Page 1: National Regent’s Message · 2020. 1. 23. · National Regent’s Message Helene Shepard, National Regent Dear Catholic Daughters, June and July brought much CDA activity for us

National Regent’sMessage

Helene Shepard, National Regent

Dear Catholic Daughters,

June and July brought much CDA activity for us to be involved in: from the USCCB General Assembly—where the full body of American cardinals andbishops meet to discuss important issues—inIndianapolis in June to the Convocation of CatholicLeaders—an unprecedented gathering of Catholic Bishopsand Leaders from across the nation— in Orlando, withonly two days to get ready for the State Officers’Conference in Belleville.

The Convocation was an awesome experience. Yourfive National Officers were invited to attend along with3,500 other Catholic leaders. The theme was the Joy of theGospel. So much happened in the few days that we werethere we have decided to write a complete article aboutthis important event in the next issue of Share.

You are the JOY in CDAwas the theme for theconference for newly elected State and Territorial Officersthis past July in Our Lady of the Snows Shrine inBelleville, Illinois. We were happy to have 146 CatholicDaughters in attendance with the National Board and ourNational Clergy Consultant Father Maurer. Father Maurerset the tone with his presentation on the impact ofspirituality on our lives. We would be remiss if we did notmention Tom Panas,National Public Relations Director.He was responsible for the picture on the cover for theSeptember issue of Share and the individual head shots ofthe State Regents in attendance. He efficiently took care ofregistration. We can truly say, it was a successful

conference as a result of the very positive comments on theevaluation forms submitted by the attendees.

It was a very spiritual time for all as we started theconference with Benediction and Mass. We experienced acandle light procession with the Rosary and Benediction. Itwas moving to see all Catholic Daughters in red shirts tohonor and thank our service people for their dedicationand service to our country.

There were outstanding presentations by the entireNational Board. These presentations will be available onthe website for your use. Your State Officers will besharing this information with the local court Regents.

We unveiled new books for CDA record keeping forlocal courts. These books are available for local courtofficers, if they wish to use them. If you have not yet seenthem they can be found on line at the CDA Store or fromyou District Deputy or State Representative. New courtswill use these books right from the institution of their court.

The conference ended with a CommissioningCeremony. It was at this ceremony that each officer wassent off with a special blessing, a certificate and a pinreminding them that they are the JOY in CDA. We havemade these pins, “You are the Joy in CDA”, availabledirectly through the vendor in order to keep the costdown. If you need any further information please feel freeto contact me.

We prayed, learned and laughed together andreturned to our homes motivated and determined to makea difference in our states, courts and community.

10 West 71st St. New York, NY 10023

212-877-3041FAX 212-724-5923

email: [email protected]

[email protected] 2017

Some Highlights:National Clergy Consultant’s Message............2Leadership! ......................................................................3BOGO ...............................................................................3Name Change Committee ....................................4Prayer Requests............................................................4




CofD A


Catholic Daughters of the Americas®

Continued on page 2

Page 2: National Regent’s Message · 2020. 1. 23. · National Regent’s Message Helene Shepard, National Regent Dear Catholic Daughters, June and July brought much CDA activity for us


Take it EasyFr. Jeffrey Maurer

National Clergy Consultant

Dear Daughters,Back to school season is upon us. Kids and

grandkids will be packing up, buses starting theirengines and classrooms resounding with questions

and answers (and the occasional punishment). But for most of us the “back to school season” means less than it used

to when we were kids. We are no longer sitting in classes and there aren’tbooks to be read and reported on, just a life to be continually lived,reflected and experienced upon.

That is the school of life and also an important part of the life of adisciple. “Disciples” in the Greek came from a word which meant one whosits at the foot of the Master. Initially it came from an academic settingsuch as a philosopher like Plato or Aristotle with their students but it cameto a much fuller meaning with the followers of Jesus.

You see you and I are not Catholics just to learn a lesson but to live anew life. The Baltimore Catechism in its perennial wisdom tells us “toknow, love, and serve God in this life, so to be happy with Him in thenext.” It doesn’t stop with “knowing” but continues with “loving andserving.” I cannot repeat enough that Catholic school, or CCD, or readingisn’t enough!

