Page 1: Neuroendocrine Responses Glucose Ingestion do stimulate release of glucagon, epi-nephrine, and

Neuroendocrine Responses to Glucose Ingestion in Man



THOMASF. TSE, WILLIAM E. CLUTTER, SURESHD. SHAH, J. PHILIP MILLER, andPHILIP E. CRYER, Metabolism Division of Department of Medicine, andClinical Research Center, Diabetes Research and Training Center, andDivision of Biostatistics, Washington University School of Medicine,St. Louis, Missouri 63110

A B S T R A C T The mechanisms of postprandial glu-cose counterregulation-those that blunt late decre-ments in plasma glucose, prevent hypoglycemia, andrestore euglycemia-have not been fully defined. Tobegin to clarify these mechanisms, we measured neu-roendocrine and metabolic responses to the ingestionof glucose (75 g), xylose (62.5 g), mannitol (20 g), andwater in ten normal human subjects to determine foreach response the magnitude, temporal relationships,and specificity for glucose ingestion. Measurementswere made at 10-min intervals over 5 h. By multivar-iate analysis of variance, the plasma glucose (P< 0.0001), insulin (P < 0.0001), glucagon (P < 0.03),epinephrine (P < 0.0004), and growth hormone (P< 0.01) curves, as well as the blood lactate (P< 0.0001), glycerol (P < 0.001), and fB-hydroxybutyr-ate (P < 0.0001) curves following glucose ingestiondiffered significantly from those following water inges-tion. However, the growth hormone curves did notdiffer after correction for differences at base line. Incontrast, the plasma norepinephrine (P < 0.31) andcortisol (P < 0.24) curves were similar after ingestionof all four test solutions, although early and sustainedincrements in norepinephrine occurred after all fourtest solutions. Thus, among the potentially importantglucose regulatory factors, only transient incrementsin insulin, transient decrements in glucagon, and lateincrements in epinephrine are specific for glucoseingestion. They do not follow ingestion of water, xy-lose, or mannitol.

Address reprint requests to Dr. Philip E. Cryer, Metabo-lism Division, Washington University School of Medicine.

Received for publication 30 April 1982 and in revisedform 21 March 1983.

Following glucose ingestion, plasma glucose rose topeak levels of 156±6 mg/dl at 46±4 min, returned tobase line at 177±4 min, reached nadirs of 63±3 mg/dl at 232±12 min, and rose to levels comparable tobase line at 305 min, which was the final samplingpoint. Plasma insulin rose to peak levels of 150±17,uU/ml (P < 0.001) at 67±8 min. At the time glucosereturned to base line, insulin levels (49±12 ,uU/ml)remained fourfold higher than base line (P < 0.01);thereafter they declined but never fell below base line.Plasma glucagon decreased from 95±14 pg/ml to na-dirs of 67±11 pg/ml (P < 0.001) at 84±9 min and thenrose progressively to peak levels of 114±17 pg/ml (P< 0.001 vs. nadirs) at 265±12 min. Plasma epineph-rine, which was 18±4 pg/ml at base line, did notchange initially and then rose to peak levels of 119±20pg/ml (P < 0.001) at 271±13 min.

These data indicate that the glucose counterregu-latory process late after glucose ingestion is not solelydue to the dissipation of insulin and that sympatheticneural norepinephrine, growth hormone, and cortisoldo not play critical roles. They are consistent with, butdo not establish, physiologic roles for the counterregu-latory hormones-glucagon, epinephrine, or both-inthat process.


Following its ingestion, glucose is absorbed and theplasma glucose concentration rises. Because glucoseutilization accelerates and endogenous (hepatic) glu-cose production is markedly suppressed, the plasmaglucose concentration begins to decline long beforeglucose absorption is complete (1) and falls below base-line levels. As this occurs, glucose utilization dimin-ishes and, as glucose absorption ceases, endogenous

270 J. Clin. Invest. © The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc. * 0021-9738/83/07/0270/08 $1.00Volume 72 July 1983 270-277

Page 2: Neuroendocrine Responses Glucose Ingestion do stimulate release of glucagon, epi-nephrine, and

glucose production rises, thereby returning the plasmaglucose concentration to the base-line level. Clearly,endogenous glucose production must exceed glucoseutilization to achieve this late rise in plasma glucose.

