

Addicted to Love by

Tony De Marco P2 & 3

Words: Friends/Foes P4

Hypnosis In Sports P5

Hypnosis & Children P6

Addictions Specialist

Certification 4/29 & 30 P7

Academy of Professional

Hypnosis Certification P9

Script: Reshape Your

Past Hazeka Kadri P10

Script: Peaceful Sleep

Mary Ann Columbus P11




June 21,


NACH and the Greater NGH Chapter

National Association of Certified HypnoCounselors

1358 Burnet Ave. Suite 1, Union, NJ


M A Y 2 0 1 7 V O L U M E 1 5 … … . . I S S U E 5


100 years ago Martin Buber wrote: "All journeys have secret destina-tions of which the traveler is unaware." Some journeys are intentional while others are caused by circumstances. I have taken journeys that were not part of my life's plan but nevertheless for various reasons I consciously took them or followed the dictates of my subcon-scious. Yet I know that I have secret destinations that will not become aware to me while I am traveling them, but only when I have reached them. Realize that every word we read, every thought we have, and


Did I put the word ‘LOVE’ in the title? I made a mistake. I meant ‘CO-DEPENDENCE’. How could I confuse the two words, they are not even similarly spelled? It is quite easy, as thousands upon thousands of women and men continuously confuse ‘LOVE’ with ‘CO-DEPENDENCE’. Everyone knows about the 3 major addictions, Alcohol, Drugs, and Compulsive Gambling but little about less obvious behaviors that have not been included in the DSM-IV, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. There are many forms of co-dependence but we shall focus on co-dependence involved in relationships. Purely and simply, many people think that they stay with another person in a relationship because they are in love with that per-son rather than being dependent upon (addicted to) behaviors occasioned by that other person’s own behav-iors, shortcomings, or addictions. It is realized that not all persons that remain in harmful relationships are co-dependent, for there are other reasons for remaining, such as children, and a myriad of economic reasons. But there is a goodly number that stay in these harmful relationships for co-dependent reasons.

How can a woman want to continue being addicted to her own negative behaviors, continuing to live with a man who brought about the co-dependence? It didn’t start out that way. It may have started out that the woman tried to ‘rescue’ the man, to help him overcome his behaviors, shortcomings or addictions. And then the rescue attempts and help became a daily habit, such as asking or pleading with the man to quit drugs, or giving him money to buy drugs while swearing that it was the last time that she would do so, or clos-ing her eyes when he used thereby enabling him to continue and get worse, or for reasons other than drugs or alcohol, tolerated when he stayed home from work, or constantly threatening to leave him because of his laziness or lack of attention, and thinking that she is a martyr for putting up with him, or feeling sorry for her-self and being on the pity pot, or looking down on him thereby feeling superior, or thinking that he needs her, or thinking that he will harm himself without her, or thinking that she may overcome his problems, or thinking that he will change and really give her the love that she needs, and thinking that all of this is love. And then when nothing that she does is helping the man, she starts feeling ‘guilty’, develops a giant lack of self-confidence, and low self-esteem; then she begins to feel the ravages of an addiction that the man suffers.

I have found that certain clients have a pre-disposition for becoming co-dependents, which pre-disposition was environmentally crafted during childhood. Patterns show their disconcerting ‘faces’ time and time again over a period of years working with clients that are not necessarily in the office for co-dependence, but as surely as there exists addictions, these patterns point to present problems and issues such as the above-mentioned low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, along with co-dependence, etc. If I were to name some family structures in which the pre-disposition was created, one family would be comprised of at least one parent who was an addict, another family would show parents that were disciplinarians ala the military…very non-forgiving, and setting rules that were ridiculous; another family would be one where the parents had a distinct lack of attention and affection for one child or all of their children; one of the biggies is an overbear-ing mother, an over protective mother, a thought and act stifling mother. I think of it as a lack of nurtur-ing….you may say that an over-protective mother nurtures to extremes, however I have found that too much of anything has the tendency to turn into the opposite….and therefore I would like to say that all of these de-scribed family actions have the effects of a lack of nurturing.

