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T he   n e w e n g l a n d j o u r n a l o f    medicine

n engl j med 370;13 march 27, 2014 1209

original article

Patches of Disorganization

in the Neocortex of Children with AutismRich Stoner, Ph.D., Maggie L. Chow, Ph.D., Maureen P. Boyle, Ph.D.,

Susan M. Sunkin, Ph.D., Peter R. Mouton, Ph.D., Subhojit Roy, M.D., Ph.D.,Anthony Wynshaw-Boris, M.D., Ph.D., Sophia A. Colamarino, Ph.D.,

Ed S. Lein, Ph.D., and Eric Courchesne, Ph.D.

From the University of California, San Di-

ego, Autism Center of Excellence (R.S.,M.L.C., M.P.B., E.C.), and the Departmentsof Neuroscience (R.S., M.L.C., M.P.B.,S.R., E.C.) and Pathology (S.R.), Univer-sity of California, San Diego, School ofMedicine, La Jolla; Allen Institute forBrain Science, Seattle (M.P.B., S.M.S.,E.S.L.); the Department of Pathology andCell Biology, University of South FloridaSchool of Medicine and Alzheimer’s Insti-tute and Research Center, Tampa (P.R.M.);the Department of Genetics and GenomeSciences, Case Western Reserve UniversitySchool of Medicine, Cleveland (A.W.-B.);and the Department of Psychiatry andBehavioral Sciences, Stanford UniversitySchool of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA (S.A.C.).Address reprint requests to Dr. Courchesneat the Autism Center of Excellence, De-partment of Neuroscience, University ofCalifornia, San Diego, School of Medi-cine, 8110 La Jolla Shores Dr., La Jolla, CA92037, or at [email protected].

Drs. Stoner, Chow, and Boyle and Drs. Leinand Courchesne contributed equally to thisarticle.

N Engl J Med 2014;370:1209-19.

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1307491

Copyright © 2014 Massachusetts Medical Society.



Autism involves early brain overgrowth and dysfunction, which is most strongly

evident in the prefrontal cortex. As assessed on pathological analysis, an excess ofneurons in the prefrontal cortex among children with autism signals a disturbancein prenatal development and may be concomitant with abnormal cell type andlaminar development.


To systematically examine neocortical architecture during the early years after theonset of autism, we used RNA in situ hybridization with a panel of layer- and cell-type–specific molecular markers to phenotype cortical microstructure. We assayedmarkers for neurons and glia, along with genes that have been implicated in therisk of autism, in prefrontal, temporal, and occipital neocortical tissue from post-mortem samples obtained from children with autism and unaffected childrenbetween the ages of 2 and 15 years.


We observed focal patches of abnormal laminar cytoarchitecture and cortical dis-organization of neurons, but not glia, in prefrontal and temporal cortical tissuefrom 10 of 11 children with autism and from 1 of 11 unaffected children. We ob-served heterogeneity between cases with respect to cell types that were most abnor-mal in the patches and the layers that were most affected by the pathological features.No cortical layer was uniformly spared, with the clearest signs of abnormal expres-sion in layers 4 and 5. Three-dimensional reconstruction of layer markers confirmedthe focal geometry and size of patches.


In this small, explorative study, we found focal disruption of cortical laminararchitecture in the cortexes of a majority of young children with autism. Our datasupport a probable dysregulation of layer formation and layer-specific neuronaldifferentiation at prenatal developmental stages. (Funded by the Simons Founda-tion and others.)

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Th e   n e w e n g l a n d j o u r n a l o f    medicine

n engl j med 370;13 march 27, 20141210

Autism is, in part, a heritable devel-

opmental disorder involving macroscopic

early brain overgrowth in the majority of

cases1-7 and dysfunction8 that affects several cor-tical and subcortical regions mediating autisticsymptoms, including prefrontal and temporalcortexes.4,9-11 The underlying cortical defects re-

main uncertain. Despite the early diagnosableonset, in more than 40 studies, the average age ofpatients with autism in postmortem analyses was 22 years.4

Three previous case studies that evaluatedNissl-stained sections of brains obtained frompatients with autism ranging in age from 4 to60 years described individual instances of hetero-topias, slight focal laminar disorganization,12,13 and subependymal dysplasia,14  but a commondevelopmental neuropathological defect has notbeen reported. Moreover, by young adulthood,

the brains of autistic persons are no longer en-larged15,16 and instead often show signs of corti-cal thinning and neuronal loss,4,7,15,17  suggest-ing that studies involving adults with autismmay not reveal abnormalities in neural develop-ment that are present in the brains of children with autism. The molecular, cellular, and organi-zational anomalies that are present in the brainsof children with autism remain largely unstudied,and the bases of early brain enlargement anddysfunction remain speculative.

