Page 1: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014



Winterthis warm you up

Healthy to


can HELP your health

The benefiTsDISCOVER







ways to REDUCE yOUR







Come on,

buy Australian!


Page 2: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014


Because I trained after work on most days, I would stop in at the local milk bar on my way to the gym and eat before training. About 2 weeks into my training the Gym owner George who was a bit of a health fanatic, pulled me aside and said “Frank, it’s great that you are training here to lose weight and get fit but if you don’t change your diet you are not going to live a long healthy life.”I said “George, what do you mean, I eat really well.” Then I took another bite of my hamburger, shoved a hand full of hot chips in my mouth and took a sip of cola to wash it down. George said, “Look Frank, do yourself a favour and buy this book, read it and I guarantee it will change your life”. I took the book home and read it from cover to cover in just three days. George was right, the book changed my life forever. I went from one day eating everything that my wife Grace put in front of me to the next day not eating anything that she cooked.

Eat to live - Not live to eat

I was just so inspired by what I had learnt, that I wanted to educate as many people as I could on the principles of natural health. I had never heard the saying “Prevention is better than cure”. I had never heard anyone say, “Eat to live”, where as I used to live to eat. I

started purchasing every book I could get my hands on about natural health, herbal medicine, nutritional cooking, raw vegetable juices, internal cleansing, bowel health, organic gardening and anything relating to natural living. I couldn’t get enough! I couldn’t wait to tell all my friends and family, in fact that’s all I spoke about.

Quit my job to follow my passion!

I said to my wife Grace “I really would like to do this full time.” I thought, why don’t I open up a Health Food Store. At the time, that’s what made me the happiest, talking to people about bowel health, and the principles of natural living.

So that’s what I did. I quit my job as a motor mechanic and I opened the store on the 1st of November 1982, on my 28th birthday. And from the very first day of opening the doors,

I just couldn’t keep my mouth shut. I just talked and talked and talked to every customer that came into my store. In fact I think I hold the longest record for talking to one customer, in one period. She came in the store at 9 o’clock and she left at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. I’m not kidding - my wife is a witness to that.

Talking to customers is what made me happy

The fact is, a lot of customers did enjoy listening to me and they


AND AS A RESULT OF THAT I WAS PRETTY UNFIT AND DID VERY LITTLE SPORT.So in my early twenty’s, I decided to join a gym to lose some weight and get fit at the same time.

Me (1982)

My First Health Food Shop (1982) With my wife Grace (1982)

Me in 1976 and 101 kilos

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copies and were distributed nationally to over a million homes. The print run was bigger than the Daily Telegraph at the time. So it was quite an achievement.

Totally Natural Products

After a few years of working in the Health Food Store, I realised that there weren’t many people in the industry that were as passionate as I was on natural living. So in 1995, I decided to create my own range

called Totally Natural Products.

So the idea of starting the company, was to originally bring out a small range of internal cleansing programs that would support digestion and take a load off the digestive system, so the body could focus on healing itself.

That’s how I started. Since then the range has expanded to over 100 products. In March 2013, we decided to change the brand name from Totally Natural Products to Caruso’s Natural Health. It’s my family name and I’m the founder of

the company. I just felt that it was appropriate to go out with a brand that was under the

family name because there is a good story to tell.

Love my products like I do or your money back

Today, I’ve got a team of passionate experts that are truly dedicated in sourcing the best quality ingredients that go into our formulas. That’s why I’m happy to stand behind my products with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. The thing that still drives me today is the fact that I am still helping Australian’s live healthier lives.

I turn 60 this year and I can honestly say, I feel more alert, more vibrant and have more energy today than I did 40 years ago. I’m a good example that if you embrace the principles of natural health you can live a long healthy and vibrant life. If you make time for good health you will always have enough health for a good time!

Yours in vibrant health,

frank Caruso, Founder of Caruso’s Natural Health

would hang around. I used to talk quite loud and everyone else would listen in, and before I knew it I had a bit of a crowd. I just loved talking to every customer who came into my store about natural health. I was the first health food store in Sydney to provide filtered water for free. I bought a very expensive water purifier and I invited customers to bring their empty bottles and help themselves to my filtered water. I was the first store in the western suburbs to stock macrobiotic food, organic foods, including wholegrain breads and cakes. I was also the first store in the area to sell soy milk, pure raw honey and freshly ground peanut butter. I can still taste the combination of freshly ground peanut butter and raw honey spread over freshly baked wholegrain bread.

New house, or open Health Food Store?

Grace worked at the store and we had two young children at the time and a mortgage. I guess thinking about it now we took a huge risk opening a new business. I said to Grace, “Do we build a house or do we open aHealth Food Store?” Grace had always wanted a new house. We discussed it and she said “Look it’s your passion, let’s open the Health Food Store and worry about the house later.” It took 14 years before she finally got her new house. Over the last 32 years in business I’ve always had

Grace’s support, she has been great.

The Health Food Store was a good start, but I thought what else could I do to talk to more people about natural health. So in 1987 I came up with an idea to organise a Health Food Fair within my local shopping centre. We brought about 20,000 people into the Health Food Fair over four days. It was a huge success!

We had famous natural health speakers over the four days, fitness classes, healthy cooking classes, the Natural Health Society was there educating people on natural living and the list went on and on. From then on our business increased dramatically.

The following year I came up with the idea to publish a natural health newspaper so I could write articles about the principles of natural living. The first issue went to 80,000 copies and to my amazement for the second edition, we received orders from over 100 Health Food Retailers and the print run went to 1.1 million

My Store (1985)

Me (Today)

Me, Grace and our 2 boys (1983)

Health Food Fair (1987)

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of total wellbeing. It appears that you can have a far more effective result by working the reflex point on the feet rather than by working directly on the body. Back pain for instance, may be due to the onset of structural problems. Massage has an immediate and profound relieving effect, but the pain and discomfort is likely to reoccur when the effects of massage have worn off. Reflexology takes into account body, mind and spirit as they are all interrelated. The effects appear on all levels of your being, whether you notice them or not. There are numerous long term effects of reflexology. Working the reflexes of specific areas on the body allows overall relief.

Mark Evans, BPhil. FNIMH Mind and body Spirit a practical guide to natural therapies for health and well-being 2000,2004

Mapula StrachanNaturopath Adv. Diploma Naturopathy

Reflexology acts on parts of the body by stimulating the corresponding reflexes with compression techniques applied with the fingers. Where there is inhibited functioning we find congestion in the form of deposits that have not been cleared away by Venous circulation and the Lymphatic system. Both your feet together hold the reflexes to your whole body. For example, the part that corresponds to the spine runs along the instep of each foot. Reflexology uses both massage and specific stimulation of the reflexes to gain lasting relief. Through the reflexes you are stimulating the body from within.

We have pressure points on our

hands and feet that reflect all the parts of your body that is why

reflexology is not just a foot massage it affects your whole body, both inside and out. This is achieved by working the reflexes to the internal organs and glands as well as to the surface of the body. The benefits of reflexology has been found to be highly

effective and efficient. Placing pressure on the

pressure points allows specific areas of the body to respond to treatment. The stimulation of the pressure, improves circulation allowing nutrients to all parts of the body. The removal of waste

products, which interfere with the healthy functioning of the organs and the body’s whole energy, is able to flow more freely allowing a feeling

Reflexology, or zone therapy, is an

alternative medicine or pseudoscience

involving the physical act of applying

pressure to the feet, hands, or ears with

specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques

without the use of oil or lotion.


Killing you?

Reflexology takes into

account body, mind and

spirit as they are all interrelated.

it is based on what reflexologists claim to be a system of zones and reflex areas, that they say reflect an image of the body on the feet and hands, with the premise that such work effects a physical change to the body.

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Introducing a new anti-stress formula especially designed to help you cope.

Because more and more Australians are experiencing stress in their daily lives, the passionate team at Caruso’s Natural Health have developed Stress CLEAR.

So if you’re feeling stressed, don’t worry! Caruso’s Stress CLEAR is an anti-stress formula jam packed with herbs to meet the increased demands of stress on your life. It may help relieve stress associated with work and study! The herbs found in Caruso’s Stress CLEAR include Siberian ginseng and Panax ginseng. Plus it contains a special extract of the herb Withania called KSM 66.

Relief of stress symptoms

Siberian ginseng may be beneficial during times of

stress. It is known as an

‘adaptogen’ because it may allow your body to adapt to stress and change more effectively. Whilst Panax ginseng may also help in the relief of symptoms associated with your stress. It may aid your body’s resistance to stress. The herbal extract KSM 66 has sedative properties and may assist with stress and mild anxiety. Also, the herb which KSM 66 is extracted from, Withania, is traditionally used for nervous exhaustion due to stress.

Having problems sleeping?

Well the good news is the extract KSM 66 may assist with your insomnia.

