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DECEMBER 8, 2012

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Moments are the poetry of life.And we breatheonly because you spoil usin the verses of your kindness. You know usas well as the pen knows the page,signing our smiles with the endlessfountain of a heart that gives. We are permanentlike the ink that fallsupon pages of summer leavesdrawing the past near It is in this bookwe see the masterpiecenone of us could havewritten without you Dominic Ken Gallello

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Hash House HarriersHong Kong 1976

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4 Steve Archer 4 Alison Berka 5 Csaba Böjte 6 Beáta Pintérné Bona 7 Rebecca & Jean Phillip Bosley 7 Terry Bozarth 8 Art Bruestle 9 Barry Bryan 10 Janet Bull 10 Chris Carpenter 12 Regina Conner 12 Terry Curry 14 Mariann & Laszlo Czirjak 15 Bridie & Joe Dillon 16 Uschi Drexler 17 Bridgett Egner 18 Baku Eszter 18 Delinka Fabini 19 Ellen Fisher 20 Laurine Ford 21 Antonella Gattino 22 Therese Gianoti 23 Rie Gilding 24 Rita Goodman 25 Anne Gould 26 Michelle Griffith

27 Ruth Anne & Paul Hamel 28 Andrea Harrington 29 Nami Hiruta 30 Tamara Jenkins 31 David Johnson 32 Mette Jürgensen 33 Dixie Kaufman 34 Roxanne & Dave Kendrick 35 Andrea Kieffer 36 Margret Lindenbauer 37 Eiko Lissner 38 Agnes Madarassy 40 Diana Magliocco 41 Istvan & Monica Makai 42 John Manley 44 Shirley Matson 45 Barbara & William McPherson 46 Pat Mojonnet 47 Jeannette Murphy 48 Kathleen Murphy 48 Nagawa San 49 Uncle TJ Namaritani 50 The Paley Family 51 Eve Pell 52 Peti 53 Carol Patch

54 The Randolf Family 55 Francis Richardson 56 Hugh & Lisbeth Richardson 57 Naomi & Pia Richardson 58 Chikako & Takehiko Saito 59 Salonta & Simpf Family 66 Joe Schantz 67 Janice Shallan 67 Kasey Sherrill 68 Annika Sorenstam 69 Ron Stevenson 70 Tomoko Taniguchi 70 Hilda Tarsoly 71 Victoria Valero 72 Ildikó Varga 73 Ria Verstricht 74 Alberto & Antonela Viora 74 Ingrid Vognild & Miriam Sare 75 Hiromi & Fumio Wauchi 76 Mimi Wentz 76 Pam Williams 77 Dominic Ken Gallello 78 Christopher Gallello 79 Ica 80 Dominic Gallello


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Message to Naoe

“Birthday wishes from Steve, Yoko and Lynn in Edinburgh. Please come and visit us soon” Steve Archer

Alison Berka

It was truly a special trip for Rachel and me. Naoe and the whole Gallelo family were so wonderful - better than a 5 star hotel because of the warmth and hospitality of friends. Naoe was a fantastic host, making delicious meals and taking us around. She had great travel advice and made sure that we saw everything there was to see. One of the high points was a trip in the airplane with pilot Christopher - what a thrill! We will never forget the adventure we had with you. Thank you so much Naoe, you are the best! Happy Birthday,Alie, Mike, Max, Rachel and Sam

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Csaba Böjte

“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. "

Dear Naoe,

I have always believed that Jesus offers us to share the joy of the creator kindness, the guardian of love, the beauty of mercy that bends down to those in need. These are the presents of our Lord, that he is willing to give us in our lives, and the joy, that exists endlessly and is full in its infinity. I couldn't wish for any more, for you, for our charitable, magnanimous fosterers, because not only are you blessed with kindness and graciousness but you share the loving joy of our God. You are the fountain that invigorates the hope of so many children who would pray for the little things we might not even value so much for they have become so natural in our lives and

you are also hope for those, who turn away from the beauty of our world disillusioned by the shades of greediness and selfishness. I wish you may be blessed every time a smile arises from the lips of the children patronized by you.

Csaba Böjte

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Budapest, December 8, 2012

Dear Naoe,

I wish you many happy returns of this day! It’s a great priviledge to me to celebrate your birthday here in Budapest in person on the occasion of your visit to Nagyszalonta.Just as it happened last year, sending the photo that proves this meeting.The other photo I’m enclosing was taken at your home in Budapest just 6 years ago, when you, Dominic and George enjoy the vast green space in front of your wonderful terrace.With lots of love and hugs


Beata Bona

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Rebecca & Jean Phillip Bosley

Naoe likes to play golf early, in fact the group ahead of us used glow in the dark balls!!Now that’s early! Nothing like seeing the sun come up on the golf course.I remember when Naoe first came to Costa Mesa it took me a few days of golf beforeI was sure I was saying her name correctly. Some ladies called her NoWay LOL but she didn’t mind. Naoe is generous, kind, a wonderful cook, fun, athletic, she said she wanted to be competing in golf tournaments when she’s 80!, I have no doubt she will. She has taken at least one local Japanese family under her wings. And then there are all her adopted children in Budapest.

Happy Birthday to a wonderful person!


Terry Bozarth


I moved to Washington after you had left, and for several years I heard wonderful things about you without having the chance to meet you. You came to embody the spirit of the Harriettes and were a mythical figure amongst my friends.

We've never had the chance to get to know each other well since we've never lived in the same place at the same time. But I had the chance to

get to know you from your trips to DC, and since then we got together in Paris in the 90s (when you facilitated Jean Philippe's purchase of a refrigeraator from your friend at IBM), and in Budapest in 2008.

Jean Philippe and I hope that you'll have the chance to visit us in Paris one of these days.

Lots of love and happy 60th,Becky and Jean Philippe

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Dear Naoe:

You are a great sport! Here are remembrances of you skiing on the tow path with Masako, canoing the Shenandoah River, and fishing in North Carolina with other fishermen that we met.

More that a great sport, you are a very courageous woman, courage that others admire. Most memorable is when the Men’s Hash rejected and even insulted you. You were undeterred and formed the Ladies Hash, which is a legacy that lives on to this day. Through that you have transformed many lives, no small feat for a newly arrived young lady from abroad!

So many best wishes to you on your 60th birthday. May you enjoy many more birthdays in good health and with much happiness and love.


Art Bruestle

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Barry Bryan

But my favorite picture of you from those days is this one. I still regale hash parties of the story of your wedding, and of the hashers singing

“Sweet Low, Sweet Chariot” at the reception.

Have a wonderful birthday; we’ll be thinking of you.

Love, Barry and Yasuko

Naoe-san, a decade birthday; way to go. Believe me, they come at you faster and faster. Yasuko and I were talking about the “old days” and looking at some picture albums the other night She said, “we were so young.” I can see how much Dominic and I have aged in 25 years, but you and Yasuko haven’t changed at all.

I believe this picture was from your first Thanksgiving back in Japan and we collaborated on a Thanksgiving dinner for our hashing friends; you cooked and I provided the apartment

and I still haven’t figured out what we were doing here, or who the others are.