Recently, we discovered abnormal expression ofgenes and gene pathways that govern cell-cycleregulation (and consequently the number of neu-rons), DNA integrity, cell differentiation, and corti-cal patterning in the prefrontal cortex in youngchildren with autism.18 We also discovered thatamong children between the ages of 2 and 16 years, those with autism, as compared with unaffectedchildren, had abnormally heavy brains and arelative increase of 67% in the overall number ofneurons in the prefrontal cortex.3 Although atransient increase in the number of cortical neu-

rons is expected during the second trimester ofpregnancy,19,20  this increase has usually disap-peared by birth or in the several months afterbirth,19-21  during which there is maturation incortical laminar development and cortico–corticaland cortico–subcortical circuitry.22 Although thecause of this increased number of neurons in theprefrontal cortex among patients with autism isunclear, such abnormality appears to be prenatalin origin and may be expected to produce a dis-ruption in early cortical development that is

similar to disruptions in certain other disorders,such as lissencephaly, polymicrogyria, schizen-cephaly, and several cortical heterotopias23 thatarise from defects in cell-cycle processes, neuro-nal migration, pruning, and apoptosis, as wellas in cell fate specification.22 We hypothesizedthat such a disturbance is present in the neocor-

tex of children with autism and that it is detect-able in the prefrontal and temporal cortexes, asreported in previous studies of children withautism that used magnetic resonance imaging(MRI),2,4,10,11 functional MRI,8 gene expression,18 and neuron count.3,24

To test this hypothesis, we used a standardizedcolorimetric RNA in situ hybridization platformto systematically examine the expression of alarge panel of highly selective molecular markersin postmortem brain samples obtained fromchildren with autism and from unaffected chil-

dren. These markers include specific subtypes ofexcitatory (layer-enriched) and inhibitory neurons,microglia and astroglia, and a set of autism can-didate genes.

M e t h o d s

Marker Selection

Using in situ hybridization, we analyzed the ex-

pression patterns of 63 genes, including cortical

layer–specific markers, genes implicated in the

pathogenesis of autism, and putative cell-type

markers (interneurons releasing γ-aminobutyric

acid, glia, and oligodendrocytes) in samples of

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex obtained from two

unaffected boys who were 10 and 16 years of age

(Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix, avail-

able with the full text of this article at

On the basis of the results of this analysis, we

selected 25 of the 63 genes for further analysis in

children with autism, because these genes had ro-

bust, consistent, and specific expression patterns

in the cortex. This final set of 25 markers included

probes that selectively labeled one or more corticallayers or fell into one or more cell-type–specific


Postmortem Tissue Acquisition

We obtained 42 fresh-frozen postmortem corti-

cal tissue blocks (1 to 2 cm3) from the superior or

middle frontal gyrus of dorsolateral prefrontal

cortex, posterior superior temporal cortex, or oc-

cipital cortex (Brodmann’s area 17) from children,

2 to 15 years of age, with autism (case samples)

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Disorganization in the neocortex of Children with Autism

n engl j med 370;13 march 27, 2014 1211

or without autism (control samples) (Table 1, and

Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix, with

details including cause of death). There was no

preselection for either case or control samples

 with specific clinical endophenotypes. Selected

case samples represented nearly the entirety of

tissue suitable for study at the Brain and Tissue

Bank for Developmental Disorders at the Nation-al Institute of Child Health and Human Develop-

ment and the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource

Center (see the Supplementary Appendix for a

further description of exclusionary criteria).

Samples that passed quality-control measures in-

cluded 22 blocks of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

(from eight boys and three girls in each group),

5 blocks of posterior superior temporal cortex

(2 case samples from boys and 3 control sam-

ples from boys), and 6 blocks of occipital cortex

(3 case samples from boys and 3 control samples

from boys) (mean [±SD] RNA integrity number,7.10±1.74 for case samples; 7.04±1.71 for control

samples) (Fig. 1A).

