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A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

through the Department of Geography in Partial fulfillrnent of the Requirements for

the Degree of Master of Arts at the University of Windsor



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Water levels and basin data of the Laurentian Great Lakes were related to two major

meteorological indices. Historical fluctuations have lead to suggestions that GLWL fluctuations

are due to clirnate change and increased climatic variability of the local region. Related to

climate change, increased frequency and intensity of the El NinoISouthem Oscillation (ENSO)

phenomenon indicates that Lake Ievel fluctuation may be related. This thesis considers the

relationship between fluctuations of Great Lakes water levels and the El NinoISouthem

Oscillation using data collected h m 1950 to 1999. Water level data and net basin supply data

collected monthly over this time span for Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, Erie and Ontario. The

two major rneteorological indices used to study water levels and basin data are the Southem

Oscillation lndex (SOI) and the Multivariate ENSO lndex (MEI) which, were statistically modeled

using Box-Jenkins time series analysis. Time series analysis was used to determine how well

each model could predict the historical pattems in the time series. Additionally, this thesis

attempled to determine how well historical lake levels were described by the Multivariate ENS0

lndex (MEI), which is used to calculate ENSO parameters. Great Lakes net basin suppiy values

(comprising net over-lake precipitation, evaporation, and runoff) were used to detemine whether

the ENSO phenomenon could be attributed to similar variations. The final anaiysis involved

taking the information gained through tirne series analysis, and relating it to physical and

systematic aspects of the Great Lakes water system.

Great Lakes water levels could indeed be satisfactorily characterized by the changes in ENSO

events represented by the Multivariate ENSO Index. Using ME1 as the independent regressor to

water levd data, statistical results are indicative of a system-wide swino of fluctuation, in regard

to extreme weather patterns. It is apparent that ENSO events affect lake levels, despite the

many other factors present within the Great Lakes system. With the peculiar lagged forms of the

Multivariate ENSO lndex when regressed with Lake level data, it appears that there is a temporal

pattern present regarding ENSO events and Great Lakes Water Levels. Thus the present results

suggest that with the introduction of an ENSO event, Lake ievels are shifted most significantly

after 3.5 years, with the exception of Lake Superior, which experiences modifications after 4.5

years. With regard to Lake net basin supply data, it was determined that when regressed against

the Multivariate ENSO Index, a weak relationship between the iwo was apparent.

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i would like to extend the most sincere gratitude to my advisors Dr. P.D. Lavalle and Dr. V.C. Lakhan. Their insight, support, and guidance were pivotal to its success. Their influence and assistance have been constant mainstays throughout rny graduate Hiwlc, as w d l as my entire undergraduate career. For ttiis, I am very appreciative. As well, thank you to Dr. J. Lovett-Doust for being a valuable and thoughtful extemal examiner. Thank you to all of rny friends and family for their continual support ttiroughout my university career.

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Abstract Acknowledgements List of Figures List of Tables List of Abbnsviations

iii iv vii W ii ix


1 .O INTRODUCTION ... ... ... ... ... ...... ..- ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ...... .-.... ... ..-... ... ... ... ... ..- ... ..- ...- 1

2.0 REGION OF STUDY .............................. --. - - . . - . . . . ......... . . ......... . . .... 3

2.1 Physical Aspects 2.2 Great Lakes System Flow 2.21 Great Lakes Connecting Channels 2.3 Clirnafic Characteristics 2.31 Latitude and Situation 2.32 Atrnospheric Circulation Patterns 2.33 Impacts of the Great Lakes on Regional Climate 2.4 Resource Management Aspects

3.0 REVIEW OF THE UTERATURE ......... ... ...... ... ... ... .................. ... ... ... ... ... ............ ... .... 14

3.1 History of Great Lakes Water Levels 3.2 Aspects of Great Lakes Water Level Fluctuation 3.3 Factors lnfluencing Water Levels 3.31 Precipitation 3.32 Temperature 3.33 Evaporation 3.34 Runoff 3.35 Great Lakes Circulation 3.4 Net Basin Supply and Outflow 3.5 El Nino, La Nina, and the Southem Oscillation (ENSO) 3.51 The Southem Oscillation lndex (SOI) 3.52 The Multivariate ENSO lndex (ME])

4.0 CONCEPTUAL BASIS OF THE STUDY ..,.... -....- ..... -.. ............... ... ...... ...... ... ... ........... 30

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5.0 METHODOLOGY .........~~~..~~.~~.~~-.~~......................... . ....................... 36

5.1 Data: Acquisition and Characteristics 5.2 Data Analysis 5.3 Aspects of Time Series Analysis 5.4 Modeling of the SOI and ME1

6.0 STAl'iSTlCAL RESULTS .... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... ..... .. . . . . . . . . . 4 8

Statistical Results Assessmen t of Hypothesis #1 Assessrnent of Hypothesis #2 Assessment of Hypothesis #3 Assessment of Hypothesis #4

DISCUSSION ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... -.- ... ... ... ...... ... ..... 78

7.1 SOI and MEI Modeling 7.2 Hypothesis #l 7.3 Hypothesis #2 7.4 Hypothesis #3 7.5 Hypothesis ##4 7.6 System Responses 7.61 Lake Levet Modeling 7.62 Lake Levels and the Multivariate 7.63 Net Basin Supply

ENS0 Index

8.0 CONCLUSIONS ..............-... -...-............... .... ........ - ............................ 88

8.1 Suggestion for Further Studyïrheoretical Implication 90

REFERENCES.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 APPENDIXI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 APPENDIX I l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 APPENDIX III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 VlTA AUCTORIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 O8

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1. The Laurentian Great Lakes and Drainage Basin 2. Great Lakes: Surrounding Areas 3. Standardized Tirne Series Plots of the Great Lakes 1950 - 1999

3.1 Lake Superior 3.2 Lake Michigan-Huron 3.3 Lake Erie 3.4 Lake Ontario

4. The Southern Oscillation Index 1950 - 1999 5. The Mulüvariate ENSO lndex 1950 - 1999 6. A Pion Model 7. Box Jenkins Modeling Approach 8. The Muhafiate ENSO lndex A: ACF and B: PACF 9. Mulüvariate ENSO lndex ARMA (1,0,1) Model - Error 10. The Southern Oscillation lndex A: ACF and 0: PACF 1.1. Souîhern Oscillation lndex AR (Ill ,O) Model- Error 12. Lake Superior Water Level ACF 13. Lake Superior Water Level ARMA Model- &or 14. Lake Michigan-Huron Water Level ACF 15. Lake Michigan-Huron Water Level ARMA Model- Error 16. Lake Superior Water Level and the ME! Mode! ACF - Error 17. Lake Michigan-Huron Water Level and tfie ME1 Model ACF - Error 18. Lake Erie Water Level ACF 19. Lake Erie Water Level AR (1,0,0) Model ACF - B o r 20. Lake f i e Water Level and the ME1 Model ACF - Error 21. Lake Ontario Water Level ACF 22. Lake Ontario AR (2,0,0) Model - Error 23. Lake Ontario and îhe ME1 Model ACF- Error 24. Lake Superior Net Basin Supply ACF 25. Lake Supenor Net Basin Supply Modei ACF - Error 26. Lake Superior Net Basin Suppty and the ME1 Model ACF - Error 27. Lake Michigan-Huron Net Basin Suppiy ACF 28. Lake Michigan-Huron Net Basin Supply Model ACF - Error 29. Lake f i e Net Basin Suppfy ACF 30. lake Erie Net Basin Supply Model ACF - Emr 31. Lake Erie Net Basin Suppiy and oie ME1 Model ACF - Ermr 32. Lake Ontario Net Basin Suppfy ACF 33. Lake Ontario Net Basin Suppiy Model ACF - Eiror 34. Lake Ontario Net Basin Suppfy and the ME1 Model ACF - Emor


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1. Phyçicai Characteristics of the Great Lakes 2. Charaderistics of the Great Lakes Connecting Channels 3. Drainage Basin Area to Water Surface Area Ratios 4. ME1 Model ARMA (1,0,1) Statistical Resub 5. SOI Model AR (1,l ,O) Statistical Resutts 6. Statistical Resuk 7. Lake Superior Water Levei Mdef Statistical Resuks 8. Lake Mchigan-Huron Water Levei Model Statistical Resuits 9. Lake Superior and the ME1 Model Statistical Results 10. Lake Michigan-Huron and the MEI Model Statistical Results 11. Lake- Erie Water Level Model Stafjstical Resutts 12. Lake Erie and the ME1 Modei Statistical Resuits 13. Lake Ontario Water Level Model Statistical Resub 14. Lake Ontario and ttie ME1 Model Statistical Resuits 15. Lake Superior Net Basin Supply Model Statisticai Resub 16. Lake Superior Net Basin Suppty and the ME1 Model Staûsticai Resutts 17. Lake Michigan-Huron Net Basin Supply Madel Statisticai Resub 18. Lake Erie Net Basin Supply Model Statistical Resub 19. Lake Erie Net Basin Supply and the ME1 Model Statistical Results 20. Lake Ontario Net Basin Suppiy Model Statistical Resutts 21. Lake Ontario Net Basin Suppiy and the ME1 Model Statistical Resuits

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Autocorela tion Func bon

Akaike Infortnation Critefion


Mixed Auforegressive Moving Average

Autoregresive lntegrated Moving Average

Ciimate Diagnostic &n@e

Comprehensjwe Ocean-Ahasphere Data Sef

El NindSouthern Oscillation

Great Lakes Water Levels

Moving Average

MuKivariate ENS0 Index

Denofes the lagged valuelquader (n) of the MEI in sfatisbcacal analysis.

Net Basin Suppiy

Partial Autoconelatbn Function

Schwartz Bayesian Critenon

Soufhern Oscillafion Index

Sea-Surface Tempera ture

Lake Ede Wa fer Level

Lake Michigan-Huron Water Level

Lake Onfario Water Level

Lake Supenor Water Level

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Water is one of the most vital and precious nahiral resources on earth. The long but often

dficun reléonship between humankind and the coastal environment has lead to both lacustrine and

tenestnal degradation, h i l e ttie value of water has continually increased. Since the coaçtal zone is

where land, water and air meet, cuastal components are exceedingk COmplex, and must be treated

accordingly. As a Resource Manager, 1 is wnsidered necessary that any ccastal environment be

thoroughiy studied, properly managed, and kept sustainable. Thus, the most important q~estions

needing answers are considered interdisciplinary in nature, and surpass the definition of the problem

and define the processes, which may rnagnify these problems over the long term.

The North American Great Lakes are a comrnon resource to a great rnany people, bordering

two nations. With increasing global environmental crises, the changes within a system such as the

Great Lakes should be regarded with much care and much caution. In particular, fake lever fluctuation,

whether past, present, or future, have become more sensitive to varÎous physicai factors in which it is

influenced. As a resutt, clirnatic influences are deemed most essential to Lake systern productivity.

With increased frequency and seven'ty of the El NinoISouthern Oscillation (ENSO), me various impacts

on Lake levels has become a paramount concern among researchers.

The Great Lakes-Si Lawrence River Basin is a huge, cornplex, interdependent systern which

has rnany varied, interacting components, most of which are exceedingly complex (Clamen, 1988). It is

one of the wrld's largest freshwater resources, as well as one of the most extensiveiy utilized.

Fluctuation of Great Lakes Water Levels (GLWL) affects dire* and indirectly, most of fhe 40 million

people that live m i n the boundaries of the watershed (Environment Canada, 1999). it is the deviation

of lake levelç to externes that cause profound impacts on the many uses the resource provides. As

such, a study and examination of historical Great Lake water levels may enhance knowledge of the

factors infiuencing the Ruchation. It will also promote necessary rernedial and preventative measures,

and detemine how this valuable and extensive resource will be affected by Mure climate change and

vaiability. The premise of this investigation is that sake levels will fluctuate in the future as aiey have in

the past (Sanderçon, 1993).

The historical fluctuation of lake levels may also be better underaod with respect ta factors

that influence hem. Consequenüy, these fluctuations have been of particula interest among

researchers. Numerous studies have investigated the historical fluctuation of GLWL, h i l e mmpting

to correlate thern vrioi some factor of cfimate variability. This vast and vatuable natural reçource is both

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unique and rare and thus demands continued research and investigation. Numerous studies, indicate

the magnlde and significance of ail that the Great Lakes qstem provides.

The purpose of mis thesis is to investigate the statisti~al relationship between Great Lake

water levels, and certain meteorological features of clirnate change such as precipitation, evaporation,

ninoff, temperature and so on. The El NinoISouthern Oscillation (ENSO) phenornenon is mnsidered to

be the lagest factar invohring an inter-annual time-scaie, and clirnatic variability. This is the resutt of

global ocean-atmosphere interactions which resuk in global climate teleconnections (Ji et el., 1994).

Consequently, increased effects of global warming factors suggest a rehirn inuease in the severity and

frequency of ENSO events. The ENSO phenornena is believed to mate short-tm clirnatic changes

to the atrnosphere world-wide, creating atteratjons to factors such as rainfall, evaporatiùn, runoff and

ternperatures. These are the main areas of concern for water ievel fluctuations within the Great Lakes.

The niuo major indices used to measure ENSO are the Southem Oscillation lndex (SOI) and the

Mulüvariate ENSO lndex (MEI). These will be examined in this thesis, in relation to historical lake level

data, and net basin suppty values.

The practicality of this thesis is based on an irnproved understanding of Great Lake water level

fluctuabon and those factors believed to be responsible. Efforts to recognize and incorporate a global

phenornenon, such as ENSO should sîrengthen existing theohes due to its mub-faceted impacts on

physical and societal process. Hence, this research is directed toward ttie uçefulness of statistical fit,

and appücability of the ENSO indices to desaibe GLWL This thesis offers information faci l i ing

responsible decision-making, and the possibility of reliable forecasting tools, to better understanding for

coastal zone management of the Great Lakes region.

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2.1 Physical Aspects of the Great Lakes

The Great Lakes (see Figure 1 and Table 1) were fomed by a series of geologiwl Procews

approximately 11, 000 p a r s ago, upon retreat of the glaciers at the end of the ice age. They lie

between the latitudes of 40B01 and 50130' north and between the longitudes of approximably 7920'

and 93f1101 west Its basin is the largest freshwater systern in the wrld, containing approxirnatety 20%

of the world's supply, while occupying an area of 7'70 000 km2 (Craig and Kedand, 1998; minn et el.,

1997; Croley and Hunter, 1994; Sanderson, 1993).

The five major component are Lakes Superior, Hum, Michigan, O n t ~ o , and Erie; ail of which

rnake up a naturai series of storage reservoin linked by connecting channels and strab (Lee, 1993);

and are among the fifteen largest freshwater lakes in the world. Despite the mflad of çtatistics about

the vast volume of water mese lakes contain, the system is not a limiff e s supply of water, and is more

reactive to stressors than many would think. This bounty of water is being used at an unprecedented

rate, and mis will likeiy inwease with tinte.

The Great Lakes (see Figure 2) are bordered by the Canadian Province of Ontario, and eight

US sMes (New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota).

Donahue (1988) estimates that 20% of the entire U.S. population and 60% of the Canadian population

reside along the Great Lakes Basin. The Great Lakes ecosystern provides fish and wiMlife habitat,

climate control, reereationai opportunities, transportation routes, and water supply for drinking water,

im'gation, and industrial uses (Vigmostadl et d., 1988). As such, there is a large proporb'on of the

population of both couritries whose iivelihoods, heatth and quality of life are infiuenced by the resource.

2.2 The Great Lakes Systern Flows

The Great Lakes basin extends approximateiy 1300km from the western edge of Lake

Supwior to the Mess-Saunders Power Dam on the S t Lawrence river. Lake Superior is the largest,

deepest, coolest, and most-upstream lake in the system. It is approximately 563 km in length, has an

average depth of 147 m, and has a total area of approximateiy 209 800 km2 (GLERL. 1999). Its

watershed is approximatefy 127 700 square kilorneters which is considered srnaIl for a lake its site

(GLERL 1999). It is completeiy regulated, and has hm interbasin diversions of watar into the system.

These diversions coma frorn the Long Lac, and Ogoki Diversions.

Lake Superior has an average annual temperature of 4 O C, which makes winters wamer and

summers cooler (GLERL, 1999). ln winter, temperatures near Supenor can fall to about -35" C, Hihile

inland temperatures reach -43" C (GLERL, 1999). During most winters, Lake Superior is

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Physical Characteristics ûf The Great Lakes


Length (&j I

, (ml Maximum Depth (ml

Erie 1 73

Huron 176

Breadth (km) Average Depth

Where: Average depth and volume where rneasured at Low Water Datum Land Drainage Area for Lake Huron includes S t Mary's River Lake Erie includes the St Clair-Detoit system Lake Onbno inctudes the Niagara River Shoreline Length values includes islands

Ontario 74

Michigan 176 Elevation (ml


563 257 147


Voiume (km3) I

Area (km2) Total Area (km2) Shonline length (km 1 Retention Time (YB) OuUet

Shorefine lengm and Retention Tirne totals are greater than the sum of the shareline length for the lakes because they include the connecting channels (excluding the St Lawrence River).

Superior 183

388 92 19

494 190 85

4 920 57 800 118 000

Water Area (km2) 1 Land Drainage

Source: Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (1 999).

31 1 85 86

332 245 59


12 100 82 100 127 700

209 800 4 385


St Mary's River

3 540 59 600 134 100

175 800 2 633


Straits of Mackinaw

244 !

484 25700 78 000


193 700 6 157


St Clair River


1640 18 960 64 030

22 684 244 160 521 830

1 03 700 1 402


Niagara River1 Welland Canal

82 900 1 146


St Lawrence River

765 900 17 017

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The Laurentian Great Lakes and Drainage Basin

Source: Quinn (1992). Hydraulic Residence limes of the Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakm Research; l8(l):Z-2

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covered Mth ice approxirnately 40 to 90 percent (Beranek. 1999). O p n water is often found in the

centre of the lake due to icebreakage and strong winds. Evaporation is greatest during the monm of

December (Mason, 1998).

The flow pmceeds through various locks, d o m through St Mary's River into Lake Huron,

where it is joined by water flowing tom Lake Uchigan (Crnley, 1986). St Mary's River is sihted at

Lake Superiots southeast corner. It is a crooked 98 km channel of water sepaating Mcchigan's upper

peninsula from the province of Ontario (Beranek, 1999). The St Mary's Rapids are sibiated only 26 km

from the mouth of the river, and Lake Huron (Beranek, 1999).

Water flows from this point into Lakes Michigan and Huron, which are mmrnonly, considered a

single lake, due to h ydmiogic and hydraulic sirnilaribes (Canadian Hydrograp hic Service, 1 999;

Hartmann, 1990). The key to this is the deep and immense straitç of the Mackinaw river that ailows for

a close and interdependent relationship between the two lakes. According to Croley (1986), itç vast

surface area, (togemer- 117 400 km2) provides a 'buffer to flow changes leaving the lake.' Additionaliy,

because boa lakes have the same elevation (176 km), many researchers deem them systematicaliy

similar (GLERL, 1999).

