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Russia's National Security Strategy to 2020

N.B. As far as I can tell, this is the only non-machine-translated version currently on the we. It!s far from perfect ut hopefully sufficient to give the reader ageneral idea of the contents of this important document. All are welcome to contriute suggestions and ma"e changes on the page where the #ussian te$t is %u$taposed with the &nglish.

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National Security Strategy o the Russian ;ederation to 2020

 Approved By 'ecree of the of the #ussian (ederation)* +ay *9 No.

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). #ussia has overcome the conseLuences of the systemic political and socio-economic crisis of the end of the *th century M having stopped the decline inthe Luality of life of #ussian citiensO withstood the pressures of nationalism,separatism and international terrorismO prevented the discreditation of theconstitutional form of governmentO preserved its sovereignty and territorialintegrityO and restored the country!s potential to enhance its competitivenessand defend its national interests as a "ey player within evolving multipolarinternational relations.#ussia is pursuing a state policy of national defense, state and social security,and stale development, which responds adeLuately to internal and e$ternalconditions. Phe preconditions for reinforcing the system of national security

have een created, and the relevant legal space has een consolidated. Qriorityissues in the economic sphere have een resolved, and the attractiveness ofthe economy for investment has grown. Authentically #ussian ideals andspirituality are eing orn, alongside a dignified attitude to historical memory.Rocial harmony is eing formed on the asis of shared values M the freedomand independence of the #ussian state, humanism, the peaceful coe$istenceand cultural unity of #ussia!s multinational population, respect for familytraditions, and patriotism.

Sverall, the preconditions have een formed for the reliale pre-emption ofinternal and e$ternal threats to national security, as well as for the dynamicdevelopment and transformation of #ussia into a world leader with regards tothe level of technological progress, Luality of life, and influence over gloalaffairs.

). 3<EE T?@<<U@U T<EU@EDV EED@=C<J< T<UDW@E<J< E<HUXC<-Y<C<=W@E<J< ?;E <CH ZZ V@ - <EDC<VU T@C@ [?<VC W@EDV \;C ?<EEFE] J?\C, [ED<U T< CT<?<= CH<CU;=,E@T?D;= =@\[C?<C<J< D@??<?;=, T?@<DV?DUE?@DH^ <CEDD[H<CC<J< ED?<, E<]?CU E[V@?@CD@D D@??D<?UXC[^ H@U<EDC<EDX, V<EEDC<VU V<;=<\C<ED T<C?_VC^ EV<@F <C[?@CD<ET<E<`C<ED <DEDVC^ CH<CUXC]CD@?@E<V V W@EDV@ U^W@V<J< E[`b@D <?=?[^_]E =C<J<T<U?C]=@\[C?<C] <DC<@CF.3@U;[@DE J<E[?EDV@CC T<UD V <`UED CH<CUXC<F <`<?<C,J<E[?EDV@CC<F <`_@EDV@CC<F `@;<TEC<ED, [ED<FWV<J< ?;VD

3<EE, @VDC VC[D?@CC= VC@C= [EU<V=. <;CT?@T<EU U [?@TU@C EED@= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F`@;<TEC<ED, <CE<U?<VC< T?V<V<@ T?<ED?CEDV<. 3@@CT@?V<<W@?@C@ ;W V Y<C<=W@E<F E@?@, V?<EU CV@EDH<CCT?VU@D@UXC<EDX CH<CUXC<F Y<C<=. 1<;?<\^DE E<CC<?<EEFE@ @U, []<VC<EDX, <ED<FC<@ <DC<@C@ ED<?W@E<FT=D. 8?@TU@DE <`_@EDV@CC<@ E<JUE@ C <EC<V@ <`_] H@CC<ED@F -EV<`< C@;VE=<ED 3<EEFE<J< J<E[?EDV, J[=C;=,=@\CH<CUXC<J< =? @CEDV [UXD[? =C<J<CH<CUXC<J< C?<3<EEFE<F G@@?H, [V\@C E@=@FC] D?HF, TD?<D;=.1 H@U<= E<?=?<VC T?@T<EU U C@\C<J< T?@<DV?_@CVC[D?@CC] VC@C] [J?<; CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED, C=WC<J<?;VD T?@V?_@C 3<EEFE<F G@@?H V <C[ ; U?[^_]@?\V T< [?<VC^ D@]CW@E<J< T?<J?@EE, W@EDV[ \;C CE@U@C,


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In the conte$t of the gloalisation of processes of world development, as well asof international political and economic relations, which creates new threats andris"s to the development of the individual, society, and the state, #ussia istransitioning to a new state national security policy, as a guarantee ofsuccessful national development.

VUC^ C =?<V@ T?<[email protected] [EU<V] JU<`U;H T?<H@EE<V =?<V<J< ?;VD, =@\[C?<C]T<UDW@E] Y<C<=W@E] <DC<@CF, <?=?[^_] C<V@ [J?<; ?E U ?;VD UWC<ED, <`_@EDV J<E[?EDV, 3<EE V W@EDV@J?CD `UJ<T<U[WC<J< CH<CUXC<J< ?;VD T@?@]<D C<V<FJ<E[?EDV@CC<F T<UD@ V <`UED CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED.

*. Phe main directions of the national security policy of the #ussian (ederationare the so-called strategic national priorities, in the form of important social,political and economic transformations intended to create secure conditions for

the realisation of #ussian citiens! constitutional rights and freedoms, the staledevelopment of the country, and the preservation of the territorial integrity andsovereignty of the state.

*. EC<VC= CT?VU@C= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED3<EEFE<F G@@?H VU^DE ED?D@JW@E@ CH<CUXC@T?<?D@D, <D<?= <T?@@U^DE ;W V\C@F] E<HUXC],

T<UDW@E] Y<C<=W@E] T?@<`?;<VCF U E<;C `@;<TEC][EU<VF ?@U;H <CEDD[H<CC] T?V EV<`< J?\C 3<EEFE<FG@@?H, <E[_@EDVU@C [ED<FWV<J< ?;VD ED?C, E<]?C@CD@??D<?UXC<F H@U<EDC<ED E[V@?@CD@D J<E[?EDV.

. Phe national security strategy of the #ussian (ederation until ** is anofficially ac"nowledged system of strategic priorities, goals and measures withregards to domestic and foreign policy, which determine the degree of nationalsecurity and the level of stale, long-term development of the state.

onceptual assumptions in the area of ensuring national security are ased onthe fundamental interconnectedness and interdependence of the NationalRecurity Rtrategy of the #ussian (ederation to ** and the oncept for jong-Perm Rocio-&conomic 'evelopment of the #ussian (ederation to **.

. D?D@J CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED 3<EEFE<F G@@?H < **J< - <HUXC< T?;CCC EED@= ED?D@JW@E] T?<?D@D<V, H@U@F =@? V <`UED VC[D?@CC@F VC@C@F T<UD, <T?@@U^_]E<ED<C@ CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED [?<V@CX [ED<FWV<J< ?;VDJ<E[?EDV C <UJ<E?<WC[^ T@?ET@DV[.k<CH@TD[UXC@ T<U<\@C V <`UED <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F`@;<TEC<ED `;?[^DE C [C=@CDUXC<F V;=<EV; V;=<;VE=<ED D?D@J CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED 3<EEFE<FG@@?H < ** J< k<CH@TH <UJ<E?<WC<J< E<HUXC<-Y<C<=W@E<J< ?;VD 3<EEFE<F G@@?H C T@?< < ** J<.

. Phe given Rtrategy forms the asis of the development of a system ensuringthe national security of the #ussian (ederation, and presents a plan of actionand measures intended to guarantee national security. It lays the foundationsfor constructive interaction among state odies, organisations and socialgroups, in order to defend #ussia!s national interests and safeguard the securityof the individual, society and the state.

. 6ED<_ D?D@J VU@DE `;<V= <[=@CD<= T< TUC?<VC^?;VD EED@= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED 3<EEFE<FG@@?H, V <D<?<= ;UJ^DE T<?< @FEDVF =@? T<<`@ET@W@C^ CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED. C VU@DE <EC<V<F U<CED?[DVC<J< V;=<@FEDV <?JC<V J<E[?EDV@CC<F VUED,<?JC;HF <`_@EDV@CC] <`b@C@CF U ;_D CH<CUXC]CD@?@E<V 3<EEFE<F G@@?H <`@ET@W@C `@;<TEC<ED UWC<ED,<`_@EDV J<E[?EDV.

. Phe main purpose of the given Rtrategy is to formulate and support, with theaid of national security forces, the internal and e$ternal conditions conducive tothe implementation of strategic national priorities.

. EC<VC ;W CED<_@F D?D@J E<ED<D V <?=?<VC T<@?\C EU= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED VC[D?@CC] VC@C] [EU<VF, `UJ<T?DC] U ?@U;H ED?D@JW@E]CH<CUXC] T?<?D@D<V.

. Phe given Rtrategy employs the following concepts:national security - the protection of the individual, society and the state fromdomestic and foreign threats, which in turn ensures constitutional rights and

. 1 CED<_@F D?D@J ET<UX;[^DE EU@[^_@ <EC<VC@ T<CD:CH<CUXC `@;<TEC<EDX - E<ED<C@ ;__@CC<ED UWC<ED,<`_@EDV J<E[?EDV <D VC[D?@CC] VC@C] [J?<;, <D<?<@ T<;V<U@D


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freedoms, an appropriate Luality of life for citiens, sovereignty, territorialintegrity and stale development of the #ussian federation, the defense andsecurity of the stateOnational interests of the #ussian (ederation M the aggregate of the internaland e$ternal needs of the state in ensuring the protection and staledevelopment of the individual, society and the stateOthreat to national security M the direct or indirect possiility of damage toconstitutional rights and freedoms, Luality of life, sovereignty/territorial integrity,stale development of the #(, defense and security of the stateOstrategic national priorities M the most important directions in terms of

ensuring national security, in accordance with which are realised theconstitutional rights and freedoms of #( citiens, stale socio-economicdevelopment, and the protection of the country!s sovereignty, independenceand territorial integrityOsystem of national security M the forces and means which ensure nationalsecurityforces of national security M the Armed (orces of the #ussian (ederation,other troops, military formations and odies which under federal legislation aredesignated as engaging in military and/or law enforcement service, and li"ewisefederal organs of state power which participate in the provision of nationalsecurity on the asis of legislation of the #ussian (ederationOmeans of ensuring national security M technologies, and li"ewise technical,programming, linguistic, legal, and organisational resources, includingtelecommunications channels, which are used within the system of provision ofnational security in order to collect, formulate, process, transmit or receiveinformation on the status of national security and measures for itsreinforcement.

<`@ET@WDX <CEDD[H<CC@ T?V, EV<`<, <ED<FC@ W@EDV< [?<V@CX \;C J?\C, E[V@?@CD@D, D@??D<?UXC[^ H@U<EDC<EDX [ED<FWV<@ ?;VD@ 3<EEFE<F G@@?H, <`<?<C[ `@;<TEC<EDXJ<E[?EDVOCH<CUXC@ CD@?@E 3<EEFE<F G@@?H - E<V<[TC<EDXVC[D?@CC] VC@C] T<D?@`C<ED@F J<E[?EDV V <`@ET@W@C;__@CC<ED [ED<FWV<J< ?;VD UWC<ED, <`_@EDV J<E[?EDVO[J?<; CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED - T?= U <EV@CC V<;=<\C<EDXCC@E@C [_@?` <CEDD[H<CC= T?V=, EV<`<=, <ED<FC<=[W@EDV[ [?<VC^ \;C J?\C, E[V@?@CD@D[ D@??D<?UXC<F

H@U<EDC<ED, [ED<FWV<=[ ?;VD^ 3<EEFE<F G@@?H, <`<?<C@ `@;<TEC<ED J<E[?EDVOED?D@JW@E@ CH<CUXC@ T?<?D@D - V\C@F@ CT?VU@C<`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED, T< <D<?= ?@U;[^DE<CEDD[H<CC@ T?V EV<`< J?\C 3<EEFE<F G@@?H,<E[_@EDVU^DE [ED<FWV<@ E<HUXC<-Y<C<=W@E<@ ?;VD@ <]?CE[V@?@CD@D ED?C, @@ C@;VE=<ED D@??D<?UXC<F H@U<EDC<EDOEED@= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED - EU E?@EDV<`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<EDOEU <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED - 1<<?[\@CC@ U3<EEFE<F G@@?H, ?[J@ V<FE, V<CE@ <?=?<VC <?JC,V <D<?] @@?UXC= ;<C<D@UXEDV<= T?@[E=<D?@C V<@CC U T?V<<]?CD@UXC EU[\`, D\@ @@?UXC@ <?JCJ<E[?EDV@CC<F VUED, T?C=^_@ [WED@ V <`@ET@W@CCH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED J<E[?EDV C <EC<VC ;<C<D@UXEDV3<EEFE<F G@@?HOE?@EDV <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED - D@]C<U<J, D\@D@]CW@E@, T?<J?==C@, UCJVEDW@E@, T?V<V@, <?JC;H<CC@E?@EDV, VU^W D@U@<==[CH<CC@ CU, ET<UX;[@=@ V

EED@=@ <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED U E`<?,<?=?<VC, <`?`<D, T@?@W U T?@= C<?=H < E<ED<CCH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED =@?] T< @@ [?@TU@C^.

. Phe forces and means which ensure national security concentrate theirefforts and resources on the provision of national security in the political,economic and social spheres, in the areas of science and education, in theintercultural, spiritual, informational, military, military-industrial and ecologicalspheres, and li"ewise in the area of social security.

. U E?@EDV <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<EDE<E?@<D<WV^D EV< [EU ?@E[?E C <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F`@;<TEC<ED V< VC[D?T<UDW@E<F, Y<C<=W@E<F, E<HUXC<F E@?],V E@?@ C[ <`?;<VC, V =@\[C?<C<F, []<VC<F,C<?=H<CC<F, V<@CC<F, <`<?<CC<-T?<=U@CC<F Y<U<JW@E<FE@?], D\@ V E@?@ <`_@EDV@CC<F `@;<TEC<ED.

<<. Russia and the modern world: Durrent conditions and trends o deCelopment

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National Security Strategy o the Russian ;ederation to 2020

q. orld development is following the path of gloalisation in all spheres ofinternational life, which in turn is characterised y a high degree of dynamismand interdependence of events.Nation-states have e$perienced the intensification of conflicts connected touneLual development, as a result of gloalising processes, and of thedeepening rift etween rich and poor countries. alues and models ofdevelopment have ecome the su%ect of gloal competition.

Phe vulneraility of all memers of the international community to new threats

and challenges has grown.

 As a result of the rise of new centres of economic growth and political influence,a Lualitatively new geopolitical situation is unfolding. Phere is an increasingtendency to see" resolutions to e$isting prolems and regulate crisis situationson a regional asis, without the participation of non-regional powers.

Phe inadeLuacy of the current gloal and regional architecture, orientedparticularly in the &uro-Atlantic region towards NAPS, and li"ewise theimperfect nature of legal instruments and mechanisms, create an ever-increasing threat to international security.

q. 3;VD@ =? @D T< T[D JU<`U;H VE@] E@? =@\[C?<C<F \;C, <D<? <DUW@DE VE<= C=;=<= V;=<;VE=<EDX^E<`DF.@\[ J<E[?EDV= <`<ED?UEX T?<DV<?@W, EV;CC@ EC@?VC<=@?C<EDX^ ?;VD V ?@;[UXDD@ JU<`U;H<CC] T?<H@EE<V,[JU[`U@C@= ?;?V =@\[ [?<VC= `UJ<E<ED<C ED?C. @CC<ED =<@U ?;VD EDU T?@=@D<= JU<`UXC<F <C[[email protected]<;?<EU [;V=<EDX VE@] WU@C<V =@\[C?<C<J< E<<`_@EDV T@?@UH<= C<V] V;<V<V [J?<;.1 ?@;[UXDD@ [?@TU@C C<V] H@CD?<V Y<C<=W@E<J< ?<ED

T<UDW@E<J< VUC EUV@DE W@EDV@CC< C<V J@<T<UDW@EED[H. G<?=?[@DE D@C@CH T<E[ ?@@C =@^_]E T?<`U@= [?@J[U?<VC^ ?;EC] ED[HF C ?@J<CUXC<F <EC<V@ `@;[WED C@?@J<CUXC] EU.6@E<ED<D@UXC<EDX E[_@EDV[^_@F JU<`UXC<F ?@J<CUXC<F?]D@D[?, <?@CD?<VCC<F, <E<`@CC< V 2V?<-7DUCDW@E<= ?@J<C@,D<UX< C ?JC;H^ @V@?<DUCDW@E<J< <J<V<?, D\@C@E<V@?@CEDV< T?V<V] CED?[=@CD<V =@]C;=<V VE@ `<UX@E<;^D [J?<;[ <`@ET@W@C^ =@\[C?<C<F `@;<TEC<ED.

9. Phe transition in the international system from opposing locs to principles ofmultivector diplomacy, together with #ussia!s resource potential and pragmaticpolicy for its use, have roadened the possiilities for the #ussian (ederation toreinforce its influence on the world stage.Phe #ussian (ederation has sufficient potential to count on the creation, in themedium-term, of conditions conducive to its entrenchment among the leaders of the world economy, on the asis of effective participation in gloal division oflaour, improved gloal competitiveness of the national economy, of defense

potential, and of the level of state and social security.

9. >@?@]< <D `U<<V<J< T?<DV<ED<C T?CHT= =C<J<V@D<?C<FTU<=D, D\@ ?@E[?ECF T<D@CHU 3<EE T?J=DWCT<UD @J< ET<UX;<VC ?E?U V<;=<\C<ED 3<EEFE<FG@@?H T< [?@TU@C^ @@ VUC C =?<V<F ?@[email protected]<EEFE G@@?H <`U@D <EDD<WC= T<D@CHU<= U D<J<,WD<` ?EEWDVDX C E<;C@ V E?@C@E?<WC<F T@?ET@DV@ [EU<VFU @@ ;?@TU@C V WEU@ J<E[?EDV - U@?<V V =?<V<F Y<C<=@ C<EC<V@ Y@DVC<J< [WED V =?<V<= ?;@U@C D?[, T<V@C

JU<`UXC<F <C[?@CD<ET<E<`C<ED CH<CUXC<J< ]<;FEDV, <`<?<CC<J<T<D@CHU, [?<VC J<E[?EDV@CC<F <`_@EDV@CC<F `@;<TEC<ED.

). A negative influence on the assurance of #ussia!s national interests will ee$erted y the li"ely recurrence of one-sided use of force in internationalrelations, disagreements etween the main participants in world politics, thethreat of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and of their use yterrorists, and li"ewise the improvement of forms of illicit activity in thecyernetic and iological domains, in the sphere of high technology. Phe gloalinformation struggle will intensify, threats will increase to the staility ofindustrialised and developing countries, their socio-economic development anddemocratic institutions. Nationalist sentiments, $enophoia, separatism andviolent e$tremism will grow, including under the anner of religious radicalism.Phe gloal demographic situation and environmental prolems will ecome

). 6 <`@ET@W@C@ CH<CUXC] CD@?@E<V 3<EEFE<F G@@?HC@JDVC<@ VUC@ `[[D <;VDX V@?<DC@ ?@HV <C<ED<?<CC]EU<V] T<]<<V V =@\[C?<C] <DC<@C], T?<DV<?@W =@\[<EC<VC= [WEDC= =?<V<F T<UD, [J?<; ?ET?<ED?C@C<?[\ =EE<V<J< [CWD<\@C @J< T<TC V ?[ D@??<?ED<V, D\@ E<V@?@CEDV<VC@ <?= T?<DV<T?VC<F @D@UXC<ED V`@?C@DW@E<F `<U<JW@E<F <`UED], V E@?@ VE<] D@]C<U<JF.8EUDE JU<`UXC<@ C<?=H<CC<@ T?<DV<`<?EDV<, V<;?ED[D [J?<;ED`UXC<ED C[ED?UXC] ?;VV^_]E ED?C =?, ]E<HUXC<-Y<C<=W@E<=[ ?;VD^ @=<?DW@E= CEDD[D=.><U[WD ?;VD@ CH<CUEDW@E@ CED?<@C, E@C<<`,


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more acute, and threats associated with uncontrolled and illegal migration, drugand human traffic"ing, and other forms of transnational organised crime, willalso increase. &pidemics caused y new, previously un"nown viruses are li"elyto spread. Phe deficit of fresh water will ecome more ovious.

E@T?D;= CEUXEDV@CCF YED?@=;=, V D<= WEU@ T< U<;[CJ=?@UJ<;C<J< ?U;=. `<ED?DE =?<V @=<J?W@EED[H T?<`U@= <?[\^_@F T??<C<F E?@, V<;?ED[D [J?<;,EV;CC@ E C@<CD?<U?[@=<F C@;<CC<F =J?H@F, C?<D<?J<VU@F D<?J<VU@F U^X=, ?[J= <?== D?CECH<CUXC<F <?JC;<VCC<FT?@ED[TC<ED. 1@?<DC< ?ET?<ED?C@C@ YT@=F, V;V@=] C<V=,C@;V@EDC= ?C@@ V?[E=. <U@@ <_[D== EDC@D @HD T?@EC<FV<.

)). In the long term, the attention of international politics will e focused on

ownership of energy resources, including in the Near &ast, the Barents Reashelf and other parts of the Arctic, in the aspian asin, and in entral Asia.

In the medium term, the situation in IraL and Afghanistan, as well as conflicts inthe Near and +iddle &ast, in a numer of Routh Asian and African countries,and on the orean peninsula, will continue to e$ert a negative influence on theinternational situation.

)). 1C=C@ =@\[C?<C<F T<UD C <UJ<E?<WC[^ T@?ET@DV[

`[@D E<E?@<D<W@C< C <`UC ED<WC= YC@?J<?@E[?E<V, V D<=WEU@ C U\C@= 1<ED<@, C @UX@ ?@CH@V =<? V ?[J] ?F<C] 7?D, V `EE@FC@ kETFE<J< =<? V @CD?UXC<F 7;. 6@JDVC<@V<;@FEDV@ C =@\[C?<C[^ <`EDC<V[ V E?@C@E?<WC<F T@?ET@DV@`[[D T<-T?@\C@=[ <;VDX ED[H V x?@ 7JCEDC@, <CUDC U\C@= ?@C@= 1<ED<@, V ?@ ED?C \C<F 7; 7?, Ck<?@FE<= T<U[<ED?<V@.

)*. Phe critical condition of physical storage of dangerous materials ando%ects, especially in countries with unstale political situations, together withthe proliferation of regular armaments eyond the control of the state, can leadto the intensification of e$isting, as well as the creation of new regional andinterstate conflicts.

znder conditions of competition for resources, it is not e$cluded that arisingprolems may e resolved using military force, and that the current alance ofpower on the orders of #ussia and its allies may e distured.

Phere is an increasing ris" that the numer of countries possessing nuclearweapons will rise.

Phe possiility of maintaining gloal and regional staility will sustantiallydecrease with the placement in &urope of elements of the gloal missiledefense system of the znited Rtates of America.

Phe conseLuences of gloal financial-economic crises may ecomecomparale, in terms of overall losses, to the conseLuences of large-scaleapplication of military force.

)*. k?DW@E<@ E<ED<C@ ;W@E<F E<]?CC<ED <TEC] =D@?U<V <`b@D<V, <E<`@CC< V ED?C] E C@ED`UXC<F VC[D?T<UDW@E<FED[H@F, D\@ C@ <CD?<U?[@=<@ J<E[?EDV= ?ET?<ED?C@C@<`WC] V<<?[\@CF =<J[D T?V@ED <`<ED?@C^ E[_@EDV[^_] V<;CC<V@C^ C<V] ?@J<CUXC] =@\J<E[?EDV@CC] <CUD<V.1 [EU<V] <C[?@CDC<F `<?X` ; ?@E[?E C@ EU^W@C ?@@CV<;C^_] T?<`U@= E T?=@C@C@= V<@CC<F EU - =<\@D `DX C?[@CEU<\VFE `UCE EU V`U; J?CH 3<EEFE<F G@@?H J?CH@@ E<^;C<V.1<;?ED@D ?E [V@UW@C WEU J<E[?EDV - <`UD@U@F @?C<J<<?[\.