The regulatory mechanisms that accomplish thistransition from exogenous glucose delivery to endog-enous glucose production, and thus blunt the declinein plasma glucose, prevent hypoglycemia, and restoreeuglycemia, have not been fully defined. The well-established fact that, after glucose ingestion, plasmainsulin concentrations are substantially above basallevels at the time when plasma glucose returns to baseline (2-6), suggests that this transition is not solelyattributable to a fall in insulin levels. Thus, factors thatactively raise the plasma glucose concentration-glu-cose counterregulatory factors-are probably in-volved.

Theoretically, glucose counterregulatory factorscould be hormonal, neural, autoregulatory, or a com-bination of these. Potentially important hormones in-clude glucagon and epinephrine, and perhaps cortisoland growth hormone. Potentially important neuralfactors include norepinephrine released from sympa-thetic postganglionic neurons within the tissues. Lastly,evidence that hepatic glucose production is an inversefunction of the plasma glucose concentration indepen-dent of hormonal and neural regulation (7-10) suggeststhat glucose autoregulation (11) is a potentially im-portant glucose counterregulatory factor. Recent stud-ies of the mechanisms of hypoglycemic counterregu-lation in human subjects (12-16) indicate that gluca-gon plays a primary role in promoting glucose recovery,that epinephrine largely compensates for deficient glu-cagon secretion, and that recovery from hypoglycemiafails to occur only in the absence of both glucagon andepinephrine. The extent to which these findings canbe extrapolated to nonhypoglycemic glucose counter-regulation is not known. However, plasma glucose dec-rements to levels not generally considered to representhypoglycemia do stimulate release of glucagon, epi-nephrine, and other potentially important glucosecounterregulatory factors (17-20).

To define the neuroendocrine responses to glucoseingestion and determine their specificity for glucoseingestion, their temporal relationships, and their quan-titative aspects, we measured plasma levels of poten-tially important glucose counterregulatory factors atfrequent intervals after ingestion of glucose, water,xylose, and mannitol by normal human subjects. Thedata indicate that, among the variables measured, onlyincrements in insulin, transient decrements in gluca-gon, and late increments in epinephrine are specificfor glucose ingestion. They are consistent with a phys-iologic glucose counterregulatory role for glucagon,epinephrine, or both.


Subjects. 10 normal adults, eight men and two women,participated. Their ages ranged from 21 to 26 yr and av-eraged 24 yr. Their body weights ranged from 51.6 to 82.5kg; none was more than 10% over ideal body weight (Met-ropolitan Life Insurance Company tables). None of the pa-tients had a family history of diabetes. All gave their written,informed consent. These studies were approved by theWashington University Human Studies Committee.

Protocol. All studies were performed in the morning aftera 12-h overnight fast with the subject in the supine positionthroughout each study. An intravenous needle was insertedinto an antecubital vein for blood sampling 30 min prior tobase-line sampling. Blood samples were drawn and bloodpressures and heart rates recorded at -55, -40, -25, and-10 min before ingestion of the test solution and at 10-minintervals from 5 through 305 min after the start of ingestion.

Each subject ingested four test solutions each on four dif-ferent days. The test solutions, given in varied sequence,were water, glucose (75 g), xylose (62.5 g), and mannitol(20 g), each in a volume of 300 ml. Xylose was selectedbecause its sweet taste is not distinguishable from that ofglucose and it is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, butdoes not produce changes in the hormonal variables understudy. The quantity of xylose (62.5 g) was selected to producea solution of comparable tonicity to that of the glucose so-lution ("-1,400 mosM/kg). Mannitol was used because it ispoorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and wouldbe expected to produce a shift of fluid into the gut lumen.The dose of 20 g was selected because it results in a solutionthat is hypertonic (-367 mosM/kg) relative to plasma but,in preliminary studies, did not generally produce gastroin-testinal symptoms. Water served as a hypotonic control forthe mechanical effects of ingestion.

