Page 1: NBS1 MRE11 Guiding ATM to Broken DNA · ATM. However, as these authors point out, many NBS cells express a truncated form of Nbs1 that contains an intact carboxyl terminus. It turns


thermal flip rate at operating conditions.Future generations of MRAM will use

smaller tunnel junctions and will thus have toreaddress the above challenges. Goingtoward smaller dimensions must not intro-duce more bit-to-bit variations or jeopardizedata retention. The switching current will notsubstantially increase with reduced bit size(provided that other dimensions, such as theproximity to the write lines and their width,also decrease). But the current density willscale inversely with the conductor area, andelectromigration may therefore become anissue. At that point, spin momentum transfer(10)—switching by a spin-polarized current

through the bit—might become a viable al-ternative to 2D write selection.

This year, Cypress Semiconductor be-came the second company (after FreescaleSemiconductor) to announce that it hasshipped fully functional MRAM samples topotential customers. Many other companieshave demonstrated multi-Mb MRAM pro-totypes. It is now only a matter of time beforethe f irst volume shipments of MRAMdevices take place.

References1. F. Masuoka, M. Asano, H. Iwahashi, T. Komuro, IEEE

IEDM Tech. Digest, 464 (1984).

2. M. Johnson, Ed., Magnetoelectronics (Elsevier, Oxford,2004).

3. L. Savtchenko, B. N. Engel, N. D. Rizzo, M. F. Deherrera, J.A. Janesky, U.S. Patent 6,545,906 B1, 8 April 2003.

4. B. N. Engel et al., IEEE Trans. Magn. 41, 132 (2005).5. For the Freescale Semiconductor data sheet for

MR2A16A, see and enter PartNumber MR2A16A.

6. For the Cypress Semiconductor datasheet forCY9C62256, see

7. S. S. P. Parkin et al., Nat. Mater. 3, 862 (2004).8. S.Yuasa et al., Nat. Mater. 3, 868 (2004).9. J. Åkerman et al., IEEE Trans. Dev. Mat. Rel. 4, 428

(2004).10. J.A. Katine et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 3149 (2000).


DNA damage poses a continuousthreat to genomic integrity in mam-malian cells. To cope with this prob-

lem, these cells have evolved an elaboratenetwork of sensor, transducer, and effectorproteins that coordinate cell-cycle progres-

sion with the repairof the initiatingDNA lesion. A par-ticularly lethal formof DNA damage is

the DNA double-strand break (DSB). Thecellular response to DSBs must be swift anddecisive—requirements that are capablyfulfilled by a serine-threonine kinase in thenucleus called ATM (ataxia-telangiectasiamutated). This nuclear protein serves as akey signal transducer in the DSB responsepathway. ATM is a member of the phospho-inositide 3-kinase related kinase (PIKK)family, which includes several importantproteins required for genome surveillance(1). Humans that lack functional ATM suf-fer from a devastating syndrome calledataxia telangiectasia (AT), characterized bycerebellar neurodegeneration, prematureaging, immunodeficiency, extreme sensi-tivity to radiation, and heightened suscepti-bility to developing cancer. The severepathologies associated with AT are attribut-able largely, if not entirely, to defectiveDSB recognition and repair. Exposure toionizing radiation or other DSB-inducingagents triggers a prompt increase in ATMkinase activity, suggesting that ATM is aproximal transducer of DNA damage sig-

nals (1). On page 551 of this issue, Lee andPaull (2) offer new insights into the molec-ular mechanism that relays damage signalsfrom DNA to ATM.

Seminal studies 2 years ago by Bak-kenist and Kastan (3) revealed that, inundamaged cells, ATM resides as a catalyt-ically inactive dimer or higher order multi-mer. DNA damage induced by ionizingradiation triggers the auto- or trans-phos-phorylation of the serine amino acidresidue at position 1981 (Ser1981) in theATM polypeptide. This leads, in turn, tothe dissociation of inactive ATM com-plexes into catalytically active ATMmonomers. The authors made the strikingobservation that nearly the entire nuclearpool of ATM molecules was phosphory-lated on Ser1981 within minutes of cellularexposure to low doses of ionizing radiationthat induced only a few DSBs. To explainthis highly efficient amplification mecha-nism, the authors proposed that even a sin-gle DSB causes a far broader alteration inchromatin structure that encompassesmegabase regions of genomic DNA. Thiscreates a suitable platform for the promptactivation of hundreds of ATM dimers afterDSB induction. Consistent with this epige-netic model for ATM activation, theauthors demonstrated that treatment ofcells with chromatin-disrupting agentsprovoked widespread phosphorylation ofATM under conditions that did not producedetectable DSBs.