Help for your energy, stamina and fatigue

Stress can affect your energy levels. The Siberian ginseng in Caruso’s Stress CLEAR is used in traditional Chinese medicine to increase energy and vitality. It may assist with fatigue, endurance and performance.

In traditional Chinese medicine Panax ginseng is an energy tonic. It has been included in this formula because it may help promote an improvement in your physical and mental performance. It may help support in the relief of fatigue related symptoms.

Support for your immune system

The Panax ginseng found in Caruso’s Stress CLEAR is traditionally used to support your immune system. Caruso’s Stress CLEAR may also assist with your general wellbeing.

100% Money Back Guarantee

The quality Caruso’s Stress CLEAR formula was developed by Caruso’s Natural Health, a proud Australian owned family company, founded by Frank Caruso. Frank is so passionate about helping people with their health he stands behind every one of his formulas with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Frank’s confident because behind him is a passionate team who create all of his formulations. See the Caruso’s Stress CLEAR carton or our website for more details.

So if you’re feeling stressed try Caruso’s Stress CLEAR!

Caruso’s Stress CLEAR is available in 30 and 60 tablets sizes from leading

health stores and pharmacies.

For more information on Caruso’s Stress CLEAR please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on

(02) 8818 0100 or visit

Stress CLEAR is a Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health.Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.



ABOUT your Life?


Frank Caruso

We all suffer from stress from time to time. As you probably are aware,

it can affect your emotions as well as your behaviour.

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Laughter is contagious If you laugh, people laugh with you, even if they don’t always know what you’re laughing about. It connects us to those around us, and can even be used to ease interpersonal tension. Crack a joke during your next heated argument and see the tension melt away.

Laughter and exercise may share more in common than you think. Most notably, both can boost your health. Sure you know about the infinite benefits of an active lifestyle, but did you know that laughter can support the immune system, blood pressure, stimulate the organs and reduce pain?

Laughter is also readily available, free, has no side effects, and you don’t have to worry about

overdosing. Moreover, it’s good for everyone around you. Laughter can relieve stress, boost your immune system and even change your perspective on life.

When you are feeling stressed Laughter affects your blood pressure and pulse rate and helps your muscles to relax. It counteracts your body’s stress response by balancing the stress hormones cortisol, epinephrine and adrenaline. In addition, it releases “happy chemicals” in your brain, leaving you with a sense of well-being or even euphoria.

Laughter helps increase immunity

Laughter increases the number of antibody-producing cells and enhances the effectiveness of killer T-cells. This means a stronger immune system, as well as fewer

A good sense of humour is one of the most important tools in your self-care kit. In fact, studies show that laughter affects both your body and your mind.

physical effects that may be caused by stress.

When you’re in pain, laughter increases the production of natural painkillers, thereby improving your tolerance to pain.

As a muscle relaxant, laughter exercises the diaphragm, contracts the abdominal muscles and even works the shoulders, leaving muscles more relaxed afterwards. It even provides a good workout for the heart. According to the late Dr Laurence Peter, author of The Peter Principle, the bigger the laugh, the lower the tension and the more long-lasting the relief.

Laughter changes your perspective on life, humour gives us an entirely different perspective on our problems. By viewing a problem a little more light-heartedly, it becomes a challenge instead of a threat, and your body won’t react with a stressful response. This gives us a sense of mastery and control over our environment, which helps us cope with adversity.

Use laughter as a distraction

Laughter diverts our attention away from our negative feelings like guilt, anger, stress and being miserable.

So I say, fix your funny bone and teach yourself how to see the comedy in bad brain chemistry, the humour in mood disorders, and the satire in dysfunctional situations, because sometimes the only thing we can change is our perspective. Ha ha ha!

Mapula StrachanNaturopath Adv. Diploma Naturopathy










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Latest Women’s Beauty News...

Omega 7 Fatty Acidsfor health and

beauty of your skin

Discover our secret for healthy and beautiful looking Hair, Skin & Nails!Introducing the new premium quality, Omega 7 Fatty Acids hair, skin and nails beauty formula!

When you think about it, we all

want to look our best. If you truly care about the health and beauty of your hair, skin and nails, you’ll be happy to know the clever researchers from Caruso’s Natural Health developed a new, healthy hair, skin and nails formula called Omega Beauty Hair, Skin & Nails. This beauty formula contains Sea Buckthorn Oil, Colloidal Silica, Biotin and Zinc. Importantly, the Sea Buckthorn in this formula is rich in Omega 7 Fatty Acids. Premium quality Omega Beauty Hair, Skin & Nails, works at the cellular level promoting; beautifully strong hair, natural, healthy, supple skin and strong nails.Healthy hair and your appearanceThe condition of your hair can greatly contribute to your overall appearance. Fortunately, Omega Beauty Hair, Skin & Nails contains Colloidal Silica and Biotin. Colloidal Silica may support and improve the strength of your hair. Whilst Biotin supplementation has been shown to assist with reducing hair loss.Healthy beautiful skin The Sea Buckthorn Oil found in Omega Beauty Hair, Skin & Nails is a rich source of Omega 7 Fatty Acids, which is an important component of your skin.

Sea Buckthorn Oil and its Omega 7

content is used to nourish your skin. Silica is also important. It is used in the formation of your body’s

make you look and feel your best. Omega Beauty Hair, Skin & Nails is an easy to take, convenient formula. So for the health and beauty of your hair, skin and nails think about Omega Beauty Hair, Skin & Nails today!

Omega Beauty is a Trademark of Caruso’s Natural Health. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.

connective tissue and collagen. Collodial Silica may assist your skin’s elasticity, firmness and strength. Colloidal Silica may improve the outer layer of your skin and improve your skin’s natural healing process. As for Biotin, it is involved in the growth of skin tissue and may improve the visual appearance of your skin. Next is Zinc. It may help you maintain healthy skin cells. Plus it may assist with the healing of minor

wounds. It is also good to know, Omega Beauty Hair, Skin & Nails may assist with the management of dry skin.For EXTRA skin care benefitsBecause premium quality

Omega Beauty Hair, Skin & Nails contains Sea Buckthorn Oil, it offers you extra skin care benefits. By taking two capsules of Omega Beauty Hair, Skin & Nails a day, Sea Buckthorn Oil helps promote healthy skin and may assist with the visible signs of skin ageing. Sea Buckthorn Oil may help decrease skin roughness and improve skin smoothness. It may also help promote skin regeneration, assist sun damage and ease skin inflammation. Healthy, strong nails help your hands look greatNobody wants easily breaking, brittle nails. Many women love having beautiful, long, healthy nails. If your nails are weak and brittle, you may not be able to grow them much past your fingertips without them cracking, splitting or breaking. By keeping your nails strong and healthy, you can also keep them growing as you want.Omega Beauty Hair, Skin & Nails contains Biotin, which may strengthen brittle nails and reduce breaking and splitting. As for Colloidal Silica, it may support and improve the strength of your nails. Healthy and beautiful hair, skin and nails help


Omega Beauty Hair, Skin & Nails is available from leading health stores and pharmacies in a 30 capsules size and an economical 60 capsules size. For more information on Omega Beauty Hair, Skin & Nails please call our qualified Naturopaths on (02) 8818 0100 or visit


When quality matters, try Omega Beauty Hair, Skin & Nails!

Page 8: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014


Next time you are supermarket shopping…

Do you suffer from nausea, bloating, problems with your digestive system or have trouble falling asleep…

Herbal Teas

HEALTH bENEFITS!associated with manyhave long been

Tea is one of the most appreciated and widely consumed drinks in the world. Being a pleasant, low-cost beverage that has no calories, tea has a unique set of natural chemicals that provide various health benefits. Overall, tea is one of the most versatile beverages. It can be drunk hot, at room temperature or even as an iced tea. The variety of teas has grown, have you ever considered the health benefits of some of the most readily available teas? Nausea is a common symptom we experience at some time; this may be due to motion sickness, morning sickness or the feeling of ill health. Ginger has been known to aid people experiencing nausea and may also help stimulate and soothe the digestive system. Bloating and flatulence are a common symptom many people with digestive upsets may experience. Peppermint tea can aid in calming and soothing the digestive system. It is one of the most popular beverages consumed after dinner. Current health issues or our diet can contribute to us not feeling at ease. Dandelion tea is a great herb for the liver. It may help the body eliminate toxins from the digestive system and support overall liver function.

Another popular tea is Lemon balm. Lemon balm tea aids in helping support mood, lifting your spirits and reducing digestive upsets. Every now and then we may struggle to fall asleep, this may be from a variety of reasons. Chamomile enables your mind to relax which aids in you being able to fall asleep naturally. People who find it hard to go to sleep should drink a cup of Chamomile tea before going to bed. Green tea plays a major role in many health concerns. Research conducted, has indicated that Green tea showed major antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. When it comes to choosing a herbal

tea, it’s important to look for a well-sourced product made from high-quality ingredients. To really get the full benefits from drinking herbal tea, make sure you steep your loose tea or tea bags long enough, this can be between 10-15 minutes, to enable you to get the best out of your beverage. So next time you’re shopping add tea to your shopping list. Think of the great health benefits that one simple cup of tea can do for you and your loved ones.