Analytical methods. Plasma glucose was measured witha glucose oxidase method. Plasma insulin (21), glucagon (22),cortisol (23), and growth hormone (24) were measured withradioimmunoassays. Antiserum 30K w,as used to measureglucagon. Plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine weremeasured with a single isotope derivative method (25) em-ploying 50-ul plasma samples. Microfluorometric techniqueswere used to measure blood lactate (26), glycerol (27), ,-hydroxybutyrate (27), and alanine (28).

Statistical methods. The approach to the statistical anal-ysis of the data is analogous to that treated in the statisticalliterature under the rubric of "growth curve analysis". Thisapproach eliminates both the multiple comparisons diffi-culties associated with t tests performed at each time periodand the lack of independence of the observations from onetime point to the next. Each parameter of interest was sub-jected to a polynomial regression on time for each subject,under each condition. A sixth degree polynomial was deter-mined to adequately describe the individual time curves.Thus it yielded seven estimated parameters for each subject,under each condition. These seven parameters were thenutilized as the dependent variables for a multivariate analysisof variance (MANOVA). The MANOVAyielded overall testsof whether the four conditions taken together were differentand also, three specific contrasts of primary interest: watervs. glucose ingestion, water vs. xylose ingestion, and watervs. mannitol ingestion. Each of these MANOVAeffects wasevaluated with the Hotelling-Lawley trace criterion and allcalculations were performed using SAS79.5 (29). Logarithmsof the plasma and blood concentrations were used for thepolynomial regressions to control variance heterogeneity. Anoverall variance estimate within time point and within con-

Specific Neuroendocrine Responses to Glucose Ingestion 271

Page 3: Neuroendocrine Responses Glucose Ingestion do stimulate release of glucagon, epi-nephrine, and

dition was made and the pooled variance estimate was uti-lized to conduct t tests at each time point to further definethe specific differences detected by the overall tests. Theentire procedure was repeated when the original parameterswere replaced with values expressed as differences from baseline (the average of times -55, -40, -25, and -10 min). tTests for differences from base line were also calculated usingthe pooled variance term. The data were analyzed both be-fore and after correction for differences at base line. Base-line correction was accomplished by subtraction of the av-erage of the base-line values from each postingestion value.

Selected variables were further analyzed by calculationof the average of individual base line, peak, and nadir values,and the average of values at the time at which plasma glucosereturned to base line and that at which it reached its nadirin each individual. Comparisons were performed with a ttest for paired data. Mean times for the individual peaks andnadirs were also calculated.

Data are expressed as the mean±SE throughout the manu-script.


Specificity for glucose ingestion. Mean (±SE)plasma glucose, insulin, glucagon, epinephrine, growthhormone, and norepinephrine concentrations beforeand after ingestion of water, glucose, xylose, and man-nitol are shown in Fig. 1-6.

Multivariate analysis of variance (Table I) disclosedthat changes in plasma glucose, insulin, glucagon, epi-nephrine, and growth hormone and in blood lactate,glycerol, and f3-hydroxybutyrate are specific for glu-cose ingestion. The curves for these variables following

glucose ingestion differed significantly from those fol-lowing water ingestion, whereas those following xyloseor mannitol ingestion did not.

After glucose ingestion, plasma glucose concentra-tions (Fig. 1) were significantly higher than controlvalues (after water ingestion) and above base line from5 through 155 min; glucose levels were lower thancontrol values from 225 through 295 min and belowbase line from 225 through 305 min. Plasma insulinconcentrations (Fig. 2) rose promptly after glucoseingestion and were significantly higher than controlvalues and above base line through 235 min. Thus, onthe average, hyperinsulinemia lasted 80 min longerthan hyperglycemia after glucose ingestion. Notably,plasma insulin levels never fell below control or base-line values. Plasma glucagon concentrations (Fig. 3)declined transiently after glucose ingestion. Glucagonlevels were lower than control values from 15 through145 min and below base line from 5 through 155 minand then returned to levels comparable to control andbase-line values. Plasma epinephrine concentrations(Fig. 4) did not change early, but rose late, after glu-cose ingestion. Plasma epinephrine levels were higherthan control values from 175 through 305 min andabove base line from 155 through 305 min. After glu-cose ingestion, plasma growth hormone concentrations(Fig. 5) declined initially and rose later. Plasma growthhormone levels were initially lower than control valuesand then higher than control values from 205 through

