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Mary Marchio and Martha GrenzebackOmaha Public Library

Metadata Makeover:Transforming Omaha Public

Library’s Digital Collections

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World Stereoview Collection, 1259 images(2008)

Early Nebraska, 440 images (2009)

Early Omaha : Gateway to the West

750+ images (2002-2003)

Trans Mississippi & International Exposition , 2800+


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Cooperative projects containing OPL materials

Nebraska Memories (2006-current)

Western Trails(2002-2003)

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Photographs by official photographer, Frank Rinehart, and papers, correspondence, and memorabilia related to the Exposition and the Indian Congress that was part of it

Donated to library at the close of the Exposition (1898) by the Exposition’s Board of Directors; additional items have been donated or purchased since then

Available in the library to researchers

Trans-Mississippi & International Exposition

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Collection of  some 770 images of photographs, lantern slides, postcards, stereoviews, and maps reflecting Omaha's importance as the site of the Union Pacific headquarters and point of eastern origin for the first transcontinental railway

Source: donations from the public and Library Board members, library purchases

In-library access, some check-outs

Early Omaha: Gateway to the West

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1259 stereoviews dating back to late 1800s-early 1900s, depicting scenes from around the world

Gift to the library from Charles Dietz, wealthy lumber businessman, longtime President of the Library Board, and enthusiastic world traveler

For many years, available to check out or view in the library

World Stereoview Collection

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United States, Nebraska, county and regional maps and atlases, mostly not cataloged

Donations and library purchases

Used by library patrons in the library

Early Nebraska

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Inspired by a desire to provide better access, particularly to OPL’s extensive and unique Trans-Mississippi & International Exposition collection

1998 centennial celebration of original Exposition was impetus

Trans-Mississippi project was first effort, successful for its time

Showed OPL could manage a digital project internally—what next?

How did OPL get into the digital world?

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Formation of library staff committeeSteep learning curve: organizing a projectConsultant hired to evaluate physical condition

of collectionMajor Urban Resource Libraries (MURLS) grant

Trans-Mississippi project details

Solicited bids for scanning Marian High School girls: The

Web Team

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No metadata on website except titles, format, and dimensions

Metadata and cataloging

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MARC records for some images in local catalog

Single record for collection in WorldCat

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Libraries and other cultural institutions in Nebraska, Wyoming, Kansas, and Colorado pooled digital resources on the 19th century pioneer migration to the West

Scanning standards set by Colorado Digitization Program (now subsumed in LYRASIS)

CONTENTdm interface:

Western Trails project details

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Metadata and catalogingMetadata : modified Dublin Core; Library

of Congress Thesaurus for Graphic Materials headings and LCSH

Directly uploaded to UNL server via Zebra (later transferred into CONTENTdm)

OPL: Basic metadata in Access database

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Impetus for digitization: 150th anniversary of Omaha (2005)

Part of Western TrailsScanning standards: Western TrailsMetadata: Basic info in Access database (staff

use); minimal on website but rich narrative description for some “Exhibit” items

Early Omaha: Gateway to the West

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34 libraries and other cultural institutions in Nebraska pool digital resources that illustrate the state’s history and geography—more than 5,500 items to date

Scanning standards: Decided by Nebraska Library Commission, which administers project

Metadata: Modified Dublin Core; Library of Congress Thesaurus for Graphic Materials headings and LCSH

URL: is still contributing

Nebraska Memories

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Quick and easy solution for public accessScanning standards: Same as previous projectsMetadata: Minimum needed for Flickr; captions

and tagsURL:

World Stereoviews

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Maps and atlases of Nebraska (large-format scanning contracted out with grant money)

No metadata at all, except for the Omaha maps and atlases that were included in Nebraska Memories

Early Nebraska

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Image scanning is all to the same high standard (hallelujah!)

Metadata is all over the lot:MARCDublin CoreFlickrPeggy Marrs’s postcard cataloging schemeZilch

Public and staff access difficult (inadequate search function)

Hard to find on main OPL webpage

Multiple projects in multiple platforms

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What to do?

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We needed to:Find…Clean up…Enhance…And reinvent…

…our metadataTrans-Miss: 3785 imagesOthers: 4456

Total: 8241 images

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Almost everyone involved in original projects gone or distracted (retired, deceased, moved to other positions)

Memories failingPaper trail/documentation spottyMultiple projects, each with different parametersProject manager (Martha) inexperiencedNot much staff time available (“spare time”



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Images up to current standards; no rescanning needed

Original cataloger on our team (Mary Marchio) Assistance from OPL employees with unique

knowledge and skills, or memories of previous projects

Great support from Devra Dragos and Allana Novotny, Nebraska Library Commission

Library staff’s reluctance to purge or even tidy old files (computer and paper)

Administrative support


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OPL contribution to UNL’s Trans-Mississippi & International Expo portal site (

Internal OPL proposal suggesting new digital site: Aug. 2012

CONTENTdm QuickStart (hosted): March 2013

CONTENTdm vs Omeka or other option?

Getting started

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PlusesIs hosted and user-

friendlyGood support, forum,

documentation, webinars; NLC uses

Looks like every other digital collection website

More expensive as your collection grows


Can get started free with OCLC subscription

Can use “out of the box”Records can be synced to WorldCat

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Working group: Patrick Esser, Mary Marchio, Lindsey Bray, Deirdre Routt, Martha Grenzeback

Many webinars and much reading on CONTENTdm and digitization standards

In 2013, Deirdre created OPL Metadata Guidelines for CONTENTdm Entry, largely based on:Nebraska Memories Metadata Guidelines

Huntington Digital Library Guidelines Metadata Creation and Application

Plan of action

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Created timeline (delusional)

Allocated tasks

Where should we start?

Began trying to track down any available data on OPL’s digital images

Created “trial” collection (Millard Town Memories)

Decided to start with Trans-Mississippi collection

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Crosswalk for MARC records to Excel/Dublin Core, created by Patrick Esser

Cataloging from scratch—everything but the first 600 or so records; minimal info created by Patrick using info from TMI guidebook and Official Catalogue

Enhancing records; enriching descriptions, adding subject headings (LCSH, TGM), adapting to Dublin Core standards


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Mary created local authority file which we use for all collections

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Problematic because metadata had been directly uploaded via internet to Western Trails database; OPL kept no real record

Almost all images in Western Trails were also in Nebraska Memories

Allana Novotny kindly compared holdings to get a list of OPL items not in Nebraska Memories, and Mary Marchio cataloged

Early Omaha/Western Trails

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Nebraska Library Commission had all the metadata, which they retrieved and provided to us in Excel spreadsheet format

We changed a few fields to fit our own requirements, but otherwise pretty smooth

Nebraska Memories

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Most of the maps in this project uncataloged; only the Omaha maps had been uploaded to Nebraska Memories

Cataloging from scratch using Excel

Early Nebraska

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Created document: How to Upload Items to CONTENTdm (settings, choices, etc.)

Use Excel template with fields that match the fields in the CONTENTdm template for a particular collection

Dublin Core, Thesaurus of Graphic Materials, LCSH

Proofread in Excel. Check that names and subjects appear in our local authority file (also Excel)

Batch upload to CONTENTdm

Save all metadata spreadsheets in folder for each collection on network drive and in the cloud

Our process

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New site!

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Decide on collection content carefully

User forums very helpful; also looking at other digital libraries

Don’t be shy! Grill everyone involved in past projects

Track down any documentation (memos, reports)

Document! What you did and how you did it. No detail is too small (today’s small may be tomorrow’s big)

Lessons learned

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Martha [email protected]

Mary Marchio [email protected]