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Dearest Naoe, Congratulations on the lovely you – sporty, caring, gentle and a fantastic sushi chef! (Gary and I remember our evening with you in Budapest with fond memories). Wow – six decades, and still looking so very good. Please let me know the secret, on the other hand, best you don’t as I am sure you are going to tell me to play golf 3x a week, run

27km weekly etc. I’d rather give birth to a table than do all the extreme things you do! Congratulations. Love you and so very pleased we’re still in touch after all these years. Enjoy the wonderful celebrations Dominic and your family have prepared for you. You deserve each and every part of it all. Much love,Janet xxx

Janet Bull Chris Carpenter

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Naoe ! The years pass so quickly – it hardly seems possible that I first met you as I walked into my new office at Twin Towers on a very warm July day in 1985. Wow, that’s 27 years ago! But you were really great and welcomed me like you were my supervisor. As soon as I mentioned I needed to find a place to live, you pressed a button and faxes started rolling in with offers of various apartments for rent. For the rest of the time I was in that office, I didn’t have to do anything as long as you were there. I thought this would be the easiest assignment I ever had except for one thing – that dreaded race around the Imperial Palace. I normally hate running - I never see any point in running unless you are trying to catch a bus. But this race absolutely had to be run since it had the lofty goal of raising funds for refugees. We all took up our positions

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on that fateful day. I had the honor of running after Nagawa-san who had stopped for a smoke half-way through his lap. You, mercifully, had the task of running the final lap in the hope of mitigating the utter shame we would encounter if, as expected, UNHCR finished long after everyone had gone home. Heroically, you set a blistering pace around that palace and, lo and behold, thanks to your superhuman efforts, UNHCR finished, not dead last as feared, but second to last. That was indeed a moral victory and, thanks to you, we could all go home with our heads held high. Until we had about 20 beers to recover of course. Ever since then, you’ve been really an important part of my life. One of the highlights of my time in Japan was that trip we took to Oshima

island with your friends, including one notable friend Dominic. Here are some old photos of that occasion. I also remember walking around the old town of Budapest with you. Unfortunately, I don’t have a picture of the two of us together but you were the one who took the photo of me overlooking the Danube River. So that’s close enough. Since then I have so many memories of times we spent together – at your place in China Camp, watching baseball outside of Budapest and, of course, more recently in Geneva. I hope this long-distance relationship will

continue long after you have finished celebrating this important milestone of yours.Once again, a very happy birthday to you, Naoe, and lots and lots of gratitude for your friendship over the years. Love to you as always,Chris

Chris Carpenter (Cont)

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Dearest Naoe,

What a special person you are and I - we - want to wish you the very best on your birthday!

There are so many fond and fun memories I have of being with you and being fortunate enough to be your friend - seeing your passion on the golf course, tasting your passion for cooking, sharing your passion for running - or should I say during the times when I joined you, our walking, your love for your cats, your joy in your children and their success, your special travels and care for other friends and children whether ill girlfriends or the special children in Romania.

Regina Conner

We had some fun and different Budapest times that I always fondly recall - driving all over the city looking at kitchen appliances and the occasional tile shop when we both did our homes, hitting golf balls on your air?eld, school stuff. All these things and more were just better because I could do them with you.

One day we’ll overlap in Budapest again...we look forward to it.

Happy Birthday With Love,Regina, and Kevin, too

Terry Curry (Cont)

The images are clear enough... Arriving at your home after church, borrowing one of your shirts, Waiting for Gaston to drive, walk or trot by by, Watching Christopher fly overhead, sipping on a some fine whiskey, and feeling cared for and doted upon by Naoe. I remember sitting on the stool in the kitchen as Naoe efficiently and systematically prepared an abundance of food for dinner. Though it looked effortless, to the casual observer, I was aware of the care she took. Fine cheese, wasabi, Italian spices, fresh bread, dipping sauce, wine, and fresh cut flowers don’t magically appear. Naoe has the great gift of being able to put people at ease, make them feel cared for and attended to, while orchestrating a well-planned apparently effortless evening. But what one takes away is not so

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Terry Curry

much Naoe’s amazing skill at cooking, not so much her impeccable taste, not so much her generous hospitality. What one is most struck by is Naoe’s genuine, heart-felt affection, an affection that even she can sometimes appear to overlook. One can actually become distracted by her skill at preparing a meal, organizing an event, leading a meeting. But if one manages to catch her glance, her loving glance, sometimes hidden behind the appearance of duty, you can witness a depth of affection and genuine love of others that stirs the heart. And really, its that depth of soul and genuine affection that draws people to her and inspired me to ask her to visit the Szent Jozsef Studio Kollegium to give a demonstration on the art of flower arranging for my students. It was one of the best attended events that we had at the studio. And I think that if you could witness Naoe absorbed in the act of arranging flowers, and how she managed to seduce more that 20 college students to enter into the

same meditative state, you might gain an insight into the depth and breadth of the love and affection that fuels the life force in Naoe. She invited the students to see, to feel, to experiment, to evaluate, to choose, to admire, to loose oneself in the arrangement. Its fundamentally about nurturing, picking a branch, a bloom, a stem, observing, seeing it, noticing its potential and part of a bigger whole, placing it, find a place for it among other objects of beauty, allowing each to keep their own individuality while at the same time trimming it to that it makes a

genuine contribution to the whole. On this day, when we celebrate Naoe’s birth, I give thanks. I give give thanks to God for blessing us with Naoe. For how she actively participates in revealing God’s presence in the world through her life, her love, her family, her kindness, her work, her life. The world is a better place with Naoe in it, and I thank God for revealing himself to us through His image and likeness we know as Naoe. Terry

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Dear Naoe! We wish you a very happy Birthday! Stay fit and happy for the next 60! We always enjoy spending time with you all! We were so happy when you came to visit us at the Balaton! Our sons are also still talking about that dinner at your home in

Budapest, with the special surprise of “Gaston”, the pig. We are admiring the work that you are doing with the orphanage! All our love,Mariann, Laszlo, Kristof, Adam and Daniel

Mariann Czirjak

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Bridie Dillon

Happy Birthday Naoe:

We met each other many years ago at the start of the Dipsea race. I could have not imagined you would become one of the greatest friends of my life, but that is exactly what happened. We both survived that race and we would go on to

challenge each other in many other Tamalpais contests through the years.

Some of my fondest memories take place on the trails of Marin where we talked throughout the run. Our long standing rule continues that “What’s said on the trail, stays on the trail”.

We also played golf together many times but of course you went on to become a low handicapper but I am still struggling. Despite our different scores, we always have fun.

You are my favorite house guest and have become so much part of our family that my daughter Margaret now refers to her old bedroom as co-shared with you. Joe and I also love to take you to our favorite wineries.

When I think of you, several words immediately come to mind: generous, loyal, competitive, lovely and talented. I feel honored to be a part of your life and look forward to many more conversations on the trails, laughs on the fairways and goblets of great wine together.

Love always,Bridie

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Dear Naoe,

What a great luck that we met in Budapest. Golfing together with Sonja , Hajnal and later Marianne , lots of laughter and Naoe´s banana cakes, freshly made at probably 5 am!! We all enjoyed the company!! unfortunately we all left for different countries. But your Romania trips allow us to meet now and then, like the time when we went golfing with Tanja and Wolfgang. The photos of lake constance we took when we went to Sonja´s grave. Remember the golfball , Renato had teed up for her on the grave? We knew then that Sonja was laughing with us.

Lots of love and hugsUschi

Uschi Drexler

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Dear Naoe:

Here’s a picture of us taken at The Olympic Club in 2005 -- we were young then!! I miss working on our golf games and playing together -- along with your regular surprises of beautiful flower arrangements, or terrific food, or knick-knacks and the parties! It’s nice to know I have a little sister who’s always willing to chat or help. We miss you, Dominic and the boys -- Marin isn’t quite the same without you.

Welcome to the 60’s and have a wonderful birthday. Miss you and love you....


Bridgett Egner

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“Sometimes while we are sitting on the terrace tasting a kind of good wine we are hearing Naoe’s voice while she is calling her cat for eat: She always shouted: “Ica dinner! with knocking the cat’s bowl.” We wish you the most memorable birthday!

Csenge, Judit, Barna, Eszter

For Naoe

Patience and love towards all, I learned from you.

A role model as you care for your sons, and take a genuine interest in the children in Salonta.

I cherish the memory of every moment spent with you.

May God bless you on your birthday!

