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Narrative Structure

By Sylvie Apps

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Structures There are 3 ways a narrative can be structured:

1. Circular – A circular narrative is when it starts at the end and involves regular flashbacks.

2. Episodic – Chapters follow after one another and throughout it shows different aspects and view points.

3. Linear – It has a beginning, middle and end. It is the most common and simple type of structure and is in chronological order.

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Tzvetan Todorov’s Theory

Tzvetan Todorov’s theory states that there are 5 stages in every film. These five stages are:

1. Equilibrium

2. Disequilibrium

3. Acknowledgment of disequilibrium

4. Attempt to repair situation

5. Return to a state of equilibrium

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Todorov's TheoryApplied to the film ‘Gangster Squad’

1. Equilibrium- There is a group of police

officers called the ‘gangster squad unit’ and

some gangsters working closely aside the


2. Disequilibrium – A shootout occurs with the

leader of the gang Mickey Cohen being

behind it.

3. Acknowledgment of disequilibrium- The

police find out that Cohen was behind it.

4. Attempt to repair situation- The ‘gangster

squad unit’ try and get a warrant for

Cohen’s arrest.

5. Return to a state of equilibrium – Cohen is

arrested for murder.

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Vladimir Propp’sTheory

Vladimir Propp developed a character theory for studying media texts and productions. His theory states that there are 7 broad character types after he analysed 100 tales. This can also be

applied to other genres in media.

1. The villain (struggles against the hero)

2. The donor (prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object)

3. The (magical) helper (helps the hero in what he is trying to save/achieve)

4. The princess (person the hero stereotypically marries)

5. The false hero (perceived as good character in beginning but emerges as evil)

6. The dispatcher (teaches and guides the hero through the story)

7. The hero (person who saves the princess)

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Claude Levi –Strauss’s Theory

He suggests that all narratives are based around the conflict

of binary oppositions.

E.g. Good/Evil, Weak/Strong, Young/Old, Male/Female

When it comes to applying this to gangster films it is

portrayed in slightly different ways. The oppositions of good and evil are in gangster films

even though you wouldn’t always necessarily have good people in a gangster film, but

you would have a lot of bad. For example, the gangsters would be the bad characters

as they are generally criminal based and some can be very evil. However, when it

comes to good characters there isn't usually many and in some cases police may be

considered as the good characters if they are in the film.

You would see the oppositions of crime and justice frequently throughout a gangster film

as the gangsters will be guiltily of crimes and fighting against being put to justice. Also,

generally in gangster films it reflects the diversity of rich and poor. This is shown in the

more Mafia based films as they usually involve situations and scenes based and showing

large sums of cash. These large amounts of money being shown would show the

opposition of rich an poor because ordinary people would look a lot less well off

compared to the gangsters.

Also, the opposition of male and female was important because it shows men as having

the most powerful roles and could portray them as weak in some cases.

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How I will use these theories

I will use Todorov’s theory at the first stage of my planning. This will help me plan a good plot in the order it should be in. I will use the five stages to guide me with my initial ideas so I can put together a step by step plot.

I will also use Propp’s theory in the next part of my planning stage when I want to determine what characters I am having. His theory will help me make sure I have the right sort of characters which are in good relation to the initial plot.

Levi – Strauss’s theory will have an on going effect on my film plan as many gangster films involve the conflicts of good v evil and weak v strong. These oppositions will definitely be used in my film making process.