Adele GraicheNaturopath B. APP SC (Naturopathic Studies)

Winter is the time we all snuggle up with a blanket around the heater with a warm cup of tea. however why do the majority of us drink tea around winter time?

Overall, tea isone of the most

versatile beverages.

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One example is fermented apples known as Apple Cider Vinegar. Yes, you read it right. Apple Cider Vinegar! What are the health benefits?Suffering from digestive problems? Regular Apple Cider Vinegar in water is believed to help correct low stomach acid conditions that lead to heartburn. Apple Cider Vinegar has a great dose of pectin, which can soothe the entire gastrointestinal tract, helping to prevent stomach cramps, bloating and gas. A major health issue we all experience at some time in our lives is weight gain. Studies have found Apple Cider Vinegar to be helpful in weight loss; results showed that people with weight problems who consumed acetic acid daily for a 12 week period experienced significant decreases in body weight, abdominal fat and waist circumference. From these effects, the researchers determined that Apple Cider Vinegar may be beneficial in weight management.

Apple Cider Vinegar can help you all year round In summer when the mosquitos are out,

you can use it to help alleviate the pain and itching from mosquito and insect bites. Just place it straight onto the affected area or dilute it for its great effects. Suffering from sore muscles and cramps? Just add one cup of Apple Cider Vinegar in your warm bath and massage through to help reduce muscular pain and inflammation. Come winter time, most of us try and avoid the dreaded colds and flus. Unfortunately for most, it tends to affect us at some time. Apple Cider Vinegar can help with the symptoms of colds and flus, such as a sore throat or blocked nose. It is a great antimicrobial. Simply add one teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar to half a glass of water. Every hour gargle three mouth fulls. Do not swallow. If it is a blocked nose bringing you down, mix a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water and drink. This helps sinus drainage.

These are just some of the health benefits that Apple Cider Vinegar can offer. So next time you go out shopping or sort out your pantry keep an eye out for Apple Cider Vinegar the all year round health benefiter!

Adele GraicheNaturopath B. APP SC (Naturopathic Studies)

Next time you are supermarket shopping…

Apple cider vinegar can help you

all year round.

to your trolley!

Wouldn’t you love to make use of something that has great health benefits all year round!


Apple Cider Apple Cider Vinegar

Pain and inflammation is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. Arthritis causes pain in your joints. It can affect the joints in your knees, neck,

lower back, hands and hips. Your shoulders, elbow joints and wrists can also be

affected. No wonder people are looking for a good, quality Arthritis relief cream.

Use Caruso’s Exit Pain Arthritis Cream where

it hurts!Caruso’s Exit Pain Arthritis Cream

is a double action, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic cream and includes Camphor and Arnica. Camphor is traditionally used as an analgesic and may assist with

Osteoarthritis, Rheumatism,

pain, sprains and inflammation. Camphor is traditionally used for back pain. It may also assist bruising. Whilst Arnica has been traditionally used for Rheumatism, bruises, sprains, swelling, inflammation, muscle and joint pain. Arnica also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions. It may assist back pain, strains and sore and aching muscle. Also contains Emu Oil and Rosemary Oil.Easy to apply!Rub Caruso’s Exit Pain Arthritis Cream straight onto your painful areas. With gentle massaging, your nagging pain should feel so much better.

100% Money Back Guarantee We are very confident with Caruso’s Exit Pain Arthritis Cream. So much so, we’re offering you a 100% Money Back Guarantee. If you’re suffering from the ongoing pain of Arthritis, Osteoarthritis or Rheumatism, try Caruso’s Exit Pain Arthritis Cream.

Is Arthritis causing your joints to be painful, stiff and inflamed?

Exit Pain Arthritis Cream is available in a 60 gram size from leading health stores and pharmacies. For more

information on this remarkable formula please call our qualified Naturopaths on (02) 8818 0100 or visit

Quality formula at a great value price!


Page 10: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014


sense to nourish your intestinal system with these EIGHT friendly bacterial strains. Multi-strain probiotic for your internal healthFrank Caruso created his multi-strain Nourishing Flora probiotic formula out of a passion for helping people with their intestinal health. Fortunately, Caruso’s Nourishing Flora contains the seven strains of lactobacillus bacteria and one strain of bifidobacterium mentioned above. Have you been taking a course of antibiotics?If you have been taking a course of antibiotics, Caruso’s Nourishing Flora may assist with maintaining normal, healthy gut flora.People leading highly active and healthy livesIn the book The Prolongation of Life good bacteria and colon health is discussed. This famous health book documented in detail several societies that practiced eating fermented foods and special bacterial cultures called kefirs. It made consistent observations about men and women leading highly active and healthy lives. And it looked at the necessity of maintaining a healthy balance of probiotics in your body. Frank Caruso is not suggesting beneficial bacteria will give you longevity or solve other health problems. But he is saying maintaining a healthy intestine is vitally important to good, solid well-being.Take Caruso’s Nourishing Flora every day!A good probiotic like Caruso’s Nourishing Flora will contain billions and billions of bacteria to bolster and replenish levels of the health promoting friendly bacteria in your intestine. Crucially this bacterium must be alive. So once it arrives in your intestine, it can multiply and produce the necessary numbers to help maintain a healthy bacterial balance. Caruso’s Nourishing Flora contains billions and billions of health giving live bacteria.

100% Money Back GuaranteeThe quality Caruso’s Nourishing Flora formula was developed by Caruso’s Natural Health, a proud Australian owned family company, founded by Frank Caruso. Frank is so passionate about helping your digestive health he stands behind his Nourishing Flora with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Frank’s confident because behind him is a passionate team who help him create all of his formulations.

So if you’ve been suffering from flatulence, bloating, bad breath, constipation, wind, poor digestion or stomach cramps or you’ve been taking antibiotics, Caruso’s Nourishing Flora may be just what you need.Caruso’s Nourishing Flora is now available from leading health stores and pharmacies in a 30 capsules size. Caruso’s Nourishing Flora is also available in 60 and 120 capsules sizes. For more information on Caruso’s Nourishing Flora please call our qualified naturopaths or customer service representatives on (02) 8818 0100 or visit

Nourishing Flora is a Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health.Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.


Flatulence, bloating, bad breath, constipation, wind, and stomach cramps may be symptoms of an imbalance in your intestinal bacteria, otherwise known as intestinal flora. So when building a stronger foundation for your internal health, a good place to start is in your intestine. Choosing the right probiotic is very importantDid you know your intestine has a mixed population of intestinal bacteria? Importantly your intestine needs and DEMANDS different kinds of bacteria. When you take a probiotic with a variety of SEVEN strains of Lactobacillus and ONE strain of Bifidobacterium bacteria your intestine gets a wide range of health-giving bacteria. Because these strains are naturally occurring in your body, it makes

May be you need a good probiotic formula to help you?

Do you Suffer from...

if you do

Caruso’s Nourishing Flora contains billions and billions

of health giving live bacteria.

Page 11: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014


See pack for details

May be you need a good probiotic formula to help you?

Both Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis are conditions which affect many people. This is why Caruso’s Natural Health developed King Krill OSTEO. This premium quality Krill Oil, Calcium and Vitamin D formula has been specially developed for the symptomatic relief of Osteoarthritis.Caruso’s King Krill OSTEO may help reduce joint inflammation and swelling. It may even help increase joint mobility.

Caruso’s King Krill OSTEO may also assist in the prevention of Osteoporosis and help with strong, healthy bones.

The benefits of Krill Oil

A daily dose of 300mg of Krill Oil in the quality Caruso’s King Krill Osteo formula may help reduce joint inflammation and provide temporary relief from pain associated with Osteoarthritis.

Assist in the prevention of Osteoporosis

Caruso’s King Krill OSTEO has a strong focus on supporting strong, healthy bones and Calcium replenishment may assist in the prevention of Osteoporosis.

Special bio-active, marine Calcium called Aquamin FORTE features in King Krill OSTEO

King Krill OSTEO contains a special marine based form of Calcium and Magnesium called Aquamin

FORTE. Aquamin FORTE is different to Calcium Carbonate. Aquamin FORTE is a 100% seaweed-derived multi-mineral source. Organically certified, Aquamin FORTE contains trace minerals and is sustainably harvested from the cold waters off Iceland.

Assist with bone and muscle weakness

Vitamin D may assist with bone health and muscle weakness. It may help the absorption of Calcium. This is important because a diet deficient in calcium can lead to Osteoporosis later in life.

100% Money Back Guarantee

The quality Caruso’s King Krill OSTEO formula was developed by Caruso’s

Natural Health, a proud Australian owned family

company, founded by Frank Caruso. Frank is so passionate about helping people with Osteoarthritis or who want strong, healthy bones, he stands behind every one of his formulas with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Frank’s confident because behind him is a passionate team who create all of his formulations. See the Caruso’s King Krill OSTEO carton or our website for more details.