Marker-Based Phenotyping

Study I

Each sample of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

(8 case samples and 8 control samples from

boys) was serially cryosectioned (20-µm thick-

ness) in a plane of section containing all corti-

cal layers (Fig. 1B). Sections were grouped into

10 series of 30 sections per series; 24 sections

 were labeled with the use of markers for in situ

hybridization, 2 sections were Nissl-stained for

gross anatomic and cellular cytoarchitectural

analysis, and 4 sections were left unstained for

future use. We modified the methods for auto-

mated high-throughput in situ hybridization and

acquisition of whole-slide digital imaging for

processing postmortem samples of young hu-

man postnatal fresh-frozen brain t issue.25

Study II

We serially sectioned each block and used in situhybridization to label samples of dorsolateral

prefrontal cortex from the 3 case samples and

3 control samples from girls, plus tissue from

temporal cortex from boys (2 case samples and

3 control samples) and occipital cortex from

boys (3 case samples and 3 control samples) to

assay the expression of five genes: CALB1, RORB,

PCP4, PDE1A , and NEFL. These genes represent a

subset of the genes that showed robust changes

in the case samples from boys that were ana-

lyzed in study I. (See the Methods section in the

Supplementary Appendix for further details re-

garding the gene selection.)

Rating of Marker Expression

We scored all data obtained by in situ hybridiza-

tion for each gene on each specimen using a

3-point scale: 0 for normal, 1 for mild abnormal-ity, and 2 for severe abnormality. A specimen was

considered to be abnormal if we identified at

least one of the following three criteria in three

or more adjacent sections: the intensity of gene

expression appeared to be reduced or disrupted,

as compared with that in controls; gene expres-

sion was abnormal owing to a qualitative change

in the number of labeled cells, as compared with

the number in adjacent areas; or the pattern of

gene expression that was specific to the cell type

Table 1. Clinical Data on the 11 Patients with Autism in the Study.*

PatientNo. Age Sex

Score on Autism DiagnosticInterview–Revised


Social Communication




12 2 M 14 9 (NV) 6 No

13 4 F 26 13 (NV) 3 Yes

14 5 M NA NA NA Yes

15 5 F 24 20 (V) 7 Yes

16 7 M 22 18 (V) 8 Yes

17 8 M 19 14 (NV) 4 No

18 8 M NA NA NA Yes

19 8 M 24 10 (NV) 10 Yes

20 9 M 24 20 (V) 6 No

21 14 M 22 14 (NV) 8 Yes

22 15 F 22 21 (V) 5 No

* To meet the diagnostic classification of autism, the patient must have metcutoff scores in each of three areas of the Autism Diagnostic Interview–Revised (Western Psychological Services): the Qualitative Abnormalities inReciprocal Social Interaction section (with a cutoff score of 10), the Quali-tative Abnormalities in Communication portion (with a cutoff score of 7),and the Restricted, Repetitive, and Stereotyped Patterns of Behavior section(with a cutoff score of 3). All patients met or exceeded cutoffs for a diagnosticclassification of autism on the basis of this instrument, except for Patients 14and 18, for whom no scores were available (NA). The diagnosis of autism inthese patients was verified by brain banks and confirmed by a review of re-cords by a research psychologist independent of the brain banks. Additionaldiagnostic details regarding the patients with autism (listed here) and thecontrols (Patients 1 to 11) are provided in Table S2 in the Supplementary

Appendix. NV denotes nonverbal, and V verbal.† Intellectual disability status was determined on the basis of available standard-

ized IQ scores for Patients 12 through 16 and of a review of available patientrecords without a standardized IQ measure for Patients 17 through 22.

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T h e   n e w e n g l a n d j o u r n a l o f    medicine

n engl j med 370;13 march 27, 20141212

C   Labeling in Adult and Child Control Samples

D   Patchlike Feature in Autism (Patient 20)   E   False-Color Composite of Multiple Markers

F   Detailed View of Panel E Inset

A   Location of Samples   B   Sectioning and Labeling












Dorsolateralprefrontal cortex

Posterior superior temporal cortex

Occipital cortex

Control: 8M/3FCase: 8M/3F

Control: 3MCase: 2M Control: 3M

Case: 3M

30 sections10 series

1-cm slab

1-cm3 block



























































1 mm

1 mm






























   5 .   6  m  m

11.0 mm

5.8 mm

Layer 2/3 CALB1

Layer 5 PCP4

Layer 6/6b CTGF 

Layer 3/4/5 RORB







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Disorganization in the neocortex of Children with Autism

n engl j med 370;13 march 27, 2014 1213

or layer appeared to be abnormal, as compared

 with controls. One investigator examined and

scored all sections in every case, and a second

investigator at a different location, who was un-

aware of the scores of the f irst investigator, inde-

pendently examined and scored all sections. The

two sets of scores were then compared and eval-

uated for the degree of concordance. (Details re-garding scoring are provided in the Methods sec-

tion in the Supplementary Appendix.)

