Page 1: · be VOL Xl.VI.--NQ. 03, Sfe mu NEW YORK, SATURDAY Nf)VRMRR 2 io--j f BRIGHTER PROSPECTS

beVOL Xl.VI.-- NQ. 03,

Sfe muNEW YORK, SATURDAY Nf)VRMRR 2 io- -j f


tUt i i ri i l u.rr TnOROVOBLti i 1 1 u.i i ion i t icroitr.

St,, I nine III Berma! 'I tn.rnualtlyIn t l at In the Wrrnt t im i. ofibefiii ir,n a BeHim viir Hum auv

i A ll.otir 'l't- - Hr-it- mil! Mr. ( tnpfr,On no iliy since tho loot! polltloal cam-Mtg- a

ip ncd have Ihi indication of thesuc-- r

i tho people ti kit bttn to apparent mMstoi I't W " ' ": rtlDH of the OampalgauVmintttM if lh tTnliod AntaTammanyonniBInn M ' I' '" Md Itldt Ihi nttil-Tain- -

mm i, iiv in n Afiombly DiatrlM in i hoMir wm ihorongl iv onitintMd, and thai thoIrvtag Hall Ivnt t l. Hie City Dtmoortt, ladtii, member "! ti ( mntv iHmtocraey worngHlag togothor wltii auv tarring for .iiumeant ' ' ' will Inatiun nominees.

ItfoTf the meeting eloeed, Ihf ConferencecmmmKU . who for several dnyn have baaa

irkiitt! lo reeonall illn'roiiocx in regard totp.- - ii uainnt nl r Alderman in the Reranthni Eighth Bcnato Dlatrleta, reported that a

MrhKtuad ratalidlna had beea reached, tadBlMaie !eotdfort1 ol". M who wornaatlafa lori to every bran h of the antlTaa-nitn- r

I' ri i i i nod to the RapubHonne,Tii- - ' i i'- - e highly gratifying tnKm Oaaipnwn i omtul in nan of wht aihave feared t loverel laira that Ike atrambtakm ii." "ii" ' a .i'..' ii tli' couutyticket The aetUcia nt ot the dlfferettcaIteatlr i Rderi I the

MBfeer of tin Committee and they weait totheir reipeetlve dletr ' more rtrongly doter-Blee- d

thai evert wort until the close of thep.,lli "! election dov to make Uie auo

m "f ti." i' '!'! n r..ig. sure. Thenlhatiaan thai enara terlzod the laeemMagain Mr. i oper'a headtuartoia vves a greatai on prevl ma .lay- -. Ileport of the tteadllylataiaa atreMth of the i kiplo'a oiuo eanehorn every im ol thaetty. Kpoaker from themm mooting! "n:n" in during til" atenlng,hriagiag the ii'- - thnt the people w.rotnrnlm: out in gy, g numbers In everydlittil t " lc nr the r 01 troy they !

MB let ttio overthrow of Tammany,ni rand ! .; fir Conjryeaa and the

brought reports that tii proopoctwr oeourgiag for a groat victory ol theaeofW oi Tuesday next. To theee encouragingreport wm added the n.w brought in- OewaJdOtlmdorfer thai the pornun were thoroughlymeaaeil. aud would ehow on election iiaylnaiUj"r ' ft oppoaod to Ike one man power innaaaiani dvoplte the Tamnuuiy MorfeatothoMMary,

IwBBjany'a deaperatli n eeoma to toereaae aitwandefl I their opponent grow Mrpna,

rViKH - were olrculatiHl y.turdiiy ly TamrnnriT iletalli i agent tli the Brewer randNji. it-- . Aaaoclatlon ltd ilvo arvdfor AiutttetuMk II tm-nt- worn btmr all day Iryljvi to makewinmiim with Republlean. One KepuldieiinMidtooneol Mr. Cooper frlemUthataTnm-aa- y

lender hadi it .. it civ.- 2.0IM vote forayeandldate whom h nam I. tor ii It. pub- -

' ' .. " -

dHioi'd with the remark that no Repnbllranji l'T M deliver the votee of lienuUlean.fcrernl Itepul ll nna I mi' In ,. .1 pnrty

Ued uii.ii Mr, Cooper duriM the ening.Tbey laid that nil atorlea n trading with Tain-11-

my were untrue, anil t'l.'i the "ii.i !! nihil-m-b e.t f r Mr. (.'ooper.

Later in Hi" evening came tin. mod directKatrautdlon ol the tor :lie brewer. AKomlnept member of th. ir-w- ei' and Mnistt.rn'

- .. sent woruio Mr. Cooper that Ihulirniil7jitlnii hud nfl!. ally apDrovod neither oftb" iiominiiti-iii- for lur r. The? wto .at's- -(t.'.l lIlHl Mr. I' .,lill. r Will IK. ', 11.

Ml. B hell to theexii-iiii- Kx"iee law nnd wuMjo Im Mr. b'.i"ll lo prevent tin irlaforeemenl in au arbitrary manner. Theylad, therefore, made no I butnit led their minl r Irae to rota s they

Per n win aero eir uinttng reportimi ii, aoelatlon favored Mr. ocnell were

1 ling without authority.(iilioi Tammany atorfea thnt Al'lermnn Ii" J

Dlglin and M. , Crewaa. Ldori Ir. Hie EwhtoaBth mnl

tut."i,". Aseemlly ln-lri't- . wmild outa. eounty ticket tx au-- e the a

on I' in frit ha t noinlnaP i two oau- -li i - tor ll riieu lu Hie Heventh HeuatoPlal were alo flatly eontradlctod. ii aiijd tlial tli" enndldHcy of thnae

1 . make :t J, .11 nit lo re. 1. .'. Mi.Big 1 lially ua Col. tt. urgo BllM,fcell iiubll an leader in the Elevontu Aeaem--

In :. I.nd renieod t inn Mr. Biglln'HHrkat from the Kepubllcan boiea lu hie die- -r. v I would run Hi tick"ta ol oneolth"

lati-la- any nominee. Mr. Cregan a- -


. ' ci. ;.t e.irm etnuKH ihut ho and n utddi nothing to Injurethe eombina- -

mi. 'i.'ket. hut W"Uld do everything illlll i' n r to make Mr. Cooper's el".n. 11


rnr KM, . OWX DtMTBtCT,

IMHM In lh.. Trolr-nra- t WM lialMr. Kclly'a Xalgbbwr Tfelak or hib.