Live a better quality of life

If Osteoarthritis or Osteoporosis is a concern for you, try Caruso’s King Krill OSTEO today!

Caruso’s King Krill OSTEO is available from leading health stores and pharmacies in a 90 capsules size.

or want

Introducing a new Krill Oil and special marine based, bio-active Calcium, plus Vitamin D formula to fight painful Osteoarthritis and support strong, healthy bones

Are you suffering from...


OstEOarthrItIsstrong, healthy bones?

For more information on Caruso’s King Krill OSTEO please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on (02) 8818 0100 or visit

King Krill is a Registered Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health. Aquamin is a Trade mark.

Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional. CHC53131-02/14

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in your

OilsDo you come home at the end of the day with your neck and shoulders feeling as if they were set in concrete? Massage can have a wonderful effect, not just on the muscle itself but on your whole sense of wellbeing.

People spend far too long each day on their feet, or barely moving. This can create real problems for the circulation to our legs, which can lead to tired, aching limbs, swollen ankles or even cramps. However, a quick self-massage at the end of the day can help reduce stiffness and sluggish blood flow as a wonderful instant reviver. A really good massage should be a special occasion, and one that leaves you feeling relaxed, calm and gentle. It is quite possible to give a highly effective spontaneous massage. It is very important to prepare well in advance to ensure you create the right atmosphere and to check that you have exactly the right products, such as towels and oils. When massaging you need a base oil. The most useful base oil and the one most widely used in a professional massage is Sweet Almond, which is high in Vitamin D. It is light and non-greasy and is easily absorbed by the skin. Another base oil you might consider is Borage. It is an incredible good source of fatty acids called Gamma Linolenic Acid. Both oils are suitable as base oils. Take the power of massage to a whole new level by adding Essential oils. Essential oils take you on a sensory

patients have shown an increase in their sleep regularity with some Lavender Essential oil being placed on their pillows. It has such a relaxing impact on people that it can often replace modern medicine for sleep. To help your nervous system, Lavender Essential oil has a calming scent, which makes it beneficial in helping reduce tension and stress. The refreshing benefits of Essential oils are many and they complement a massage beautifully helping you achieve a feeling of relaxation at the end of your day.

Mapula StrachanNaturopath Adv. Diploma Naturopathy

journey that can instantly soothe and enliven both your body and mind. A blend of Essential oils, can create a state of relaxation and restore vitality. Very effectively and quickly.

Two popular and commonly used Essential oils for a relaxing massage are Lavender and Marjoram. Simply add them in equal amounts to a base oil of your preference. Both these oils will help to release tense, tired, over stressed muscles and will induce a general sense of wellbeing followed by a warm relaxed glow. By massaging Lavender on your temples and under your nose at night, it may help prepare the body for rest and induce sleep. Frequent studies on elderly

A blend of Essential oils can create a state

of relaxation and restore vitality.

HERE’s sOmE reaLLy great neWS!

Page 13: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014


medically Diagnosed iBS...ConstipationPlay an


When it comes to your health, taking more fibre could be a small change that makes all the difference to you. Fibre also called roughage or bulk, is essential for gastro-intestinal health. Fortunately, the passionate team at Caruso’s Natural Health have created Intestinal Broom, a new multi-fibre and enzyme formula which may help with your constipation and regularity. It may also help with medically diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Plus Caruso’s Intestinal Broom, helps improve your general well-being.About constipationConstipation is the passing of hard, dry stools, which may be infrequent and difficult to pass. Many people find the experience uncomfortable. This is why the elimination of undigested food and other waste matter from your gut is absolutely essential for good health. Caruso’s Intestinal Broom... your digestive system’s best friendSoluble fibres like those found in this formula, form a gel mucilage mass in your intestine. This mucilage mass then stimulates peristalsis in your bowel, which assists regularity. These fibres work like an “Intestinal Broom,” cleansing your bowel allowing larger amounts of waste to pass through it more easily. By helping to keep by-products of digestion moving quickly through your digestive system, the Intestinal Broom helps keep you regular and minimise the effects of constipation.

Cleansing your insidesCaruso’s new Intestinal Broom is a rich source of natural fibre works naturally on your body. It helps cleanse your insides by adding bulk to food and aiding the food’s movement through your digestive system. The Caruso’s Intestinal Broom’s fibres include Psyllium, Inulin and Oligofructose. This is beneficial as a wide variety of different types of fibre should be included in your daily diet. Importantly, 60% of our Psyllium is made up of soluble fibre. The remaining 40% is insoluble fibre. Insoluble fibre increases stool bulk and is really the stuff which makes you ‘go’! Psyllium may help relieve constipation, as it may increase the frequency of your bowel movements and decrease bowel transit time. This is because it acts as a gentle bulking agent and softens your stools. Psyllium may assist with the management of medically diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome. It is suitable for haemorrhoid sufferers as it aids defecation. Whilst the fibres Inulin and Oligofructose help support and maintain a healthy digestive system. As prebiotics, they promote the growth of beneficial bacteria within your bowel. In addition to fibre, Caruso’s Intestinal Broom contains the digestive enzyme Bromelain and the fruit Papaya. This fruit has enzymatic properties due to the action of the enzyme Papain, which is found in Papaya. Papain may aid digestion by helping to break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins.Good for heart health and cholesterol Increasing fibre in your diet helps support the health


if you’re Suffering

HERE’s sOmE reaLLy great neWS!There’s a new delicious, high fibre and multi digestive enzyme formula,

which works just like an INTESTINAL BROOM!

of your heart. Intestinal Broom may help in the maintenance of cholesterol within the healthy range in healthy people. Made from 100% natural fibres and selected enzymesCaruso’s Intestinal Broom is made from 100% natural fibres and specially selected natural enzymes. It is also gluten-free.So if you’re looking for a formula which may help your: constipation; medically diagnosed IBS or general well-being, try Caruso’s Intestinal Broom!

100% money Back Guarantee

The quality Caruso’s Intestinal Broom formula was developed by Caruso’s Natural Health, a proud Australian owned family company, founded by Frank Caruso. Frank is so passionate about helping people with their health he stands behind every one of his formulas with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Frank’s confident because behind him is a passionate team who create all of his formulations. See the Caruso’s Intestinal Broom label or our website for more details.

Caruso’s Intestinal Broom is available from leading health stores and pharmacies. For more information please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on (02) 8818 0100 or visit

Intestinal Broom is a Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional. CHC53125-01/14

Page 14: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014


DOUBLE yourFive-a-day

fruit Vegto live longer!


The research which involved a 12-year study, also found that vegetables were four times healthier than fruit. The study by University College London, found that eating large quantities of fruit and vegetables significantly lowered the risk of premature death. People who ate at least seven portions of fruit and vegetables each day were 42 per cent less likely to die from any cause over the course of the study. The researchers also discovered that canned and frozen fruit increased the risk of dying by 17 per cent, and fruit juice was found to have no significant benefit. The findings suggest that the five-a-day recommendation, suggested by the World Health Organisation and backed by the

Government and NHS, is not adequate - although only 30 per cent of people manage to eat that amount. Experts said that even seven-a-day was not enough and that 10 would be the optimum number, as the protective effect continued to increase with higher consumption. The study’s lead author, Dr Oyinlola Oyebode of UCL’s department of epidemiology and public health said: ‘‘The clear message here is that the more fruit and vegetables you eat, the less likely you are to die at any age. My advice would be, however much you are eating now, eat more.’’ Health experts called on the Government to subsidise the cost of fruit and vegetables,

“We know that eating the right amount of fruit and vegetables has a protective effect, but this large scale research shows the more fruit and veg that are consumed, the better chance you have of preventing cancer.” Current Health Statistics show 51 per cent of adults in NSW consume the right amount of fruit, while just 9 per cent eat five serves of vegetables. ‘‘We need to urgently examine seriously the proposal to increase recommended intake to seven a day,’’ said Naveed Sattar, professor of metabolic medicine at the University of Glasgow. ‘‘To implement a seven-a-day message would be really challenging for many in society and would require governmental support such as subsidising the cost of fruit and vegetables,

perhaps by taxing sugar-rich foods.’’ The study also found that vegetables were far more beneficial than fruit. Each portion of vegetables lowered the risk of death by 16 per cent. However, each piece of fruit only lowered the chance of death by 4 per cent. The authors said the findings lent support to the Australian government’s advice of ‘‘two plus five’’ a day, which encourages people to eat two helpings of fruit and five of vegetables. Dr Alison Tedstone, the group’s director of diet and obesity, said: ‘‘Our focus remains on increasing overall consumption of fruit and vegetables to meet current recommendations.’’ The study was published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

Source: Sydney Morning Herald, 1st April, 2014.

which they suggested could be paid for by taxing sugary foods. The five-a-day guidelines were based on World Health Organisation recommendations issued in 1990, which advised consuming 400g of fruit and vegetables each day to lower the risk of heart disease, stroke, type-two diabetes and obesity. Professor Simon Capewell, of the department of public health at the University of Liverpool, said the advice should be 10 portions a day. ‘‘Humans are designed to be omnivorous: a handful of nuts, seeds, fruit and the occasional antelope. We’re not meant to be eating junk food.’’ Researchers examined the eating habits of 65,000 people in England between 2001 and 2013.