The new study by Lee and Paull (2)highlights the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN)complex as an essential mediator of ATMrecruitment to and activation by DSBs. TheMRN complex has a long history of associ-ation with the ATM-dependent checkpointpathway (4). Hypomorphic mutations in the

NBS1 and MRE11 genes give rise toNijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) andan AT-like disorder (ATLD), respectively.The clinical features of ATLD are indistin-guishable from those of AT, whereas NBSpatients (and cells from these patients) dis-play a somewhat attenuated version of theAT phenotype. Mre11 is a DNA bindingprotein that possesses 3´,5´-exonucleaseactivity, as well as an endonuclease activitythat cleaves DNA hairpins. Rad50 is amember of the structural maintenance ofchromosomes (SMC) family. It formshomodimers that associate with two Mre11molecules to yield tetrameric Mre11-Rad50 (MR) complexes (see the figure).The two arms of the MR complex allow thisstructure to form bridges between free DNAends or between sister chromatids. The con-tribution of the Nbs1 subunit to the MRNcomplex is not well understood, althoughnumerous studies show that Nbs1 expres-sion is required for optimal phosphorylationof ATM substrates in cells damaged by ion-izing radiation. Bakkenist and Kastan (5)recently argued that the partial ATM signal-ing defects observed in cells from NBSpatients indicate that Nbs1 positively influ-ences, but is not essential for, activation ofATM. However, as these authors point out,many NBS cells express a truncated formof Nbs1 that contains an intact carboxylterminus. It turns out that this region ofNbs1 binds directly to ATM and is impor-tant for recruitment of ATM to sites ofDNA damage (6). Thus, the hypomorphicNBS1 allele expressed in NBS cells maymask an obligate role for Nbs1 in ATMactivation. Earlier findings indicated thatthe Nbs1 partner protein, Mre11, is equallyindispensable for ATM activation afterDNA damage (7, 8). Lee and Paull (2) nowoffer compelling biochemical evidence tosupport the conclusion that the MRN het-erotrimer both recruits and activates ATMat DNA damage sites.

Lee and Paull (9) earlier demonstratedthat the protein kinase activity of purified


Guiding ATM to Broken DNARobert T.Abraham and Randal S.Tibbetts

R. T. Abraham is in the Signal Transduction Program,The Burnham Institute, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA. E-mail: [email protected] R. S. Tibbetts is in theDepartment of Pharmacology, University ofWisconsin-Madison, Madison,WI 53706, USA. E-mail:[email protected]

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Page 2: NBS1 MRE11 Guiding ATM to Broken DNA · ATM. However, as these authors point out, many NBS cells express a truncated form of Nbs1 that contains an intact carboxyl terminus. It turns


human ATM was stimulated by recombinantMR or MRN complexes in the absence ofDNA. In these biochemical assays, ATMactivation was monitored by phosphoryla-tion of an exogenously added substrate, suchas p53. The authors speculated that the bind-ing of MR or MRN to ATM enhanced accessof substrate to the ATM kinase domain.However, the lack of a requirement for DNAin these assays hinted that the purificationprocedure may have favored the isolation of“preactivated” ATM monomers. In their lat-est study, the authors carefully isolateddimeric (or oligomeric) and monomeric pop-ulations of ATM molecules (2). With ATMdimers as the starting point, both DNA andthe complete MRN complex were requiredfor stimulation of ATM kinase activity. TheMR subcomplex was responsible for recog-nition of the free ends of DNA duplexes, andfor Rad50-mediated unwinding of the DNAends to generate single-stranded DNA(ssDNA), an essential step leading to therecruitment and dissociation of ATM dimers.Interestingly, the ATM-related kinase, ATR,also recognizes ssDNA as a marker for DNAlesions that interfere with progression of thereplication fork (10). Thus, the accumulationof ssDNA appears to provide a common sig-nal for the recruitment of ATM and ATR todifferent types of DNA damage. The conser-vation of recruitment strategies for these twoprotein kinases apparently extends beyondthe configuration of the DNA target. Jacksonet al. (6) recently showed that an evolutionar-ily conserved motif at the carboxyl terminusof Nbs1 and ATR-interacting protein(ATRIP) mediates direct interactions withthe respective partner kinases of these pro-teins, ATM and ATR. This interaction isrequired for eff icient recruitment of thePIKKs to sites of DNA damage.

The most surprising outcome of theexperiments by Lee and Paull (2) is thatmutation of Ser1981 to an alanine (Ala)residue that cannot be phosphorylated hasno effect on either the ATM dimer-to-monomer transition, or the stimulation ofATM kinase activity by MRN and DNA.This result is sure to engender considerabledebate in the field, given that the Bakkenistand Kastan model (3) highlights Ser1981

phosphorylation as the pivotal event lead-ing to ATM activation. The discrepant find-ings reported by Lee and Paull (2) may sim-ply reflect the fact that their reconstitutionassay offers only a partial view of the mech-anism of ATM activation in intact cells. Inthe biochemical assay, the concentrations ofpurif ied DNA and MRN may be suff i-ciently high to drive the ATM dimer-monomer equilibrium toward themonomeric state, even in the absence ofSer1981 phosphorylation. In the intact cell,however, ATM phosphorylation may be

critical to prevent the rapid reassociation ofATM monomers at DSB sites. A more triv-ial explanation is that the recombinant ATM(Ser1981→Ala) “dimers” prepared by Leeand Paull are oligomeric complexes con-taining cell-derived ATM molecules bear-ing the Ser1981 phosphorylation site.Phosphorylation of one such site in anoligomeric complex may be sufficient toinduce complex disassembly and monomerformation in the biochemical assay.

