
National Wildlife Federation’s Social Media Strategy

Danielle [email protected]@starfocus@NWF

Our mission is to help…

Goals: Increase reach, engagement and revenue

Earn Trust: Edelman Trust Barometer

Important to be Present

Integrate Social Media With Your Other Strategies

Developing a Social Strategy

Image: Flickr / Iowa Red Bulls

• Identify audience

• Specific goals

• Capacity/Time

• Outreach plan

• Long-term plan

National Wildlife Federation on Facebook

• 20+ Pages

• 5+ Groups

• 3 Large Causes

NWF Programs on Twitter

@NWF, @greenhour, @campusecology, @wildlife_watch@climateclass, @wildlifeaction @ecoschoolsusa @beoutthere @ayea

@forestjustice @akglobalwarming @nwfpacific @mountainaura


We Explore Communities = Reach

Gardeners Caregivers Locally Concerned EnthusiastsCaregivers Activists

Internal Communication

We Listen All the Time

Test and Track Results

We Use Small Act Thrive to Track Interactions

What We Measure and Track:

• Sharing behaviors

• Mentions in blog posts

• Traffic from social media

• Actions, volunteers, donations

Share What You Find