An uKMlng dcnionatratkw in beball ofllaPeopla'a ticket took plaM In Second ave-- "

botween Thirty aaeond nnd Thirty-thir-

arwita l.tdt ovenlng under the aoapleaa of the'" v ' .! nCgmpalgD club of the Sigh-- -

mblv BUtrlct, Tbi large hall on thIrtl flour ol l uodiLg wae packed to over-!oriu-

1 In. B. Fellow Wga received with np--

' ;: by reminding the audience- ' n year ago tlml very night John htorrU-- -

- addreaaad them from that aamaa 1." aatne warfare, igalnat the earn'.---

imlneorlng, ono-ma- n despotism oflenmani Kail, The inme man who wan rnnllag agn - M rligey then is running again-- !e o " i'io and the seHker IhniigutMwaa iiuti coding tin bound of probatiiTltr

" - II i'. th mdldato waaduatlned to-. ' vorwhelmlng and Ignomlnloua,. in.- - ( appauae!

..'." in lion wn, whether tin' elty of Newiwli ngi'd to ii honeat, in- -

... ita - - ;., t,..r it w ill" peraonMl proi.-J- rni.' ,., ,,. f Mr. Kelly, fl.jea Mr.

uthee,ti ow York. and. II ao. who gaveH di.' ii,.. r. gnt. if Beleetlng their nil"uih is.rrwl InnDeniible privilege of the peo-t- S

I' " rulen w"re i. nu reapon"' 1. 1.. kn . nstituted dictator ine mii.' Phoers and Imighti r.'iii rou ever hear ol .lames O'Brien Y'7',"' V'" ,l,','iiki r. A r .ar "f npplaiio,

VNe havi : ' end " Wa elect him.",, fji the anewtrB H ill '.I Till.lliinni. ana c , i MM . ..

of whoUtSinX! " 1 Iftt'ng in tl.e Iggregatnlo

J'"' Bunlap' enormou'' ' im, a- - I'ommlMii ner of! Mr V r lamllie,t. ,n. V" pvA Dljrewa, oandidate for the

' mihe bight 'I, UUtriot, aaid itr to nu 11, in Kelly was ''pgroually

.". Kelly might not with his own hands' uey out ol the City Treasury. Inn in'.,?" '!' 1" ii.- - tiling. He put

RailS n ' gnve thnu let salnrles ao that,Vi

tli' "' 1,'"'n acQordlngly lortheaop- -

wljt 'lyunlzntion.F,, .!'"'" "' s N'mnnutineronventlnna.- hundred men uaembled In n nubile.. wji ..t the (ainteat knowledge of whoI. '. u' ' ' I ' vote for. waiting until HistiWmi, i ; ' b'i"k room had mado up

i UiUghter, At la-- l tiie King nmorgeeUd S I"'.1 '"his hand; ripinola gets up.Tin, , "'"' uiu vi ieu nomtnalaa "Koneii."i .

'; l del gate lake It up and

. "... i in 11, ti,,, ugh (hey were,

r Koi a mother'a ion ofim pri '"si or niiinn any

me kn w that Iho king owns' .' 'i'l all. Liiugliter and13 ; ; .. '1 'I H i" ii as n nominatedin : .' ' V little Hilly Boyd lump

r. Fie. Kioyth for liislr.t At- -

J. v 'it. ha, gi io- Hie rounds inIi '. n v. a tiler man get up

'in veri .. . nnd nomliinteau aaV ' v '

' laughter.

V ; fiay

''' 4l?rf.!,b ':'i" ' M'. "',l"'r" "',,r" Hol-er- l Hall,

UliTlw, ', r'&.PH l,Xri - "iilah, hall m the el.., '.and w is

i ' I;"l'"'i'gii.i -. Mr.CrMrleii,' iVi'fi ' ' ' Dmkfiwi eanvaaa in

'suiiuu; if; "" I 1 'nu delealofi oj rerwBelmlag majority.

A" MruT.m.,'IVck.mSm!1 ,'"''"""f iiirtiioloto- -

II. , a lamai of Beniamin K. Pholpa,hrDiu. ud Republiou candidateUm 'I',',',


Au'"""y and liunning H. Bedford.drivsa MM" 'or my Judg... ai'."'Oik. s ,Tjl ,'he west si.!.- - on Thursdayg iM w- -r upon iho barneea,MCW.-- alu 'ren I. m wen- - - aU.fli ...

to puMloll rppudlntc Ihlx display, ti wa Biadlentirely with nit his knnwle.lgo or npiuoval.HO aJaq wishes to dim lalm tli" implied . ,mll-natlti- n

Ortwaea dunning (f, Bedford end hlm-ol- f.

Hi' Is 11 part of no other eoipiunnlion Untilthe lli'kel ndoplod by the Oon vent ion by whichloi was i. nud lie will s "ge l or tailwith it.

" mi: aiiosj- or wofirxsrr."wiint latnaM ei.m 1., kit gej

l.oaii.a Iturr.Tim NatlrgMKAaaembljr Roomi in Wottl

forty fourth street m ro SrOWded lu- -l night byMrthualaatle Demoorata of UmBowntoanth Aaaemblr DiairM, Oruai eathu-alae-

prcvittod, Mr. William B. Fin-ny, Ilia candidate, spoke, nndJiiHtien Henry Murray oharged Tammanywith naming a eandldat and virtually aay.inn: .Ton .mum take tins man, whetheryou llkn him or got!1 In n. .minutingAuguiliis Hehell lor Mayor. John K"llybad preentod 1 eandldate who hadbeen ilinistmuily lieaten by John Morrlsa y

VOlCe: The gho'l of John M rms of willaeare mm oul of bis isMatn''' Another voiee--V,".,n.',", Iho think to ha ; who wauta thoSi hell! I

S' II VI I. t. .1 Till SI I ftWallMM in Privnta Ti,.i. ,,, g,, h

with Ik i Ity't ri,riWllla'a Hall, nt IMth atrevl and the Boules

vard, was srowded with Dameerat. femene Buck waa tho apaaker, iiesnidthnt tho POOpla could not aarely intrusttho Ooverameal of this city in thohnnds of AngOatua Bofaell, When ho waaPresident of 'lie LakeBhor Ballroa l ('..inpany.Mr. Hehell deeinred n dividend, not from theeornpany oarnlnga, but nuda py a few of Saode-ors- .