The pre-disposition hides itself but grows until it becomes full blown co-dependency. Sometimes it manifests itself in the person being a ‘people-pleaser’ or a man-pleaser’. She needs compliments and thanks for her being nice, and helpful and concerned, which compliments and thanks assuage the feelings of low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence under which she suffers. Let’s bring the scenario into one of marriage or living-together. In some form or manner each has pledged their love by word or deed or insinuation or sug-gestion at one time or the other, so the woman feels that she has finally found someone who can satisfy the needs brought about in childhood. Now, you must always remember that we humans that suffer from past, youthful experiences usually look at the past situations with the mind of the child at its age when involved in the past situation. And even though we are older, we still process those happenings and similar happenings with that child-mind. Then the man becomes physically or verbally abusive, or addicted to a substance or a behavior, and the woman tries to rescue him, etc. day after day after day, until the repetition turns into

ADDICTED TO LOVE Volume 15….Issue 5 Tony De Marco, LL.B, (J.D.), Ph.D., DNGH Page 2

ADDICTED TO LOVE Volume 15….Issue 5 Tony De Marco, LL.B, (J.D.), Ph.D., DNGH Page 3 (Continued)

co-dependence (addiction really) and she cannot jump off the merry-go-round for fear of losing what comfort she receives from the care giving. Comfort you say, well substance abusers believe that they are receiving comfort from the substance until it turns around and bites them in the posterior, the same as the co-dependent is ‘bitten’. I used the feminine gender to discuss scenarios of co-dependency because research surveys have shown that the far greater incidence of co-dependency rests with the female. However, each one of us probably knows a man or men that are also co-dependent upon their significant other in some for or the other. This is what your client brings into the office. What do we do about it?

1. Educate them about co-dependency. They probably will not believe you at first, for they feel that it is love, but you’ll wear them down. One word of caution: never advise them to leave their significant other. You are not qualified. Your goal is to restore their self-confidence and elevate their self-esteem, make them strong so that they may make the right decision and then carry out that decision. Their change of attitude and actions in the relationship may very well save the relationship.

2. Review their past consciously and subconsciously. Expose the demons to the light so that they go away. Desensitize them with techniques that alleviate and eliminate the negative emotions connected to the past happenings, while preserving the happenings as learning experiences so that they become buffers to prevent them from happening again. (I use Parts Communication, Time Line Repair, my original tech-niques of Thumb Rubbing, the Brick Wall, Black Hole Throws, Future Seeing, Elimination of Charac-ter Defects, and Enhancement of Client’s Character Assets, and Relapse Prevention. All in my Prac-tice Manual) Examine their present actions now that they have a better understanding of what made them ‘tick’ in the fashion they did. They will enlighten themselves as to the reasons for their behavior and recognize the futility of that behavior. None of this is easy, but you must persevere session after session.

3. Have the client set her short term goals and long term goals and imagine them as a ‘fait accompli’.

4. Homework assignments to be incorporated in sessions

5. Feedback in between session to be incorporated in future sessions

6. Utilize my lengthy, original script for women entitled “Releasing and Letting Go”

7. Use Affirmations for Releasing and Letting Go of the Past and for the Future, such as:

I fully realize that the past is the past and I only permit past experiences to make me stronger, more positive and full of life.

I release all feelings of sadness, limitation, fear, and negativity

I now wholeheartedly let go of relationships that are complete so that all parties benefit, while maintaining relationships that are worthwhile.

I now let go of that which has no purpose in my life.

My joyous future is up to me and completely in my hands.

Each person presents different histories which require various techniques that cannot be fully consid-ered by the hypnotist until the client’s conscious and subconscious stories start to unfold. The above is a generalized overview of relationship co-dependence and a brief description of a bit of the hypnotic work that we can do….without frills, and with the assumption that our basic hypnotic procedures, are just that….basic, and not necessary to elucidate here.

CAVEAT: In strict compliance with the Ethics & Standards of our profession, always advise your clients who demonstrate symptoms of medical issues or psychological disorders to avail them-selves of the best allopathic medical and psychological professional services that they can obtain. Request a written referral when warranted. Hypnotism is complementary to these traditional disci-plines

use the word won't

(instead of can't) we

increase the likeli-

hood that we will do

something we for-

mally could not do.

The idea is that it is

more possible to go

from won't to will,

than it is to go from

can't to will.

Notice a theme to

this article? It's that

the first step is al-

ways to consciously

hear what we are

saying. This is how

effective Hypnother-

apy works: the Hyp-

notherapist brings

into conscious

awareness what is

motivating our be-

havior from a sub-

conscious level.

Once those motiva-

tors are exposed on

a conscious level,

we have a much

better chance of

changing something

that will improve the

quality and value of

our life experience.

ing to kick a bad habit," or

"I'm trying to make more

money," but do they actu-

ally do it? The very few

may, but the vast majority

do not.

So what is the solution, cure, or antidote? The first step is to simply hear our-selves say that evil little word (try). Once we be-come consciously aware of saying it we'll then start catching ourselves saying it. Once we start catching ourselves, we will alter our thought process and then will really start doing more. Instead of trying to clean

or tidy up, we become

more likely to actually do

it. Don't try this, just do it!

