  • Imphal Times Supplementary issue 4

    National News

    By a CorrespondentNew Delhi Aug 23,

    To boost the initiative of‘Skill India’ by our Hon’blePM, Shri Narendra Modi,Chanakya IAS Academysigns MoU with MEPSC(Management andEntrepreneursh ip andProfessional skill Council) tointroduce vocationalcourses across PAN India.Chanakya IAS Academy,being a pioneer institute forcivil services examination,run by success guru Mr. AKMishra, has always been atforefront in makinginnovative developments forbetter education of studentsin the field of civil servicesand o ther competitiveexams, has accomplished yetanother milestone by joininghands with MEPSC underNational Skill DevelopmentCorporation (NSDC).MOU was signed betweenthe Founder and ManagingDirector of Chanakya IASAcademy, Mr. A.K Mishraand Col. Pokhriyal – CEO,MEPSC recently.Moving forward, ChanakyaIAS Academy, being aTraining Partner of MEPSC

    Chanakya IAS Academy signsMoU with MEPSC for

    introducing vocational courses

    will organize training programson Management sk ills ,Entrepreneurship, Train TheTrainer, Professional skills andother skill related trainingsthat will create a diversity tothe potency of an individualand will signif icantlycontribute towards Nation’srequirement of sk illedworkforce and betteremployability skills.“Training and developmentprograms intent to meet thetwin challenges ofcontinuous improvement anddemands of change. There isan ever-emerging challengeof capacity-build ing oftrainers. Thus, it is necessaryto recognize the crucial role

    of the Trainer from being aprovider to enabler,facilitator and change-agentwhere learner is in thefocus.” Said Success GuruMr AK Mishra, Founder andManaging Director,Chanakya IAS AcademyTraining of Master Trainersprogramme is designedto provide opportunities toMaster Trainers for thedevelopment sk ills tofacilitate, create and managea learner based environment.Training of Master Trainersto provide advancedfacilitation skills towards theend to end training as per thequalification pack for ‘LeadTrainer’.

    AgencyNew Delhi Aug 23,

    The Supreme Court on Fridayagreed to examine a batch ofpetitions that challenge thetriple talaq law on the groundthat the law was not onlydisproportionate but alsoextremely excessive andstringent. The Centre has alsoasked the central governmentto respond to petitions filedby various groups against thelaw, formally called the MuslimWomen (Protection of Rightson Marriage) Act, 2019.“We will examine this,” abench of the top courtcomprising justices NVRamana and Ajay Rastogi toldsenior advocate SalmanKhurshid, who was appearingfor one of the petitioners.The Supreme Court hadrendered instant triple talaq —under which a Muslim man candivorce his wife by uttering theword “talaq” thr ice insuccession —unconstitu tional in theShayara Bano case in August2017. The Centre had come upwith a bill to make instant tripletalaq punishable soon after butit got stuck in the Rajya Sabhawhere the NDA government

    Triple Talaq law to come under SupremeCourt lens, notice issued to Centre

    AgencyNew Delhi Aug 23,

    Former Union minister PChidambaram will be spendingthe weekend in CBI custody asthe Supreme Court on Fridayposted the hearing in both INXmedia cases — by CentralBureau of Investigation (CBI)and Enforcement Directorate(ED) — for Monday. The topcourt, however, granted theCongress leader interimprotection from arrest in ED casetill the next date of hearing.The former finance and homeminister is in jail after Delhi HighCourt on Tuesday rejected hispre-arrest bail in connectionwith a money laundering casein INX media case. He wasarreted by the CBI after a 90-minute drama and wasproduced in a special court onThursday that gave the CentralBureau of Investigation thecustody of Chidambaram tillAugust 26.A bench comprising justices RBanumathi and A S Bopannaposted both the matters forhearing on Monday, August 26.The hearing witnessedexchange of words betweenprosecution counsel andSolicitor General Tushar Mehtaand senior advocate andChidambaram’s partycolleagues Kapil Sibal and A MSinghvi. Mehta vehementlyopposed the order grantingprotection from arrest toChidambaram in the moneylaundering case registered bythe ED.Arguing the case onFriday, Chidambaram’s lawyerKapil Sibal said, “The petitionraises the issue of hisfundamental right to liberty.High court gave the order afterseven months at 3:20 pm onWednesday and said we couldmove an application asking fortime. At 4 pm the application isrejected. We come to the SC,request for an early hearing. Weare told to move the senior mostjudge the next day .. we preparethe petition overnight.. a noticeis pasted at 12 in the nightasking me (Chidambaram) toappear before CBI for twohours.. there is no provision forsuch a notice.”Solicitor General Tushar Mehtain his arguments said that therewas no question of anticipatorybail as Chidambaram was in