Tim 1'i'lon Tru-- t ( mtmny was robbed ofI.W0 while It waa under Mr BahelPa linnie- -dlate control ; t.'i.tsniwa stol-- n iron, tlie landsOf the Man iint:in flub while he i iKIi-tt-n- .r ;and 011 Sunday Ini :).io.iso waa atnfiin fromthe Jlnnh attiin Savings Bank, ol whteli be Is adirector, by masked burglar, who got the

to the lo "k ol the saf" Iron I innilor toWhom It had 11 given with his aent.Mr. Il.iek urged his hearer to repudiate suelia in in au l vote lor l.'iivar l l oi pcr. tin. sue-';- -

'ill ''U-ii- n s man.


Tk Tlkt thai will Iwtip (he Trntg DhVIrlet Tktree katMtnatt Utninii.

Terntoo Qarden dwtvwm io crowded nsit was last evening, tho occasion being theCooper-O'Brie- n ratifleatlog meeting ot thoTwentieth Assembly Biatrld. There wrc fullye.OOO peraon in tho bill, nnd probably 8.iikimora failed lo gala admtaalog, For thaai noprovlaloo in the ahape of nu nnlaldn apeak Ingstand ha t been gupjg, but there was a goodbend, and flr"w..rka were set .11 In rookleaaprofusion. Trior Ip the meeting th-- re was at ..r might proeeeeloa, in which a.msi peronste ik pai'.

Dr. Cha1 K. fllmmona, in calling the met- -ingtoprdi r, made 11 few remark eiimmeud -tory oi in nihiiiaiimi candidal a.nnd theniiitrnjii, d Mr. llu'us I:, ('.living. Judge AlfredT. V en l Adoluh L Bugger ,11 tli . orderii men. Ei eh of th.-a- g ntlei a - w.theamimtna and i ffoct ol Ihe no. essily of re- -lorub nnd each reoelv d well-n- n rltod applava.As Ir. snng.-- r was in tli u.ldsi i f hi,"ssSenator O'Brb-- stepped upon the atiige. and Innn In .tiuit th" crowd broke out In on.. ln,ut" 0 linen linen 'and th" "i ies mid cheerilnl u t eeas, until after Sennti.r O'Brienbaufaei I the audience folly two minute, Hoaaid the e lunation ticket rcpreaeuted thei.i v ment "f honeat man againat TammanyHud nnd its wl! organized band of Dtlevaa.Alt-- r Tucfday next, he flt eeitaln. the onemini power Would never be beard of again,holly bad given tho people t.. May rs. Hudtii" a kinumi 11 it the taxpayers bane-ttteab- y

them) i " Dlvll a i.n.' j What bad thoponpl gaiiie.1 by the rlebes nnd Imnors tin yhad showered upon Tamniiin 'a King ? ("Hun-ger.' la. Thai was it. They bad akdr brta I nnJ K. ily had glv.-- them a atone.They had nsKi d for Work, and he had told themthere were "n.. approprlotione. But therejrara appropriation l pay his -- alary. andllu.mNiayeareachto aavera otherofll lols. And win u he gave t hi in wurk ths payWaj u Marvation raiM-ll.b- On day. 1" Thai'sso.' In all tin- time that honest Demoorata hadbeen fighting John Kelly lis bad in ver oncobeen able to earry his own distre t. Whs thatthe kind ol a man to aalect a a leader I "HoiHe's n. g wilh a big S'.' l "Of that you canjudge for yonraelvo i blcreoordti before you,nnd so is miii".' eontlnu'd the speaker.

Make your own Mlectlon. It"ll you that ifthe Deopleol tin- - ""Uiity uuue they oan carryC'..'.perin by in.isHi miii .rity. They have onlyKe'ly's Im. mrd-3,0- n0 offl 'choldera to fight,mnl everybody is tired of that crowd,Laughter and applaaa. As for myaall I haveno fsiii or doubt- -. I knpw yon have "in m, and 1 feel thnt 1 have worked bard todeserve it. Hut 1 any again, if it be"omca uUUMtlon whether you ahnll drop t'nopcr or in"by all that you bold dear and aacrod drop

vole f..r (Vsiper. Hiaile tion la uf muelifrrcut. r Importance to yoa than mine, it means

ee.iiii.mi. reform. It nieims work andbread mnl butt t f u the workingiuau, uud lowertaxes for th" taxpayer."

At Turtlo Hay Ass "lubly Boom, in Forty-fift-

etii't. Mr. Charles M. Kliumelstiel preside.!over a crowded ratification meeting, which waaaddrss.l by Senator O'ltrleu. Ji roine lluek.f'..l..IoVn 11. c'ell'iws who was logical and wit-ty, as usual , Aldermen Parley mid Klernnnand Theodore E. Tomltaaon. All war) eatun- -slnsti "ally in favor of Cooper titnl the .nibiua-tlcn- .

and win n Sen .t r O'Brien said that heviewod the assemblage ol auoh a multitude usanother nail in Tammany 's ooiRn, there waswild applause.

Tin- German Independent Demoorata werea. Ml ,, d at n.M Seeolid livelnl" by 1 1'. -K. Bchulti caudtdate for Senator again! nun-the- r

and Murphy ; llufus 1'. Andrtw, J it.Bwarta, uud ftouator u Brian, ur. Henulti wasa surg 'on In the nrmy for four ye ns, and IsWell and favorably known in the district. Hois making a strong canvass.

r04f aMBMANM AM) tut: riVKf.T.

" Tibmhrj 'To Lot' After st Twagay "Hjoipalby Tor Alderanun VI. hi -

Thc Seventh Assembly Dlatrict QormgiiAmerican Independent Oltliwna' aiiiralillnniii' i last evening in Beblndlar' Haii.nj WaalThird street. 1'. c. Boedcl prcid.-d- ami HenryLoewy offer il resolutions Dint ware unani-mously adopted, ratifying the combinationcounty ticket. Dr. I. 1. Hayes, tho district nomi-nee for Assembly, said thnt he was full of faiththat the ticket would be elected by u yery huud-lotn- c

majority.Alderman J. W. .In"obu sni.l that he was

canvaMing for Alderman Morrld strickendown by a would-I.- e nsanssln. lb thnnkod theGermans for ratifying Aldermen Iforrta'i nom- -

liuitlou. and km w .hat they would be glad theydid ii. win ii in. added that the preeeuUuvi ,Ol V!" district worn against nil jobs and havovot'.d against giving Ihe streets for jol.i ing pur- -i.o,e, II. e f erii in - fill.. Iilm I Ii p. .. . li..,tr