In his book The Seven

Spiritual Laws of Success,

Chopra explains the Law

of Least Effort by remark-

ing that "fish don't try to

swim, they just swim,

birds don't try to fly, they

just fly (THEY JUST DO


Another culprit from the

world of words is the das-

tardly should. We often

innocently say we should

do this or that (lose some

weight, get more exercise,

eat less sugar, study

more, make more money,

save more money, the list

Did you ever stop to think

that the words you use

have the ability to affect

how you function in your

everyday life? That simple,

little words can profoundly

affect you, especially when

you overuse them?

One of the biggest culprits,

or foes to us, is one of the

smallest words we use:


Did you ever hear the ex-

pression trying is lying?

I'm not referring to lying in

the sense of deliberate

deception, manipulation,

or in a hurtful manner. I

am suggesting that when

people tell themselves and

others "I'll try" or "I'm try-

ing," what it really is, is an

innocent self deception.

Has anyone who said they

would try to call, actually

call? Has anyone who said

"I'll try to be there" (at your

party or other event) actu-

ally shown up? Answer:

very seldom.

The wise Yoda, from the

Star Wars movie series,

said "there is only doing or

not doing, there is no try-

ing." Often we hear family,

friends, and acquaintances

say things like "I'm trying

to lose weight," or "I'm try-

could go on and on). The

effect of using the word

should is to prolong our own

avoidance of the very thing

we probably need to do.

The good news is there is an

antidote. Like try, the first

step is to hear ourselves

saying it (should), and then

start replacing it with the

word need. When we tell

ourselves we need (plug in

the lose weight, exercise,

etc.) to do something we are

more likely to actually do it.

Need is simply a more

powerful word. Need also

implies or imparts a sense of

some urgency to the activity

that would benefit us, and

we become more likely to do


Yet another sinister word in

our vocabulary is the con-

traction of can and not: can't.

When we tell ourselves we

can't do something we really

enable (or make stronger)

our inability to do something.

The way this contraction

works against us is that the

first part of the contraction

(can) is in effect the enabler

to NOT do something. It's

like we say to ourselves "I

am able to NOT do this."

This makes going from can't

W O R D S : F R I E N D S O R F O E S ? A R T I C L E B Y M A R C G R A V E L L E

Page 4 V O L U M E 1 5 … … . . I S S U E 5

Using hypnosis in sports is nothing new. Sports’ history is replete with ex-amples of its uses, but often under the guise of names such as: autogenic training, mind condition-ing, entering the “zone”, etc.

Sports Psychologist, V.A. Romanov said, "The shaping of psychological readiness is one of the main tasks in preparing athletes for competitions". In the 1956 Melbourne Olympics, the Russian team took with them no less than 11 hypnotists. Mental training was also responsible for the Rus-sians winning more gold medlas in the 1976 Olym-pics than and other coun-try. This included two of the three judo titles ordi-narily taken by the Japa-nese.

During their 1978-79 tour of Australia, England’s cricket captain Mike Brearley consulted a hyp-notherapist. In the early 1980s, hypnotist Peter Siegel worked with body-builder Lee Haney who went on to win the Mr. Olympia title eight years in a row! In 1985 Peter worked with bodybuilder Mike Christian who went on to conclusively win the Mr. America and Mr. Uni-verse titles. In his book, “Pro-Style Bodybuilding”, Mr. Universe winner, Tom Platz, says, “Unless my mind triggers the will to improve my physique, it

won’t happen. Essentially, the mind is the master potentiator in bodybuild-ing". Yes, Tom consulted a hypnotist!

Even heavy-weight boxing champion Mike Tyson had a personal hypnotist named John Halpin. Golf-er Tiger Woods had un-dergone hypnosis as a teenager. And if the above doesn’t impress you, how’s this for a lineup? - Players from the New York Mets, Los An-geles Dodgers, Chicago Cubs, Detroit Tigers, Los Angeles Raiders, New York Islanders, Dallas Cowboys, Florida Marlins, New York Rangers, to just name some, have utilized the services of a hypno-tist. Yet, many athletes who use hypnosis some-times don’t own up to it because of the age-old myths associated with the modality.