As we settle into new years with our courts let’s live our faith, withfervor, with forgiveness for past hurts and with servant’s heart to serveothers not ourselves or our preferences! That will create true disciples ofthe Lord….and not just students of a teacher named Jesus. Let’s all getback to school to become the disciples God calls us to be.

Sincerely in Unity & Charity, Rev. Jeffrey J. Maurer

More recently, your NationalOfficers met in South Dakota to workon the revision for Tools of theTrade. The entire National Boardsubmitted changes in their area ofexpertise as National Chairmen. Thiswas no easy task. Our goal is to havethe finished product ready for theNational Convention in July 2018.

There are many enclosures in thisQuarterly dealing with all theupcoming contests and the Circle ofLove for 2018. Please be sure to sharethem with the local court regents,members and the chairmen who needthis information.

Your National Board and yourState Officers learned a lot thissummer. Ask them to share thoselessons with you. If you are presentedwith the opportunity to attend a stateworkshop, please do so. By sharingand learning, we will definitely makea difference. So let us continue toserve the Lord with gladness and joyin our hearts.

In Unity and Charity,

Continued from front page

CDA Sunday is October 15, 2017

What Will Your State or Court Do That is Extra Special on CDA Sunday?

Think about planning a special activity. It could bea spiritual activity, a social activity, or a combination ofa spiritual and a social gathering. Do something thatwill publicize CDA.

How about distributing CDA brochures to everywoman in your parish that does not belong to thecourt? Or inviting all the women of the parish to helpyou celebrate at a breakfast or coffee hour? Leteveryone know how special we really are!

Enclosed please find the 2017 CDA SundayProclamation for your use.

Semi-AnnualFinancial ReviewThe Financial Review form for the period endingSeptember 30, 2017 is enclosed. Contact your DistrictDeputy to arrange for her to be at the review. Regents are to appoint three members that are not officers toserve on the Review Committee. Forms are to bereturned to State and National by November 1, 2017.

If you have yet to view the video on how to properlyconduct a Financial Review, please check out:

It will help you better understand the need for the review and the proper way that it should be conducted.

Page 3: National Regent’s Message · 2020. 1. 23. · National Regent’s Message Helene Shepard, National Regent Dear Catholic Daughters, June and July brought much CDA activity for us


As leaders, especially whenmaking changes, resistance andlack of follow through by membersof courts can cause distress and afeeling of failure. That does notmean that changes should never bemade. Rather, it provides the leaderwith an opportunity to grow andlearn by determining that givingup is not an option.

When resistance happens, thegood leader, anticipating theresistance, goes back to the planand makes some adjustments.

The next step is to learn fromthe experience. Was the changeexplained completely? Was thetiming correct? Were these only mythoughts or was consideration

given to the greater good? Did thecourt members understand thereason for the change? Were courtmembers encouraged or even givenan opportunity to express theirobjection to the change?

Answer all the questions listed.Spend time listening. Don’tduplicate the fall by failing tounderstand the reason for theresistance of the members.Consideration to the thoughts of allthe members could result with avery different outcome.

Resistance to change isinevitable. Remember that the onlyperson who wants a change is awet baby. But the first steps are toget back up and determine thatstaying down is not an option. Youare the leader. Get up, get goingand enjoy your leadership role asyou serve the Lord with Gladness.

Greatest glory lies not innever falling down, but inrising every time we fall.

—Nelson Mandela


Welcome back to a new CDA year! I hope everyone is rested, refreshed, and ready to hit the ground running.There is so much work to do, and we need more womento help us do it. As you plan your activities for this year,don’t forget to schedule your membership drives.Whether you plan a traditional tea, a fashion show, bringin a speaker, or maybe even invite women to attend ameeting and work on one of your projects, rememberthat the best way to get someone to attend is by personalinvitation. If you know someone, bring someone. You arethe best advertisement for CDA! Share your experiencesand your joy of service. As you work to complete yourprojects this term, including recruitment, remember:

Be prayerful – pray for new members.Be faithful – fulfill your commitments.Be knowledgeable –know your procedures

and tell others about CDA.Be proud – you serve God with the best

women in the world!

We are one year into the 2016-2018 MembershipContest.Awards will be presented at the nationalconvention. All you need to do is bring in new members. There are no forms to fill out. Winners will be determined by computer at the national office.Additionally, St. Faustina awards will be presented to the women in each state who are working diligentlyon membership and court development.