Expression Overlay and Three-Dimensional


To visualize coregistered regions of abnormal ex-

pression across genes, multicolor overlays were

created by thresholding and manually registering

and compositing series of images on in situ hy-

bridization with the use of Adobe Photoshop CS5

(Adobe Systems). Pseudoexpression density rep-

resentations were created for each image on in

situ hybridization and aligned to form an inter-

polated image volume. The image volumes were

rendered in a molecular visualization tool (UCSF

Chimera26) to capture the full three-dimensional

microstructure of cortical layering within the tis-sue block.

R e s u l t s

Expression Analyses

To provide an initial description of the disease in

the cortex of children with autism, we conducted

in situ expression analyses, using an exploratory

design that made use of sparse sampling across

a wide range of areas within the dorsolateral pre-

frontal cortex, posterior superior temporal cortex,

and occipital cortex of children with and children without autism.

Laminar Expression Profiles in Control Cortex

Laminar expression patterns that were examined

in the 11 samples from unaffected children ap-

peared to be similar to those in unaffected adults,

as described previously 27 (Fig. 1C), with one ex-

ception. A sample from a 9-year-old unaffected

girl (Patient 6) showed a focal abnormality: a

patchlike region (6 mm in length) of reduced la-

beling of multiple markers in layers 3, 4, and 5 of

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (Fig. S2 in the Sup-

plementary Appendix).

Aberrant Laminar Expression Patterns

Focal regions of reduced expression or unusual

patterns of markers on in situ hybridization were

identified in 10 of 11 case samples by independent

raters (86% interrater concordance for detection

and 75% agreement on specific level of severity

for 181 ratings) (Fig. 2). These regions, hereafter

referred to as patches, were identified by the

presence of patchlike abnormalities ranging from5 to 7 mm in length in one or more independent

markers, adjacent to regions of apparently unaf-

fected cortex (i.e., cortex that appeared to be very

similar to that of unaffected children). The presen-

tation of aberrant labeling extended through mul-

tiple sections and most often involved a local reduc-

tion in the expression of a subset of cellular markers.

In samples obtained from 3 of the 11 children

 with autism, we observed areas containing in-

Figure 1 (facing page). Methods and Results of Marker-Based Phenotyping of Autism Case Samples and Control


Panel A shows the locations of the dorsolateral pre-

frontal cortex (from which case and control samples

were obtained from eight boys [M] and three girls [F]each), posterior superior temporal cortex (from which

case samples were obtained from two boys, and con-trol samples from three boys), and occipital cortex

(from which case and control samples were obtainedfrom three boys each). Panel B shows the sectioning

and labeling procedure, in which blocks of tissue mea-suring 1 cm3 were cut from frozen slabs and sectioned

into 10 series of 30 sections per series with a sectionthickness of 20 µm. Each section was then labeled and

imaged at 1 µm per pixel, with sections analyzed bymeans of in situ hybridization (ISH, in orange) or Nissl

staining (in blue). The remaining sections were kept un-

stained for future use. Panel C shows raw images labeledwith the use of ISH with the nearest Nissl-labeled im-

ages for anatomical reference. Laminar expression pat-terns appear to be similar in unaffected adults (top row),

which have been described previously, and in unaffectedchildren in our study (bottom row). Annotations de-

marcate regions of layer-specific expression labeling.Panel D shows raw images of an identified patchlike

region of aberrant laminar expression in a sample ob-tained from Patient 20, which was labeled with the use

of ISH. Arrows show decreased or absent expression

across neuronal markers in layers 2 or 3 through 5,with normal-appearing expression for marker CTGF  in

deep layer 6b. The nearest Nissl-labeled image alsoshows indications of polymicrogyria. Panel E shows a

false-color image overlay generated from multiplemarkers, indicating a focal region of aberrant expres-

sion adjacent to normal-appearing cortex. Panel F

shows a detailed view of the inset area in Panel E, in-dicating the transition region from normal-appearingcortex to a patch region.