Lake Michigan has the second diversion, where water is diverted at Chicago to the Mississippi

River Basin. The shape of Lake Michigan is long and narmw, (494 km by 190 km), and is considered a

naturai cui-de-sac, meaning that waier entering the lake circulates slowly, and remains for a long time

before 1 leaves me basin through the straits of Mackinaw (Farid et el., 1997). It is important to note

that oniy a relatively small amount of water flows out of the boffleneck at the strait between Michigan

and Huron. Lake Michigan therefore, has a long retention time (Beranek, 1999). Lake Huron serves as

a conveyor of water within the Great Lakes, as it carries water from the upper hNo takes, to the rest of

the systern. Incidentally, Bishop (1990) M e s that water levels of Lake Michigan-Huron have

substantialfy been influenced by various humaninduced actions at the outlets of Lake Huron and the

S t Clair River.

These lakes discharge thmugh the S t Clair River, to shallow Lake S t Clair, and then through

the btroi t River system into Lake Erie. Lake St Clair has a surface area of 692 square kilornekes.

and has an average natural depth of approximately 6.5m (Beranek, 1999). The drop in elevation

betuwen the lakes, through their outlets, and Lake Erie is appmximateiy 2Sm, which creates a

'backwater effecf among the Lakes (Beranek, 1999; Canadian Hydmgraphic Service, 1999; Hartmann,

1990; Cmley 1986). The waterway behwaen Lake Humn and Lake Erie is about 145 km long, and with

the re lae ly small elevation difference, another seerningiy large bottleneck o a u n m i n the overall

qstem (Beranek, 1999). This may mean that the potential amount of water that could flow *in the

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system is quite large. However, the relatively srnall and narrow waterways between these lakes cause

fewer and slower movement over a longer period of time. Levels of the lakes on both sidas of the

systern usually result in corresponding levels of the S t Clair River, Lake St Clair, and the Detroit River

(Bishop, 1990; Canadian Hydrographie Service, 1999).



The Great Lakes: Surrounding Areas

Environment Canada and US EPA. In: Great Lakes Information Network (2001). Http://

In hm, 95% of Lake Erie's total inflow cornes via the Detroit River water from al1 of the "upper

Lakes" in the system (Environment Canada and US EPA, 1995). HosteUer (1995) states mat Lake Erie

is especially influenced by the magnitude and phase of hydrological variations such as precipitation,

evaporation and runoff. Because of its srnail size and shallow depth, it is quite vuinerable to lake level

fluctuation. Frorn Lake Erie, the water flows oirough its natural outiet, the Niagara River and Welland

Diversion into Lake Ontario. The Welland Diversion bypasses Niagara Falls and is used for navigation

and hydroelectric power. There are no major deviations in lake levels to upstream lakes due to water

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flowing thmugh Niagara Falls. The difference in elevation between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario is

approxirnately 99rn (Canadian Hydrographic SeMce, 1999).

Lake Ontario is the lowes? of the Great Lakes (74m in elevation) and its water Rows mrough

the S t Lawrence River into the Gulf of S t Lawrence and continues toward the ocean, over 19ûOkm

away. The differenca in elevation between Lake Ontario and the S t Lawrence River is about 1.7m

(Canadian Hydrographic Service, 1999). Lake Ontario is regulated whereby its outflows are conîrolled

by the MossSaunders Power Dam located between Massena, New York and Cornwall, Ontario

(Croley, 1986). Its canals do not serve as regulation, but a means for navigation thmugh the

bottlenecked channel. Lake Ontario is said to be strongly influenced by rneteorological events, Mile

water circulation is highly variable, being influenced by wind s i res on surface waters, and hydraulic

flows h m discharging tributaries (Flint and Stevens, 1989). Flint and Stevens (1989) çMe that of al1

the Great Lakes, Lake Ontario has the largest ratio of watershed land area to lake surface area,

suggesting a much larger relative drainage basin than the other lakes.

2.21 Great Lakes Connecting Channels

The connecting channels of the Great Lakes are S t Mary's River, the S t Clair River, Lake S t

Clair, the Detroit River, the Niagara River, and the S t Lawrence River. These make up the system in

which water flows from one lake to another (see Table 2). Considering the sizes of the lakes, these

connecting channels are mnsidered quite small (Mason, 1998). They are extremely important in water

level management, as well as the most heavity used areas within the basin.


Characteristics of the Great Lakes Connecting Channels


Source: Mason (1998). Lake by Lake. State of the Great Lakes Repwt Environment Canada.






2 100



5 097


1 .O

5 210



5 692



7 739

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St M w s River drain's Lake Superior into Lake Huron, with a 6.7 metre drop in elevation

between the W. According to Maçon (1998). the river has several tributanes, however the w a h

entering from these are onfy a small fraction of the water drainage h m Lake Superior. The S. Clair

River drains Lake Huron into Lake St Clair. Its natural depth is actualiy quite shallow, howver it has

been dredged extensively to meet t r ansp~ r t~on needs. Here as well, the main water cornes h m Lake

H u m than any other source. This river is characterized with a noncornplex shoreline, fast airrent,

and substantial M c i a i depth (Mason, 1998). The Detroit m e r conne& Lake St Clair 1i, Lake Erie.

Mason (1 998) cites th& 95% of the total river fiow wmes h m the upper Mes. In addition, the Niagara

River drains Lake Erie into Lake Ontario and drops in elevaüon by alrnost 100 mefres along its course.

Like the others, the large majonty of water within the river cornes rnainiy h m the lake itseL Finaliy, the

St Lawrence River is the o ~ q e t of the Great Lakes systern. It drains Lake Ontario to oie Gulf of St

Lawrence on a course that extends 870 kilometers to the ocean.

2.3 Climatic Characteristics and their Controls

There is no question that climate change, and aspects of regional climate have the potential to

affect the water levels of the Great Lakes. This w u l d invoîve rnany factors, aîfhough dimatic variables

such as precipitation, evaporation, and runoff patterns, are of particulair importance (Hartmann, 1990).

Overall, the clirnate of Southem Ontario varies irnmenseiy especially due to the effects of the Great

Lakes. Brown et al., (1980) states that the meteorological affect of the lakes is most pronounced along

the shoreline, where the climate diîTers considerabfy from that in the uplands. Eichenlaub (1979) and

Lee (1993) state at least four major conîrofs that exert a marked influence over the clima?e of the Great

Lakes area. These are 1) latitude; 2) air masses and atmospheric disturbances; 3) the continentality of

the region (related to its position within the interior of North Arnerica); and 4) the modifying marine

effects resulting frorn the presence of the Great Lakes. The following will describe these details as wll

as other pertinent cornponents of climatic characteristics.

Controlling factors of climate indicate the effects of related components affecting the levels of

the Great Lakes. Day-today weatber is variable because much of the basin is located wi'thin the paths

of several major storm lracks. Additionally, the climate of the Great Lake Basin rnay be simpb

characterized by a mix of conf nental and maritime climates (Eichenlaub, 1979). These factors induce

the components affecting water levels. Factors such as precipitation, temperature, evaporation,

hospheric circulation patterns, lake circulation, and x, on. Therefore, the unique climatic

characteristic of the region under study must be presented in a desaiptive and precise manner. The

following will desaibe Great Lakes clirnatic characteristics, h i l e later chapten will specifcaliy focus on

resutting factors that d i r e influence water levels.

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2.31 Latitude and Situation

According to Eichenlaub (1979) latitude is the dominant confrol mnceming climate, insuring

that large differences in çolar radiation will occur seasonally. This means that there is a marked

contrast in energy received during the winter and sumrner rnonths. These factors are essentially

detemined by the energy from the Sun. The mid-latitude location effects seasonal and temperhre

variation, due to solar energy being fhree to four fmes greater in early surnrner than in earfy winter

(Lee, 1993). The exact situation of the basin allows for a mix of air maççes, stom kacks, variation in

the prominence of four distinct seasons, and afmospheric circulation (Brown et al., 1980). These effed

the hydrologie cycle, seasonal variation, while cornprising the main clirnaüc traits of the region.

Sihiation of the region is an important factor in explaining and desaibing specific climate

characteristics of the Great Lakes Region. For example, winter periods in most portions of the basin

are quite cold and precipitous. The la& of relief or other barrien allow Arctic air masses, canying

extremeiy cold air masses to easily flow into the region. Lee (1993) states that the temperature rnay

reach as low as QOC. During winter seasons, the sustained cool temperature allow the build up of

snow and ice over the lakes, and such storage of snow and ice on land and lake is responsible for

lowr lake levels during such periods.

2.32 Atrnospheric Circulation Patterns

Weather systems, stomi tracks and air masses cantinuousiy move aaoss the Great Lakes

region. These systems bring wih them periods of heat, cold, rain or snow, sunshine or clouds. Brown

et al. (1980) states that the strength and predominance of atmospheric patterns and various source-

regions of air ttiat allow for the variations in weather paüerns and hence, the distinct properb'es of Great

Lakes regional clirnate. The dominant air masses of the region are those originating from the Arcüc,

the northem oceans and the topics, al1 of wtiich Mng distincüve types of weather (Brown et al., 1980).

Stons develop along 'weaiher fronts', or along the zone between two types of air masses.

Other factors responsible for the clirnate in the basin invofve the large-scale general circulation

of the atmosphere. The wntroiüng factors of this are the polar jet stream and the semigermanent

high-pressure systern located in the subtropical Atlantic (Lee, 1993). The pola jet Stream is

responsible for lowpressure storms that are mnducive to precipitation. The subtropical high-pressure

systern is rnost intense during the sumrner, and Mngs with it large arnounts of moisture from the Guif of

Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. These may be considered the main sources of moisbire/precipitation

poducing systems for this area. These systems aiso account for the high frequency of w a m and

humid days during the wmmer season especially over the southem poitions of the basin (Lm, 1993).

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Lee (1993) alço contends that these systems are predominant and resun in a VerY large range of

variability concerning day-to-day weather.

ENSO events may be defined as the combination of m a n waming and the reversal of

surface air pressure, at opposite ends of the tropical Pacifie Ocean, usually occur imubneousfy

(Ahrens, 1991). During ENSO events, air circulation at 5km high in tbe atmosphere is aftared during El

Nino and La Nina events. Dunng El Nino winters, the jet Stream over the North Pacifc is likely to split

on its approach to North Arnerica. Shabbar (1999) uintends thai a weaker branch wouM be dberted

northward into the Northwest Territories h i l e the lower subtropical branch (whose mean position is

over the Pacific northwestern region of Canada) would be shiffed several degrees latitude southwest

The southern Canadian region lies in behnieen the two jets and receives rnilder, and drier than normal,

winters (Shabbar, 1999). Shabbar et a/., (1997) and Shabbar and Khandekar (1996) have found that

temperature and precipitation patterns over Canada respond to ENSO events which induce

atrnospheric agitation.

Peixoto and Oort (1992) found a very sîrong correlation between Sea Surface Temperatures

(SST) anomalies in the eastem equatorial Pacific and ttiat of the atrnospheric temperature over the

Northem Hernisphere. The correlation found is said to rnost skong *en the aîmospheric temperature

lags the ocean temperature by four months (~0.82). lt was concluded that 'since conelaüons witti the

mean Southem Hemisphere temperatures are very high, it is cIear ttiat a large part of the observed

variability in the global atmosphere must be connecied with ENSO events." Sirnilar to that of Daly

(1999), Peixoto and Oort found that atmospheric temperatures lag the SOI by approxirnateiy 8.5


Meadows et el. (1997) related phenornena of high lake levels wïth signficant changes in the

nature of the Great Lakes basin cyclones. Support for tfiis finding is providsd by an apparent inter-

decadal clirnate change reflected in a marked shift in track lines of extra tropical cyclones passing over

the Great Lakes. This is paralleled by a deaeaçe in lake levels and wave anergies during different

peiods. Rohli et al. (1999), indicated important factors that define how local atmospheric anomalies

affect the Great Lakes Basin. These are believed to affect local temperature regimes, as well as

precipitaiion patterns.

2.33 Impact of Great Lakes on Regional Clirnate

The Great Lakes have a significant effect on their own regional climate. Amrdingty, such

knowledge allows for the ability to conventionally determine and devise a standard th& mu ld allow

researdiers to compare and base al1 other climatic difierences or changes against Brown et d. (1 980)

stated for example that heat provided by energy from the sun is transporteci to and from ttie e e a t

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Lakes by the wind, and plays a dominant role in shaping the ciimate of Souhem Ontafio. For example.

the temperature difference between the large water bodies and the landmases, especially during

different seasons, allow for atterations in climatic characteristics. The slow response of water

temperature to seasonal changes in solar input has a significant effect on air temperatures at locations

along the shoreline, strikingly dfierent from places located away from the shore. In addition, Lee

(1993) demonstrated that prevailing winds dunng the winter cause locations near the southeastein

shores to be wanner han those at the same latitudes, h i l e those in the surnrner near norttieastem

shores have cooler temperabres.

The tem 'lake effect" is a well-known climatic influence of the Great Lake region (Scott and

Huff, 1996). Scott and Huff state that lake effects are most nofceable in precipitation and temperature,

and Vary with season, time of day, and lake sire. As well, the lakes act as a large source of moisture to

the lower abnosphere, allowing for changes h precipitation, temperature, and evaporation that would

not normally exist without the presence of such a large lake system. The lake effect shows how Lake

Superior has the gnatest influence 'where up to 100% more precipitation falls downwind of the lake in

winter cornpared to aa t expected without its presence.' Furthemore, in summer, ail lakes cause a

10% to 20% downwind decrease in precipitation. Temperature aspects of the basin are akered in a

manner where mean minimum temperatures are higher during al1 seasons; M i l e producing a reduction

in mean maximum temperatures during the spring and summer seasons (Scott and Huff, 1996).

The resub of Scott and Huff (1996) suggest that lake-induced changes include cfoud cover,

which is greatest during the winter, and greatest immediatety downwind of Lakes Superior and

Michigan. During the summer, Lakes Huron and Michigan are said to induce a reduction of cloud cover

by approximately 10%. Cloud cover rnay reduce the arnount of sunshine, and indirecüy, heat, by as

much as 50% of the total possible (Eichenlaub, 1979). In winter, this is reduced by as much as 75%

(Brown et el., 1980). As such, the apparent lake effect on the surrounding area of the basin is a

significant climatic effector, as well as a factor that influences lake levels

2.4 Resource Management Aspects

The inclusion of resource management aspects in any study concerning the Great Lakes is

essantial. considering its present and projected uses. The Great Lakes system is complex and requires

meticulous research, regulation, and policy, for maintenance and protedion. It must be addresçed mat

the presence of several competing uses, often means having different ideas, plans, and goals for the

future uses of the Great Lakes. Since a scenario such as mis is usually acwrnpanied by degradation

of the resaurce, fastidious resource management, must be adapted. Although at present, there are

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several organizationç attempting to keep the integnty of the syçtern at an acceptable level, it is

becoming an increasingly arduous task.

Therefore, in the course of comprehensive water planning, problems are identifid, data are

wllected and anaiyzed, and projections are made. This provides a basis for integrating al1 of the

functional wmponents of comprehensive water management (Enger and Smith. 1993). The existing

management strategies attempt to deal with the bemendous demand for use of the resource, while

aüernpting to devise forecasting tools so mat reliable long-tem goals can be contnved, and eventually

met Over tirne, the Great Lake basin has seen approaches that comprise and are based on, net basin

supplies, lake levels, and connecting channel fiows ihat have been expeiienced over the first 75 years

of this century (Hartmann, 1990). Projects include shore protection siructures, hydropower production

facilities and navigation locks, al1 of which have thair own various impacts, both known and uncertain.

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Researchen from various disciplines have long sought to detemine the major causative

factors of lake level fluctuation in the Great Lakes Basin. It has been suggeçted mat fluctuation, at

either a maximum or minimum, is a consequence to some degree or another, of local climate vxiabbility

among many othw components. Recent clirnate variability studies have focused on ENSO, thus

developing indices to rate the severity and intensdy of separate events over tirne. The %uthem

Oscillation lndex (SOI) and the Mulovariate ENSO lndex (MEI) have been used in various independent

&dies (Shabbar and Khandekar, 1996; Shabbar et ai., 1997; Assel, 1998; Wobr and Timlin, 1993

and 1998), Mi le no one study has yet to resohre whether a particular index is more suitable. The

following review includes past and recent research cornpleted Meoretically and ernpirically, hom the

field, to oie laboratory.

3.1 History of Great Lakes Water Level (GLWL)

Water levels of the Great Lakes have historically fluctuated due to a variety of components.

Many studies have attempted to define various factors mat are responsible for influencing lake levels.

The practicality of such studies, especialfy those wncemed with coastal and water policy management

remains to be focused on extreme water level situations (Hartmann, 1990). Quinn (1999) has stated

that there is great need for reliable lake level event frequency distributions because it is 'a critical

wrnponent of any wmprehensive strategy for coping with lake level fluctuations.' This becornes

increasingiy apparent when exberne fluctuation in lake levels occur more persistently than they have

ever in history.

Great Lakes water levels have been continuousty recorded since approxirnateiy 1860, with

some of these records going back to about 1800 by sporadic and individual records. Bishop (1990)

determined mat histoncal records show that variation of lake levels did not fluctuate with any great

significance. Likewise, Quinn et al. (1997) contended that despite the great concem and attention

received by lake level variation, water levels change relatively slow due to 'large lake surface areas and

constrictecl ouüet channels, which integrate short-tem climate fluctuations.' The recent fluctuation data

are indicative of more recurrent and severe exberne levels. Figure 3 illustrates the standardized time

&es plots for the Great Lakes (1950-1999). Such research has led others to examine ttie cause of

lake level fluctuation, and the grounds of its inaeased pen-odicity and rigor. It is suggested thaclimate

change, global wamiing, and human alteration of the environment is the root and the generator of this

phenornenon (Bruce, 1984; Hadmann, 1990; Sanderson, 1993; Croley, et al. 1996; Craig and Kertland,

1997; Assel, 1998; Quinn, 1998).

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It has been detemined Bat overall historical variabili in annual lake leveis is about 1.8m

h i l e seasonal vwability is appmximakly 2 W c m (Hamann, 1990; Quinn et al. 1997; Angel, 1995).

Ahough these values do not seem significant, many uses are dependent on water levets remaining at

sameiiutiat constant levels, and have become quite sensitive ta even the smallest changes. This

suggests that iake levei sensitivity is inueasing which may create potential coastal haz;irds. Croley

(1986) has found through extensive and detailed m a c h that precipitation and lake-levels a e indeed

conelated, and precipitation leads water levels by appmximately one year. Therefore, may

assumed mat shifts in precipitation patterns wÎll lead lu corresponding shifts in lake leveis. m e r

factors considered will detemine the extent to which lake levelç will fluctuate. Figure 3 illustrates T h e

Series Graphs of the Great Lakes (1950-1999).

Since the 1960's, it was considered that there have been comparatively high lake levels in

place. This has been said to be atbibuted to a particular different climate regirne from e d e r times

which has been portrayed with persistently high precipitation (Quinn et e1.,1997; H m a n n , 1988; and

Croley, 1986). Specifically, lake levels are said to be high in the 19501s, record bws in the eariy

1960 '~~ with a consistently high precipitation regime h m the iate 1960's until oie pfesent time. This

period is characterized by rapid and e&eme shifb in lake levels. For example, record low lake levels

in 1964 w r e directly replaced with high levels merely nine years later in 1973 (Croley, 1986). In facf

1973 levels were so high that through ihe intervening pend, record highs were set yet again on Lakes

Suparior, Michigan-Huron, and En-e. Hadmann (1988); Croley (1986), and Quinn (1986) idenw mis

high precipitation pattern since about 1970.