Tin) German-America- Club, whole roomsan: at 10.1 Avenue 11. met Inst evening in lullforce lo ratify the Cooper tiokot, Maurice loYrie prealded and brought cheers from liisbearer at the mention of Cooper's name whenhe said that su"h u man with (UCh a cleanrecord must Isi elected when contrasted withcorrupt Tammany politician- speech. wereiie'i b) l.y Churlo- - I' uud A. JI. PeUnaw,

The Interior of 1113 Orohard sir. et. the hall oithe Independenl ucrmana. waa lighted with aprofusion "f Chinese laiiteruB last eveningwhen tha Oerman fllled it in a maaa to ratifythe aiiti'Tiiuiiiiaiiy combination tTcsot, Kreii- -

eriek x i id in " prealded, The spoeahe were inGerman. Theodore oiauiiinski said thatit la impossible for nphoTI to be oleet-e-

for tae political gin st of M"iris,eyla foil. .wing hi in ; Morrlasev'a aplrltia ubroaiaunuig tli" plo. John I). Vokamp prodli I' dthat all. r Boxf Tueaday election. thipiopncould see on Tammany Ball'a n rtals, 'i let."Th antl-- 1 ainmnny ilekel is. i.n luidedi thel nlu's t. and ii muaj w ,u.

Th.. fJerinan-Amerloa- n Independenl 'irgani-aatlo-

rntiioyllth Bonatoriol Dlstrici inei lastevening In ei. ciiiib ii itreet tu ratify the com-- I

nation tioket. now of I'hlnesu lani. rnsstretched noross the itreet and doi rated thIronl of th" buinliiig. August Kloinliniiinrcsnlcd und IJPoka in Oermnu. Whenihe nam" of Kdwird Cooper was men-llone- d

th" speaker wis Interrupted by avigorous i ll ping f II"' Ii1 li run cane., mithe floor and by anouta of applauaa, v. An -

Im followed lii" Chairman in a spen h d ilioupcing tha usurpation t Tauimauy nud urginghis Lierinnn-speakln- g frientl to vork for tb"cl'iutlon of the entire combination ticket, in tiroom above a Tammany meeting wai held, itwas thinly uiP iided.

The MegaMlaaa " H"- - TlakM,Tha lollowing raaotittloo was idopbad at

the Bepublioan intubation meeting Thursdayevening:

.v..'.i. Thm in iw of His yrrst ennecr whlihlit i r a I. ii mir rin froia tin corrttl mnl .leanotia'Uk 1u..ij Ufii. k i'i.v' vi .in vilviW

' !h.,t ,"( Iktii nin rxtSlly rosits to unite aU .io ' " " ... o,. Bn,nere VWMtnl srm !' ruil im, Hi,.UeK. I hisili-- tir l. lss.l C(.oi,or 'I'll, ndoslIhMuel let ksyor. sn,i ,b.. therefor, einis (aIt an mir. wrvi.l m l ,BI,,ri ir,.e lsiii W,. n a' with crstinen1l .il II:.. in I,IIOOl rvciislirir vMble (f n i,.rrlul aartgw at n,oin naii- nna ai, ni rrjolrr In Hip .irin rsn. ,,i ,iYirwn iter tfUn g nn um, ,,,! ,,: un .npaluu.1 nilrsrthj 1'ircai appkHue i

ii ir i v Minn v irrtror .e.ira." xtapgl la II IWgWal film thnn Veilrrgetra Kelly's Ri,lr."

The intl --Tammany Democnttt of theI'lfili Assemlily Dlntrld as. mbled Inpt night innnd Irottad (ho Rlghlh Ward Hotel. Over3.001) m n iftandcd, tin- - proooadtngi bi laggreatly enlivened bv a good bi ns band. Qen.P ' ',' ,,,H'".'kl.'' 1 '"" VOU. tell iweit, " lis. heaaid. I fell happier when I wore the convictauit in I.ngllsn prisons than 1 feel uiuh i J dmKelly a rule,"

There waa a meeting of Pemocrit lea) rightIn.efTcrson Hull. Avenue A. between Fifteenthand Mlatoenth streets, to ratlff the combinationitcki i, and uioi M 'clnily to endorse th" numb.nai..n of Mr James l'itnrald. eandidnto fortbn Assembly from the Sixteenth Hlatrlcl.

I lie hall was crowded, mid Mr. fllMllialllantltian, A. B. Ooatollo spoke. Tnoan preaentwere ail worklngmen. They cheered lustilrwhen the name t th., lain John Mm rlssey wasin, Miotic I, nnd In- - I and u, .nin d whenevernn allusion was made In John Kelly.

At Keas. s Hall 7". l'enrl atreet. tho friendof reform and advocate of good governmentassembled last nvenlug. The hall wasiiunsclypeeked. Mr. It. W. ..Ib r pr "silted. Addic-- s swere delivered by Mr. Ii. O. Ituckiev. Jame A.Itier.lon. Capt John Mitchell. Malt. Slowart.Mnl il Elllnger, (I n. Bourke, and others.

A large nnd enthusiastic meeting of Itcpuh-llca- n

OWCtora o.noaed b. the King nud Clown illthe 1 Ifih Aaseinbly llstrl"l. wiialield Inst nightut lit West Houston street. le'nt Inthe chair. Address"- - were VM by Qen. A. OHot nok, John II. Mel-nn- . 1'rssldent of tb.-

Cooler Camii'iign Club; W. watlahan,ami 1. Matthews. Ilea, lutl uia were adoi Ieiidoisliig Cooper ticket, the ltepublnaueounty tlckot, und the linn. Michael Norton forAssembly.

vjiik aiauara icm-tAn- party.It OBly Orsanlsr llrnnrh alartg fWr

" TSr eon of I'clrr I ..'- "Th" O'ltcllly-Hanlot- i brnpch of the

party rail ad in goodnumlier in the large hall of tha Cooper Iusli-tut- e

Inst evening, und endorsed Edward0 opr for Mayor. The organisation I theonly one of the Oraenbaek faction h is a ...eiat. .,n orgaalaad in the varum Aseemblrdlatrleta.