1<;=<\C<ED T<@?\C JU<`UXC<F ?@J<CUXC<F ED`UXC<EDE[_@EDV@CC< E[;DE T? ?;=@_@C V 2V?<T@ YU@=@CD<V JU<`UXC<FEED@= T?<DV<?@DC<F <`<?<C <@C@CC] {DD<V 7=@?.><EU@EDV =?<V] CCE<V<-Y<C<=W@E] ?;E<V =<J[D EDDXE<T<EDV== T< E<V<[TC<=[ [_@?`[ E =ED`C= T?=@C@C@=V<@CC<F EU.

). In the long term, the #ussian (ederation will see" to construct internationalrelations ased on the principles of international law, and on the institution ofreliale and eLual security of nation-states.(or the defense of its national interests, #ussia, while remaining within theoundaries of international law, will implement a rational and pragmatic foreignpolicy, one which e$cludes e$pensive confrontation, including a new arms race.

). 6 <UJ<E?<WC[^ T@?ET@DV[ 3<EEFE G@@?H `[@D ED?@=DXEVED?VDX =@\[C?<C@ <DC<@C C T?CHT] =@\[C?<C<J<T?V, <`@ET@W@C C@\C<F ?VC<F `@;<TEC<ED J<E[?EDV.5U ;_D EV<] CH<CUXC] CD@?@E<V 3<EE, <EDVEX V ?=]=@\[C?<C<J< T?V, `[@D T?<V<DX ?H<CUXC[^ T?J=DWC[^VC@C^^ T<UD[, EU^W^_[^ ;D?DC[^ <C?<CDH^, V D<= WEU@ C<V[^ J<C[ V<<?[\@CF.


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#ussia perceives the znited Nations and the Recurity ouncil of the znitedNations as a central element of a stale system of international relations, at theasis of which lie respect, eLual rights and mutually eneficial cooperationamong nations, resting on civilised political instruments for the resolution ofgloal and regional crisis situations.

#ussia will increase its interaction with multilateral fora such as the |q, |*,#I #ussia/India/hina, B#I Brail/#ussia/India/hina, and will li"ewisecapitalise on the potential of other informal international institutions.

Phe development of ilateral and multilateral cooperation with memer states of the ommonwealth of Independent Rtates is a priority direction of #ussianforeign policy. #ussia will see" to develop the potential for regional andsuregional integration and coordination among memer-states of the IR, firstof all within the framewor" of the ommonwealth, and also the RPS and&vrA&s, which e$ert a stailising influence on the overall situation in theregions ordering on the IR.

+oreover, the RPS is regarded as the main interstate instrument forresponding to regional threats and challenges of a military-political or military-strategic nature, including the fight with illegal traffic"ing in narcotic andpsychotropic systances.

?JC;H^ `b@C@CC] 6HF <V@D @;<TEC<ED ?JC;H`b@C@CC] 6HF 3<EE ?EE=D?V@D V W@EDV@ H@CD?UXC<J<YU@=@CD ED`UXC<F EED@= =@\[C?<C] <DC<@CF, V <EC<V@<D<?<F - [V\@C@, ?VC<T?V@ V;=<VJ<C<@ E<D?[CW@EDV<J<E[?EDV, <T?^_]E C HVU;<VCC@ T<UDW@E@ CED?[=@CD?;?@@C JU<`UXC] ?@J<CUXC] ?;EC] ED[HF.3<EE `[@D C?_VDX V;=<@FEDV@ V D] =C<J<ED<?<CC]<?=D], }?[TT V<EX=, }?[TT VHD, 3xk 3<EE, xC kDF, 3xk ?;U, 3<EE, xC kDF, D\@ ET<UX;<VDXV<;=<\C<ED ?[J] C@<?=UXC] =@\[C?<C] CEDD[D<V.

3;VD@ <DC<@CF V[ED<?<CC@J< =C<J<ED<?<CC@J< E<D?[CW@EDV EJ<E[?EDV= - [WEDC= <?[\@EDV 6@;VE=] }<E[?EDVVU@DE U 3<EE T?<?D@DC= CT?VU@C@= VC@C@F T<UD.3<EE `[@D ED?@=DXE ?;VVDX T<D@CHU ?@J<CUXC<F E[`?@J<CUXC<F CD@J?H <<?CH C T?<ED?CEDV@ J<E[?EDV -[WEDC<V <?[\@EDV 6@;VE=] }<E[?EDV V ?=] T?@\@ VE@J<E=<J< <?[\@EDV 6@;VE=] }<E[?EDV, D\@ ?JC;H5<J<V<? < <UU@DVC<F `@;<TEC<ED 2V?;FE<J< Y<C<=W@E<J<E<<`_@EDV, <;V^_] ED`U;?[^_@@ VUC@ C <`_[^<`EDC<V[ V ?@J<C], J?CW_] E J<E[?EDV= - [WEDC=<?[\@EDV 6@;VE=] }<E[?EDV.>? YD<= ?JC;H 5<J<V<? < <UU@DVC<F `@;<TEC<ED?EE=D?V@DE V W@EDV@ JUVC<J< =@\J<E[?EDV@CC<J< CED?[=@CD,T?;VCC<J< T?<DV<ED<DX ?@J<CUXC= V;<V= [J?<;= V<@CC<-T<UDW@E<J< V<@CC<-ED?D@JW@E<J< ]?D@?, VU^W `<?X`[ EC@;<CC= <`<?<D<= C?<DW@E] E?@EDV TE]<D?<TC] V@_@EDV.

). #ussia will promote the strengthening of &vrA&s as the nucleus ofeconomic integration, and instrument of assistance to the realisation of ma%or

hydropower, infrastructural, industrial and other %oint pro%ects having a primarilyregional significance.

). 3<EE `[@D ET<E<`EDV<VDX [?@TU@C^ 2V?;FE<J< Y<C<=W@E<J<E<<`_@EDV V W@EDV@ ? Y<C<=W@E<F CD@J?H, CED?[=@CD

E<@FEDV ?@U;H ?[TC] V<C<-YC@?J@DW@E], C?ED?[D[?C],T?<=U@CC] ?[J] E<V=@EDC] T?<@D<V, V T@?V[^ <W@?@X?@J<CUXC<J< ;CW@C.

). Sf particular significance for #ussia will e the reinforcement of the politicalpotential of the RS, and the stimulation within its framewor" of practical stepstowards the enhancement of mutual trust and partnership in the entral Asianregion.

). 5U 3<EE <E<`<@ ;CW@C@ `[[D =@DX [?@TU@C@ T<UDW@E<J<T<D@CHU {C]FE<F <?JC;H E<D?[CW@EDV, ED=[U?<VC@ V@@ ?=] T?DW@E] J<V, ET<E<`EDV[^_] [?@TU@C^ V;=C<J<<V@? T?DC@?EDV V @CD?UXC<-7;DE<= ?@J<C@.

). Phe #ussian (ederation is in favour strengthening the mechanisms ofcooperation with the &uropean znion y all possile means, including thecontinued formation of common spaces in the economic, educational, scientificand cultural spheres, and in terms of internal and e$ternal security. Phe long-term national interests of #ussia are served y the creation of an open system

). 3<EEFE G@@?H VED[T@D ; VE@=@?C<@ [?@TU@C@=@]C;=<V V;=<@FEDV E 2V?<T@FE= E<^;<=, VU^WT<EU@<VD@UXC<@ <?=?<VC@ <`_] T?<ED?CEDV V E@?] Y<C<=,VC@C@F VC[D?@CC@F `@;<TEC<ED, <`?;<VC, C[, [UXD[?.5<UJ<E?<WC= CH<CUXC= CD@?@E= 3<EE <DV@W@D <?=?<VC@ V


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of &uro-Atlantic collective security, on a clear legal and treaty asis. 2V?<DUCD@ <D?D<F EED@= <UU@DVC<F @;<TEC<ED C W@D<F<J<V<?C<-T?V<V<F <EC<V@.

). A determining aspect of relations with NAPS remains the fact that plans toe$tend the alliance!s military infrastructure to #ussia!s orders, and attempts toendow NAPS with gloal functions that go counter to norms of international law,are unacceptale to #ussia.

#ussia is prepared to develop relations with NAPS on the asis of eLuality andin the interests of strengthening the general security of the &uro-Atlantic region.Phe content and depth of these relations will e determined y thepreparedness of the alliance to recognise #ussia!s legal interests whenengaging in military-political planning, and to respect norms of international lawOand li"ewise NAPS!s readiness to consider the further transformation of theserelations and the search for new tas"s and functions with a humanist humane~orientation.

). T?@@U^_= D<?<= V <DC<@C] E ?JC;H@F@V@?<DUCDW@E<J< <J<V<? <EDC@DE C@T?@=U@=<EDX U 3<EETUC<V T?<V\@C V<@CC<F C?ED?[D[? UXCE @@ J?CH= T<TD T?C @=[ JU<`UXC] [CHF, [_] V?;?@; E C<?===@\[C?<C<J< T?V.3<EE J<D<V ?;VD^ <DC<@CF E ?JC;H@F@V@?<DUCDW@E<J< <J<V<? C <EC<V@ ?VC<T?V V CD@?@E]

[?@TU@C VE@<`_@F `@;<TEC<ED V 2V?<-7DUCDW@E<= ?@J<C@,JU[`C E<@?\C@ <D<?] `[[D <T?@@UDXE J<D<VC<EDX^ UXCE [W@D[ ;<CC] CD@?@E<V 3<EE T? <E[_@EDVU@C V<@CC<-T<UDW@E<J< TUC?<VC, [V\@C^ C<?= =@\[C?<C<J< T?V, D\@ ] UXC@F@F D?CE<?=H T<E[ C<V] ;W [CHFJ[=CEDW@E<F CT?VU@CC<ED.

)q. #ussia will strive to uild an eLuitale and valuale strategic partnershipwith the znited Rtates of America, on the asis of shared interests and ta"inginto account the "ey influence of #ussian-American relations on theinternational situation as a whole. In terms of priorities, these will continue to ethe achievement of new agreements in the sphere of disarmament and armscontrol, the reinforcement of confidence uilding measures, and li"ewise theresolution of issues surrounding non-proliferation of weapons of massdestruction, the development of antiterrorist cooperation, and the regulation ofregional conflicts.

)q. 3<EE `[@D ED?@=DXE VED?VC^ ?VC<T?VC<J< T<UC<H@CC<J< ED?D@JW@E<J< T?DC@?EDV E <@C@CC= {DD= 7=@? C <EC<V@ E<VT _] CD@?@E<V E [W@D<= U^W@V<J< VUC?<EEFE<-=@?CE] <DC<@CF C E<ED<C@ =@\[C?<C<F<`EDC<V V H@U<=. 1 W@EDV@ T?<?D@D<V <EDC[DE <ED\@C@ C<V]<J<V<?@CC<ED@F V E@?@ ?;<?[\@C <CD?<U C V<<?[\@C=,[?@TU@C@ =@? <V@?, D\@ ?@@C@ V<T?<E<V C@?ET?<ED?C@C<?[\ =EE<V<J< [CWD<\@C, C?_VC CDD@??<?EDW@E<J<E<D?[CW@EDV, [?@J[U?<VC ?@J<CUXC] <CUD<V.

)9. In the sphere of international security, #ussia will maintain its adherence tothe use of political, legal, economic, military and other instruments to defend

state sovereignty and national interests.Phe e$ecution of a predictale and open foreign policy is ine$tricaly tied to therealisation of #ussia!s stale development. Phe successful integration of #ussiainto the gloal economic space and the international division of laour isinhiited y the slow pace of transition of the national economy towards aninnovation-ased development tra%ectory.

)9. 1 E@?@ =@\[C?<C<F `@;<TEC<ED 3<EE E<]?CDT?V@?\@CC<EDX ET<UX;<VC^ T<UDW@E], T?V<V],

VC@C@Y<C<=W@E], V<@CC] C] CED?[=@CD<V ;_DJ<E[?EDV@CC<J< E[V@?@CD@D CH<CUXC] CD@?@E<V.>?<V@@C@ T?@E;[@=<F <D?D<F VC@C@F T<UD C@?;?VC<EV;C< E ?@U;H@F ;W [ED<FWV<J< ?;VD 3<EE. 8ET@C[^CD@J?H^ 3<EE V JU<`UXC<@ Y<C<=W@E<@ T?<ED?CEDV< =@\[C?<C[^ EED@=[ ?;@U@C D?[ ;D?[C^D C;@ D@=TT@?@V< CH<CUXC<F Y<C<= C CC<VH<CCF T[DX ?;VD.

*. (or the prevention of threats to national security, it is essential to guaranteesocial staility, ethnic and denominational harmony, increase the moilisationpotential and growth of the national economy, as well as improve the Luality ofwor" performed y state odies and formulate effective mechanisms for theirinteraction with civil society, in order to realise the right of every #ussian citiento life, security, wor", housing, health and a healthy way of life, accessile

*. 5U T?@<DV?_@C [J?<; CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED C@<`]<=<<`@ET@WDX E<HUXC[^ ED`UXC<EDX, YDCW@E<@ <C@EE<CUXC<@E<JUE@, T<VEDX =<`U;H<CCF T<D@CHU ?<ED CH<CUXC<FY<C<=, T<CDX W@EDV< ?`<D <?JC<V J<E[?EDV@CC<F VUED E<?=?<VDX @FEDV@CC@ =@]C;= ] V;=<@FEDV E J?\CE=<`_@EDV<= V H@U] ?@U;H J?\C= 3<EEFE<F G@@?H T?V


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education and cultural development. C \;CX, @;<TEC<EDX, D?[, \UX@, ;<?<VX@ ;<?<VF <`?; \;C, C<ED[TC<@ <`?;<VC@ [UXD[?C<@ ?;VD@.

<<<. National interests o the Russian ;ederation and Strategic National Briorities

<<. H()*+(,G *483G !+33*35+ 678()** * 348(49*I35* ()*+(,G 8*+8*44G

*). Phe national interests of the #ussian (ederation in the long term consist ofthe following:developing democracy and civil society, and the enhancement of the

competitiveness of the national economyOensuring the solidity of the constitutional system, territorial integrity, andsovereignty of the #ussian (ederationO

transforming the #ussian (ederation into a world power, whose activity isdirected at supporting the strategic staility and mutually eneficial partnerrelationships within the multipolar world.

*). 6H<CUXC@ CD@?@E 3<EEFE<F G@@?H C <UJ<E?<WC[^T@?ET@DV[ ;U^W^DE:V ?;VD @=<?D J?\CE<J< <`_@EDV, T<V@C

<C[?@CD<ET<E<`C<ED CH<CUXC<F Y<C<=OV <`@ET@W@C C@;`U@=<ED <CEDD[H<CC<J< ED?<, D@??D<?UXC<FH@U<EDC<ED E[V@?@CD@D 3<EEFE<F G@@?HOV T?@V?_@C 3<EEFE<F G@@?H V =?<V[^ @?\V[, @D@UXC<EDX<D<?<F CT?VU@C C T<@?\C@ ED?D@JW@E<F ED`UXC<ED V;=<VJ<C] T?DC@?E] <DC<@CF V [EU<V] =C<J<T<U?C<J< =?.

**. Phe internal and e$ternal sovereign needs of the state with regards toensuring national security are realised via the strategic national priorities.

**. 1C[D?@CC@ VC@C@ E[V@?@CC@ T<D?@`C<ED J<E[?EDV V<`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED ?@U;[^DE W@?@;ED?D@JW@E@ CH<CUXC@ T?<?D@D.

*. Phe main national security priorities of the #ussian (ederation are nationaldefense, state and social security.

*. EC<VC= T?<?D@D= CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED 3<EEFE<FG@@?H VU^DE CH<CUXC <`<?<C, J<E[?EDV@CC <`_@EDV@CC `@;<TEC<EDX.

*. In order to ensure national security, the #ussian (ederation, as well asachieving the asic priorities of national security, concentrates its efforts andresources on the following priorities of stale development:

increasing the Luality of life of #ussian citiens y guaranteeing individualsecurity, high standards of living, and economic growth which is achieved firstand foremost y developing a national system of innovation and y investing inhuman capitalOscience, technology, education, health care and culture, which are developedy reinforcing the role of the state and improving pulic-private partnershipO

ecology of living systems and rational resource use, supported y alancedconsumption, development of progressive technologies, and e$pedient use ofthe country!s resourcesOstrategic staility and eLuitale strategic partnership, on the asis of #ussia!sactive participation in the development of the multipolar model of theinternational system.

*. 5U <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED 3<EEFE G@@?H,C?[ E <ED\@C@= <EC<VC] T?<?D@D<V CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED,E<E?@<D<WV@D EV< [EU ?@E[?E C EU@[^_] T?<?D@D]

[ED<FWV<J< ?;VD:T<V@C@ W@EDV \;C ?<EEFE] J?\C T[D@= J?CD?<VCUWC<F `@;<TEC<ED, D\@ VE<] EDC?D<V \;C@<`@ET@W@COY<C<=W@EF ?<ED, <D<?F <EDJ@DE T?@\@ VE@J< T[D@= ?;VDCH<CUXC<F CC<VH<CC<F EED@= CV@EDHF V W@U<V@W@EFTDUOC[, D@]C<U<J, <`?;<VC@, ;?V<<]?C@C@ [UXD[?, <D<?@?;VV^DE T[D@= [?@TU@C ?<U J<E[?EDV E<V@?@CEDV<VCJ<E[?EDV@CC<-WEDC<J< T?DC@?EDVOY<U<J \V] EED@= ?H<CUXC<@ T??<<T<UX;<VC@,T<@?\C@ <D<?] <EDJ@DE ; EW@D E`UCE?<VCC<J<T<D?@`U@C, ?;VD T?<J?@EEVC] D@]C<U<JF H@U@E<<`?;C<J<V<ET?<;V<EDV T??<C<-?@E[?EC<J< T<D@CHU ED?COED?D@JW@E ED`UXC<EDX ?VC<T?VC<@ ED?D@JW@E<@ T?DC@?EDV<,


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<D<?@ [?@TU^DE C <EC<V@ DVC<J< [WED 3<EE V ?;VD=C<J<T<U?C<F =<@U =?<[ED?<FEDV.

<J. Knsuring national security

<J. =3I* ()*+(,+ 1+(3+34*

*. Phe main components of the provision of national security consist of themaintenance of legal and institutional mechanisms, and li"ewise of theresources of the state and society, at a level corresponding to the nationalinterests of the #ussian (ederation.

Phe state of national security of the #ussian (ederation is directly dependent onthe economic potential of the country and the effectiveness of the system ofprovision of national security.

*. EC<VC<@ E<@?\C@ <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<EDE<ED<D V T<@?\C T?V<V] CEDD[H<CUXC] =@]C;=<V, D\@ ?@E[?EC] V<;=<\C<ED@F J<E[?EDV <`_@EDV C [?<VC@,<DV@W^_@= CH<CUXC= CD@?@E= 3<EEFE<F G@@?H.<ED<C@ CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED 3<EEFE<F G@@?H CT?=[^;VED <D Y<C<=W@E<J< T<D@CHU ED?C Y@DVC<ED[CH<C?<VC EED@= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED.

L. National deense

*. Phe strategic goals related to improving national defense consist ofpreventing gloal and regional wars and conflicts, and li"ewise of realisingstrategic deterrence in the interests of ensuring the country!s military security.

Rtrategic deterrence presupposes the development and systemic realisation ofa range of interconnected political, diplomatic, military, economic, informationaland other measures, intended to forestall or reduce the threat of destructiveaction on the part of a state aggressor coalition of states.

Rtrategic deterrence is realised with the use of the state!s economic resources,including support for the forces providing national security, y means of thedevelopment of a system of military-patriotic education of #ussian citiens, andli"ewise of military infrastructure and administration systems for the statemilitary organisation.

L. H()*+(,(@ ++8+(

*. D?D@JW@E@ H@U E<V@?@CEDV<VC CH<CUXC<F <`<?<CE<ED<D V T?@<DV?_@C JU<`UXC] ?@J<CUXC] V<FC <CUD<V, D\@ V <E[_@EDVU@C ED?D@JW@E<J< E@?\VC V CD@?@E]<`@ET@W@C V<@CC<F `@;<TEC<ED ED?C.D?D@JW@E<@ E@?\VC@ T?@T<UJ@D ?;?`<D[ EED@=C[^?@U;H^ <=TU@E V;=<EV;CC] T<UDW@E], TU<=DW@E],V<@CC], Y<C<=W@E], C<?=H<CC] C] =@?, CT?VU@CC] C[T?@\@C@ U EC\@C@ [J?<; @ED?[DVC] @FEDVF E< ED<?<CJ<E[?EDV - J?@EE<? <UH J<E[?EDV.D?D@JW@E<@ E@?\VC@ <E[_@EDVU@DE E ET<UX;<VC@=Y<C<=W@E] V<;=<\C<ED@F J<E[?EDV, VU^W ?@E[?EC[^ T<@?\[EU <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED, T[D@= ?;VD EED@=V<@CC<-TD?<DW@E<J< V<ETDC J?\C 3<EEFE<F G@@?H, D\@ V<@CC<F C?ED?[D[? EED@= [T?VU@C V<@CC<F<?JC;H@F J<E[?EDV.

*. Phe #ussian (ederation provides national defense on the asis of principlesof reasonale sufficiency and effectiveness, including y means of non-militaryresponse, mechanisms of pulic diplomacy and peace"eeping, andinternational military cooperation.

*. 3<EEFE G@@?H <`@ET@WV@D CH<CUXC[^ <`<?<C[, E]< ;T?CHT<V ?H<CUXC<F <EDD<WC<ED Y@DVC<ED, V D<= WEU@ ;EW@D =@D<<V E?@EDV C@V<@CC<J< ?@J?<VC, =@]C;=<V T[`UWC<FTU<=D =?<DV<?W@EDV, =@\[C?<C<J< V<@CC<J< E<D?[CW@EDV.

*q. +ilitary security is ensured y developing and improving the militaryorganisation and defensive potential of the state, and li"ewise the allocation ofsufficient financial, material and other resources for this purpose.

Phe strategic o%ectives of national defense are realised y developing thesystem of national security, implementing a long-term military-technological

*q. 1<@CC `@;<TEC<EDX <`@ET@WV@DE T[D@= ?;VD E<V@?@CEDV<VC V<@CC<F <?JC;H J<E[?EDV <`<?<CC<J<T<D@CHU, D\@ V@U@C C YD H@U <EDD<WC<J< <`b@=CCE<V], =D@?UXC] C] ?@E[?E<V.5<ED\@C@ ED?D@JW@E] H@U@F CH<CUXC<F <`<?<C <E[_@EDVU@DET[D@= ?;VD EED@= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED,


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policy and developing military infrastructure, and li"ewise y improving thesystem of administration of the state military organisation and y realising arange of measures increasing the prestige of military service.

T?<V@@C T@?ET@DVC<F V<@CC<-D@]CW@E<F T<UD ?;VDV<@CC<F C?ED?[D[?, D\@ ; EW@D E<V@?@CEDV<VC EED@=[T?VU@C V<@CC<F <?JC;H@F J<E[?EDV ?@U;H <=TU@E=@? T< T<V@C^ T?@ED\ V<@CC<F EU[\`.

*9. Phe long-term state policy of the #ussian (ederation in the area of nationaldefense and military construction, including within the framewor" of the znionRtate with Belarus, is oriented towards the improvement of the Armed (orcesof the #ussian (ederation, other troops, military formations and odies, calledupon to ensure the security, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state,

under any given conditions of the military-political environment.

