
Never! This is because they know they perform better when they don’t smoke.

Carbon monoxide and tar are two poisons in cigarettes that reduce sports performance.

Smoking significantly reduces your fitness.

When active, those who smoke:• are more easily exhausted

• suffer shortness of breath

• have less endurance

• are slower to react

• have poorer visual judgement or ability to see well

It’s simple – if you don’t smoke, your sports performance is better.

What you do today may extend the life span or savethe lives of the young people with whom you are involved.

How often do you see athletes or sports people smoking on the sidelines?

For more info on quitting visit

Based on current Tasmanian secondary student statistics.


People who start smoking as teenagers are more likely to become regular smokers, smoke heavily, find it hard to quit and are at a greater risk of getting a smoking- related disease.

Most adult smokers say they wish they’d never started smoking and that they would like to stop. In fact, around 80 per cent of Australians who do smoke have tried to quit.

Who doesn’t smoke?

What you do today may extend the life span or savethe lives of the young people with whom you are involved.

More than 80 per cent of Tasmanian adults and about 91 per cent of Tasmanian secondary students do not smoke regularly.


Nicotine is the addictive drug in tobacco (found in cigarettes). You may become addicted even after smoking a few cigarettes.

You may find it difficult to quit or cut down. You may feel anxious, hungry, irritable and find it hard to focus. These are signs of withdrawal from nicotine.

Cravings are very short and pass really quickly – here are some tips that might help:

• Get active – try a quick walk or a run

• Use your hands – play a game on your phone

• Chew gum or try some healthy snacks

• Go online – check Twitter, Facebook or send a message to a friend

• Try a nicotine replacement product

For a better chance of successfully quitting, contact one of the services on this postcard.

Even if you smoke occasionally, such as at a party, you can still get addicted.

For more info on quitting visit

Cigarettes are about as relaxing as bungee jumping! The nicotine in cigarettes is a stimulant, like caffeine. It speeds up your body and makes your heart go faster. This actually makes people more stressed!

Why people feel smoking relaxes them is the deep breaths and slow exhaling – not the cigarette. You can take deep breaths and exhale slowly without a cigarette. Try it now …

Here are a few ideas to help you deal with stress:1. Take some time out and take a few deep breaths

2. Get physical – this could be going for a jog or walk (endorphins help you feel good)

3. Call for reinforcements – phone a friend or family member

4. Look for the positives – this can be hard but think about things that are going well

5. Sleep on it – eight to 10 hours is the ideal

What you do today may extend the life span or savethe lives of the young people with whom you are involved.

Some people say they smoke because it helps them deal with stress.

For more info on quitting visit