They found that seven helpings a day of fruit or vegetables could reduce a person’s overall risk of premature death by 42 per cent when compared with people who ate just one whole portion. People who ate between five and seven portions a day had a 36 per cent reduced risk of death. Those who ate three to five portions had a 29 per cent decreased risk and those who ate one to three helpings had a 14 per cent reduced risk. Those with the highest intakes were also 25 per cent less likely to die from cancer and 31 per cent less likely to die from heart disease. “This is exciting research in cancer prevention,” said Australian Cancer Council Nutrition Program Manager, Clare Hughes.

A healthy diet should include 10 portions of fruit and vegetables a

day, doubling the five-a-day official advice, say British health experts.

We know that eating the right amount of fruit and vegetables has a protective effect, but this large scale research shows the more fruit and veg that are consumed, the better chance you have of preventing cancer


Page 15: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014


Autumn Recipes

- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon- 1 teaspoon vanilla essence - Zest from 1 orange- 1 ripe banana- 1/2 cup dried figs, chopped

- 1 1/2 cup(s) pearl barley, rinsed- 6 cup(s) baby arugula- 1/3 cup(s) freshly grated parmesan cheese- 2 teaspoon(s) balsamic vinegar- Freshly ground pepper to taste

Mushroom and barley Risotto

Ingredients: - 6 cup(s) vegetable stock- 1 1/2 cup(s) water- 2 tablespoon(s) cold pressed extra-virgin olive oil- 1 small onion, minced- 2 clove(s) garlic, minced- 3 cup(s) mixed wild mushrooms, coarsely chopped

Method: • Bringbrothandwatertoasimmerinalargesaucepan.Adjustheattomaintainasteadysimmer.

• Heatoilinalargecasseroledishovermedium-highheat.Addonionandgarlicandcook,stirring,until the onion is translucent, about 2 minutes.

• Addmushroomsandcook,stirring,untiltheybegintoreleasetheirjuices,2to3minutes.

• Addbarleyandcook,stirring,for1minute.

• Simmer,stirring,untilmostoftheliquidhasevaporated,about1minutemore.

• Reduceheattomedium.

• Add1/2cuphotbrothtothebarleyandcook,stirring,untilmostoftheliquidhasbeenabsorbed. Continueadding1/2cuphotbrothatatimeandstirringuntiltheliquidhasbeenabsorbedafter eachaddition,adjustingtheheattomaintainagentlesimmer,untilthebarleyistenderand creamy but still somewhat firm, 35 to 45 minutes (you might not use all the broth).

• Stirinarugulaandcook,stirring,untilitiswilted,about1minute.

• Removefromtheheat.Stirincheeseandvinegar.Seasonwithpepper.

Oatmeal Scones

Ingredients: - 2 1/2 cups rolled oats and 1/2 cup extra for rolling- 1 tablespoon chia seed- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda- 1/4 cup honey- 1/4 cup coconut oil

Method: • Preheatyouroven180OC.

• Combine21/2cupsofoats,honey,coconutoil,cinnamon,orangezest,vanillaessesnce, banana and baking soda into a food processor.

• Mixforabout15secondsinthefoodprocessoruntilthesconemixturecomestogether to form a soft dough.

• Addthedateslastofallandmixthroughbyhand.

• Spoonthesconedoughontoaboardcoatedwiththerestoftherolledoatsandcoverthe outside of the dough with the oats.

• Rollinto8ballsandflattenslightly.

• Placeflattenedballsontoabakingtraylinedwithbakingpaperandallowtorestfor15minutes.

• Bakefor20minutesuntilgolden. • Removefromtheovenandcool.

Mushroom and Barley Risotto

Oatmeal Scones

Page 16: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014


Do you want to

When it comes to personal care products, it is easy to load up on toxins. You should always be careful of what you are putting on your skin. The skin is a living, breathing organ and its appearance and function will respond to the type of care given to the entire body. Adequate rest and exercise, proper nutrition, relief from emotional stress and proper external care all contribute to healthy skin, which operates more efficiently and looks healthy. Have you ever considered making your own soap so that you know exactly what you are putting on your skin?

Making your own soap is easier than people may think. The best thing about making your own soap is that you can customise it to your own needs for your skin type.

Mapula StrachanNaturopath Adv. Diploma Naturopathy

it is very important to wash your skin properly and avoid the use of harsh chemicals.

Have you checked the ingredients in your soap lately?

Do yourself and your skin a big favour and start making your

own soap.

450 mls of distilled water

175 grams caustic soda (lye)

100 grams olive oil

250 grams coconut oil or coconut butter

2 teaspoons alfalfa, beetroot or turmeric powder

(for colouring)

1. Dissolve caustic soda in water to prepare lye solution

2. Pour lye solution into the oil

3. Stir and blend until an emulsion is created

(The mixture will get whiter and thicker like

mayonnaise. This is known as traces)

4. Add optional ingredients (colour and the fragrance

of Essential oils)

5. Pour soap into a mold

6. After 12-48 hours take the soap out of the mold and

cut if required

7. Let the soap cure for 2-3 weeks (The soap will

become milder over time, allowing the water to

evaporate which will result in the soap getting harder)

skin!for a simple and awesome soap to wash your body, just follow this recipe:

Healthy&radiantClinical trial found men get relief from their Urination problems…

Fluid away is a Registered Trade mark. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional. Fluid away is not a weight loss product.

Fluid retention can be responsible for swollen limbs and that bloated feeling! What makes it worse is this swelling and bloated feeling can be uncomfortable. Now you can do something about the bloating and other symptoms of fluid retention. There’s a formula called Fluid away, which has been developed just for you!For people suffering from fluid retentionFluid away contains three powerful herbs; Celery, Dandelion and Phyllanthus, as well as Vitamin B6.The first herb is Celery seed. It’s a well known diuretic and may assist in the treatment of fluid retention. Next herb is Dandelion. It has been

traditionally used as a diuretic and may assist with fluid retention. The third herb Phyllanthus may assist with fluid retention because of its diuretic actions. Finally this formula contains Vitamin B6, which is known to assist with fluid retention. Vitamin B6 is also used to alleviate some forms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, especially anxiety and fluid retention.Need more energy?Because Vitamin B6 is involved in the production and release of energy, it may help your energy levels.

Herbal and nutritional formula for people suffering from fluid retention…

Is excess fluid making you look and feel Bloated?


Fluid away is available in 30 and 60 tablets sizes from leading health stores and pharmacies. For more information call (02) 8818 0100 or visit

If you’re fed up with excess fluid, try Fluid away.

everyone wants

Page 17: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014


Diet plays the biggest role when it comes to reducing body fat. This may be something that you may already know. Have you ever thought about what is actually going into your mouth and how your body actually uses it? Let us start with one of the biggest meals of the day, Breakfast. It is the first meal of the day, but did you know that it is one of the most important meals of the day. As a busy population we tend to skip breakfast and as a result we tend to eat more refined carbohydrates and sugars throughout the day. Having a nutritious breakfast daily, provides us with great energy levels for the day and keeps us full so we are less likely to crave or snack on carbohydrates. If you are not feeling hungry in the morning for breakfast simply drink a glass of water with lemon. This will stimulate your digestion and help kick start your appetite within thirty minutes. Our food choices are the next big thing that contributes to what we gain and what we lose. Just remember fresh is best. Foods that have a long shelf life, usually require you to have a good read of ingredients. When choosing a main food source for your meal, consider eating a protein such as beef, poultry, fish, dairy, egg or whey. Serving size should always resemble the size of your palm. Your body will use the amino acids in protein to build lean muscle, which aids in making you stronger and more toned.High protein foods use more energy to digest and

and low intensity activity. This is as simple as running for 30 seconds and walking for fifteen seconds for about five to ten minutes. Just think, when you are unloading shopping from the car into the kitchen back and forth, this is a form of interval training. Doing this three to five times a week would help reduce body fat, burn off those extra calories and at the same time tone your muscles. One of the easiest and best kept secrets for fat loss is sleep. Sleep is a key factor in reducing body fat. All of us have been guilty of not getting a good night’s sleep at some time which cannot be avoided. But did you know that simply getting 7 to 9 hours every night can help with fat loss. Why? The answer is simple.Sleep deprivation may cause weight gain by affecting the way our bodies process and store carbohydrates and by altering levels of hormones that affect our appetite such as craving more sugars and refined carbohydrates. Another important factor in helping reduce body fat is water. Proper hydration is important with reducing fat. Water intake is important for fat metabolism, as it helps the liver to perform the function of converting fat into energy. Water also helps us feel full; drinking adequate levels of water can ensure we don’t mistaken hunger for thirst, which is very common. Make sure you are consuming 8-12 glasses of water a day. If you enjoy a coffee or tea ,you will need to drink more water.

