad-•ume la very cloaely guarded by hU familyand nearest frlenda, nud only pvrMmal andpolitical lntlmatea are able to gMin aniMa

ELMIUA. X Y . Jan. a.—Last evening a•iTiKijitiK pirty returning from Hornrbrmi-to thii city was struck on a grade crowing ja Bills outside tte dty limits by an express :train on i te Delaware, I^ckawtuitut and iWestern mud. Three youag men were on Ithe front sent of the ale%h and three younglailicH .in the rear seat. AH were thrown a

ttlHtance, aUgbting In the*»ne of the girls. Ih-rtlin Muntwn,

iiiMjiiuly killed, an4 anotber, Tlrailer, so badly Injured that recoveryI iuiiKjauble. The ottera escaped un-

\ I

DfMHl. Jan. S3.—All plueea of amnMS-OMnta were yr-icrdny by the orderof the polios li.«ni. and i tbe proprietorswere and placed in Jail. Her. H.U. Hart, dean ol the KpivCo^n] obQtch, in-

d h l t arodjp•rovedtiinf KIwindoI

* e w e tintuen D«in Hart'a hoi «er a in a ahort

arliitntrr •lnrin > u rud th* uolioa tood arrtved on tbe « u «i d iho, crowd without making

> ••- Tori. Msto rrtihii.ALBiKT. Jan.-a-Chip( Kxrcutire Offl-

•w UcXautthton uld tnat the work: of•acuriDK u eil.ibit at the World's fairfrom New York >>tat« waa progreeHing aatu-fanoritT. In all depanmqiiU the applies-Uoni for vaaae aggrenta Bineh nmre thanthat at the tlbipofal off the antboritlea.

, HntLis, J « L 38. —In the NteUebm a»y-tum *i Halle IT new « « . it cboleraaadfiilrai In ware rrported. Prsfesaor Koch i.

MNMl'lii i vi'Fi.i HIA. Jan. 33.-Mrn. Calttarine

Skaru. widow of John G. tSharp. atehi oftWoar of IMS. dted bere Sunday. I n .Harp WM within two week* of being USJWUmld. T ) II I. I I \th* roU* of tte V»to4 8tal^> tanttmeoi.

A Rrar Ku4 folllalM.!'••"•. Ind.. Jan. 33.-A. raar aod ooUi-

sirjii w n n , t te two sscttamaof ttef«.t•Mil*mmi meat train on tte PennsylTaniaimtlnm.1 occurrad at Ambojr. The secoudsfcimn waa ruaaing at tte rkte of 46 milesan hour and telescoped four lean.

boal rooodboOK of th . . _ , .MJIroad WM bnroed. Including three loco-Wxitea Mntd by t t e DeUware and Hud-

HrxTiww.*, W. v»., jak a _ atoo* nf powdw azploded in the mill nf tteUngfl Powder work*, wracking th« plantaad »hakmg up tac dty tearftilly No otw••abut . \

ck frrlafilj, Ja». »—Edwanj Hanlec, the

«-Ht olMllrntf* tbe wlnixr of theH raea for th* ete-pJoo-

(tor sWaw I >.i th . Jan. 23 - A boiler t>

_ 1 •

T\ir*y Wjtat Ur. flrrx,PARIS, J«n. 28.—A number of potttldaiu

re anxious to ba*e Hen extradited, not•r political motives, but because of a do-re to aee ont of the way a man who ap-

parently knows too many secret*. Anyfudge or jury would make it a patrioticpoint to deal with him with the utmostrigor of t te law.

General Ferron in an Interview confirmedH. -•> ii.lrifii K-H atMteroent that in :-.-T tehanded WL. Rnuvter 100,000 franca ont ofthe secret nerrice fund of tlw war depart-

aak'We bad to flghtBouIangi«n,"sald Gen-

eral Ferron, "an ft was Iwtoming a greatdanger. H. Hornier had no secret fund, BOhe waa compelled to npply to bi colleague*.

refunded. It waa to be devoted (o defend-Ing tte government's line of policy. EveryKorerument'a duty is to defend ilaelf when

Tte warrant for tbe arrest of Arton, t tePanama lobbyiit mpponed to baVe bribed.104 deputies with l.miXK) franca, ha* beeoIsmiftl. Arton wan supposed to be In Lon-don In communication with Hera and poa-»iblv Andrleni a Kbort time ago. In Eng-land te could have beeti arrested at t te in-

siderahle mrprise Is rxpresHd that™.Uonrgeoia Rbould have held back with hlaw a n u t until Arton found lime to placehimself OD less dangerous ground.