Changnon and Changnon (1996) daim that sudden clirnate condition changes are responsible

for the maked precipitation changes during the 1960 '~~ 1970 '~~ and 1980's (see also Harbnann, 1988;

Croley, 1986; and Quinn, 1988). This is related to the extrernely wet conditions expdenced throughout

the 1970-1994 period. Bishop (1990) identifies highs beginning in 1985 through to 1986. Lee and

Noorkbakhsh (1 9%) studied GLWL forecasting during the years between 1982 and 1988.

It was found that, at the beginning of this period, the lakes w e more or Iess at their average

long-terni levels. Someti me before 1985, the lakes experienced a steady rise and by 1985 and 1986,

the lakes hit record highs. Harbnann (1988) M e s that this period was chaacterized mth a O.Sm

increase in long-terni mean monthiy lake levels. In facf al1 lakes hit rnonthly record levels for at kast

one year except for Lake Ontario, wtiich has different hydrological conditions on the basin, as wll as

regulation of its ouüiow (Lee and Noorkbakhsh, 1992). Abniptly by the end of

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Standardized Time Series Plots of the Great Lakes 1950 - 1999

Figure 3.1 Lake Superior

Figure 3.2 Lake Michigan-Huron


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WATER LEVEL ?, LI -. I 0 .A h) W


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1986 and me beginning of 1987, low precipitation resuîted in steadi)y deaeasing lake l8vels- BY me

end of 1987, the lakes were for the most part below their long-terni average levels.

3 2 Aspects of Water Level Fluctuation

In direct response to numerous and varied physical processes, water levels on Re Great

Lakes modulate on a wide range of time scafes (Lee, 1993). The physical proceses mentioned above

include net basin supplies, inflowç, oufflow, and hydrologic variations. It is stated that variations ocwr

over a very large time sale, of monas in response to seasonal variations in supplies. In addition,

diversity of temporal episodes may ocair over several years in response to long- tm climaüc or

atmospheric variation.

Watw level fluctuations occur annually, seasonally, and over short-tem periods. Annual levels

of each lake rnay be superjmposed within seasonal cycles. Variations rnay be understood as each lake

undergoes annual cycles, as a resuft of a variety of climatic factors, M i le seasonal fluctuations occur

with magnitudes depending on water supply and the local hydrologic cycle (Hartmann, 1990; Quinn,

1988; Croley, 1986). M e m e ieveis, or record highs or lows of the Great Lakes, are the resutt of

rnainly annual fluctuations, witti a variability range of approximately 1.8m (Hartmann, 1990). Seasonal

fluctuation in water levels may be logically defined as being at a minimum during winter pen'ods (due to

increased autumn and earty winter evaporation from lake surfaces). As a result, spring and summer

levels are usually inueased due to increased snowmelt, spring precipitation and deaeased

evaporation; reaching a maximum in June (Croley, 1986).

Short-term precipitation patterns or variations invotve storm surges and water set-up levels.

This describes the build up of water on one side of a particular lake due to severe storms, high winds,

and air pressure jurnps due to the unique aspects of storm tracks and air masses that frequent the

region (Quinn, 1988). Storm events cause a temporary redistribution of water in the lakes, as well as

waves mat aeate a short-term oscillation in the water surface (Lee, 1993). Short-ten fluctuations are

considered transitory and fleeting, and will not be included in this research problem. It must be noted

however that ttiese short-term fluctuations are significant because they describe the active area in

which the Great Lakes are located. Here, cyclone passage due to the convergence of the weçterly and

s ~ u t h ~ s t e d y stom tracks are most active in late fall and eariy winter (Angel, 1995).

3.3 Factors lnfluencing Water Levels

The significance of studying the factors that influence GLWLs is critical considenng the local

climatic characteristics of the Great Lake basin, which are described in detail below. Hartmann (1988)

puts mis into perspective by staüng mat vaiations in GLWL are linked closely to the regional cl imh,

and thus forecasts of lake levels are no beüer than îhe weather forecasts on which they are based.

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Hence, it is irnperative to strictly examine the facton involved in water level fluctuation. Assel (1999)

confimis the notions of many others when he states that this region needs a rnanner in which to better

define the linkages between regional and global climate, and to analyze the potential effects of ENS0

events on Great Lakes rnonthly air temperature and precipitaoon, ice Cover and water leveb As well,

Sousounis (1998) states mat studies of water level fluctuation have show that the Great Lakes can

respcnd relativeiy quickiy to periods of varied but exlreme precipitation, water supply and temperatura

conditions. The following will describe these facton as well as those that are related to the distinct

study area.

3.31 Precipitation

Precipitation is indeed a major componen! of Great Lake water inflow. Over-lake precipitation

is especially significant since over one-third of the Great Lakes basin (total land and water) area is lake

surface (Canadian Hydrographie Service, 1999). Variations in hydrology Ne deemed effeded by

conf nental and regional shifîs in atmospheric circulation that may penist for several years (Hostetler,

1996). Thus, it is believed that lakes fluctuate in size from 'sbmderived' inaeases in water inputs.

Sanderson (1993) assertç that in order for GLWL to rernain relativeiy constant the renewable portion

rnust be re-supplied by nature. Thus, this renewable portion of the systern rnust corne in the f om of

precipitation (rain and snow). Precipitation may be considered here as rain and snow, minus oie

evaporation from lake surface, plus the run off from the land areas of îhe basin. This represents

approximateiy 75cm on the surface of the Great Lakes annualîy (Sanderson, 1993).

Croley (1986) states that other variables affecting infiow, besides precipitation, include infiow

from upstream lakes, and diversions into the Lake. However, it is cleariy sMed and accepted, mat it is

precipitation that causes the major long-terni variations in lake levels, and is the dominant and most

important fom of basin inflow. Again, Croley (1986) states mat precipitation and lake levels are

correlated, with precipitation leading lake levels by approxirnateiy one year. This points to a positive

and interrelated relationship that the Great Lakes and precipitation have between each other. This may

be because the lakes are an excellent source of atmospheric rnoishire, while being able to add or take

away, significant arnounts of heat fmrn air masses which crosses them. Brown et al. (1980) M e that,

consequenüy, areas to the lee of the lakes experience more precipitation, as well as other factors such

as clouds and moderate temperatures.

Shabbar et al. (1997) asserts that there is a significant relationship that exists between

precipitation and the Southem Oscillation phenomenon. Both composite and correlation analyses

indicate that regionç of Southern Canada, including the Great Lakes region, a e influenced by oie

Southern Oscillation, via precipitaüon pattern variations. Shabba et al (1997) indic* an ongoing

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pattern of 'negativelpositive precipitaijon patterns in these regions are cornmon and indicative of this

phenomenon during the Crst winter foliowing the onset of El NinoILa Nina events'. Shabbar et al (1997)

suggest that the melat ions are so significant that it rnay be possible to cwrelate SOI values with

observed precipitation patterns (over Southern Canada) thus, developing longrange forecasting

techniques. This rnay be based on Canadian precipitation patterns and the occurrence and evolution

of various phases of the Southem Oscillation.

3.32 Temperature

Air temperature affects lake level fluctuations in general since higher temperatures cause

plants to use more water, resulong in higher evapo-transpiration r a s , causing higher net rates of

evaporation h m the ground surface (Croley, 1986). This resub in less runoff for the same amount of

precipitation han would occur during a low ternperature period, when mere is l e s evaporation and


The impact of ENSO on Canadian surface temperature is believed to be most strong during

the winter season, disappearing by spring months. Shabbar and Khandekar (1996) have documented

the two phases of ENSO (El NinolLa Nina) concerning the surface and lower tropospheric fields over

Canada. Their study clearly shows that with the onset of an El Nino event, the cmesponding,

signficant positive surface temperature anomalies spread eastward from the west coast of Canada to

the Labrador mast from the late fall to early spring (November through May). Atrnospheric circulation

conceming this region results in a transition where accompanying temperatures in the lower

troposphere Vary. This tends to concentrate around the North American dornain, and more specifically,

the Great Lakes region dun'ng El Nino events. This resultç in a converse phenornenon where

significant negative surface temperature anomalies spread southeastward from the Yukon that extends

into the upper Great Lakes region by the winter season following the onset of La Nina epiçodes.

Assel (1999) analysed seasonal temperature and precipitation records for El Nino, La Nina,

and non-ENS0 years for the tirne span of 1900-1990. The anaiysis showed that 'seasonai average

temperabres are significantly cooler in Me spring (La Nina onset year), surnmer, and fall (El Nino onset

year), and late fall to winter (following the La Nina onset).' This corresponded to the additional findings

that suggest that seasonal average temperatures are warmer for the late winter to eaiy spring following

the El Nino onset year. This is related to the seasonal average precipitation, which is significantly less

from mid fall through winter following Me onset of El Nino.

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3.33 Evaporation

Evaporation from the Great Lakes represents a major bss to lake leveis and must be

considered an important factor. Evaporation is significant in the detemination of lake levels because it

has been found mat levels are usually higher when evaporafion rates are low, and vice-versa.

Evaporation is at its highest when the differences between air and water temperdre are greatest This

is due to being dependent on solar radiation, temperature differences betwwn air m a s and waters and

on humidity and wind (Canadian Hydrographic Service, 1999). Thus evapcraüon from the lake surface

is lower in winter and reaches a maximum in early fall. According to Croley (1986), there is an invane

relationship between evaporation and lake levels. Here, it is sMed that as evaporation rates inaease,

lake levels tend to decrease. Croley (1986) sîudied such factors and determined that the highest lake

levels occur in early wmmer when evaporation rates are low, and when snow and ice mek In addition,

there is a positive correlatjon between evaporaüon and temperature.

Evaporation rates for any of the Great Lakes varies in timing and magnitude. For example,

Sousounis (1998) states mat Lake Erie peaks in evaporation during October, h i l e Lake Superior

peaks in Decernber. In relation, a shallow, warm lake, such as Lake H e , experiences more

evaporation than a deeper, colder lake, such as Lake Superior. The Canadian Hydrographic Service

(1999) uincluded that on average, the Great Lakes, annual evaporation is almost equivalent to average

annual precipitation. This describes a sirong relationship between evaporation, precipitation, and

temperature that allows for the extreme IeveIs the Great Lakes experience.

3.34 Runoff

Anoher factor that is invoived in the detemination of lake levels is the runoff of water from

land, which fiows into the lake. It is considered quite significant because it involves the region's

hydmlogical cycle, while cornprising a weighty part of the water supply. Correspondingly, ninoff from

the land areas peak in eariy spring and is at its minimum in the auturnn (Sanderson, 1993).

Approximatety 10 to 150 km of land surface around the lakeshores is contributed to lake mnoff oirough

a series of cornplex rivers and streams (Canadian Hydrographic Setvice, 1999).

Runoff is most notable baàn-wide during spring when snowmett occun, nonnally during late

&h mrough eariy June (Croley and Hunter, 1994). Net supplies of water are greatest in late spring

due to meMng, Hile they are at their lowest during eariy fall. Thus it rnay be stated that ninoff is a

factor of seasonaiity, where annual precipitation is raîher more constant, but has seasonal features. It

must be noted however, that ninoff is usualiy direcüy nlated to precipitation and temperature. Runoff is

ofbn tabuiated as precipitation rates per year, h i l e temperature affects the iength of time snow and

ice remain on lake and land masses.

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3.35 Great Lakes Circulation

Accwding to Beletsky et al., (1 999), wind stress and surface heat powers long-tm circulafion

or patterns in the Great Lakes. This is considerd quite cornplex given the interplay between these twD

factors as well as underlying lake bathyrnetry. The results M e that M i l e some features of lake

circulation appear stable, others tend to demonstrate significant interannual variabilW. Belebky et d.,

(1999) have deduced that summer circulation patterns are more cornplex than winter pWems due to

the presance of 'baroclinic effects' in summer circulation, despite the fact that i n t e r circulation currents

are much stronger than that of surnrner circulation currents. Winter circulation is stated to be powered

by winddriven forces. Densitydriven forces are negligible in winter because at mis tirne, lakes lack

significant surface heat

Beletsky et al., (1 999). also concluded that circulation patterns show a tendency to be cyclonic

in the larger Lakes (Lake Huron, Lake Superior, and Lake Michigan), especially in winter. Larger lakes

are characterized by larger surface areas, and stronger lake-atmosphere temperature gradients

(Beletsky et d, 1999; Ullman et. al., 1998). These factors are suggested to indicate the signlficance of

'lake-induced mesoscale vorücity in the wind field' (Beletsky, et al., 1999). In summer, the circulation in

Lake OnPano is sdmewhat cyclonic most likely due to densitydriven currents. This is similar to qclonic

circulation in the larger Lakes (Michigan, Superior, and Huron) in the sumrnc:. The other smaIle: lake,

Lake f i e , was anticyclonic in the surnrner, which is attributed to wind. Lake Erie acd CGwo exhibit

'two-gyre' circuiation patterns in winter, which are stated to be most Iikely due to somewhat uniforrn

wind fields (Beletsky et al., 1999).

A seiche is a free oscillation of water in a closed or semi-closed basin. It is frequently found in

bays, lakes, and in alrnost any distinct basin of average size (Environment Canada, 1999). Seiches are

usually induced by meteorofogicaf disturbances uvhereby the water surges back and fortfi. They are

important Men studying lake level fluctuation because they represent short-tenn lake level changes.

The physical aspects of each lake determine how they are affected by, or conducive to seiche sire,

intensity, and fraquency. The distinctive oscillation usually damps out by friction over a penod of a few

hours depending on the energy of the parücular seiche. Lake Superior has very infrequent and weak

seiches. Accwding to Environment Canada (1999), seiches in this lake are typicalty l e s than 0.3m1

sdwm conditions may inaease this to 0.6m. Seiche formation in Lakes Huron and Michigan is

greatest ai fhe exbernifies of the lakes. Bays are typicalty effected with the most intensity due to strong

e a m winds found flowing acmss Georgian Bay. Lake Erie has very pronounced seiche &vity

because it is very shallow, and aligned with prevailing wind directions. Therefore, the perimeters of the

lakes are subject to the greatest water level fluctuation. During stwm conditions, the fluctuation has

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been found to be approximately 5rn (Environment Canada, 1999). Finally, Lake Ontano has very M e

seiche actjvity because of its small area, deep waters, and symmeMcal shape.

3.4 Net Basin Supply and Outflow

Net Basin Supply (NBS) is defined as direct rainfall plus runoff and net gmundwater inflow, l e s

lake evaporation associated with a lake basin (Boland, 1989). This not onfy includes ovw-lake

dynamics, but also those that occur within the drainage systems as well. As a resuk lransient &anges

in NBS lead to changes seen in lake levels. Understanding the impacts of climate change on Great

Lakes water resources includes those invoived with its NBS. Sousounis (1998) stated concems about

exireme changes in NBS due to clirnate change, and sMed that decreases for example, would result

frorn Iower land based runoff (tom higher evapotranspiration and lake evaporation) dunng fall and eady

winter. This is illustated in the following simple equation:


Where: NBS denotes Net Basin Supply; P denotes precipibtion; R denotes runofi and E denotes

evaporation (Quinn and Guerra, 1986).

Tbe report by Sousounis (1998) outlined the importance of regional clirnate, especialiy weather

exiremes and inter annual variability. Exberne lows w u l d resuft in louer lake levels, M i le oie

reduction in NBS would result in lower water levels as wll. This is especially true when taking into

consideration, the substantiaf variation in the hydrological cycle over each lake. Quinn and Guerra

(1986) stated that the principal variables in Great Lake basin water suppiy are precipitation, ~ n o f f and

evaporation. Water suppiy is added to tfirough precipitation, and lost #rough evaporation, outfiows and

consurnptive uses.

Lake outffows also Vary as a function of lake levels. This means that the lakes on average rise in

the spring due to runoff, and recede in late sumrner and early fall as runoff usually deueases

(Sousounis, 1998). This seaçonal variation is the resuR of melng ice and snow in the spdng, which

causes additional water into the systern. As well, inaeased temperature and evaporation resutt in

lower oufflows since water levels are usualfy loww during this period. It must be noted however, that

vanation in lake levels are in part due to the gradua1 variation in lake outRows. This means mat not al1

water entering the lake is irnmediately pushed through the systern. There is an element of time

involved which cause the fluctuation in lake levels. it is sMed mat the length of time required for

noticeable changes in lake levels (and outflows) mainly depend on the intensity or sbength of the

wather, such as precipitation, and on assuciated temperahrres.

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Ratios of Drainage Basin Area To Water Surface Area


Source: Environment Canada and the US Environmental Protection Agemy (1995). ln: The Great

1.6 2.1


Lakes Information Network. ~ttp:f/www..areat-lakes.netnakei.

3.4 3.0 -

0th- factors taken into consideration are drainage basin area, or catchment area (see Table 3 for

drainage basin ratios for the lakes). This detemines the potential amount of water a Iake rnay receive

through land ninoff. The larger drainage basin, the greater the potential suppîy of land ninoff. As wll,

another major factor is water flow from upstream lakes to downsbeam lakes. According to Farid et al.

(1989), Lakes Superior and Michigan are not affected by mis. However due to its orientation, Lake

Huron receks 1.2 times as much water h m Lakes Superior and Michigan than it receives frorn

precipitation and ninoff. The çame study &tes that Lake Erie receives 3.6 tirnes as much water h m

the upsbearn lakes Mile, Ontario, receives approximately 3.8 times as much. On the sarne note, Farid

et al. (11997) continues with the importance of outflows which, are stated to be on average, higher than

Iake infiows. With Bis, it is put forward that in Lake Huron, its outfiow into the S t Clair River is about

1.4 times as high as inflow frorn Lakes Michigan and SupeBor.

3.5 El Nino, La Nina, and the Çouthem Oscillation (ENSO)

Philander (1990) states that the coordinated El NinoISoothem Oscillaüon phenomenon (ENSO) is

the strongest source of natural vaiabiliiy in the global climate system. El Nino was first called to

attention in 1871 by Dr. Luis Carranza of Lima, who described a counter cunent flow moving north to

south between the ports of Paita and Pacasrnayo in P m (Philander, 1990). This is evident akng h e

west coast of South America, where the cool P m current sweeps northward, and souü~eriy winds

promote upwlling of mld, nutrient-rich water that gives rise to an abundanœ in local marine

populations (Ahrens, 1991). Thus, this natural p a t h does not mate very many local distuhames

and no gkbal disturbances. However, near the end of each calenda year, a w m . nuirient-pwr

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moves southward replacing the cold, nutrientdch surface water. Nomalk this wming persists onw a

few weeks to a month or more, aRer which weather patterns retum to nomal (Ahrens, lgB1).