TABLE IMultivariate Analysis of Variance

Glucose Xylose MannitolMeasured variable Condition vs. water vs. water vs. water

Plasma glucose <0.0001 <0.0001 NS NSPlasma insulin <0.0001 <0.0001 NS NSPlasma glucagon <0.01 <0.03 NS NSPlasma epinephrine <0.001 <0.0004" NS NSPlasma growth hormone <0.0051 <0.01§ NS NSPlasma cortisol <0.021" NS <0.01¶ NSPlasma norepinephrine NS NS NS NSSystolic blood pressure <0.01 NS NS <0.03Diastolic blood pressure NS NS NS NSHeart rate NS NS NS NSBlood lactate <0.0001 <0.0001 NS NSBlood glycerol <0.0001 <0.001 NS NSBlood (3-hydroxybutyrate <0.0001 <0.0001 NS NSBlood alanine <0.01 NS NS NS

P values shown.° 0.0001 after base-line correction.I <0.04 after base-line correction.§ <0.07 after base-line correction.11 <0.24 after base-line correction.¶ <0.44 after base-line correction.

272 T. F. Tse, W. E. Clutter, S. D. Shah, J. P. Miller, and P. E. Cryer

Page 4: Neuroendocrine Responses Glucose Ingestion do stimulate release of glucagon, epi-nephrine, and


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20 -

7060 0 60 120 180 240 300TIME (minutes)

FIGURE 1 Mean (±SE) plasma glucose concentrations beforeand after ingestion of glucose (circles), xylose (squares), andmannitol (triangles). The stippled area is 1 SE around themean for water ingestion.

235 min. The latter plasma growth hormone elevationswere marginally significant because of the strikingvariation in plasma growth hormone following wateringestion, as illustrated in Fig. 5. Indeed, with base-line correction, the plasma growth hormone curvesafter glucose ingestion were not significantly differentby MANOVAfrom those after water ingestion.

In data that are not illustrated, blood lactate rosefrom 681±22 to a peak of 1,305±92 Amol/liter at 115min after glucose ingestion and then declined to a final



, 120 -_1

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zn 801-Z 8

E 60 -



a- MANNjT0

6Li 0 6 12 18 24-60 0 60 120 180 240 30^

TIMAE (minutes)

FIGURE 3 Mean (±SE) plasma glucagon concentrations be-fore and after ingestion of glucose (circles), xylose (squares),and mannitol (triangles). The stippled area is 1 SE aroundthe mean for water ingestion.

value of 867±58 ,umol/liter. Lactate levels were sig-nificantly higher than control values from 35 through275 min and above base line from 25 through 305 min.Blood glycerol declined from 68±11 to a nadir of 33±8smol/liter at 95 min after glucose ingestion and thenrose to a final value of 103±20 ,umol/liter. Glycerollevels were lower than control values from 25 through225 min and below base line from 15 through 225 min.Blood ,3-hydroxybutyrate also declined from 267±55to a nadir of 41±5 ,Amol/liter at 145 min after glucose

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-5 ±E

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(.c 40.~-JCL


-60 0 60 120 180 240 300TIME (minutes)

FIGURE 2 Mean (±SE) plasma insulin concentrations beforeand after ingestion of glucose (circles), xylose (squares), andmannitol (triangles). The stippled area is 1 SE around themean for water ingestion.

-60 0 60 120 180 24 3 JTIME (minutes)

FIGURE 4 Mean (±SE) plasma epinephrine concentrationsbefore and after ingestion of glucose (circles), xylose (squares),and mannitol (triangles). The stippled area is 1 SE aroundthe mean for water ingestion.

Specific Neuroendocrine Responses to Glucose Ingestion

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Page 5: Neuroendocrine Responses Glucose Ingestion do stimulate release of glucagon, epi-nephrine, and



O '2o 2


f ,


@ S,' x, f` S


2 .