R o n , Jan. St—Dynamite bomb* ex-ploded almost slmultaneotuly before tteHotel d'AngleMm and In tte garden oftbe proprietor's house in the Via SanClaudia Tbr hotel was partly wreokoLNobody was injured, although tte botefbad more than "lfW lodgers at tte hour otthe eiploaif.ii Not a whole piece of fiirol-"ire waa left in tbe Imililing. Walls of

>UBM near the hotel were cracked, and all,tbe windows were broken.

Tte proprietor of the Hotel d'Angleterr*•ay • te I. con vt need that bothwen cauatd by a man who* "recently from his serrtea.

V I M * * , Jan. 23. —Profrasor Armiuiu»Varubery. t te well known Oriental•r, la or t te opinion that t te *fa4tIVtenburgof I. .•t tektenof Khira

rttug tbe 1


la 1W4 id

. Jan. a Francis Eg»o,DaricipU

n Irbh ayiiamiw plotMDCed to 20 years' p«u) servitode, hasbean rrleeawd fram PurUaod prison.

Tbe Daily News var* Egma waemtA as » polrtioal prtaoaer or i* por-

LONIX.S. Jan. A — T t e Bom* eon*apou-tent of TIH-Chronicle say* "It to«poeied Ikafl Arckbtahop Corrigaa of New

hxtr-crttMltlghtiy witboii:Bngers ted •>•_ ._trace of their biDdtwork,front tthidnrKd very tall <and at th. top. hoth tacttwo point**! rvn-eni t*mll]_moat becoming ranhiOO andwith white and gold and ml

bonnH* that (ire talked aboutIIUK foKbiotw. Thef

been rHmrolnra-rt thi* I

nn a latfly atOur cat *styli-h KuBlioli wnJktoA dwill) tbe new abape of »kirUninR and fnllinR in full nawk awl Kidcs

Tbe stylish pelerine

aid to tenby English

ftodlSed aadrftteFrsDCft

flne clothTing a stifffolds at tte

upstandingruckle.. Tte


trim min« of l he poke bannrtloop* i.f rihbtm h.-l.l t.j abrim t- laonl with velTK a~

—1~-»»~" ff

Free! Free! Free!

Caleb Df^dison,

Daniel Eulick,Carpenter

General Jobber.•HOI*

36 Jackson Avenue.


John P. Emmons,XASOM AHU BTirLDaR,

P.O. Box H!.•sptly atteoOed lo.

* QiTLl .

Carpenters Iand Builders.

Mo. U Vme strMb H. B.



All ordsn (or JoW

Carpenter <fe Builder.




BT raqaest a HRBS fat •asih.iia.IUs |bvcladiiw arinwulfc aald the h^- *T aalor-

Harned Academy1lB FAtJC AVKMOC.

1 • • • » • 1TOC BUT, MEAT!— AIL »At



Keep Your Hair Growing!

L. W. KANDOL™, Prescription Druggist,a wan mom STRKTT.


An Ordinance.

T E T h ? ! . rMdk. of thi. or*u»ce <r*srr persn Tiokting the same steflte aabtect to a aaaaltr ol n *e doHarr —coTaraVe for the at* rf tte city.

AnyootfaUm* to ccaoujy with thiiaort. -Ul te dealt with'as la-awl >

Are Tea Insured ?If you are 21 JFWI old tO>,paid annuall, for OfUea y «would entiilsyooto*l^»0.

If 33jsanoM,*W.ial




Loms•0 Wast Front

For First-classFitting "'Garments,


Beds, Bedding, Rugs, eta,

CARETS, 76 West Front Street


The Est D. J. Boice and A. D. Cook & Bra,- Dsalsrs in

Cool, Lumber and Masons' Materials

Arenow prapared with their iiiLliasiJ fadhtin*, (te*4«|t pcrrtof Missis A. O. Csc* * ttro.J to (HI all arista pssaajillj, sad si

Edw. C. Mulford,REAL ESTATE


*S Horth Areaua.

M. M. Dunham,


Wm. A. Woodruff,REAL ESTATE


mm. Win n future for the United Sum be cueeied with

A Tasteless and Soluble Coating, completely dihguMug Th e ta«e of the Pill without in any


aiaftaasisr., Keep Your Hair Growing t

HEALTH OF GLADSTONE Interesting; Political Situations

Engross Europe.