Baseball players had been utilizing hypnothera-py in the 1970s. One of the most famous exam-ples of sports hypnosis is the story of Minnesota Twins’, “Hall of Famer”, Rod Carew. Carew, one of America’s greatest baseball players, had suf-fered an injury, and even though the injury techni-cally healed, he continued to experience pain. It may have been psychosomat-ic, but real enough for him, which in turn caused

a severe case of self-doubt. St. Paul, Minneso-ta, hypnotist Harvey Misel, worked with Carew and helped him come back to the best season of his entire career, with a batting score of almost .400. Carew went on to win “The most valuable player award”! Eventually, hypnotist Misel was hired by the Chicago White Sox, and at one point, claimed 200 clients in ma-jor-league baseball.

Mental trainers push their clients to develop system-atic "pre-performance rou-tines," including relaxation breaths, focusing exercis-es, and self-talk. Hypno-tist Harvey Dorfman, made his career by help-ing out the Oakland A's during their 1980s glory years.

Boxer Ken Norton has used hypnosis training before his famous victory over Mohammed Ali. Ten-nis star Andre Agassi, worked extensively with Anthony Robbins, utilizing NLP and hypnosis. Phil Jackson, coach of the Chicago Bulls basketball says that they practiced daily self-hypnosis when he coached Michael Jor-don and the Bulls to their six NBA Championships.

Please note that hypnosis cannot create a talent-less athlete into a super-star competitor. It will however amplify the ath-

lete’s innate talent and capacity, and enable him/her to access as much of this ability as possible.



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HYPNOSIS & CHILDREN by Geoffrey Knight Page 6

There are many children's problems that hypnotherapy can help with. And, the great thing is that children are usually excel-

lent hypnotic subjects. They have such wonderful imaginations that you can induce the hypnotic state easily and rapidly by getting

them, for example, to imagine taking off in a space craft or taking part in their favorite television program or movie. A surprisingly

large percentage of childhood complaints stem from unresolved emotional issues. Many children, for example, who suffer from Bron-

chial Asthma are anxiety-ridden, lack confidence and are dependent on one or both of their parents to an extreme degree. There may

be physical factors that are directly implicated, but often the parent is told that the child will "grow out of it". More likely the child (and

maybe even the parent) simply matures enough to resolve the emotional issues that triggered the problem in the first place.

Allergies are another problem suffered by children, and allergic reactions are often associated with stress. There can be a

whole host of stressful events in a child's life such as relations with siblings, school, dependency on a parent, fear of interaction with

peer groups, and aggression towards one or both parents sometimes arising from a past traumatic event. You may have heard about

an experiment carried out on children whose allergen was flower pollen. In hypnosis they were asked to smell a rose in a sealed

glass jar, whereupon they immediately had an asthmatic attack. Subsequently under therapy they were instructed in ways to control,

and then stop altogether, having asthmatic attacks, principally through the use of self-hypnosis. Nail biting, stuttering, various kinds of

habitual spasms, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), can all be addressed by hypnosis. I am not saying hypnosis is always suc-

cessful, but in the substantial majority of cases I have seen and treated, the child has achieved a satisfactory outcome. Perhaps the

one factor that I enjoy most is giving a child an effective therapy that does not rely on synthetic drugs. Even if I had the power to pre-

scribe pharmaceuticals, I would never wish to do so because of the great potential for harm.

I believe that the over-diagnosis of children as having Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and ADHD has been to the detriment

of many of the children concerned. The practice by teachers, schools and some child psychologists of labeling the children and put-

ting them on Ritalin has been the subject of recent criticism from the media, which has helped reduce the practice to some extent.

Current research indicates that in bona fide cases of ADD and ADHD, the cause is a lack of Dopamine in the frontal lobe of the brain,

which controls the child's ability to program and organize their lives. Some more effective recent derivatives of Ritalin called 'Adderall'

and 'Concerta' have improved release of dopamine through a twelve hour day, and greatly aided the ability of a child to function nor-

mally. Children whose parents think their child might have ADD or ADHD, should consult a child psychologist who specializes in this

area to test if they have this disorder. Hypnosis is able to play a secondary role in changing thought patterns in the child and can

make effective changes in the child's behavior complimentary with prescribed drugs.