Thank you for who you are!From Delinka

Delinka Fabini

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Ellen Fisher

Naoe has been a part of my life for, dare I say, over 30 years! She was present at my first date with Sparky on July 26, 1981, at a softball game sponsored by the D.C. Ladies Hash in Rock Creek Park. Naoe, naturally, was grand-mistress, an esteemed position by any measure, but strengthened by Naoe’s singular style of leadership, vision and organization. Little did I know on that fateful day that Naoe

would become and remain the dearest of friends, sharing with my family major life transitions, joys, sorrows, and many, many cups of tea, over decades and continents. My daughter, Arielle, considers Naoe a second mother, a testament to Naoe’s generosity of spirit, enormous heart, and amazing cooking!! From Japan to Paris, and places in between, we have shared priceless

experiences, and born witness to the progression of our lives. I feel blessed and honored to have a place in her life, and look forward to many more decades of precious moments with my dear friend.

Happy Birthday, Naoe. We love you.Ellen, Sparky, and Arielle

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Dear Naoe

As you get ready to celebrate a special birthday you will be remembered by many friends scattered around the world who will help you reminisce over the past decades. Is it really 30 years ago that we both arrived in Washington and became firm friends through our hashing and travelling. We shared many good times together; you made Washington special for me, and I still value our friendship. I hope we can meet up again soon.

Best wishes and Happy BirthdayLaurine

Laurine Ford

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Antonella Gattino

Mario and I and our daughters (Allegra and Francesca) were in LA for just two days on our way back to Melbourne, Australia. We stopped in LA to take our girls to Disneyland. Naoe went above and beyond to make sure we caught up. She made time to meet us for breakfast on our last day in LA. She even thoughtfully brought gifts for my daughters, which they loved.

Other fond memories include going on runs through the hills of district 2a in Budapest. Naoe has always encouraged my running and has been very supportive in cheering me on. We also enjoyed some beautiful meals at your home in Budapest. Last, but not least, i am very thankful to Naoe for introducing me to the Max Mara outlet in Hungary. Luckily it was during my last few months

living in Hungary. I fondly remember my first outing to Max Mara with Naoe when we tried on most of the clothing in the store. Happy 60th to Naoe, a classy, selfless, warm and wonderful woman we are very fortunate to know. Hope u have a wonderful day. u deserve it!! We wish u many more wonderful birthdays. Hope u guys can make a trip out to Melbourne for a visit. Love,Antonella, Mario, Francesca and Allegra Gattino

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Hi Dominic,

I know that Naoe would like me to recall the time she came to visit me in N.Y.C. before you got married.

Naoe came to visit me at me at my apartment in manhattan after I met her in Japan when I went to visit my cousin Dominic in october of 1986. Dominic & Naoe were dating but Naoe expressed to me how she didn’t think there was any future because his parents, my godparents, would not approve of him marrying a Japanese girl. I told her that I think she was wrong & that they were lovely people & once they met her i’m sure they would love her. I suggested that she take the bus to the Jersey shore from Manhattan & that it would let her out right in front of their house. So Naoe went to visit Dominic’s parents, Elena & Dominic Gallello. I believe she spent the night there. They got to know each other & i’m happy to say that the Gallello’s were very taken with Naoe, as Naoe was with them! If i’m not mistaken, Dominic & Naoe were married the

following summer of 1987! Ever since then, when I would see Naoe with her young boys she would tell them that it is because of me that she & Dominic were married & she would tell them the story. What a lovely couple & beautiful family they created.All’s well that ends well!!!

I love you Naoe! you have made my godparents very, very happy over the years. Every one in my family loves you & thinks you are terrific, and you are. have a fantastic birthday. Celebrate the wonderful woman that you are! HAPPY 60TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love always, Therese

Therese Gianoti

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Tony and myself visited Naoe and Dominic in Budapest in 2006 and stayed at their stunning architect designed modern house for a week. Naoe entertained us with her legendary hospitality that all her friends know including freshly baked muffins every morning for breakfast. Who could have imagined at that time that just two years later my marriage with Tony fell apart...mid 2008 I started feeling that something was going on inside of Tony, he looked unhappy and was often cranky. He told me that he was going through mid life crisis. I decided to give him some time and space and so I went to Luang Prabang, Laos and joined a NGO as a volunteer. But only a few weeks after I arrived there I was told by Tony that there was somebody that he liked and wanted to have a relationship with. I was totally devastated. Being in a strange country and working for a disorganized NGO my life in Laos was quite tough already. Now I have the biggest crisis ever happened in my entire life, my husband of 33 years together was leaving me.

I tried really hard to put myself together and kept working for the organization pretending that my life was going usual in front of my boss and other staff. But after work I was left alone in the office/residence I almost went crazy without any support system such as a good close friend I could talk to. I emailed Naoe and explained the whole thing. She called me next day and continued to call me almost every night in spite of the awkward time difference, talked to me and cheered me up. The fact that I was able to keep my consciousness right largely owed Naoe’s compassion. Naoe, you are one of the most giving persons I have ever known. I will never forget

your kindness, generosity, and big open heart you showed me at that time. It is such a great privilege to have you as my friend. I have been looking for a nice red vest for you that is the symbol for the 60th birthday in Japanese tradition but still can’t find the right one yet. It has to be a stylish, special, a sort of one of a kind one. I will keep looking for it. Anyway Have a very happy 60th birthday with your beloved husband and those wonderful kids you have been passionately supporting! Lots and lots of love,Rie

Rie Gilding

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Dear Naoe- It seems as though most of the times we’ve spent together have been holidays. There have been many memorable Christmas Eves. Those spent with Nonna were the best. Two of the finest things about you are your boys. Dominic and Christopher are exceptional, but you already know that. Sweet, charming, thoughtful. Surely they got those qualities from you! Christopher’s 1st communion was also my first 1st communion. It was a lovely day in northern California, especially with Nonno and Nonna there. I wish you a wonderful 60th birthday. And many, many more happy and healthy ones. Love,Rita

Rita Goodman

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Happy 60th Birthday, Naoe!!!!We have such wonderful memories of the boys each summer at our tennis camp at Stanford! We watched them grow up as young men as well as tennis players over the years. It was always a pleasure to see you and Dominic when you dropped them off and/or picked them up.We will never forget the wonderful

dinner we (and Dick’s brother and sister and their spouses) had at your home in Budapest as we were begininng our trip up the Danube in 2006. It was a highlight of our trip and your kindness and thoughtfulness touched us all. We wish a very special woman a very special birthday on December 8th!!With love-Anne and Dick Gould

Anne Gould

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My dearest friend--Happy 60th Birthday! You are a true friend, very kind and caring, loving and thoughful. I am truly blessed to have you in my life. May your birthday bring you as much happiness as you give those who know you!

Love, Michelle

Michelle Griffith

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Ruth Anne & Paul Hamel

Dear Naoe,

What fond memories I have our time in Budapest together. We became quick friends and enjoyed many good times. You loved my kids as I did your boys. We enjoyed bridge, book club, and many other activities together. You were my husband’s weekend wife on the golf course on many early Saturday mornings. Our families skied together, ate pizza together, and played games together. You were such a caring, giving friend to me. I remember when I ripped my muscle playing volleyball and was on crutches for 6 weeks, you were so giving of your time. You were there to drive me to my appointment and would often bring some food over

or help me with the kids. I am so grateful for the friendship we had and still have even though we live far away from each other now. I plan on our paths crossing again and making more memories.

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. -Marcel Proust

Thank you for the happy times my friend. I wish you many more blessing as you celebrate your 60th Birthday.

Love and Hugs,Ruth Anne, Paul, Jazzy, Zach and Gabrielle xo

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Happy Birthday, Naoe!

I am so happy that we met and instantly became friends. I enjoyed our runs in all kinds of weather. Mackenzie, Bodee and I are so glad that you shared Ica with us, we miss her! We all need to move back to Budapest and resume running! I miss you and wish you only happiness!

Love,Andrea (and Bodee)

Andrea Harrington

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Happy birthday Obachan!!

Because sixtieth birthday you must wear Red Chanchanko:)

I’m grateful to you.You said to me when I was high school student that “If you don’t

give up the dream come true even though detour”So I was able to become a Pianist.

