Page 1: Netley Abbey Junior School€¦ · Year 4 - History Trip On the 24th, 25th and 26th of May, each Year 4 class enjoyed a fantastic visit to the Netley Abbey ruins in the village. This

Netley Abbey Junior School Westwood Road, Netley Abbey, Southampton, Hampshire SO31 5EL

Tel: 023 8045 3731 Fax: 023 8045 4240

E-mail: [email protected]

Headteacher: Mrs. Shirley Nicholas-Bond Director of Teaching and Learning: Mrs. Rosie Earle

Head of School: Miss. Rosie Tebbutt

Be the best you can be!

Newsletter 16th

June 2017

Towards the end of last term, all children enjoyed taking part in various DT projects and I would like to thank

all the parents and grandparents who supported these exciting activities from eating salad, helping with

sewing and dancing at the WW2 Victory Tea Dance!

As we enter our final term in this academic year, all the children are working incredibly hard and I am

extremely proud of all their achievements. Year 6 are busy rehearsing for their Leavers’ Play and we all

enjoyed a fun but rather warm discos last evening. Thank you to all of our helpers.

Year 5 Swimming – Reminder

Please can we ask that children do not take aerosol

sprays with them to swimming as this can affect

pupils with asthma.

Thank you.

Fairthorne Payment Reminder

£60 remaining balance to be paid by 1st


Thank you.

Special Diets - School Menu

HC3S can provide special diets for pupils with allergies who want to have a school meal, but medical evidence

confirming the child’s allergy is required, for example a letter from a GP or consultant paediatrician. If your

child has a special dietary requirement, please contact Mrs Parmiter in the School Office.

Reminder - Bikes and Scooters

Only those with permits are permitted to bring in their bike or scooter into school.

Please can we remind all children that skateboards are NOT to be brought into school.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Sun Cream

Should you decide to send your child into school with their own bottle of sun cream, please can we ask that

it is named and given to the class teacher to look after during the day. Under no circumstances should

children share their sun cream with others, so we would be really grateful if you could remind your child of


Thank you.

Dinner Money - Reminder

All dinner money needs to be paid up to date at the

end of this term as we are unable to carry debts

into the new academic year.

Thank you.

Fraser Portraits Photos

Orders must be returned to the school office no

later than Monday 19th

June with full payment.

Thank you.

Page 2: Netley Abbey Junior School€¦ · Year 4 - History Trip On the 24th, 25th and 26th of May, each Year 4 class enjoyed a fantastic visit to the Netley Abbey ruins in the village. This

Respecting the Neighbourhood - Noise

During these summer months, please be conscious of any excessive noise that could be disturbing for

residents who live close to the school, especially music being played loudly in cars when everyone is enjoying

the warmer weather with their windows open.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Gardening Club

Please note there will be no Gardening Club on Thursday 29th June and Thursday 6th July. We apologise for

any inconvenience this may cause but the club will continue as normal on all other dates.

Year 5/6 Netball Tournament - Apologies

The following children were accidently missed off the team list in the last newsletter:

Emily Smith, Ella Fairbrass, Keira Knowles and Amelia Doncom.

We would like to apologise for this error and congratulate the whole team on their brilliant achievement.

How to remove a tick (

If you find a tick on you or your child's skin, remove it by gently gripping it as close to the skin as possible.

Use a pair of tweezers that won't squash the tick (such as fine-tipped tweezers), or use a tick removal tool

(available from pet shops or vets). Pull steadily away from the skin without twisting or crushing the tick.

Wash your skin with water and soap afterwards, and apply an antiseptic cream to the skin around the bite.

Please consult your nurse or GP if you are unsure.

Being Safe in The Community Update

The local police are asking all schools to make children aware that there has been recent damage to the

changing rooms at the recreation ground in Netley Abbey so they politely request that children should not

play any ball games in or around this area.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Going Home Arrangements

Can we please remind all parents that if your child is being picked up by anyone other than on the contact list,

you advise the school office/class teacher by telephone, an email or a written note.

This will save us making phone calls home to check arrangements.

Thank you.

Water Bottles - Drink to Think!