*9. }<E[?EDV@CC T<UD 3<EEFE<F G@@?H V <`UEDCH<CUXC<F <`<?<C V<@CC<J< ED?<D@UXEDV, V D<= WEU@ V ?=]<^;C<J< J<E[?EDV, C <UJ<E?<WC[^ T@?ET@DV[ CH@U@C CE<V@?@CEDV<VC@ 1<<?[\@CC] U 3<EEFE<F G@@?H, ?[J]V<FE, V<CE] <?=?<VCF <?JC<V, T?;VCC] T? U^`] [EU<V]


. Phreats to military security include the policies of a numer of leadingforeign countries, directed at achieving predominant superiority in the militarysphere, primarily in terms of strategic nuclear forces, ut also y developinghigh-precision, informational and other high-technology means of conductingarmed warfare, strategic non-nuclear arms, y unilaterally creating a goalmissile defense system and militarising space, which could lead to a new armsrace, and li"ewise policies directed at the proliferation of nuclear, chemical, andiological technologies, and the production of weapons of mass destruction,their delivery systems or components.

Negative influences on the military security of the #ussian (ederation and itsallies are aggravated y the departure from international agreements pertainingto arms limitation and reduction, and li"ewise y actions intended to disrupt thestaility of systems of government and military administration, roc"et attac"warning systems, control of outer space, the functioning of strategic nuclearforces, nuclear weapons storage facilities, nuclear energy, nuclear andchemical industry, and other potentially dangerous sites.

. 8J?<;= V<@CC<F `@;<TEC<ED VU^DE: T<UD ? V@[_];?[`@\C] ED?C, CT?VU@CC C <ED\@C@ T?@<`U^_@J<T?@V<E]<EDV V V<@CC<F E@?@, T?@\@ VE@J< V ED?D@JW@E] @?C]EU], T[D@= ?;VD VE<<D<WC], C<?=H<CC] ?[J]VE<<D@]C<U<JWC] E?@EDV V@@C V<<?[\@CC<F `<?X`,ED?D@JW@E] V<<?[\@CF V C@@?C<= <EC_@C, <?=?<VC V<C<ED<?<CC@= T<?@ JU<`UXC<F EED@= T?<DV<?@DC<F <`<?<C =UD?;H <<U<;@=C<J< <E=W@E<J< T?<ED?CEDV, ET<E<`C]T?V@ED C<V<=[ VD[ J<C V<<?[\@CF, D\@ C ?ET?<ED?C@C@@?C], ]=W@E], <U<JW@E] D@]C<U<JF, T?<;V<EDV< <?[\=EE<V<J< [CWD<\@C U`< @J< <=T<C@CD<V E?@EDV <EDV.6@JDVC<@ V<;@FEDV@ C E<ED<C@ V<@CC<F `@;<TEC<ED 3<EEFE<FG@@?H @@ E<^;C<V [E[J[`U@DE <D]<<= <D =@\[C?<C]<J<V<?@CC<ED@F V <`UED <J?CW@C E<?_@C V<<?[\@CF, D\@ @FEDV=, CT?VU@CC= C C?[@C@ [ED<FWV<ED EED@=J<E[?EDV@CC<J< V<@CC<J< [T?VU@C, T?@[T?@\@C < ?@DC<=

CT@C, <CD?<U <E=W@E<J< T?<ED?CEDV, [CH<C?<VCED?D@JW@E] @?C] EU, <`b@D<V ]?C@C @?C] <@T?TE<V,D<=C<F YC@?J@D, D<=C<F ]=W@E<F T?<=U@CC<ED, ?[J]T<D@CHUXC< <TEC] <`b@D<V.

). Phe #ussian (ederation realises the long-term state policy of nationaldefense y developing a system of foundational conceptual documents, andli"ewise of documents concerned with planning and developing norms of legalregulation of state odies, of institutions, enterprises and organisations of thereal economy, and of civil society institutions, in times of peace and warO andmoreover with the improvement of the forces and means of civil defense, aswell as the country!s communication networ"s and transport infrastructure in theinterests of national defense.

). 3<EEFE G@@?H ?@U;[@D <UJ<E?<WC[^ J<E[?EDV@CC[^T<UD[ V <`UED CH<CUXC<F <`<?<C T[D@= ?;?`<D EED@=<EC<V<T<UJ^_] <CH@TD[UXC], T?<J?==C] <[=@CD<V, D\@<[=@CD<V TUC?<VC, ?;VD C<?= ;<C<D@UXC<J<?@J[U?<VC @D@UXC<ED <?JC<V J<E[?EDV@CC<F VUED,[W?@\@CF, T?@T?DF <?JC;HF ?@UXC<J< E@D<? Y<C<=,CEDD[D<V J?\CE<J< <`_@EDV V =?C<@ V<@CC<@ V?@=, D\@E<V@?@CEDV<VC EU E?@EDV J?\CE<F <`<?<C, E@D@V<F D?CET<?DC<F C?ED?[D[? ED?C V CD@?@E] CH<CUXC<F


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*. Phe main challenge of strengthening national defense in the medium term isthe transition towards a Lualitatively new profile for the Armed (orces of the#ussian (ederation, while maintaining the potential of the strategic nuclearforces, y improving the organisational staff structure and system of territorially-ased troops and forces, increasing the numer of divisions at constantreadiness, and li"ewise improving operations and comat training, as well asimproving the organisation of interaction among different troops and forces.

Po this end, the recruitment system of the Armed (orces of the #ussian(ederation, other troops, military formations and odies is eing clarified,including personnel training and development of relevant infrastructureO optimalstandy mechanisms are eing developedO the prestige of military service andofficers! status is eing enhancedO and li"ewise government programmes andcontracts are eing e$ecuted for the development, creation and modernisationof arms, military and specialist technology, including means of communication,reconnaissance, electronic warfare and control command~.

*. }UVC<F ;W@F [?@TU@C CH<CUXC<F <`<?<C V E?@C@E?<WC<FT@?ET@DV@ VU@DE T@?@]< W@EDV@CC< C<V<=[ <`U[ 1<<?[\@CC]U 3<EEFE<F G@@?H E E<]?C@C@= T<D@CHU ED?D@JW@E]@?C] EU ; EW@D E<V@?@CEDV<VC <?JC;H<CC<-DDC<FED?[D[? EED@= D@??D<?UXC<J< `;?<VC V<FE EU,C?_VC <UW@EDV WED@F T<ED<CC<F J<D<VC<ED, D\@E<V@?@CEDV<VC <T@?DVC<F `<@V<F T<J<D<V, <?JC;H=@\V<V<J< V;=<@FEDV V<FE EU.

5U YD<J< [D<WC@DE EED@= <=TU@D<VC 1<<?[\@CC] U3<EEFE<F G@@?H, ?[J] V<FE, V<CE] <?=?<VCF <?JC<V,VU^W T<J<D<V[ UWC<J< E<EDV ?;VD@ C@<`]<=<FC?ED?[D[?, <D?`DV^DE <TD=UXC@ =@]C;= C]<\@C V?@;@?V@, T<C=@DE T?@ED\ V<@CC<F EU[\` EDD[E <H@?E<J<E<EDV, D\@ <`@ET@WV@DE VT<UC@C@ J<E[?EDV@CC] T?<J?== ;;<V C ?;?`<D[, E<;C@ =<@?C;H^ V<<?[\@C, V<@CC<F ET@HUXC<F D@]C, V D<= WEU@ E?@EDV EV;, ?;V@,?<YU@D?<CC<F `<?X` [T?VU@C.

. In the medium term, the transition towards a single system of contracts ythe federal organs of e$ecutive power for armaments, military and specialisttechnology to supply the Armed (orces of the #ussian (ederation, other troops,military formations and odies, should e completed, as should the transition toa unified system of logistics and technical support. Normative legal regulation of the maintenance of supplies of material resources in the state- and moilisationreserve should e achieved, and li"ewise collaoration with other states in thearea of military security.

. 1 E?@C@E?<WC<F T@?ET@DV@ <U\@C `DX ;V@?@C T@?@]< C@C[^ EED@=[ ;;<V @@?UXC= <?JC= ET<UCD@UXC<F VUEDV<<?[\@C, V<@CC<F ET@HUXC<F D@]C U 1<<?[\@CC] U3<EEFE<F G@@?H, ?[J] V<FE, V<CE] <?=?<VCF <?JC<V, D\@ C [CH?<VCC[^ EED@=[ DU<V<J< D@]CW@E<J< <`@ET@[email protected]<U\C< `DX <`@ET@W@C< C<?=DVC<@ T?V<V<@ ?@J[U?<VC@T<@?\C ;TE<V =D@?UXC] E?@EDV V J<E[?EDV@CC<= =<`U;H<CC<= ?@;@?V@, D\@ E<D?[CW@EDV E ?[J=J<E[?EDV= V <`UED V<@CC<F `@;<TEC<ED.

. Phe restructuring, optimisation and development of the military-industrialcomple$ of the #ussian (ederation in the medium term corresponds to theresolution of challenges regarding the comprehensive and timely provision ofmodern armaments and specialised technology to the Armed (orces of the#ussian (ederation, other troops, military formations and odies.

. 3@ED?[D[?;H, <TD=;H ?;VD@ <`<?<CC<-T?<=U@CC<J<<=TU@E 3<EEFE<F G@@?H V E?@C@E?<WC<F T@?ET@DV@E<JUE<VV^DE E ?@@C@= ;W T< VE@ED<?<CC@=[ EV<@V?@=@CC<=[<`@ET@W@C^ 1<<?[\@CC] U 3<EEFE<F G@@?H, ?[J] V<FE,V<CE] <?=?<VCF <?JC<V E<V?@=@CC= V= V<<?[\@C ET@HUXC<F D@]C.

2. State and puMlic security

. Rtrategic national security o%ectives in the sphere of state and pulicsecurity are the protection of #ussia!s constitutional system, of the asic rightsand freedoms of the individual and the citien, of the sovereignty, independenceand territorial integrity of the #ussian (ederation, and li"ewise the preservationof civil peace, political and social staility.

2. $+37(834E(@ * +>34E(@ 1+(3+34

. D?D@JW@E= H@U= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED VE@?@ J<E[?EDV@CC<F <`_@EDV@CC<F `@;<TEC<ED VU^DE ;_D<EC<V <CEDD[H<CC<J< ED?< 3<EEFE<F G@@?H, <EC<VC] T?V EV<`< W@U<V@ J?\CC, <]?C E[V@?@CD@D 3<EEFE<FG@@?H, @@ C@;VE=<ED D@??D<?UXC<F H@U<EDC<ED, D\@


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E<]?C@C@ J?\CE<J< =?, T<UDW@E<F E<HUXC<F ED`UXC<EDV <`_@EDV@.

. (or the provision of national security in the domain of long-term state andpulic security, the #ussian (ederation starts from the necessity of constantimprovements to law enforcement measures for the e$posure, prevention,disruption and discovery of acts of terrorism, e$tremism, and other criminalinfringements on the rights and freedoms of the individual and the citien, onproperty, social order and pulic security, and on the constitutional system ofthe #ussian (ederation.

. 3<EEFE G@@?H T? <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED VE@?@ J<E[?EDV@CC<F <`_@EDV@CC<F `@;<TEC<ED C <UJ<E?<WC[^T@?ET@DV[ E]<D ; C@<`]<=<ED T<ED<CC<J< E<V@?@CEDV<VCT?V<<]?CD@UXC] =@? T< VVU@C^, T?@[T?@\@C^, T?@E@W@C^ ?E?D^ D<V D@??<?;=, YED?@=;=, ?[J] T?@ED[TC]T<EJD@UXEDV C T?V EV<`< W@U<V@ J?\CC, E<`EDV@CC<EDX,<`_@EDV@CCF T<?< <`_@EDV@CC[^ `@;<TEC<EDX, <CEDD[H<CCF

ED?<F 3<EEFE<F G@@?H.

. Phe main threats to national security in the sphere of state and pulicsecurity are as follows:

investigative or other activity y the special services and organisations offoreign countries, and li"ewise y individual persons, directed at causing harmto the security of the #ussian (ederationOthe activity of terrorist organisations, groups and individuals, directed at violentchanges to the constitutional system of the #ussian (ederation, the disruptionof normal functioning of state odies including violent action againstgovernmental, political and social actors, the destruction of military or industrialsites, enterprises and institutions providing for vital social activities, andintimidation of the population, including y means of nuclear and chemicalweapons or dangerous radioactive, chemical and iological sustancesOthe e$tremist activity of nationalist, religious, ethnic or other organisations andstructures, directed at destroying the unity and territorial integrity of the #zssian(ederation, destailisation of the interla political and social situation in thecountryOthe activity of transnational criminal organisations and groupings, connected toillegal traffic"ing of narcotic and psychotropic sustances, weapons,ammunition and e$plosive sustancesOthe persistent growth of criminal acts, directed against the individual, property,state power, pulic and economic security, and li"ewise acts connected tocorruption.

. EC<VC= ED<WC= [J?<; CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V E@?@J<E[?EDV@CC<F <`_@EDV@CC<F `@;<TEC<ED VU^DE:?;V@VD@UXC C @D@UXC<EDX ET@HUXC] EU[\` <?JC;HFC<ED?CC] J<E[?EDV, D\@ <D@UXC] UH, CT?VU@CC CCC@E@C@ [_@?` `@;<TEC<ED 3<EEFE<F G@@?HO @D@UXC<EDXD@??<?EDW@E] <?JC;HF, J?[TT?<V< <D@UXC] UH,CT?VU@CC C CEUXEDV@CC<@ ;=@C@C@ <EC<V <CEDD[H<CC<J<ED?< 3<EEFE<F G@@?H, @;<?JC;H^ C<?=UXC<J<[CH<C?<VC <?JC<V J<E[?EDV@CC<F VUED VU^WCEUXEDV@CC@ @FEDV V <DC<@C J<E[?EDV@CC], T<UDW@E] <`_@EDV@CC] @D@U@F, [CWD<\@C@ V<@CC] T?<=U@CC]<`b@D<V, T?@T?DF [W?@\@CF, <`@ET@WV^_] \;C@@D@UXC<EDX < _@EDV, [ED?@C@ CE@U@C, V D<= WEU@ T[D@=T?=@C@C @?C<J< ]=W@E<J< <?[\ U`< <TEC] ?<DVC],]=W@E] `<U<JW@E] V@_@EDVO YED?@=EDE @D@UXC<EDXCH<CUEDW@E], ?@UJ<;C], YDCW@E] C] <?JC;HF ED?[D[?, CT?VU@CC C C?[@C@ @CEDV D@??D<?UXC<F


q. Phe main long-term directions of state policy in the sphere of state andpulic security must e the reinforcement of the role of the state as guarantor of the security of the indivdual, first of all children and adolescentsO theimrpovement of normative legal regulation of the fight against and prevention ofcriminality, corruption, terrorism and e$tremismO more effective defense of the

q. }UVC= CT?VU@C= J<E[?EDV@CC<F T<UD V E@?@<`@ET@W@C J<E[?EDV@CC<F <`_@EDV@CC<F `@;<TEC<ED C<UJ<E?<WC[^ T@?ET@DV[ <U\C EDDX [EU@C@ ?<U J<E[?EDV VW@EDV@ J?CD `@;<TEC<ED UWC<ED, T?@\@ VE@J< @D@F T<?<ED<V, E<V@?@CEDV<VC@ C<?=DVC<J< T?V<V<J< ?@J[U?<VC


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rights and lawful interests of #ussian citiens aroadO and the e$pansion ofgloal collaoration in law enforcement.

T?@[T?@\@C `<?X` E T?@ED[TC<EDX^, <??[TH@F, D@??<?;=<= YED?@=;=<=, T<V@C@ Y@DVC<ED ;_D T?V ;<CC]CD@?@E<V ?<EEFE] J?\C ; ?[`@\<=, ?E?@C@ =@\[C?<C<J<E<D?[CW@EDV V T?V<<]?CD@UXC<F E@?@.

9. jong-term state and pulic security will li"ewise e supported y theincreased effectiveness of law-enforcement organs and special services, y thecreation of a single state system for the prevention of criminality first of allconcerning minors and of other unlawful acts, a system which will encompassmonitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of law enforcement practises, and

developing and applying special measures directed at reducing the level ofcorruption and criminalisation of social relations.

9. `@ET@W@C^ J<E[?EDV@CC<F <`_@EDV@CC<F `@;<TEC<ED C<UJ<E?<WC[^ T@?ET@DV[ `[[D D\@ ET<E<`EDV<VDX T<V@C@Y@DVC<ED @D@UXC<ED T?V<<]?CD@UXC] <?JC<V ET@HEU[\`,E<;C@ @C<F J<E[?EDV@CC<F EED@= T?<UD T?@ED[TC<ED VT@?V[^ <W@?@X E?@ C@E<V@?@CC<U@DC] C] T?V<C?[@CF,

VU^W =<CD<?CJ <H@C[ Y@DVC<ED T?V<T?=@CD@UXC<FT?D, ?;?`<D ET<UX;<VC@ ET@HUXC] =@?, CT?VU@CC] CEC\@C@ [?<VC <??[=T?<VCC<ED ?=CU;H <`_@EDV@CC]<DC<@CF.

. In order to ensure state and pulic security:the structures and activity offederal organs of e$ecutive power are eing improved, a National AnticorruptionQlan is eing implemented, a system of discovery and response to the gloalthreats and crises of modernity is eing developed, including international andnational terrorism, political and religious e$tremsim, nationalism and ethnicseparatismOmechanisms for the forecasting and neutralisation of social and interethnicconflicts are eing createdOa long-term concept for the comprehensive development and improvement oflaw-enforcement organs and special services is eing formulated, socialguarantees for their employees are eing strengthened, scientific-technicalsupport for law enforcement activity is eing improved, promising specialistmeans and technologies are eing adopted, a system of professional cadretraining is eing developed in the areaof state and pulic securityO

a regime of secure functioning of the enterprises, organisations and institutionselonging to the country!s military-industrial, nuclear, chemical and nuclearenergy comple$es, and li"ewise of essential support systems for the life of thepopulationOthe social responsiility of odies providing state and pulic security is eingincreased.

. 1 H@U] <`@ET@W@C J<E[?EDV@CC<F <`_@EDV@CC<F `@;<TEC<ED:E<V@?@CEDV[@DE ED?[D[? @D@UXC<EDX @@?UXC] <?JC<VET<UCD@UXC<F VUED, ?@U;[@DE 6H<CUXCF TUC T?<DV<@FEDV<??[TH, ?;VV@DE EED@= VVU@C T?<DV<@FEDVJU<`UXC= V;<V= ?;E= E<V?@=@CC<ED, VU^W =@\[C?<CF CH<CUXCF D@??<?;=, T<UDW@EF ?@UJ<;CF YED?@=;=,CH<CU;= YDCW@EF E@T?D;=O E<;^DE =@]C;=T?@[T?@\@C C@FD?U;H E<HUXC] =@\CH<CUXC]<CUD<VO <?=?[@DE <UJ<E?<WC <CH@TH <=TU@EC<J< ?;VD E<V@?@CEDV<VC T?V<<]?CD@UXC] <?JC<V ET@HEU[\`,[?@TU^DE E<HUXC@ J?CD ] E<D?[C<V, E<V@?@CEDV[@DEC[WC<-D@]CW@E T<@?\ T?V<<]?CD@UXC<F @D@UXC<ED,T?C=^DE C V<<?[\@C@ T@?ET@DVC@ ET@HUXC@ E?@EDV D@]C, ?;VV@DE EED@= T?<@EE<CUXC<F T<J<D<V ?<V V

E@?@ <`@ET@W@C J<E[?EDV@CC<F <`_@EDV@CC<F `@;<TEC<EDO[?@TU@DE ?@\= `@;<TEC<J< [CH<C?<VC T?@T?DF,<?JC;HF [W?@\@CF <`<?<CC<-T?<=U@CC<J<, @?C<J<,]=W@E<J< D<=C<-YC@?J@DW@E<J< <=TU@E<V ED?C, D\@<`b@D<V \;C@<`@ET@W@C CE@U@CO T<V@DE E<HUXC<DV@DEDV@CC<EDX <?JC<V <`@ET@W@C J<E[?EDV@CC<F <`_@EDV@CC<F`@;<TEC<ED.

). Sne of the conditions of national security is the reliale defense andprotection of the state orders of the #ussian (ederation.Phe main threats tothe order-related interests and security of the #ussian (ederation are thepresence and possile escalation of armed conflicts near its state orders, andtheRecurity threats to orders include the activity of international terrorist and

). C= ; [EU<VF <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED VU@DEC@\C ;_D <]?C J<E[?EDV@CC<F J?CH 3<EEFE<FG@@?H.EC<VC= [J?<;= CD@?@E= `@;<TEC<ED 3<EEFE<F G@@?H VT<J?CWC<F E@?@ VU^DE CUW@ V<;=<\C YEUHV<<?[\@CC] <CUD<V V`U; @@ J<E[?EDV@CC<F J?CH,


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e$tremist organisations which ase their emissaries and terrorist means in#ussia and organise saotage on #ussian territory, and li"ewise the increasedactivity of transnational criminal groupings engaged in the illegal transfer acrossthe #ussian order of narcotic and psychotropic sustances, goods and cargo,water and iological resources, other material and cultural valuales, and in theorganisation of channels for illegal migration. A negative effect on the reliale defense and protection of #ussia!s stateorders is e$erted y the insufficient level of development of orderinfrastructure and of technological eLuipment for order-related odies.

C@;V@?@CC<EDX =@\[C?<C<-T?V<V<J< <<?=U@C J<E[?EDV@CC<FJ?CH 3<EEFE<F G@@?H E <D@UXC= E<T?@@UXC=J<E[?EDV=.8J?<;[ `@;<TEC<ED V T<J?CWC<F E@?@ T?@EDVU^D @D@UXC<EDX=@\[C?<C] D@??<?EDW@E] YED?@=EDE] <?JC;HF T<T@?@`?<E@ C ?<EEFE[^ D@??D<?^ EV<] Y=EE?<V, E?@EDV D@??<? <?JC;H V@?EF, D\@ DV;H D?CEJ?CWC] T?@ED[TC]J?[TT T< C@;<CC<=[ T@?@=@_@C^ W@?@; J<E[?EDV@CC[^ J?CH[3<EEFE<F G@@?H C?<DW@E] E?@EDV, TE]<D?<TC] V@_@EDV,D<V?<V J?[;<V, V<C] `<U<JW@E] ?@E[?E<V, ?[J] =D@?UXC]

[UXD[?C] H@CC<ED@F, <?JC;H CU<V C@;<CC<F =J?H.6@JDVC<@ VUC@ C <`@ET@W@C@ C@\C<F ;_D <]?CJ<E[?EDV@CC<F J?CH 3<EEFE<F G@@?H <;V@DC@<EDD<WCF [?<V@CX ?;VD T<J?CWC<F C?ED?[D[? D@]CW@E<F <EC_@CC<ED T<J?CWC] <?JC<V.

*. Phe resolution of order security prolems is achieved y creating high-technology and multifunctional order comple$es, particularly on the orderswith the #epulic of aa"hstan, z"raine, |eorgia and Aerai%an, and li"ewisey increasing the effectiveness of state order defense, particularly in the Arcticone of the #ussian (ederation, the (ar &ast and on the aspian.

*. 3@@C@ ;W <`@ET@W@C `@;<TEC<ED J<E[?EDV@CC<F J?CH3<EEFE<F G@@?H <EDJ@DE ; EW@D E<;C VE<<D@]C<U<JWC] =C<J<[CH<CUXC] T<J?CWC] <=TU@E<V, <E<`@CC< C J?CH] E3@ET[`U<F k;]EDC, 8?C<F, }?[;@F 7;@?`F\CE<F3@ET[`U<F, D\@ T<V@C Y@DVC<ED <]?C J<E[?EDV@CC<FJ?CH, V WEDC<ED V 7?DW@E<F ;<C@ 3<EEFE<F G@@?H, C5UXC@= 1<ED<@ C kETFE<= CT?VU@C.