I’m so proud of you even though we quarrel sometimes.I love you.And my family also love you.

I’d like to visit your new house in the near future!!

Enjoy your special day:)

*I may have even written a strange statement because it was not using English for a while...I pray that the meaning of this message is transmitted.*


Nami Hiruta

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Tamara Jenkins


Here’s to celebrating one fabulous gal pal! Naoe, you are …

No nonsense, nurturing, noble-minded, natural and nice,

Attractive, active, ageless, authentic and an amazing angel to boot,

Openhearted, original, optimistic and an off-the-charts philanthropist,

Elegant and exquisite, energetic and just downright extraordinary!

Naoe, I feel truly blessed to have landed in Budapest at just the right time to have our paths cross. I have so many fond memories of the wild-wild-east expat years, with you by my side (at AISB, NAWA, Booster Club, book group and countless fun ladies lunches and couples dinners!). Thanks for being a great friend over the years. Here’s to celebrating YOU (and the future fun times in Cali too)!

With lots of love, Tamara

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Naoe, In the late 80’s in Japan you were the “mama bear” of the hash, always taking care of your cubs and making certain that everyone was OK at all times. You made my days in Japan very enjoyable. I can’t help but also recall, though, how much fun we had together on your Honeymoon in Honolulu. I had never been on someone else’s Honeymoon before, nor have I ever been since. I took you and Dominic to the Kahala Hilton, a quiet, romantic hotel away from the hustle and bustle of Waikiki beach. You guys moved almost immediately to the Hilton Hawaiian Village, the craziest, busiest, portion of Waikiki beach – you chose action over relaxation, even on your Honeymoon. Congratulations on your 60th birthday! Picture of Naoe and me attached. More pictures to follow. Regards,Dave

David Johnson

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Mette Jurgensen

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Dixie Kaufman

Dear Naoe, This past Sunday a few of us were at Carderock sitting at the picnic table after our walk. We looked at old photographs and talked about what a huge difference you’d made in our lives. For the most part, if it hadn’t been for you founding our hash, we wouldn’t even know each other. Truth is, there were so many wonderful times in the early days when we were young and fit as a fiddle but maybe more important, the friendships have flourished and expanded. Even though I stopped running long ago, I feel revived by Sunday mornings and our Friday night potluck dinners.



Dearest Naoe,

Imagine, our friendship goes back to 1979. Fresh from Jakarta I looked up the HASH in Washington DC. You picked me up and we have been friends ever since. Fantastic.

I was very proud when you asked me to be Matron of Honour at your wedding in Tokyo.

It’s so lovely when you visit me and we go down Memory Lane. As late as this year.

Sometimes we fight, like in the old days. We are both stubborn; yes, you are too.

I admire your enthusiasm and warm heart, f.inst. when you talk about your orphanage in Romania. You are a good listener and a true friend.

Lots of love from your friend,Mette

Mette Jurgensen

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My Birthday My Special Friend!!!!!! I have sooo many incredible memories of our time spent together on our gorgeous hikes in China Camp, Tennessee Valley and Phoenix Lake! And of course, me whoopin and hollerin and you saying “shhhhhhh!” I loved coming to support you in your Dipsea races and watching you NAIL the finish everytime!!!!! I loved all the creativity and girl bonding during the special Ikebana classes at your house and the beautiful arrangements we all created under your direction. I remember all the special dinners at both of our houses and the warmth between our families. And a special special thanks for your amazing support this year through the biggest challenge of my life. Your constant words of encouragement

and your special visit gave me the strength I needed to fight this disease. (The chocolates and orchid pushed me over the finish line!) I will never forget the love you showed me. May we have many more years of friendship and experiences together!!!! I love you, my friend. Happy 60th!Roxanne

Naoe, every time I pass your Biscayne Drive home on the way up the hill, my mind conjures up fond memories of Turkey Trots, holiday family gatherings and decorations, out-of-this-world sushi and other Japanese delights and most importantly, how much I miss you and the Gallello family up close and personal. Have a wonderful 60th, and we hope to see you soon. Love, Dave

Roxanne & Dave Kendrick

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Hi Naoe! You are such a blessing in my life. You have had a positive impact all of the world, and I thank God that I am part of your circle of influence.

Now for the funny parts: trips to Croatia, Poland, around Budapest! The fundraising balls - remember the Jack?

The not so fun: you were such a great support to our family during our cancer scare with Matt. Thank you!

For the friendship part: I struggled so much with the school issues, and you were always supportive, honest, and trustworthy.

By the way, we still use “Naoeisms” in our house....You will live forever. Happy Birthday Naoe!! -

Love, Andrea (and John too!)

Andrea Kieffer

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Friendship, one of the greatest gifts

Hi Naoe,

I was searching for some pictures, but shame on me I could not find a lot, you know I never take pictures. You have some and I have all this wonderful little episodes together with you in my memories, You, Clara, Sujin,….wasn’t it a great time in Budapest playing golf together. You getting us all competitive and having lots of fun.

Now we are all sitting in different countries and each time I get mail from one of you my heart jumps and I feel this happiness surrounding me. I miss you, your company, your advice,… are such a great person and I hope we manage to meet soon.

I wish you a wonderful, great, remarkable, Happy Birthday together with your family and your girls from the orphanage. I will make a toast to you on the 8th of December and eat a big slice of cake.

I wish you all the best, “Gesundheit, Glueck und Zufriedenheit.”


Margret Lindenbauer

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Eiko Lissner

Naoe, Kanreki omedeto gozaimasu Congratulations on completing the entire Chinese Zodiac cycle (Chinese: She ngxiào (生肖) (5 cycles x 12 years (animals)/cycle = 60th Birthday) . On your 60th birthday you return to the same year and cycle as the day you were born, so today you are reborn and start the second phase of your life. What a great first life you have made and enjoyed surrounded by loving family and friends. So what do you have in mind for phase 2? I have an idea, how about a return to our youth with a visit to Hong Kong? Do they still serve High Tea at the Peninsula Hotel? Remember celebrity watching and listening to the string quartet? Happy 60th BirthdayEiko

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Agnes Madarassy

Dearest Naoe,I clearly remember the day we met. It was in an Italian restaurant opposite Deli pályaudvar in Budapest. It was November a sad, foggy, grey afternoon. I thought I would be introduced  to some  very posh people, all dressed up in designer clothes, as they are so international and so terribly influential. My only hope was Agnes, Kedves Agnes as I used to call her she was

good at picking people (no wonder we were so close) and I went there thinking I had a mission! Whatever happens, whoever these guys are, I just have to concentrate on my duty.

So I got there a little late (as usual) and there was a smiling Japanese woman with a handsome Italian who were joking about everything (mostly because they saw I was so nervous) there was not too much fuss about anything just relaxed, sit back, enjoy the lovely dinner atmosphere, and very soon I felt comfortable in their company. My anxiety and worries disappeared like the morning mist. We were chatting about light, easy things and from time to time words

went back to the kids in the houses. They were interested! Kedves Ágnes sold the project! We agreed to go and see the kinds on 15th December, 2006. Without wanting to arouse sympathy, I must say that 2006 was the “annus horribilis”, the most horrible year for me ever since I was born. I had an ultimate desire to erase that year from my diary and to make it a real gap year. A better year had not come. I knew that when I was to look back at my life I would know I lived one year less though the days had passed just like the other days. I did not hope anything could happen to change or alter that

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feeling of looking back to it with so much horror. So on the 15th of December we met at the border. You were driving a silver car fully loaded with all the good and useful things one can take to a house like this and we got to Szalonta at around noon .We went to Hilda’s house actually there were no other houses there then. For me things went on as they should. Hilda was nice the kids were nice, things organized, but then something happened! Hilda suggested that we should go and see some families from where the kids come! I wanted to go in your car to provide you with some information or to prepare you

to what you were going to see. But you were let alone with no help from anyone. We went to a shed. It could not be called a house, which had no windows there was only a rug or some plastic sheets where  the glass should have been. And there was the mother with some dirty, hungry kids around her and there was some potatoes boiling on a stove and then I looked at you...there were tears in your eyes I could see that you were both angry and desperate to help. You might not have been able to understand why is it that in the middle of Europe or anywhere in this world there are innocent children starving, deprived from all the essential things in life. As I could see it did not take you longer than a couple of minutes to realize that it had a meaning and a goal why you were there. You learned so quickly to read from the eyes of those kids. It was a good deal, wasn’t it? You gave them your time, energy, love and care and as a reward you got their love and pure, clear innocent eyes saying, “thank you to you dear Naoe.”