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Th e   n e w e n g l a n d j o u r n a l o f    medicine

n engl j med 370;13 march 27, 20141214

creased density of labeled cells immediately adja-

cent to patch regions (data not shown).

We identified the majority of patches usingmarkers specific for layers 4 and 5. However, notwo patches were identical in presentation.Patches within one case sample had a similar

pattern of labeling. We observed heterogeneitybetween case samples with respect to the layersand the cell types that were most abnormal.Samples obtained from a 9-year-old boy withautism (Patient 20) showed the clearest presen-tation of a patch phenotype, with reduced ex-

   M  a  r   k  e  r



































   L  a  m

   i  n  a

   S  p  e  c

   i   f   i  c   i   t  y

   P  r   i  m

  a  r  y

   E  x  c   i   t

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   I  n   t  e  r

  n  e  u  r  o  n

   A  u   t   i  s


   G   l   i  a   l

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   S   t  u   d

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   F   C  o

  n   t  r  o   l   *

   M   a  u

   t   i  s  m

   F  a  u   t   i  s  m

   M   a  u

   t   i  s  m

   F  a  u   t   i  s  m

   T  o   t  a


   P  r  e   f  r

  o  n   t  a   l

   T  e  m  p  o  r  a   l

   O  c  c   i  p   i   t  a   l

   T  o   t  a


   P  r  e   f  r

  o  n   t  a   l

   T  e  m  p  o  r  a   l

   O  c  c   i  p   i   t  a   l

   M   a  u

   t   i  s  m   *   *

   M   a  u

   t   i  s  m

   M   a  u

   t   i  s  m

   M   a  u

   t   i  s  m

   M   a  u

   t   i  s  m

   M   a  u

   t   i  s  m   *   *   *

   F  a  u   t   i  s  m

   M   a  u

   t   i  s  m   *   *

   M   a  u

   t   i  s  m

   M   a  u

   t   i  s  m   *   *

   M   a  u

   t   i  s  m

   M   a  u

   t   i  s  m

Severe Mild or Severe6 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 16 19 16 17 19



Region Prefrontal

Lamina Cell Type

   T  e  m  p  o

  r  a   l

  O  c  c   i  p   i  t  a


Percent Affected



Independent Anatomist RatingSeverely affectedMildly affectedUnaffectedNA




Mild or Severe



* ** *** **   **

Figure 2. Comprehensive View of Identified Expression Abnormalities.

The left panel shows the genetic markers and their classification: laminar layer, cell type, and whether the data are from study I (in which

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex from boys was assayed) or study II (in which the expression of a subset of genes was evaluated in both sexes

and additional regions). The middle panel shows expression abnormalities as identified by an aggregate decision by two independent in-vestigators after initial examination, according to the brain region. The intensity of the blue color indicates the affected level. The charts

below and to the right of the investigators’ ratings show the proportion of markers that were examined that fell into one of two catego-ries of severity (severe or either mild or severe), according to the cell type (below) and brain location (at right). More intense red color

indicates greater severity. A single asterisk indicates Patient 6, a 9-year-old unaffected girl who was the only control in whom a patch was

identified. Double asterisks indicate Patient 16, a 7-year-old boy with autism in whom investigators found no patch in the dorsolateralprefrontal cortex but a clear patch in the posterior superior temporal cortex. Triple asterisks indicate Patient 21, a 14-year-old boy withautism in whom no patch was identified.

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Disorganization in the neocortex of Children with Autism

n engl j med 370;13 march 27, 2014 1215

pression found across multiple independentmarkers within a 5.8-mm diameter patch ofcortex (Fig. 1D, 1E, and 1F).

Patches were identified in both dorsolateralprefrontal cortex (in 10 of 11 case samples) andposterior superior temporal cortex (in 2 of 2 casesamples) (Fig. 2). No abnormal expression pat-

terns of any markers were identified in the oc-cipital cortex in 3 case samples or in the poste-rior superior temporal cortex or occipital cortexin 3 control samples.

Three-Dimensional Reconstruction

of Laminar Defects

To better describe the complete microstructure

of the patch phenotype, we performed three-

dimensional reconstruction of laminar organi-

zation in regions of patches, using four layer-

specific markers for four samples of dorsolateral

prefrontal cortex (two case samples and two con-trol samples). This method enabled visualization

of marker distribution independent of the origi-

nal plane of section and confirmed that patch

regions of multiple markers were closely aligned.