. Phe provision of national security in emergency situations is achieved yimproving and developing a single pulic warning and relief system foremergency situations of oth a natural and man-made character comprisingterritorial and functional segments, and integrating it with analogous systemsaroad.

Phe resolution of national security challenges in emergency situations isachieved y increasing the effective implementation of the powers of local self-government odies pertaining to the security of the population!s vital activities,renewing technological eLuipment and the technologies of production atpotentially dangerous sites and essential facilities, introducing moderntechnological means of informing and notifying the population in pulic places,and li"ewise developing systems of preventative measures to lower the ris" ofterrorist acts and allay the conseLuences of emergency sitautions of a man-made or natural character.

. `@ET@W@C@ CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V W?@;VWFC] ED[H]<EDJ@DE T[D@= E<V@?@CEDV<VC ?;VD @C<F J<E[?EDV@CC<FEED@= T?@[T?@\@C UVH W?@;VWFC] ED[HFT??<C<J< D@]C<J@CC<J< ]?D@? V D<= WEU@ D@??D<?UXC] [CH<CUXC] E@J=@CD<V, @@ CD@J?H E CU<JWC= ;?[`@\C=

EED@==.3@@C@ ;W <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V W?@;VWFC]ED[H] <EDJ@DE ; EW@D T<V@C Y@DVC<ED ?@U;HT<UC<=<WF <?JC<V =@EDC<J< E=<[T?VU@C V <`UED <`@ET@W@C`@;<TEC<ED \;C@@D@UXC<ED CE@U@C, <`C<VU@C T?D@]C<U<JW@E<J< <`<?[<VC D@]C<U<JF T?<;V<EDV CT<D@CHUXC< <TEC] <`b@D] <`b@D] \;C@<`@ET@W@C, VC@?@CE<V?@=@CC] D@]CW@E] E?@EDV C<?=?<VC <T<V@_@CCE@U@C V =@ED] ] =EE<V<J< T?@`VC, D\@ ?;?`<D EED@=T?CD T?@V@CDVC] =@? T< EC\@C^ ?E D@??<?EDW@E] D<V E=JW@C^ T<EU@EDVF W?@;VWFC] ED[HF D@]C<J@CC<J< T??<C<J< ]?D@?.

. Phe #ussian (ederation is strengthening national defense, and providing . 3<EEFE G@@?H [?@TU@D CH<CUXC[^ <`<?<C[,


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state and pulic security with the goal of creating internal and e$ternalconditions favourale to the achievement of socio-economic developmentpriorities.

<`@ET@WV@D J<E[?EDV@CC[^ <`_@EDV@CC[^ `@;<TEC<EDX V H@U]<?=?<VC `UJ<T?DC] VC[D?@CC] VC@C] [EU<VF U<ED\@C T?<?D@D<V V <`UED E<HUXC<-Y<C<=W@E<J< ?;VDJ<E[?EDV.

O. <mproCement o the Puality o lie o Russian citiQens

. Phe strategic goals in terms of ensuring national security in the area ofimproving the Luality of life of #ussian citiens are the reduction of social andmaterial ineLualities within the population, the stailisation of population sie inthe medium term, and in the long term M the fundamental improvement of thedemographic situation.

O. +EG* 5(I34E( ?*1* 8+33*35*T 98(?7(

. D?D@JW@E= H@U= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V<`UED T<V@C W@EDV \;C ?<EEFE] J?\C VU^DEEC\@C@ [?<VC E<HUXC<J< =[_@EDV@CC<J< C@?V@CEDV CE@U@C,ED`U;H @J< WEU@CC<ED V E?@C@E?<WC<F T@?ET@DV@, V<UJ<E?<WC<F T@?ET@DV@ - <?@CC<@ [U[W@C@ @=<J?W@E<FED[H.

. Phe improvement of the Luality of life of #ussian citiens is guaranteed yensuring individual security, and li"ewise access to comfortale housing, safeand high Luality goods and services, and a dignified wage for active laour.

. ><V@C@ W@EDV \;C ?<EEFE] J?\C J?CD?[@DE T[D@=<`@ET@W@C UWC<F `@;<TEC<ED, D\@ <ED[TC<ED <=<?DC<J< \UX, VE<<W@EDV@CC] @;<TEC] D<V?<V [EU[J, <ED<FC<F<TUD DVC<F D?[<V<F @D@UXC<ED.

. Rources of threats to national security could include factors such as a crisiswithin gloal and regional financial-an"ing systems, an intensification ofcompetition over insufficient raw materials, energy, water and food resources, or a lag in the development of cutting-edge technologies, which increase strategicris"s associated with dependence on changes in e$ternal factors.

. xED<WC= [J?<; CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED =<J[D EDDX D@D<?, ?;E =?<V<F ?@J<CUXC] CCE<V<-`C<VE]EED@=, [EU@C@ <C[?@CH V `<?X`@ ; @HDC@ E?X@V@,YC@?J@DW@E@, V<C@ T?<<V<UXEDV@CC@ ?@E[?E, <DEDVC@ V?;VD T@?@<V] D@]C<U<JW@E] [U<V, T<V^_@ED?D@JW@E@ ?E ;VE=<ED <D ;=@C@C VC@C] D<?<V.

q. National security in the domain of improving the Luality of life of #ussiancitiens will e supported y the reduction of organised crime, corruption, anddrug addictionO y preventing organised criminal groups from legalising theireconomic activitiesO y achieving socio-political staility and a positive dynamicof development of the #ussian (ederation, as well as the ensuring the stailityof the f inancial-an"ing system, roader e$ploitation of mineral and rawmaterial resources, accessiility of modern education and healthcare, highsocial moility and support for socially significant laour activity, superiorLualifications and Luality of laour resources, and finally the rationalorganisation of migratory flows.

q. `@ET@W@C^ CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V <`UED T<V@CW@EDV \;C ?<EEFE] J?\C `[[D ET<E<`EDV<VDX EC\@C@[?<VC <?JC;<VCC<F T?@ED[TC<ED, <??[TH C?<=C,T?<DV<@FEDV@ T?@ED[TC= <?=?<VC= V U@JU;H E<`EDV@CC<FY<C<=W@E<F <EC<V, <ED\@C@ E<HUXC<-T<UDW@E<F ED`UXC<ED T<U<\D@UXC<F C= ?;VD 3<EEFE<F G@@?H, [ED<FWV<EDXCCE<V<-`C<VE<F EED@=, ?E?@CC<@ V<ET?<;V<EDV<=C@?UXC<-E?X@V<F `;, <ED[TC<EDX E<V?@=@CC<J< <`?;<VC ;?V<<]?C@C, VE< E<HUXC =<`UXC<EDX T<@?\E<HUXC< ;CW=<F D?[<V<F ;CD<ED, T<V@C@ VUH W@EDV D?[<V] ?@E[?E<V, ?H<CUXC <?JC;H =J?H<CC]T<D<<V.

9. Sne of the main elements of ensuring national security in the medium termincludes food security and the guaranteed provision of high-Luality, accessilemedications.



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. (ood security is assured y developing iotechnologies and import-sustitution of asic food products, as well as y preventing soil depletion, thereduction of agricultural and arale land, the capture of domestic grain mar"etsy foreign companies, and the uncontrolled dissemination of food productsmade from genetically modified plants, with the use of genetically modifiedmicroorganisms and microorganisms having genetically modified analogues.

. >?<<V<UXEDV@CC `@;<TEC<EDX <`@ET@WV@DE ; EW@D ?;VD`<D@]C<U<JF =T<?D<;=@_@C T< <EC<VC= T?<[D= TDC, D\@ T[D@= T?@<DV?_@C ED<_@C ;@=@UXC] ?@E[?E<V E<?_@C E@UXE<]<;FEDV@CC] ;@=@UX T]<DC] [J<F, ;]VDCH<CUXC<J< ;@?C<V<J< ?C C<ED?CC= <=TC=,`@E<CD?<UXC<J< ?ET?<ED?C@C T_@V<F T?<[H, T<U[W@CC<F ;J@C@DW@E =<H?<VCC] ?ED@CF E ET<UX;<VC@= J@C@DW@E=<H?<VCC] =?<<?JC;=<V =?<<?JC;=<V, =@^_]J@C@DW@E =<H?<VCC@ CU<J.

). In the interests of developing the pharmaceutical sector, conditions areeing created to overcome its dependence on foreign suppliers for rawmaterials.

). 1 H@U] ?;VD ?=H@VDW@E<F <D?EU <?=?[^DE [EU<VU T?@<<U@C @@ E?X@V<F ;VE=<ED <D ;?[`@\C] T<EDV_<V.

*. In order to counteract threats to national security with regards to the Lualityof life of #ussian citiens, the forces of national security together with civilsociety instutions:improve the national system of human rights protection y developing anappropriate legal system and legislationOassist the growth of well-eing, the reduction of poverty and of incomedisparities with the goal of ensuring continuous access of all citiens to aLuantity of food products essential to a healthy lifestyleOcreate the conditions necessary for living a healthy lifestyle, stimulate irth ratesand lower death ratesOimprove and develop transport infrastructure, increase protection of thepopulation from emergency situations of oth natural and man-made originsOensure the preservation of a cultural and spiritual legacy, the accessiility ofinformation technologies, and li"ewise of information on various issues of thesocio-political, economic and spiritual life of societyO

improve pulic-private partnership with the goal of strengthening the material-technical ase of healthcare, cultural and educational institutions, of developingresidential construction pro%ects, and enhancing the Luality of housing andcommunity services.

*. 5U T?<DV<@FEDV [J?<;= CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V <`UEDT<V@C W@EDV \;C ?<EEFE] J?\C EU <`@ET@W@CCH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V< V;=<@FEDV E CEDD[D=J?\CE<J< <`_@EDV:E<V@?@CEDV[^D CH<CUXC[^ EED@=[ ;_D T?V W@U<V@ T[D@=?;VD E[@`C<F EED@= ;<C<D@UXEDVOE<@FEDV[^D ?<ED[ `UJ<E<ED<C, E<?_@C^ `@C<ED ?;UWF V[?<VC@ <]<<V CE@U@C V CD@?@E] <`@ET@W@C T<ED<CC<J< <ED[TVE@] D@J<?F J?\C C@<`]<=<=[ U ;<?<V<J< <`?; \;C<UW@EDV[ T_@V] T?<[D<VOE<;^D [EU<V U V@@C ;<?<V<J< <`?; \;C, ED=[U?<VC?<\@=<ED EC\@C E=@?DC<ED CE@U@CO[U[W^D ?;VV^D D?CET<?DC[^ C?ED?[D[?[, T<V^D ;_D[CE@U@C <D W?@;VWFC] ED[HF T??<C<J< D@]C<J@CC<J<]?D@?O

E<V@?@CEDV[^D EED@=[ ;_D <D `@;?`<DH, E<;^D [EU<V UV<VU@W@C V D?[<V[^ @D@UXC<EDX U^@F E <J?CW@CC=;W@E= V<;=<\C<ED=, T?<V<D ?H<CUXC[^ ?@J<CUXC[^=J?H<CC[^ T<UD[, ?;VV^D T@CE<CC[^ EED@=[, VC@?^D C<?=E<HUXC<F T<@?\ <D@UXC] D@J<?F J?\CO<`@ET@WV^D E<]?C@C@ [UXD[?C<J< []<VC<J< CEU@, <ED[TC<EDXC<?=H<CC] D@]C<U<JF, D\@ C<?=H T< ?;UWC=V<T?<E= E<HUXC<-T<UDW@E<F, Y<C<=W@E<F []<VC<F \;C<`_@EDVOE<V@?@CEDV[^D J<E[?EDV@CC<-WEDC<@ T?DC@?EDV< V H@U] [?@TU@C=D@?UXC<-D@]CW@E<F `; [W?@\@CF ;?V<<]?C@C, [UXD[?,<`?;<VC, ?;VD \U_C<J< ED?<D@UXEDV T<V@C W@EDV \U_C<-<==[CUXC<J< < EU[\VC.


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U. Kconomic growth

. Rtrategic national security o%ectives include #ussia!s entry, in the mediumterm, into the ran"s of the top five countries y sie of |'Q, and li"ewise theachievement of the necessary degree of national security in the economic andtechnological spheres.

U. V5++F*I35* 8+34

. D?D@JW@E= H@U= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<EDVU^DE V]<\@C@ 3<EE V E?@C@E?<WC<F T@?ET@DV@ V WEU< TDED?C-U@?<V T< <`b@=[ VU<V<J< VC[D?@CC@J< T?<[D, D\@<ED\@C@ C@<`]<=<J< [?<VC CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED VY<C<=W@E<F D@]C<U<JW@E<F E@?].

. Phe provision of national security y means of economic growth is achievedy developing a national system of innovation, increasing the productivity oflaour, acLuiring new resources, modernising priority sectors of the nationaleconomy, and improving the an"ing system, the financial services sector andintergovernmental fiscal relations in the #ussian (ederation.

. `@ET@W@C@ CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED ; EW@D Y<C<=W@E<J<?<ED <EDJ@DE T[D@= ?;VD CH<CUXC<F CC<VH<CC<F EED@=,T<V@C T?<;V<D@UXC<ED D?[, <EV<@C C<V] ?@E[?EC]ED<WC<V, =<@?C;H T?<?D@DC] E@D<?<V CH<CUXC<FY<C<=, E<V@?@CEDV<VC `C<VE<F EED@=, CCE<V<J< E@D<?[EU[J =@\`^\@DC] <DC<@CF V 3<EEFE<F G@@?H.

. Phe main long-term strategic ris"s and threats to national security in theeconomic sphere are the maintenance of a raw materials e$port model ofeconomic development, the lessening of competitiveness and the highdependence on e$ternal economic conditions, the loss of control over nationalresources, the worsening of the condition of the industrial and energy resourcease, the uneLual development of the regions and progressive laourshortages, the low levels of staility and protection of the national financialsystem, the persistence of conditions conducive to the corruption andcriminalisation of economic and financial relationships, and also to illegalmigration.

. }UVC= ED?D@JW@E= ?E= [J?<;= CH<CUXC<F`@;<TEC<ED V Y<C<=W@E<F E@?@ C <UJ<E?<WC[^ T@?ET@DV[VU^DE E<]?C@C@ YET<?DC<-E?X@V<F =<@U ?;VD CH<CUXC<FY<C<=, EC\@C@ <C[?@CD<ET<E< C<ED VE< ;VE=<EDX @@V\C@F] E@? <D VC@C@Y<C<=W@E<F <Cb^CD[?, T<D@? <CD?<UC CH<CUXC= ?@E[?E=, [][@C@ E<ED<C E?X@V<F `;T?<=U@CC<ED YC@?J@D, C@?VC<=@?C<@ ?;VD@ ?@J<C<V T?<J?@EE?[^_ D?[<C@<EDD<WC<EDX, C; [ED<FWV<EDX ;__@CC<EDX CH<CUXC<F CCE<V<F EED@=, E<]?C@C@ [EU<VFU <??[TH ?=CU;H ]<;FEDV@CC<-CCE<V] <DC<@CF, D\@ C@;<CC<F =J?H.

. Phe insufficient effectiveness of state regulation of the national economy,falling economic growth rates, the appearance of trade and alance of paymentdeficits, and the contraction of udget revenues could lead to delays in thetransition to innovation-ased growth, and to the conseLuent accumulation ofsocial prolems in the country.

. 6@<EDD<WC Y@DVC<EDX J<E[?EDV@CC<J< ?@J[U?<VCCH<CUXC<F Y<C<=, EC\@C@ D@=T<V Y<C<=W@E<J< ?<ED,T<VU@C@ @HD D<?J<V<J< TUD@\C<J< `UCE, E<?_@C@<]<C] EDD@F `^\@D =<J[D T?V@ED ;=@U@C^ T@?@]< CC<VH<CC<=[ ?;VD^, T<EU@[^_@=[ C<TU@C^ E<HUXC]T?<`U@= V ED?C@.

. A direct negative effect on national security in the economic sphere may ee$erted y a deficit of fuel-energy, water, and iological resources, y theadoption of discriminatory measures and the intensification of unfair competitionwith regards to #ussia, and li"ewise due to crisis phenomena in the gloalfinancial-an"ing system.

. >?=<@ C@JDVC<@ V<;@FEDV@ C <`@ET@W@C@ CH<CUXC<F`@;<TEC<ED V Y<C<=W@E<F E@?@ =<J[D <;DX @HD D<TUVC<-YC@?J@DW@E], V<C] `<U<JW@E] ?@E[?E<V, T?CD@E?=CH<CC] =@? [EU@C@ C@<`?<E<V@EDC<F <C[?@CH V<DC<@C 3<EE, D\@ ?;EC@ VU@C V =?<V<F CCE<V<-`C<VE<F EED@=@.

q. (or the provision of national security y means of economic growth, the#ussian (ederation is concentrating its main efforts on the development ofscience, technology and education, and on the improvement of national

q. 5U <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED ; EW@D Y<C<=W@E<J<?<ED 3<EEFE G@@?H <EC<VC@ [EU E<E?@<D<WV@D C?;VD C[, D@]C<U<JF <`?;<VC, E<V@?@CEDV<VC


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investment and financial institutions, in the interests of achieving an essentiallevel of security in the military, military-industrial and international spheres.

CH<CUXC] CV@EDH<CC] CCE<V] CEDD[D<V V CD@?@E]<ED\@C C@<`]<=<J< [?<VC `@;<TEC<ED V V<@CC<F, <`<?<CC<-T?<=U@CC<F =@\[C?<C<F E@?].

9. Phreats to national security related to disproportional levels of developmentamong su%ects of the #ussian (ederation are prevented y means of a rationalregional policy directed at the improved coordination of state odies, localadministrations, the usiness community and civil society.

9. 8J?<; CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED, EV;CC@ E ET?<T<?H@F V[?<VC] ?;VD E[`b@D<V 3<EEFE<F G@@?H, T?@<DV?_^DET[D@= T?<V@@C ?H<CUXC<F J<E[?EDV@CC<F ?@J<CUXC<F T<UD,CT?VU@CC<F C [U[W@C@ <<?CH @D@UXC<ED <?JC<VJ<E[?EDV@CC<F VUED, <?JC<V =@EDC<J< E=<[T?VU@C,T?@T?C=D@UXE<J< E<<`_@EDV CEDD[D<V J?\CE<J< <`_@EDV.

. Sne of the main long-term directions of national security in the economicsphere is energy security. &ssential conditions of national and gloal energysecurity include multilateral cooperation in the interests of creating mar"ets forenergy resources that correspond to PS principles, the development andinternational e$change of promising energy-saving technologies, and li"ewisethe use of ecologically clean, alternative sources of energy.Phe main aspects of energy security are the stale supply of sufficient standardLuality sources of energyO the effective use of energy resources y increasingthe competitiveness of domestic producersO the prevention of possile fuel-energy resource deficitsO the creation of strategic stoc"s of fuel, reservecapacities and standard eLuipmentO and ensuring the stale functioning of thesystem of energy and fuel provision.

. C= ; JUVC] CT?VU@CF <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F`@;<TEC<ED V Y<C<=W@E<F E@?@ C <UJ<E?<WC[^ T@?ET@DV[VU@DE YC@?J@DW@E `@;<TEC<EDX. 6@<`]<== [EU<V=<`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F JU<`UXC<F YC@?J@DW@E<F `@;<TEC<EDVU^DE =C<J<ED<?<CC@@ V;=<@FEDV@ V CD@?@E] <?=?<VC<DV@W^_] T?CHT= 1E@=?C<F D<?J<V<F <?JC;H ?C<VYC@?J<?@E[?E<V, ?;?`<D =@\[C?<CF <`=@C T@?ET@DVC=YC@?J<E`@?@J^_= D@]C<U<J=, D\@ ET<UX;<VC@ Y<U<JW@EWED], UXD@?CDVC] ED<WC<V YC@?J.EC<VC= E<@?\C@= YC@?J@DW@E<F `@;<TEC<ED VU^DE[ED<FWV<@ <`@ET@W@C@ ET?<E <EDD<WC= <UW@EDV<=YC@?J<C<ED@U@F EDC?DC<J< W@EDV, Y@DVC<@ ET<UX;<VC@YC@?J<?@E[?E<V T[D@= T<V@C <C[?@CD<ET<E<`C<ED <D@W@EDV@CC]T?<;V<D@U@F, T?@<DV?_@C@ V<;=<\C<J< @HD D<TUVC<-YC@?J@DW@E] ?@E[?E<V, E<;C@ ED?D@JW@E] ;TE<V D<TUV,?@;@?VC] =<_C<ED@F <=TU@D[^_@J< <`<?[<VC, <`@ET@W@C@ED`UXC<ED [CH<C?<VC EED@= YC@?J<- D@TU<EC`\@C.

). In order to counteract threats to economic security, the forces of nationalsecurity in cooperation with civil society institutions aim to support state socio-economic policy, which is directed at:perfecting structures of production and e$port, antimonopoly regulation andsupport for competition policyOdeveloping a national system of innovation with the goal of implementing highlyeffective pro%ects and priority programmes developing the high-technologyeconomic sectorsOstrengthening financial mar"ets and increasing the liLuidity of the an"ingsystemOreducing the informal sector and legalising laour relations, increasinginvestment in the development of human capitalOalancing the interests of the indigenous population with those of migrantlaourers, ta"ing into account their ethnic, linguistic, cultural anddenominational differences, including y improving migration records, and

). 5U T?<DV<@FEDV [J?<;= Y<C<=W@E<F `@;<TEC<ED EU<`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V< V;=<@FEDV ECEDD[D= J?\CE<J< <`_@EDV CH@U@C C T<@?\[J<E[?EDV@CC<F E<HUXC<-Y<C<=W@E<F T<UD, CT?VU@CC<F:C E<V@?@CEDV<VC@ ED?[D[? T?<;V<EDV YET<?D,CD=<C<T<UXC<@ ?@J[U?<VC@ T<@?\[ <C[?@CDC<F T<UDOC ?;VD@ CH<CUXC<F CC<VH<CC<F EED@= V H@U] ?@U;HVE<<Y@DVC] T?<@D<V T?<?D@DC] T?<J?== ?;VDVE<<D@]C<U<JWC] E@D<?<V Y<C<=OC [?@TU@C@ CCE<V] ?C<V T<V@C@ UVC<ED C<VE<FEED@=OC E<?_@C@ C@<?=UXC<F ;CD<ED U@JU;H^ D?[<V]<DC<@CF, T<V@C@ CV@EDHF V ?;VD@ W@U<V@W@E<J< TDUOC <`@ET@W@C@ `UCE CD@?@E<V <?@CC<J< CE@U@C D?[<V]


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li"ewise y ensuring the fair territorial distriution of migrant laour ased onthe laour resource reLuirements of the regionsO

estalishing a system of scientific and technical forecasting and implementingscientific and technical priorities, intensifying the integration of science,education and industryOcreating conditions for the development of a competitive domesticpharmaceutical industryOdeveloping the industries of information and telecommunication technologies,computer technology resources, electronics, telecommunications eLuipmentand programming.