The following was adoptedTtst Hut nicsniiAtlnti. while not nnnunaun

a r..luilv tlrlel, ln'Vrrthiai Hint II I. -lie-- Sati as'. Labor tarty will w l.y Hie ,l. f,' ,1 ,,r T.n.initnv II ill tin iri.ns H. It

.'...-- 1 Thnt nv rcssmaiead n tie gaikeial-urrsi- il.ncl. Iln.r imrli el ill.- - ni, in Hie variu iiiblyiti"itii t lavsatsauoni i u..rt ggward rixipi r. Uia .nel IM. r l'....nT. I.T gai.T. sml Ihr i i.nnli 11. 'ti l OSBH.list" i ttio .itiii oi agaloil tin itspsgaai M ntttuass

Theodore v.. Tomllnaon nid that he. f..ronc.liii not want anything in his beloved city.Toward tho close of the meeting n crowd ofrough from the Cruiui Cnrsey action, which

has sold out to Tammany, entered the hail.They howled and Mamp d si that Thonins toX,tin. Inst speaker. . on! I n i h heard, and he was. impelled t.. unit the platlorm.

The member of the bboMftaanbaokera inth" four Ass mbly disri t oomprlstng th"sixth Benate Dlatrl t piled raaolutlona pledg-ing their sut ;. Tt to Mr, ('.n-i-p r utnl the combi-nation ticket, and r. nu dieting th" a tion ..f theCounty Conn ntioii "i their narty, b w inch theoManiwtlpn wus sold oul lo Tammany,

alter II. Sliupc the 8.1 iter of the tireenbacki. w paper lii this ety. says that the three or-ganizations that sold nut to Tammany enniioldeliver Bvo bundled votea, ana thai the honest(ircnba 'kers In tins city are oppos. l to Tam-many and will vot" for Mr. Cooper.

T.tJ.U.l.Vl' .t.VW THE VOLll K.

Attrnllon allrg lo rabr WIMrallaa M ,

grkMrCl's I ... . ., .i tSsr I I r l ,i..,,.Tniiimnny'e attempt to UM the police

maeklnery lor ataotloa purpose, whicheroi pelut in tha proceeding of the Police Board on

Thnraday, waa manifested at th" odi' irnemeeting yesterday. Commissioner Erhardtpreaent- - I schedules giving th" names of per-son registered t5o llleoekor street. fil Thomp-son street. 70 Sullivan stroet. In; Bowery, nnd7 Chatham Itreet, nnd reports from ptronwho had visited tho pramie, showing thatthero w re not accommodations th 'rein for thenumber of persons registered. In some casea dozen or more person wcr registered aliving in houses that eoutnlned a single bed.Mi. l.rhnrdt offered resolution of nweepingcharacter, ca'llng atUmtloa to these frauds, andproviding that all members of the loro In heldto strict accountability for the rigid and impar-tial enforcement of the election laws ..f 1H7J.Mid thnt It bo deemed a sufficient cause fordismissal from the force it any polie ..(11 vr, n,,mattor what hi rnnk. shall ullow violation ofthe law that might be prevented by attention toIns duly.

flen. Smith offered nn nmondmep declaringthat us the aulistance of Mr. Erlim s resolut-ion- was ends "lied in the gsm-ru- ,ers to theforce, it was u work if supererogation toaguiucull attention U the law- -.

M"s-- i. Smith and Np'hols v .is for thisntneiiilment nnd Messrs. Krhardt and Wheeleragainst It. Mar. Erhardt nn. I wheeler thenV"t". ;..r's resolutions, mnl Mer.Smith and Nichols attains! them.

Mr. Erhardt then offered the following:M'..n,. ini' tlie isswiw'r "f rrMiluu.iiifl ef tlip n.i.r.l

sivlttf Ittkreenunalelli poltM nrtf rsgaiaiag to lattrinf tiirililn r el tin I ell. r feiii. rlni'linita il

Usui .1 Hint rritaiii ,.l Ua- force havs I,, n.lull. anil. ai Irniii llir '..iiiiiil-sj.,- ol I'eli. t. sr toon oltin in. Ihal Ihi' aalil tin. X.rrasril a .1. .irr that thpanl ni, rrt aiiniit.t v tl.cir iiifliian, i in i.o or pi pa . tut eaetfiilaka (or tl pMp "i ttir gaxpraily (a ptvlpitiic iii tin-- cti.- r.oi pa sarly in iiii.i-rni'c tn tlie nllirr.

H4..l. llir Sii.rrlnn ml.'iit Sf PpUo bs dtrsptedte Ininria the owmbsri "f ih,- Ipres iiiat in th vHt iiitti liiliii,Ml:ofi nr '.'!.- - ti as i in.-- pppn uiu n. ef rprs

reapntakona thai tay n tn rive a, tapywlll atarssarilllir Mini', ana ubatrvi UM lana an.l opsi nirrr Jciliinig iktil deksa n.t in nr uthri.

Clen. Smith at Hist wanted the preambletriekxn out. Then h nulndod "if ir n ub--

Btitute Instructing tberiuperlhtandonlto Informmembers of the force that orders eiciinatingfrom ilngle Commlalon re. ex- in) auoh as callattention to existing Inws. should be disre-garded. Both reno.utlous were defeated bv thannie party vote.

11. n. Smith next offered rcaolutlODJ reipiL'St-iu- g

e.,ti7A'n, irrisi.eciiyo of party, to report alleases of false registration coming to theirknow'edge lo the Superintendunt "f Police, anddirecting tho Bttnorlutendent to promptly Inves-tigate easea of alleged frail. I. These resolutionwere adoptod, wltb an addition by Mr, Krhardlof the words,' to foithwiih secure toe arrestnnd punishment ql the guilty partlcn."

CommlaalnpiT lahardt then got through aresolution railing tb especial ntteniioii of po-lice captains to l!"'ti"li 47 of tho election laws,W I. leh l.l ... .1. . f ,. t.olJl,. A&n. Aafl ... ,

