Page 1: Natural colors for easter eggs

Natural colors for Easter eggs!

Do you want to paint your eggs with natural dyeing; Here is the most simple, easy and cheap way they used the old days.Take natural colours from vegetables, flowers and spices

There are two ways to paint eggs: warm or cold color. In both cases use vinegar because stabilizes and makes deeper color.     Hot water

This way gives stronger colors.Put the eggs to boil in both dye solution to cover completely and when they start to get a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 15-30 minutes, depending on the directions for each color. We can boil eggs while boiling and our material, e.g. beets or onions.So though the eggs will have stains and splashes.For uniformity color, first boil the ingredients that will give us the color, drain, and clean this solution add the vinegar and finally the eggs.

Cold water

The way he gives lighter colors. Soak the eggs that are at room temperature, the solution was drained, and that is at room temperature and must completely cover the eggs. The time you need to stay the eggs in the solution varies depending on the material you use for the paint, and the density or shade of color desired.

Page 2: Natural colors for easter eggs

How to make colorsThe recipes of colors that we propose is son 8-10 eggs, except the recipe of blue (red cabbage), which is about 4 eggs.


To paint eggs in saffron turmeric, you need to sort out the solution with the spice. Pour 5 tablespoons turmeric 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar and water and keep it covered eggs. Boil first for 30 minutes the materials solution and then strain it with a fine strainer or gauze. Then put the eggs in the color and add a little more vinegar (1 tsp). Once they start to boil, lower the temperature and simmer for 30 minutes.


For better results, boil the eggs for about half an hour to ready solution onion we've done throwing the dried peels 4-5 onions, 2 tablespoons vinegar, water and eggs at room temperature.


Boil 4.3 cups chopped and purified beetroot (root only) with 2 tablespoons of vinegar and water. Strain and put the eggs into the solution. When they start to boil, put lower the temperature and let simmer for up to 15 minutes, depending on how deep you want the color. If we remove the eggs early, will have pink little later red and finally a very deep red.


Arrange the cooked eggs in solution beetroot, at room temperature (cold way) , for about half an hour .


The leaves of red cabbage give a purple - blue color. To paint 4 eggs, we need 1/4 of a medium red cabbage, in wide strips, water and a tablespoon of vinegar. The purple eggs require longer waiting time (6 hours) to catch the paint, because it is very decorative and the result will surely satisfy you.Boil the eggs together with the cabbage for 15 minutes, remove from the heat and let the solution for about 6 hours. These eggs are not for eat, because they have stayed many hours out of the refrigerator and into the paint.

Page 3: Natural colors for easter eggs

Ideas and techniques for decorating

With onion peels

Rub and clean the uncooked eggs in vinegar and then envelop in onion peel, which tie a string around the egg. Boil the egg in water for 20 minutes and then remove the peel onion. This technique creates interesting lines and shades of color on the shell.

With stencils

With stickers stencils can paint easily and quickly plans to eggs. Stick the project (butterfly, flower etc.) in boiled egg white, put in a bit transparent pantyhose, squeezing the edges to avoid leaving the sticker and dip it in the dye solution at room temperature (preferably in beetroot, which is more pronounced). Leave for a few minutes. With a spoon, see if the color is “catch”. When ready, remove the egg and unsolder the stencil.What remains white shell is the part below the sticker. The same can not succeed if, instead of stencils, use with small leaves, petals, grass, etc., following the above procedure remove the sheet will have left footprints on the egg.

Page 4: Natural colors for easter eggs

With flowers and leaves

Collect from anywhere (balconies, lawns) small flowers and leaves with different shapes. Remove the stalks to be as flat as possible, place them carefully, without wrinkling their petals, between two paper towels and then in a heavy book for two days When removed, will be flat and ready to use. Dip a brush in a non- toxic, transparent glue, place gently dried flower on an already painted egg and glue with the brush, so stick to the flower.

Page 5: Natural colors for easter eggs

Ecological paints for eggs

Easter eggs: what we can use to dye or paint the Easter eggs.

Use one of three ways to get excellent colour.

Dying Easter Eggs with Natural Homemade Food Dyes

Most people colour their eggs with store bought egg kits that contain dyes made from petrochemicals, but in times past eggs were colored with plant materials found in nature. It’s fun to get back to the basics!

For pink and red colored eggs use cranberry juice, beets, or raspberries.For yellow eggs use saffron or turmericFor purple eggs use red wine.For blue eggs use red cabbage leaves or blueberries.For brown eggs use grape juice, rosehip tea, or coffee.For orange eggs use yellow onion skins

To dye eggs with natural colouring put raw, white-shelled eggs in a pan and cover with water and a teaspoon of white vinegar. Add your colouring agent and bring to a boil and then let the eggs for 15 minutes. Rinse and allow cooling.

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You can also hard boil them first and then fill glass jars with water and the coloring agent, putting the jars in the microwave for 2-3 minutes and then stirring. Then allow the eggs to sit in the jars overnight.

2. Coloring Easter Eggs with Natural Plant Based Paints

We can paint eggs with these four colours: basil, lemon verbena, pomegranate, and berry blue. There are also powders from fruits, vegetables, flowers, and spices. Just add water and you have paint.