=J?CD<V E [W@D<= ] YDCW@E], ;<V], [UXD[?C] <C@EE<CUXC] ?;UWF, VU^W E<V@?@CEDV<VC@ =J?H<CC<J<[W@D, D\@ C <`<EC<VCC<@ D@??D<?UXC<@ ?ET?@@U@C@ D?[<V]=J?CD<V E]< ; T<D?@`C<ED@F ?@J<C<V V D?[<V] ?@E[?E]OC <?=?<VC@ EED@= C[WC<J< D@]C<U<JW@E<J< T?<JC<;?<VC ?@U;H^ C[WC] D@]C<U<JW@E] T?<?D@D<V, [EU@C@ CD@J?HC[, <`?;<VC T?<;V<EDVOC E<;C@ [EU<VF U ?;VD <C[?@CD<ET<E<`C<F <D@W@EDV@CC<F?=H@VDW@E<F T?<=U@CC<EDOC ?;VD@ C[ED? C<?=H<CC] D@U@<==[CH<CC]

D@]C<U<JF, E?@EDV VWEUD@UXC<F D@]C, ?<YU@D?<C,D@U@<==[CH<CC<J< <`<?[<VC T?<J?==C<J< <`@ET@W@C.

*. In the interests of ensuring national security in the medium term,competitive economic sectors are eing developed and mar"ets for #ussianproducts are eing e$panded, the effectiveness of the fuel-energy comple$ iseing enhanced, instruments of pulic-private partnership are eing used toresolve strategic challenges to economic development adn to the completion ofa asic transport, energy, information and military infrastructure, especially inthe Arctic one, &astern Rieria, and the (ar &ast of the #ussian (ederation.

*. 1 CD@?@E] <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V E?@C@E?<WC<FT@?ET@DV@ ?;VV^DE <C[?@CD<ET<E<`C@ <D?EU Y<C<= ?E?^DE ?C E`D ?<EEFE<F T?<[H, T<V@DEY@DVC<EDX D<TUVC<-YC@?J@DW@E<J< <=TU@E, ?E?@DEET<UX;<VC@ CED?[=@CD<V J<E[?EDV@CC<-WEDC<J< T?DC@?EDV U?@@C ED?D@JW@E] ;W ?;VD Y<C<= ;V@?@C<?=?<VC `;<V<F D?CET<?DC<F, YC@?J@DW@E<F, C<?=H<CC<F,V<@CC<F C?ED?[D[?, <E<`@CC< V 7?DW@E<F ;<C@, 1<ED<WC<F `? C 5UXC@= 1<ED<@ 3<EEFE<F G@@?H.

. Phe strengthening of economic security will e supported y theimprovement of state regulation of economic growth, y developing conceptualand programmatic documents of interregional and territorial planning, andcreating a comprehensive system of r is" control, including:introduction of an active state anti-inflation, currency, e$hange rate, monetary-credit and ta$ation-udgetary policy, aimed at import-sustitution and

supporting the real economyOstimulation and support for the development of a mar"et for innovation, high-tech production and high value-added production, and the development ofpromising general-, dual- and special-purpose technologies.

. 8?@TU@C^ Y<C<=W@E<F `@;<TEC<ED `[@D ET<E<`EDV<VDXE<V@?@CEDV<VC@ J<E[?EDV@CC<J< ?@J[U?<VC Y<C<=W@E<J<?<ED T[D@= ?;?`<D <CH@TD[UXC] T?<J?==C] <[=@CD<V=@\?@J<CUXC<J< D@??D<?UXC<J< TUC?<VC, E<;C<=TU@EC<F EED@= <CD?<U C ?E=, VU^W:T?<V@@C@ DVC<F J<E[?EDV@CC<F CDCUH<CC<F, VU^DC<F,

[?E<V<F, @C@\C<-?@DC<F CU<J<V<-`^\@DC<F T<UD,<?@CD?<VCC<F C =T<?D<;=@_@C@ T<@?\[ ?@UXC<J< E@D<?Y<C<=OED=[U?<VC@ T<@?\[ ?;VD ?C CC<VHF, C[<@=<FT?<[H T?<[H E VE<<F <`V<WC<F ED<=<EDX^, ?;VD@T@?ET@DVC] D@]C<U<JF <`_@J<, V<FC<J< ET@HUXC<J< C;CW@C.

. At the regional level, the stale condition of national security is ensured ythe alanced, comprehensive and systemic development of the su%ects of the#ussian (ederation.Sne of the main medium-term directions of national security at the regionallevel is the creation of mechanisms intended to reduce the level of interregionaldisparity in the socio-economic development of the su%ects of the #ussian(ederation, y means of alanced territorial development.

. 6 ?@J<CUXC<= [?<VC@ ED`UXC<=[ E<ED<C^ CH<CUXC<F`@;<TEC<ED <DV@W@D E`UCE?<VCC<@, <=TU@EC<@ EED@=C<@?;VD@ E[`b@D<V 3<EEFE<F G@@?H.C= ; JUVC] CT?VU@CF <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<EDC ?@J<CUXC<= [?<VC@ C E?@C@E?<WC[^ T@?ET@DV[ <T?@@U@DEE<;C@ =@]C;=<V E<?_@C [?<VC =@\?@J<CUXC<F@?@CHH V E<HUXC<-Y<C<=W@E<= ?;VD E[`b@D<V


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In the long term, threats to national security related to the disproportionatelevels of development of the #ussian regions are prevented y launching a full-scale national innovation system, y creating territorial-industrial areas in thesouthern regions and Qovolhye, in the zral region and in Rieria, in the (ar&ast and in other regions of the #ussian (ederation.

3<EEFE<F G@@?H T[D@= E`UCE?<VCC<J< D@??D<?UXC<J<?;VD.1 <UJ<E?<WC<F T@?ET@DV@ [J?<; CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED,EV;CC@ E ET?<T<?H@F [?<VC@F ?;VD ?@J<C<V 3<EE,T?@<DV?_^DE T[D@= ?;V@?DVC T<UC<=ED`C<F CH<CUXC<FCC<VH<CC<F EED@= ; EW@D <?=?<VC T@?ET@DVC]D@??D<?UXC<-T?<=U@CC] ?F<C<V V ^\C] ?@J<C] ><V<U\X@,C 8?U@ V `?, C 5UXC@= 1<ED<@ V ?[J] ?@J<C] 3<EEFE<FG@@?H.

. In order to achieve regional development, the forces of national security incooperation with civil society institutions support the effective implementation ofthe powers of state odies of the su%ects of the #ussian (ederation and localself-governing odies, y coordinating and implementing measures ta"en at thefederal, regional and municipal levels, directed at the development of theregional economic and social sphere, including the eLualisation of theirudgetary provisions.

. 1 <`UED ?@J<CUXC<J< ?;VD EU <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F`@;<TEC<ED V< V;=<@FEDV E CEDD[D= J?\CE<J< <`_@EDVET<E<`EDV[^D Y@DVC<=[ <E[_@EDVU@C^ <?JC= J<E[?EDV@CC<FVUED E[`b@D<V 3<EEFE<F G@@?H <?JC= =@EDC<J<E=<[T?VU@C ] T<UC<=<WF ; EW@D <<?CH ?@U;HT?C=@=] C @@?UXC<=, ?@J<CUXC<= =[CHTUXC<= [?<VC]=@?, CT?VU@CC] C ?;VD@ ?@J<CUXC<F Y<C<= E<HUXC<FE@?, VU^W V?VCVC@ ] `^\@DC<F <`@ET@W@CC<ED.

W. ScienceX technology and education

. Rtrategic national security goals in the sphere of science, technology andeducation are as follows:developing state scientific and scientific-technical organisations, capale ofproviding competitive advantages for the national economy and the needs ofnational defense, y means of effective coordination of scientific research andthe development of a national system of innovationO

increasing social moility, the population!s general and professional level ofeducation, and the professional Lualities of highly Lualified cadres, y means of 

the accessiility of competitive education.

W. H(5(X 4T+,+9** * +8(1+E(*

. D?D@JW@E= H@U= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED VE@?@ C[, D@]C<U<JF <`?;<VC VU^DE:?;VD@ J<E[?EDV@CC] C[WC] C[WC<-D@]C<U<JW@E] <?JC;HF,ET<E<`C] <`@ET@WDX <C[?@CDC@ T?@=[_@EDV CH<CUXC<FY<C<= T<D?@`C<ED CH<CUXC<F <`<?<C ; EW@D Y@DVC<F<<?CH C[WC] EEU@<VCF ?;VD CH<CUXC<FCC<VH<CC<F EED@=OT<V@C@ E<HUXC<F =<`UXC<ED, [?<VC <`_@J< T?<@EE<CUXC<J< <`?;<VC CE@U@C, T?<@EE<CUXC] W@EDV?<V VE@F VUH ; EW@D <ED[TC<ED <C[?@CD<ET<E<`C<J<<`?;<VC.

. A direct negative effect on national security in terms of science, technologyand education is caused y the country falling ehind in the transition towardsthe ne$t technological order, y dependence on imported deliveries of scientificeLuipment, instruments, electronic components, and strategic materials, y theunsanctioned transfer aroad of competitive domestic technologies, yunfounded unilateral sanctions against #ussia!s scientific and educationalinstitutions, y the insufficient development of the normativ legal ase and wea"motivation to formulate policies around innovation and industry, y the low levelof social protection for egngineering-technical, professorial and pedagogical ,the low Luality of general secondary education, and of professional primary,secondary, and higher education.

. >?=<@ C@JDVC<@ V<;@FEDV@ C <`@ET@W@C@ CH<CUXC<F`@;<TEC<ED V E@?@ C[, D@]C<U<JF <`?;<VC <;V^D<DEDVC@ V T@?@]<@ V T<EU@[^_F D@]C<U<JW@EF [U,;VE=<EDX <D =T<?DC] T<EDV< C[WC<J< <`<?[<VC, T?`<?<V YU@D?<CC<F <=T<C@CDC<F `;, ED?D@JW@E] =D@?U<V,C@ECH<C?<VCC T@?@W ; ?[`@\ <C[?@CD<ET<E<`C]<D@W@EDV@CC] D@]C<U<JF, C@<`<EC<VCC@ <C<ED<?<CC@ ECH V<DC<@C C[WC] <`?;<VD@UXC] <?JC;HF 3<EE,C@<EDD<WC<@ ?;VD@ C<?=DVC<F T?V<V<F `; EU` =<DVH VE@?@ CC<VH<CC<F T?<=U@CC<F T<UD, C;@ [?<V@CXE<HUXC<F ;__@CC<ED C\@C@?C<-D@]CW@E<J<, T?<@EE<?E<-


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T?@T<VD@UXE<J< T@J<JW@E<J< E<EDV W@EDV< <`_@J< E?@C@J<<`?;<VC, T?<@EE<CUXC<J< CWUXC<J<, E?@C@J< VE@J<<`?;<VC.

q. Sne of the main policy directions of the #ussian (ederation in the mediumterm is determined y technological security. Po this end, a state policypertaining to industry and innovation is eing perfectedO fundamental andapplied research, together with education, are defined as unLuestionalepriorities of the innovational development of the national economyO a system offederal and pulic contracts for the training of highly Lualified specialists and

wor"ers is eing improvedO pulic-prviate partnerships are eing developed inscience and technologyO conditions are eing created for the integration ofscience, education, and industryO systemic research is eing conducted in theinterests of resolving strategic challenges of national defense, state and pulicsecurity, and li"ewise of the country!s stale development.

q. C= ; JUVC] CT?VU@CF 3<EEFE G@@?H CE?@C@E?<WC[^ T@?ET@DV[ <T?@@U@D D@]C<U<JW@E[^ `@;<TEC<EDX. YD<F H@UX^ E<V@?@CEDV[@DE J<E[?EDV@CC CC<VH<CC T?<=U@CC T<UD, <T?@@U^DE V W@EDV@ `@;[EU<VC<J<T?<?D@D CC<VH<CC<J< ?;VD CH<CUXC<F Y<C<=[C=@CDUXC T?UC C[, <`?;<VC@, E<V@?@CEDV[@DE

@@?UXC <CD?DC EED@= EED@= J<E[?EDV@CC<J< ;; CT<J<D<V[ VE<<VUH?<VCC] ET@HUED<V ?`<W] ?<V,?;VV@DE J<E[?EDV@CC<-WEDC<@ T?DC@?EDV< V E@?@ C[ D@]C<U<JF, E<;^DE [EU<V U CD@J?H C[, <`?;<VC T?<=U@CC<ED, T?<V<DE EED@=C@ EEU@<VC V CD@?@E]?@@C ED?D@JW@E] ;W CH<CUXC<F <`<?<C, J<E[?EDV@CC<F <`_@EDV@CC<F `@;<TEC<ED, D\@ [ED<FWV<J< ?;VD ED?C.

9. In order to counteract threats in the spheres of science, technology andeducation, the forces of national security in cooperation with civil societyinstitutions implement the civil education of new generations in the traditions ofthe prestige of the scientist and the pedagogue, ensure the effectiveness ofstate regulation in relation to integrating science, education and high-technological industry.

9. 5U T?<DV<@FEDV [J?<;= V E@?@ C[, D@]C<U<JF <`?;<VC EU <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V<V;=<@FEDV E CEDD[D= J?\CE<J< <`_@EDV <E[_@EDVU^DJ?\CE<@ V<ETDC@ C<V] T<<U@CF V D?H] T?@ED\ D?[[W@C<J< T@J<J, <`@ET@WV^D Y@DVC<EDX J<E[?EDV@CC<-T?V<V<J< ?@J[U?<VC V <`UED CD@J?H C[, <`?;<VC VE<<D@]C<U<JWC<F T?<=U@CC<ED.

. Phe resolution of national security issues in the area of science, technologyand education in the medium and long term are achieved y the followingmeans:

formulating systems of targeted fundamental and applied research and theirsupport y the state in the interests of an organisational-scientific approach toachieving strategic national prioritiesOcreating a networ" of federal universities and national research universities thatwoud ensure, within a framewor" of cooperative relationships, the training ofspecialists for wor" in science and education, the development of competitivetechnologies and e$emplary high-tech production, the organisation of high-techproductionOimplementing programmes estalishing institutions of learning oriented attraining cadres to serve the needs of regional development, as well as theorgans and forces of national securityOensuring the participation of #ussian scientific and scientific-educationalorganisations in gloal technological and research pro%ects, ta"ing into accountthe state of the intellectual property mar"et.

. 3@@C@ ;W CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V E@?@ C[, D@]C<U<JF <`?;<VC V E?@C@E?<WC<F <UJ<E?<WC<F T@?ET@DV@ <EDJ@DET[D@=:

<?=?<VC EED@= H@U@V] [C=@CDUXC] T?UC]EEU@<VCF @@ J<E[?EDV@CC<F T<@?\ V CD@?@E]<?JC;H<CC<-C[WC<J< <`@ET@W@C <ED\@C ED?D@JW@E]CH<CUXC] T?<?D@D<VOE<;C E@D @@?UXC] [CV@?ED@D<V, CH<CUXC]EEU@<VD@UXE] [CV@?ED@D<V, <`@ET@WV^_] V ?=]<<T@?H<CC] EV;@F T<J<D<V[ ET@HUED<V U ?`<D V E@?@C[ <`?;<VC, ?;?`<D <C[?@CD<ET<E<`C] D@]C<U<JF <`?;H<V C[<@=<F T?<[H, <?JC;H C[<@=<J< T?<;V<EDVO?@U;H T?<J?== E<;C [W@`C] ;V@@CF, <?@CD?<VCC] CT<J<D<V[ ?<V U C[\ ?@J<CUXC<J< ?;VD, <?JC<V EU<`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<EDO<`@ET@W@C [WED ?<EEFE] C[WC] C[WC<-<`?;<VD@UXC]<?JC;HF V JU<`UXC] D@]C<U<JW@E] EEU@<VD@UXE] T?<@D]


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E [W@D<= <Cb^CD[? ?C CD@UU@D[UXC<F E<`EDV@CC<ED.

Y. Zealthcare

). Rtrategic national security goals in the area of healthcare and the health ofthe nation are as follows:increasing life e$pectancy, reducing disaility and mortalityOimproving disease prevention and the provision of timely, Lualified primaryhealthcare and high-technology medical assistanceOimproving standards of medical assistance, and li"ewise of the Luality,effectiveness and safety of medicines.

Y. [78(E++T8(*

). D?D@JW@E= H@U= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED VE@?@ ;?V<<]?C@C ;<?<VX CH VU^DE:[V@UW@C@ T?<<U\D@UXC<ED \;C, EC\@C@ CVUC<ED E=@?DC<EDOE<V@?@CEDV<VC@ T?<UD <;C EV<@V?@=@CC<FVUH?<VCC<F T@?VWC<F =@<-ECD?C<F VE<<D@]C<U<JWC<F=@HCE<F T<=<_OE<V@?@CEDV<VC@ EDC?D<V =@HCE<F T<=<_, D\@ <CD?<UW@EDV, Y@DVC<ED `@;<TEC<ED U@?EDV@CC] E?@EDV.

*. Sne of the main threats to national security in terms of healthcare andnational health is the appearance of large-scale epidemics and pandemics, themass spread of •I infection, tuerculosis, drug addiction and alcoholism, andthe increased accessiility of psychoactive and psychotropic sustances.

*. C= ; JUVC] [J?<; CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V E@?@;?V<<]?C@C ;<?<VX CH VU^DE V<;CC<V@C@ =ED`C]YT@=F TC@=F, =EE<V<@ ?ET?<ED?C@C@ 1x€-C@H,D[`@?[U@;, C?<=C U<J<U;=, T<V@C@ <ED[TC<EDTE]<DVC] TE]<D?<TC] V@_@EDV.

. A direct negative effect on national security in the domain of healthcare andthe health of the nation is e$erted y the low effectiveness of the medicalinsurance system and the low Luality of healthcare specialist training andretrainingO the insufficient level of social guarantees and wages for medicalwor"ers and insufficient financing for the system of high-technology medicalassistanceO the incomplete formation of a normative legal asis for healthcareoriented at increasing accessiility and implementing guarantees of medicalassistance for the general population.

. >?=<@ C@JDVC<@ V<;@FEDV@ C <`@ET@W@C@ CH<CUXC<F`@;<TEC<ED V E@?@ ;?V<<]?C@C ;<?<VX CH <;V^DC;@ Y@DVC<EDX EED@= =@HCE<J< ED?]<VC W@EDV<T<J<D<V T@?@T<J<D<V ET@HUED<V ;?V<<]?C@C,C@<EDD<WCF [?<V@CX E<HUXC] J?CDF <TUD D?[ =@HCE]?`<DC<V CCE?<VC ?;VD EED@= VE<<D@]C<U<JWC<F=@HCE<F T<=<_, C@;V@?@CC<EDX <?=?<VC C<?=DVC<FT?V<V<F `; ;?V<<]?C@C V H@U] T<V@C <ED[TC<ED ?@U;H J?CDF <`@ET@W@C CE@U@C =@HCE<F T<=<_X^.

. Phe state policy of the #ussian (ederation relating to healthcare and thehealth of the nation is geared at preventive medicine and also at preventing thespread of socially dangerous illnesses.

. }<E[?EDV@CC T<UD 3<EEFE<F G@@?H V E@?@;?V<<]?C@C ;<?<VX CH CH@U@C C T?<UD[ T?@<DV?_@C@ ?<ED [?<VC E<HUXC<-<TEC] ;`<U@VCF.

. Phe main directions of national security policy in the sphere of healthcareand national health of the #ussian (ederation are determined in the mediumterm y the intensification of the preventative orientation of healthcare, focusingon preserving human health, and preserving the institution of the family,motherhood, fatherhood and childhood, as the foundations of social vitality.

. EC<VC= CT?VU@C= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED VE@?@ ;?V<<]?C@C ;<?<VX CH 3<EEFE G@@?H CE?@C@E?<WC[^ T@?ET@DV[ <T?@@U@D [EU@C@ T?<UDW@E<FCT?VU@CC<ED ;?V<<]?C@C, <?@CDH^ C E<]?C@C@ ;<?<VXW@U<V@, E<V@?@CEDV<VC@ V W@EDV@ <EC<V \;C@@D@UXC<ED<`_@EDV CEDD[D E@=X, <]?C =D@?CEDV, <DH<VEDV @DEDV.

. Phe strengthening of national security in the area of helathcare and nationalhealth will e supported y enhancing the Luality and accessiility of medicalservices, y using promising information and telecommunications technologies,

. 8?@TU@C^ CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V E@?@ ;?V<<]?C@C ;<?<VX CH `[[D ET<E<`EDV<VDX T<V@C@ W@EDV <ED[TC<ED=@HCE<J< <`EU[\VC ; EW@D ET<UX;<VC T@?ET@DVC]


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y means of state support for promising pharmaceutical, iotechnological andnanotechnological research, and li"ewise y modernising economicmechanisms involved in the functioning of healthcare and developing thematerial-technical ase of state and municipal healthcare systems, ta"ingregional particularities into consideration.

C<?=H<CC] D@U@<==[CH<CC] D@]C<U<JF, J<E[?EDV@CCT<@?\ T@?ET@DVC] ?;?`<D< V <`UED ?=H@VD,`<D@]C<U<JF CC<D@]C<U<JF, D\@ =<@?C;H Y<C<=W@E]=@]C;=<V [CH<C?<VC ;?V<<]?C@C ?;VD@ =D@?UXC<-D@]CW@E<F `; J<E[?EDV@CC<F =[CHTUXC<F EED@=;?V<<]?C@C E [W@D<= ?@J<CUXC] <E<`@CC<ED@F.

. In order to counteract threats to healthcare and the health of the nation, theforces of national security in cooperation with civil society institutions ensure theeffectiveness of state regulation in the area of standardisation, licensing, and

certification of medical services, in the accreditation of medical andpharmaceutical estalishments, in the provision of state guarantees forreceiving medical assistance and modernising the system of oligatory medicalinsurance, and in the definition of uniform criteria evaluating the wor" of centresfor treatment and prevention at the level of municipal formations and su%ects of the #ussian (ederation.

. 5U T?<DV<@FEDV [J?<;= V E@?@ ;?V<<]?C@C ;<?<VXCH EU <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V< V;=<@FEDV ECEDD[D= J?\CE<J< <`_@EDV <`@ET@WV^D Y@DVC<EDX

J<E[?EDV@CC<-T?V<V<J< ?@J[U?<VC V <`UED EDC?D;H,UH@C;?<VC, E@?DH =@HCE] [EU[J, ?@DH=@HCE] ?=H@VDW@E] [W?@\@CF, <`@ET@W@CJ<E[?EDV@CC] J?CDF T< <;C^ =@HCE<F T<=<_ =<@?C;H EED@= <`;D@UXC<J< =@HCE<J< ED?]<VC,<T?@@U@C @C] ?D@?@V <H@C ?`<D U@W@`C<-T?<UDW@E][W?@\@CF C [?<VC@ =[CHTUXC] <`?;<VCF E[`b@D<V3<EEFE<F G@@?H.

q. Phe resolution of prolems of national security in the sphere of healthcareand the health of the nation in the medium and long term is achieved y thefollowing means:formulating national programmes pro%ects for the treatment of sociallysignificant diseases oncological, cardiac-arterial, diaetic and phtisiologicalrespiratory~ illnesses, drug addiction, alcoholism, alongside the developmentof uniform approaches to the diagnosis, treatment and rehailitation of patientsO

developing an administrative system overseeing the Luality and accessiility ofmedical assistsance, and the training of healthcare specialistsOproviding for the Lualitative transformation of the structure of infections and forthe liLuidation of the preconditions of epidemics, including epidemics caused yparticularly dangerous infectious pathogens, y developing and implementingpromising technologies and national programmes of state support for diseaseprevention.

q. 3@@C@ ;W CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V E@?@ ;?V<<]?C@C ;<?<VX CH V E?@C@E?<WC<F <UJ<E?<WC<F T@?ET@DV@<EDJ@DE T[D@=:<?=?<VC CH<CUXC] T?<J?== T?<@D<V T< U@W@C^ E<HUXC<;CW=] ;`<U@VCF <C<U<JW@E@, E@?@WC<-E<E[ED@,`@D<U<JW@E@, D;D?W@E@ ;`<U@VC, C?<=C,U<J<U;= E ?;?`<D<F @C] <`_@?<EEFE] T<]<<V JC<ED@, U@W@C^ ?@`UDH TH@CD<VO?;VD EED@= [T?VU@C W@EDV<= <ED[TC<EDX^ =@HCE<FT<=<_, T<J<D<V<F ET@HUED<V ;?V<<]?C@CO

<`@ET@W@C W@EDV@CC<J< ;=@C@C ED?[D[? ;`<U@VCF UVH T?@T<EU< YT@=F, V D<= WEU@ V;VCC] <E<`<<TEC= C@H<CC= TD<J@C=, ; EW@D ?;?`<D ?@U;HT@?ET@DVC] D@]C<U<JF CH<CUXC] T?<J?== J<E[?EDV@CC<FT<@?\ T?<UD ;`<U@VCF.