John i. Davenport, Federal Bupervlaor wElection said reaterday to a r portefof the enui0 101, that there hns bjiennior" llleKnl reglatratlon tbi year thannt any time sin e and that thefalse registration was ni"sl prevalent in thedistricts which Tammany .insider doubtfulHe had ISO men nt w.rk firmingout the cases of illegal registration. Thepersons win, bil l been guilty of this ulTeneswould be severely deal) with, of ihe attempt t..Influence the p"li' a force towork for Mr. S hell.Mr. I'eii. t sm. I thai all Ihe polio I a pi.: insw in told that the Pi :. CojnmlMloner w erein favor of Mr. s in ii for Mayor, and wiahouthem to instru t tlie officers in their nraolneuto thnt effe.-t- When this DOoamo kn ovn. totho two Republican Police 0ommiourt,one of thein, Commlssiou'T wheeler,sent for the Captain that their information wasIncorrect, nnd that tin- two Republican com- -mlMlouara were in favor of the electionof Mr. Cooper. Mr. Davenport added thaihe had been informed thai the Ib'publicnnPol loo Oommiaalonori would endeavor to u- -CUrt th" assiige by the Police Hoard of anorder forbidding the Captain- - from Itiflin Itelugtuo political ehoToe ul tiioir oftlcori luani vtuirt

i nMgnlga N uiss.Mas mooting tu ratify tho nooplo'a n

agnlnai Tammany nro to be he' i

in lb'- siinnre at New Bowery and Madi-son itreeti in Brook Assemblv lloom inBroome itreet i in the hall al 621 Fifth al rent iin an ijroiind 'ontlnentnl Hail, ul Klglith ave-nue and Tlllrtl lotlrth rtrooi : and ill Ihe lune-tlo-

u jtilghtueulh stroet and Eighth nveuuo,'I bo llep.ii ans ol ilie EleV'inth Assembly

-- ' n 't hay" approved tho uomlnailon oi lob-ar! Hall, it caiididiite for Ai- -

ileriiian in Hi" Hevelilh K. nate In Irlct,ThomaaJ. Hroanun ban withdrawn from th"

rn ai for Ald'-riiia- lu the Fourth Souale

lien. Sigel says that the New York MunicipalAeaoolatioa. ol which be is Prealdenl, approvedMr Cooper's noun nation and that peraonwho have called a meeting of his nso"iiitiou toendorea Mr. rleholl were recently expelled fromhis orgnuUatiom

Manser's " lulnlrr" I'luyliig I hi dm.

iHiS. IvunJlil ivimi ill ,SJ Is.iv-SJ- s.gtaaklna'a Proparsd Bukvbea

kabtiOuciiiakvl vi uj uu UUi uia.ka -- ak.

HtV Mr. l.y .in und tt no utrr Cared.Tovg Rattoa er I'm St'K-.- .'e p poin e p, Pr, liarim in. p.. I... phvilelaiia tl tt...i Ihnn 'lith I

n' ,',l fc! I1"'''"'" I") "lie nl ilenaiai,.,,, andi. .ia I.a n wat alio p nlli na'"tei1iol .oaliii.iiiT aein tioni being dyapoaiia, patsrrn,Talmage ut " Tha Baahlagbaak"

S dPUbk pasr lllilttl allot! pf ivhal the II, . Mr TalSI!!.' ..t si "l,. Mui' in lial. , uVnalv'iU'lt''Hi. 1'iKi Iv vvlU.-g.- iii.j

ii r .sr a stoiiiw.Thr RcervHst n vrsi DtsesgreeM ka oi III

on Ihr IsSksS.IirritoiT, Nov I. Advl et from Orand

Haven rnport thai tlie heaviest MM of Iho seasonPrevail thero Four vcssele wcredriyenan the beach. The nnnins of lluoi oflliemnreiho AmatiOM, afontpellar, and Auatnlkut, billthe fourth aami bn no) bapa aaoartalned,Othar veaaela mnba aoaa endeavoring to fflakthe port. Ono mini was diowuotofi Ihe Aim- -

traiinu in Mtempting to lamp from the vaaailto Ihe pier as Ihg drilled In. In response to atelegram half of the stationedat Clrnnd Havon Usik a lifclyiat to Whitehall bya special train Hns DOOfl to rtacue the rnwfrom the rigging of Ihe bark B. tl Woodruffwhich waa sm. u in thirtoco foet of watoronemile from aliore.

i. ii.t advleaa from the bark Woodruff whichaiink nt n hilahall. aay that iho vessel weal topieces at about t 1 M. la Jit of the orfta

..I in gottln I ashore. Two men nr" miss-ing. The V ...di uff was loaded with corn mi lwas Is. und from Chicago for ItufTalo.

'ihe steamer vest lay encounleiedthe four mnated bnrk J. H. Bulteroff lanlliig-to- a

Wiib rlogged, and lowed her within onemilo of I. u liugton harbor Lake Michiganwhere alio wa obliged to lento her. In thenighl Iho bark sank in twenty-Ay- r hut of wnferalsuit one mile from l.ndington pier. Theuapiala. craw, and name seymy Biea.wbo wentto Ihe veael Inst nlgtd to help trim her. wereIn the rigging nt last accounts. Aa the waveswere running very high it wa- - impo-sibl- o lor ntug to get to her. The crew of the life. savingstation were doing all they could to rescue themen. It Is reported thnt one boat II ad of

bats htoo rreetied, The crew nm stillin Ihe rigging The VCleel in breaking upII. (. . am entertain at of rescuing the rest ofthe nieu before night.

Th schooner Cage Forest, laden with cornI ashore at Hammond's Hay. Lake Huron, fuliof water.

The tug Smith and leviathan, fromha goiie tn iho rcs"u" of the schoonerwon, which is ashore on Beaver Island, full

of water, 1 be cargo oonalata of oats nnd porkfor Colliiigwood.

The chooner D. ii. nwen. in entering Manhvtee harbor (till morning during a gale. trti"kthe north i.ih nnd unk. She was loaded w ithbrick. Tnnyeeeal and cargo will pr ',ably be atotnl loaa. No insurance.

ill 1' WATBAM has in.itAivn.Hold H Vi.le U a Ilrui .rrsllr ft Tcallag

lor n ProulK nr -

KiMiirov. N. T, Oct. 3i.-- The trickery inlh recent Democratic Oonventkm tiiat nomi-nated May r William I.ounsbery of tills city forOongreee, a meceeaor to afr, Mafham of theFifp nth District, is exposed by thaend nsimi of Ad.'iph lemon of baugertiea, naaof the delegate p. that OoatentloO, Sem .n liasbeen c nc of tli" most prominent Democrats inPlater County, and one trhOM character haheretofore been considered unimpeachable.H" is a man of culture, and a gradual of tholauoua Osrmaa Cnlveralty ai Bonn. For ov- -

eral yeura .iuit he lias held the r sp .n.-i-.c po.ittcn of architect and civil engineer for tho

Maiden Blue Btoqe Company. Bomon makenu afll'l-i- In win b I harge that Ij.uns- -per j ni proaehed him t, ifore the opening of theConvention and wa told that ha ikemon) waundecided ii to how he sln.ul t ii saw, n hi nftl luvit'

