Page 1: Need of online psychotherapy

Need of Online Psychotherapy Online psychiatry is nothing but clinical assessment followed by psychiatric

treatment through online mode. This method was introduced decade ago.

However, in very little time it has become the most successful example of the

general area of online medicine.

Online psychiatry mainly treats their patients at their supervised websites and

makes use various conferencing techniques. Nowadays a number of companies

are offering services and technologies to facilitate online psychotherapy. The

patient served by online psychotherapy usually suffers from significant mental

issues caused due to various factors. Hence, the treatment starts only after a

complete diagnosis of the problem. The treatment method is mainly


Recently, various mental health articles and blogs have boasted growth of the

online psychotherapy that is getting conducted by a private practitioner. As it

falls under the rubric of online psychiatry, it varies in significant respects from

the traditional method of the technology.

In online psychotherapy, the patient usually stays at their home not is very

much supervised setting. The most popular technologies like Facetime and

Skype are very often employed, potentially operating afoul of the HIPAA privacy

terms and regulations. And possibly most crucially, the patients are higher

working, with much more delicate problems that require nuanced fitness and

discussion interventions.

The main idea of conducting any psychotherapy through online mode is not very

new. Sigmund Freud more often communicated with his patients in methods he

thought would be clinically helpful. Telephonic therapy were pioneered in 1960

with the advent of the suicide hotlines and then gradually expanded to a various

area of counseling related to mental health.

Psychotherapy through telephonic mode remains very popular, often get served

as the temporary substitute for the in-person counseling sessions, for crisis

involvement between the regular sessions and for maintaining therapeutic

relationship when any one party in not available for personal counseling