\. Dulture

9. Rtrategic o%ectives ensuring national security in the cultural sphere are asfollows:

roadening access of large sections of the population to the est e$amples ofnational and foreign culture and art y creating modern territorially distriutedinformation an"sOcreating conditions for the stimulation of creative self-realisation within the

\. ],48(

9. D?D@JW@E= H@U= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED VE@?@ [UXD[? VU^DE:?E?@C@ <ED[T ?<] EU<@V CE@U@C U[W= <`?;H=<D@W@EDV@CC<F ;?[`@\C<F [UXD[? E[EEDV T[D@= E<;CE<V?@=@CC] D@??D<?UXC< ?ET?@@U@CC] C<?=H<CC] <C<VOE<;C@ [EU<VF U ED=[U?<VC CE@U@C DV<?W@E<FE=<?@U;H T[D@= E<V@?@CEDV<VC EED@= [UXD[?C<-


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population, y improving systems of cultural enlightenment, the organisation ofleisure activities and mass e$tracurricular artistic educationOassisting the development of the cultural potential of #ussia!s regions andsupporting regional cultural initiatives.

T?<EV@DD@UXE<F ?`<D, <?JC;H <E[J =EE<V<J< VC@<UXC<J<][<\@EDV@CC<J< <`?;<VCOE<@FEDV@ ?;VD^ [UXD[?C<J< T<D@CHU ?@J<C<V 3<EEFE<FG@@?H T<@?\ ?@J<CUXC] CHDV V E@?@ [UXD[?.

q. Phe main threats to national security in the cultural sphere are thedominance of production of mass culture oriented towards the spiritual needs of marginalised groups, and li"ewise unlawful infringements against culturalo%ects.

q. }UVC= [J?<;= CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V E@?@ [UXD[?VU^DE ;EU@ T?<[H =EE<V<F [UXD[?, <?@CD?<VCC<F C[]<VC@ T<D?@`C<ED =?JCUXC] EU<@V, D\@ T?<DV<T?VC@T<EJD@UXEDV C <`b@D [UXD[?.

q). Negative influences on the state of national security in the cultural sphereare intensified y attempts to revise perspectives on #ussia!s history, its roleand place in world historyO and y the propagandiing of a lifestyle ased onpermissiveness and violence, or racial, national and religious intolerance.

q). 6@JDVC<@ V<;@FEDV@ C E<ED<C@ CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED VE@?@ [UXD[? [EUV^D T<TD T@?@E=<D? V;JU<V C ED<?^3<EE, @@ ?<UX =@ED< V =?<V<F ED<?, T?<TJC <`?; \;C, V<EC<V@ <D<?<J< - VE@<;V<U@CC<EDX CEU@, ?E<V, CH<CUXC ?@UJ<;C C@D@?T=<EDX.

q*. In order to counteract threats in the cultural sphere, the forces of nationalsecurity together with civil society institutions ensure the effectiveness of stateregulation intended to support and develop national cultures, tolerance and self-respect, and li"ewise the development of international in the sense ofinterethnic and interregional cultural ties.

q*. 5U T?<DV<@FEDV [J?<;= V E@?@ [UXD[? EU <`@ET@W@CCH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V< V;=<@FEDV E CEDD[D=J?\CE<J< <`_@EDV <`@ET@WV^D Y@DVC<EDX J<E[?EDV@CC<-T?V<V<J< ?@J[U?<VC T<@?\ ?;VD ?;C<<`?;CH<CUXC] [UXD[?, D<U@?CDC<ED E=<[V\@C, D\@ ?;VD=@\CH<CUXC] =@\?@J<CUXC] [UXD[?C] EV;@F.

q. Phe strengthening of national security in the cultural sphere will e servedy preserving and developing indigenous cultures within #ussia!s multinationalpopulation, and the citienry!s spiritual valuesO y improving the material-technical asis of cultural and leisure estalishmentsO y perfecting the systemof training of cadres and providing for their social welfareO y supporting theproduction and distriution of domestic cinematographyO developing cultural

tourismO estalishing government contracts for the creation of cinematographicand printed wor"s, television and radio programmes and internet resourcesOand li"wise y using #ussia!s cultural potential in the service of multilateralinternational cooperation.

q. 8?@TU@C^ CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V E@?@ [UXD[? `[[DET<E<`EDV<VDX E<]?C@C@ ?;VD@ E=<`DC] [UXD[?=C<J<CH<CUXC<J< C?< 3<EEFE<F G@@?H, []<VC] H@CC<ED@FJ?\C, [U[W@C@ =D@?UXC<-D@]CW@E<F `; [W?@\@CF [UXD[? <E[J, E<V@?@CEDV<VC@ EED@= T<J<D<V ?<V ] E<HUXC<J<<`@ET@W@C, ?;VD@ T?<;V<EDV T?<D T?<;V@@CF

<D@W@EDV@CC<F C@=D<J?, ?;VD@ [UXD[?C<-T<;CVD@UXC<J<D[?;=, <?=?<VC@ J<E[?EDV@CC<J< ;; C E<;C@C@=D<J?W@E<F T@WDC<F T?<[H, D@U@?<T?<J?== CD@?C@D-?@E[?E<V, D\@ ET<UX;<VC@ [UXD[?C<J< T<D@CHU 3<EEV CD@?@E] =C<J<ED<?<CC@J< =@\[C?<C<J< E<D?[CW@EDV.

q. In the medium and long term, the resolution of national security challengesin the cultural sphere are achieved y ac"nowledging the primary role of culturein the reirth and preservation of cultural-moral values, y reinforcing thespiritual unity of the multinational population of the #ussian (ederation and theinternational image of #ussia as a country with a very rich traditional anddynamically developing contemporary culture, y creating a system of spiritualand patriotic education for #ussian citiens, and finally y developing

q. 3@@C@ ;W <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V E@?@[UXD[? V E?@C@E?<WC<F <UJ<E?<WC<F T@?ET@DV@ <EDJ@DE ; EW@DT?;CC T@?V<ED@T@CC<F ?<U [UXD[? U V<;?<\@C E<]?C@C[UXD[?C<-C?VEDV@CC] H@CC<ED@F, [?@TU@C []<VC<J< @CEDV=C<J<CH<CUXC<J< C?< 3<EEFE<F G@@?H =@\[C?<C<J<=\ 3<EE V W@EDV@ ED?C E `<JD@F@F D?H<CC<F C=WC< ?;VV^_@FE E<V?@=@CC<F [UXD[?<F, E<;C EED@=[]<VC<J< TD?<DW@E<J< V<ETDC J?\C 3<EE, ?;VD <`_@F


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J[=CD?C<F C<?=H<CC<-D@U@<==[CH<CC<F E?@ CT?<ED?CEDV@ J<E[?EDV - [WEDC<V <?[\@EDV 6@;VE=]}<E[?EDV V E<T?@@UXC] ?@J<C].

^. _he ecology o liCing systems and enCironmental management

q. Rtrategic o%ectives relating to ecological security and environmentalmanagement are:preserving of the environment and ensuring its protectionOredressing the environmental conseLuences of economic activity in the conte$tof a growing economy and gloal climate changes.

^. V5+,+9*@ ?*EGT 3*34F * 8()*+(,+ 8*8+7++,1+E(*

q. D?D@JW@E= H@U= <`@ET@W@C Y<U<JW@E<F `@;<TEC<ED ?H<CUXC<J< T??<<T<UX;<VC VU^DE:E<]?C@C@ <?[\^_@F T??<C<F E?@ <`@ET@W@C@ @@ ;_DOUVH Y<U<JW@E] T<EU@EDVF ]<;FEDV@CC<F @D@UXC<ED V[EU<V] V<;?ED^_@F Y<C<=W@E<F DVC<ED JU<`UXC];=@C@CF U=D.

q. Phe state of national security in the ecological sphere is negatively affectedy the depletion of world reserves of mineral, water and iological resources,and li"ewise y the presence in the #ussian (ederation of ecologicallydisadvantaged regions.

q. 6 E<ED<C@ CH<CUXC<F @;<TEC<ED V Y<U<JW@E<F E@?@C@JDVC<@ V<;@FEDV@ <;V^D ED<_@C@ =?<V] ;TE<V=C@?UXC<-E?X@V], V<C] <U<JW@E] ?@E[?E<V, D\@ CUW@V 3<EEFE<F G@@?H Y<U<JW@E C@`UJ<T<U[WC] ?@J<C<V.

q. Phe state of national security in the ecological sphere is worsened y themaintenance of a significant numer of dangerous production processes,whose activity leads to the destruction of the ecological alance, including thedisruption of sanitary-epidemiological and/or sanitary-hygienic standards ofdrin"ing water used y the general populationO disposal of radioactive wastefrom the non-nuclear sic fuel cycle is not su%ect to normative legal regulationand oversight. Phe strategic ris" of e$haustion of the country!s most importantmineral and raw material resources is growing, as the rate of e$traction of manymineral resources declines.

q. <ED<C@ CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V E@?@ Y<U<J [E[J[`U@DEE<]?C@C@= ;CWD@UXC<J< <UW@EDV <TEC] T?<;V<EDV,@D@UXC<EDX <D<?] V@@D C?[@C^ Y<U<JW@E<J< `UCE,VU^W C?[@C@ ECD?C<-YT@=<U<JW@E] U ECD?C<-JJ@CW@E] EDC?D<V T<D?@`U@=<F CE@U@C@= ED?C TDX@V<FV<, VC@ C<?=DVC<J< T?V<V<J< ?@J[U?<VC C;<? <ED^DE?<DVC@ <D]< C@@?C<J< D<TUVC<J< HU. 6?ED@DED?D@JW@EF ?E EW@?TC ;TE<V V\C@F] =C@?UXC<-E?X@V] ?@E[?E<V ED?C, T@D <`W =C<J] ED?D@JW@E V\C]T<U@;C] E<T@=].

qq. In order to counteract threats in the sphere of ecological security andenvironmental management, the forces of national security together with civilsociety institutions create the conditions for the introduction of ecologically safeproductionO the search for promising energy sourcesO the creation andimplementation of a state programme for the estalishment of strategicreserves of mineral and raw material resources sufficient to supply #ussia!smoilisation reLuirementsO and the guaranteed provision of water and iologicalresources to meet the needs of the population and the economy.

qq. 5U T?<DV<@FEDV [J?<;= V E@?@ Y<U<JW@E<F `@;<TEC<ED ?H<CUXC<J< T??<<T<UX;<VC EU <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F`@;<TEC<ED V< V;=<@FEDV E CEDD[D= J?\CE<J< <`_@EDVE<;^D [EU<V U VC@?@C Y<U<JW@E `@;<TEC] T?<;V<EDV,T<E T@?ET@DVC] ED<WC<V YC@?J, <?=?<VC ?@U;HJ<E[?EDV@CC<F T?<J?== T< E<;C^ ED?D@JW@E] ;TE<V=C@?UXC<-E?X@V] ?@E[?E<V, <EDD<WC] U <`@ET@W@C=<`U;H<CC] C[\ 3<EEFE<F G@@?H J?CD?<VCC<J<[<VU@DV<?@C T<D?@`C<ED@F CE@U@C Y<C<= V V<C] `<U<JW@E] ?@E[?E].

`. Strategic staMility and ePuitaMle strategic partnership `. С48(49*I35(@ 34(*,+34 * 8(E+8(E+ 348(49*I35+


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q9. Phe achievement of the #ussian (ederation!s priorities for staledevelopment is supported y an active foreign policy, whose efforts are focusedon see"ing agreement and common interests with other states, on the asis ofa system of ilateral and multilateral mutually eneficial partnership relations.


q9. 5<ED\@C^ T?<?D@D<V [ED<FWV<J< ?;VD 3<EEFE<F G@@?HET<E<`EDV[@D DVC VC@C T<UD, [EU <D<?<F E<E?@<D<W@CC T<E@ E<JUE E<VT^_] CD@?@E<V E ?[J= J<E[?EDV= C<EC<V@ EED@= V[ED<?<CC] =C<J<ED<?<CC] V;=<VJ<C]T?DC@?E] <DC<@CF.

9. Phe creation of favourale conditions for #ussia!s stale development in thelong term is achieved y ensuring strategic staility, including y means ofconsistent movement towards a world free from nuclear weapons, and ycreating conditions of eLual security for all.

9. G<?=?<VC@ `UJ<T?DC] [EU<VF U [ED<FWV<J< ?;VD3<EE C <UJ<E?<WC[^ T@?ET@DV[ <EDJ@DE ; EW@D <`@ET@W@CED?D@JW@E<F ED`UXC<ED, V D<= WEU@ T[D@= T<EU@<VD@UXC<J<T?<V\@C =?[, EV<`<C<=[ <D @?C<J< <?[\, E<;C [EU<VF?VC<F `@;<TEC<ED U VE@].

9). #ussia ases its relations with the international community on the principleof maintaining staility and predictaility in the area of strategic offensive arms,and attriutes particular significance to the achievement of new full-scaleilateral agreements on the continued reduction and limitation of strategicoffensive arms.

9). 3<EE V <DC<@C] E =@\[C?<C= E<<`_@EDV<= <T?@DE CT?CHT E<]?C@C ED`UXC<ED T?@E;[@=<ED V <`UEDED?D@JW@E] CED[TD@UXC] V<<?[\@CF, T?@D <E<`<@ ;CW@C@<ED\@C^ C<V] T<UC<<?=DC] V[ED<?<CC] <J<V<?@CC<ED@F T<UXC@F@=[ E<?_@C^ <J?CW@C^ ED?D@JW@E] CED[TD@UXC]V<<?[\@CF.

9*. #ussia will assist with engaging other states, first of all those possessingnuclear weapons, ut also those interested in %oint action to ensure mutualsecurity, in a process of estalishing strategic staility.

9*. 3<EE `[@D E<@FEDV<VDX V<VU@W@C^ ?[J] J<E[?EDV, T?@\@VE@J< VU@^_] @?C= <?[\@=, D\@ ;CD@?@E<VCC] VE<V=@EDC] @FEDV] T< <`@ET@W@C^ <`_@F `@;<TEC<ED, V T?<H@EE<`@ET@W@C ED?D@JW@E<F ED`UXC<ED.

9. #ussia elieves that the maintenance of strategic staility and eLuitalestrategic partnership can e supported y the presence of contingents of the Armed (orces of the #ussian (ederation in conflict ones, on the asis ofnorms of international law, with the goal of resolving political, economic andother challenges y non-military means.

9. 3<EE EWD@D, WD< T<@?\C^ ED?D@JW@E<F ED`UXC<ED ?VC<T?VC<=[ ED?D@JW@E<=[ T?DC@?EDV[ =<\@D ET<E<`EDV<VDXT?E[DEDV@ V <CUDC] ?@J<C] <CDCJ@CD<V 1<<?[\@CC] U3<EEFE<F G@@?H C <EC<V@ C<?= =@\[C?<C<J< T?V V H@U]?@@C T<UDW@E], Y<C<=W@E] C] ;W C@V<@CC==@D<=.

9. Sn the world stage, #ussia will act from a position founded on anunchanging course towards %oint participation with other states in thereinforcement of international mechanisms for nonproliferation of nuclearweapons and other weapons of mass destruction, means of their delivery andrelated goods and technologiesO on the unacceptaility of use of military force incontravention of the znited Nations harterO and li"ewise from a position ofadherence to arms control and rational sufficiency in military construction.

9. 3<EE `[@D VED[TDX C =@\[C?<C<F ?@C@ E T<;HFC@;=@CC<ED [?E C [WED@ E<V=@EDC< E ?[J= J<E[?EDV= V[?@TU@C =@\[C?<C] =@]C;=<V C@?ET?<ED?C@C @?C<J<<?[\ ?[J] V<V <?[\ =EE<V<J< [CWD<\@C, E?@EDV @J<<EDV <DC<E_]E C= D<V?<V D@]C<U<JF, C@<T[_@CT?=@C@C V<@CC<F EU V C?[@C@ 8EDV ?JC;H`b@C@CC] 6HF, D\@ E T<;H T?V@?\@CC<ED <CD?<U^ CV<<?[\@C= ?H<CUXC<F <EDD<WC<ED V V<@CC<= ED?<D@UXEDV@.

9. In order to preserve strategic staility and eLuitale strategic partnership,the #ussian (ederation:



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will fulfill e$isting treaties and agreements pertaining to the limitation andreduction of arms, will participate in the development and conclusion of newagreements corresponding to #ussia!s national interestsOis prepared to engage in further discussion of Luestions surrounding thereduction of nuclear potentials on the asis of ilateral agreements and inmultilateral fora, and li"ewise will assist in creating appropriate conditions,allowing for the reduction of nuclear armaments without detracting frominternational security or strategic stailityOintends to continue assisting the reinforcement of regional staility y means ofparticipation in processes of reduction and limitation of ordinary armed forces,

and li"ewise the development and application of confidence uilding measuresin the military domainOconsiders international peace"eeping to e a viale instrument for theresolution of armed conflicts, stands for strengthening this institution in strictaccordance with the principles of the znited Nations harter, and will continueits participation thereinOwill participate in efforts led y the zN and other international organisations torelieve natural and man-made catastrophes and crisis situations, and li"ewise inthe provision of humanitarian assistance to affected countries.

`[@D VT<UCDX @FEDV[^_@ <J<V<? E<JU@C V <`UED<J?CW@C E<?_@C V<<?[\@CF, [WEDV<VDX V ?;?`<D@ ;U^W@C C<V] <J<V<?@CC<ED@F, <DV@W^_] @@ CH<CUXC=CD@?@E=OJ<D<V UXC@F@=[ <`E[\@C^ V<T?<E<V E<?_@C @?C]T<D@CHU<V C <EC<V@ V[ED<?<CC] <J<V<?@CC<ED@F V =C<J<ED<?<CC]<?=D], D\@ `[@D ET<E<`EDV<VDX E<;C^ CU@\_] [EU<VF,T<;V<U^_] E<?_DX @?C@ V<<?[\@C `@; [_@?` U=@\[C?<C<F `@;<TEC<ED ED?D@JW@E<F ED`UXC<EDOC=@?@C U@@ E<@FEDV<VDX [?@TU@C^ ?@J<CUXC<F ED`UXC<ED

T[D@= [WED V T?<H@EE] E<?_@C <J?CW@C <`WC]V<<?[\@CC] EU, D\@ ?;?`<D T?=@C@C =@? <V@? VV<@CC<F <`UEDOEWD@D =@\[C?<C<@ =?<DV<?W@EDV< @FEDV@CC= CED?[=@CD<=[?@J[U?<VC V<<?[\@CC] <CUD<V, VED[T@D ; [?@TU@C@ YD<J<CEDD[D V ED?<J<= E<<DV@DEDV E T?CHT= 8EDV ?JC;H`b@C@CC] 6HF T?<<U\D EV<@ [WED@ V C@=O`[@D [WEDV<VDX V T?<V<=] T< YJ<F ?JC;H `b@C@CC]6HF ?[J] =@\[C?<C] <?JC;HF =@?<T?D] T< UVHT??<C] D@]C<J@CC] DED?< W?@;VWFC] ED[HF, D\@ V<;C J[=CD?C<F T<=<_ T<ED?V= ED?C=.

9. In the interests of strategic staility and eLuitale multilateral interaction onthe international stage, during the period of realisation of this Rtrategy #ussiawill underta"e all necessary efforts, with minimum e$penditure, to maintainparity with the znited Rtates of America in the area of strategic offensive arms,given a situation in which the zRA is unfolding a gloal missile defense systemand implementing a gloal lightning stri"e concept using nuclear- and non-nuclear-eLuipped strategic omers.

9. 1 CD@?@E] <`@ET@W@C ED?D@JW@E<F ED`UXC<ED ?VC<T?VC<J< =C<J<ED<?<CC@J< V;=<@FEDV C =@\[C?<C<F ?@C@3<EE V T@?< ?@U;H CED<_@F D?D@J T?@T?=@D VE@C@<`]<=@ [EU C C=@C@@ ;D?DC<= [?<VC@ T< T<@?\C^T?D@D E <@C@CC= {DD= 7=@? V <`UED ED?D@JW@E]CED[TD@UXC] V<<?[\@CF V [EU<V] ?;V@?DVC = JU<`UXC<FEED@= T?<DV<?@DC<F <`<?<C ?@U;H <CH@TH JU<`UXC<J<

=<UC@C<EC<J< [? E ET<UX;<VC@= ED?D@JW@E] C<ED@U@F V@?C<= C@@?C<= <EC_@C.

J. =89(*1()*+GX +8F(4*EG 8(E+EG * *+8F()*+G +3+EG 8(,*1()** (34+@> С48(49**

J. brganisationalX legal-normatiCe and inormational oundationso the realisation o the giCen Strategy

9. Phe state policy of the #ussian (ederation in the area of national security isthe result of the concerted effort of all elements of the system providing nationalsecurity, with a coordinating role eing played y the Recurity ouncil of the#ussian (ederation with respect to the realisation of a range of measures of anorganisational, legal-normative and informational nature.

9. }<E[?EDV@CC T<UD 3<EEFE<F G@@?H V <`UEDCH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED <`@ET@WV@DE E<JUE<VCC= @FEDV=VE@] YU@=@CD<V EED@= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED T?<<?C?[^_@F ?<U <V@D @;<TEC<ED 3<EEFE<F G@@?H ;EW@D ?@U;H <=TU@E =@? <?JC;H<CC<J<, C<?=DVC<-T?V<V<J< C<?=H<CC<J< ]?D@?.


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9q. Phe realisation of the given Rtrategy is ensured y the consolidation of theenergies and resources of state odies and civil society insitutions, directedtowards the defense of #ussisa!s national interests y means of political,organisational, socio-economic, legal, special and other measures, developedwithin the framewor" of strategic planning in the #ussian (ederation.

9q. 3@U;H CED<_@F D?D@J <`@ET@WV@DE ; EW@D<CE<UH [EUF ?@E[?E<V <?JC<V J<E[?EDV@CC<F VUED,CEDD[D<V J?\CE<J< <`_@EDV, CT?VU@CC] C <DEDVC@CH<CUXC] CD@?@E<V 3<EEFE<F G@@?H T[D@= <=TU@EC<J<ET<UX;<VC T<UDW@E], <?JC;H<CC], E<HUXC<-Y<C<=W@E],T?V<V], ET@HUXC] C] =@?, ?;?`<DCC] V ?=]ED?D@JW@E<J< TUC?<VC V 3<EEFE<F G@@?H.

99. Qeriodic amendments to the given Rtrategy are realised under the aegis ofthe Recurity ouncil of the #ussian (ederation M in accordance with the results

of the constant monitoring of the realisation of the given Rtrategy, and in view of developments that would have a sustantial influence on the state of nationalsecurity.

99. k<??@D?<V CED<_@F D?D@J <E[_@EDVU@DE T?<<?C?[^_@F ?<U <V@D @;<TEC<ED 3<EEFE<F G@@?H

T@?<W@E - T< ?@;[UXDD= T<ED<CC<J< =<CD<?CJ ?@U;HCED<_@F D?D@J E [W@D<= ;=@C@CF, <;V^_] E[_@EDV@CC<@VUC@ C E<ED<C@ CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED.