I do not think there are days you do not think of each other, you simply became part of their life they are waiting for every visit of yours just like kids counting the days until Christmas and I also think that for you it is not a duty that you undertook but it is a joy that brightens up your days. I came home that night with the hope in my heart that something had started and that meeting so generous, goodhearted people was a gift from God. Finally, I also have a chance to thank you personally! You gave me back that one year of my life! Meeting you made a difference! Since that visit I have never wanted to erase the year 2006 from my diary! You made it worth living that year. With much love, Ágnes Madarassy

Agnes Madarassy (Cont)

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Ciao Dominic, scusa per il ritardo con cui ti scrivo, ho cercato vecchie foto di Naoe con noi a casa dei miei ma senza risultato! Dopo la morte di mamma molte cose sono state rimosse e chi sa dove sono finite ! Insomma al momento non ne ho e mi dispiace molto. Ti invio questa mia foto spero vada bene! Aggiungi per favore questo pensiero per lei : cara Naoe mi ricordo una giornata di sole con te per le vie del centro di Roma e la tua eleganza nei negozi di lusso, la tua grazia nel cercare le cose belle e le prove degli abiti e delle scarpe da Gucci e io che facevo ok con lo sguardo ogni volta che uscivi dal camerino di prova. Eri bellissima ! Una bellezza solare e interiore , insomma una donna veramente unica e speciale e non servono gli abiti e le scarpe di Gucci ! Sei fantastica come sei e

veramente adorabile. I tuoi biscotti poi !!! esprimono il tuo amore per la vita e le cose semplici e io dopo averli mangiati a colazione nella tua splendida casa di Budapest,dove mi hai ospitato con affetto, ancora li mangio perché ti ho rubato la ricetta !!! Auguri Mrs. Gallello ricordati che sei amatissima da tutti noi e che tutti noi abbiamo imparato qualcosa da te e per questo ti ringraziamo ! Love!


Diana Magliocco

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Dear Naoe! We wish you all the best for your 60’’s birthday and thank you very much for loving us. Thank you for your sincerity, kindliness and affection. We are very happy to have you. You are so attentive, mindful and thoughtful with us, all the time you have a good word for everybody. God bless you and your family. Yours sincerely great family from Salonta: Istvan, Monika and 97 kids.

Istvan & Monica Makai

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John Manley

We (my wife, daughter and I) moved from Okinawa to the DC area in the summer of 1982. When I arrived here I had only two names and contacts. These were Naoe Hiruta and Carol Patch. Shortly after we moved into our house in Alexandria I contacted them, and was put in touch with the Harriettes. I remember my first run, which was at Alie Berka’s. As I did not know the area I arrived late, and found everyone gone. As I

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had run with the Hash in Okinawa, I followed the trail, hoping to catch up. I never did, but arrived back at Alie’s about the time everyone was leaving. Neither Naoe nor Carol were there. I persisted, and they proved to be very good friends.

Naoe consistently amazed me with her ability to be so gentle, and simultaneously so strong. And she

was much faster than I ever hoped to be! Naoe moved on, as did I, and I returned to Japan in July of 1985. Later that year I met with Naoe in Tokyo, and we ran together again. It has been a long time since we have had face to face contact, but I have continued to follow her through friends, and now FaceBook, through all these years.

Last spring I returned to Tokyo, this time to work for the Japanese Red Cross in coordinating the international response to the tsunami. My boss was an old friend from Geneva, and he surprised me one evening when he invited me to run

with the Hash through the streets of Tokyo. It brought back very pleasant memories.

On the occasion of her 60th birthday - Naoe-san, Ganbatte ne!

John Manley / Snail

John Manley (Cont)

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Wowie, Naoe! You can’t be 60! I remember your fabulous 50th and wasn’t that just “yesterday”? This photo of you was taken in 2005 in Budapest when we (Shirley, Sam, Phil, Russ and Marilyn) met you and Dominic for dinner in your beautiful city. It was a delightful evening sitting outside in the balmy air, enjoying a delicious meal and lively conversation. You made our trip to Budapest memorable. I have enjoyed knowing you over the past ten years, and I’m thrilled you will once again be living in Northern California. Hopefully we can get together more often -- and perhaps get into some mischief! Wishing you a Happy 60th Birthday filled with delightful surprises.

Love, Shirley Matson

Shirley Matson

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Dear Dominic,

Here is one thing of the many that I like about Naoe:

When we all lived in Tokyo, Naoe called me up one day and asked if we could get together for lunch. When we met she told me that she had trouble making up her mind whether to marry this guy Dominic.

I told her to forget about Dominic, I said: “He is too much of a male chauvinist.” Just kidding. As I can recall I did not tell her anything about what to do. I was just listening while she voiced her concerns out loud. Judging from the result she seems to have found an answer herself. Naoe just needed someone she could talk to.

I have always appreciated that she had the trust and confidence in me to come to me with her innermost concerns. But that was just the beginning.

When you both asked us - after Didi was born - to be his and later Chris’ godparents I was totally floored. I felt it was a very special honor and I decided to not let you down under any circumstances.

To this day I am still surprised that someone would have so much trust in me. I will always be grateful to Naoe and you too.

Thank you, Barbara and Bill

Barbara & William McPherson

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Pat Mojonnet

Dear Naoe,WOW your turning 60. It seems like just yesterday when we met in that crazy neighborhood...Peacock Estate! There were so many good times throughout the years that it would be difficult to name a few. If I only had one word to use to describe us

throughout the years it would be RUN. We had so many wonderful runs early in the morning talking about life and our families. Runs to the golf club to make our tee times. Another run would be the runs to the hospital for stitches or a broken leg, and we can't forget the run to your house to put out a fire in your oven! But wait there is another word I would use even more than run and that is LOVE my friend. We wish you a very Happy Birthday and will be thinking of you on your special day!!Much love from all of us,The Mojonnets

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Dear Naoe,

Happy 60th birthday, Naoe! I understand you will be spending your special day as you’ve spent so many in the past 60 years, far from home and bringing joy to others. Since I couldn’t be with you in person, I’m grateful to Dominic for arranging for me and others to be with you in spirit by contributing to this memory book.

Of all the wonderful memories you’ve helped me make possible over the years, I suppose for me the highlights are the following:

-Le 20 kilometres de Paris in 1984, the epitome of what made hashing fun: stretching ourselves physically and enjoying good food and drink with friends.

-The several wonderful visits I had to your home in San Rafael in the late 1990’s and our long runs/walks over the nearby hills and coastlines.

-Your joining me in Chaumont, France, in 2006 and our fun exploring Amboise markets and cooking meals for my elderly English friend, Mary.

-And the truly fantastic visit I had with you and Dominic in Budapest in 2008, including your introducing me to “Gascon”, the covered market, the Gellert Baths, feather bed production, hiking with the sheep, champagne on the Danube at night, and the Music Acadamy’s graduation concert.

Thank you for all of this and more. I look forward to future opportunities for magic moments together.

Love, Jeanie

Jeannette Murphy

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Dear Naoe,

Delighted to have the opportunity to join with your friends to wish you a very Happy Birthday.

Your name is often mentioned in our family’s recollections of our holidays in California. Your welcome, always warm and sincere made lasting impressions on all of us.