A major El Nino event ocairs when this waming lasts for many months to a year, wih a more

extensive wming pattam taking place. These are reported to occur in approximata intewals d 3 tD 7

yean (Daly, 1999; Ahrens, 1991; Philander, 1990). This fact may change with increased clirnate

change, which is suggested to inaease the seventy and frequency of ENSO events. This may posçibb

expiain why El NinoISouthem Oscillation events are not prominent in past records. Sinœ the beginning

of the data set used (1950-1999), there have been various shng to moderate ENSO events. These

are 1951, 1953, 195758, 1963, 1965-66, 1969, 1972-73, 198283, 1986-87, 199l-92,1994, and 1997-

98 (Canadian Hydrograhic SeMce, 1999; W o h and dmiin, 1993; WoLr and TimCn, 1998, A w l ,

1998; Trenberth, 1990). The seven stongest ENSO eventç (according to the standard SOI) during this

tirne period are as followç, 1957-58, 196546, 1972-73, 198283, 198687, 1991-92, and 1997-98

(CDC, 1999).

El NinolSouthern Oscillation (ENSO) considers botti the oceanic and the mospheric changes

in the Pacific Ocean region. More specifcally, SouoiM Oscillation rnay be desaibed as a 'see saw' in

abnospheric rnass invoiving exchanges of air between eastern and western hernispheres (Rohli et al.,

1999; Kane, 1997; Bunkers and Miller, 1996, and Glantz et el., 1 991; Trenberth, 1990). Consequentfy,

because of its characteristic inter-annual variaüons in wather and clirnate, it is considered a reliable

indicator of prominent anomalies. As well, it is no longer considered merely a regional phenornenon,

but one that is appreciated as global, affecting many regions of the world, witfi various implications.

Research cornpleted on how ENSO affects various regions of the globe include Daly (1999);

Assel (1998); Kane (1 997); Bunkers and Miller, (1996); Guetter and Goergakakos (1995); Glantz et al.,

1991; Trenberth (1990) and Wotter (1987). This suggests that investigation of the processes of global

ciirnate systems and variability, dl1 allow more preciçe research conceming inter-annual tirne-sales.

Daty (1999) and Peixoto and Oort (1992) both have found through similar research that atmospheric

anomalies, both positive and negaüve, are correlated to the global temperature of the lower

Wposphere. In addition, there was found a strong correlation betwwn SST anomalies and

mosphenk temperature. 00th shidies clah that ENSO events are overwhelmingiy responsible for the

observed variability in global temperature, atmospheric cirwbtion, and SSTs.

As one invedgates the significance of Great Lake levels, the dynamics of the atrnasphere

must be considered to fulty understand the essential processes invohmd in ENSO. The most broad

impact on circulation vaiability and associated climatic anomalies wwldwide is the abnosphdc

response to the oceanic El Nino phenornenon, the Souîhern OsciIboon. Rohli et al. (1999) stated that

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air masses of both Ardc and tropical source regions exeit dominance over aie Great Lakes basin

during various monhs, but for any given month of the year the degree of influence of both air m a s

types varies interanually. As a resuft it is stated that regional-scale circulation pat$ms are the most

dired cause of the degree of influence of air masses. Variables stated to be effected are considered to

be surface componentç, because it is aûnospheric circulation that forms the main link beîwwn regional

changes in wind, temperature, precipitation, and other clirnatic variables (Trenberth, 1990).

The Indices

Research conceming ENSO has developed a number of rneasures that &mpt to moniior the

phenomenon using nurnerous variables. In order to s ~ v e for a better manner to understand and

represent the ENSO phenomenon, the present research aitically examines tw general indices, to

observe how well they predict the natural system of coastal phenomenon.

3.51 The Southern Oscillation lndex (SOI)

Sir Gilbert Walker first described the Southern Oscillation, and devised an index that eventually

becarne known as the Southern Oscillation Index. According to Kyle (1999) the rnanner in wtiich to

fom the SOI, requires the annual cycle of pressure at each station and rernoving by foming anomalies,

or differences, from the long-tem monthiy averages. Monttity values are then nonnalized by the

appropriate rnonthly standard deviations, then the difference Tahiti minus those fram Darwin, Austratia

is taken. Research cornpleted using or studying the Southern Oscillation lndex include: Troup (1965);

Wotter and Tirnlin (1998); Kane (1997); Bunkers and Miller (1996); Shabbar and Khandekar (1996);

Guetter and Georgakakos, (1995); and Wang (1995). These studies attempted carrelation anaiysis

between the SOI and climate patterns are related phenornena.

Kyle (1999) states that the Southem Oscillation involves a negative correlation between

pressure over lndonesia and pressure over the southeastem Pacific. When the souihem oscillation is

coupled with wming of the ocean off western South America, a resuiüng El NinolSouoiern Oscillation

event can effect weather patterns across the globe. The Southem Oscillation lndex (SOI) is defined as

the difference between sea level pressures at Tahiti and D m h , Australia (Glane et el., 1991; Daty,

1999). The difference behwean the two can be used to generate an 'index' number, indicaëng w m

and wld events with sustained low negative values and high positive values respectively. This index is

commonly used due to its efficiency and reliability conceming the defining and understanding of the

kng-terni variability and influence of this oceanic and atmospheric phenornenon. Figure 4 showç graph

of the Southem Oscillation lndex from 1950-1999.

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The Southern Oscillation lndex 1950 - 1999

Standardized Values (Z Scores)

Source: Jones (1 999).

3.52 The Multivariate ENSO lndex (MEI)

The Muiüvariate ENS0 lndex (MEI) is a method used to monitor and study the coupled

oceanic-atmospheric character of ENSO, by basing its values on the principal variables observed over

the tropical Pacific (Woiter, 1999a). Woiter (1 9994 defined ME1 as a weighted average of the 6 major

feabrres that approximate ENSO characteristics. These van'ables a e sea-level pressure, sea surface

temperature (SST), surface air temperature, ttie east-wst and nortfi-south cornponents of aie surface

wind, and total amount of cloudiness. The values for oie parameters are colkted over the tropical

Pacific. Figure 5 illustrates the ME1 index calculated dunng the years 1950 - 1999. These values are in standard score format to serve as a dimensionles aitenon &en undergoing anatyçis. The ME1

values are a resutt of principle component anatysis, which derive the standard scores out of a huge

variable bank.

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The MuJtivariate ENSO lndex attempts to approxirnate the wuplad oceanic-mosphdc

character of ENSO through the incorporation of six variables mentioned above. The region comprises

the entire tropical Pacific basin. It is believed mat becauçe the variables are in lage scak pattern

fons, rather than point measurements, the variables can be used in relation to each oiher to obtain a

more cornprehensive measure of ENSO related interactions (Wotter, 1999b). Research using the ME1

include Wolter (1999a and b); Assel (1998); Wotter and Timlin (1998); and W o k (1987). These

comprise reçearch conceming the feasibility of the index, and how wll they relate to climatic

phenornena of the Great Lakes. More specificaliy, ttiese studies related cfimate phenornena to the

Muttivariate ENSO Index.


The Multivanate ENSO lndex 1950 - 1 999

Standardized Values (2 Scores)


Source: Wolter (1 999a).

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Woher (1999a) considers it a superior index desaibing ENSO events because it is said to be

less vulnerable to occasional gfitches in the monthty update cycles due to the efficiency of variable

description. This is cuupled with the incorporation of several ENS0 variables (stated above) which are

said to make this index more descriptive, therefore more reliable and efficient This is stated in

reference to the general monitoring of the ENSO phenornenon, whereas orner ENSO indices might

serve as wll, depending on the nature of the research being employed.

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An a prion rnodel is a provisional mental construct used to

world under study, while dernonslrating meaningful aspects of theocy.

portray sorne aspect of the real

In order to define a pmblem, it is


required to fashion a manner in which to invesügate the theoretical background, previous research

accomplished, Mi le atternpting to resolve and determine possible explandons to the present querY.

Figure 6 illusbates the a prion rnodel developed for this thesis which is based on the rmrded historical

data (1950-1999) of Great Lakes water levels, and previous inveStigatJ0ns plus a çMisücal mode1

inmrporating temporal and spatial behaviour.

A cornmon group of factors has been identified through the inquiries of many ottiers that have

accomplished successful and rneaningful research conceming lake level and climate variabilii.

However, a scientific investigation to obtain a deeper anamcal understanding of the precise

rnechanisrns affecting lake level externes rernains to be uncovered. As such, researchers continue

meir quest for higher levels of expianation. Previous work has indicated that there exisis a mutütude of

various cornponents that are in some degree or another, factors affecting Great Lakes water levels

(Assel, 1998; Quinn, 1998; Gabriel ef al., 1997; Meadow et ai., 1997; Lee, 1993; Sanderson, 1993;

Bishop, 1990; Hartmann, 1990; Croley, 1986; Quinn and Guerra, 1986; Bruce, 1984).

Arnongst these and rnany others, it is suggeçted that clirnate vaiabilrty is the dominant

elernent explaining fluctuation, and thus, will be the focus of this thesis. Examination and review of the

pertinent literature suggests mat clirnatic variability has been augmented by El NinolSouthem

Oscillaüon events, Mi le owing sorne responsibility to signficant fluctuations in GLWL The relation

between Great Lakes Water Levels and the El Nino 1 Southem Oscillation have been examined by

many researchers in the past and have discovered positive correlations (Assel, 1999; Assel, 1998;

Quinn, 1998; Croiey et al., 1996; Hostetler, 1996; Stakhiv, 1996; H m a n n , 1990). Thus, the essence

of mis thesis lies in the determination of how El Nino 1 SouthernOscillation events affect Great Fakes

Water Levels through further examination of two indices that porbay it The indices examined are the

smthern Oscillation lndex and the MuNivariate f NSO Index.

m e a prior rnodel that wiII be employed for the purpose of this investigation suggests that a

masonable explanation should be found conming the ENSO indices, and how they conel- with

shoe-terrn water level fluctuation in each of the five Great Lakes. A systernatk response &dy will also

be explored. More specifically, both the Southem Oscillation lndex and the Muthariate ENSO lndex

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A Priori Model

Great Lakes Ciirnate i


Changes in Storage s

' El Nin01

Southern Oscillation

Great Lakes Water Levels


Storm TracksrAir Masses/ Atmosphenc Circulation Patterns

Source: Author, 2000.

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represent different aspects of ENSO mechanisms and thus, rnay describe Great Lake water levels in

distinct fashions. Kite (1989, 1991) siated mat climat~elated time series should, through statistical

anaiysis, have valid physical explanations for the cornponents utilized. It is the purpose of this thesis to

detmine better understanding of GLWL fluctuation with the index that desaibes lake levels wilh the

utmost fit, applicability, and usefulness.

In surnrnary it is found:

The quest for reliable information concerning GLWL fluctuation is a uiorttruihile endeavor, and should be exarnined so that efficient indiators and prediction tools can be developed.

ENSO events rnay be statistically correlateci to GLWL fluctuation, although a l mechanisms and aspects involved are not cornpletely understood.

Factors affected by ENSO, and in tum effect GLWL are those such as airlstom tracks, ahosphek circulation, precipitation, temperature, evaporation, and mnoff.

The ME1 and the SOI are two of the rnost cornmon ENSO indicators and rnay be most useful in determining a relationship between ENSO and GLWL.

The situation and systern of the Great Lakes to local air masses and storm tracks rnay reveal different temporal and spatial behaviour, thus using different statistical rneans to poiûay them.

T h e series anabsis rnay provide description and explanation of GLWL fluctuation and the extent if any, that ENSO rnay be involved. if possible, one of the indicators rnay sewe the study most efficiently, and better explain the connection between ENSO and GLWL.


In essence, boa phases of ENSO affect clirnate and its variabili, and thus, We related

components of local Great Lakes basin climatic characteristics Meteorological facbrs such as

precipitation, evaporation, temperature, general atmospheric circulation and sa on, are in some way

altered frorn their normal range of variability in a rnanner mat is hindered or enhanced. In other words,

there is a resufüng change in the inflow and outflow rates within the basin. Hence these components

are suggested by many reçearchers to be responsible for the exireme fluctuations of Great Lakes water


Aithough the Great Lakes behave and react as a systern, each will react to

abnosphericlclimate vari-ability distinctly. It is not suffident b render al1 lakes b one specfic tirne series

model, since each 1 1 1 behave according to various factors such as size, depth. orientation, local

climate phenomena, and so on. This includes of course, We effects received from the ottier lakes. The

foliowing hypotheses are loosely based on the assumption that lake level fluctuation is fundon of a

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collective system, as well as what characterizes the individual lake. Appendix III defines the statistical


Thus, it is hypothesized:

Hypothesis #l

Lake Superior, being the westemmost lake, of$n receives the dne& part of climate patterns

(Croley et d, 1995; and Quinn et al., 1997). Lakes Michigan-Hwon are &abd perpendiailar to the

stom iracks, thus are less expoçed, and are therefore more sensiüve to short terni memory shocks in

the first year and l e s sensitive b the second d e r autoregressive tefm. statistically, this means th&

instead of a long rnemory process being preçent, the affects of the second shodc are muted to a

rnoving average process. This means that Lakes S u p ~ o r and Uchigan-Huron (through water level

fluctuation) will encounter responses to ENSO induced clirnate changes, ahough the response wifl be

eveniually damped out over a finite period of time. This is what characterires the nature of an ARMA

(1 ,O, 1) process.

Thus, it is hypothesized that Lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron will exhibit a response to

ENSO in thai the effect of the lag 2 random shock exposure to îhe passage of waîher systems is

dampened. This may be due to their large sizes and orientation. mus it is hypothesized that an ARMA

(1 ,O, 1) process rnay be present in the systems characterizhg Lake Supior and Michigan-Huron. The

ARMA (1,0,1) process is represented by the following equaüon.

Where Yt denotes the forecasting function, @ denotes the AR (Autoregressive Model), 8 denotes the

MA (Moving Average Modei) and € denotes the error (Chatfield, 1985).

Hypothesis #2

Since Lake Erie's long axis is oriented in a northeast-southeast direction (oblique), and due to

its relatively small size and shallow nature, neither an ARMA or AR(2) proces rnay describe the data.

As well, the effects of the random shock (or ENSO induced climate changes) at lag 1-2 rnay be darnped

out or absent (Lavalle et al., 1999). It is hypoîhesized then that mis should yield a simple AR(1) model.

Yt = @1 Yt-i * €

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As above, Yi denotes the forecasting function, @ denotes the AR (Autoregresive Model), and

6 denotes the error. Here, the (or longer response tô the shock) may be conçidered non-

signifkant This rnay be due io its constricted outlet It is constrained by the Welland Canal, Niagara

Falls etc. at a 30 degree angle. Lavalle et al., (1999) found that Lake Erie rnodeling contained first-

order autoregression with semester data (semi-annual), thus suggesting that with quaterly data, the

resutis should be similar.

Hypothesis #3

Since Lake Ontario has L long axis oriented in an eastwest diredon, it should be peal ly

prone to the effectç weather systems. This would lengthen its exposure to ENSO induced climate

changes and therefore approxirnate an AR (2) rnodel. The effects of ENSO induced clirnate changes

would be sbangiy fett due to its small size and deep nature which makes it capable of thermal heat

storage, effecting evaporaticn rates (Quinn et ai., 1997). This rneans that the lake level fluctuation will

be affected significanüy in the sense of a prolonged time interval. Therefore, it is hypothesized that

Lake Ontario water levei behaviour may be characterized by a second order AR (2) process according

to the equation:

Where Yi denotes the forecasting function, @ denotes the AR (Auto Regressive Model), and €

denotes oie error, and on the condition, that the data is not seasonalized (Troup 1965; Chatfield, 1985).

All data has already been deseasonalized in the standardization process. An AR (2) rnodel will exhibit

a 'rnernory' in the sense ihat each value is correlated with al1 ihe preceding values. Thus, each shock

or disturbance to the system will have a dirninishing effect on al1 the subsequent timeperiods. An AR

(2) rnodel deabes a pseudooscillatory process generated by long-term memory random shocks ai

lag 1 and lag 2.

Hypothesis #4

Since ME1 is an indicator of the ENSO phenornena, whicti affects climaüc variables basin-

Mde, Lake NBS shouM be a function of ENSO events. Since wabr levels change slow due to the

large lake surface areas and consiricted outlet channels, (Habnann, 1988; Quinn et el., 1997; Mason,

1998) they combine short-term climate fluctuations. Thus it is hypothesized that Lake NBS shouid

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approxirnate a mode1 wfiere a random shock associated with ENSO at lag t-2 may be absent, or

dampened. Thus, Lake NBS models should approxirnate a weak AR(1) mode!.

One wuld exped to find a weak AR mode! with iower lags since the ENSO phenornena muid

generate changes in local climate variability for each of the Mes. As wll, this hypottiesized weak

relatjonship with the ME1 may be due to me fact that ME1 may be rnereiy a trigger, dissipahg by the

Cme the effects reach this region. Thus, each shock or disturbance to the system will have a

dirnhishing effect on ail ensuing time periods. This should be present in the NBS data for al1 lakes, and

melate with the findings conming ENSO and watr levels.

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The following will define the variables under investigation, and ootline how they will be employed.

5.1 Data: Acquisition and Characteristics

The monmfy Great Lake water level data used in this thesis have been provided by

Environment Canadz (1999). These data are comprised of rnonthly values be-n the pars of 1950

to 1939. Earlier data exists for botti the Southern Osciliation Index and Great Lakes Water Levels, but

precise and reliable Mulovariate ENSO lndex data is not available prior to 1950. For wnsistency, the

base year was set at 1950, allowing for a sirong 50-year inquiry.

The Muftivariate ENSO lndex values were bken frorn Klaus Wobr (1999bj through the

NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostic Center. The Mulovariate ENSO lndex values are bimonthly

(DedJan .... Nov/Dec), and span the years of 1950 - 1999. All values have aiready been nonnalized for

each season so that there is an average of zero and a standard deviation of one (Wohr, 1999a). It is

computed rnonthly, based on two preceding calendar months. Negative ME1 values indicate cooling, or

La Nina events. Correspondingly, positive MEI values indicate wanning, or El Nino events.

Values of the Southern Oscillation lndex (SOI) w r e taken from the Climatic Research Unit

(Jones, 1999). For the purpose of this thesis, SOI may be defined as the seslevel air pressure

difference between statjons at Tahiti and Darwin, Australia divided by standard deviation of these

differences. This SOI formulation follows that of Troup (1965). The rnonthiy data have been

standardized to remove different units of rneasurernent among the variables. Net Basin Suppty (NBS)

data (rnonthfy approximations of precipitation plus runoff minus evaporation for each lake) were

provided by Rob Caldwell (2000) of the Deparîment of Fisheries and Oceans at Environment Canada.

The data used w re monthly values for the years spanning 1950 to 1999. NBS data involve total water

values cornprishg of precipitation, ninoff, and net ground water infiow, minus evaporation. Although

NBS is not invohred in the hypotheses, it was used to provide a foundation in wbich to base the

changes in lake levels. Net Basin Supply data for each lake were exarnined and used as a regressor

against the ENSO indices to detemine whether the statistics found among the same lakes were

comparable, thus providing more supportive resutts.

5.2 Data Analysis

The original monthty values were cbrnpiled into quarters, comprising thremontfi intervals,

specifically: December to February; March to May; June to Augusf and September to Novernber.