). Srganisational support for the realisation of the given Rtrategy consists ofthe improvement of the pulic administration of the #ussian (ederation, andli"ewise the development of a system of national security on the asis ofimprovements to strategic planning mechanisms geared at the staledevelopment of the #ussian (ederation and at the provision of national securityunder the direction of the Qresident of the #ussian (ederation.

). ?JC;H<CC T<@?\ ?@U;H CED<_@F D?D@J;U^W@DE V E<V@?@CEDV<VC J<E[?EDV@CC<J< [T?VU@C3<EEFE<F G@@?H, D\@ V ?;VD EED@= <`@ET@W@CCH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED C <EC<V@ E<V@?@CEDV<VC =@]C;=<VED?D@JW@E<J< TUC?<VC [ED<FWV<J< ?;VD 3<EEFE<FG@@?H <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED T< ?[<V<EDV<=>?@;@CD 3<EEFE<F G@@?H.

)). Phe system of documents of strategic planning including the oncept oflong-term socio-economic development of the #ussian (ederationO theQrogramme of short-term socio-economic development of the #ussian(ederationO the strategies programmes of development of separate economicsectorsO the strategies concepts of development of the federal regionsO thestrategies and comprehensive programmes of socio-economic development ofsu%ects of the #ussian (ederationO interstate programmes in which #ussia

participatesO federal departmental special programmesO state defensecontractingO conceptions, doctrines and foundations fundamental directions ofstate policy with regards to ensuring national security and with regards to thedomestic and foreign policy of the state is formulated y the |overnment of the#ussian (ederation and relevant federal organs of e$ecutive power, with theparticipation of state odies of the su%ects of the #ussian (ederation, on theasis of the onstitution of the #ussian (ederation, federal laws and othernormative legal acts of the #ussian (ederation.

)). ED@= <[=@CD<V ED?D@JW@E<J< TUC?<VC <CH@TH<UJ<E?<WC<J< E<HUXC<-Y<C<=W@E<J< ?;VD 3<EEFE<FG@@?H, T?<J?== E<HUXC<-Y<C<=W@E<J< ?;VD 3<EEFE<FG@@?H C ?D<E?<WC[^ T@?ET@DV[, ED?D@J T?<J?==?;VD <D@UXC] E@D<?<V Y<C<=, ED?D@J <CH@TH ?;VD@@?UXC] <?[J<V, ED?D@J <=TU@EC@ T?<J?== E<HUXC<-Y<C<=W@E<J< ?;VD E[`b@D<V 3<EEFE<F G@@?H,

=@\J<E[?EDV@CC@ T?<J?==, V VT<UC@C <D<?] T?C=@D[WED@ 3<EEFE G@@?H, @@?UXC@ V@<=EDV@CC@ H@U@V@T?<J?==, J<E[?EDV@CCF <`<?<CCF ;;, <CH@TH, <D?C <EC<V <EC<VC@ CT?VU@C J<E[?EDV@CC<F T<UD V E@?]<`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED T< <D@UXC= CT?VU@C=VC[D?@CC@F VC@C@F T<UD J<E[?EDV <?=?[@DE>?VD@UXEDV<= 3<EEFE<F G@@?H ;CD@?@E<VCC=@@?UXC= <?JC= ET<UCD@UXC<F VUED E [WED@= <?JC<VJ<E[?EDV@CC<F VUED E[`b@D<V 3<EEFE<F G@@?H C <EC<VCk<CEDD[H 3<EEFE<F G@@?H, @@?UXC] ;<C<V C]C<?=DVC] T?V<V] D<V 3<EEFE<F G@@?H.

)*. By resolution of the Qresident of the #ussian (ederation, documentsregarding issues of domestic and foreign policy can e rought up for review

)*. >< ?@@C^ >?@;@CD 3<EEFE<F G@@?H <[=@CD T<V<T?<E= VC[D?@CC@F VC@C@F T<UD J<E[?EDV =<J[D VC<EDXE


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efore the Recur ity ouncil of the #ussian (ederat ion. C ?EE=<D?@C@ <V@D @;<TEC<ED 3<EEFE<F G@@?H.

). Phe development of strategic planning documents is e$ecuted inagreement with the order of usiness parliamentary procedure of the|overnment of the #ussian (ederation, and in accordance with the system ofdocument preparation of the Qresidential Administration of the #ussian(ederation.

). 3;?`<D <[=@CD<V ED?D@JW@E<J< TUC?<VC<E[_@EDVU@DE E<JUEC< 3@JU=@CD[ >?VD@UXEDV 3<EEFE<FG@@?H V E<<DV@DEDV E T<?<= T<J<D<V <[=@CD<V V 7=CED?H >?@;@CD 3<EEFE<F G@@?H.

). Rtate policy relating to the fight against terrorism and drug-related crimesis formulated y the Rtate Antinarcotics ommittee and the National

 Antiterrorism ommittee M interdepartmental odies which ensure coordinationetween federal organs of e$ecutive power and government odies of thesu%ects of the #ussian (ederation in the relevant domains.

). }<E[?EDV@CC T<UD V <`UED T?<DV<@FEDVC?<T?@ED[TC<ED D@??<?;=[ <?=?[@DE }<E[?EDV@CC=

CDC?<DW@E= <=D@D<= 6H<CUXC= CDD@??<?EDW@E=<=D@D<= - =@\V@<=EDV@CC= <?JC=, <`@ET@WV^_=<<?CH^ @@?UXC] <?JC<V ET<UCD@UXC<F VUED <?JC<VJ<E[?EDV@CC<F VUED E[`b@D<V 3<EEFE<F G@@?H VE<<DV@DEDV[^_] E@?].

). omprehensive Luestions pertaining to national security may e e$aminedat %oint sessions of the Recurity ouncil of the #ussian (ederation, the Rtateouncil of the #ussian (ederation, and the ivic hamer of the #ussian(ederation, with the participation of other advisory and consultative odies,created to guarantee the constitutional powers of the Qresident of the #ussian(ederation.

). k<=TU@EC@ T?<`U@= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED=<J[D ?EE=D?VDXE C E<V=@EDC] ;E@C] <V@D @;<TEC<ED3<EEFE<F G@@?H, }<E[?EDV@CC<J< E<V@D 3<EEFE<F G@@?H,`_@EDV@CC<F TUD 3<EEFE<F G@@?H E [WED@= C]E<V@_D@UXC] <CE[UXDDVC] <?JC<V, E<;CC] U <`@ET@W@C<CEDD[H<CC] T<UC<=<WF >?@;@CD 3<EEFE<F G@@?H.

). Normative legal measures supporting the realisation of the given Rtrategyare determined on the asis of the onstitution of the #ussian (ederation,federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and orders of the Qresident ofthe #ussian (ederation, resolutions and acts of the Qarliament of the #ussian(ederation, and li"ewise normative legal acts of the federal organs of e$ecutivepower.

). @? C<?=DVC<F T?V<V<F T<@?\ ?@U;H CED<_@FD?D@J <T?@@U^DE C <EC<VC k<CEDD[H 3<EEFE<FG@@?H, @@?UXC] <CEDD[H<CC] ;<C<V, @@?UXC];<C<V, [;<V ?ET<?\@CF >?@;@CD 3<EEFE<F G@@?H,T<EDC<VU@CF ?ET<?\@CF >?VD@UXEDV 3<EEFE<F G@@?H, D\@ C<?=DVC] T?V<V] D<V @@?UXC] <?JC<V ET<UCD@UXC<F


). Phe informational and informational-analytical support for the realisation ofthe given Rtrategy is performed under the coordinating aegis of the Recurityouncil of the #ussian (ederation, y attracting the information resources ofrelevant state odies and state scientific institutions, with the use of a system of distriuted Rituation entres wor"ing in coordination with one another.

). xC<?=H<CC C<?=H<CC<-CUDW@E T<@?\?@U;H CED<_@F D?D@J <E[_@EDVU@DE T? <<?C?[^_@F?<U <V@D @;<TEC<ED 3<EEFE<F G@@?H ; EW@D T?VU@W@CC<?=H<CC] ?@E[?E<V ;CD@?@E<VCC] <?JC<V J<E[?EDV@CC<FVUED J<E[?EDV@CC] C[WC] [W?@\@CF E ET<UX;<VC@= EED@=?ET?@@U@CC] ED[H<CC] H@CD?<V, ?`<D^_] T< @C<=[?@JU=@CD[ V;=<@FEDV.

)q. (or the development of a system of Rituation entres in the medium term,it will e necessary to overcome technological lag in the most important areasof IP, telecommunications, and interconnectivity, which determine the state ofnational securityO to develop and introduce technologies of information security

)q. 5U ?;VD EED@= ?ET?@@U@CC] ED[H<CC] H@CD?<V VE?@C@E?<WC<F T@?ET@DV@ T<D?@`[@DE T?@<<U@DX D@]C<U<JW@E<@<DEDVC@ V V\C@F] <`UED] C<?=D;H, D@U@<==[CHF EV;, <T?@@U^_] E<ED<C@ CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED, ?;?`<DDX


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into systems of government and military administration, systems ofmanagement of ecologically dangerous products and critically important sitesOand li"ewise to create conditions for the harmonisation of the nationalinformation infrastructure with gloal information networ"s and systems.

VC@?DX D@]C<U<J C<?=H<CC<F `@;<TEC<ED V EED@=]J<E[?EDV@CC<J< V<@CC<J< [T?VU@C, EED@=] [T?VU@CY<U<JW@E <TEC= T?<;V<EDV= ?DW@E V\C= <`b@D=, D\@ <`@ET@WDX [EU<V U J?=<C;H CH<CUXC<FC<?=H<CC<F C?ED?[D[? E JU<`UXC= C<?=H<CC=E@D= EED@==.

)9. Phreats to information security in the course of realising the given Rtrategyare prevented y improving the security of the information andtelecommunications systems of critically important infrastructure and high-ris"

facilities in the #ussian (ederationO y increasing the level of protection ofcorporate and individual information systemsO and y creating a unified systemof information-telecommunication support for the system of national security.

)9. 8J?<; C<?=H<CC<F `@;<TEC<ED V ]<@ ?@U;H CED<_@FD?D@J T?@<DV?_^DE ; EW@D E<V@?@CEDV<VC `@;<TEC<ED[CH<C?<VC C<?=H<CC] D@U@<==[CH<CC] EED@=

?DW@E V\C] <`b@D<V C?ED?[D[? <`b@D<V T<V@CC<F<TEC<ED V 3<EEFE<F G@@?H, T<V@C [?<VC ;__@CC<ED<?T<?DVC] CV[UXC] C<?=H<CC] EED@=, E<;C@C<F EED@= C<?=H<CC<-D@U@<==[CH<CC<F T<@?\ C[\EED@= <`@ET@W@C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED.

)). Phe development and realisation of a range of efficient and prolongedmeasures for the prevention of threats to national security in the federal regionsis performed y the federal organs of e$ecutive power in cooperation with thestate odies of the su%ects of the #ussian (ederation, under the coordinatingaegis of the |overnment of the #ussian (ederation.

)). 3;?`<D ?@U;H <=TU@E <T@?DVC] <UJ<V?@=@CC]=@? T< T?@<DV?_@C^ [J?<; CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED V @@?UXC]<?[J] T?<V<DE T? <<?C?[^_@F ?<U >?VD@UXEDV 3<EEFE<FG@@?H @@?UXC= <?JC= ET<UCD@UXC<F VUED V<V;=<@FEDV E <?JC= J<E[?EDV@CC<F VUED E[`b@D<V 3<EEFE<FG@@?H.

))). +onitoring of the realisation of the given Rtrategy is conducted within theframewor" of the annual report of the Recretary of the Recurity ouncil of the#ussian (ederation to the Qresident of the #ussian (ederation, regarding thestate of national security and measures for its reinforcement.

))). k<CD?<UX ; ]<<= ?@U;H CED<_@F D?D@J <E[_@EDVU@DEV ?=] @\@J<C<J< <U @?@D? <V@D @;<TEC<ED 3<EEFE<FG@@?H >?@;@CD[ 3<EEFE<F G@@?H < E<ED<C CH<CUXC<F`@;<TEC<ED =@?] T< @@ [?@TU@C^.

J<. =3+EG T(8(548*34*5* 3+34+@*@ ()*+(,+ 1+(3+34*

J<. ain indicators o the state o national security

))*. Phe main indicators of the state of national security are designated in order to evaluate the level of national security, and include:

• the level of unemployment as a proportion of the economically active


• the decile coefficient the correlation etween the incomes of the top

and ottom ) of the populationO

• the rate of growth of consumer pricesO

• the level of the internal and e$ternal state det as a percentage of


• the level of fiscal support for health, culture, education and science as


• [?<V@CX `@;?`<DH <U <D Y<C<=W@E DVC<J<


• @HUXCF <YH@CD E<<DC<@C@ <]<<V ) C`<U@@

) C=@C@@ <`@ET@W@CC<J< CE@U@CO

• [?<V@CX ?<ED T<D?@`D@UXE] H@CO

• [?<V@CX J<E[?EDV@CC<J< VC@C@J< VC[D?@CC@J< <UJ V

T?<H@CDC<= <DC<@C <D VU<V<J< VC[D?@CC@J< T?<[DO

• [?<V@CX <`@ET@W@CC<ED ?@E[?E= ;?V<<]?C@C, [UXD[?,


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a percentage of |'QO

• the level of annual renewal of armaments, military and specialist


• the level of supply of military and engineering-technical cadres.

Phe list of asic indicators of national security can e made more precise inaccordance with the results of monitoring of the state of national security.

<`?;<VC C[ V T?<H@CDC<= <DC<@C <D VU<V<J<VC[D?@CC@J< T?<[DO

• [?<V@CX @\@J<C<J< <`C<VU@C V<<?[\@C, V<@CC<F


• [?<V@CX <`@ET@W@CC<ED V<@CC= C\@C@?C<-D@]CW@E=


>@?@W@CX <EC<VC] ]?D@?ED E<ED<C CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED=<\@D [D<WCDXE T< ?@;[UXDD= =<CD<?CJ E<ED<C CH<CUXC<F`@;<TEC<ED.

Phe realisation of the National Recurity Rtrategy of the #ussian (ederation to** is e$pected to ecome a motivating factor in the development of thenational economyO the improvement of the population!s Luality of lifeO theassurance of political staility within societyO the reinforcement of nationaldefense, state security and law and orderO and the enhancement of thecompetitiveness and international status of the #ussian (ederation.

3@U;H D?D@J CH<CUXC<F `@;<TEC<ED 3<EEFE<F G@@?H< ** J< T?;VC EDDX =<`U;[^_= D<?<= ?;VDCH<CUXC<F Y<C<=, [U[W@C W@EDV \;C CE@U@C,<`@ET@W@C T<UDW@E<F ED`UXC<ED V <`_@EDV@, [?@TU@CCH<CUXC<F <`<?<C, J<E[?EDV@CC<F `@;<TEC<ED T?V<T<?,T<V@C <C[?@CD<ET<E<`C<ED =@\[C?<C<J< T?@ED\3<EEFE<F G@@?H.


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Russian national security strategy

Kpert comment: Sn )* +ay *9 Qresident +edvedev approved the #ussian national security strategy for the

period until **. Phe document replaced the security concept from )99 modified in *, thus reflecting #ussia…sevolved security environment. ontrary to what was widely e$pected, the new security concept has strongerconciliatory character 

Russian national security strategy to 2020 X My atarQyna fyskX senior ellow at the <;S LW une 200`

Phe road and detailed document depicts a comple$ and integrated picture of #ussia…s security situation. It descriescurrent world trends and defines #ussia…s national interests and strategic priorities. znli"e the previous documents, itgoes far eyond the classical definition of national security with a predominantly military approach. Phe new strategyidentifies threats and challenges within a roadly defined concept of security under chapters defined as †Nationaldefence…, †Rtate security and civil protection…, †Improvement of living standards…, †&conomic growth…, †#esearch,technologies and education…, †•ealthcare…, †ulture…, †&cology…, and †Rtrategic staility and partnership on eLual terms….+uch less attention is devoted to hard security threats. National defence tas"s are descried relatively vaguely. Phedocument avoids as well any roader discussion of #ussia…s nuclear policy, confirming only its further reliance on

nuclear deterrence and nuclear parity with the znited Rtates.

Phe new strategy points at failure of the current gloal and regional security architecture, as it is disproportionatelyweighted in favour of NAPS. It voices #ussia…s long-standing opposition to any future eastward enlargement of the

 Alliance and plans to move its military infrastructure to #ussian orders, as well as attempts to give the organisationgloal functions. At the same time, it e$presses #ussia…s readiness to negotiate and develop relations with NAPS onthe condition of eLuality and respect for #ussia…s interests. ontrary to e$pectations ased on the anti-esternrhetoric freLuently used y the #ussian leadership in recent years, the znited Rtates is not mentioned in thedocument as a security concern. It refers though to attempts of a range of leading states to achieve militarysupremacy as a threat to state…s security.

Phe economy has a prominent place in the document as a ma%or security factor. Phe dependence of the #ussianeconomy on e$port of raw materials has een recognied as a threat, together with foreign involvement in thenational economy. Phe gloal economic downturn has left a footprint in the document, which states thatconseLuences of such crisis may e comparale with the devastation left y large-scale use of military force. Sne of

#ussia…s o%ectives is to ecome one of the five iggest economies in the world in terms of |'Q. Rimilarly to othernewly updated documents, such as the new Arctic strategy to **, particular attention is devoted to infrastructuredevelopment aimed at reducing economic differences among #ussian regions, in particular in the Arctic and (ar &ast.

Phe document highlights the role of energy security. It associates #ussia…s international position and strength with itsenergy reserves, and states that a pragmatic policy and political use of its natural resources has strengthened#ussia…s influence on the international stage. Phe strategy asserts that in a long term perspective the attention ofinternational policy will e focused on access to energy reserves, including on the continental shelf in the BarentsRea and other parts of the Arctic, in addition to the +iddle &ast, the aspian Rea and entral Asia. In the ne$t articlethe document points that the critical state of physical safety of dangerous materials, in particular in states withunstale domestic political situation, as well as proliferation of conventional weapons, can lead to e$aceration ofe$isting and provo"ing new regional and international conflicts. Phe strategy maintains that it cannot e e$cluded thatprolems resulting from the competitive struggle for dwindling resources worldwide may e solved with use of militaryforce.

 As many other #ussian documents and official statements, the new security strategy does not omit to clearlyemphasise the country…s commitment to international law in pursuing its foreign policy o%ectives and protectingnational security interests.

Po se the official document in #ussian, please clic" here: ‡Rtrategia natsionalnoi eopasnosti #ossiis"oi (ederatsiido ** godaˆ ‰

Russia's National Security Doncept


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Sn Šanuary ), Acting #ussian Qresident ladimir Qutin signed a new national security concept, which outlines#ussia!s national interests during the current dynamic transformation of the system of international relations. Phenew concept is an edited version of a draft approved y the #ussian Recurity ouncil on Sctoer and replaces theconcept adopted in 'ecemer )99. Ree page *. 

 A new military doctrine, intended to complement the newly adopted concept and to replace the current doctrine, isunder review y the #ussian Recurity ouncil and is e$pected to e approved soon, possily as early as +arch.hile the new concept is a road survey of internal and e$ternal threats to #ussia, the forthcoming doctrine will focuson military and strategic issues.

Phe * concept is notale for its criticism of the znited Rtates and other estern nations and for the sutly revisednuclear posture it contains. hile the previous concept reserved the right to use nuclear weapons first in case of athreat to the e$istence of the #ussian (ederation, the new concept allows such use to repulse armed aggression, ifall other means of resolving the crisis have een e$hausted.

Phe following are e$cerpts of the te$t as originally pulished in #ussian in the Šanuary ) issue of NezavisimoyeVoennoye Obozreniye and translated y the z.R. (oreign Broadcast Information Rervice.

Phe national security lueprint kontseptsiya of the #ussian (ederation hereinafter lueprint is a system of viewson how to ensure in the #ussian (ederation security of the individual, society and state against e$ternal and internalthreats in any aspect of life and activity.

Phe lueprint defines the most important directions of the state policy of the #ussian (ederation.

Phe national security of the #ussian (ederation is understood to mean the security of its multinational people, inwhom reside sovereignty and the sole source of authority in the #ussian (ederation.

<. RSS< <N _ZK bR DbN<_q

Phe situation in the world is characteried y a dynamic transformation of the system of international relations.(ollowing the end of the ipolar confrontation era, two mutually-e$clusive trends too" shape. Phe first of these trendsshows itself in the strengthened economic and political positions of a significant numer of states and their integrativeassociations and in improved mechanisms for multilateral management of international processes. &conomic,political, science and technological, environmental and information factors are playing an ever-increasing role. #ussiawill facilitate the formation of an ideology of estalishing a multipolar world on this asis. Phe second trend showsitself in attempts to create an international relations structure ased on domination y developed estern countries inthe international community, under zR leadership and designed for unilateral solutions including the use of militaryforce to "ey issues in world politics in circumvention of the fundamental rules of international law. Phe formation ofinternational relations is accompanied y competition and also y the aspiration of a numer of states to strengthentheir influence on gloal politics, including y creating weapons of mass destruction. +ilitary force and violenceremain sustantial aspects of international relations. #ussia is one of the world!s ma%or countries, with centuries ofhistory and rich cultural traditions. 'espite the comple$ international situation and its own temporary difficulties,#ussia continues to play an important role in gloal processes y virtue of its great economic, scientific, technologicaland military potential and its uniLue strategic location on the &urasian continent.

Phere are prospects for the #ussian (ederation!s roader integration into the world economy and for e$pandedcooperation with international economic and financial institutions. Phe commonality of interests of #ussia and otherstates is o%ectively preserved in many international security prolems, including opposing the proliferation of massdestruction weapons, settling and preventing regional conflicts, fighting international terrorism and the drugs trade,and resolving acute ecological prolems of a gloal nature, including nuclear and radiation safety.

 At the same time, a numer of states are stepping up efforts to wea"en #ussia politically, economically, militarily andin other ways. Attempts to ignore #ussia!s interests when solving ma%or issues of international relations, including

conflict situations, are capale of undermining international security, staility, and the positive changes achieved ininternational relations.

Perrorism is transnational in nature and poses a threat to world staility. Phis issue has e$acerated sharply in manycountries, including in the #ussian (ederation, and to fight it reLuires unification of efforts y the entire internationalcommunity, increased effectiveness of e$isting ways of countering this threat, and also urgent action to neutralie it.

<<. RSS<'S N_<bN <N_KRKS_S

#ussia!s national interests are the comined and alanced interests of the individual, society and the state ineconomicO domestic political, social, international, informational, military, order, ecological security. Phey are long-term in nature and define the main goals and strategic and short-term goals of the state!s domestic and foreign policy.


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Phe national interests are secured y institutions of state authority, which may also act in coordination with pulicorganiations operating on the asis of the constitution and legislation of the #ussian (ederation.

Phe interests of the individual lie in e$ercise of constitutional rights and freedoms and provision of personal securityOin an improved Luality and standard of livingO and in physical, spiritual and intellectual development.

Phe interests of society lie in strengthening democracyO creating a rule-of-law and social stateO in achieving and

maintaining pulic harmony and in the spiritual renewal of #ussia. Phe interests of the state lie in the inviolaility ofthe constitutional system and of #ussia!s sovereignty and territorial integrityO in political, economic and social stailityOin unconditional assurance of lawfulness and maintenance of law and orderO and in the development of internationalcooperation on eLual terms and to mutual enefit. #ussia!s national interests may e assured only on the asis ofsustainale economic development. Pherefore #ussia!s national interests in economics are of "ey importance.

#ussia!s national interests in the domestic political sphere lie in staility of the constitutional system and of stateauthority and its institutionsO in ensuring civil peace and national accord, territorial integrity, unity of the legal domain,and law and orderO in completing the process of estalishing a democratic societyO and in removing factors causingand feeding social, intercommunal and religious conflicts, political e$tremism, national and religious separatism, andterrorism.