My own memories of our early morning trips to the farmers market in San Rafael just to give me a taste of Ca living showed how caring you are.

I remember, too one day in your home being captivated by your demonstration of floral art. It was delightful and gave me some guidelines to use in my own efforts.

Then there were the visits to your

Kathleen Murphy

蛭田 直江 様 還暦おめでとうございます。これから先、また新しい人生がスタートするわけですね。ますます精力的で若々しい素敵な存在でいてください。ご結婚後、家族の中心として充実した生活を築いてこられました。あなたはとても幸せな人生を歩んでおられると思います。優しさと笑顔があなたによく似合っています。それから友人への気配りに感謝します。どうぞこれからも心と身体を大切に、いつまでもお元気で活躍下さい。 長和 義雄横浜、2012 · 10 · 3

Nagawa San

home when John, Stephen and I had cosy chats with you and Dominic.

All in all, very special friendships that we treasure and were all brought about by you.John and I hope you have a very special

happy birthday doing all the things you love.Kathleen

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Naoe Onesan, Kanreki Omedeto!!! You are one of close friends of mine whom I have ever trusted in my life.You are blessed with great kids good and best husband.Please keep being in good shape over drinking 60 glass of Beeeeeeeeers!With love Uncle Seventieth TJ

Uncle TJ

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Dearest, inspirational Naoe You are a great example that 60 is the new 40! Full of energy, vitality, enthusiasm and still as charismatic as ever. Right from the Tokyo Hash in 1983 and through all the intervening years we have treasured our time with you. Hash trips in Japan, reunions on the West Coast, visits to Paris and London...and of course to Hungary too. We’ll never forget our visit to Budapest. You were up at 6am to bake muffins for the girls to accompany a delicious breakfast. Then there was a run, sight seeing, a

trip to the orphanage (all the way to Romania and back in a day). “Does she ever have time to rest?” we asked ourselves. But maybe your amazing capacity to give to others is what has kept you so young! Whatever it is, keep hold of it and bottle it. It is worth a fortune!

We look forward to seeing you again, and in the meantime. Happy 60th Best love Rod, Marion, Jamie, Joe, Louise and Emma

The Paley Family

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Sam enjoyed so much the time he spent you, on the golf course or on a run or over breakfast. He always looked forward to your visits and considered you a great, dear friend. He would have wanted to celebrate your birthday with you and your family. He felt close to all of you. And I appreciate how kind you all were to him.

Have a wonderful celebration and all best wishes,


Eve Pell

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Hi Naoe!

I'm very pleased to meet you and your family. You are a rare nice people which is hard to find in today's world, I remember when I was at your house in Budapest, will remain an unforgettable experience. The common shopping, the evening conversations how I spent the day with Christopher, when we flew with Christopher. It was great and I will never forget that summer. But now its your day, your birthday and I wish that you are very happy because many people loves you, because you love them to and i think its very nice to help that people. Your birthday I wish you a lot of nice things.Be happy, cheerful life for you! All kinds of pigeon get lucky, be happy for a long time in this world!

With love:Peti


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Thanks to Dixie for digging up this picture. I think it is circa 1983...we were all so thin and fit and clearly had just run a Hash. I won’t even try naming all the names. We see Lenny with brown hair and a full beard. I know that before his move from Western Ave this summer he still had those shorts and could fit in them. In my closet somehwere is also one of the tirquoise shirts Damon had printed. Have a great 60th Naoe.Carol

Carol Patch

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Randolf Family

Naoe has a heart of gold and is all about family. So glad that the Randolph’s are part of your famiily. You have been there for almost all our triumphs of running the trails of life, Mt. Tam, and Switzerland. You acted as our nutritionist with filling us with date bread/bars and as Basia’s physical therapist getting her ready for her operation by encouraging water walks in the pool. You shared our losses too when you came to Sean’s father’s funeral. Thanks you for your genuine concern for all of us. I am so glad the kids share their friendship so that the Gallellos will all be part of our life. Happy Big Birthday and happy every day.

Love, Ian, Sean, and Basia.

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Dear Naoe,

Happy birthday and welcome to the 60s club.

We feel very honoured to have been asked to contribute to the Moments of Magic, Made by Naoe book.

We first met you in Tokyo, through the Hash House Harriers (HHH) which organized many social events in and outside Tokyo. Remember Odawara Onsen when you and another unsuspecting victim were persuaded to sing to an appreciative beer/saké swilling audience of foreigners?

We shall always treasure the time and holidays we have spent in your company, in particular at your lovely house in Budapest and a Tokyo HHH inspired get together in California in 2003.

Naoe - it has been a privilege to know you over all these years and your friendship is very precious to us - you are a truly wonderful person.

We wish you a great 60th full of all the things that you are still wanting to experience. Have fun with the next decade.

Lots of love Frances, Ben, Toby, Naomi and Pia

Francis Richardson

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Hugh & Lisbeth Richardson

Dear Naoe,

Happy Birthday!

I will never forget the first time I met you on the Tokyo Ladies’ Hash. From the instant I arrived you made me feel welcome. I had been in Tokyo for nearly a year and was not having a great time. All that changed when I discovered your Hash -and it was

“your” hash, together with Marion’s- and Tokyo suddenly got transformed into one of the happiest periods of my life. Lisbeth and I send you all our love, wish you all the best, and hope to see you soon.

Hugh and Lisbeth

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Naoe is a very special person who has been in my life since I can remember. She and Dominic were my favourite people when I was little because they utterly spoilt me. I have been lucky enough to see Naoe in Marin County, Budapest, and Rome and every time we get to spend some time together we have great fun. Naoe is always generous and kind, and always happy to entertain me and look after me. I am very lucky to be a friend of Naoe and I wish her a very happy 60th birthday! Lots of love and hugs Naomi.

Happy birthday Naoe!!! I cannot believe I have literally known you since I was born – thank you for always being so loving and patient with all of us! I’m so glad we’ve managed to stay in touch over the years and that I even got to see Little Dominic in Tokyo. I really hope that you will come visit me soon in Italy. I wish you all the best things for your 60th birthday!

Lots of love Pia xxxx

Naomi & Pia Richardson

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Happy 60th Birthday to my beloved and loyal Naoe!

You entered my life some 25 years ago in the Tokyo office of UNHCR. Whew! Could it be that long ago?

…and you never truly left..Who would’ve thought that we will reunite years later in Budapest and Vienna. My most vivid memory of you is when you visited me in a hospital in Tokyo. I was really down, physically and emotionally. You in your running shorts, shoes and sweaty T-shirt, with a large bouquet of flowers made me laugh. Your kindness touched me then and you remain to date a most loyal friend.Thank you Naoe and may we stay friends for as long as we both shall live.

Chikako and Takehiko Saito in Abu Dhabi

Chikako & Takehiko Saito

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I’m Huzuna Christian and I am 18 years old.I remember all the best minutes you spent with us in Salonta.The evening with all the guys and the pizza “partys” :D Thank you for everything you have given to us.Happy Birthday to you.!!!!Love: Christian

Dear Naoe, Firs I want to wish you Happy Birthday and than I want to say thanks for all donation and help:) Be very happy ,you are a special women and an incredible person full of

power and energy. Take care and we love you: Huzuna AdrianFROM GYÖRGYI:Dear Naoe,

Thank you very much that you always helped us in everything. Thank you forall your gifts and support. The

“pufulet” was very delicious!I wish you very happy birthday! We are always waiting for your coming.Györgyi


We are waiting for your coming with much love and thank you very much foryour donation that you gave me and to all members of the house of Salonta!With very much love,Bianka Zaiti

Salonta Kids

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FROM Natalia Csontos:Dear Naoe,

Thank you very much for all your donations!I wish you very happy birthday! We are thinking of you very often andthanks for all love from you!Waiting for you, with love:Natalia Hajnalka

FROM RENÁTA:Dear Naoe,We spent a lot of wonderful time together! I always think of that cake,which you always baked for us!