Adele GraicheNaturopath B. APP SC (Naturopathic Studies)

metabolise, which means you burn more calories to digest them. Protein also fills you up and helps keep you fuller for longer. Once you have chosen your protein source, combine it with vegetables that are high in protein and fibre such as spinach, broccoli, kale and asparagus. As a snack, consume low GI fruits such as citrus fruits. Oranges and grapefruit contain a variety of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C which have been found to reduce insulin spikes and keep your metabolism running. Include nuts such as unsalted almonds, brazilian, walnuts, cashews and sunflower

seeds, which are great sources of protein and B vitamins. Eating regularly is a key in reducing body fat. Aim to eat six times a day. Yes six times a day! Aim for three main meals within a five hour period, set apart from

one another. In between your main meals, have a snack such as fruits, nuts and seeds. This speeds up your metabolism, keeping you energised and helping prevent you from over eating and craving refined foods which can cause weight gain. Now that’s your diet sorted. But one common factor we all know contributes to fat loss is exercise but what would be the most suitable? Lifting weights at home or in the gym for at least 30 minutes twice a week helps speed up your metabolism and builds muscle mass. Interval training is another effective form of training that helps burn calories and improve heart health. At home or at the gym, alternate between high

Any time of the year is a great time to improve our fitness and maintain a healthy weight.

There is a lot of information currently available on the most effective ways to lose weight, but one of the most important factors in improving health would be reducing body fat.

So let’s explore what works best.

Try applying these simple tips to your daily routine, and watch your fat slowly disappear.

reduceyourBoDy fat?

Do you want to

One of the easiest and best kept secrets for fat loss is sleep.Is excess fluid making you

look and feel Bloated?

Page 18: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014


See pack for details

As you prepare for pregnancy, it is easy to only focus on your own health. However, healthy fertility

does not rest solely with you. While normal, healthy men are likely to have healthy sperm, it’s good to know there are ways to help maintain sperm health.

Healthy male fertility depends on healthy sperm production and sperm qualityDid you know in normal, healthy men, approximately 20 million sperm per millilitre of semen need to be present in the ejaculate, which have enough mobility and strength to swim to the fallopian tube, where conception normally takes place? However, researchers are finding having healthy sperm may be just as important as the total amount of sperm produced. Importantly, more than one-third of your partner’s sperm should be of a normal, healthy shape and structure. Even under the best circumstances, only 50 to 70 percent of a man’s sperm are healthy.

What you can do to help produce healthy spermGet your partner to try Caruso’s Fertile MAX, a powerful herbal and nutritional preconception pro-sperm formula. Caruso’s Fertile MAX may assist:- Sperm health- Sperm quality- Sperm movement- DNA health

Healthy sperm production for healthy male fertilityIt is estimated only one in a hundred thousand sperms actually survive the journey to fertilise the egg. Formulated by Frank Caruso and his team, Caruso’s Fertile MAX contains Co-enzyme Q10, Lycopene, Selenium and Zinc. Co-enzyme Q10 may help promote healthy sperm production in normal, healthy men. As protective antioxidants, Co-enzyme Q10 and Lycopene reduce the damaging effects of free radicals which may damage sperm cells. Lycopene has also been included in Caruso’s Fertile MAX so it may help promote healthy sperm production within the normal range. Testosterone regulates sperm production. Just as well there’s a therapeutic dose of Zinc in Caruso’s Fertile MAX!

Help promote healthy sperm movementThe Lycopene in Caruso’s Fertile MAX may help promote healthy sperm movement. And Zinc is required for the proper formation and maturity of sperm cells. Oxidative stress may damage the sperm membrane, decreasing the sperm’s flexibility and tail motion. This is another reason why a therapeutic dose of Co-enzyme Q10 is in Caruso’s Fertile MAX. Also, the energy for movement in sperm cells depends on the availability of Co-Enzyme Q10. As such, Co-Enzyme Q10 may help promote healthy sperm movement. Selenium is in Caruso’s Fertile MAX, because it is essential for male fertility as it is required for testosterone biosynthesis and the formation and normal maturation and development of sperm.

Essential Nutrients for DNADNA is the building block of all human cells. So it’s important your sperm has good quality DNA. This is why Folic Acid is in Caruso’s Fertile MAX.

Optimum production of both sperm and semen Zinc is found in high concentrations in semen. The special Zinc level in Caruso’s Fertile MAX may help promote healthy sperm production and it may

help maintain seminal volumes within the healthy range. Zinc may also help maintain healthy sperm.

Used as an aphrodisiacCaruso’s Fertile MAX contains Korean ginseng, which in traditional Chinese Medicine, was used as a reproductive tonic and aphrodisiac. Korean ginseng may also assist with energy and stamina. Whilst Co-Enzyme Q10 may also help his energy levels.

100% Money Back GuaranteeThe quality Caruso’s Fertile MAX was developed by Caruso’s Natural Health, a proud Australian owned family company, founded by Frank Caruso. Frank is so passionate about helping people with their health, he stands behind every one of his formula with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Frank’s confident because behind him is a passionate team who create all of his formulations.If you’re considering trying to fall pregnant, get your partner onto Caruso’s Fertile MAX! Caruso’s Fertile MAX is available in 30 and 60 tablets sizes from leading health stores and pharmacies. For more information on Caruso’s Fertile MAX please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on (02) 8818 0100 or visit

Fertile MAX is a Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health.Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional. CHC53231- 03/14

Are you planning

If you are, healthy male fertility is really important.

Pregnantto fall


Having healthy sperm may be

just as important as the total

amount of sperm produced.

Page 19: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014


DOes YOur ChilD Diarrhoea, Flatulence, Bloating, Allergies, Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis?

Digestive problems can be caused by an imbalance between friendly and bad bacteria in your child’s digestive

system. That’s why friendly bacteria play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy digestive and immune system. Fortunately, there is a probiotic formula called Caruso’s Kid’s Tummy Health, which has been specially formulated for children suffering from constipation, diarrhoea, flatulence and bloating. It has also been formulated for children suffering from allergies, eczema and atopic dermatitis.Has your child been taking antibiotics?If your child has been taking antibiotics, a probiotic like Caruso’s Kid’s Tummy Health may assist with

maintaining their normal, healthy gut flora.Good, friendly bacteria and your child’s healthSometimes good bacteria become out of balance with bad bacteria and this bad bacteria can multiply. This can cause digestive problems like constipation, diarrhoea, flatulence and bloating.

That’s why you should consider giving your child a probiotic supplement following digestive illnesses like these. Probiotics help restore an internal balance of good bacteria. Researchers develop delicious probiotic your kids will love Frank Caruso and his team of researchers from the Australian owned, natural health company Caruso’s Natural Health are passionate about helping people with their health. That’s why they developed Kid’s Tummy Health.Made in Australia, Caruso’s Kids Tummy Health contains 5 billion Bifidobacterium animalis which may help relieve the symptoms of constipation, diarrhoea, flatulence and bloating in children. Caruso’s Kid’s Tummy Health may even assist with allergies, eczema and atopic dermatitis. Better still, Kid’s Tummy Health comes in a delicious, natural strawberry flavoured chewable tablet, so your child will just love eating it.For a healthy immune systemNourishing your child’s digestive system with a probiotic, like that found in Caruso’s Kid’s Tummy Health can help promote protective gut barrier functions. Probiotics are also used for helping to enhancing general health and well-being.

even better news is Caruso’s Kid’s Tummy health is dairy and lactose Free!

100% Money Back GuaranteeThe quality Caruso’s Kids Tummy Health formula was developed by Caruso’s Natural Health, a proud Australian owned family company, founded by Frank Caruso. Frank is so passionate about helping people with their health he stands behind every one of his formulas with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Frank’s confident because behind him is a passionate team who create all of his formulations. See the Caruso’s Kids Tummy Health carton or our website for more details.Caruso’s Kids Tummy Health can even be taken on holidays, family outings or anywhere your child goes! This is because it has been scientifically formulated to be stable to 250C, so refrigeration is not required!Caruso’s Kids Tummy Health is available in 30 and 60 tablets sizes from leading health stores and pharmacies. For more information on Caruso’s Kids Tummy Health please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on (02) 8818 0100 or visit

If your child has been taking antibiotics or they are suffering from constipation, diarrhoea, flatulence, bloating, allergies, eczema or atopic dermatitis, you should try Caruso’s Kid’s Tummy Health.