Figure 3 shows the surface reconstruction of cor-

tex in a child with autism (Patient 20 from Fig. 1)

 with a prominent pathological patch spanning

several independent markers immediately adja-

cent to typical-appearing cortex.

Marker Expression in Patch Regions

A deficit in the expression of markers of excit-

atory cortical neurons was the most robust indi-

cator of a patch region, although abnormalities

 were identif ied in three of the four cell-type–

specific groups that were examined (Fig. 2).

Markers that were encoded by each of the five

autism candidate genes showed mild patch ab-

normalities across the majority of case samples

that were examined. Most interneuron markers

(e.g., PVALB and CALB1) showed mild abnormal-

ities, which were inconsistently present within

patches across case samples, with a few excep-tions (e.g., GAD1 and VIP ) that appeared to be rela-

tively unaffected in all case samples that were


With one exception (SLC1A2  in Patient 12),glia-specific markers showed the same labelingpatterns in case samples and control samplesacross the different regions of cortex, includingtissue that contained patch abnormalities in othermarkers (Fig. S9 in the Supplementary Appendix).This finding supports the premise that features

of patches cannot be attributed primarily to theglobal down-regulation of gene expression.

No Reduction in Neuron Density

To determine whether expression abnormalities

across multiple genes were due to a reduction in

the number of neurons at discrete locations, we

performed post hoc blinded stereologic density




Layer 2/3Layer 3/4/5Layer 4/5Layer 6/6b

Layer 3/4/5 RORB

Layer 3/4/5 RORB

Layer 4/5 PCP4

Layer 6/6b CTGF 

Layer 4/5 PCP4   Layer 6/6b CTGF 

Figure 3. Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of a Patch Region in CorticalMicrostructure.

Panel A shows a three-dimensional reconstruction of the four markers, as seenon in situ hybridization of samples obtained from Patient 20 (as shown in Fig. 1,

Panels D, E, and F). Panel B shows a cross section of the reconstructed struc-

ture at the original slice plane for the same four markers. Panel C shows angledrenderings of individual layer-specific markers, indicating a focal patch of sub-

stantially reduced or absent expression. Panel D shows an angled reconstruc-tion indicating a patch region with an independent, conserved location across

several markers. The dashed oval indicates the patch region.

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Th e   n e w e n g l a n d j o u r n a l o f    medicine

n engl j med 370;13 march 27, 20141216

measurements using Nissl sections adjacent to

sections showing patches in dorsolateral pre-

frontal cortex. We measured pan-laminar neuro-

nal and glial density across two regions (one con-

taining the patch and the other distant to the

patch) per sample across a minimum of f ive Nissl

sections that spanned a minimum of 3 mm of

cortex. We observed a small but significant in-crease in the average neuronal density in the

patch regions in case samples as compared with

control samples (P = 0.01 by two-tailed t-test). In

case samples, there was a small but nonsignifi-

cant increase in the neuronal density in patch

regions as compared with the region of adjacent

cortex (P = 0.10). On the basis of these results, we

infer that regions of focal patches were not the

result of a reduced number of neurons (Fig. S8 in

the Supplementary Appendix).

Quantitative Validation of Findings

We performed a quantitative reverse-transcriptase–

polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) assay to vali-

date the semiquantitative findings on in situ hy-

bridization. We examined additional tissue blocks

obtained from the four case samples with the

most severe patches from study I. In these sam-

ples, we further identified one severe patch and

one mild patch. Focusing on the case sample

 with the severe patch, we used laser capture micro-

dissection guided by in situ hybridization to iso-

late the patch and adjacent regions of interest

and used RT-PCR to assay messenger RNA tran-

script levels of CALB1. Consistent with the results

obtained on in situ hybridization, we observed

that the CALB1 signal was greatly decreased (by a

mean factor of 11.02±1.51 in three samples) in

the isolated patch, as compared with the region

of adjacent cortex (Fig. 4).

Dis c u s s io n

Using a large panel of highly selective markers

for specific cell subtypes and a subset of autismcandidate genes, we detected discrete pathologi-

cal patches of abnormal laminar cytoarchitecture

and disorganization in the majority of analyzed

samples of prefrontal and temporal cortexes, but

not occipital cortex, obtained from the boys and

girls with autism who were included in our study.