QuaterM data m e generated because an ENSO event is appmxirnately 4 to 8 months bng, and

monthly data is thought to disperse or rnask any real affects of ENS0 factors (Lavalle ef al., 1999). An

ENSO event usualiy consists of a long sequence whose cumulative effect acts as a random shock mat

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alters weather patterns (Lavalle et d., 1999). Therefore, in order to view the effects of ENS0 induced-

climaüc triggers on lake levels, quarterly data will be used to best provide a snapshot of hiçtoncal


To compare the sequential dynamics of GLWL wifh both the SOI and the ME], the data were

standardized to remove the effects of the different units of measurement in the variable set, as MAI as

seasonal effects of the Great Lakes variables (Lavalie et el., 1999). In order to convert each variable

in$ a dimensionless criterion, the data were transformeci into standard scores (z) using the following


z = X - p / a

Here, X is a variate score, p is the data mean, and (J is the standard deviation (Lavalle et d., 1999).

The initial step taken to analyze the data was to create correlograms, or autoconelation

funcüon (ACF) and parüal autocorrelation funtion (PACF) diagrams to examine initial observations

against time. This includes studying important features such as trend, seasonality, discontinuities, and

outliers. Each data set was identified with a partiwlar (AR), andlor (MA), process.

Afier examining lake leve! time series ploh, it was deterrnined that the data sets should be

split This rneans that in most cases Me series are characterized with an abrupt change in trend frorn

one varying range of values, which differ from the preceding values. This was executed with the SPSS

statistical software, which modeled the data, and served to prepare the variables for statistical anabsis.

Therefore, case number 91 or year 1972 (second quarter) was chosen because it seems to intervene at

a peak El NinoISouthern Oscillation event, and separates two distinct averages found within al1 of the


This allowed for the acceptance of BoxJenkins properües which define an approach to time

series analysis. These properties are outlined in Chatfield (1985) and concern the following in the data

senes k i n g used;

a) There should be no systematic change, or trend in mean.

b) There should be no systernatic change in variance.

c) There should be no deterministic periodic variations.

d) The autoconelation function is dependent on the lag interval and not the starthg position of the series.

In order to ensure sound staüstical resutts, the foliowing steps wwe taken to anaiyze the data,

and test the hypotheses. Once the ACF and PACF cwrelograms m e consbucted and examined, the

data were ft to either an autoregresive rnodel, moving averages rnodel, w a combination of the M.

SPSS statistical software was used to fit the models. The residuals Worn the fitted rnodels were tested

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for serial autocomlation on the correiograrns. This estimation and diagnosis of the most acceptable

model was cornpleted to detemine the rnodels' goodnes~f-fit

The hypotheses were fumer examined by ushg the ME1 as an independent regressw to more

fully understand the effectç of ENS0 induced changes and the corresponding responçes 60 lake level

fluctuation. These resub and discussion are included with each hypothesis. Once this was complete,

the data sets w e analyzed using Ime senes anaiysis. This was done by constwcting models based

on the processes identifieci during the previous stage (SPSS, 1994).

The Muftivariate ENSO Index was found to be the best descriptor according to îhe resub of

the model fiitong ( s e Figures 8-1 1, and Tables 4 and 5) and was used as the regressor to each lake's

NBS, data and the lake level data, to determine how well the index fit the ofher models. The statistical

significance and sirength of various parameters were idenüfïed as well during this stage of data

anaiysis. Estimation and diagnosis of Me most acceptable and efficient models have been completed

through examination of residuals. The parameters that are said b affect d e r Ievels include

precipitation, evaporation, ninoff and temperature. These are said ta be modified by the presence of

an ENSO event Lake level data and lake Net Basin Suppfy data were examined for statistical

significance using the best fit between the SOI and the ME!, to detemine any correlation between

atmospheric changes induced by the ENSO influence. This is presented below.

5.3 Aspects of Time Series Analysis

Tirne series anaiysis is used because it is mainly mncerned with decomposing a series into a

tend. Trends may be defined in many ways including seasonai effects, cyclic changes and other

Ïrregular fiuctuations (Chatfield, 1985). Therefore, udthin the Great Lakes study region, one may

suspect to end trends due to a variety of conditions including dmatic change, stochastic processes,

and extreme variability. Therefore, Ime series analysis may be used as a manner of estirnating the

probabiîi of obseMng enhanced forms of predicted and recorded lake levels (Kite, 1991). Kite (1991)

contands hat the trend component of a time series is generaliy associated with changes in the

drudure of the tirne series caused by cumulatike natural or rnanmade phenornena.

In order b examine the pmposed statisiical awrelation arnongst lake levels, the

Autoregressive lnbgrated Moving Average (AR1 MA) rnodeling procedure was used. AR1 MA models

ae, in meory, the most general class of models fw forecasting a time series. vrhich may be

stationarized by transformations such as differencing and logging (Chatfieid, 1985). More spdcally,

lags of the forecast errors are calied 'moving average' ternis, and a tims series which

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Source: Arsham (2000). TÏme Seiies and Forecasting Techniques. Hü


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needs to be diRerenced to be made stat ionq is said to be an integrated version of a smonary series.

The BoxJenkins approach was used because it portrays Univariate ARMA analysis by evaludng time

s&es data by ex&acting the predictable movements from the data set Figure 7 illustates the steps

taken in time senes analysis, which are describecl in BoxJenkins pmcedures. This is the most efficient

method because it identifies which fitters are rnost appropriate for the series being analyed (Chatfieid,


Chatfield (1985) identifies three linear fitten used in mis rnethod and are the autoregresive.

the integrafion, and the moving average filter. In an autoregressive process, each value in a series is a

linear function of the preceding value or values. The order of the autoregresive process indicates how

many preceding values are used. fn a rnoving average process, the each value is detennined by the

average of the curent disturbance and one or more previous disturbances. The integrated terni in time

series analysis may indicate differencing to smooth the data, or to make it sbtionary.

Tirne series is best ernployed in such research because it posseçses the distinguished feature

of taking into account that successive observations are usual!y not independent (Chatfield, 1985).

Therefore, the anaiysis takes into account the time order of observations. If it is found mat the time

series can be predicted exacüy frorn usicg past obsenrations, the series may be stated as detemiinistic.

However, very few series confom to this, especially those that represent natural phenornenon and

naturaf variability. Consequenüy, the time series will be stated as stochastic if the future is oniy partly

deterrnined by past observations. The collection of GLWL data, and its correlation witti ENSO indices,

cannot realisticaliy, be completefy explained, Hltiich rneans that future values will have a probability

distrÏbution wtiich is conditioned by o knowiedge of past values (Chatfield, 1985).

5.4 Modeling of the Soüthem Oscillation lndex and the Multivariate ENSO lndex

In order to determine the extent of the effects of ENSO on Great Lakes Water Levels, an index

rnust be selected, which is believed to represent the nature of ENSO (temporal behaviour) optimally.

This thesis modeled both the Southen Oscillation lndex and the MufivaRate ENSO Index and found

that the laüer would serve this thesis more efficienuy due to the statistical results (see Figures 8 to 11 ;

and Tables 5 and 6 atthe end of this section).

Since the Muhivariate ENSO lndex uses more information to charactenze El NinoiSo~rthern

Oscillation (ENSO) events than the Southem Oscillation lndex (SOI), it should be more useful in

correlaüng the fiow variables describing Great Lakes hydrology with El NinoISoutfiem Oscillation

influences. The modeling was designed to isolate eeiter the SOI or fie MEI, by examination of

statisücal resutts indicaüng the most parsimonious model, and then using this to approxirnata Great

Lakes Water Levels and net basin supply values. When atbmpting to mode1 the SOI and ME1 time

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series, it was found fhat a simple model could not fit either. By simple, we expect the time series to

have as few parameters as possible and a large number of degrees of * d o m among al1 models mat

fit the data (Chatfield, 1985). Crotîcorrelation anabsis suggested that the difficulty may be due to an

apparent interval in lag tirne. Atthough many modals appeared to be sMMcaib s ign i f~n t the

autocorrelation function indicated otherwise, with clear autocarrelation arnong the residuals. As a

resuk, it was tested whether lagged forms of the two indices wuld fair better outcornes. The resuits for

the rnodeling of the SOI and the ME1 are located at the end of this section.

The SOI was found to be best fifted by an ARlMA (1,1,0) process, with SOI lagged at 3 and 5.

The firstader autoregression model is charactenzed by differencing because the index reffects the

cumulative rnontfily effec? of the factors Bat Wgger it The integrated concept of ttiis model

characterizes an AR model of a differenced series. When modeled, the ME1 was lagged at 2 and 3,

with an ARMA (1,0,1) process. As in rnany natural phenornena, there is a random or stochastic

elernent, which defines much of the behaviour seen in the Ma indices. The lagged values, rnay indicate

the random and oscillatory nature of the factors triggering the various rnonthfy values of SOI and MEI.

As such, the rnodel represents a manner of tirne delay wiolin the series, resuhng in cycles within the


The SOI rnodel was significant at a level of 0.05, wim al1 T-ratios significant The R value of

0.68 indicates a strong relatjonship Hnth approxirnately 46% of the van'ation in the SOI explained by the

lagged values of itseif. All Box-Ljung s ~ s t i c s were insignificant at 0.05, h i l e no rneaningful

autowrrelation existed among the residuals. This is supported by the Durbin Watson statistic of 1.758

( s e Figures 10, 11, and Table 5 for statistical resub).

As with the SOI, the ME1 model was ftt to a sufficient model. It was found that an ARMA

(1,0,1) with lagged values of ME1 at 2 and 3, served to fit the series. The model was significant at a

level of 0.05, with al1 T-ratios significant The R value of 0.86 indicates a strong reldonship wioi

approxirnately 74% of îhe variation in the MEI explained by the lagged values of itseif. The Box-Ljung

statistics were insignificant at 0.05, A i l e no meaningful autowrrelation existed arnong the residuals.

This is supported by the Durbin Watson statistic of 1.981 (see Figures 8, 9, and Table 4 for statistical


The ME1 was chosen due to the variety of staüstical results such as a higher R value which, is

statistically sîronger, as well as the higher R Square value (74%, as opposed to 46%). In addlon,

residual variance and standard error values were al1 significantly l owr in the rnodel that approximated

the ME1 time series (see Table 4). Residual autocorrelations on the ACF plot were signifcantly higher,

conceming the Box-Ljung statistic (see Figure 9). This is concurred with one of the residual lags of me

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$01 rnodel being slightly autocorrelated (ahough still statistically significant), vrhereas this is absent in

that of the ME1 model. AIC and SBC indicators w r e substantially lower, h i l e ail T-Ratios were

subsîantialfy higher than that of the SOI model. Therefore, although both models were not ideally

simple, it is still acceptable to embrace the ME1 data set, as the senes to be used for the examination of

lake Level fluctuation, and net basin supplies of the Great Lakes.

For our purposes, the lagging of the indices rnay represent important aspects of histoncal

patterns within the data set For instance, because the lag can represent the curnulatjve affect of

ENSO, and one Iag is equal to three months, then the lag aspect of both SOI and MEI, rnay be due to

pivotal periods within the time sefies. Not al1 values within the time senes are those that are associated

witb ENSO events. The lag values may represent Mgger periods, where both SOI and ME1 must be

lagged at particular intenrals to thoroughly portray the characteristics of each data set For example,

the ME1 was lagged at the 2rd and 3rd quarks, highlighting possible forcing mechanisms thmughout

the months of Apnl, May and June. The SOI was lagged at the 3" and 5" quarters, suggesting that

spnng and aie following winter periods are most meaningful. The ARMA nature of the ME1 suggests

disturbances wittiin the series rnay be characterized with a mernory, and one where the

disturbances are darnped out, and ceases to exkt The AR (1) nature of the SOI model rnay depict a

resilience of the disturbances, one where mernory continues to exist

Due to oie nature of both of the index models, semester series (semi-annual data) of both the

SOI and ME1 wre run to determine whether simple models were available, and ifthey corroborated the

findings using quarterly data. The semester series did indeed allow for more simple measures of fitüng

models for both the SOI and MEI. As well, the ME1 was found to have the superior model fit, showing

sûong staüstical resuits (see Appendix 1). The ME1 series was fit to an AR rnodel (2,0,0), with

sbtisb'cally sound resub, and an R value of -681, R Square of .463, and no significant autocorrelation

among the residuals. The SOI series was fit to an AR modef (1,0,0), Moi an R value of .4W, and an R

Square value of .241. All statistical results associated with the model were significant as well. The ME!

mode1 validated preferred results in the R value, R Square value, Durbin Watson statistic, oie AIC, and

residual variances. The ACF of the modeled series fawed the ME1 rnodel due to higher Box-ÿung

statistics. See Appendix 1 for the statistical resub for the semester data.

In addition, the series of both SOI and ME1 w r e converteci to yeariy averages to determine

whether a model couid be fi Ath more sirnplicity. Both series fit an MA rnodel with the SOI having to

be differenced. Quick examination of the resutts displayed that the parçimonious mode1 was ttiat which

was îït to the MEI. Autoregressive models did not fit either series probably due to the fact that they

w m averages. This means that the moving average characteristic is one that merely moothes

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fluctuations and distortions in the data, while providing a meaningful representation of underiying bends

and cycles. In this case, each value in the series is a weighted average of the rnost recent random

disturbance. Here, a random disturbance affects the systern for a finite number of periods (the moving

average order), and then ceases to affect it (SPSS lnc., 1988).

It rnay be accepted that a satisfactory ENS0 index rnay be confidentty taken Zo use wioi the

lake Level data and net basin suppiy, b determine the theoreticai questions pased. This in no way

deems the SOI unacceptable, but merety excludes it for the purpose of sirnplicdy and precision related

to this thesis. Therefore, the ME1 was used in what follows, to determine whether there is a relation

between it, and Great Lakes water levels, and net basin supplies.

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Confidence Lirnits -

Lag Nurnber


Confidence LirnÏts -

Lag Number

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MU ARMA MODEL (1,0,1) $tatistical Results

FINAL PAFIAMETERS: ANALYSiS OF VARIANCE: Number of residuals 187 DF ADJ.SUM OF SQ. RESIDUAL VARIANCE Stanctard emr .47463494 RESIDUAS 183 41 -826 0225 Log likelihood -1 25.31 903 AIC 258.63806 SBC 271 -56249




R .861 R SQUARE .741 DURBIN WATSON 1.981 SIG -00


Lag Number

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Lag Number


Confidence Limits -

Lag Number

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SOI AR (1,l.O) MODEL Statidcal Resuits

FINAL PARAMETERS: ANALYSIS OF VARiANCE: Number of residuals 1 û4 DF SUM OF SQUARES RESIDUAL VARiANCE Stanctard ermr -721 7031 7 RESlDUALS 181 94.31 1 0.521 Log li keii hood -1 99.60888 AIC 405.21 776 SBC 414.S257



R -681 RSQUARE 0.464 DURBINWATSON 1.758 DF 183 SIG .O0


Lag Number

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6.1 W s t i c a l Resuits

Correlograms of the autoconelation functions linking lag intervals and autocorrelation values

were pmduced. These were studied to help to determine possible processes for mode1 fi'üing. Once

rnodeling was accomplished, it was found that Lake Superior characterized an ARMA process (see

Figure 12); Lake Michigan-Huron characterized an ARMA process (see Figure 14); Lake Erie displayed

an AR process (see Figure 18); Lake Ontario displayed an AR pmcess (see FigurePl); and both ME1

and SOI displayed an AR process (see Figure 8 and 10, respediveely). W h these resub, the next step

was to run and evaluate various models using the initial obsenrations. These are evaluated below.

See Table 6 for a display of the statistical results and Appendix III for Statistical Definiiions.


Statistical Results and Fitted Models

NBS Model

ARMA (1,0,1) ME1 laged


ME1 Model

ARMA (1,O.l) ME1 lagged




No mode1 fit applicable.


ARMA (1,0,1) ( by 18 quarters

ARMA (1 ,O, 1) / ARMA (1,0,1) ME1 lagged

6.2 Assessment of Hypothesis #1

by16 qyarters

AR (1,0,0) quarters AR (1,0,0) ME1 lagged at 3 quartes

i f by14 quarters

The first hypothesis states that Lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron rnay exhibit a response to

ENS0 in mat the effect of the lag 2 random shock exposure to the passage of weather systems is

dampened. Therefore, it is not expected that the effects of ENS0 induced climatic changes should not

On tario

alter they systams of Lake Superior and Michigan-Huron for a lengthy tirne interval. This means bat a

pseudocycle is thought to exist where a disturbance to the system will exist within a parücula time

by 14 quarters AR (1,0,0) ME1 lagged

i n m a l without creating iasting affects within the system. A pseudocycle suggests mat in al1 likelihood,

a cornpiete cycle does not exist in this case, Re climatic factws being affected by ENSO change h m

AR (1,0,0) ME1 lagged by 8

AR (2,0,0)

their nom due to atmospheric alterations (to precipitation, evaporation, runoff and temperature) and

aeate a resutting change in lake levels. The ARMA process suggestç #at ENSO meabes random

shock(s) which occur in the same lag intervat.

AR (2,0,0) ME1 lagged by14 quarters

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Thus, it was tested that an ARMA (1,0,1) proces wuld be sufficient to mode1 the Lakes

Superior and Mchigan-Huron in regard to how they fluctuate with climatic v&abiüty such as ENSO

eventç. It was suggested that thoçs Great Lakes with their long axes oriented in a narth-souh direction

(Michigan-Huron) may exhibit a different response to ENSO induced effects. Co~e~ondingly, Lake

Superior being me westem-most lake and the large* wuld also exhibit ARMA chaacteristics. It was

hypothesized mat an ARMA (I,O,l) process was invohred due to the fact that Lakes Michigan and

Huron are situaed perpendicular to çtwm tracks and a e therefore more sensitive to short rnemory

shocks in the fast year and l e s sensitive to the second order autoregressive term. It was pmposed

that M e a d of a second long rnernory proces k ing presenf the effects of the second shock were

muted to an MA process due to the shortened exposure to stom îracks.

Lake Superior was found to be influenced by an autoregressive process given the resuk of

the autocorrelation function (ACF) correlogram (see Figure 12) which, decayed exponentially. This

supports the process fit with Lake Michigan-Huron water levels as well. Next, Lake Superior water

levels (LSWL) w r e fit to an ARMA (1,0,1) model (see Figures 12, 13, and Table 7). The

autocorrelation function of the residuals illusirates no significant autocorrelations. The probabilities

associated with the Box-Ljung Q statistics are al1 well over the .O5 signifïcance level, indicaüng no

autocoirelation among the residuals. The rnodel signifcance parameter was .O0 for both the AR and

MA terms respetively.

Lake Michigan-Huron water levek were parsirnoniously fit to an ARMA (1,0,1) (see Figures 14,

15, and Table 8). The ACF plot indicated no signifïcant autocorrelation among the residuals, witti the

BOX-Ljung staüstics al1 well above the 0.05 level. The B coefficients were statistically significant at an

alpha of 0.05, and the approxirnate probability at 0.00, respectively.