CARETS, 76 West Front Street ertu j be taken to legislate again* pan per aliens. uUm, Legal —trleUom of pauper Inmlgratkai BmJ*' I hare btea adnnb d It I’nlnat* aewepa- !V®*- I per. tor many n or.i daoa tbe “IT* * aapalaioa of aun'i » !»•«• France !•* spring swrlbxl ti« r n-.rd.l-* ootaey wttk [ faP. hundreds of t he liuloLut and i .nnll—i BOICE, RUNYON & CO.

The Est. D. J. Boice and A. D. Cook & Bro.

Hud. ..due. CwrtyU’. llfc awd gl. nwu why lb. daub pmult y Uo. UlAlkM U|-m him. “W. bav. m yuihrr* (tort*,

JUilrea* (Ktm lakU. CEhTRi LtilL&OAU OPBEW JEKSEY Carpenter Edw. C. Mulford,

REAL ESTATE General Jobber.

M. M. Dunham, John P. Emmons, REAL

Wm. A. Woodruff, REAL ESTATE



Page 4: NEW JERSEY T.j M. C A LATEST NEWS BY WIRE. · Two boiiM, one now, two plfpi and all of Mr. M.r.b'. poultry were bumwl up fle BBP«d hi* wmmmm. e Ir* a quantity of natch**, ottbeinhair



ntoek a fmmtMM __perilHt-M Tii'«-tr,ufinr ramana Allthat now rrtuxi.w to t*C tbe tale af Gratarwi iuBtoibw- - ^•mint tnmlMnaJ*unl»iinc. NonLumhrrUnd. In Ettje-.n ilarr in-<T»«l t|MM worda:Hor»ley Jfc.riii.rf, i-.n. S m » . 1*15. B. &Fvrfunfalrv wiwhad Hrpt T. IM* died Oov•J. |H49. •«•*! 1Ji>'-«™.";

1'iwW u.r utuvpy aorerinif the tombO r w HIUCT l U carred to Btoaa.Thefaw I- IMBBt ««l ildrlliih. tha ™ . Ofthe •Imitrr A^urr k> tfrfearfal. aa wtt* tinyband* falded over her brant* bar arm en-dick- an oar. ibeemMwn of htrgreatnw.In tb»t llti If urn*, rown churchyard Grace1U> in tonrl) -lau, cloar to the pleuiraaq i•Maw. wiiti ii- whiLe if ailed thatttbedraof

eoirHlnn wftbln tbe

wbru tha ahi|i -t meand n wan from | _ . _ ._,leu. beroia mother, wbf. ptubmt off theirliultr Imt, thill the fiitbrr awl di•IT ihriiiixh tii«-liliiHliin(Moriii U•hlpwr«cke<l,errw ^ ' "

Honor* • n'l ireaJthtfxMred la upon OraoeDarling a» well w brr brare father, butab*<lktnot melontfloeDjoytbem. Witbinlour »bon ymn. the brief apaa of ber lit a

j . p. LAIRE

Parlor Stoves, Heaters, Fnmaoss, Skates,BORME BLABtTTS, 1 0 W I , STC..


so. s w»-fr FROST enuacT. —

Sleighs! Sleighs!

Jacob Grtmni-wh... with hie bnttarWUltWD, f O ni I Hi IU Well EDOWB ml 1«UOBof birr Mir- and IcttnwlK-aon n n i n d •pretty «nii|>lin»<nl. A IktU Kiri«Ubty«m.

•taring at him rerjearac-tly, replied. "Ii

HI bare

lao written thetaUof Uta alerer Uttlewhere H in Mid U tbe end who will

act believe tt at net pay a thalerl- "Yea, Ihavewrittai that too." Wdl.thaB.idonot helfc-T* ii. and » I eappo-a 1 must payatbater. bo* aa 1 hare not no much moneyyet 111 alrr tbae a ^raaehaa (about twooenta) on account and pay tb» raet by andbj." HlKhljrtellKbtedatthlaproofof hla— FTT* t-**-y*T"—-T"*"*"•*—-* iritbber

Ja nnu<J>->ltww and ooow^rationiiiMHi.i>. Orlmau dUmb-wl hi. liui* rM tor afterRtrinjt inatroction. that abe waa to be wot

e [Htilni 1 aa a aiarfc of .u b-

kB««Kt4VHfc> WrmJnuW* Cockr wHI mtf tMami • kMetv* v k mw • • • I «•> tba Boor. Bad M. la


i to tbr Morata* dnrtL AaM«o«t> af water When K coma to rhebpHlJWipnlMiinrr.riranrfaiMtw9q.ana

I t N r B M A I ^



Mb milk or M.. mn i|iiTU«-pi

ibblBK k Miwotb ta a little of tbr aillk.ben add tbr gt-latiu aad I n drop, of ra-Ua, tttlr well and rrmore from the ore

alnot Ova mlnates. A i m lukewarmor thMB«b a atratner Into mold, thatIT. Inaa B i e i l w l j ill|i|Mil Into a bath of

ATTRACTIVE BANCV WORK. 1 for Jkwrer laca. fonad •

I t a w piMixif 4 k an.!er. with tonuBn. <* rel.