I ajnrnaeke k a Dave Itlrfaia who egtrsd mnj .um el iiinnoi I inlu lit nanin i , , ... n.r r ts-.-e IBull luU aim I a. n t t.. i.. i .iiai BkorOj attsr tin.i n renvrutlen met, na on tin- i i .a t . ..i i nm,Um Di li, itrlfsstfa. At Una tin. , eia.l br Cliairinan uf''" 0ll c l. L itl 'i 'nn ... t.i Ks--t IM aanl. ntt.tak.'. Ilt- -i il Hppyi ii meant ljvaM Willi Mi l.eunaln-r- ) '. ilrl. nan a. I inlonnr,! lilm"sSIIka vob i . ..: ir. ii, irf-- ftiaiiaanl t',iwent cainr In in. II...I Al.i.liail. J Mi rr ami Lost. HAJ im- -. tan pi. Hi. Inn. Imtn Snnj. hu War SIn u. ins llir PonvpiitkM In Mr t,i...brrv'l Int-- nw sun-- I lu Mr inr I rrhjavd l, sr.- II,, in n.t ,n th,. a. .


ini.l i.aiiLii aaaln vetrj rr is ,,, Hysr saT2ktt UMluri nl tie in.. .... nil,, ibr .' t mr ..i -anC.ail that Mr ... ti nl r r . Iia.l itirsrl. A tbrM te pgpfPMHOg I arst Ul ,1,-- rc . i rrooi kenalsnn.srry. I al.l in tn- - .n, "A... I Jen t wn vuur liien. v IOi l am coiu.' to rr n i thai " Th o. ...i um Maatr aaila-- i that n saa a mm uiattri buknaip,ana that I .unfit te hart th,- ni .nry Tlirn tb. tunkitie in Mr Los gar ry'f oaWa aud Mr boaass n rava srj

4 ' in mpSiy, ami. aa sn aseilaS I n..t an (tm mr tticwliulc imuuiit. aal.l Hist hr had - rii "11, oli trainsC Ha. n aa, ssonpy sir. ly, an.t thai In-- ftroukl Spy un thMM boa la al.nrt tuna " 1 tUi'll rrtiirnr.l to lh CSSTi ntn u 111 naa I with th.. Luuntlsrr tl. kralaf. ami alterId, li-- r ei tsr I'. nvinU. rrtiinird t.uto.-- . 1 wu,t aMM .i..', Mr tn arn.1 inr ntItir lie. 1.. v ai. I ,- It .li.l n. t aa ha.t b, .11 rrenus dI wrnt toUarla a lama and tnld inn thai f had notr. .... ,:n waiikd luni lo gat it for n,.-- Hr rrnardthat I i iiiiht 1.1 rrirl.r it. and that I vrooUl harr had it

I allfi.-- lam to lislatk il fir ma an.ltislMyvr. that In had aonr oul Hhill . r wa. UlkIm lo inr. and had iieuibt up Ihrrr lowsllpr L.'Ufils.ry. and had alralglitrnrd U) lh- - matterni.lit I than wrtit to M, ir au.t aai llnnut hamrryninn,, lr tin n lava am hia r.nlr n.r so na.SDH day ton lk tins 1 tn'd him senld netIS, 11.. wr.iU- Mr . Leuii-ti- , rry a IrkSI as.ini I- 'i e neitlrr slih hlni. and not tainughthird parks I lokrd htm to nir on sun in(MIST, si Ii, llh - MrlM 1.1 Kinaaloli II- - mrl aiatfiafi , an.' In vera . n. d in.r.nrr ti.kl mr h. i t

rronear to pay in., utnl that hr waa nnd.r nptSaslobllpallnli .t lb' aanl llett It.- had yivm n,r llir toRWMly l all .1. Ilia Irlradahlp r..rnir: that In a ,,.ol belli elect. d. and lid l et prop. .at to aM an,llima PVinsy. Ul nnall, otlerrd Ine 10. "h:, I r.In,. Ihr .is. dar Mver sent 1.1 Kiivafon p. vtil,.till a Btatttr ai'h L- anils- rr. and I Mas lMtrs with himIn tela oglpfl Wist PokslMMOM the. arrm.t at I dp MotkOW,Pxrsl that..n the n, at day ttier 1. Id nm II wal alluntil, thai I al Id taken ran of. on Tin day nierninI weia lu tkaianrttPi al law Mysr and Ailstna and told

thai II lln' DfSlWl tl la Hot 114111. n n.'d would eaInns- - thr whole UUD TtllO lllrv lotik nir lo J.rnhSmith hao, I,. rpaaarl ,ih i in ..) n.ntuna.none ol Ida ftinrral, ami am h like talk. He atiersatitnsd KM aal.le and aal.l I pas lit to In' shain .1 tn art it- III rserlvllis the lien, .. I railed titain that If therr waa any .Inline or diagraf .Cent it,..111. ilb-- he alao wa diay raced, Ipr he ha.: rpcrivrj aotijiioms lam to prpeqr s. um ihe pen. ralk uemtaationI. r at iniol I'onunlaal.'in r When thai sir I mi, in rantrt the. tnk'an to thrtulen in., will, irie.t n I ,n.l pp. tRoe iUlet Our eeavprSBtiOM then end.d and I lelttill 111.

JUL l'ATEXT OltlCK iikvout.An I .era. of Krrsli.ts Utrr l'airn.lllurra ul'

- on.-- 1 1, 00 raisata,WAagigoToa, Nov. I, Mr, w. n. Doolittlw

artmif roinna-alonr- r of hat aui.iiatlt.l to thlSn retary el tin Interior a rsporl el thr pparataPOl ol Hitrskatoatot dsrlisj ta imI rara4d Ism Jsa Tnrniimhrr . ornoiul tpfUesUPOl rri--. lv. d for pskPk waaIlia.'?, and 14,100 new ktMt rr grantrd. ThereWSpy alae.l'.T risa nd Mlentl iranl, far deasSai -- .7a7 CVPSIS Wpfp ll'.'il dUlin In .ear There

o the eftl. , llnrunl, .1 to P734.KSS, and Hie totalpappadltuiea wprp Smlo.taal in th. amngnt asi,io w tor iim rvikiraUon ifU"",vlsln."ir.'d lita tire el lt.--t v,ar, and pmllUn .n. On i T.ti- - ,.( rvra1-;- ;, .