#ussia!s national interests in the social sphere lie in assurance of a high standard of living for its people. Phe nationalinterests in the spiritual sphere lie in preservation and strengthening of society!s moral values, traditions of patriotismand humanism, and the country!s cultural and scientific potential.

#ussia!s national interests in the international sphere lie in upholding its sovereignty and strengthening its position asa great power and as one of the influential centres of a multipolar world, in development of eLual and eLuitalerelations with all countries and integrative associations and in particular with the memers of the ommonwealth ofIndependent Rtates and #ussia!s traditional partners, in universal oservance of human rights and freedoms and theimpermissiility of dual standards in this respect.

#ussia!s national interests in the informational sphere lie in oservance of its citiens! constitutional rights andfreedoms to receive and ma"e use of information, in the development of modern telecommunications, and inprotecting the state!s information resources from unsanctioned access.

#ussia!s national interests in the military sphere lie in protection of its independence, sovereignty and state andterritorial integrity, in the prevention of military aggression against #ussia and its allies and in ensuring the conditionsfor peaceful and democratic development of the state.

#ussia!s national interests in order policy lie in the estalishment of political, legal, organiational and otherconditions for ensuring reliale protection of the state order of the #ussian (ederation, and in oservance of the

procedure and rules laid down y #ussian (ederation legislation for the carrying on of economic and all other "inds of activity within the orders of the #ussian (ederation.

#ussia!s national interests in the environmental sphere lie in the preservation and improvement of the environment.

 A vital component of #ussia!s national interests is protection of the individual, society and state from terrorism,including international terrorism, and also from e$traordinary situations, oth natural and man-made, and theirconseLuences, and in times of war from the dangers arising from the conduct and conseLuences of military action.

<<<. _ZRK_S _b _ZK RSS<N ;KKR_<bN'S N_<bN SKDR<_q

Phe condition of the national economy and incomplete nature of the system and structure of the authorities of stateand of society, social and political polariation of society and criminaliation of social relations, the growth oforganied crime and terrorism, and a deterioration in intercommunal and international relations are all creating aroad range of internal and e$ternal threats to the country!s security.

In the economy, these threats are of a comprehensive nature and are caused aove all y a sustantial contraction in

the gross domestic productO reduced investment and innovationO diminished scientific and technological potentialOstagnation in agricultureO a distorted an"ing systemO growth in the state!s internal and e$ternal detO and dominationof e$ports y fuel, raw materials and energy components of imports y food and consumer items, including consumer essentials.

 A wea"ened scientific and technological potential, reduction in research in strategically-important areas of scienceand technology and departure for aroad of specialists and intellectual property mean that #ussia is faced with thethreat of loss of its leading world positions, decay of its high-technology industries, increased dependence on foreigntechnology and the undermining of its aility to defend itself.


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 Adverse trends in the economy lie at the root of the separatist aspirations of a numer of constituent parts of the#ussian (ederation. Phis leads to increased political instaility and a wea"ening of #ussia!s unified economic domainand its most important components-industrial production, transportation lin"s, and the finance, an"ing, credit and ta$systems.

&conomic disintegration, social stratification and the dilution of spiritual values promote tension etween regions andthe centre and pose a threat to the federal structure and the socioeconomic faric of the #ussian (ederation.

&thno-egoism, ethnocentrism and chauvinism as manifested in the activity of a numer of pulic formations, and alsouncontrolled migration promote nationalism, political and religious e$tremism and ethnoseparatism, and create areeding ground for conflicts.

Phe country!s single legal domain is eing eroded y nonoservance of the principle that the onstitution of the#ussian (ederation should prevail over other legal standards and that federal law should prevail over laws ofconstituent parts of the #ussian (ederation, and also y poor coordination of state management at various levels.

Phe threat of criminaliation of the society that has emerged from reform of the socio-political system and economy isecoming especially acute. Rerious mista"es made in the initial stage of economic, military, law-enforcement andother reform, wea"ened state regulation and control, imperfect legislation, asence of a strong state social policy, anda decline in society!s spiritual-moral potential are the main factors aiding growth in crime, especially organied crime,and corruption.

Phe conseLuences of these miscalculations can e seen in wea"ened legislative supervision of the situation in the

countryO in the merger of certain elements of e$ecutive and legislative authority with criminal structuresO and in theirinfiltration of the an"ing system, ma%or industries, trade organiations and supply networ"s. In connection with this,the fight against crime and corruption is not only legal ut also political in nature.

Phe scale of terrorism and organied crime is growing ecause of the conflicts that freLuently accompany changes ofownership and also an increased struggle for power along clan and ethnic or nationalist interests. Phe lac" of aneffective system in society for preventing legal infringements, inadeLuate legal and logistic support for the attleagainst organied crime and terrorism, legal nihilism and the departure of Lualified personnel from the law-enforcement agencies are all increasing the impact that this threat has on the individual, society and the state.

Rtratification of society into a narrow circle of the rich and preponderant mass of the needy and increasing numersof people elow the poverty threshold and growing unemployment pose a threat to #ussia!s security in the socialsphere.

 A threat to the nation!s physical health can e seen in the crisis in the systems of pulic health and social protectionof the population, in increasing consumption of alcohol and narcotics.

Phe conseLuences of this profound social crisis are a sharp drop in the irth rate and average life e$pectancy,distortion of the demographic and social composition of society, an undermining of the wor"force as the foundation for industrial development, a wea"ening of the fundamental nucleus of society-the family-and a decline in society!sspiritual, moral and creative potential.

'eepening crisis in the domestic political, social and spiritual spheres could lead to the loss of democratic gains.

Phe fundamental threats in the international sphere are rought aout y the following factors:

• the desire of some states and international associations to diminish the role of e$isting mechanisms for

ensuring international security, aove all the znited Nations and the SR&O

• the danger of a wea"ening of #ussia!s political, economic and military influence in the worldO

• the strengthening of military-political locs and alliances, aove all NAPS!s eastward e$pansionO

• the possile emergence of foreign military ases and ma%or military presences in the immediate pro$imity of

#ussian ordersO

• proliferation of mass destruction weapons and their delivery vehiclesO• the wea"ening of integrational processes in the ommonwealth of Independent RtatesO

• outrea" and escalation of conflicts near the state order of the #ussian (ederation and the e$ternal

orders of IR memer statesO

• territorial claims on #ussia.

Phreats to the #ussian (ederation!s national security in the international sphere can e seen in attempts y otherstates to oppose a strengthening of #ussia as one of the influential centres of a multipolar world, to hinder thee$ercise of its national interests and to wea"en its position in &urope, the +iddle &ast, Pranscaucasus, entral Asia


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and the Asia-Qacific #egion. Perrorism represents a serious threat to the national security of the #ussian (ederation.International terrorism is waging an open campaign to destailie #ussia.

Phere is an increased threat to the national security of the #ussian (ederation in the information sphere. A seriousdanger arises from the desire of a numer of countries to dominate the gloal information domain space and to e$pel#ussia from the e$ternal and internal information mar"etO from the development y a numer of states of informationwarfare concepts that entail creation of ways of e$erting a dangerous effect on other countries! information systems,of disrupting information and telecommunications systems and data storage systems, and of gaining unauthoriedaccess to them. Phe level and scope of the military threat are growing.

&levated to the ran" of strategic doctrine, NAPS!s transition to the practice of using military force outside its one ofresponsiility and without zN Recurity ouncil sanction could destailie the entire gloal strategic situation. Phegrowing technical advantage of a numer of leading powers and their enhanced aility to create new weapons andmilitary eLuipment could provo"e a new phase of the arms race and radically alter the forms and methods of warfare.

(oreign special services and the organiations they use are increasing their activity in the #ussian (ederation. Adverse trends in the military sphere are eing assisted y delays in reforming the military and the defence industryof the #ussian (ederation, y inadeLuate funding for defence and y a poor regulatory and legal framewor". At thepresent time, this can e seen in the critically low level of operational and military training in the Armed (orces of the#ussian (ederation and of the other forces and military odies and authorities, and in the impermissile drop ineLuipment of the forces with modern armaments and military and special hardware, and in the e$treme acuteness ofsocial prolemsO this leads to a wea"ening of the military security of the #ussian (ederation as a whole.

Phreats to the national security and interests of the #ussian (ederation in the order sphere are caused y thefollowing:

economic, demographic and cultural-religious e$pansion y neighouring states into #ussian territoryO

increased activity y cross-order organied crime and also y foreign terrorist organiations.

Phe threat of a deteriorating environmental situation in the country and depletion of natural resources dependsdirectly on the state of the economy and society!s willingness to appreciate the gloal nature and importance of theseissues. (or #ussia this threat is especially great ecause of the domination position in industry of the fuel and energysector, inadeLuate legislation for environmental protection, lac" or limited use of energy-saving technologies, and lowenvironmental awareness. Phere is a trend for #ussia to e used as a place for reprocessing and uryingenvironmentally dangerous materials and sustances.

 Against this ac"ground the wea"ening of state supervision and inadeLuate legal and economic levers for avertingand relieving emergencies are increasing the ris" of man-made disasters in all sectors of the economy.

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Phe following are the principal tas"s for ensuring the #ussian (ederation!s national security:

• to promptly detect and identify e$ternal and internal threats to national securityO

• to ta"e short- and long-term action to avert and remove internal and e$ternal threatsO

• to ensure the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the #ussian (ederation and the security of its order


• to improve the economy and pursue an independent and socially-oriented economic policyO

• to overcome the #ussian (ederation!s scientific and technological dependence on e$ternal sourcesO

• to ensure citiens! personal security and constitutional rights and freedoms in #ussiaO

• to improve the system of state power in the #ussian (ederation, the system of federal relations and local

self-government and legislationO to create harmonious relations etween communities, and to strengthen lawand order and preserve socio-political staility in societyO

• to ensure unwavering compliance with #ussian (ederation legislation y all citiens and officials, stateodies, political parties and pulic and religious organiationsO

• to ensure #ussia!s cooperation, especially with the world!s leading countries, on eLual and mutually

advantageous termsO

• to increase the state!s military potential and maintaining it at a sufficient levelO

• to strengthening the regime of nonproliferation of mass destruction weapons and their delivery vehiclesO

• to ta"e effective action to identify, avert and intercept intelligence and suversive activities y foreign states

against the #ussian (ederationO

• to fundamentally improve the country!s ecological situation.


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It is an important priority of state policy to ensure national interests and uphold the country!s economic interests.

Phe following are important tas"s in foreign economic activities:

• to pave the way for international integration of the #ussian economyO

• to e$pand mar"ets for of sic  #ussian productsO

• to create a single economic domain with the memers of the ommonwealth of Independent Rtates.

 Against a ac"ground of lieraliation of #ussia!s foreign trade and increased competition on the gloal mar"et forgoods and services, there must e greater protection of the interests of #ussian producers.

 An important factor is a alanced monetary policy designed to gradually reduce #ussia!s dependence on e$ternalorrowing and to strengthen its presence in the international financial and economic organiations.

Phe state must play a stronger role in regulating foreign an"ing, insurance and investment companies and imposedefinitions and %ustified limitations on the transfer for use y foreign companies of #ussia!s natural resources,telecommunications, transport and production infrastructures.

&ffective action must e ta"en in currency regulation, to pave the way for an end to payments in foreign currency onthe domestic mar"et and to end the uncontrolled e$port of capital.

Phe main directions for ensuring the national security of the #ussian (ederation in matters of the domestic economyare:

• legal support for reforms and creation of an effective mechanism for monitoring oservance of #ussian(ederation legislationO

• strengthening state regulation in the economyO

• ta"ing measures essential to overcoming the conseLuences of the economic crisis, and preserve and

develop scientific, technological and production potentialO

• effect a transition to economic growth with a diminished li"elihood of man-made disasters, a transition to

greater competitiveness of industrial products and to improved welleing of the people.


Phe following are the fundamental directions for protecting #ussia!s constitutional system:

• to ensure the priority of federal legislation and improve to this effect the legislation of constituent parts of the

#ussian (ederationO

• to develop organiational and legal mechanisms for protecting the integrity of the state, and unity of the legal

domain and #ussia!s national interestsO• to develop and implement a regional policy that ensures an optimum alance of federal and regional


• to improve the mechanism for preventing the appearance of political parties and pulic associations that

pursue separatist and anticonstitutional goals and for stopping their activities.

&fforts aimed at fighting crime and corruption reLuire consolidation. It is very much in #ussia!s interests to uproot theeconomic and socio-political causes of these socially dangerous phenomena and to draw up a comprehensivesystem for protecting the individual, society and the state against criminality.

Phe formation of a system of effective social preventive measures and education of law-aiding citiens is of a toppriority tas". Phese measures must e suordinated to the interests of protecting every person!s right to personalsecurity regardless of race, nationality, language, origin, property interests or official status, place of residence,religion, memership of pulic associations or other circumstances.

It is vital when fighting crime to:

• identify, eliminate and prevent causes and conditions engendering crimeO

• strengthen the state!s role as guarantor of security of the individual and society, and create the legal

framewor" necessary for this and the mechanism for applying itO

• enlist state authorities, within the ounds of their authority, in the prevention of illegal actionsO

• e$pand mutually-eneficial international collaoration in law and order, primarily with the memers of the

ommonwealth of Independent Rtates.

'ecisions made and steps ta"en y state authorities in the fight against organied crime must e open, specific, andunderstandale to every citien, they must e preventive in nature, they must ensure eLuality of all efore the lawand inevitaility of liaility, and they must rely on society!s support.


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Phe development of a legal ase as the foundation for relialy protecting citiens! rights and lawful interests, as wellas oservance of #ussia!s oligations under international law in the sphere of fighting crime and protecting humanrights are needed first and foremost for preventive measures and for crime-fighting. It is important to deprive crime ofthe sustenance it derives from shortcomings in legislation and the economic and social crisis.

 An effective system for financial control, enhanced administrative, civic and legal levers and ways of verifying theassets and sources of income and e$penditures of state officials and other employees must e created to preventcorruption in the state apparatus and to eliminate conditions for legaliing criminally acLuired capital.

Phe fight against terrorism, the drug trade and smuggling must e ased on a special state-wide set ofcountermeasures designed to put an end to such activities.

zsing the framewor" of international agreements, there must e effective collaoration with foreign states and theirlaw-enforcement and special agencies, and also with international organiations tas"ed with fighting terrorism. Broaduse must e made of international e$perience of dealing with this phenomenon and there must e a well-coordinatedmechanism for countering international terrorism, closing all availale routes for illicit weapons and e$plosives withinthe country and preventing their import from aroad. Phe federal state authorities should pursue within the countrypersons involved in terrorism irrespective of where acts of terrorism damaging to the #ussian (ederation wereconceived or carried out.


Phe following are among priority directions for ensuring ecological security:

• rational use of natural resources and fostering of environmental awarenessO

• prevention of environmental pollution y raising the level of safety of technologies connected with the urial

and recycling of to$ic industrial and household wastesO

• prevention of radioactive contamination of the environment and relief of the conseLuences of earlier

radiation accidents and disastersO

• ecologically safe storage and reprocessing of arms removed from the order of attle, aove all nuclear

powered sumarines, ships and vessels with nuclear power plants, nuclear munitions, liLuid roc"etpropellants, and fuel of nuclear power stationsO

• storage and destruction of chemical weapon stoc"piles in a way that is environmentally safe and safe for

pulic healthO

• creation of ecologically clean technologies, a search for ways of ma"ing practical use of environmentally

friendly sources of energy, and urgent action in environmentally-vulnerale areas of the #ussian (ederation.

 A new approach is essential for the organiation and conduct of civil defence in the #ussian (ederation and there

must e a Lualitative improvement to the unified state system for early warning and removal of emergency situations,including its further integration into eLuivalent systems of foreign countries.

Phe foreign policy of the #ussian (ederation should e designed to:

• pursue an active foreign-policy courseO

• strengthen "ey mechanisms, aove all of the zN Recurity ouncil, for multilateral management of world

political and economic processesO

• ensure favourale conditions for the country!s economic and social development and for gloal and regional


• protect the lawful rights and interests of #ussian citiens aroad, through the use of political, economic and

other measuresO

• develop relations with IR memer states in accordance with principles of international law, and developing

integrative processes within the framewor" of the ommonwealth of Independent Rtates that meet #ussia!sinterestsO

• ensure #ussia!s full-fledged involvement in gloal and regional economic and political structuresO

• assist in settling conflicts, including peace"eeping activities under zN, SR& and IR aegisO

• achieve progress in nuclear arms control and maintain strategic staility in the world through states!

compliance with their international oligations in this respectO

• fulfil mutual oligations to reduce and eliminate weapons of mass destruction and conventional arms,

carrying out confidence- and staility-uilding measures, ensure international supervision of the e$port ofgoods and technologies and over the provision of military and dual-purpose servicesO

• adapt e$isting arms-control and disarmament agreements in line with the new climate in international

relations, and also develop when necessary new agreements especially for enhancing confidence- andsecurity-uilding measuresO


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• assist in estalishing ones free of weapons of mass destructionO

• develop international cooperation in the fight against transnational crime and terrorism.

&nsuring the #ussian (ederation!s military security is a crucial direction of state activity. Phe main goal in this respectis to ensure an adeLuate response to threats which may arise in the *)st century, with rational spending on defence.

In preventing war and armed conflicts, the #ussian (ederation prefers political, diplomatic, economic and other non-

military means. Phe national interests of the #ussian (ederation, however, reLuire the presence of military powersufficient for its defence. Phe #ussian (ederation armed forces play the main role in ensuring the military security ofthe #ussian (ederation.

 A vital tas" of the #ussian (ederation is to e$ercise deterrence to prevent aggression on any scale and nuclear orotherwise, against #ussia and its allies.

Phe #ussian (ederation should possess nuclear forces that are capale of guaranteeing the infliction of the desirede$tent of damage against any aggressor state or coalition of states in any conditions and circumstances.

In their peacetime order of attle the #ussian (ederation armed forces should e ale to provide dependaleprotection against aerial attac"O to perform %ointly with other troops, military units and entities missions to repulseaggression in a local war armed conflictO and to carry out strategic deployments for missions in a large-scale war.Phe #ussian (ederation armed forces should also ensure #ussia!s aility to carry out peace"eeping duties.

Sne of the vital strategic directions in providing for the #ussian (ederation!s military security is effective collaoration

and cooperation with memers of the ommonwealth of Independent Rtates.Phe interests of ensuring #ussia!s national security predetermine the need, under appropriate circumstances, for#ussia to have a military presence in certain strategically important regions of the world. Phe stationing of limitedmilitary contingents military ases, naval units there on a treaty asis must ensure #ussia!s readiness to fulfil itsoligations and to assist in forming a stale military-strategic alance of forces in regions, and must enale the#ussian (ederation to react to a crisis situation in its initial stage and achieve its foreign-policy goals.

Phe #ussian (ederation considers the possiility of employing military force to ensure its national security ased onthe following principles:

• use of all availale forces and assets, including nuclear, in the event of need to repulse armed aggression, if

all other measures of resolving the crisis situation have een e$hausted and have proven ineffectiveO

• use of military force inside the country is allowed in strict conformity with the onstitution of the #ussian

(ederation and with federal laws in the event of emergence of a threat to citiens! lives and also of violentchange to the constitutional system.

 An important role in ensuring #ussia!s national interests elongs to the defence industry. #estructuring andconversion of the defence industry should proceed without detriment to the development of new technologies andscience-and-technology opportunities or to moderniation of armaments, military and special eLuipment and thepresence of #ussian manufacturers on the world mar"ets.

Phe way should e paved for organiation of the priority fundamental, forecasting and original research, which ensurethe e$istence of a promising and advanced science-and-technology sector in the interests of defence and the state!ssecurity.

Phe following are principal tas"s as regards order security:

• to estalish the reLuired regulatory and legal framewor"O

• to develop international cooperation in this areaO

• to counter economic, demographic and cultural-religious e$pansion into #ussian territory y other statesO

• to intercept transnational organied crime and illegal migrationO

• to engage in collective measures to ensure security in the order ones of memer-states of theommonwealth of Independent Rtates.

Phe following are crucial tas"s for ensuring the #ussian (ederation!s information security:

• e$ercise of citiens! constitutional rights and freedoms in the sphere of informationO

• improvement and protection of the domestic information infrastructure and integration of #ussia into the

world information domainO

• countering the threat of opposition in the information sphere.


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Phe use of intelligence and counterintelligence resources for the timely discovery of threats and identification of theirsources is of particular importance when ensuring the national security of the #ussian (ederation.

Phe system for ensuring the #ussian (ederation!s national security is created and developed in accordance with theonstitution of the #ussian (ederation, federal laws, #ussian (ederation presidential decrees and directives, #ussian(ederation government decrees and resolutions, and federal programmes in this area.

Phe asis of the system for ensuring the #ussian (ederation!s national security consists of the agencies andresources for ensuring national security that carry out political, legal, organiational, economic, military and othermeasures aimed at ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state.

Phe powers, composition, principles and operating procedure of the agencies and forces ensuring the #ussian(ederation!s national security are defined in the relevant #ussian (ederation legislative instruments.

Phe following are involved in forming and implementing policy for ensuring the #ussian (ederation!s national security:

• the president of the #ussian (ederation, who within the ounds of his constitutional powers directs the

agencies and resources for ensuring the #ussian (ederation!s national securityO sanctions actions to ensurenational securityO in accordance with #ussian (ederation legislation forms, reorganies and aolishessuordinate agencies and forces for ensuring national securityO issues messages, appeals and directives onnational security issues and in his annual message to the #ussian (ederation (ederal Assemly specifiesindividual provisions of the #ussian (ederation National Recurity Blueprint and defines the directions of thecountry!s current domestic and foreign policyO

• the #ussian (ederation (ederal Assemly, which on the asis of the #ussian (ederation constitution and onrepresentation y the #ussian (ederation president and government forms the legislative framewor" forensuring the state!s national securityO

• the #ussian (ederation government, which within the ounds of its powers and in consideration of priorities

in the area of ensuring the country!s national security formulated in annual messages of the president to the(ederal Assemly, coordinates the activities of federal e$ecutive authorities as well as of e$ecutiveauthorities of the constituent parts of the #ussian (ederation, and forms items of the federal udget forimplementing specific special-purpose programmes in these areasO

• the #ussian (ederation Recurity ouncil, which wor"s for the advance identification and assessment of

threats to national security, drafts operational decisions to prevent them for the presidentO developsproposals for ensuring the country!s national security and proposals on updating individual provisions of the#ussian (ederation National Recurity BlueprintO coordinates the forces and agencies for ensuring nationalsecurityO and monitors implementation of decisions in this area y federal e$ecutive authorities andauthorities of the constituent parts of the #ussian (ederationO

•federal e$ecutive authorities, which ensure compliance with #ussian (ederation legislation andimplementation of decisions of the #ussian (ederation president and government in the area of nationalsecurityO within the ounds of their competence develop regulatory legal instruments in this area and sumitthem to the #ussian (ederation president and governmentO

• e$ecutive authorities of the constituent parts of the #ussian (ederation, which coordinate with federal

e$ecutive authorities in implementing #ussian (ederation legislation and decisions of the #ussian(ederation president and government in national security, and implementing federal programmes, plans anddirectives issued y the Rupreme ommander in the area of #ussian (ederation defence securityO withinstitutions of local government act to involve citiens, pulic associations and other organiations in helpingto resolve national security prolems in accordance with #ussian (ederation legislationO ma"e proposals tofederal e$ecutive authorities for upgrading the system of ensuring national security.

Phe #ussian (ederation intends to decisively and firmly uphold its national interests. Phe e$isting legal democraticinstitutions and structure of #ussian (ederation state authorities and the road involvement of political parties andpulic associations in implementing the #ussian (ederation National Recurity Blueprint serve as a guarantee of

#ussia!s dynamic development in the *)st century. ‰