Please ensure your child brings in a named water bottle to school every day. This is especially important during

the summer months. Drinking water throughout the day keeps children hydrated which in turn increases brain

activity. It also prevents headaches. Children are encouraged to refill their bottles during the school day.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Page 3: Netley Abbey Junior School€¦ · Year 4 - History Trip On the 24th, 25th and 26th of May, each Year 4 class enjoyed a fantastic visit to the Netley Abbey ruins in the village. This

Year 5 - Mayan Inspired Meal

Our D.T focus this term was preparing a balanced meal; we tied this with our History Maya project and created

some culinary master pieces! After making the dips (salsa, guacamole, sour cream and chive), the children

selected ingredients from the list to include in their Maya inspired meal. Each child cut their ingredients safely

and correctly, used the hot plates and evaluated their meal. Some liked it, some didn't!

Year 6 - WW2 Tea Dance

On Friday 26th May Year 6 took part in VE day celebrations. The event saw parents join the children for a

celebration which included songs and music of the 1940s. Some even joined the children in the swing dancing!

The children and staff dressed as evacuees and World War Two attire and ate such classics as: spam, lemon

curd and jam sandwiches; eggless sponge cakes and bread and butter pudding.

A big thank you to all the staff and parents who contributed to this brilliant event.

We would like to thank Express Yourself Costume Hire in Netley for providing some of the costumes and

sponsoring this event.

Express Yourself Costume Hire, 1St Floor, The Station House, Netley Abbey Railway Station

023 8056 0990

Year 4 - Sewing

Year 4 have been learning how to sew, making money containers out of material. They have learnt running

stitch, back stitch and oversewing stitch as well as all the tricky skill of threading a needle! They have shown lots

of resilience during this topic, having a positive attitude when having to make changes. Year 4 would like to

thank all the adults that gave up their time and came in to help us. The children really benefited from the extra

adult help and their money containers wouldn't have been as fantastic without you!

Page 4: Netley Abbey Junior School€¦ · Year 4 - History Trip On the 24th, 25th and 26th of May, each Year 4 class enjoyed a fantastic visit to the Netley Abbey ruins in the village. This

Year 3 - Healthy Salads

It’s been a busy term in Year 3! Our English learning started with writing persuasive letters to a member of our

family to ask for their help in school with a DT project. In science we learned about the importance of a

healthy, balanced diet and the different food groups. In DT we then tasted and designed our very own healthy


On the afternoon of the 23rd May, all of Year 3 enjoyed finishing their DT projects on Healthy Eating. All the

children had a fantastic afternoon and it was wonderful to see so many mums, dads, grandmas, aunties and

other family members there to help chop, grate, peel and eat their scrumptious salads.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this special afternoon – we hope you will be able to make these

delicious salads at home too!

Mrs Exell, Miss Smith and Miss Tebbutt

Year 4 - History Trip

On the 24th, 25th and 26th of May, each Year 4 class enjoyed a fantastic visit to the Netley Abbey ruins in the

village. This was in connection with our history topic on the local area, and changes the abbey has been

through from the 13th century, to the present day. The children were excited to see evidence of the monastic

community, ancient graffiti markings, and proof that the famous poet Keats had visited the site during the

18th century.

The children's behaviour was exemplary and they had a brilliant morning exploring the ruins.

Well done year 4, and a big thank you to Miss Hansell for organising our trips!

Page 5: Netley Abbey Junior School€¦ · Year 4 - History Trip On the 24th, 25th and 26th of May, each Year 4 class enjoyed a fantastic visit to the Netley Abbey ruins in the village. This

Induction Days at The Hamble School - Tuesday 4th

and Wednesday 5th


The day will begin at 8.30am and finish at 2.45pm. Children should wear their current school uniform and bring

a packed lunch (for those who currently receive free school meals, a packed lunch will be provided). They will

take part in a number of activities and therefore, should come along equipped with a pencil case.

Children are required to attend both days and should arrive on time to allow a prompt start to the day.

Please note that children attending other secondary schools are still required to attend Netley Abbey Junior

School as normal on these days.

St Edwards’s Church Summer Fair

We'd like to say big thank you to all those who came to sing at the St Edward’s Church Summer Fair on

Saturday 10th June. The children wowed the audience with a selection of songs that they have been learning in

singing assemblies with Miss White and Mrs McCusker. For some children in year 6, this was their last ever St

Edwards Fair, some of whom have attended all eight performances over the last 4 years. A special thank you to

those children, and to everyone who supported the children in the audience.

Email for children

We are moving along with learning about the benefits and dangers of communicating online and have

discussed being safe online in relation to email. Just to remind you, the system is currently restricted to

sending and receiving only to/from email addresses with the domain in order to keep the children

very safe while they are learning. The children have had lots of great ideas and I wanted to share with you the

main messages.