Boawaajaorda ' *broiderr. p « on fall

farssffsVep Hah I liahliww

a :£sr3

CENTRAL! HOTEL,.No. II E. \Ftont St.

Windham & Crowley,rROPRIKTURS.

Fourth Ward HoteL' JOHW UOFF, rraprleanr.

"""""L«»O« Room

» i u W D I U rjmo

Fine Wined, Liquors

Hotel Grenada,SOUTH AVETUK,


City Hotel,irun AVEIU« «

w o t Water or SteamSeating Apparatus

i_Mfc4 • « » •£!£££<•_ X F—.


Kath Hihifcti.

BiBtlnalB tOKrtt>er by thrirplgUulu U t o l a ' al» or et«fllet npoo them a d«tTwlin« iMinUhmant. atBeof thIn III! pia—la nf ••iiUMhn II lnli iajalM *etber. a

ibaor laBTandM.t I hi




• top of tha •eallop •• torn. . (toublriPilvnrcMltcb. on.

ap,aad o( wimW *i»ct) *iwl n vaUnpnf oor «

uicor anyUiitll elm that taney mayor- IOa. 'HJbhooworkl.fanolooable for cn»hi

-Baby."«mHL._ _lac* braid, loci—an aa a o u T o a M w M .drawn, and a ajUT i « *Is and oat of thi-ope*to worked wtth IJ

Teacloiiia caa be

r s i

E. W. RICE &; da,

blt» ribhoBlaron

ta tt« nun--tyU.




Sunshine ParlorHeaters; ImprovedCylinder Btoves; Oth-ello Ranges ;Furnacesand Fire-place Heat-ers; Furnace Workand Plumbing; Hard-ware. Get a $600Insurance, Free.A. M.


A Special Big Sale


COTANCT OF WOMES|sisSS£^Sy:I ly U>bn-ck|«citj for the h



I woronii-. saturDatnral buoT«acj cml vinclt;

f I m ni mill F « i t a* • iiln • mi . •™lt °* ^ *t A n n r i Hie* r i l i i l i a i l l ea* TtMb ^ ^ J ' j J Jrtfcette aMatbUlt(ei Te-4. Tkeae te kpwkle, tbe r

>d f l i n a i to Xaar WBJH, yoon« womsD

by an wormra. aa a role, happier than BoSotdtbktmoatmni workf tl^y hare a anaiai . , moat troatea, wh«ra It U"* I '>' PhyaknUytlwreian* rtngatthrirnork' — ^ —rranyqneMion among . teMM. that rf^rfH.

MB. It i. •itfniBcant to not* bowattar a woman can bear any kind of painbanamm. TWlord of creation•» 'Titheawben he haaa tooUtnebm,-omu b«B» In white, calm rikdM•eUacaad rending of tbewboU •n t m x mold in all probability drire a•an either to wjkiilt or illeliajlhaiTbe avne anperior power of ree

may be noted to woraaa'a manlll and mor-al orsaaiiatiaa. Woman ean endure a•treaa of tamptatloa which woaldpronVntemeainaqnad. like aomany Unaoldlara Inanon of wind. They can alao endnr. n »

train* which would wear oti if not the brain UBMM of

__ tba time. Woman baaan•rnich U almply maffnlOrent. H.and moral «aet*r eeem to anatt mbom nan i aad InrTfcaaaihle i _Tttality. Woman, both phyakiily andmentally, h u » reactionary pow•leoppoatta aw, exempt in ran

unable te command. ThaaftUaLtiatlc of ntan'a mental and pbrriosl fbre*

irt i> a great advautaga to her to thaat-^DTOtof b^plnem It enabh. IZt to

and worriea*whicb"fret all tba riradty oat

WamaaMretlclatumtth U bw heart', d.erttnasure. She (h "