Suffer from ConStiPation,

Researchers from Caruso’s Natural Health have developed eXiT Pain tablets, which may assist in the temporary relief of Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Gout, Chronic Joint Pain, Joint Tenderness, Inflamed Joints, Joint Swelling, Poor Joint mobility and Back and Muscle Pain.

More Rapid Improvement The first two powerful ingredients in Caruso’s EXIT Pain tablets are Glucosamine and MSM. A clinical study 1 of 118 people, of which 30 took a combination of Glucosamine and MSM, found they worked faster and were more effective in relieving the symptoms of Osteoarthritis, when taken together, than if you took either of them separately. When used together Glucosamine and MSM may significantly decrease the pain and swelling of Osteoarthritis and may provide better, more rapid improvement in the condition. Even on its own Glucosamine may assist with the symptoms of Arthritis including joint inflammation and swelling joint tenderness.Great for bones, joints and cartilageCaruso’s EXIT Pain tablets contain Boron and Boswellia. Boron is traditionally used to relieve the symptoms of Osteoarthritis. It may assist with the healthy development and maintenance of your bones and joints.The herb Boswellia may assist with the arthritic symptoms of morning stiffness, pain, joint tenderness and joint swelling. It may also assist in relieving the symptoms of Gout.Relief from painThe MSM in Caruso’s EXIT Pain tablets may assist with arthritic and gout pain as well as back and muscle pain. Glucosamine may also assist with joint pain.100% Money Back Guarantee We are very confident with Caruso’s EXIT Pain tablets. So much so, we’re offering you a 100% Money Back Guarantee. See the pack for further details.

Caruso’s EXIT Pain is available in 60 and 120 tablets sizes from leading health stores and pharmacies. For more information on this remarkable formula please call our qualified Naturopaths on (02) 8818 0100 or visit


1. Usha, P.R., Naidu, M.U.R. (sponsored by Healers Limited)

EXIT pain is a Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health. Always read the label and use only as directed.

If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.

Gout, Chronic Joint Pain, Joint Tenderness, Swollen Joints, Poor Joint Mobility, Back Pain or Muscle Pain? Here’s some really great news!

Are you suffering froM The PAIn of ArThrITIS,


Kid’s Tummy Health is a Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural HealthAlways read the label and use only as directed.

If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.

Page 20: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014


Hormones play a

your HeaLtH


rOle in

hormones do not only affect the way we are feeling during adolescence, they play a continual role throughout our lives. hormones affect our metabolism, stress levels and reproductive system. There are many hormones that influence our health. So how do these hormones affect our overall health?A major hormone which is influenced by what we eat is insulin. It is one of the biggest influences for many health areas. Insulin is a hormone that is secreted by the pancreas after you eat carbohydrates. When you eat carbohydrates they are absorbed into the bloodstream, naturally causing your blood glucose levels to rise. The pancreas then secretes insulin in order to help the body process the blood glucose. Insulin helps to move glucose from the blood into the cells of the body so that the cells can use the glucose as an energy source. Insulin also helps to change any excess glucose that the body does not immediately need into a storable form of energy called glycogen found in the liver. Leptin and ghrelin are hormones that tell us when to eat and when to stop eating. Ghrelin is produced in the stomach and pancreas and alerts your brain when your stomach is empty. Leptin is secreted by fat cells and triggers appetite-suppressing hormones when you’ve eaten enough. These hormones are an evenly matched duo that can

low oestrogen can occur at any age, but they are more prominent in menopause. Progesterone balances anxiety levels and helps make a woman feel happy. Progesterone increases sleepiness, helps to build and maintain bones, slows the digestive process, promotes appetite and helps breast tissue mature. It also stimulates the production of breast milk during pregnancy. Symptoms of low progesterone include premenstrual migraines, irregular or heavy periods, and anxiety.

Adele GraicheNaturopath B. APP SC (Naturopathic Studies)

be affected by sugar. Too much sugar can obstruct leptin

production which then leaves ghrelin to send out unnecessary hunger signals. Cortisol is a stress hormone which is released from the brain into your bloodstream. In times of stress and anxiety, it accelerates your heartbeat, feeds your brain extra oxygen, and releases energy from your fat and glucose stores. Our mood and memory are partly controlled by serotonin which is often produced in the gut. Serotonin is commonly known as the feel-good hormone or neurotransmitter. Testosterone is the male sex hormone produced by the testes. Testosterone causes a young males voice to deepen and in grown men, it supports a healthy libido, builds muscle mass and helps maintain energy levels. Too little testosterone reduces sexual desire, performance and contributes to fertility problems. Women’s ovaries also produce a minimal amount of testosterone which drives sexual desire, muscle strength, bone density, and metabolism. Too little testosterone can affect a womens energy level, libido and mood health. Too much testosterone in women can contribute to acne and facial hair. Oestrogen and progesterone are female sex hormones found in the ovaries. Oestrogen is primarily a female sex hormone. Oestrogen enlarges breasts and widens the pelvis, and it is what gives women that curvy appearance. Oestrogen also stimulates a female’s instinct, increases alertness, lowers body fat levels, increases insulin sensitivity, and improves glucose tolerance. Symptoms of

We all understand the benefits of healthy eating and exercise. but, did you know that our hormones also play an absolutely fundamental role in about every aspect of our life?

So if you are due for your next blood test, see where your

hormone levels are at and if they are influencing your overall

health and wellbeing.

Page 21: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014


Caruso’s ULTRA MAX is a Registered Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health

Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.



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Attention HeAltH supplement users...

The antioxidant Astaxanthin offers special free radical fighting qualities, making it our most powerful

antioxidant. Free radicals are molecules generated by your body. Excess free radicals may lead to oxidative stress and damage to cells.Fortunately, Frank Caruso and his team have recently developed Caruso’s UltraMAX Astaxanthin, which is an incredibly potent, fat soluble antioxidant formula. Naturally sourced from Hawaiian red marine algae, Caruso’s UltraMAX Astaxanthin may help reduce oxidative stress and damage to your cells. Your body can’t make Astaxanthin. However, almost every one of your cells could benefit from it. This is why taking Caruso’s UltraMAX Astaxanthin makes so much sense.Health benefits for your cardiovascular systemAstaxanthin may help protect and support your cardiovascular system which includes your heart, blood, blood vessels and blood flow. It may also help maintain healthy cholesterol levels in healthy people.Health benefits for your brain and memoryAstaxanthin may help maintain your brain health by improving the antioxidant status of the blood cells flowing to you brain. Astaxanthin may help support your memory. It may help the cognitive function in normal, healthy individuals by reducing oxidative stress on the brain.Health benefits for your eyesAstaxanthin may help support eye health and vision. It may assist with visual fatigue and eye strain. This could be useful if you sit in front of a computer all day. It may also help support the health of your macula by improving blood flow to your eyes.

Health benefits for your jointsAstaxanthin helps maintain normal joints, tendons and connective tissue. It may support joint mobility. Health benefits for your immune systemAstaxanthin may help maintain and support your immune system by providing protection to your immune cells. Health benefits for your skinAstaxanthin may also help support skin health and may assist with wrinkles and skin elasticity. It may even assist your sports performance and endurance by reducing oxidative damage. It may assist with recovery after exercise. Protecting your cellsAstaxanthin has a different structure to some other antioxidants and is a supercharged member of the valuable carotenoid family. Astaxanthin offers protection from free radicals on the outside of the cell. It offers protection on the inside of cells where free radicals are being generated. The cell membrane is particularly vulnerable to damage from free radicals. Astaxanthin may also help reduce DNA damage to cells by providing protection to the DNA. 100% Money Back GuaranteeThe quality Caruso’s UltraMAX Astaxanthin formula was developed by Caruso’s Natural Health, a proud Australian owned family company, founded by Frank Caruso. Frank is so passionate about helping people fight free radicals, he stands behind his UltraMAX Astaxanthin formula with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Frank’s confident because behind him is a passionate team who create all of his formulations. Caruso’s UltraMAX Astaxanthin could be an important tool to help you with your health. So why not add it to your supplement health plan today? The powerful Caruso’s UltraMAX Astaxanthin formula comes in a very small, easy-to-swallow soft gel capsule.

Caruso’s UltraMAX Astaxanthin is available in 30 and 60 capsules sizes from leading health stores and pharmacies. For more information please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on (02) 8818 0100.

Natural Health Crusader is published by Caruso’s Natural Health. Information presented is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace advice or treatment from Healthcare Professionals. Every care is taken to compile and check the content of the publication for accuracy, but the publisher, authors, their servants and agents are not responsible or liable for the continued currency of the information or for any publishing errors, omissions or inaccuracies, or for any consequences arising therefore. The inclusion or exclusion of any treatment in editorial does not imply the publisher advocates or rejects its use.