•Please check with parents before going on email at home

•Be kind and sensible with the messages you send

•Do not respond to any unkind messages but do tell an adult

•Keep your password safe. Tell an adult if you come across anything online that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Please could you reinforce these messages at home and let the school know if there are any issues.

All classes will have had their email addresses by the end of the week and most children will have sent their

first few emails!

Thank you for your help.

Mrs Davis

Computing Teacher

Page 6: Netley Abbey Junior School€¦ · Year 4 - History Trip On the 24th, 25th and 26th of May, each Year 4 class enjoyed a fantastic visit to the Netley Abbey ruins in the village. This

Special Mentions

Over the last few weeks our school value has focused on ‘Anti-Bullying’ and ‘Behaviour for Learning’.

Congratulations to the following children who were all awarded a Special Mention.

Keira Knowles (Heath) Mateusz Salon (Priory)

Harry Hawley (Denzil) Connor Carson (Seaview)

Lydia Fox (Beach) Noah Thompson (Sellwood)

Finley O’Hagan (Castle) Magnus Gover (Grange)

Zack Smith (Wykeham) Caitlin Oakley (Moore)

Ella Elmore (Crescent) Oliver Solway (Westwood)

Isabel McLeonards (Grange) Ruby Stephenson (Denzil)

Joshua Windsor-Sawers (Priory) Daniel Lawn (Moore)

Ben Vargeson (Heath) Kye Culver (Wykeham)

Dylan Charles-Smith (Seaview) Libby Samuel-Camps (Beach)

Angus Slattery (Castle) Elliot Warren (Sellwood)

Ollie Beale (Crescent) Rosie Marszall (Grange)

George Harrison (Sellwood) Ben Morse (Wykeham)

Phoebe Davis (Denzil) Evie Allen (Moore)

Sasha Smith (Castle) Jessica Blower (Crescent)

Ruby Singleton (Westwood)

Pupil Voice

This section is written by groups of children within our school. This report is from School Council.

Dear Parents/Carers,

Recently we have been voting on ideas to improve the school including: clubs, reducing rubbish, the school

dinner menu and in-school benefits. We have come up with an idea to let parents of the school help run some

clubs. We know that lots of you have AMAZING talents including: drama, maths, art and crafts, story writing

and many more. If you would feel passionate about running a club (starting in September 2017) please

contact us via email [email protected]. Thank you in advance for considering this idea.

Our chosen charity is WWF and though we haven’t raised money yet we shall later in the term. It has been a

very busy year so far. It is a possibility that we shall hold an animal dress up day. We shall confirm this in the

near future. Children can dress up in an animal related item of clothing, an animal onesie or an animal

accessory. You will need to bring in a suggested donation of at least £1.

To stay updated, check every issue of the newsletter each fortnight.

Yours sincerely,

Grace Sigournay, Year 3

Josie Kittredge, Year 4

Eloise Beesley, Year 6

Second Hand Uniform

For those children moving onto secondary school in September, we are happy to accept any second hand

school uniform, especially shirts/blouses which are useful for when children do painting in class to protect their

clothing. Good quality PE kits also.

Please hand any donations into the school office.

Thank you in advance.

Page 7: Netley Abbey Junior School€¦ · Year 4 - History Trip On the 24th, 25th and 26th of May, each Year 4 class enjoyed a fantastic visit to the Netley Abbey ruins in the village. This


We have a child with a severe allergy to all legume and sesame products. We still also have a number of

children with nut allergies, requiring epipens. As the allergy can be triggered from indirect contact i.e. touching

areas where the products have been, we would politely request that the following food items are NOT brought

in to school at any time:-

NO foods containing peas, broad beans, lentils, chickpeas, french beans, butter beans, haricot beans, kidney

beans, sugar snap peas, pulses, soybeans, soya, nuts and sesame etc. (These are the most common in the

legume family, but all legume foods are not permitted).

We trust you will support the school to ensure that it is a safe environment for all and thank you in advance for

your co-operation.

The Friends of NAJS - News

Summer Discos

We would like to thank all the parents and staff that helped at both discos, including a very special thank you to

our DJ, Ian Hammond. The children had a fantastic time showing the adults their latest dance moves and we

have raised £449 for the school which is fantastic!

Netley Abbey Infant and Junior School Summer Fayre - Saturday 24th

June 12pm -3pm

Come along to the joint Summer Fayre and enjoy lots of exciting stalls, activities and prizes to be won!

Entry: 50p per adult or the donation of a book (appropriate for Infant children).