State Regents, I know it is sad to have to disband acourt. However, if you have to do that, remember that wecannot just shrug our shoulders. We have to double ourefforts. If you disband a court, open one to replace it.LOGO! Lose one; Gain one!! Contact me if I can helpyou with supplies or information about membership orcourt development.

Have a wonderful new CDA year and remember, ourmembers, working under the direction of Our Lord, CanDo Anything!!

BOGO! As You Begin the CDA YearOlga Samaniego, National Regent-Elect; National Chairman for Membership and Court Development

On October 28th, volunteersfrom across the country willunite for Make A DifferenceDay, one of the largest annualsingle-days of servicenationwide.

Since 1992, volunteers andcommunities have cometogether on Make ADifference Day with a single purpose: to improvethe lives of others.

As CDA member, we too canbe involved! Plan an event foryour parish or join in acommunity event.Let otherssee Catholic Daughters inaction, helping out. And then,share your stories with us forShare magazine.

An Opportunity to Grow as a LeaderSherry Niles, First Vice National Regent

National Leadership Chairman

Page 4: National Regent’s Message · 2020. 1. 23. · National Regent’s Message Helene Shepard, National Regent Dear Catholic Daughters, June and July brought much CDA activity for us


Prayers neededPlease keep the families of the following and allrecently deceased CDA members in your prayers:

Carol Dalton, Past NY State Officer and formeremployee at the National Office went home to OurLord on June 16, 2017. Carol worked at 10 West 71st St.for many years. She was a dedicated member, officerand friend. Condolences may be sent to her son, PeterDalton at 40-50 61st st., Woodside, NY 11377.

We are lucky that there is not a list of intentionsamong State and National Officers (present andpast) for this issue. Let us pray for continued well-being for all CDA members, for speedy healing ofthose who are suffering and for comfort for thosewho have passed on.

Start of Year Prayer Service National Projects & Charities NewsOperation Morningstar Newsletter

CDA Sunday Proclamation2018 Contest Information

Important items enclosed with this issue

Name ChangeCommittee

Joanne Tomassi, Chairman of the Name ChangeCommittee, has compiled an update for our review. Wehave enclosed a copy with this issue of the NationalQuarterly. Thanks to the entire Name ChangeCommittee for their report.

The following items still need to be researched and resolvedin order to have a better understanding of the steps andconsequences of any name change:

1. What precisely does the research done tell us aboutthe processes involved in a name change?

2. What specifically are the costs involved?

3. What are timelines involved for each aspect of a name change (legal, IRS, USCCB or if that is even necessary)?

4. What legal steps are mandated vs. what steps are optional in changing the name on state and local documentation?

5. What do banking regulations actually requireregarding names on current bank accounts?

6. What is the IRS rule as to whether new EIN’s arerequired? Is a simple name change submission—likethe change of name/address of the person in chargewe do now—sufficient for any/all levels of national,states, and local courts?

7. Would we have to submit a new application for ournon-profit status or simply change the name on theexisting records?

8. What specifically do we need to do to trademark thename and any revised logo? (Our name and logo arenot copyright protected, they are trademarkregistered—which is not the same thing.)

Once we have these facts, the membership will be able tothoughtfully discern if any change (like legally becoming just“Catholic Daughters” and allowing each country to adopt “of ___” for their country, or changing to “CatholicDaughters of the World” or any of the other suggestionsthat have been submitted) would be practical or not. 

The above questions need to be answered before themembership will be able to make an informed and prudentdecision on this important issue.

We again thank the committee for their undertaking this task.

Circle of Love FormsEnclosed in this issue of the National Quarterly, you

will find the forms for Local Courts reporting to theirState Chairman and for State Chairmen to send their toppicks to the National Chairman.

Forms for the Best State Court Project will beemailed to the State Regents. State Regents can submittheir top State Project in each area to the proper National Chairman.

Territorial Court Regents will also receive forms viaemail that they can use to submit their top projects to theNational Chairmen.

State Officers and District Deputies: Pleaseencourage your courts to participate by filling out theseforms and meeting the deadlines.