Page 22: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014


Developed for a medically diagnosed Enlarged Prostate ProstateEZE MAX contains an extract equivalent to 15,000mg of the clinically trialed herb Pygeum. This herb helps with the symptomatic relief of a medically diagnosed Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (Enlarged Prostate). In traditional herbal medicine, Pygeum has been used to aid the symptomatic relief of an inflamed prostate gland and to assist the symptoms of urinary problems such as frequent night time urination, incomplete emptying of your bladder, after-dribbling, weak urinary flow and a hesitant, interrupted flow, just to name a few. As a bonus,

ProstateEZE MAX is available from leading health stores and pharmacies in a 30 tablets size. It is also available in an economical 60 tablets size. For more information on ProstateEZE MAX please call our qualified Naturopaths on 1300 304 480 or visit

Clinical trial found men get relief from their Urination problems…

If you’re tired of urinating 2, 3, 4, 5 or more times at night, here’s some great news!

Frank Caruso

Active GroupActive Group









e Sy










Day Urinary FrequencyTotal Symptom Severity

Active Group

Night Urinary Frequency



1 2 3 (months) 1 2 3 (months)1 2 3 (months)







Active GroupActive Group









e Sy










Day Urinary FrequencyTotal Symptom Severity

Active Group

Night Urinary Frequency



1 2 3 (months) 1 2 3 (months)1 2 3 (months)







Average night time frequency decreased by 39.3% and improvement was experienced by 75.8% of men in the active group after 3 months.

Total symptom severity decreased by 35.9% for men in the active group after 3 months.

Night Urinary Frequency

Symptom Severity

Active GroupActive Group









e Sy










Day Urinary FrequencyTotal Symptom Severity

Active Group

Night Urinary Frequency



1 2 3 (months) 1 2 3 (months)1 2 3 (months)







Average day time frequency decreased by 15.6% and improvement was experienced by 60.6% of men in the active group after 3 months.

Day Urinary Frequency Pygeum is traditionally used as an aphrodisiac, which is great news if your sex life is suffering.ProstateEZE MAX also contains Serenoa repens, Lycopene, Epilobium and Pumpkin Seed Oil. Because ProstateEZE MAX contains a clinical dose of Pygeum, you only need to take one capsule a day. This makes ProstateEZE MAX one of the most convenient medicines available to help your prostate. 100% Money Back GuaranteeWe are very confident about Caruso’s ProstateEZE MAX. So much so, we’re offering you a 100% Money Back Guarantee. See the pack for further details.

An Australian preliminary clinical trial recently found 87.8% of the 32 active trial participants

experienced improvements in their medically diagnosed Benign Prostatic hypertrophy, (otherwise known as an enlarged Prostate) symptoms over 3 months*, when they used the Australian made, natural prostate formula, ProstateeZe MAX.Whilst further studies on a larger sample with the addition of more objective outcomes such as flow rate are required for ProstateEZE MAX, we thought we’d share these encouraging results with you. Here are some common symptoms of BPH (Enlarged Prostate):- Getting up frequently at night to go to the toilet- Trouble getting your urine stream to start- Needing to ‘go’ urgently and not being able to wait- Trouble stopping the flow of urine- Pain or burning feeling when urinatingIf you can relate to one or more of these symptoms, you should consult your Healthcare Professional. The quality ProstateEZE MAX formula was developed by Caruso’s Natural Health, which is a proud, Australian owned family company, founded by Frank Caruso. In 1979 Frank’s life changed when he discovered poor bowel management and poor nutrition cause many health problems. In 1982 Frank opened his first health food shop. In 1995 Frank began Totally Natural Products (now Caruso’s Natural Health). Frank still remains passionate about educating and helping people achieve better health.Clinically tested to helpDay and Night ImprovementThe Australian clinical trial found ProstateEZE MAX significantly improved the majority of individual symptoms of a medically diagnosed Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (Enlarged Prostate) in the active treatment group. In particular, there was a significant improvement in their:• Nightfrequency• Dayurinaryfrequency

ProstateEZE MAX is a Registered Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health. * ProstateEZE MAX was used in an Australian double blind, randomised,

placebo controlled study on men with medically diagnosed Enlarged Prostate. There were 32 men in the active treatment group and 25 men

in the placebo group. Lasting 3 months, the trial was conducted by Coulson et al on behalf of Caruso’s Natural Health.

Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.


See pack for details


Page 23: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014


Clinical trial found men get relief from their Urination problems…

DO YOu suFFer FROM...

haIr PrOBLEMs?



Thousands of men and women wonder why their hair is not as full and gleaming as it once was. They don’t

realise constantly bombarding their hair and scalp with hair treatments loaded with chemicals can be damaging. Perming, bleaching and colouring agents contain a cocktail of chemicals that can rob your hair of the essential proteins and moisture it needs. This can leave your hair fragile, brittle and easily damaged. These chemicals can even rob your skin of natural oils, which may lead to a flaking and itchy scalp. Blow driers are also notorious for damaging your hair.

Many people have problems with their hair, that’s why Frank Caruso developed his special Hair Food Complete Hair Care Program. It contains the Figaro Hair Food Plus supplement and the Figaro Hair Food Shampoo, Conditioner and Lotion.

How does Caruso’s Figaro Hair Food Plus help your hair?Your hair grows from a little pouch in the

scalp called a ‘follicle’. Tiny blood vessels link your blood supply to these tiny pouches, feeding the growing hair shaft. Nutrients like those found in Caruso’s Figaro Hair Food Plus are supplied by your blood to support tiny follicle cells. Are you concerned about losing your hair?If you are losing your hair Caruso’s Figaro Hair Food Plus may help you. A deficiency of Biotin is associated with hair loss and dandruff production. Importantly, Inositol has been included in this formula because it is used to assist healthy hair growth.Maintain healthy, shiny, good looking hairOther nutrients in Caruso’s Figaro Hair Food Plus are Vitamin B2 and Silica. Vitamin B2 helps to maintain healthy hair, whilst Silica plays a role in the formation of connective tissue giving integrity, stability and elasticity to hair cells. With all these nutrients Caruso’s Figaro Hair Food Plus may help you maintain healthy, shiny, good looking hair.

Your hair also needs support from the

outside!The hair care team at Caruso’s Natural Health have also formulated

their Hair Food shampoo, conditioner

and scalp lotion to care for your hair from the outside. After using these formulations you will notice your hair is softer, having more body, shape, lustre and bounce. The nutrients based shampoo and conditioner cleanse your scalp and hair follicles, giving you naturally shiny, bouncy hair. Whilst Caruso’s Hair Food Lotion spray contains a blend of specially selected nutrients

which you gently massage into your scalp. The special Caruso’s Hair Food Complete Hair Care Program helps care for your hair (skin and nails) from the inside and out!Also suitable for your skin and nailsNutrients in this formula also make it beneficial for your skin and nails. Biotin has been shown to help strengthen nails so you can better manage nail splitting. It’s also important to note insufficient levels of Biotin can be linked to dry, flaky or dull skin. Silica helps give integrity, stability and elasticity to your skin, nails (and hair). Deficiencies in Folic Acid can dull skin. Vitamin B2 helps you produce collagen which forms the structure of your skin.100% Money Back GuaranteeThe quality Caruso’s Hair Food Complete Hair Care Program was developed by Caruso’s Natural Health, a proud Australian owned family company, founded by Frank Caruso. Frank is so passionate about helping people with their health he stands behind every one of his formulas with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. Frank’s confident because behind him is a passionate team who create all of his formulations. See the Caruso’s Hair Food Complete Hair Care Program packaging or our website for more details.

Caruso’s Hair Food Complete Hair Care Program

Hair Food is a Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health © Caruso’s Natural Health 2013

Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.

Because the Caruso’s Hair Food Complete Hair Care Program contains a shampoo, conditioner and lotion you now have a simple approach to maintaining strong, healthy, vibrant and lustrous hair!Caruso’s special range of Figaro Hair Food products are available from leading health stores and pharmacies. For more information please call our qualified Naturopaths or Customer Service Representatives on (02) 8818 0100 or visit


Page 24: Natural Health Crusader Issue 2, 2014

Caruso’s ULTRA MAX formulas are available from leading health stores and pharmacies. For more information on the ULTRA MAX range, please call our qualified Naturopaths or customer service representatives on (02) 8818 0100 or visit See the pack for further details on the 100% Money Back Guarantee.

ULTRA MAX is a Registered Trade mark of Caruso’s Natural Health. © Copyright 2013.

Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your Healthcare Professional.

Frank Caruso

hi, my name is frank Caruso, founder of the Australian owned family company Caruso’s natural health. for over 30 years now, i have been dedicated to helping Australians lead healthy lives. Today i’m proud to introduce you to my new, exciting Caruso’s ULTrA MAX vitamin range. importantly, Caruso’s ULTrA MAX formulations are made from quality ingredients, but they’re great value as well.

100% Money back Guarantee

I’m so confident in my new ULTRA MAX formulas I stand behind them with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. See the ULTRA MAX cartons or visit my website for more details on the Money Back Guarantee.

“It’s the way we make them that makes all

the difference!”

“If you’re not happy with any of my new vitamin formulas, I’ll give you your money back!”