    P Chidambaram gets protection from arrest inED case but will spend weekend in CBI custody

    custody. “The court here isdealing with an offence againstthe finance minister whogranted FIBP approval to acompany called INX media,controlled by Peter and Indranimukherjea.. CBI has a statementof indrani ...that is the predicateoffence. ED proceedings onmoney laundering started afterthis predicate offence was madeout.” Mehta argued.Stating that Chidambaram hasbeen evasive and not answeringquestions, Mehta urged thecourt to examine the evidenceadduced so far . ‘The court mustsatisfy it’s conscience beforeextending a protective benefitto Chidambaram,” Mehta saidarguing against any interimprotection to the Congressleader in ED case.The INX Media case relates toalleged irregularities in ForeignInvestment Promotion Board(FIPB) clearance given to themedia group for foreigninvestment to the tune of Rs 305crore in 2007, whenChidambaram was financeminister. CBI registered a firstinformation report on May 15,2017, alleging irregularities inthe manner the clearance hadbeen awarded. The EnforcementDirectorate (ED) filed a moneylaundering case a year later.The agency alleges that theformer directors of INX Media,Indrani Mukerjea and PeterMukerjea, made a payment of$5 million and $450,000 toChidambaram in 2007-08 and2008-09, allegedly for giving theFIPB approval. Peter Mukerjeaand Indrani Mukerjea arebehind bars in connection withthe murder of Sheena Bora,Indrani’s daughter from anothermarriage.Chidambaram was arrested lateon Wednesday night after theDelhi High Court on Tuesdayrejected his pre-arrest bail. Hislegal team desperately sought

    to have the Supreme Court hearthe matter on Tuesday andWednesday but failed.Chidambaram then made anappearance at the Congress HQand made a statement. He wasarrested by CBI shortly after.The Enforcement Directorate isyet to arrest him.People familiar with the mattersaid Singhvi and Sibal want tothwart the possibility ofChidambaram being picked upby ED even when he is grantedbail in the CBI case.While some legal experts sayChidambaram’s SLP has nowbecome infructuous as he hasbeen taken into custody by CBI,Congress leaders point out thatthe SLP was filed much beforethe arrest took place and nototherwise. So, there is still apossibility to argue the petition,they added. The usual norm forthe SC has been to send thepetitioners seeking bail to anappropriate court.A special court had rejectedarguments by his lawyers, whosought his bail by stressing thatthe personal liberty of theirclient was under threat. The CBIsought Chidambaram’s five-day custodial interrogation,saying that the senior Congressleader did not cooperate in theprobe and that there was a needto unearth a “largerconspiracy”.“Considering the facts andcircumstances as brought tothe notice of the court, I am ofthe view that police custodyremand of the accused, PChidambaram, is justified andaccordingly the accused isremanded to police custody tillAugust 26,” judge Ajay KumarKuhar ruled.He allowed Chidambaram’sfamily members and lawyers tomeet him for half-an-hour everyday during this period.Sibal, who appeared forChidambaram in the special CBI

    court, said all other accused inthe case, including Karti, havealready been granted bail.Singhvi, who also argued forChidambaram, said the agencycould not seek his remand onthe ground of “evasivereplies”.In the special court, solicitorgeneral (SG) Tushar Mehta,who appeared for CBI, said theagency was not extorting aconfession from Chidambaram.Mehta said Chidambaram’scustodial interrogation wasnecessary to unearth the “quidpro quo and larger conspiracy”in a serious case.The CBI’s arguments werebased on three key points:Chidambaram did notcooperate with theinvestigation and gave evasivereplies on many crucialquestions; his replies were incontradiction to the standtaken by other co-accused andwitnesses; and the proberevealed that Karti receivedpayments from severalcompanies, which receivedFIPB approvals duringChidambaram’s tenure asfinance minister.Chidambaram’s arrest triggereda war of words between thegovernment and the principalopposition party.Addressing a press conferencein New Delh i onThursday, Congress’s chiefspokesperson RandeepSurjewala said: “Over the lasttwo days India witnessed thebroad daylight murder ofdemocracy and the rule of lawby a government hell-bentupon using the CBI and ED aspersonal revenge-seekingdepartments for the party inpower.”He said the “vindictive,selective and maliciousmanner” in whichChidambaram was “persecutedand prosecuted is nothingshort of a brazen personal andpolitical vendetta”.The ruling Bharatiya JanataParty (BJP) at the Centre hitback at the Congress fordefending Chidambaram.Senior BJP leader andinformation and broadcastingminister Prakash Javadekarsaid the law is now catchingup with the Congress. “It’s acase of massive corruption. It’sa scam.”

    did not have a majority. In theinterim, the “triple talaq” banwas enforced through anordinance.The bill was finally passedafter several aborted attemptsduring the monsoon session,a feat made possible due tothe opposition’s depletedstrength in the Rajya Sabha.The petitions filed by twoorganisations and anindividual - Samastha KeralaJamiathul Ulama, relegiousorganisation of Sunni Muslimscholars; Amir Rashid Madnia politician and Islamic scholarand a Muslim organisation ‘Jamiat Ulama- I- Hind’ - haveasked that the law be heldunconstitutional and struckdown.The judges did have a fewquestions before they agreedto issue notice and asked thepetitioner why a practicealready held null and voidcould not be made apunishable offence.Senior lawyer SalmanKhurshid told the bench thatthere were many dimensions,including making the practicea punishable offence and a jailterm of up to three years,which should be examined bythe top court.