-60 0 60 120 180 240 300

TIME (minutes)

FIGURE 5 Mean (±SE) plasma growth hormone concentra-tions before and after ingestion of glucose (circles), xylose(squares), and mannitol (triangles). The stippled area is 1 SEaround the mean for water ingestion.

ingestion and then rose to a final value of 418±86,umol/liter. f-Hydroxybutyrate levels were lower thancontrol values from 25 through 255 min and belowbase line from 25 through 265 min; they were abovecontrol values at 295 min and above base line from285 through 305 min.

In contrast to these glucose-specific variables, changesin plasma norepinephrine (Fig. 6), cortisol (not shown),blood alanine (not shown), and blood pressure andheart rate (not shown) were not specific for glucoseingestion.

Plasma norepinephrine curves were similar afteringestion of all four test solutions. Plasma norepi-nephrine concentrations (Fig. 6) rose significantlyabove base-line values early (5-15 main) after the inges-tion of water, glucose, xylose, and mannitol and re-mained above base line throughout the study. Thispattern is quite different from that of plasma epi-nephrine (Fig. 4), which was unchanged early and roselate only after glucose ingestion.

The relationship between plasma glucose and plasmainsulin, and glucagon and epinephrine are highlightedin Fig. 7. Plasma glucose concentrations rose from88±2 mg/ml at base line, prior to glucose ingestion,to peaks of 156±6 mg/dl (P < 0.001) at 46±4 min,returned to base line (87±4 mg/dl) at 177±4 min,reached nadirs of 63±3 mg/dl (P < 0.001 vs. base line)at 232±12 min and rose to 80±3 mg/dl at 305 min,which was the final sampling point. Plasma insulinconcentrations rose from 12±2 gU/ml at base line topeaks of 150±17 qU/ml (P < 0.001) at 67±8 min,which was an average of 21 min later than the glucosepeak. At the time that glucose returned to base line(177±4 min), plasma insulin levels (49±12 AU/ml) re-mained fourfold higher than base line (P < 0.01);thereafter, insulin levels declined but never fell belowbase line. Plasma glucagon concentrations decreasedfrom 95±14 pg/ml at base line to nadirs of 67±11 pg/ml (P < 0.001) at 84±9 min. Thereafter, glucagon roseprogressively to 76±13 pg/ml (P < 0.02 vs. nadir) atthe time that glucose returned to base line, to 85±15pg/ml (P < 0.01 vs. nadir) at the glucose nadirs, andto peaks of 114±17 pg/ml (P < 0.001 vs. nadir) at265±12 min. Plasma epinephrine concentrations were18±4 pg/ml at base line and did not change duringthe first 2 h after glucose ingestion. The apparent in-

-- T--


PEAKP' ooll


0 40 80 120 160GLUCOSE(mg/dl)

," `Nx .);

A - . Al NN, 'iC

6C) 2 180. 24C 30CTIME (nminutes)

FIGURE 6 Mean (±SE) plasma norepinephrine coricentra-tions before and after ingestion of glucose (circles), xylose(squares), and mannitol (triangles). The stippled area is 1 SEaround the mean for water ingestion.

-P< 0o

_ ~~~~~~~(150)

0 20 40 O'INSULIN (pU/ml)

- r - T -T -

BASELINE _ - 001




PEAK _-.0 40 80 120 160 200 0 40 80 120 160 200

GLUCAGON(pg/mI) EPINEPHINE (pg/mI)FIGURE 7 Mean (±SE) plasma glucose, insulin, glucagon,and epinephrine values before and after glucose ingestion:at baseline, before glucose ingestion; at initial peak (glucoseand insulin) or nadir (glucagon); at the time that the glucoseconcentration had returned to baseline; at the time of theglucose concentration nadir; and at late peak (glucose, glu-cagon, and epinephrine) or nadir (insulin).

274 T. F. Tse, W. E. Clutter, S. D. Shah, J. P. Miller, and P. E. Cryer






0Z .)r.


zKL :,.