In a study on Dyslexia in 1975, Crasilneck and Hall showed that over 75% of dyslexic children can be helped with direct

hypnosis. Following hypnotherapy that included suggestions for improving performance and pronunciation, recognition of words be-

came automatic and more rapid. The results in this study were as good as, or slightly better than, those reported by special behavior

modifiers. Nocturnal Enuresis, or bed wetting, is particularly distressing to both child and parents. There are a number of possible

physical causes that need to be checked out by a doctor. Equally there are a number of psychogenic factors that may play a ro le

such as loss of a mother, sibling rivalry, emotional immaturity due to over-protection etc. Very often the symptom is a form of passive

rebellion by the child against the parent. The child discovers that when he wets his bed he has a real weapon against his parent, and

often he will continue this pattern long after the original cause for his hostility is forgotten. Bed wetting is a difficult problem to over-

come because you have to help the child establish a motivation for bringing about a change in his life. Hypnotherapy can also help

other behavior disorders such as thumb sucking and examination anxiety. Finally, there is the terror of the dentist's chair. There are a

few enlightened dentists who have had an adequate training in hypnosis and can eliminate the child's phobia of the dentist's chair by

using hypnosis. A professional hypnotherapist is able to use post hypnotic suggestions with the child before the visit to the dentist. In

extreme cases the therapist can accompany the child to the dentist, and immediately bring about a deep hypnotic trace state by a

simple cued induction. You do need a sympathetic dentist. Like adults, child can be easily regressed in hypnosis and can then reveal

the underlying cause of their problem. There is an effective therapy called the "Talking Puppet Therapy" where the child states to a

puppet, in the hypnotic state, their fears and hang-ups about parents, teachers, siblings, school etc. The puppet is the grown up they

normally will not speak to or about. The hypnotherapist is then able to reframe that which has been spoken about by the child to his

or her great benefit. Here is a list of children's problems hypnosis is known to be able to help:

•Bed Wetting •Nail Biting •Weight Reduction •Sugars •Nightmares •Stress •Enjoying Life

•Fears •Pain Control •Surviving a Divorce •Don't Start Smoking •Conduct at Home

•Conduct at School •Improved Grades •Improved Reading •Improved Writing •Test Anxieties


A L C O H O L , D R U G S , G A M B L I N G , S E X

T O N Y D E M A R C O , O R I G I N A T O R O F ’ H Y P N O A D D I C T I O N O L O G Y ’

A P R I L 2 9 & 3 0 S A T U R D A Y. & S U N D A Y

Become a Certified Addictions Specialist! The addiction problem is growing in the USA for many varied reasons at the present time. More political trouble in the world, increased violence from within and without, high amounts of divorce, unemployment, increasing stressors all add up to attempts to escape from reality, dulling of pain, easing the effects of poor relationships, etc., via substance abuse and ad-dictive behaviors. A therapist must strive to understand the addictive mind in general, and of the specif-ic addict in your addictionology sessions. This is a deep and abiding area in which to grow your practice.

Reap the benefits of studying with the presenter who is steeped in research into negative and positive re-programming of the unconscious mind from “brainwashing” to authoritative to permissive hypnotic ap-proaches, and who, over 25 years ago, after witnessing the therapies of addicts at diverse self-help groups, and personally working with addict-clients, named and created this original, unique session-by-session treatment program, entitled “HypnoAddictionology”.

Be “led-by-the-hand”: as you are walked through the 13 written session formats of the pro-gram, from the first session to the last session, that you will use as a working model in your practice. Be able to guard against common hypnotherapeutic pitfalls and mistakes. Understand the suffering depth of addicts by hearing the real-life horror stories known personally to the pre-senter. Benefit from the failures as well as the successes of the addicts

You have an abiding obligation to yourself and to your addiction-suffering-client to build a solid foundation for the use of hypnosis in gaining abstinence.

You will learn: The terminology of specific addictions. The mind-workings of the addict. Purely and simply, how to talk to an addict. How to ask the right questions. How to use a Confidential Interview form specifically designed for addicts. How to integrate the information from the Confidential Interview form into the written 13 session-by-session plan

How to educate and explain to the addict the use of hypnotic methods to gain absti-nence so that the addict knows what to expect, accepts it when it happens, is not confused, and thereby participates to a far better extent

“Expose the demons to the light” with successful regression techniques

How to integrate the written12 Step Recovery Program of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and Gamblers Anonymous (GA) into each and every session in a clearly defined and meaningful fashion.

Triggers to eliminate cravings and urgings. Conduct interactive sessions

Put the addict to work in the session. Written addiction affirmations.

Copies of numerous ‘homework assignments’ for your clients

Who Should Attend

Every hypnocounselor/hypnotist who wants to work with only one or many addicts must take specialized training. This workshop aptly fills that need. This course is also meaningful and high-ly worthwhile to doctors, nurses, psychologists, therapists or other health practition-ers. An addict touches the lives of 10 to 12 people, so that even those persons who have been touched, and just purely and simply want to understand the addict, and the value of hypnotic treatment, may attend this workshop, and are paying a small price for these insights and tools.


A L C O H O L , D R U G S , G A M B L I N G , S E X


“Invaluable, insightful, completely understandable, excellent demonstrations and practice. A must for anyone who works with addicts” Pat Conte, M.D.