Local Officers: please take part in this, no matterhow insignificant you think your court’s activities are,they made a difference, an impact on someone—letothers know. Perhaps sharing your own experiences willinspire other to spread the love of Christ and the missionof the Catholic Daughters of the Americas.

Page 5: National Regent’s Message · 2020. 1. 23. · National Regent’s Message Helene Shepard, National Regent Dear Catholic Daughters, June and July brought much CDA activity for us


Goals:� Every member will participate in Go, Go! BOGO!

� Every state will institute five new courts! Contest Dates: August 1, 2016, to June 1, 2018

The Saint Faustina Membership Award will be presented at the National Convention to thosemembers who are instrumental in fostering membership and court development.

Award winners will be nominated by their State Regents or National Representatives.

How will you BOGO? For more info: [email protected]

to the courts that brings in the most new members.

First, Second, and Third place awarded in each division.

Division One: 1 – 75 membersDivision Two: 76-150 membersDivision Three: 151+ members

Largest percentage of increase will determine winners in each division.

$200 1st Place$150 2nd Place$100 3rd Place

Local Court Prizes

to States that bring in the most new courts over the requisite 5.

First, Second, and Third place awarded in each division.

Division One: 5 to 20 courtsDivision Two: 21-75 courtsDivision Three: 76+ courts

Tie breaker will be determined by total number of Charter Members welcomed in the state.

$500 1st Place$350 2nd Place$200 3rd Place

State Court Prizes


Page 6: National Regent’s Message · 2020. 1. 23. · National Regent’s Message Helene Shepard, National Regent Dear Catholic Daughters, June and July brought much CDA activity for us

By: Olga Samaniego, National Chairman of Spiritual Enhancement, National Regent-Elect

All: Sing one verse of a dedication song.

Leader: Father, we come together after a restfulsummer to once again take up our work toserve You and Your people. We thank youfor the time we have had to be refreshedand renewed and made fit for service. Helpus to hear your voice and to discerntogether our mission for this year. Help usto set all our goals, even our fundraisinggoals, based on the work to which we arebeing called. We ask now that you prepareand equip us to do your will.

Reader 1: Father, bless our eyes. (Each membertouches her cotton ball to her eyes.) Grantus the vision to know where we can beof most help in our parish and in ourcommunity. Show us those who are inmost need, and help us to see them asyou see them. Help us to know that eachhuman being is a beloved child of God.

Reader 2: Father, bless our hands. (Each membertouches her cotton ball to both hands.)Make our hands fit for service. It ispossible that our hands are not as youngand strong as they used to be. Maybethey are not as experienced as we wouldlike them to be. Help us to remember thatwhen we join our hands with the handsof our sisters in Christ, there is no job wecannot tackle.

Reader 3 Father, bless our hearts. (Each membertouches her cotton ball to her heart.)Make them steadfast. Help us to re-commit ourselves each day to prayer andto work. Grant us faith that is strong andunwavering. Make us courageous andwilling to step out in faith. When ourwork requires sacrifice, help us to offerthat sacrifice to you with joy.

Reader 4: Father, bless our minds. (Each membertouches her cotton ball to her forehead.)Grant us the wisdom to see things clearlyand to know your will. Protect us fromevil and from fear. Fear never comes fromYou. Replace our fear with trust in You.Protect us from negativity as it will keepus from doing what is needed. Replaceour negativity with faith in the Gospelmessage and faith in the love of ourCreator.

All: Father, we offer all that we are and all thatwe possess to you. You are our joy andour salvation. You are the God in whomwe trust. We come, Lord, to do you will.

All: Sing the second or third verse of adedication song.

P repare us to Serve, O LordMaterials: Song lyrics for a praise or dedication song such as “Here I am, Lord,” “Hosea,” or “Be Not Afraid.” Give eachmember a cotton ball dipped in Holy Water. If you choose, rather than individual readers, all members may read together.

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National Projects & Charities



National Board has moved National Center on Sexual Exploitation to a National Project and Smile Train is now a charity.

Faced with the evils of pornography, exploitation of women and children, and human trafficking, the need for the NCSE is dire. The National Board urges and encourages all courts to give generously to this new project.

The National Board also encourages courts to prayabout their continued support of all projects and charities.