Page 6: Neuroendocrine Responses Glucose Ingestion do stimulate release of glucagon, epi-nephrine, and

crements in plasma epinephrine to values of 33±9 pg/ml at the time that glucose returned to base line werenot statistically significant when analyzed in this fash-ion, although mean plasma epinephrine levels afterglucose ingestion significantly (P < 0.001) exceededthose after water ingestion beginning at 175 min andsignificantly (P < 0.001) exceeded base-line levels be-ginning at 155 min after glucose ingestion. Epineph-rine levels were significantly elevated at 48±8 pg/ml(P < 0.01) at the glucose nadirs (232±12 min) andreached peaks of 119±20 pg/ml (P < 0.001) at 271±13 min.

DISCUSSIONThese data document that increments in plasma in-sulin, transient decrements in plasma glucagon, andlate increments in plasma epinephrine, and perhapsgrowth hormone follow glucose ingestion and are spe-cific for glucose ingestion since they do not followwater, xylose, or mannitol ingestion. Similarly, tran-sient increments in blood lactate and transient dec-rements in blood glycerol and f3-hydroxybutyrate arespecific for glucose ingestion. In contrast, early andsustained increments in plasma norepinephrine are notspecific for glucose ingestion; they also follow xylose,mannitol, and water ingestion. It is reasonable to as-sume that these neuroendocrine responses reflectchanges in release, rather than clearance, of insulin,glucagon, epinephrine, growth hormone, and norepi-nephrine.

Stimulation of insulin secretion after glucose inges-tion is, of course, well recognized (2-6). Similarly,transient suppression of glucagon secretion (30) andlate stimulation of growth hormone secretion (31) afterglucose ingestion have been described. With respectto the latter, the marked variation in plasma growthhormone under all conditions in the present studywarrants comment. Indeed, with correction for dif-ferences at base line, plasma growth hormone curvesfollowing glucose ingestion were not significantly dif-ferent from those following water ingestion by mul-tivariate analysis of variance.

Increments in plasma norepinephrine concentra-tions following glucose ingestion have been reportedby at least three groups of investigators (32-35). Ingeneral, these norepinephrine increments occur withinthe first 15-30 min after glucose ingestion and nor-epinephrine levels do not return to base line through180-240 min after glucose ingestion. Our results fur-ther confirm this pattern. Previous investigators haveconsidered the norepinephrine response to be specificfor glucose ingestion because it was not found to followprotein or fat ingestion (34); significant norepineph-rine increments followed water ingestion in one study(33), but not in a second study from the same group

(34), or in an earlier study (32). Perhaps because ofour frequent sampling, we find that increments inplasma norepinephrine are not specific for glucoseingestion; they follow ingestion of water, xylose, andmannitol as well as glucose. The mechanism respon-sible for the increments in circulating norepinephrineis unclear. Although changes in plasma norepinephrinecan result from changes in norepinephrine releasefrom sympathetic postganglionic neurons, the adrenalmedullae, or both (36), the temporal dissociation be-tween the increments in plasma epinephrine (late) andthose in plasma norepinephrine (early and sustained)that follow glucose ingestion is most consistent witha neural origin of the increments in plasma norepi-nephrine. The norepinephrine increments that followwater ingestion and the absence of an initial decrementin blood pressure after ingestion of any of the four testsolutions make it clear that an osmotic mechanism isnot the only stimulus to norepinephrine release. Thus,it would appear that other stimuli, such as deglutitionor gut distention, trigger a sympathetic neural reflexthat results in norepinephrine release.

Welle et al. observed no increments in plasma epi-nephrine after glucose ingestion in their initial study(33), although they took samples infrequently (hourlyafter the first hour) and only through 180 min. In theirsecond study (34), these investigators observed incre-ments in plasma epinephrine at 240 min after glucoseingestion, but judged these to be spurious in part be-cause they did not appear to be specific for glucoseingestion. Kleinbaum and Shamoon (35) observed anincrease in plasma epinephrine later after glucoseingestion but did not fully assess the specificity of thatresponse for glucose. The present data demonstrateplasma epinephrine increments to levels significantlyhigher than control values (water ingestion) and sig-nificantly above base-line levels late after glucoseingestion. Furthermore, they document that the lateincrements in epinephrine are specific for glucoseingestion; they do not follow ingestion of xylose, man-nitol, or water. These epinephrine increments are mostplausibly attributed to the decreasing plasma glucoseconcentration (17-20) that follows initial hypergly-cemia after glucose ingestion.