“A serious course taught by a highly experienced teacher. Tony teaches, and teaches and teaches. He gives his all.” Ed Hamowy, A.C.H. “I needed the proper foundation to work with addictions, which I totally received from this workshop. I am more aware, more confident, and better prepared to accept these clients.” Eleanor Fisher, A.C.H.

“All of the students with whom I attended Tony’s workshop were in agreement on the worth of the course. My ideas on addictions and their treatment have sure changed.” Jo-seph Napoli, D.C., A.C.H

“There is no guess work with the “Hypnoaddictionology “ program. The 13 sessions are explained in class, and laid out step by step in writing for use in the office. The course book is worth the tuition.” Joyce Rudinski, A.C.H.

Take-Home Materials

FIRST TIME INCLUDED: Never before has Tony’s actual Practice Manual of 117 pages been included in his workshop. It contains the complete 13 session Treatment Plan that Tony has sold on the internet for many years. The practitioner will find that he or she can accept addiction cases and prepare a treatment plan based upon Dr. De Marco’s Practice Manual. There is always tailoring of plans to fit the needs of the client, but by-and-large you will able to use 90% of the plan as it has been written. There are scripts for every one of the 13 sessions, including Thumb Rubbing for cravings, Brick Wall Technique for separation from the addiction, Black Hole Technique for ‘ridding oneself of cravings, defects, and the addiction itself in outer space, Parts Communication, “Time Line Repair” in two versions, one for the treatment of addicts and one to use in the workshop, Relapse Prevention, Creating an Addiction Free Future, and Programming Your Future. Tony may very well be the most acclaimed, experi-enced and original addictions specialist in the USA!

D a t e: April 29 & 30, 2017 N ACH Members : $ 450.00

Place: 1358 Burnet Avenue N o n - Members : $ 475.00

Union, NJ C o n t a c t : Dr. Tony De Marco

Seating limited to 10 Te l : (908) 964-4467

Time: 9:00AM to 4:30 PM Fa x : (908) 810-0255

Saturday & Sunday E m a i l : [email protected]

You may take 6 months to pay with Paypal’s ‘Credit Plan’.

Go to www.hypnoacademy to use this option

While providing informal information through the writings in this Newsletter, the views ex-

pressed and written do not necessarily represent the thoughts, views and opinions of the Na-

tional Association of Certified Hypno-Counselors, (NACH), NGH nor of its editors or officers. All

information is printed with permission or comes from a free informational website. All persons

will be credited if available for any rewritten information.

Approved by the National Guild of Hypnotists, the largest hypnosis organization in the world. Become

certified by the Academy of Professional Hypnosis. Approved and licensed by the New Jersey Depart-

ment of Education and the NJ Department of Labor & Workforce Development

TO; All Persons Interested in Hypnosis Certification.. call Dr. Tony De Marco at……(908) 964-4467.

Or Email Dr. De Marco at: [email protected] or register at

You may take 6 months to pay through PayPal Credit at See Details there.

This Academy is the first school of hypnosis to be approved by the New Jersey Department of Education

as a post-secondary vocational school. (Est. 1991) You will be able to practice on a part time basis as

many do, or on a full time basis, at your discretion. We have found that many students learn hypnosis not

only for career purposes, but for personal growth. All of the many demonstrations and student one-on-

one practice sessions are directed towards resolution of real issues and problems, so that you are ready

to practice upon graduation. A Diploma is awarded upon the completion of in-class study and homework

assignments, which is comprised of 3 courses, Basic, Advanced and Advanced Clinical. The title desig-

nation on the Diploma is “Certified HypnoCounselor”.. You may call yourself Hypnotist, Consulting Hyp-

notists or HypnoCounselor. Hypnosis is extremely exciting, both the study and practice of it. Feel free to

contact us to discuss this, and make arrangements to register for the SUMMER 2017 session where ex-

citement awaits you. You shall be in awe when you are ‘Welcomed to the World of the Mind’!!


May 6 & 7, 13 & 14, 27 & 28, June 3 & 4, 10 & 11

Saturdays & Sundays 9 AM—5 PM

(10) Class days plus many hours of Homework depending on your own personal effort.

Classes are conducted at 1358 Burnet Avenue, Suite #1, Union, NJ 07083











$2,385 includes an extensive 300+ page Academy course book plus scripts and mate-

rials for the National Guild of Hypnotists plus a one year free membership in the NGH,

world’s largest hypnosis organization with 15,000+ members. A value of $135.00

Academy HypnoCounselor Summer Certification Course begins May 6th

Feel free to copy this

schedule of classes

and send it to your

local newspaper under

“around town” to help

us spread the word.