National Projects & Charities NEWS

Page 8: National Regent’s Message · 2020. 1. 23. · National Regent’s Message Helene Shepard, National Regent Dear Catholic Daughters, June and July brought much CDA activity for us

Catholic Daughters of the Americas®

Operation MorningstarNational Headquarters 10 West 71st Street New York, NY 10023

Congress: Stop Paying Half a Billion Dollars to Planned Parenthood Annually

Believing and Knowing Bill May, The Marriage Reality Movement

Volume X, No. 1 September 2017

As the Senate debates federal healthcare legislation,the votes on many provisions are coming down toone or two Senators. Contact both your state senatorsimmediately. Tell them to protect preborn children byvoting to stop funding Planned Parenthood and tostop taxpayer subsidies used to purchase healthinsurance that pays for abortion. Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortionprovider, receives more than half a billion dollars intaxpayer funding each year. Live Action, founded bypro-life activist Lila Rose, has been leading efforts todefund Planned Parenthood. The group has releasedvideos about the horrific practice of late-termabortions and the selling of aborted baby parts forprofit. Other videos show Planned Parenthoodcovering up child sexual abuse and child sextrafficking. (

A recent video provides the statistics people need toconvince Congress to stop funding Planned Parenthoodonce and for all. As federal money to PlannedParenthood has increased, its client base decreased byhalf a million people in the last six years, and it hasclosed more than 200 facilities in the last ten years.From 2004 to 2014, Planned Parenthood decreasedbreast exams by 60 percent, decreased Pap tests by77 percent, and decreased cancer screenings by 68percent. In the same time period, however, PlannedParenthood increased abortions 27 percent andperformed 35 percent of all abortions in the UnitedStates. In 2016, Planned Parenthood performed323,999 abortions, 887 abortions per day, one every97 seconds. Meanwhile, government funding morethan doubled from $272 million to $553 million. Take action: Call or email both your senators.Tell them to stop funding Planned Parenthood.

Have you ever noticed our opponents on marriageissues precede every lie with the phrase, “We know”?We know children do just as well with two moms ortwo dads, we know that all children need is twoparents who love them; we know that gay meanswhen two men love each other, we know marriage isfor public recognition of a committed relationship.One of the things that has really bothered me, isCatholics usually precede statements of truth with thephrase “we believe,” when we should actually say,“we know”. If I were to tell you I believe I was born onMarch 26, you would think that Bill doesn’t know forsure. But I do know when I was born. My mother toldme and I believed her. That’s faith.Faith is knowledge—indirect knowledge. Believing isthe process of knowing from a trusted source.When we say we believe this or that, we’re tellingpeople we're not sure or making a relativisticstatement that this is true only for those who believe.

The Church deals in reality. We know life begins atconception as a fact from science. It is not a belief,but a fact. Catholics know that Christ is fully present inthe Eucharist—it is a fact. We know this because wetrust Christ, we trust Scripture, we trust the apostlesand Church Fathers, and we trust the Church. Weknow that marriage unites a man and a woman witheach other and any children born from their unionbecause that’s a true statement—it’s a fact thatdoesn’t even depend on belief in God. When you use the word "know" in place of "believe" itmay feel awkward at first.In a culture in which people express opinions andsentiments as if they are facts, what if those whoknow the truth (reality) start saying we know ratherthan we believe?Read more Quick Reflections

Page 9: National Regent’s Message · 2020. 1. 23. · National Regent’s Message Helene Shepard, National Regent Dear Catholic Daughters, June and July brought much CDA activity for us

Submitted by: Margaret Sitte, National Chairman of Legislation Approved: Helene Shepard, National Regent

A national study of young peopleages 15 to 25 who were raisedCatholic, but who no longeridentify as Catholic, shows 23percent left the faith by age 10. Dr. Mark Gray, a senior researchassociate at the Center for AppliedResearch in the Apostolate atGeorgetown University, conductedthe research. “It’s almost a crisis infaith,” he told Catholic NewsAgency (CNA). “In the wholeconcept of faith, this is ageneration that is struggling withfaith in ways that we haven’t seenin previous generations.”According to CNA, “In exploringwhy young Catholics werechoosing to leave the faith, henoted ‘an emerging profile’ ofyouth who say they find the faith

