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NEVILLE GODDARDAre you making these mistakes?

(Part 2 of 3)Courtesy of

Page 2: Neville Goddard PDF - Are You Making These Mistakes 2

August 29, 2012

Hey mate,

Today, we continue to explore the simple THREE STEP method of Neville Goddard’s, and the common mistakes that people make using it – so that you can stop making them today to – and realize the world of your dreams – and what you REALLY ARE – more completely.

So let’s do a quick review with Neville and The Three Step method, then continue with correcting common mistakes people make:

“THE FIRST STEP in changing the future is Desire, that is, define your objective — know definitely what you want. SECOND: construct an event which you believe you would encounter following the fulfillment of your desire – an event which implies fulfillment of your desire – something which will have the action of Self predominant. THE THIRD STEP is to immobilize the physical body and induce a state akin to sleep. Then mentally feel yourself right into the proposed action, imagine all the while that you are actually performing the action HERE AND NOW. You must participate in the imaginary action, not merely stand back and look on, but FEEL that you are actually performing the action, so that the imaginary sensation is real to you.” – Neville Goddard

Yesterday, we explored EXACTLY how to MOVE from the state of STUCK THINKING to the creative state of START FEELING, by keeping it simple.

Several readers emailed us – asking why we don’t make what we want MORE SPECIFIC. The key is – keep it SIMPLE so you can feel it – THEN…Notice what we do TODAY.

Today, we follow THE SECOND STEP of Neville’s, and CREATE VERY SPECIFIC SCENES.

The Second Mistake People Make: They construct an imaginary scene OF the wish ITSELF fulfilled.

Neville is very clear on this, “construct an imaginal scene that would IMPLY the state of the wish fulfilled”.

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Imply is the Power Point here. (If you haven’t downloaded Imagine Neville Goddard Simplified yet, consider doing it today. It fits in nicely here.)Construct the scene, with something SPECIFIC that FOLLOWS that state having completely manifested in your life. (This corrects the SECOND MISTAKE.)

• Seeing myself voting in Australia is one of mine. I am not just a migrant resident of my chosen Country, I am a full fledged citizen with voting rights. (Notice how that implies that we’ve moved through the migration and citizenship process completely.)

• Banking. With the diverse income streams we have, we have very special relationships with our bankers – in Australia and overseas – is another. Seeing our local bankers, visiting us in our gardens, advising us and simply enjoying our gardens with us. (Notice how this implies specific kinds of income streams.)

• Victoria and I sharing a couple HIGH FIVES after each of us making nice – simple – profitable trades. (Notice how this IMPLIES we trade as experts.)

• Dancing regularly. Being as fit as a teenager, has it’s perks. We dance with energy, vigor and moves that would make any teenager stop and look. (Notice how that implies health and fitness.)

So how can you apply this in your life today?

1. Remember that THIS is where we get specific. I can construct a specific conversation, with my brother in law – about how I voted and why. (Should be interesting….)

2. Remember, that this is when we focus on WHAT happens AFTER the wish fulfilled. I can introduce my banker, in my garden, to our mastermind partners – who happen to stop by.

3. Remember, the scene gets to be SPECIFIC, but also SPONTANEOUSLY EVOLVING. Just like life. I discovered that my banker got to meet our mastermind partners, while I was TYPING that sentence. This is HOW your imagination works. So use it that way.

4. Remember to have your SELF predominant in the action. It’s not about “the stuff”, it’s about YOUR LIFE. Focus on a million dollars, and not much happens.

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Focus on YOU – being the NEW you, after winning – earning – giving away half of your multi million dollar winnings – and something magical begins to happen – yes you do get more lucky and loving. (Another spontaneous imagining – and occurrence- involving Victoria and I winning vast amounts as well.)

Have a great day and DO IT!

Mr Twenty Twenty

PS: Making it about THE STUFF PREDOMINANTLY is the THIRD mistake most people make. I feel drawn to share that too, because it is in the second step of Neville’s above. Because when you make it about THE STUFF, you put the power to be happy – satisfied etc OUTSIDE of you – you create “the stuff” as your new God – the source of your ability or happiness. People all the time can be over heard saying, “When I have x – then I will….” Let’s exit that disease state right now. Let’s do that by remembering why we have The Law (What we hold in mind tends to manifest) – So that we can realize The Promise…

PPS: You are God. That’s why we put ourself, in the MIDDLE of the CONSTRUCTED scene that implies the wish fulfilled. The new you – is God more completely expressed – and more completely enjoying “the creation”. Time for me to go feed some birds. God (me) feeding and enjoying God (expressed through the birds.)

Want to listen in to some RARE Neville Goddard lectures? (You are going to LOVE this!)

Pay What You Choose – Neville Goddard in His Own Voice – Volume 3 – Neville Answers Your Questions - These are again some of our favorite Neville Goddard Lectures – where Neville Goddard starts his lecture – with a question to be answered. Notice how his style is “the usual Neveille”, but with a special flavor or twist. We are doing something Very special with these ones. Go check them out now.

Courtesy of:

Have an amazing day!