How might these findings relate to the mechanismsof nonhypoglycemic glucose counterregulation-thosethat blunt the decline in plasma glucose, prevent re-active hypoglycemia, and restore euglycemia-lateafter glucose ingestion? Because hyperinsulinemia per-sists nearly 1.5 h longer than venous (37) hypergly-cemia and plasma insulin levels never fall below baseline after glucose ingestion, and given also that theresponsiveness to insulin does not diminish during sus-tained hyperinsulinemia of similar duration (38) andthat the action of insulin persists after plasma insulin

Specific Neuroendocrine Responses to Glucose Ingestion 275

Page 7: Neuroendocrine Responses Glucose Ingestion do stimulate release of glucagon, epi-nephrine, and

falls to base line (39, 40), it is unlikely that the tran-sition from exogenous glucose delivery to endogenousglucose production late after glucose ingestion is solelydue to dissipation of insulin. Thus, counterregulatoryfactors, coupled with dissipation of insulin, must playa role.

The data do not support a counterregulatory rolefor sympathetic neural norepinephrine. Norepineph-rine release is not specific for glucose ingestion; it be-gins early after glucose ingestion and does not increasefurther in temporal relation to the counterregulatoryprocess. Also, comparable norepinephrine release afterxylose ingestion does not have an impact on the plasmaglucose concentration. Similarly, cortisol and growthhormone are not likely candidates. Cortisol levels wereunaffected and the late increase in plasma growth hor-mone was of questionable specificity for glucose inges-tion. Furthermore, the hyperglycemic actions of bothhormones are delayed for hours and growth hormoneeven lowers the plasma glucose concentration ini-tially (41).

In contrast, both glucagon and epinephrine areknown to exert their hyperglycemic actions rapidly,and late increments in their plasma concentrations arespecific for glucose ingestion and temporally relatedto the glucose counterregulatory phase. Although theobserved changes in peripheral plasma glucagon arerather small, changes in portal glucagon are undoubt-edly greater; the data of Fradkin et al. (42) suggestthat hepatic glucose production is a function ofchanges in glucagon rather than the glucagon concen-tration per se. Yet, although the late increments inplasma epinephrine are substantial (approximately six-fold), the plasma concentrations do not commonlyachieve those levels required to alter basal glucosemetabolism (43). In our judgment, this makes it un-likely that epinephrine plays a counterregulatory rolewhen other systems are intact. However, when it isinfused to plasma levels lower than the peak values weobserved, epinephrine has been reported to impairglucose tolerance (44) and it may interact synergisti-cally with other hormones, including glucagon, in itshyperglycemic actions (45, 46).

The increments in blood glycerol and 13-hydroxy-butyrate, on the other hand, may reflect actions ofepinephrine since they occur at a time when insulinlevels are not below base line and epinephrine levelshave achieved concentrations known to stimulate li-polysis and keytogenesis in man (43, 47).

In summary, the data indicate that the glucose coun-terregulatory process late after glucose ingestion is notsolely attributable to dissipation of insulin and thatneither sympathetic neural norepinephrine nor thehormones cortisol or growth hormone play criticalroles. They are consistent with, but do not establish,physiologic roles for glucagon, epinephrine, or both

in that process. Studies designed to assess the roles ofglucagon and epinephrine are the subject of the reportthat follows.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors acknowledge the technical assistance of Mr.Krishan Jethi, Ms. Eva Sorenson, Ms. Lorraine Thomas, Ms.Shirley Hill, Ms. Denise Nachowiak, and Ms. Joy Brothers;the secretarial assistance of Ms. Patricia Moore and Ms. Ther-esa Lautner; and the clinical assistance of the nursing anddietary staffs of the Washington University Clinical ResearchCenter.

These studies were supported by U. S. Public Health Ser-vice grants AM27085, AM20579, and RR 00036.

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