Page 9 V O L U M E 1 5 … … . . I S S U E 5

Call or email to re-

quest a free package

which includes a copy

of the National Guild

of Hypnotists Journal

of Hypnotism, Testi-

monials., Hypnosis

Heals, NGH Conven-

tion Booklet and a

free Stress Protection

Mirror MP3 to be

emailed to you. The

USPS Priority Mail

costs are on us.

Call 908 964 4467

Or Email

[email protected]

You may also re-

quest an in-person

meeting with Tony

Take action today for

the first step in creat-

ing your great future.

Call 908 964 4467

Email tony@

RESHAPE YOUR PAST By Hazeka Kadri Page 10

You are doing fantastic. Just relax. Take a deep breath and exhale.. Good, Very Good. Feel how your body is relaxed. Each and every muscle of your body is relaxed. your mind is free of all worries and you are relaxed. Each and every muscle of your body is singing your favorite tune. You are in complete awe of how refreshing this feeling is. So go deeper and deeper within yourself and bring out all the cares and concerns. Knock on each room of past and bring out the moments of weakness, of frustration, of anger, of depression. Bring those moment out. Bring out the moment when some one hurt you. the moment when some one betrayed you. The moment when you did not succeed. The moment you spent all by yourself. The moment when you needed some one and they were not with you. The moment when you tried, tried hard with every cell in your being to make it work but it just did not. Bring those moment out. Yes, face them. Face the grief, face the failure, face the depth of your darkest demons. Yes, good, very good. Now when you face them, Look them in the eye and tell them- THANK YOU!!! Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for even consid-ering to put me through the turmoil. Thank you for making me burn with anxiety. Thank them with all your heart. Thank them because, it is because of those moments that you are strong today. You are WHO you are today. And What you are is the result of your experience. You are what you de-cide to become. So, decide now. Decide for your today and tomorrow. Delete your sorrowful yester-day- it is not going to come back unless you allow it to. Those moment shaped you, molded you. And created a beautiful you. Those moment rebuilt you. Those moments made you aware of the strength you did not know you had. Be grateful for those moments. The pain taught you how emo-tionally stable you are. The frustration and anxiety taught you, how calm and patient you are. The doubts and concern taught you how brave you are to be able to push forward. I want you to re-member every second of it. Remember the moment when the guilt, anger and disappointments of your past confront you, and you smile, You give your big angelic smile and say THANK YOU. You bring forward your fears and failures and slay them with the power of happiness and gratitude. You have survived it. You are strong. rejoice in the glory that there is one being you can trust with all your might and that is YOU! You are your hero, you are your superman. You did all you could have. You can not change it. What you can do is embrace it, swallow it and flash your golden armor of gratitude. You have won the war. you have defeated your enemies- your fears, your failures, your frustration. And you have used the very bricks thrown at you and built an indestructible bridge. And You walk down that bridge, leave behind the demons you just removed from your life. Cross that bridge and walk towards your success. Walk towards your present and your Future. Walk. Common walk. Don’t turn back. Look straight ahead and keep walking. You faced your enemies, you defeated them. You are the victor. Feel the rush of joy, of utter bliss. You are walking towards success. You are walking tall, stable, independent. You are reliable. You are strong. You have succeeded You are at a point where you feel completely blessed. You believe in yourself. You can do it. You can achieve your dreams. You made it You are strong and getting stronger and stronger You have overcome your fears and are stable. and getting stable every day You are happy and are getting happier every day You are stronger. And you are getting stronger every day. You are having wonderful time of your life. You feel good. You feel so good. And you are feeling better every day.

NOTE: This script was written by Hazeka Kadri, a student of the Academy of Professional Hypnosis

after the first weekend of training. Script writing, class/instructor critique of the scripts, and supervised

hands-on practice is an integral part of the Hypnosis Certification Course.

Script For Programming Peaceful Sleep by Mary Ann Columbus Page 11

[INSERT CLIENT NAME], now that you are so very relaxed, I want you to listen to my voice and only my

voice. You desire and are committed to making significant changes to improve your sleeping habits; and getting

sufficient, quality sleep opens the doors to making many other positive changes in your life. When you get suffi-

cient, qualify sleep you feel more energized and invigorated. You think clearer; and therefore, you are better in

managing the stresses that you may encounter in daily life. When you are well rested, you also feel healthier and


There are several steps now that you are taking to improve your sleep. The first step is that you have es-

tablished a set time every day that you go to sleep and wake up. We know that life is hectic and it can be difficult

to set a routine but [INSERT CLIENT NAME], you know you deserve to make this one commitment to yourself…and you

DO IT. Over time, you find it gets easier and easier to hold to this routine; and it is so much easier when things

become routine. In fact, other activities of the day seem to fall in place, like a chain reaction; and it all starts by

making the first change - the commitment to holding yourself to the set sleep and waking times. By having these

set sleep and wake times, you find that your body is becoming more regulated as the result of the set schedule.