    The Centre has pitched the banon instant triple talaq as a hugestep for empowerment ofwomen. According to the law,the practice of instant tripletalaq is a cognizable offence.A cognizable offence is one inwhich the police may carry outan arrest without a warrant,and is used for serious crimessuch as theft, rape and murder.Jamiat-Ulama-I-Hind, one ofthe three that petitioned thecourt, said the provisionsimposed excessive anddisproportionate punishmentand defined instant triple talaq,also called talaq-e-biddat, anon-bailable offence.There are graver offences underthe Indian Penal Code (IPC) forwhich lesser punishment isprescribed, the organization hassubmitted.Section 4 of the Act punishes aguilty muslim man with three yearsof imprisonment and shall also beliable to pay fine. Some of the IPCoffences, quoted by thepetitioner, with lesser punishmentare rioting (2 years), bribery (oneyear), adulteration of food or drink(six months or fine or both),causing death by negligence andrash driving or riding on a publicway (six months or fine of Rs1,000 or both).

    AgencyNew Delhi Aug 23,

    Prime Minister Narendra Modiwill address the IndianCommunity at the UnitedNations Educational, Scientificand Cultural Organization,UNESCO building in Paris thisafternoon. Mr. Modi will alsoinaugurate the memorial of thetragic victims of Air India crashfrom the UNESCOheadquarters which happened

    India, France to work together to combat terrorism,PM Modi to address Indian community in Paris today

    in 1950 and 1966. Homi JehangirBhabha, the father of IndianNuclear Program was passedaway in the accident in 1966. More than a lakh Indians fromdifferent parts of the countryhave been living in France formore than four generations. Inthe last financial year alone,India’s export to France hasbeen pegged at five billiondollars. The export rangesfrom minerals, mineral oil,textiles, electrical items among

    AgencyNew Delhi Aug 23,

    The Asia-Pacific Group of theglobal watchdog for terrorf inancing and moneylaundering has put Pakistan inthe Enhanced ExpeditedFollow Up List (Blacklist) for

    Pakistan blacklisted by Asia-Pacific Group of FATFfor its failure to comply with terror funding standards

    its failure to meet itsstandards. The Asia Pacific Group (APG)of the Financial Action TaskForce (FATF) has also foundthat Pakistan was non-compliant on 32 of the 40compliance parameters ofterror financing and money

    laundering. The officials said,FATF APG meeting was heldin Canberra, Australia and thediscussions lasted over sevenhours over two days.On 11 effectivenessparameters of terror financingand money laundering,Pakistan was adjudged as low

    on 10. The official said despiteits efforts, Pakistan could notconvince the 41-memberplenary to upgrade it on anyparameter. Now, Pakistan hasto focus on avoid ing theblacklist in October, when the15-month timeline ends on theFATF’s 27-point action plan.

    AgencyNew Delhi Aug 23,

    Women and ChildDevelopment Minister SmritiIrani today gave away thePoshan Abhiyaan Awards for2018-19 in different categoriesat a function in New Delhi. Theawards were given to theStates, Districts, blocks andAnganwadi Workers for theircontributions in scaling up theAbhiyaan and ensuring thatit reaches every household inthe country.

    WCD Ministry sets target to connect 44 crpeople through Poshan Abhiyaan to tackle

    malnutritionThe awards are aimed atmotivating the pr imarystakeholders and encouragelarge scale c itizenpar ticipation in cr eatingawareness to combatmalnutrition. The awards arealso in tended to foster aspirit of healthy competitionamong States to improveserv ice delivery tobeneficiaries.Speaking on the occasion,Mrs Smriti Irani said, as manyad 363 awards were given and22 crore rupees were

    disbursed to the awardees.She expressed hope that withthe help of all thestakeholders, the challengesof malnutr ition will beaddressed and the countrywill become malnutrition free. She said, from next month, amonth-long Poshan Abhiyaanwill begin in which thegovernment has set a targetto connect 44 crore peoplethrough this campaign. Shesaid, last year, 22 crore peopleadded through th isprogramme.

    ten other products amountedto five billion dollars.

    Earlier in the day, Mr. Modi metthe Prime Minister of FranceEduardo Philippe. The PrimeMinister, who reached Franceyesterday, met the FrenchPresident Emmanual Macronand held bilateral talks. In hisstatement yesterday af terthe talks, the Prime Ministerappreciated France’ssupport to fight against crossborder terrorism and vowedto work for peace in theregion.
