Page 1: Network Mirror Maarten De Laat

Network Mirror – A SNA based research intervention to support

networked learning

Maarten de Laat

[email protected]

Page 2: Network Mirror Maarten De Laat

Network Mirror

Why using this Mirror1. Detecting & visualising existing (informal) networks or social connections (who is talking to whom)2. Find out what people in these networks talk & learn about, what is important to them and why they

talk as they do (De Laat, 2006)3. Design interventions to support and cultivate these networks

This network mirror is based on the change mirror (Homan, 2008)

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Design team

– The network mirror always works with a design team that serve’s as a representation of the entire population.

– This design team will together with researchers analyse & interpret the data

– Based on the results the design team will make recommendations for supporting networked learning in the participating organisation(s)

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3 steps of research and intervention

Terugkoppeling engeneratieve dialoog


Spontane acties engeplande interventies

Wat leeft er in uw organisatie?Hoe wordt er bij elk van de

informele netwerken tegen deOrganisatie aan gekeken?

Wat betekenen de verschillenin de wijze waarop er tegende organisatie(verandering)

wordt aangekeken?

New options for actionOp natuurlijke wijze

bloeien overal spontane engeplande acties op

Ontwerpteam:toetsing en

co-design onder-zoeksopzet

Onderzoek:netwerkmetingenen online dialoog

Ontwerpteam:terugkoppelingconcept onder-




en gedeeldebetekenisgeving

VeranderinitiatievenSpontaan en


1 Visualise (informal) networks:- Who is talking to whom?

2 Feedback and an online generativedialogue with the entire population. - Detect values & motives for networked learning- Develop shared meaning & group decision making- What are they talking about and - Why are they talking in such a way?

3 Develop and support Spontaneous and planned interventions for facilitating and securing networked learning within organisations

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Example from a large group of schools (70) in the Netherlands

Step 1 Detecting social networks

on a particular topic

Each color is a cluster of schools in a particular regionEach cluster consists of school spread over different locations with that region

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Example from a large group of schools (70) in the Netherlands

Step 2 online generative

dialogue and group thinking

(voting pro – con per


Wat gaat er volgens u rond over XX, wat leeft er in de wandelgangen, welke geruchten hoort u?

Ik heb er nog helemaal niets over gehoord, dus het zegt met niets

Volgens ons is het echt hoognodig dat er eens wat gebeurt

Ik merk dat we er zolangzamerhand niet goed van worden al die verander-Trajecten. Wanneer kunnen we weer gewoon eens ons werk doen?

De training was prima alleen ik miste de hoofddirectie. Zoals altijd weer afwezig

Waarom stel je je zo afhankelijk op? We kunnen zelf toch ook met de nieuwe methode aan de slag?

Some illustrative outcomes:- it’s important to start sharing practice / experiences- Desire to share products, methods, and lesson materials- Preference to focus on collaboration on the regional clusters first

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Example from a large group of schools (70) in the Netherlands

Matching step 1 and step 2.

The larger nodes in the networkagreed on statements made in online group dialogue. For example. They all think it is important to sharing their practice

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Example from a large group of schools (70) in the Netherlands

Step 3. Design interventions and facilitate spontaneous activities

Stimulate tighter connections between locations In a cluster – stimulate a professional dialogueAmong the teachers

Stimulate interaction and give and take between the larger nodes – they can act as brokers between the clusters