I wish you a very happy birthday and many happy years for you!Lots of love,Reni

FROM RÉKA:Dear Naoe,

I wish you a very happy birthday! I always think of you with much love andfriendship. I remember a lots of nice memories which we spent together whenyou were here.Once more wishing you many happy

birthday!With much love:Réka

Dear Naoe, You made for us possible with Dominic to have a home a family. Iwant to say thank you for everything. You are an incredible womenLove,Gavra Christian

Salonta Kids

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Salonta Kids

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Salonta Kids

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For Naoe, I am Opra Szabolcs and I’m 15 and I live in Salonta for one year. Ihaven’t see you but I know you are a special person for every childfrom Salonta. Thank you for everything. Happy Birthday to you. With Love,Opra SzabolcsHi Naoe, My name is Gál Gabriel Danut. I’m 19. Salonta is my best part of mylife, pleased you and your husband Dominic and other good persons. I try to tell you in word how happy I am that I know you, but it isn’tenough, and thank you for all you did for us.I wish you a very happy and beautiful Birthday. Wish you all best inlife. Love,Danut.

For Naoe,Our prayer to God for a really good person:Dear God!Naoe belongs to you and she was everytime our help. Please keep her in your arms and give her all the best she deservea. Protect and save her from everything bad. Lead her on the good way as long as she is living.Give her peace and love and still a lot of years because we Love her and we need her.Thank you God for her. Love you: Simpf Dániel,Simpf Rebeka and Gabriel.

Dear Naoe, I hope you are doing well !I’m very happy that I know you.You are the best person I know after my mother. Thank you for all the gifts you gave to us and the lovely treatment. I wish you Happy Birthday and happy after. Love you :) Love:Simpf Erika Dear Naoe,We love you and thank you!!!Happy Birthday! Love: Varga Etus and Melinda

Salonta Kids

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Dear Naoe, I ‘m sorry because of we are very far from each other and we cannot meet and spend sweet times together. Your honesty and lovely self-devotion for kids and adults made me stronger, committed and more helpful.I’m thankful, grateful to God he made to be able to meet and know you with all my family,(the children from Szalonta). We love you very much and sometimes I would like to be with you and spend time together.God bless you and gives you a joyful life, a number of grace to could still good doing and to be a good co-operator with God . Love you,Pál Mária (Marika)

Dear Naoe, You were everytime by our side. Your favour and love helped us many years. Without your love we wouldn’t be here .I want say thanks. With your appearance you changed everything and you made a good atmosphere in Szalonta. You educated us and teached us to be full of love as you are. You will remain in our memory forever. We can not forget someone special like you. I’m happy that I met you.I send you big hugs and I wish you the best of your Birthday. Love.Péter Mónika

Dear Naoe,

In first want to thank you for everything what you do for the children from St. Francis Foundation including for me.

Thank you for every help what you give me, thank you for the postcard, the Marc Jacobs watch and for the money too.

I want to thank you for your smiley, for your care, for your love.

You are a very important person for me, for us.

Happy birthday to you and the best wishes attend you.

I wish you many years to live full of smile and happiness and God’s blessing.

With love,

Aszalos Emese.

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Dear Naoe,First I want to say thank you! You have alway done everything for us to be thankful and happy. All things you did for our life was a big step and a good change.

I hope I could be with you to celebrate your special day, your birthday but if not I want you to know that we are thinking of you.That day will be a wonderful day, you

can say you have a beautiful life. We are very proud of you and thankful that we know you. My wish is that wherever you go, be full of happiness and joy. I know we are always in your heart and you in ours.When you smile we are smiling too. When you are sad we are also sad. But you are a very special women and your are always happy .You are for us like a star, so our star light is everywhere and always.I still remember you taught me how to say delicious :Yummmiiii:)The shopping in Real :)I miss that days.

“Let love to folloiw your footsteps everywhere you go!” I’m glad you are my friend. Wishing you a Happy Birthday.Love you,Simpf Liedia BIG BIG hug:)I send you a lot of flowers by picture.:)

Lidia Simpf

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Dear Naoe, I have three memories of Hash activities that I’m sure you will remember:

We set a run in the Wheaton Regional Park that led to an outdoor John.

Runners had to open the door to the John to see that there was flour marking an x. This means that they had to look for where the trail continued. Those fast runners who came across the marking inside the John were not pleased by the smell that they encountered. The slower runners were happy that they did not have to find where the trail stopped.

One year on our Halloween Hash run, we all dressed up in costumes. I thought that it would be fun to clean out a pumpkin, cut out a design on the face and run with it, About two hundred yards before I reached the start of the run, I pulled the car to the side of the road and put the pumpkin on my head and then drove up to the crowd of runners, wearing

my pumpkin head. I began the run with the pumpkin on my head.

That pumpkin got really heavy fast, so it did not take long before my neck began to get tired. My neck was sore for several days after that.

One winter when it was really cold and snowy, the Potomac River was frozen solid. Art and I set the trail in the snow. We could not mark the trail with the normal cooking flour, so we marked it with ashes from the fireplace. We laid the trail into to center of the frozen Potomac and then laid down an x. Because there was about an inch of snow on top of the ice on the Potomac River, we put on ice skates to hide where we

had walked on the Potomac River. Several of the runners ran over to the Virginia side of the Potomac River looking for where the trail would pick up. Art and I built a small campfire on the ice about 300 yards away and watched as everyone looked for the trail.

When the runners found us, they were given hot apple cider that we heated on the campfire.

Happy Birthday Naoe!

Love,Ann and Joe

Joe Schantz

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Naoe, I can’t believe you are 60!?!? I look forward to seeing you on Fridays at Golf - and it’s time for us to play together again! So much fun down in San Diego for that outing...Let’s do it again this year!

Wishing you a perfect 60th birthday, and a fabulous 60th year... See you soon!

All the best, Janice Shallin

Janice Shallan

Dear Naoe,

I am so glad that our passion for golf has brought us to become friends. You have inspired me to complete my first half-marathon. Your encouragement in all things has made me a better person! I am also grateful for your thoughtfulness always bringing yummy treats to share. You are an amazing, talented lady and I am honored to call you friend!Happy 60th Birthday!

Love, Kasey

Kasey Sherrill

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Annika Sorenstam

Naoe, it was a pleasure chatting with you at lunch. Here’s a tip for you to break 80! Hit one shot at a time and stay positive! I hope to see you again soon. Best Wishes, Annika Sorenstam

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Dear Naoe,

Happy Birthday from Ron and Pam,

Pam and I met in the Washington DC Hash House Harriett’s. If you had not started the Hash, we would never have met. I think we were the first to marry. Art told Pam that it was OK to sleep with members of the Hash but not OK to marry. We didn’t know the rule.

We regularly see the friends we met in the Hash. We walked and had a picnic breakfast this morning with Jeannie, Dixie, Carol, and Lenny. John Manley was out of town. John and Carol still run the Hash. The rest of us walk and run at Carderock almost every Sunday morning.

The picture above was taken before we ran the Marine Corps Marathon. I think the year was about 1983.

Love to you and your family!Ron and Pam

Ron Stevenson

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Dear Naoe-san,Wishing you a very Happy 60th’s Birthday. You are not 60 years old, but 60 years wise.

According to the Japanese old calendar, Your new life starts again from the 60th (Kanreki)

Wishing you to have a good health and a lot of Happiness.

With love Tomoko from Tokyo

Tomoko Taniguchi

The stars are bright in the sky,because love shines out of them,thank You, that I might meeting throu You the brightest star.Stay always so smiling and sine,shine,shine.........I wish You a verry happy brithday!