Since both Lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron exhibited an ARMA process, boai were tested

against the independent regresçw ME1 to determine how well a rnodel could be f i t When Lake

Superior water levels were regressed wim ME1 (lag 1814.5 years), an ARMA (1,0,1) model best fit the

series, in a significant and sirong manner (see Figure 16 and Table 9). The autoregressive parameter

is 0.82, hile the moving average parameter is 4.37. The MElQ18 coefficient is approximately 4.16

the approxirnate probabiiities were 0.00, 0.00, and 0.10 respecüvely, at an alpha of 0.05. The R value

of 0.89 denotes a strong relationship, h i l e the R Squae value suggests thai appmximately 81 % of the

variance of LSWL, over tirne, is accounted for by the model. The residuals on the wrrelograms

showed no signs of aut4cOirelafon. as illustrated by the non-signifcant Box-Ljung staüstics (see Figure


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When Lake Michigan-Humn was regressed using ME1 as the independent regressor, it was

found thai there existed a sirong and significant relationship was obsrved hem hl applied to

ARMA processes (see Figure 17 and Table IO) . Wth ME1 regressed 14 quarten (3.5 years), the AR

coefficient was 0.95. the MA coefficient was 4.42, the lagged fomi of ME1 value was set at 0.6. All T-

ratio values were significant at a level of 0.05. The R value of 0.95 denotes a dong rel~unship, Mile

the R Square indicated that 95% of the variation in the rnodel was accounted for. The plot of the

residuals (see Figure 17) show no significant autocomlation, and al1 of the Box-Ljung values are

insignificant at a levef of 0.05.

The weak AR(1) component suggests that each shock or disturbance to the system has a

dirninishing effect on al1 subsequent time periods (SPSS Inc., 1988). The MA(1) process within the

systern has a dampening effect whereby the shock depicted is abnipt and has a short memory. Since

both Lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron rnost efficientfy fi an ARMA rnodel. king both slmng and

staüstjcal!y significant the hypothesis rnay be accepted. Therefore, the two uppennost, and largest

lakes are typified with abrupt shocks without any meaningful long-term memory being present

Assessrnent of Hypothesis #2

In regard to Lake Erie, it was proposed mat since its long axis is orienteci in an norttieast-

wutheast direction. and due to its relativeîy mal1 size and shallow nature, neither an ARMA nor AR(2)

proces may describe the data, and the effects of the randorn shock at Y 1.2 rnay be damped out or

absent Thus, it was hypothesized that an AR(1) model rnay sufficiently describe the underlying

processes. It was found that Lake Erie did indeed exhibit a first-order autoregressive model (see

Figures 18, 19, and Table 11). The correlograrn in Figure 18 illusîrates me nature of an auttregressive

process, which requires the interdependence of lags, on the previous values. This is show through

the decay of iags over time. Figure 19 and Table 1 1 refer to the staüstical resutts generated wih the

ME1 as the independent regressor.

The autoregressive pararneter (B) of 0.94 is significant at an alpha of 0.05, and an

approximate pmbabilii of 0.00, respectively (see Table 11). Because this value is quite n e a to the

value of 1.0 (limit of stationanty), it may be stated that the differences between lake levels from one

observation to the next should be distributed as white noise or stochastic factors (SPSS Inc., 1994).

The autococrelation fundion illustrates ttiat the residuals have no significant autoconelaiion and appear

to be randornîy distributeda The Box-Ljung Q staüstics are al1 well above the 0.05 bvel.

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flGURE 12


Confidence tirnits -

Lag Nurnber




Number of residuals 196 Sbnctardemr .449940 Log likelihood -121 -21078 AIC 246 -42 1 56 SBC 252.97779

DF Adj. S m of Squares Resiâual Variance

Resiciuals 194 39.53 .2019



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Lag Number


Confidence Limits

Lag Number

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Confidence tirnits -

Lag Nurnber




N m b of residuals 196 Standard emx .BI 70597 Log likelihood -37.349 13 AIC 78.69826 SBC 85.254489

DF Adj. S m of Squares Residual Variance

Residuals 194 16.799 .O851



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Confidence Limits -

coef f ic ient

Lag Number


Lag Number


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FINAL PARAMETERS: Number of residuals 105 Standard emr -44295 Log likelihood -1 17.2782 AIC 24û .55641 SBC 250.37541

ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE: DF Adj. S m of Squares Residual Variance



R ,899 RSQUARE 308 DURBlN WATSON 2.027 DF 180 SIG .O0


Lag Number

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FINAL PARAMETERS: P l W of residuals 182 Siancimi enor .20989547 Log likelihood 25.765128 AIC 4.530255 SEC 35.91 8235

ANALYSlS OF VARIANCE: DF Adj. S m of Sqicares Resibl Variance


AR1 .95299769 .O21 93005 43.456255 .ûû MAI -.42101140 .O6945568 -6.061584 .O0 MEIQ14 .O6045971 .02960W 2.042112 .O4


R 0.974 RSQUARE .95 DURBlN WATSON 1.797 DF 181 SIG .ûO


LL O < -7.0 l m -

Lag Number

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Tharefore, it may be sMed that the Box-Ljung staüsüc for the ACF is not statistimlly significant at any

hg. This suggests that the Lake Erie rnodeling is a fi fstwder auboregr-e pcess. ConSWJenW,

the initial shock or ~ g g d n g effects of ENSO has a dirninistiing effect on the wbsequent üme &es.

Higherarder autoregressive parameters and the ARMA a>uki not suffiaenw deAbe fie


Using ME! Lake Erie was found to exhibit a firstader autwegressive proœss with ME1 at lag

14. This waç determined through cross-co~elaüon, as well as nurnerous modehg attempts. This

model was the most parsimonious, with an AR coeffcient of 0.94, and the MEIQ14 (3.5 yeas)

coefficient being 0.13. The approximate probabilities were 0.00 at a significance level of 0.05. The T-

ratios m e al1 above the aitical levels (see Table 12). The R value of 0.95 representç a e n g

relationship, while the R Square value of 0.89 indicates oiat approximately 90% of the variance in the

mudel is accounted for by the ME!. The ACF pbt for this mode1 shows mat the residual series are dl

well over the value of 0.05, and there sems to be no autocorrelation present (see Figure 20). The

result of this model indicates that with ME1 lagged by 14 (3.5 years), the series is desaibed most

efficiently. Fluctuations in Lake Erie water levels are characterized Hntti an initial shock or disturbance,

that is after an approximate time period of 3.5 years, the relationship between Lake €rie water ievels

and the effects of ENSO becorne significant It is important to note that there exists 'feedback' or

rnemory within the series, which can be expreçsed as an autoregressiive function of theprevious value

of the series, and a randarn disturbance. Accwdingty, the hypothesis stating that Lake Erie would

approxirnate a firçt-order autoregressive process (AR 1) rnay be accepted.

6.3 Assessment of Hypothesis #3

It was hypothesized that since Lake Ontario has its long axis orientecl in an east-west direction,

it should be prone parücularty to the effects of the passage of wather systems. This wu ld lengthen

exposure to ENSO induced climate changes and appmxirnate a secondader autoregressive rnodel.

The AR(2) statistical sumrnary indicated that mis rnodel was best frt to Lake Ontatio with an AR(2)

coefficient of -0.25 (see Table 13). The fintader coefficient is 0.94. The choiœ of the secondorder

a W e g r e W e rnodel was chosen because the AIC values m e h s t uiioi mis model, and !he Box-

Ljung and probabilii values of the residuals were highest The T-ratio values are signifcant at a value

of 4 - 5 3 , with an approximate probability of 0.00 at a significanœ level of 0.05. With îhis, the

hypooiesis that Lake Ontario may be characterized by a secondder autoregresive pmcess rnay be

accepteci (see Figures 22.23, and Table 14).

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Lag Number

Confidence Limits -




Number of residuak 196 Standard en# 33431217 Log likdihood 43.921 837 AIC 129.84367 SBC 133.12179

DF Adj. Surn of Squares Residual Variance

Residuals 195 22.032 -1 12



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Lag Number


Lag Number

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FINAL PARAMETERS: Number of residuals 182 Standard emx 32752223 Log likelihood -55.178441 AIC 114.3!388 SBC 120.7649

ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE: DF Adj. S m of Sguares Residual Variance



R .95 R SQUARE .89 DURBlN WATSON 1.81 DF 181 SIG .00



o., f i f i

Confidence tirnits -

Lag Number

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Fumer, with ME1 lagged 14 quarters, and used as an independent regressor against Lake

Ontario water levels. a significant and dong relationship was shown to exist The awregressive

coefficients were significant at an approxirnate probabili of 0.00, 0.00 and 0.05 reçpedveb ( ~ e

Table 14). The R value was strong at 0.73. A i l e the R Square value indicated mat the model

amunted for approxirnately 53% of the explained variation in Lake Ontario water levels. The residuals

generated from this model showed no signs of aubcorrelation, with non-significant Box-Ljung statisücal

values (see Figure 23). Lake Ontano rnay be charactenzed by an AR (2) process because it is prone to

the effects of weather systems at a greater rate than the other lakes. Here, the shocks to the systam

would be fek frorn the first two lags, rnaintaining memory throughout the series. Consequently, since

Lake 0ntan.o water levels adequatety fit a secondorder autoregressive proces, the hypothesis rnay be

accepted due to the statistically significant resutts.

Assessrnent of Hypothesis #4

Net basin supply data for each lake were tested in order to gain a more complete view of lake

level fluctuation in the midst of an ENS0 event Examination of the results showed that for each Lake

NBS time series, the effects of the random shock to the system are being fek well after the incipient

ûigger. As seen on the model resutts, and the correlograms of the residuals, there are no significant

autocorrelations, and all values associated with the Box-Ljung Q staüstics are wll above the 0.05

value. This suggests a weak firstarder autoregressive process exists within each of the Lakes net

basin supplies. Furthemore, ail T-ratio values w e significanüy larger than the criticai value of

approximately 1.658, with the approximate probabilities at no larger than 0.01. See statistical resutts at

the end of this section. Once the net basin suppiy van'ables were appropriately modeled, the variables

w r e tested w iü~ the ME1 index to determine a temporaI fit The resutts show that onîy Lakes Erie and

Ontario approximate an AR (1) rnodel, wtiile Lake Superior fit an ARMA (1,0,1) and Michigan-Huron

failed to meet the requirements that fit any rnodel, attogether. The resuits are described in detail below.

Lake Superior Net Basin Supply and ME1

The relationship between the ME1 (the independent regressor) and Lake Superior net basin

suppu was found to fit an ARMA (1,0,1) rnodel wim a lagged MEI value of 16. This represents the

best-fit rnodel, amough statisticalty weak. Al! coefficients and parameters are statisticalty significant at

an approximate probability of 0.00 iespectivety. As wll, the Tratios for each variable wre acceptable.

The firstader autoregressive coefficient of 0.89 suggests a aong

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Confidence tirnits

Lag Number




Number of residuals 196 Standard emx .63419093 Log likelihood -1 88.33228 AIC 380.66456 SBC 380.22079

DF Aa. Sum of Squares Residual Variance

Residuals 194 78.412 .a21



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Lag Number


Confidence Limits -

Confidence Limits -

k g Number

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FINAL PARAMETERS: Number of residuals 182 Standard error . 6 S l O8 Log likelihaad -174.66131 AIC 355.32261 SBC 364.93463

ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE: DF Adj. Sun of Squares Residuai Variance



R -728 R SQUARE 529 DURBlN WATSON 1.894 DF 181 SIG .O0



Lag Nurnber

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process existç between Lake Superior NBS and the MEI. The moving average parameter is 0-81

indicating points in the series where Lake NBS values fluctuate ai random intervals in a more abnipt

and bnef manner. This is reinforced with the observation that on@ 6% of the variations within the series

amuntable wittiin the model (R Square parameter). The R value cf 0.26 indicates a weak relationship

at a significance value of -00. This may be indicative of the size of the lake and its corresponding

drainage basin. The net basin suppiy for Lake Superior may act on random intewais rather than

anticipated cycles. The Iagged MEI value of 16 suggests a four-year, weak relationship exists between

Lake Superior NBS and MEI. Thus, the relationship is weak, although statisiically significant (sse

Figures 24 and 25; Tables 15 and 16); characterized by both long memory and short random shocks

(or damped oscillations). The plots of the residuals indicate a signikant resutt with al1 Box-Ljung

values being weli over the 0.05 levei, and characterized wih no significant autocorreiations (see

Figures 24 and 25; Tables 15 and 16).

Lake Michigan-Huron Net Basin Supply and ME1

The modeling of Lake Michigan-Huron NBS with ME1 as the independent regressor resulted in

a amplete inability to parsirnoniousty fit the variables. It was found thai despite initial success, either

the residuals m e autocorrelated or the statistical results wwe in no manner significant or acceptable.

Possible explanations for a is will be discussed in the following chapter.

Lake Erie Net Basin Supply and ME1

When Lake Erie NBS data was put into an AR model witti lagged values of ME! as an

independent regreçxir, an AR (1,0,0) process wim 8 lags (2 years), was found to produced significant,

although weak resub (see Tables 18 and 19). The autoregresive coefficient is 0.172, at an

approximate probability of 0.01 at an alpha of 0.05. The T-ratio staüstic were both at acceptable

values. The plot of the models errors indicate no autocorrelation arnong the residuals, Mich are

indicative of the insignificant Box-Ljung statistics. The model is considered waak wim an R value of

0.232, which was expected, while appmxirnately 5% of the variation in Lake Erie Net Basin Suppb was

accounted for W i n the rnodel (see Figures 30 and 31).

Lake Ontario Net Basin Suppty and ME1

Lake Ontario NBS modeled with ME1 as the independent regreçsw, resulted in a significant but

weak relationship as wll (see Figures 32 and 33; Tables 20 and 21)). The best-fit model was mat of a

firstorder autoregressive process with ME1 lagged at the third quarter (0.75 year i lag beginning:

Çeptember). W& an autoreggresive coefficient of 0.25, at alpha 0.05, the appximate probability

was about 0.01. There were no significant autocorrelation among the residuals, and al1 Box-Qung

values were non-signlcant at values well above the 0.05 level. The R value of 0.324 indicates a wedc

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relationship, with approximately 10% of the variation of Lake Erie NBS being accounted for by the


In conclusion, it was found that ectdi lake level time series fit a w a k AR rnodel (1,0,0).

However, when fitted to rnodels associated with the ME1 as the independent regressor, it was found

that only Lakes Ontario and Erie fit the firstorder autoregressive model. Lake Superior fit an ARMA

(1,0,1) rnodel; while Lake Michigan-Huron could not parsimoniously fit a mode1 with MEI. Thus,

although the original correlograms of Lake NBS indicate a frst-order autoregresive pmcess, they do

not follow this pattern associated with the ME1 representing ENSO events. The hypothesis stating mat

Lake NBS should approximate an autoregressive model Mere a random shock associated with ENSO

at lag t-1 must be rejected. Of course, this is with the exception of the srnaller and southem lakes

min the systern (Erie and Ontario).

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Lag Nurnber


-5 a

0.0 9 I - P- m - *



- -

- Confidence tirnits -

œ ~ a f i c i e n t 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

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N m k of residuals 196 Standard erra .97267946 Log likelihood -272.1 9328 AIC 546.39256 SBC 549.67067


DF Adj. S m o f Squares ResiduaIVariance

Reskhis 195 184.51 .946




Confidence tirnits

Lag Number

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f INAL PARAMETERS: Nwnber of residuals 174 Standard errer .94020902 Log likelihood -234.70778 AIC 475.415% SEC 484.89272

M Y S I S OF VARIANCE: DF Adj.SurnofSquares ResidLtalVariance



R .251 R SQUARE 0.06 DURBlN WATSON 1 -91 3 DF 173 SIG .O0



Lag Number

1 .O

.5 i


-.5 i

IL O q -1.0,


-- - I I


- Confidence Mi -

- - c o e f f i c i e n t 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

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Confidence Limits -


h g Number

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Number of rm-duals 1% OF Adj. Sum of Squares Residual VarWnce Stancfard emr .99l 52322 Log fikelihood -275.97148 Residuals 195 1 19 1.763 -983 AIC 553.94296 SBC 557.221 08



AR1 23420199 .O6992198 3.3494761 -00


Confidence tirnits -


Lag Number

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coef f ic ient

Confidence Limits -

Lag Number

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Nomber of residuais 196 Standard erm 1 .O034472 Log likelihood -278.30303 AIC 558.60505 SBC 561 .a841 7


OF Adj. Sum of Squares f?e&d Variaria

Residwis 195 196.380 1-1 006




Lag Number

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FlNAi PARAMRERS: Number of residuak 188 Standard ermr -97672904 Log likelihood -261 -34862 AIC 526.69724 SBC 533.17012

ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE: DF Adj. Sumof Squafes ResiBialVaBance



R .232 R SQUARE .O54 DURBIN WATSON 1.993 RF 187 SIG .ûû



Lag Number

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Confidence tirnits -

c o e f f i c i e n t

Lag Number

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Nwiber of msiduais 196 Standard e m 92436368 Log likelihood -266.01483 AIC 534.02965 SBC 537.3776


OF Adj. Sun of Squares Res&ai Variance

R a i s 195 173238 -8880




2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Lag Number

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FINAL PARAMETERS: Nmber of residuals 193 Shdademw .92840272 Log likelihood -258.5491 5 AIC 521 -09829 SBC 527 -62637

ANALYSIS OF VAXIANCE: DF Adj. S m o f Squares Residual Variance



R -324 RSQUARE -105 DURBIN WATSON 1.983 DF 192 SIG .O0


Confidence LVnits -

Lag Number

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In evaluating processas that are important in influendng the dynamics of a lage and mmpkx

systern such as the Great Lakes, reseafchers typicalîy look at temporal averages. These fme s c a k

can be viewed as 'snap shots" of the system being studied, and may reveal important, but kansienf

responses by the entire system (Flint and Stevens, 1989). Causai mechanisms should be the basis for

research questions addressing the level of certainty needed to undentand pmcesîes in the Great

Lakes. These approaches may help to make predictions about the Mure which, can then be used to

formulate policy for successful environmental management

7.1 SOI and ME1 Modeling

The modeling of the SOI and ME1 heiped to detemine th& the Mulovariate ENSO index would

serve the study in an efficient manner. As previously stated, the aüempt to mode! the SOI and the MEI

was somewhat cornplex. The difficulty in modeüng these variables rnay be due ta the factttiame data

were divided into quarters. Because each quarter contains 3 months, and the characteristic length of

an ENSO event is approximately 4 to 8 months in duration, the lagging of the variables may be a

response to the sensitivity of the data sets to the initiation of ENSO at the monîh of May. If ENSO

events progress during îhe month of May, the time series may require lagging in order to efficientfy

represent this. This rnay be interpreted through the iag values of 3 and 5; and 2 and 3; for the SOI and

the MEI respectivefy. The ARMA nature of the time series found within this thesis rnay be indicative of

the lagging of MEI, and the stochastic nature of the factors it represents, and measured M i n it

The use of quarteriy data rnay not be the most efficient rnanner in uihich to compare the two

indices, if there were to be a method that allows one to do so. It did however allow the indices to be

measured in the same manner as al1 of the other variables studied. allowing fw wnsistency in the

analysis. The unpredictability of atrnospheric factors is offen dficult to rneasure with precision and

accuracy making the representative indices hem çornewtiat cryptic. This is evident within the models

generated to characterize ENSO events. Despite the complexity however, it is still satiçfactary to

accept tfie rnodefs produced and use hem witfi confidence.