Serial analysis and three-dimensional reconstruc-

tion of multiple cellular markers revealed these

regions to be focal patches of abnormal gene ex-

pression measuring 5 to 7 mm in length and

spanning multiple contiguous neocortical layers.

These patches were characterized by a decrease

in the number of cells expressing layer- or cell-

type–specific markers that are normally present

in fully differentiated cortical neurons, as well as

decreased expression of certain autism candidategenes.

The presentation of the patches was consis-tent within case samples but varied across cases.No cortical layer was uniformly spared, and theclearest evidence of abnormal expression wasfound in layers 4 and 5. Reduced marker expres-sion was not due to a reduced number of neu-rons; the identity of the unlabeled neurons inthe patches remains to be determined. Theseneurons may be layer-appropriate neurons thatfailed to express the marker, neurons in an im-

mature or perturbed developmental state, orlayer-inappropriate neurons. Our data are con-sistent with an early prenatal origin of autism orat least prenatal processes that may confer apredisposition to autism.

Although our data suggest a novel pathologi-cal mechanism in autism, they do not identifythe mechanism. The identified laminar disorga-nization could result from migration defects re-sulting in the failure of cells to reach their tar-geted destination and the accumulation of suchcells in nearby regions, as has been seen inmouse models.28  Alternatively, patches couldreflect de novo changes early in neurodevelop-mental processes, potentially in gene sequenceor epigenetic state, which yield patch regions ofaffected progenitor cells adjacent to regions ofunaffected progenitor cells. To test either model,a targeted analysis across large regions of neo-cortical tissue obtained from children with autism would be required, with detailed comparisonsof gene sequence, methylation state, and ex-pression profiles in identified regions with cor-

tical patches, as compared with regions withoutsuch patches.Even though we did not preselect for specific

clinical endophenotypes, we identified patho-logical cortical patches in 10 of 11 case samples(91%) and in 1 of 11 control samples (9%). Be-cause we sampled only small portions of cortex yet observed focal patches in nearly every casesample, the most parsimonious explanation is

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that pathological patches are widespread acrossprefrontal and temporal cortex in children withautism. Given the well-described phenotypicheterogeneity in autism, the presence of a rela-tively similar pathological feature across cases was unexpected. However, the features that wedescribe here may explain some of the hetero-

geneity of autism: disorganized patches in differ-ent locations could disrupt disparate functionalsystems in the prefrontal and temporal cortexesand potentially influence symptom expression,response to treatment, and clinical outcome.Within this model, the observation of an appar-ent patch in one control sample also raises thepossibility of a subclinical patch phenotype.

We did not observe in the patches obviousabnormalities of marker expression specific toeither microglia or astroglia, a finding thatshows that the lack of in situ signal was not a

nonspecific-tissue or processing artifact affect-ing messenger RNA integrity in general. Thepost hoc RT-PCR experiment guided by in situhybridization further confirmed our originalfinding that patch regions represent areas ofquantitative decrease in signal rather than arti-facts from processing.

The strength of the standardized high-throughput colorimetric in situ hybridizationused here is the reproducibility of labelingacross large gene panels and the sensitivity ofthe method to label the soma of expressing cellsin serial thin-tissue sections. This platform hasbeen used extensively for genomewide mappingof brainwide transcript distributions in mousebrain25 and for targeted analysis in brain tissueobtained from nonhuman primates and fromhumans ( Our study design was informed by the accumulated knowledge ofcell-type–specific gene expression and was test-ed to show similar specificity in a subset ofgenes that, when expressed, selectively label tis-sues in children’s brains. Although in situ hy-

bridization is semiquantitative, we were able toidentify focal differences in cellular (laminar)distributions and decreased expression levelsacross cortical regions. We advise caution, how-ever, in defining any nonpatch region as “nor-mative” autism cortex, because previous studieshave shown widespread pathological features(e.g., overabundance of neurons) in the prefron-tal cortex of children with autism.3

Although our sample size was small in com-parison with postmortem studies of adult dis-eases, it is as large as or larger than that in mostprevious postmortem studies of autism. Thestudy was not limited by tissue quality, sincefrozen blocks obtained from each patient wereevaluated and selected for high RNA integrity

   F  a  c   t  o  r   D   i   f   f  e  r  e  n  c  e   b  e   t  w  e  e  n   P  a   t  c   h   R  e  g   i  o  n

   a  n   d   A   d   j  a  c  e  n   t   R  e  g   i  o  n

  o  n   R   T  -   P   C   R







C   Patch



D  Adjacent Region

6 5 4 3 2

E  Difference in CALB1 Expression

A   Nissl   B   CALB1

Figure 4. Post Hoc Quantitative Reverse-Transcriptase–Polymerase-Chain-

Reaction (RT-PCR) Assay and In Situ Hybridization Validating Patch Region.