We still need volunteers to help on stalls, please leave your details at the school office or contact us via our

Facebook page if you are able to help.

In order to run certain stalls, we are in need of donations of teddy bears (in good condition), glass jars (with lids

preferably) and wool & ribbon - please bring any donations to the school hall between 3.10pm and 3.30pm on

Monday 19th

& Tuesday 20th


Sports Day Refreshments - Tuesday 11th

July (AM)

The Friends will be selling refreshments at this year’s Sports Day including hot drinks, cold drinks and snacks.

These are for spectators only and not pupils within the school.

Do you shop online? Register with Easyfundraising and raise money for FREE!

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online - from your weekly shop to your annual holiday - you

could be raising a free donation for The Friends of NAJS?

There are nearly 3,000 retailers to choose from and it won't cost you a penny more than you’re already going to

spend online - it couldn’t be easier!

All you have to do is:

1. Go to

2. Sign up for free

3. Get shopping - your donations will be collected by Easyfundraising and automatically sent to the school.

There are no catches or hidden charges and we would really appreciate for your support - thank you!

Next Meeting

Come and join us at our next meeting on Tuesday 18th

July at 7.30pm at The Prince Consort to discuss events

and share ideas for the Autumn term.

We welcome all parents, grandparents and carers who have children at the school and would love to see you


Page 8: Netley Abbey Junior School€¦ · Year 4 - History Trip On the 24th, 25th and 26th of May, each Year 4 class enjoyed a fantastic visit to the Netley Abbey ruins in the village. This

Useful Website Links

School website:


School Dinner Menu

A copy of the latest lunch menu can be found on our website:

School Uniform Reminder

We have seen an increase in children wearing the incorrect footwear. Please note that children should be

wearing sensible dark shoes (without heels or strappy backs or flashes of colour or coloured soles) and NOT


Thank you for your cooperation.

Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers

We are still collecting these vouchers which will go towards buying cooking and sports equipment for our


There is a box in reception for you to place your vouchers in by Friday 30th June.

Please see if colleagues or family members and friends have any vouchers as we need lots more!

There will be a class competition to see who can bring in the most vouchers before the deadline. The winning

class will win a prize!

Netley Abbey Junior Parkrun

The Junior 2K run has recently started and is for children aged between 4-14 years old.

The event takes place every Sunday at 9am at the Royal Victoria Country Park and it is FREE to join - you just

need to register before your first run.

Please visit the website for more information

New Play Area - Royal Victoria Country Park

A new play area at Royal Victoria Country Park aimed at young children is being opened on Wednesday

26th July 10.30am - 2pm with lots of free activities including drum playing, balloon modelling, storytelling and

bubble making. We would love for lots of local children to join in the event with their younger siblings.

For more information, please visit the website

Rock ‘n’ Roll Creation Festival

Workshops and live performance for guitarists aged 10-18 (minimum grade/stage 2 standard)

Workshops: Songwriting, Improvisation, Looping, Composing includes Evening Concert

Saturday 1st

July 12.30pm - 7pm at The Lantern Theatre, Romsey

Book your tickets online now

Visit the website

King Edward VI School, Southampton

Co-educational Independent Education for Ages 11-18

Please contact Mrs Sheppard, the Registrar, to arrange a visit.

Tel 023 8079 9216

Page 9: Netley Abbey Junior School€¦ · Year 4 - History Trip On the 24th, 25th and 26th of May, each Year 4 class enjoyed a fantastic visit to the Netley Abbey ruins in the village. This

Dates for Your Diary

Tuesday 20th

June - Year 5 Rivers Trip

Saturday 24th

June - Netley Abbey Infant and Junior Summer Fayre 12pm - 3pm

Tuesday 27th

June - Summer Music Concert at 6pm

Thursday 29th

June - New Parents’ Evening at 7pm (new Year 3 parents starting Sept 17)

Friday 30th

June - Inset Day

Monday 3rd

July - Inset Day

Tuesday 4th

July - Transition Day

Wednesday 5th

July - Transition Day

Tuesday 11th

July - Sports Day

Wednesday 19th

July - Leavers’ Play at 9.30am & 6.30pm

Thursday 20th

July - Leavers’ Play at 9.30am & 6.30pm

Monday 24th

July - Golden Day

Tuesday 25th

July - Break up for the Summer Holidays at 1.15pm

Advance Inset Days and Early Closures

Friday 30th

June 2017 - Inset Day

Monday 3rd

July 2017 - Inset Day

Tuesday 25th

July 2017 - Finish at 1.15pm