xaof Joynnda

_,___ . I thegrmteofallthat' and worthy ban, and tbe rarria-

• a neatifla realfttm of Wblch tbe prac o n ajre ne oalylhe n e w t bint*

other aource- of bapviseaa a&n t*l» aloaa,|>d»WMUaUBb^BUatoUnattfc«rf aaea

pyarrt.^r^pllwiro?^tanc*. aort If you follow thlTpower outto p r t i l ^ iU d t h t it k

arrt.^r^pllwiro?If you follow thlTpower or yoowiU nod that it mak

tarn WOOMO cat a wout of Boca tfelnn aa

I I i r f t

a world of anjoynintt

1-ork.dre-, Ib d t

« , brio*f hihraeaadamnkttndaof tUnanof thiana-

t a n which tbe areraca "practiol" man

ofh-m^a^m^^SSnatWn!eatki«L It inoreaM the natural


Canned : Vegetables

Joseph T. Vail,REAL ESTATE

B K a U K . n i mum

ig ie lnnl in i tbt of irtrla t o c h e r jon alwayn t ir-ct to hea-•tfande nnfaror- them UugJilnB. With boy* It la different.

^j^j^.^^^jjjiw^, Maua. arnleUaerl

•twanlBj. It la anuKtar of »l|jWl—. utihpitrttrnh. nf Inlmil nh»L»ffriallri Andtba BBnabJar disposition wmtd nrcly acem

dar If you koow what 7<«,'ra talking abDid' t I play tbra* ba»da of m&t

l * d t i f "

t a|I BB* »roaa(T, more tangible naof earth would be Uke achlW'adad t4>yi eompartd with tbe aUoBMBBd Ideal, of tha child when a

w n l t l i iml nf BMiHmhTmfl Into

. j pp ich « l dequaled on roan'a part aav. by aa

'lTjIai" n u l l f c n i l H i a m i w t l i i a T i l

TW Coaauea of Aberdeaa apant B»eb ofher yomb on her father. blgbUndaMate ofDoi-caaa. U ww to then* dnya that aba

Mra. Dr. BaTQaad, Dr. Km Harftnc MdIf ra. Dr. B«wa ara aald to be tbe only fas*Jy wboae woawa w m b m Knalldootonk, tbe United 3UUo.HAtdBK> Oloba.


Ttow» 7 «BaBB»»B*»ta»>h r . . coo

MMW a> kra> H MJI far * • Irirlar M«iaai««t lUwJB)-«kTba -Falaoa gfay,- I W t Aha jgi


Do You• hi JOULnHTB, Tt Went F

ike Music?

This Data is Hatorj—JM. 28,«w nwi> rf rwitiM" '

Catbrfk, maun af

t-Wtltfcun litt, llrttkh


ha*. It apbotatmd. but ta . daBta*?d M W b a * * N . d » w . | M « m d o f BtlaL

I wan a boy.and the memory of »T Uata « T n » h » D ^ t a « a l l ^ w a i e n o a , b , l h .

hawnarnrtmid at ta. esaewit• wfafebla* Mmw waa Mtnetad and tba aaMat

lat* nbnMBM of patn. Afierthkl'nrnajarbarln* tawh draw* It w«

• afmply throttled bto rlctlm Md mlapmrnftonciBtotbeBnfort.DaW*

Iff—11. nod tbaa be branlhai hard antpnllad ondl the tooth ~ma « t «r u»tone* broke or be epralned Ma wriM. Ba-•••rally K M M B I Ura* or four •amiteeth baton be eaptuml the aeblog m ,but be waa liberal and made no a n *

nnm Oh. I trll yon, the world ha> ad- |ead alnoe I waa a boy, and la nothing* tfea» dMtMry." and tbeeongreafmnB«*ed hi- apretadea In order that a*hi *re the iiaanr be held In hi. baud.-

wM Joat breaklmt and ai i i l i l the bains«7al-dy

• b h k

Change of Ownership.

A. I. & N. B. gmalley


Furniture *.* MovedTo Hew Yert, nVoaMja or any Barky

rumo Hovne A BFICIALTY.

30 W. Second street

New Marble

Granite Work*,

E. Townsend, »-gj

Have Moved



A Special Big Sale


No. 11 E. Ftont St. > lunmui

A. I. & N. B. Smalley

Fourth Ward Hotel

and Fire-place Heat- ers; Furnace Work

Fine Wines, Liquors

Moved Hotel Grenada, Insurance, Free. A. M. GRIFFEB,


w0t Water or Steam Heating Apparatus

Music %