In a post hoc experiment, laser-capture microdissection was performed on

a frozen tissue block of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex obtained from severely

affected patients with autism. Panel A shows a Nissl-stained tissue sectionindicating the location of a patch (green box) and an adjacent region of in-

terest (red box). Panel B shows the corresponding CALB1 image on in situhybridization, with a region of decreased expression (green box) and adja-

cent cortex (red box). Panel C shows a magnified view of the patch regionwith decreased CALB1 expression. Panel D shows a magnified view of an

adjacent region with normal CALB1 expression. The approximate locationof cortical layers 2 through 6 are indicated. Panel E shows the difference in

expression between the patch region and the adjacent region on RT-PCRassay, indicating the factor reductions in CALB1 expression in the patch

region, as compared with the adjacent region. The I bar indicates the stan-dard deviation.

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Th e   n e w e n g l a n d j o u r n a l o f    medicine

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numbers before being sectioned and stained onin situ hybridization. Interpretation was not con-founded by other variables of interest: patho-logical cortical patches were present in boys andgirls, in high- and low-functioning children, andregardless of the cause of death or postmorteminterval. The only two children with autism who

had a history of medical complications were those with the least severe patch defects: Patient 21,the only child with autism in whom we did notdetect patches, was the only child in our study with a history of severe seizures, and Patient 16, who had in utero exposure to cocaine and hero-in, had the mildest pathological features withrespect to patches (Table S2 in the Supplemen-tary Appendix). Otherwise, prenatal and peri-natal developmental histories were unremark-able and did not involve prematurity.

In conclusion, we identified discrete patches of

disorganized cortex in the majority of postmor-tem samples obtained from young autistic chil-dren that we examined. These patches occurredin regions mediating the functions that are dis-turbed in autism: social, emotional, communica-tion, and language functions. Such abnormalitiesmay represent a common set of developmentalneuropathological features that underlie autism

and probably result from dysregulation of layerformation and layer-specific neuronal differentia-tion at prenatal developmental stages.

Supported by grants from the Simons Foundation (to Drs. Cour-chesne and Wynshaw-Boris), the Peter Emch Family Foundation (toDr. Courchesne), Cure Autism Now/Autism Speaks (to Dr. Cour-chesne), the Thursday Club Juniors (to Dr. Courchesne), the Allen

Institute for Brain Science (to Drs. Lein, Sunkin, and Boyle), andthe University of California, San Diego, Autism Center of Excel-lence (P50-MH081755, to Dr. Courchesne). Tissue for this study was provided by the National Institute of Child Health and HumanDevelopment Brain and Tissue Bank for Developmental Disorders(Baltimore) (N01-HD-4-3368 and N01-HD-4-3383), the Brain andTissue Bank for Developmental Disorders (Miami), Autism TissueProgram (Princeton, NJ), and Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Cen-ter (Belmont, MA).

Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available withthe full text of this article at

We thank all the parents who have supported brain researchthrough the donation of brain tissue from their loved ones; theAllen Institute for Brain Science founders, Paul G. Allen and JodyAllen, for their vision, encouragement, and support; Dr. RonaldZielke at the National Institute of Child Health and Human De-

 velopment Brain and Tissue Bank for Developmental Disordersand Dr. Jane Pickett at the Autism Tissue Program for facilita-tion of tissue acquisition; Dr. Joseph Buckwalter, Dr. CynthiaSchumann, Robert Johnson, and Robert Vigorito for their as-sistance in tissue dissection and collection; Drs. Mark Butt and Jacob Butt for their assistance with stereologic methods; ElaineShen for her assistance with project management; the entireAtlas production team and the Information Technology team atthe Allen Inst itute for their professional support; and Drs. KarenPierce and Tiziano Pramparo for their comments on an earlier version of the manuscript.

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