‘incompatible with what they arelearning in high school or at theuniversity level.’ Specifically, theyoung people cited the conflictbetween faith and science, andtheir need for evidence and proof.The interviews with those who hadleft the Church showed the typicalage in deciding to leave was 13.“Nearly two-thirds of thosesurveyed, 63 percent, said theystopped being Catholic betweenthe ages of 10 and 17,” Gray wrote.Of those who had left, “only 13percent said they were ever likelyto return to the Catholic Church.” “It’s a trend in the popular cultureto see atheism as ‘smart’ and thefaith as ‘a fairy tale,’ Gray said.”Children only spend one hour inSunday Mass, and the rest of their

week they are taught the faith is‘dumb,’ he noted.How can parents raise theirchildren to stay in the faith?Christian Smith, a sociologyprofessor at the University of NotreDame, says three factors result inan 80 percent retention rateamong young Catholics: a “weeklyactivity” like catechesis, Bible studyor youth group; adults at the parishwho are not their parents andwhom they can talk to about thefaith; and “deep spiritualexperiences.”Parents and grandparents mustlead the way.

Catholic Church Defends Parents’ Right To Protect And Treat Their ChildrenFr. Shenan Bouquet of Human Life Internationalrecently wrote about the case of baby Charlie Gardwho died this past July. His British parents wanted tobring him to the United States for experimentaltreatment of his life-threateningcondition, but the hospital and courtsintervened to say he should “die withdignity.” The parents wanted to bringhim home to die, but the courts saidhe had to die in hospice.Fr. Bouquet writes: “So what is thefundamental issue? One thing only: astruggle for power. That is: The hospital,and the UK government, believe thatthe state, and not Charlie’s parents,should have the power to decide whatis best for Charlie (and, presumably, others like him). And to drive that point home, they were willing to fightthis case all the way to the EU Court of Human Rights.“If they succeed, [which they did] what this means forparental rights is terrifying. As Phil Lawler at CatholicCulture summarized, ‘The injustice here is not thatCharlie [was] taken off his life-support system. Thedecision to turn off a ventilator is always painful, butsometimes justified.

“The injustice is that Charlie will die when the hospitaladministration wants, and where the hospitaladministration wants. His parents have been deprivedof their right to supervise his case. They could not take

him to the U.S. for experimentaltreatment. They could not take himhome, to die in peace. As one of ourreaders observed, Charlie wasessentially kidnapped, so that theauthorities would be sure that hedied on schedule.“The Catholic Church has alwaysdefended the primary rights ofparents over the welfare and

education of their children. Whereverthose rights have been eroded,

totalitarianism has not been far behind.”( early July, Pope Francis’ press office released astatement that the Holy Father was praying for Charlieand his parents, “hoping that their desire to accompanyand care for their own child to the end is not ignored."Watch for any government actions that try to supersedeparental rights, and contact local, state and federalofficials to ensure parents’ rights are respected.

Charlie Gard with his parents Connie Yates and Chris Gard

Why Children Are Leaving The Faith And What Parents Can Do About It

Page 10: National Regent’s Message · 2020. 1. 23. · National Regent’s Message Helene Shepard, National Regent Dear Catholic Daughters, June and July brought much CDA activity for us

ProclamationWhereas, The Catholic Daughters of the Americas under the patronage

of the Blessed Mother, are united by their faith in JesusChrist, in their devotion to the Church and the Holy See, and

Whereas, The Catholic Daughters of the Americas donate to charities,administer scholarship programs and strive “to be helpinghands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness, and

Whereas, The Catholic Daughters of the Americas was formed over 114years ago and today numbers 65,000 dues-payingmembers in 1,150 courts in 45 states across the country and in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Guam, the Virgin Islands, Kenya, and Peru, and

Whereas, The Catholic Daughters of the Americas share faith, love of God and a distinctly feminine spirituality alluded to by Pope St. John Paul II when he spoke of the necessity of the “feminine genius” in today’s world, and

Whereas, The Catholic Daughters of the Americas has declaredOctober 15, 2017 Catholic Daughter Sunday and has chosen“Serve the Lord with Gladness” as the theme for that Sunday;therefore, be it

Resolved, That CDA will welcome and embrace all with whom theycome in contact as they spread the Joy of the Gospel throughprayer and service.

Signed ___________________ in the City of ___________________

This ____________day of _____________________, 2017