7.2 Hypothesis # 1

The two uppermost and largest lakes (Superiw and Michigan-Huron) mve charactsrized by

ARMA (1,O.l) modek, rnost likely due the individual characteristic of each lake. This is in addition to

the orientation of the lakes to air masses, bringing precipitation, variation in air temperare, and its

resulong effects on evaporation rates. The ARMA (1,O.l) aspect of Lake Sumer water levels (LSWL)

and Lake Michigan-Huron water levels (LMHWL) is one where the swial behaviour of the time A e s

wggests that disturbances associated with lake levels are cyclic, and shorter in duration man th& of an

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AR (2) process. Specifically, a pure AR rnodel or a pure MA mode1 muid be inappropfiate, to describe

the data. and thus the most parsimonious step wuld be to mi% the models.

The sheer sire and position of Lake Superior rnay causa many to fhink mat a was the

precunor to proceeding iake level fluctuations throughout the systern. However, it seerns that due b

its massive size, and depth, and westerly orientaüon, the effects of a phenomenon such as ENSO is

fett, afthough not at a suspected impact According to the results of the statistical anabsis with ME1 as

the independent regresçor, the optimum effect of ENSO is not fully realized for 18 lagslquabers. This

means that after 4.5 years, Lake Superior rnay reffect the nature and intensrty of a parücular ENSO

event It may be the size of the lake cornparecl to its relatively srnall drainage basin, which plays a mle

in the dampened outcorne of Lake Superior water levels (LSWL).

Likewise, k i n g at the head of the Great Lakes system and wiolout a major source of water

infiow by rivers or Wbutaries; Lake Superior water levels are most affected by infiow via its catchment

basin. and precipitation. Precipitation however, is deemed quite important because of the mere size of

its surface area. Hence the Iarger the lake surface area, the greater arnount of precipitation it is able to

catch. As well, Hartmann (1989) states that during particular months, evaporation rates may be more

important in effecting lake levels due to the surface area. This is rnost sign8cant during the month of

December, when aie lake temperature and air temperature is rnost different, creating the greatest rates

of evaporation.

Therefore, to considerably change lake levels at a rapid rate, one would require an externe

ENS0 event, persisting over a spart of at least a few years. Thus, the resulüng trançfonaüons on lake

levels wuld be one with an initial shock persisting for approximateiy 3-6 months (an ENSO event), and

quickly dissipating thereafter. The 3 8 month nature of the shock persistence is due to the ARMA

(1,0,1) characteristic cf the model, where both AR and MA oniy require one tem. The damped

oscillhry nature of the shock is reffective of the ARMA process where a pure cycle is not likely to

occur. This means that Lake Superior water levels exhibit responses to the iriggering effects of MEI,

mat are pseudoqcüc, where a ma l ! reversal in the response occurs, helping to dampen the proces.

Lake Michigan-Huron water levels also exhibit an ARMA (1,0,1) process, which suggestç that

m e n the lakes are considered to act as one, there is the nature of mernov uii8iin Itie system.

Howver, after the shock is presented, its effects last for a finite priai of tirne. It is suggested mat

because mey are situated perpendicular to stwm !racks, mey are less likely to feel Ihe full effectç of

ENSO events As well, Lake Michigan-Huron has onty a siighüy iarger drainage basin to & surface

m a ratio (2.1), îhan Lake Superior (GLERL, 1999). Therefwe, the effects uimulating on its catchment

basin will be somewhat dirninished since the land draining into the lakes is comparatively mall.

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Additionally, the size and depth of the lakes add to the damping of irnrnediate aftereffects, due tD the

ability to absorb w& as storage. This may be, due to the fact hat Lake Mictiigan retins water for a

very long time, and is conçidered a natural cuidesac (Beranek, 1999). Beranek believes Lake Huron

to be the major conveyor of water lrorn the upper $ the rest of the s~stem.

Thus oie model urith ME1 as the independent regressor was found sbtisticalb significant at a iag of

14, or 3.5 years. Here, the nature of lake level fluctuation within Lake Michigan-Huron is one h e r e the

effectç of ENSO are most considerably enmuntered in a tirne domain that is synonymous with %xt bookm events. The moçt likety explanation rnaybe simpiy that the consequenceç of ciimatic change are

not realized in Lake Michigan-Huron for a longer period of time because of its size and depth,

orientation to stom tracks, and relatively small catchment basin. Indeed, the lag time may be

someuuhat shorter since water is fiowing frorn Lake Superior into Lake Michigan-Huron. Fatid et al.,

(1997) affirm that lake oufflows and inflows a e more significant to water volume than that of

precipitation and evaporation.

Therefore, it rnay be çtated that the responses to ENSO events are al% cyclic in nature, but onty

within a s~ecific period of tirne. The time series representing Lake Michigan-Huron suggests ttiat the

size and depth of the lake would allow substantial responses to take place, and refiect an

autoregressive explanation. Here, the responses or disturbances dwindle as time passes.

Consequently, the orientation of the lakes may r e m the moving-average nature of the model, allowing

intemediate aftereffects to remain in the systern for a fnite number of periods, and then ceasing to

affect it Hence, the time series is one where the response to ENSO events are evident, and

characteristic of Lake Michigan-Huron attributes.

The slow rnouing fluctuations of Lake Michigan-Huron is affmed in Hartmann (1988) which states

mat with simulation of lake Ievels, a a d y shows that even if Lake Superior outRows and net basin

supplies to the lakes wwe above its long-tami average, exireme conditions would have 10 persist for 2

consecutive years to raise the levels of Lake Michigan-Huron by even 0.5m. As such, one rnay

conclude that there is a slow process within oie systern, especially between Lakes Superior and Lake

Mchigan-Huron. This explains quite well the lager lags (ctiarscterized by M e s Superior and

Michigan-Huron), or the ti me it takes to most substantially induce changes in lake levek.

It is intsresting to note however, mat Meadow et d.. (1997) assert mat a nwthward shift of the

prefmed cyckne kack aaoss Lake Michigan exists. Therefwe, wim the assumption mat most intense

precipitation is 10- on the southeastem side of an exlra tropical cyclone system, the northward shfi

wuld king precipitation into the Iake and its adjacent drainage basin. It is believed that the combining

of me tw lakes takes away frorn unique chaactensüa, despb cornmon sirnilaities. Wmi wa$r

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quickly flowing fiom Lake Supenor into Lake Huron, the stonng nature of Lake Mchigan maY cause

damping of inte readons to clirnatic events sudi as ENSO. This rnaY furfier explain the ARMA nature

of lake level fluctuations to MEI.

7.3 Hypothesis # 2

The su-ss of me statistical resuits suggest th& Lake Erie water level f l w h t h s are mfied

by memwy within the series, in relation to a disturbance or shock. The AR (1) mode1 exhibits a

parsimonious lit, with statisticalty confident resuits. As suggested by Kite (1992), the Orienta(i0n of the

lower lakes (Lakes Erie and Ontario) would generate an autoregresive process, or one vrim a rnemory

since the bulk of the water flowing into the lake is generated by the upper and bm~ght via the

Detroit River.

The acceptance of this hypothesis is supported by the various physical fadon configure

Lake Erie. This means that the small and shaliow nature of the lake allows for less storage capacity,

making extrerne changes in precipitation and infiow, fett for a long period of tirne. Hartmann (1988)

affirms this by siating that evaporation losses for Lake Erie can be quite extreme due to heat storage.

Consequently, evaporation losses should be at îheir greatsst during the month of October. Being along

the p m s of storm tracks and air masses allows it to receive the effects of precipitation, while its

position and shallow nature aliow for increasad heat storage. Therefore, evaporation rates are quite

high, illustrating anoîher causal factor associated with lake level change.

The examination of Lake Ene water levels and the MEI, has depicted a relationship where lake

levels are most significanüy effected aftw a lag of 14 or 3.5 years. One rnay expect a shorter lag

penod, due to the above physical factors; however, Lake Erie rnay be useful in rnimicking the actions of

ENS0 events. This rnay also be due to the fact that Lake Erie receives 3.6 tirnes the arnount of water

from the upper lakes via infiow than it does frorn precipitation and mnoff (Farid et el., 1997). Quinn and

Guerra (1986) have also found that improvements can be made to forecast Lake Erie total water

supplies by paying speciai attention to its net basin supplies, and the supply of water it receives fmrn

the upper lakes. They found that net basin supply values were useful indicatDn of future lake level


Thefef~e, the effects of ENSO induced climat8 changes rnay require me 3.5 yesrs to

accumulate above and beyond the water it receives frorn the upper lakes. As vrith al1 of the Iakes, the

biggering affects mat cause lake-levels to flucbiate rnay have existed before it was fek within the

systern, but took a whiie longer to be realized. As a result, Lake Erie water level data, depicts a tirne

sefies vhere there is a decaying effect of the disturbance over fme, ail the H i l e penisting m i n the

s y a m . Wmout the size and cornplexities of the upper lakes, Lake Erie may exphence the affects of

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ENSO eventç, with distinct rnernory rnost significantiy after 3.5 yean. This may also be reffecove of the

results found for Lake Michigan-Huron, h m wihich it receives a l q e amount of inflow. Thmfore. %

appean as though a systernaüc relationship exists bebween the lakes, wnceming the responçes to


7.4 Hypothesis # 3

Wth the acceptana of mis hypolheçis, Lake Ontario water levels may be sMad to be

characterized wiüi a lengthened exposure tn ENSO induced clirnate changes and sustain mese

influences within its system for a knger period of tirne. This is characteristic of an AR (2) pmcess

which was generated through statistical anaiysis.

The AR(2) nature of the tirne series data suggests that the introduction of a disturbance into

the systern is present for a slightly longer period of tirne, dwindling as it progresses. Lake Ontario water

ievels wiII then manifest according to the pdcular disturbance, with its greatest affect occumng &ter

3.5 years. The mernory or resonance of the disturbance will reside for at least 6 months after the initial

shock. The relationship betweeo ENSO events and lake level fluctuation appesn to be valid and quite

significant, Mile consistent wioi oie resutts found with the other lakes. It does however, possess

unique characteristics wtiich are responsible for the statistical resuk. These are describeci below.

Of all the Great Lakes, Lake Ontario has the Iargest ratio of watarshed land rtrea to lake

surface area which indicates a much larger relative draining basin than the other lakes (Flint and

Stevens, 1989; Farid et el., 1997). This allows for a quicker response to climatic factors that produce

precipitation and runoff over a larger ratio of land to surface water. This also corresponds to its

orientation, uutiich allows it b encounter the full effect of residing weattter patterns and air masses.

Despite ifs smaller water surface area, its large drainage basin and orientation to weaoier patterns

allows it to experience a full range of weather phenornena, thus the conesponding influences. This is

confirmed in Flint and Stevens (1989) that &tes Bat Lake Ontario is drongiy influenced by

rneteorological events.

As wll, Lake Ontario receives 3.8 tirnes as rnuch volume of water as inflow from the upper

lakes than it does via prscipitation and runoff (FarÏd et el., 1997). Its greatest infiow is from the Niagara

river, Mile ifs dominant oMow is focused into ttie St Lawrence River. Much of what Lake Ontario

receives as infiow leaves the lake as outffow. This illustrates the dynamic and fast-paced environment

in which water fluctuation behaves within this pab'cula systern. However, due to the deep nature of

the lake (average 86rn), storage capacity inaeases, causing a slight ability to stabilize initiai climatic

changes. This may explain why it requires 3.5 yeas to optirnally influence Lake Ontaio wabr levels.

However, once an exîrerne disturbance persists, the shock within the system rernains knger than any

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of the other lakes. This is consistent with Lakes Michigan-Huron and Erie, suggesting a temporal

pattern m i n the system. -

7.5 Hypothesis # 4

~t is thought th& NBS should mimic GLWL hrough ti me due to its inIrinsic kinship with climatic

factors, however the staüstical relationships generated w e weak. One may indeed p o s b l a

essentialty, NBÇ rates are conirolled by storm tracks, which influence many local wather and cümaüc

conditions. Yet, these values are representative of discrete point measurements, over the individual

lake. Therefore, Lake NBS will be dependent on random averqes of air temperahm, predpmon,

mnoff values, and evaporation. The weak, albeit significant relationships can be the result of

inamrate and imprecise data colleclion, and the sheer magnitude of stochastic elaments within

atmospheric and clirnatic patterns. Because NBS values are based on averages (since it is impossible

to measure al1 clirnatic rates), it seems logical that the staüstica! analysis pertaining to it and fake levels

are weak.

In addition, WB know that the hydrologic cycle varies substantially by lake (Lee, 1993), vuhich

suggests that conformity would be an unrealistic expectation. These, variations result in distinct and

differing factors in the values of net basin supplies. Quinn et el. (1997) affims ttiis Mi le citing that

such deviations from each other are typical. For example, in Lake Erie 51% of the water in the cycle

leaves the lake through evaporation. On the other hand, 26% of the water added to Lake Ontan'o by

the hydrologic cycle leaves in that manner (Quinn et a/., 1997).

Aside, these interpretations may also lend in the explanation of not being able to fit a model to

Lake Michigan-Huron NBS with MEI as the independent regressor. The area in which net basin suppty

data is collected is quite large and combines iwo separate systerns. Discrete point data collection

cannot represent ail of the unique and characteristic factors of bath iakes, and then expect to exemplify

them by averaging the data. Proper representation of both lakes is not preçent, and thus biased results

may have been produced. This seems rnost logical since one would expect even the slightest

significant relationship due to cornmon factors M i n both of the variables.

Lakes Erie and Ontario NBS data sets adequately fit an AR (1) model, Mile wioi ME1 as the

independent regressor, the data also fit an AR (1) mode1 with ME1 lagged at 8, and 3 respectively. The

Lake Erie NBS tirne lag of 2 years may be explained by an inaeased sensiibii to NBS factors, that are

spread over a larger relative catchment basin. This of course is coupled with upper lake infbws and

the propensrty of residing weaiher patterns. The even sh- lag period associabd with Me Ontan'o

NBS, 0.75 yearç, may be the resutt of the same factors asociated with Lake Erie NBS, hile the

statistical resuîts tend to exceed those of the others. The AR process associated these madels

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indicates the hypotheçized effect of random shocks, whereby feedback remains in the system after the

associateci disturbance.

ln reference to Lake Superior NBS, it was found that a weak AR (1) rnodel couid not

adequatety d-be the time series, while an ARMA (1,0,1) model could. The ARMA (1 ,O,1) process

may be a partMarty proficient model conceming how Lake Superior funcüons with perhrbaüons. The

slowr response to ENSO (conceming the lag value of 4 yem) rnirrors the physical properties of the

lake, where the enormity, and lack of a major inflow of water, allows for a slow but most definiteiy,

positive relationship. Here, ENSO a& as a random shock, which lriggers darnped oscillations of

change W i n the system. This means that the cycle of ENSO events are creating a change in me

NBS rates, although aïe effects are feit for a finite pdod of time, being eventualiy darnped out

Therefore, NBS time series are affected by ENSO events as indicated by the MEI, and reflect

the stochasüc elements of the variables that make up tbe data set Compared to that of GLWL the lag

tirnes are reduced, Mi le the statistical resub are not as confident or convincing. It is assumed tbat the

changes is NBS associated wiih the changes in MEI, are weak, and cannot açsuredfy explain more

suitably, how aie effects of ENSO effect the Great Lakes. The foundaüon to this lies in the fact of weak

statistical resuits and the vague nature of boa vaiables. It is difficuit to determine the aftereffects of

ENS0 when NBS values are most absiract and indeteninate. Consequentty, it is deemed that for the

purposes of this thesis, the use of NBS values were not overly helpful in supporb'ng the resutts of

change of Great Lake water levels.

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7.61 Lake Level Modeling

One may açsume that due to itç large size and position within the system, Lake Superior would set

the stage for the lowr lakes in regard to response rnechanisms to lake level exlrernes. This

apparentty, is not xi. Faid et al. (1997) confimis this by stdng that not al1 effects of water level

Ruduaiion will be diredy proporüoned to those of Lake Superior. The differences in preUpitation

patterns, air ternperatures, related evaporation rates, runoff, drainage basin aea, and lake inflow, and

ouüiow rates al1 exercise distinct patterns on the individual lake. In relation to lakdevel modeüng, the

system may be cuncluded to be one where the larger lakes (Superior and Michigan-Huron) expdence

shorter responses to disturbances, due to their sire, depth and relatively srnaller drainage basins.

Meanwhile, the smaller and lower iakes (Ontario and Erie) experienca longer distuhance mernory with

shorter periods of eqtiilibriurn after an initial shock.

Lake Superior and Lake Michigan-Huron encounter darnped oscillations, or a pseudocyciic

process, where lake level fluctuations are present, but wilhout significant memory or immediate

outcomes. The ARMA process representing past lake fluctuation suggests mat there are sbong

autoregresive processes present in the systems, mile there are points in the series where lake level

fluctuation disintegrates on a more curt basis. Lake Erie was modeled with an AR (1) process, where

there is a definite mernory m i n its systern, as it receives randorn disturbances. Lake Erie water level

fluctuations rnay behave in this manner due to its orientation to starm îracks, its small and shallow

nature, thus making it more susceptible to the effects of exireme meteorological events. Greater water

infiow h m the upper lakes also adds to the disorder within itç systern. This makes the agitation felt at

a longer rate than both Lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron. Lake Ontario receives water from the

upper Mes, and Lake Erie, Mi le the AR (2) aspect of the modeling, suggests that the fluctuations are

characterird with long mernory, or feedback as well. Here, disturbances 10 the systern will generate a

long memory, whereby lake level fiuctuations are influenced by shocks that omrred in the distant past

This makes it more sensitive to climatic anomalies such as ENSO, more so than what is encountered in

the upper fakes.

As a whole, the system rnodeled here rnay be approxirnated to one where thwe is inaeasing

sens- and longevij, to the effects of variables, iriggering changes and fluctuation in lake levels.

This is appmximated by the ARMA processes of Lake SupMor and Lake Michigan-Huron, and the AR

processes of Lakes Erie and Ontario, AR (1) and AR (2) respectiveîy. Aloiough various clirnatological

fachxs are distinct to each lake, the overall effect increases lhroughout the system. This is defined by

the size and orientation of each lake, the inflow of water to îhe system, as well as the rao of drainage

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basin area to the site of the lake surface area. As a resutt, Ihe system cba* i h h k s an inmase of

lake level fluctuation by way of susceptibilii and duration of s h a s to me SY-m.

7.62 Lake Levels and the Multivariate ENSO Index

In regard to iakelevel fluctuation and ENSO, it was found that with ME1 as the independent

regressar, îhe modeis generated for each lake resernbled t h o ~ of fie original models. Wi ME1 acting

as the iriggering rnechanisrn, the lag tirne in the Cme secies re~esents me M o d of tirne M'ween the

change in the ME1 (ENSOinducing values), and its dronge~t or m s t ggnifi~ant effect on kvei

fluctuation. Therefore, Lake Superior water levels are designated a lag of 4.5 years, hi le Lake

Michigan-Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario water levels are characterized with a 3.5 year lag. Quhn

(1992) states that Lakes Erie and Ontario (due to #eir low ratio of volume to ouolow) He affected by

normal clirnatic vdaljons of less than 20 y e m in duraüon. M e m e lakdavel conditions over the

period of 2 to 8 years can also significantly affect the residence fime of Lake Erie and Ontario. This

affect is by way of an inaease (or decrease) of water fiowing thmugh the lakes. Further, mis is

confirrned by Farid et ai. (1997) which asserCs that the l o w lakes receive a greater percentage of

inflow, and will be more sensitive to random shocks to oieir system.