When your sleep time arrives, your body is ready for sleep and you look forward to sound, restful, comfortable

sleep knowing you wake in the morning feeling invigorated and looking forward to the day.

Next, [INSERT CLIENT NAME], you’re mindful not to consume a large amount of liquid or food too close to your

set bedtime. You prefer to have your last beverage or meal at least an hour or so prior to your set bedtime as it

helps your body to wind down and prepare for sleep. However, should an occasion arise that you feel that you

must eat or drink something and it’s closer to your scheduled bedtime, you choose to consume only a small

amount of liquid or a very light snack. You find that by limiting your intake of food or liquid near your bedtime, you

can sleep through the night without having to wake to use the bathroom. By the time your set bedtime time ar-

rives, you find yourself contented, growing tired and ready for sleep. Very content, very relaxed, ready to let go

and let your body take all the rest it needs.

Now imagine, and when I say “imagine” I mean to visualize, to hear, to feel, to sense or to just simply

know that your bedroom is arranged in a manner that it is conducive to getting a good night’s sleep. The room is

dark and set at a comfortable temperature for sleeping. Your mattress, pillows, and blankets are sufficient for

sound, restful sleep. The room is quiet and free from electronics - you turn off the TV, radio, ipod, computer, tab-

let and commit to not read texts or emails prior to going to sleep. After all, [INSERT CLIENT NAME], this is your special

time for the restoration of your body and mind. It is your time.

Next, I want you to imagine just how wonderful you feel as you take these steps. You lay down; and as your head

hits the pillow, you automatically find your most comfortable sleep position. You take three deep

breaths and on the inhale, you breathe in all the rest and relaxation; and on the exhale you breathe out

all of the stresses of the day. Just let everything go. Anything that happened today is done and tomor-

row is a brand new day - another beginning.

NOTE: This script was written by Mary Ann Columbus a student of the Academy of Professional Hyp-

nosis after the first weekend of training. Script writing, class/instructor critique of the scripts, and supervised

hands-on practice is an integral part of the Hypnosis Certification Course.

s. Soon enough, we are turning


Working Together

DIRECTIONS: To COSTAS RESTAURANT 120 Chestnut Street, Roselle Park NJ 07204

Parking is in the Municipal Lot in the street directly across from Costas 908 241 1131

PARKWAY: Take exit 138 (Galloping Hill Road). Travel 1/4 mile on Galloping Hill Road toward Union. Restaurant is straight down Chestnut St. on right side, 1 mile from 5 Corners.

ROUTE 22: Take the Union exit on Morris Avenue (Kean University). Proceed toward Elizabeth on Morris Avenue for 1/4 mile. Turn right on Salem Road and go to the end.

Wednesday: June 21, 2017

Networking: 6:00—7:00 p.m.

Dinner: 7:15 p.m.

Presentation: 8:00 p.m.


120 Chestnut Street, Roselle Park

Roselle Park, NJ

(One mile from former meeting place)

908 241 1131

Are You Taking Your Own Medicine?

The suggestion is what you use to communicate your goal to your subconscious. It is

where you tell yourself what you want yourself to do. A good suggestion is the key to suc-

cessful goal-oriented self-hypnosis. You can do self-hypnosis without the suggestion and

still get the benefits of stress reduction and enhanced ability to concentrate. If you want to

get more specific results, you have to use a suggestion. If you have been practicing self-

hypnosis and can hypnotize yourself, you're ready to add the suggestion. (Remember,

you don't need a deep trance.) Insert the suggestion in your routine after the deepening.

The visualization goes along with, and right after, the suggestion. You will probably want

to add both together. Source:



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Dr. Tony De Marco

Office: 908-964-4467

E-mail: [email protected]


Board Of Directors

Anthony F. DeMarco, L.L.B. PhD

Lucille Durso, C.S.J.P.A., A.C.H.


Pat Conte, MD, A.C.H.

E-mail: [email protected]

Editor Tony


Contributing Editor

Pat Conte, M.D.

Meeting Coordinator


Joe Peoples




CALL: 908-964-4467

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