The new studies by Lee and Paull (2)focus attention on the MRN complex as both

a sensor and effector of ATM activation andsignaling in response to DSBs (see the fig-ure). Complementary results from Jacksonand co-workers (6) indicate that the Nbs1subunit serves as a bridge between ATM andthe DNA-bound MR heterodimer. Where dothese new findings leave us with respect tothe Bakkenist and Kastan model for ATMactivation (3)? The results of Lee and Paullare consistent with the idea that the conver-sion of ATM dimers to monomers is a keyevent during ATM activation. However, theimportance of Ser1981 phosphorylation forATM activation is now open for debate andfurther experimentation. The generation ofmice bearing Ser1981→Ala mutations in bothATM alleles should provide definitive evi-dence for or against the original proposal (3)that Ser1981 phosphorylation serves as thetrigger for ATM activation. Perhaps the mostsubstantive challenge to the Bakkenist andKastan model relates to the mechanism bywhich ATM senses DSBs. The originalmodel posited that the DNA damage signal istransmitted to ATM through structuralchanges in chromatin. The new results indi-cate that the MRN complex forms a bridgebetween ATM and the DSB site, and deliversan undefined signal (perhaps a conforma-tional alteration) that triggers ATMautophosphorylation and monomer forma-tion. In their studies, Bakkenist and Kastanfound that treatment of cells with chromatin-disrupting agents, such as chloroquine orhistone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACs),stimulated ATM in the absence of detectableDNA damage (3). However, these drugs maywell induce abnormal DNA structures, suchas hairpins, that can be recognized andprocessed by MRN (11). It will be interestingto learn whether ATM activation induced bychloroquine or HDACs is also dependent onthe MRN complex. Finally, a more detailedunderstanding of the structural basis of theinteraction between ATM and MRN is sureto provide new insights into the mechanismof ATM activation. Considering the pace ofresearch in this field, the ATM activationmodel may prove to be as dynamic as theprocess of DNA damage signaling itself.

References1. Y. Shiloh, Nat. Rev. Cancer 3, 155 (2003).2. J.-H. Lee,T. T. Paull, Science 308, 551 (2005); published

online 24 March 2005 (10.1126/science.1108297).3. C. J. Bakkenist, M. B. Kastan, Nature 421, 499 (2003).4. J. H. Petrini, Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 12, 293 (2000).5. C. J. Bakkenist, M. B. Kastan, Cell 118, 9 (2004).6. J. Falck, J. Coates, S. P. Jackson, Nature 434, 605 (2005).7. V. Costanzo, T. Paull, M. Gottesman, J. Gautier, PLoS

Biol. 2, E110 (2004).8. C.T. Carson et al., EMBO J. 22, 6610 (2003).9. J. H. Lee,T.T. Paull, Science 304, 93 (2004).

10. L. Zou, S. J. Elledge, Science 300, 1542 (2003).11. D. D’Amours, S. P. Jackson, Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 3,

317 (2002).







/ SC



Step 1 DSB








Step 2

Step 3























The MRN complex and ATM activation. (Step1) The induction of DSBs in DNA leads to promptrecruitment of MR or MRN complexes. Thesecomplexes form a bridge between free DNA endsvia the coiled-coil arms of Rad50 dimers. InactiveATM dimers are recruited to the DSBs throughinteraction with the carboxyl terminus of Nbs1,and possibly a less stable interaction with Rad50.(Step 2) The 3´,5´-exonuclease activity ofMRE11 catalyzes resection of free DNA ends,creating ssDNA. Activating signals are deliveredto ATM dimers, possibly through a conforma-tional change in Nbs1.ATM undergoes phosphor-ylation at Ser1981 accompanied by its conversionfrom a dimer to a monomer. The MR complexmay also trigger a conformational change in ATMthat stimulates substrate recruitment. (Step 3)Activated ATM monomers either remain in thevicinity of the DSB, where they phosphorylatecolocalized substrates, or diffuse away from theDSB sites to phosphorylate nuclear substrates,such as p53 and Creb. SCIENCE VOL 308 22 APRIL 2005


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Guiding ATM to Broken DNARobert T. Abraham and Randal S. Tibbetts

DOI: 10.1126/science.1112069 (5721), 510-511.308Science 



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