Lake Michigan-Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake 0nM.o rnay contain the sarne lagged ME1 value

because of the possible cornplements between Lakes Michigan and Huron. Aithough b k e Erie and

Lake Ontario water level fluctuations are designated witti a kng mernory, Lake Michigan-Humn rnay

realize ENSO inducing effects at a similar lag, but with a l e s distinct mernwy and consequence to the

disturbances. This is illustrated in the ARMA nature of its rnodel. As well, Lake Superior with its large

sire and deep waters rnay be able to darnpen any exireme effects of ENSO inducing climate variances,

or simpiy, not fuliy actualize the effects for approxirnateiy 4.5 years.

It is suggested that perhaps the water levels of Lake Michigan rnay be closer to the modeling of

Lake Superior due to b small catchment basin, 'cu1desac" nahire, and perpendicular orientation.

Lake Huron as sMed previousiy, acts as the conveyor of water h m Lake Superior to the lower lakes,

and rnay resemble the models of the lower lakes. Lake Huron has a larger catchment basin, and thus,

receives the lion's share of Lake Superiots outfiow, and rnay be mwe susceptibk tD dianges in

clirnaüc factors. Consequentty, despite hydraulic simildes, water level fluctuations of the two lakes

may stiRe long-term patterns, aeating a balancing of important chaactensti'cç. This rnay explain why

such a lage lake rnay share sirnilar lagged ME1 values as Lake Erie and Lake Ontao.

The ME1 as the independent regressor to lake-level fiuchiations is indicme of a çystem wide

swing of Ructuaîion, in regard to exVerne weaîher patterns. We rnay state that M S O definiteiy affects

water level. alhough there are many factors at play m i n the Great Lakes. The ability to stabilize

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dishbancas into the system may be purely characteristic of the individual lake, and may be cumulative

over time, as the disturbance perçists. With the peailia lagged foms, it rnay be implied that there is a

temporal p&m present regarding ENSO eventç and GLWL Therefore, with the results generated

h m this research, it rnay be implied that wiîh the introduction of an ENSO event, GLWL are shiffed

most significantly af$r 3.5 yearç, with the exception of Lake Superior, which experienas modificaüons

afbr 4.5 years.

7.63 Net Basin Supply

The modeling of Great Lakes net basin supply values illusirate some interesting sy&m

response indicators. Like the previous models produced conceming Lake level flu&&'on, there

seems to be an inaease in sensitivity to various factors as you go down the lake system. This

examination muid not be fully acquired however, because Lake Michigan-Huron could not fit a model

with NBS. Wth Lake NBS as the independent regreçsor, Lake Supefior required 16 lags, Lake Erie

required 8 lags, and Lake Ontario required 3 lags. Thus, there seems to be a deaease in lag tirne, or

in other wwds, a decreaçe in the time in takes for a padicular ENSO event to significantly effect the

lakes, as it progresses within the systern. Even without the modeüng of Lake Michigan-Huron, mere

seems to be the same trend apparent, with NBS. This is qui$ logical since net basin supplies should

rnimic the hydmlogic properties of each lake. This is comparable to the system conclusions found

conceming the MEI, an indicator of ENSO events. Overall, the resutts generated were wak, although

statistically significant This attests to the large outfiow rates for most of the lakes cornpared to that

received by ninoff and precipitation.

The models generated might be explained by the study wrnpleted by Hostetler (1 990) which

çMes th& under transient clirnatic conditions, there is an assumption mat climatic variables and lake

levels change together for basins where the surface area of the iake is large cornpared with the total

catchment area. Here, the migratory short memory shocks may be a resuit of changes dire* related

to net basin suppiy. Quinn et al. (1997) has found using flood climate scenarios, that Lakes Michigan-

Huron, and Lake Erie experience the greatest impacts conceming NBS variables. This is reinforced

with t h -ment that although Lake Supefior averages were d isp lad accordingly. the changes m e

wnsiderably less than the lower lakes. Cmley et al., (1995) states that m i n the realrn of transposed

climates, it is ahmys Lake Superior that receives the driest m o n . The kwer lakes on the orner hand,

may realize the resonant transformations to their syçtems due to a slight inaease in sensitiv'i. As

mil, it is thought that sensitivity, no matter the migin of the shock, inaeases within the system because

the kwer lakes receive a greater percentage of inhw (Faid et el., 1997). Of course, Lake Sumer and Mchigan-Huron are effeded by this due to the Iack of major infiows. Thwefore, the affects

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conceming net basin supplies rnay follow the same logic. The difference rernains in the lack of required

descriptive data to represent Lake NBS.


A a s t i c a l assessrnent between the Southern Oscillation Index and the Multivan'ate ENSO

lndex detemiined that the sufficienüy m e s the examination of Great Lakes water level fluctuation,

and net basin supply rates. Time series anaiysis was nin on the variables to determine p&monious

models of the variables thernseives, and those cornpleted with ME1 as the independent regresmr.

Histwical paüerns were exarnined to determine if insight into the sys$rn coukl be generated, and

whether significant relationships existed between lake level phenornena and speafic cfimaüc variables.

The final analysis invohred taking the information gained thmugh time series analysis, and relang L to

physicai aspects of the system under study.

In generai] the acting systern comprishg the Great Lakes is one where individual cornpanents

(the lakes), behave in a rnanner characteristic of the climatic, physical, and geographic feahires it

possesses. However, there are also systematic influences responsible for lake performance and

activity, uihich generate an inûinsic relationship. This is realized in the anaiyses perfonned within mis

research project In sumrnation, the following was found.

1. For the purposes of this thesis, the ME1 was believed to be the more suitable and useful, indicator

of ENSO events. The data series made into quarteriy periods needed quite cornplex models,

atthough a prefemed model was süll evident With semester data of both indices, the ME1 was

deemed more applicable as wll.

2. Lakes Superior and Michigan-Huron both exhibited mixed rnodel characteristics, whereas the

existence of short and long-temi mernory resided in ihe series. Random shocks ta the systern a e

designated by a pseudocyclic nature, whereas the effect of ENSO events are feît m i n oie

systern for a finite time-period. Staüstical analysis revealed strong relafionships behwen water

levels and the ME!. The size and orientation of ttrese lakes rnake for wn@asted models, which

indicate a damping affect to the influences of ENSO events. Lake Superior was regressed against

ME1 lagged at 18, while Lake Michigan-Huron was lagged against ME1 at 14.

3. Lake Erie water ievels were found to exhibe an AR (1) model, and with ME1 as the independent

regressor the best-fit model was that of an AR (1) with the ME1 lagged at 14. This suggests Bat

the variables associated vcim an ENSO event will be most signitïcantly nggered after

approximately 3 'Xyears. This is best explained by Quinn (1 992) which states that e m m e ldte

level conditions over the period of 2 to 8 y e n will increase the arnount of waber Rowing thmugh

the lake, Mile also affecting residence ümes of both Lake Erie and Ontario. The çhâllow nahire of

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Lake Ene makes it vulnerable to ENSO events, especially conceming evaporation rates due to the

lack of heat storage capacity.

Lake Ontario water levels fit an AR (2) model wi(h the independent r q r e a r , MEI, lagged at 14 as

weîf. Akhougn possassing a reiativety srnail water surface area, Lake Ontario has great depth and

a comparatively large catchment basin. Together these allow for sensiüvity M i n the ti me a e s , :p which is illudrated through the AR (2) aspect of the data. Th8 resonanca of an DJSO event

rernains within the system longer than the orner Lakes, h i l e requin'ng 3'4ears 1D optimall~ affect

Lake Ontario water levels.

Generalfy, Great Lakes net basin supplies were found to have weak, aithough signCcant

relationships with the MEI. One may postulate that essentially, NBS values are closely linked to

prevailing weather systems, especially those oiat persist for a long period of Cme. As such, Lake

NBS values camy weak relationships with the ME1 due to simple stochastic processes. Essenti ally,

precipitation, evaporation, and runoff rates are random processes, and thus, almost impossible to

predict due to the nature of these factors. If Lake Michigan-Huron could have been modeled it may

have been seen that the lags required to fuliy effect the lake data decreased as the systern

progressed. The resutts of this thesis point to that conclusion although it is not appropriate to


Systematicaffy, it was found that as a whole, the general rnodels aeated here rnay be

approxirnated to one where there is increasing sensitivity and longevity to the effects of variables,

kggwing changes and fluctuation in lake levels. This is approximated by the ARMA processes of

Lake Superior and Lake Michigan-Huron, and the AR processes of Lakes Erie and Ontario, AR (1)

and AR (2) respectivety.

Using ME1 as the independent regressor to water level data, it is indicalive of a system wide swing

of fluctuation, in regard to extreme weather patterns. We may sMe that ENSO events definiteiy

affect water level, despite the rnany other factws preçent within the Great Lakes. W h the peculiar

lagged foms, it may be implied that mere is a temporal pattern present regarding ENSO events

and GLWL Therefore, with the resuits generated fmm this reseadi, it may be impüed that with

the inlroduction of an ENSO event, GLWL a e shif$d rnost signicantty at$r 3.5 yean, with the

exception of Lake Superior, which experiences modifications after 4.5 years.

Using ME1 as the independent regresuK against Lake NBSl data, it was found mat signilicant

relaonships existed although its weak nature suggests mat ENSO events (reprecented through

ME1 values) influence these levels, whiie the randorn nature of both NBS and developing

abnosphMc conditions, make model creation sornewhat troubiesome. A temporal systemac

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pattern could not be identified wittiout rnodeiing Lake Michigan-Huron net basin supply values. It

could be prewpposad that if there were a systernab'c frend present, it would follow that af the other

im identified above.

8.1 Suggestions For Fumer StudyKheoretical Implications

The question remains, how long does t take the ENSO to trigger the criücal factors long

enough to maka lake levels deviate fmrn their long t m averages. It is important to pay closer

ai$nti on to the lagging of the ME1 t m , because it rneans that it takes n lags to effect obsenred

changes in lake levels. However, we cannct at this point say Men the factors mat influence lake kvels,

(pre~ipit~on, evaporation, temperature, run off) begin to atter tD substantially affect them.

Furthemore, since clirnate change is not linear, with rapid and large changes in averages and in

variability occumng in the recent past, it is often difficutt to put clirnate change and its effect on the

Great Lakes into perspective (Quinn, 1998).

Furthemore, it is stated that the natural cornplexity of the Great Lakes, has features which

rnake it diflïcult to handle anaiyûcaliy. Flint and Stevens (1989) defined these wmplexities below.

1) The components or subsysterns are connected in a selected manner. Not everything is closeiy tied to everything else.

2) The impact of ecological events is not uniform. Different areas react in different ways.

3) Drarnatic changes in behaviour are naturai to rnany ecosysterns, such as lake syçtems, and rnany of these are beyond man's rneans to predict

4) Variability, not consistency is the characteristic of such systems, that enable them to adjust and therefore persist

For these reasons, it is betieved that the data concerning Lake Michigan-Huron should be

separated and not lumped togettier so that they are considered one lake. Aithough they are mnnected

by the deep siraits of the Mackinaw, Lake Michigan and Huron behave differentiy and should be Veated

so, especialiy when shidying syçtem dynamics. It is hypothesized mat Lake Huron and Michigan ofbn

damp out the dynarnics of each other, rnisçing important aspects of the individual lake.

Therefore, to further research the dynamics of the Great Lakes Basin, it is suggested that

increased study on system anabsis be accomplished. This shoufd include inaeased study on the

climatological factors that influence lake levels (precipitation, temperature, evaporation, and mnoff)

outside of the net basin suppiy, for each lake. This wukl allow for valuable knowledge on how the

individual lake is effected on a local basis by ENSO events. There is growing evidence that the

changing composition of the atmosphere is beginning to influence spwf~c components of the

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hydrologie cycle. Notwioistanding, it is not yet possible to differentiate such effects from the natural

variability of Great Lakes water levels. It would be interesting to see how clirnataiogical facbws efFect

each lake, and how this is incurporated into the system dynamics. T h e is a large 'assurnption" of

observed lake levels by not specifying e x a m what the climate changes are, that are taking place other

than those that are quite general.

Finaliy, the concepts, staüstical analyses, and sumrnations depided here may be applied to

the vast collection of research being completed conceming the changing fates of the Great Lakes.

Pefhaps a more elegant model muid be developed that could efficienüy desaibe the exact forces

uiwking within the individual lake, and those that culminate W i n the entire system. As exploration into

ENS0 events increase, precise examination rnay be perfomed to delineate the mechanims invohred

in lake level fluctuation. Subsequenüy, the natural, dynarnic, and sensitive system comprising the

wastal environment may benefït frorn information gained ihrough further research, and a more

cooperative balance between nature and human.

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Lag Number

1.0 1

.5 4



-.5 1

LI O a -1.0

Lag Number

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

, - - -

- Confidence Lirnits -


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NiPnber of residuals 98 DF ADJ.SUM OF SQ. RESIDUAL VARLANCE Standard erra .61299û44 RESIDUALS 96 3.3320 .3757 Log likelihaod -90.439313 AIC 184,87863 SBC 190.04856




R 681 R SQUARE -463 DUREIN WATSON 2.014 DF 97 SIG .O0


Lag Number

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Lag Number


Lag Number

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NiLmberofreslreSldwk 98 DF ADJ-SUM OF SQ. RESIDUAL VARIANCE Sbndad emx -71 152845 RESIDUALS 97 49268 .SI63 Log Iikeiihood -105.36043 AIC 212.72086 SBC 21 5.3582




R A91 R SQUARE .241 DURBIN WATSON 1.74 DF 97 SIG -00


Confidence Lirniîs I -

Lag Number

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Source: Croley (1986)


Also in Croley (1986) is the consideration of diversion effects, which are deemed srnail in

cornparison witti the 1.5 foot seasonal cycle and the 6ft range of annual variations (values also statd

in Croley 1986). In addition, the ma I l diversion effects coupled with the long system response time,

are stated to make diversion plans unsuitabie for Great Lakes regulation of lake levels. The slow

response time to man-induced changes wuld not produce changes responsive to natural fluctuations.

3200 9400

- 0.07 - 0.06 + 0.07

- 0.21 - 0.18 - 0.02

- 0.14 - 0.44 - 0.33

- 0.10 O + 0.08

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Autocorrelation Function (ACF)

Is often in the fom of a bar chart of the coefficients of correlation between a time series and the lags itseff. These should already be differenced. By looking at the ACF plot, you should be able to idenûfy the numbers of AR andior MA terms needed. Autocorrelation is an indication of wbether past behaviour of a variable affects its present value (SPSS, 1994).

Akaike Information Critarion (AIC ) Schwartz Bayesian Criterion (SBC)

Measures how well the mode1 fits the series taking into acmunt the fact that a more elahrate d e l is expected to fit better. Choose between different models for a given series. The model with the lowest AIC or SBC is best (SPSS ,1994).

Box-Jen kins Methodology

The basic idea behind self-projecting time series forecasting madels is to find a mathematical fomufa that wiIl approxirnately generate the historical patterns in a time series.

8ox-Jen kins Forecasting Method

The univariate version of ais rnethodoiogy is a self-projecting tirne series forecasting method. The underfying goal is to find an appropriate formula SI that the residuals are as maIl as possible, and exhibit no pattern. The mode1 building process involves 4 steps: Repeated as necessary, to end up with a specific formula that replicates the patterns in the series as closely as possible and al= produces accurate forecasts (Chatfield, 19%; Arsharn, 2000).

Is also based on statistical concepts and principles and are able to d e i a wide range of tirne series behaviour. It has a large cias of mdels to choose from and a systernatic approach for identifying the correct modei form. These are both statistical tests for venfying the mode1 validity and statistical masures of forecast uncertainty. In mntrast, traditional forecasting rnodels offer a limited number of models relative to the cornplex behaviour of many time series with little in the way of guidelines and statisticai tests for venfying the vaiidity of the selected rnodel (Chatfield, 1985; Arsharn, 2000).

bx-Ljung Q Statistic

Are probability values assocjated with the correlation amng the residuals of the mrnpoçed model. ldealiy once M 10 a correlogram, oie Box-Ljung Statisk should be over the value of 0.05 (the signficance levd) (SPSS, 1994).

Lag versions of the variable are often used in regular models. This allows varying amounts of recent history to be brought into the forecaçtlagging independent variables is often necessary to be able to predict the fuhire. To predict what wiil happen in pend t based on mat happened up to period t-1 ( m a m , 2000).

A transition that bnngs past values of a series into the current case. The case prior to the wrrent case is a lag of one. T w casas prior to the current case is a fag of W... (SPSS, 1994)).

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Lag T i m

IS the difFmnce in time units of a series value and previous âeries values. In h'me series analysis, the lag typically represents the period of tirne between the change in the independent or predidor (exogenous) variable and its strongest (most signifcant) effect on the dependent or predicted (endogenous) variable (Arsharn, 2000).

A time series is said to be govemed by a first order autoregressive process if aiment values of the time series can be expressed as a linear funcüon of the previous value of the series and a random shock. The AR procsss is characterized with mernory or feedback and oierefore, the systern cm generate intemal dynamics (Chaffield, 1985).

The 2 rneans that you have 2 autoregressive terms. Therefore, the curent values of the üme series c m be expressed as a linear function of the iwo previous values of the series and a randorn shodc (Chaffield, 1 985).

THE AR Parameter

The AR parameter describes the effect of unit change in zt-1 on zt, and which needs to be estimated. The random shocks, also known as errors or white noise in the series are assumed to be normally distributecl wiü~ m a n = 0, cunstant covariance's and independent of zt-1 (Chaffield, 1985).

Moving Average Process (MA)

Moving average processes are simple mathematical processes. The moving average process is merely a moving, fixed interval dverage of a time series data used to smooth fiuctuanons and distortions in the data and provide a more rneaningful representation of underlying trends and cycles. An MA process is one wtiereby future data values are expressed as a linear combination of past errors. These processes have known inbinsic cycles (Chaffield, 1 985.)

A t-1 repreçenl random shocks of one or more prior points of the senes. Shocks are asstdmed to corne from cornmon (normal) distributions with common location and scale. Random shocks are propagated to future values of the series (non-linear). The events or disturbances will not only have an irnrnediate effect but also affect 'level' indicators to a lesser extent in several subsequant tirne-periods (Chaffietd, 1985).

Autoregressive Moving Average(ARMA) Process

Is a multiplicative rnodel which includes one or more nonseasonal pararneters with one or more seasonal pararneters. 80th long and short-term mernory resides within the mode!. The MA depicts abrupt, short-ten rnernory, where îhe disturbance effects the system for a finite period (fie order of the MA), and stops effecting it The order of the MA specifies how many previous disturbances are averaged into the new values. The AR disturbance dwindles as time passes (Chatfield, 1985).

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NAME: Kimberfy Anne Peskan

PLACE OF BIRTH: Windsor, Ontario, Canada


EDUCATION: Catholic Central High School, Windsor, Ontario 1986-1 991

University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario 1992-1 997 B.A. Geograph y (Environmental Resource Management)

University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario 1998-200 1 M.A. Geography (Environmental Resource Management)