Hilda Tarsoly

Hilda Tarsoly

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Victoria Valero


Vickie Guillermo and the boys

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Considering this special day we would like to wish you a wonderful day!We remember the magic moments with you and we are very grateful to got know you!We remember the nice walking and talking on the airfiled when sheeps used to be there and Lara’s first steps made in your terrace in September of 2007.We miss you a lot, you are very SPECIAL! :)I don’t find words to describe a fantastic woman like you who treasures the important things in life.We are looking forward to see you hoping that we will share your Birthday cake also this year. Thank you beeing our friend :)We love you,Lara,Mario,Ildikó

Ildikó Varga

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Ria Verstricht

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Naoe, you are delicious, and your Japanese cuisine is inimitable!!!

Alberto Viora

Alberto & Antonela Viora

Congratulation mamaG.

You makes us feel like a princesses wherever you are around, thank for all the love and care that you show.Looking forward to many trips in the future together with you to see your lovely kids in Szalonta.And hope to se you in Norway again soon:-)

Big kisses from Miriam & Ingrid

Ingrid Vognild & Miriam Sare

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Birthday greetings 60 years old.

We were on English Speaking Society of Colledge. It was the first time for us to meet. We studied very much for the debating contest, for the speech contest. For about 40 years we have been good friends. Naoe (and I?) look younger than our age? Naoe gives me much energy when we meet. And now I remembered her subject of her speech contest ,”Japanese Women Be Ambitious!” I’ll send 2 photos. Naoe and I on the top of Landmark Tower in Yokohama in2009. My grandchildren,Ryusei ,Lino,Michika and my husbund Fumio (Naoe knows him.),and I in this summer.

From Hiromichan in Yokohama

Hiromi & Fumio Wauchi

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Hey, Naoe, congrats on reaching the big 60! But how can that be – you look 29!

It was my lucky day when we were paired up in the same group at Costa Mesa. First of all, you were walking the course, carrying your clubs, and playing like a pro. In contrast, I was comfortably sitting on my behind, in the cart. Well, we had a great time that day, and have had many more

fun times since. I am proud to say that I have persuaded you to ride sometimes, maybe just to go fast and have you scream “wheeee!”

You are a terrific person, always considerate and willing to try soething new. Thank you for helping me with my game, for playing skins with me (ka-ching), and for being you.

Lots of love,Mimi

Remembering Naoe first impression was a ballsy, persistent woman, fearless in the face of the men’s hash stonewall against women! That persistence finally claimed me and I joined the fledgling DCH4 to my eternal thankfulness. So many of my best memories are tied to the hash and the many friendships that came of that, some continuing to this day, all because of Naoe. Then there were the birthday parties we

celebrated with then Peni Burch and Lynnette Hucal. Those birthdays have continued to this day although without Naoe. Naoe, you are always invited to this enduring tradition. Happy 60th!

Pam Wunderlich Williams

Pam Williams

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Happy birthday – I cannot think of a more incredible life I’d like to celebrate than yours. When I try to think of all the ways in which I’d like to thank you, for raising me, for supporting me, for giving me life, it leaves me without words. 

I have many fond memories of you, but they are all defined by the unbreakable attendance you gave me as an infant and adolescent. Between the regiment of after school sport, music, and extra academics, you drove us, prepared snacks, and cheered us on every step of the way. One of my earliest memories of you was at a park in Tokyo, though I

sadly admit I’m not quite sure which one. While the memory is feint, I have a distinct recollection of you running around a dirt field with me. I remember how fast you were - and how much I wanted to be like you. You told me how fast I was, and you have always encouraged me to keep running since. 

Since before that earliest memory until the day I left for Waseda, I can’t recall a single day where you weren’t by my side supporting me in the same way. Driving me between extra academics, sport, and music. You were always equipped with that magic black bag that contained all the snacks and juice packs my tiny stomach could desire. I know you like to call it bribery, but somehow I’m sure the gesture came from a better place. 

To this day you offer me the same love. I don’t mean through the rigorous cleaning of my apartment, or supplying me with food enough to last the winter (both of which I am deeply grateful of), it was the small

gesture of texting me while I was at work asking if you should bring me an umbrella since it was raining out. I showed that text message to my coworker Jamie who appropriately responded “you have the best mother” to which I could only think to myself, “I really do”.

Thank you for always putting me first, and for always putting others first. Not only have I enjoyed the support and encouragement I needed to go a little further in life, I have been blessed to have a role model like you - a truly special woman who always thinks of others first. 

This book, and reading the stories by your friends, is an incredible testament to the love you give to others each and every day. I couldn’t be more proud of my mother, and couldn’t feel more lucky to have you in my life. Happy birthday. 

All my love,Ken-chan

Dominic Ken Gallello

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Christopher, wake up, it’s snowing! It’s all white! It’s been getting cold outside, so when I hear those words, I leap out of bed and run to the window. I look out across the backyard and disappointment hits me. A moment later, I’m laughing.

“You lied to me again!” There’s no snow. I wonder to myself why I keep falling for that trick, yet I find that

every morning you pull this prank on me, I’m reminded of my love towards you.

Kids! Dinner!! Time to head downstairs. We pick out our favorite Lego spaceships and fly them downstairs. We make engine and laser gun noises as we come downstairs and shift back into reality. Sitting down at the dinner table, I see a meal in front of me. Nothing special. I lead a quick prayer so I can begin gobbling the food placed before me. Once finished, I ask to be excused, and immediately fall back to the world of being a starship captain. I appreciated the dinner, but little did I realize how much more I would appreciate the hard work you put into every meal when I grew up.

After a fairly standard day at school, I head towards the parking lot on a hot, blue sky day. I see the station wagon waiting for me and I hop in the car. You pass me a Strawberries Wild smoothie from Jamba Juice, which to this day, is still my favorite flavor. It’s time to go to tennis

practice, where I need to work hard on getting my backhand more consistent. After a long drive full of rush hour traffic, you drop me off, and my mind switches over to tennis. Shot after shot, I work hard to prove to the coaches that I’m improving. When you pick me up, I’m exhausted and fall asleep until I wake up in the comfort of our garage. You did all of this. Several times a week.

Doyoobi. The most dreaded day of the week was here again. I file in to school and hand in my homework – the homework that you helped me with for a good two hours the night before. “Hiruta-san!” My turn to read in front of the class. I begin reading, but a few words in, I stop. Somebody else reads out the character that I forgot from last week’s kanji test, where I scored 20%. I repeat the character and continue on, only to be stumped again and again as I read for the next few minutes. To console myself, I discretely pop a precious Japanese candy in my mouth, one that you gave me earlier that morning. You

Christopher Gallello

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also gave me a delicious lunch before I left for school, and my friends are jealous when I start eating out in the playground. It’s because of these things that I know that there’s someone who loves me on the other side of the school fence, waiting to pick me up.

You’ve done so much for me; the boy, the student, the athlete, the young man, and the engineer. I know that your contributions to my life can never be repaid, but I sincerely hope that you know how much I appreciate them. You’re a wonderful mother, and you bring smiles to everyone around you. Happy birthday, and I love you!

Ryo chanDear Mama, Thank you for being the best mother in the world that any daughter can have. Happy Birthday! Ica

Christopher Gallello (Cont)

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Dominic Gallello

Dearest Honey, When I sent out a note to your friends around the world to contributed to this book, the response was exactly what I expected – a spontaneous outpouring of smiles and affection for a very special person. As for me, from the moment I fell in love with you the first night we met on our Hash House Harriers run through the Budokan in Tokyo, you have been 99.9999% a priceless joy in my life. It seems like only yesterday and thankfully for me, it seems like

an eternity -- with so many precious moments for ourselves and our family. 26 years later, the emotion that I felt for the woman who led the guys in the search for lost little Keiko has only gotten stronger. OK, OK, perhaps I made our Hawaii and Nantucket honeymoon too much of a running and tennis boot camp but hopefully, getting to the top of Zermatt together made up for it in some small way. You have made a tremendous mark on Ken Chan, Ryo Chan and “the kids” which I know will carry them well in their lives and

that they will treasure. Happy Birthday! I treasure each day together with you. Me toooooooo!!!

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(BACK COVER)First Earth Run

UNICEF First Earth Run1986