Tin- nunii'tr ei roarki rrauurtsl wi"l i,aialnai only DM for thr pren dtn rear, an in. rri rl'plifront tbi. aeurea and Ireiti Hie r. filtration ,1 pr, ,,' ,anipuntrtl Iol3,70, um n.iit unjea arsatrr tltas Umloial pxppnap u rooauekntl UM divlaiun Mr benlittlprreoiuiai-ad- IkaVI "Illy n part nl llir A lee new rhai,-- , dtil ..a o i en Inrf an ai'iill.-altei- lor tin 1. .i-- t, , nt a Irj.tamark lie Hint roltrstsd, and tin' the r tnain-le- of ihrm in- cal l ii, sUswaarp. lie lilaka, boe'rvrr thatiim liargt l ei. pskvc, ana ini " Tha tea ul a i aid laUL.i cap , v. nlch ia i.oi until 11,0 iteorapkls, l a UI el argr. and a. labrfl and Hade uiarkaare abonl II'1 lame nntu-e- . an, protpctril l.v thr .tinslas., theie l no tfoo.1 110 iruy tir rsplllari of rrgiatrain. ..u onr eaar altniild Im greskl Hian eu thr ntiltir "

Mr peullttk IPOorll Hie rrt nl trade luarh tri nlvt.11'1 iin .it iirit un haa alrpsdy provsd of great advalas', le iii 1t1.11 . iu ni rakflPRl m tint psuab r.

Ilmburruasrd by Pupiilarlly.A star, the nentra being a photograph of Dr.

Mc'lli nil, and the rude Iwrnii live Jo gold pkOSI, to,pi Up ytitprttsy, to bs rallkd inr at st. Ikplnra' table,la Um yrPI fair in the gaiasdrsl The afar haa a, . aIh hatswad "Th.. QSMnatr ' Tim laaesr t rtktari inIhaaVPUlm haalm reaard an that II make, aorovpiabar.raaaiarut Ikdlari who tn buy al the tuhie. arenlteli te rra. li Ihrin. 11.1 ing lo th, ding ft 1,orohahu- tha lair oi adiptialon mil he ralaad io miyppnlaon Holiday, that Hm ait. inism , ma. Im linlitlvMtaasavd. It i bpkpvsd that Uip lt sm tu an in.cretKil s-- tiding ol UonPy nl tin- tablra.

aim. Id, Attn- - Maliukr.Dledrlcb lehovera, agod 87, waa rebuked by

til. alii' ..talordiiy hreaiiMi a low moatbl (n he bor.rowed dollar froat a Mr Krllf, ami lln latter aVhUrady daughter lor the nmuevs, Upvpl look Uip u tirai.litu nl III i e, w Im laid In In .it' iii.i by Ills di'.,li:it .1 I. iil.u. to he.n llie ariard s coal arullk. inal a lamp ;n,.l wpnl duwii elI.n. .hutting lb dot bltlind him Ten ininillra after lu.Urilg loin il hail tuna in ihe i.lUi. laving al.olIiiiiim II lluollkli the la u.l null a plphd.

t l.y I Vuiblag De. llnet.KawnynvyouTi Nov. I, Tulob flushing' let- -

lr,dsoUuln He Noailnattou ill III Werprttri l. in..i r.iit. PunvpnUeu inr Uip Atturory'l ralttiiu, taimbhalii'd H i" i 'iiiim. Tie, letter I' .I n. gput III andlatri ai tl rea...n for lila Ida advanwii a a

and la, not iiinuetalna Ihn ainil itval un ul nvi yiriiidinr.., vvlibli ih Cuiulllulliiii rvaiilri a. .,IliaisTtplial l tilt. i. r io n Mnilei .,ni,i ,ult I,,!di. Id lain to m i' ia Hi,' n a.

Thr I pldrnili ul an I ol.Miupdi. Nov. i.- - The Board f lloalth bag

oaiclslly ri'i'oiud two sp of daatl front ... ewfovpflor Hm is'inu fuor I ra PiklPd nt i p'ulusl lo uuhlKne adihtio-i.i- ileutlia linn ,,i'i. r , aiu al... relporU'd. iliiauii'aa it ppIoii svUvpty rraumrd Themei.'halil. ii Im Unilmrririi) i.n iai.'rii in bug k'll nl l.o.ut-Vllle- .

snah l lite. H bOUla, anil t 'illeeiuntl liavo p't'lt M lnn ion laoily eugagld in oldi fl lor gooda avul by."iialiy iiwiebalita.


tMCOmriKltta TUB MM tii it otiikhttKHOBtttATIOnt OWM BIB,

He Ilaa f sdr WPatMllsaiSP tl.t.ry . Sir resV.r the Polloil Pa aT Catr Tilr lirrrllnp

I Sal w ai iH rn him In lo I . , hi.n.The v 'neiabio Ke in Htanlajr paiaod n

busy day yesterday. He breakfasted In Corn.pany with a nnmbar of dlatlngnlahad gueata althe house of Cyrus V. Kb Id. Oiam r yaquare, At ti A.M. be dallvared a aermoa laTrinity- - OhgPCh, In e .iino"llon with Ihe AllSaints' Dar lervl ' n ipcnl a icaaon wit n aWllCCtlon of old maps of t'10 Island, and Interhe had a bird's eye view of the met r .polls fromthe toil of (lie Iquitable building. Place, ofhlalorlenl Interest in the loser part of the city,together with the historical library, OCCUOlodhis iKontlOB 111 later In tho day. nnd In thoevening he was tendered n reception by theMethodist clergy In St. Paul' Church, Fourthavenue and Twenty-secon- d atreet.

The announcement that Ihe Dean would de- -

liver Ihe sermon In Trinity In tin forenoonCalled out a vorv large congregation. All of theeat were occupied In advance of the hour for

tho opening of the service, and at II o'clock;there wna KWrCOlf standing room In the aisles.The nsl collar of the Order of Ihe Hath, withthe lOWel depending fi on It. was conspicuousover hi black aVrfdlce, The teat of hi ornionw.a- - the twentieth verse of the twelfth chapter ofFirst Go riathlea! "llut BOW are they manymember, yet but one body." In tbi thomother church of tho English race inNew York, and on All Snlnl-,- ' Day. Itwaa npproprlat". lie said, to peak ol Ihogood dor." bv the separate members of tic bodycalled t hrictendom. II" reckoned the tirenud the Itomnn Churches, the Lutheran nndthe It"f rined ; nu reins., ns imnorteiit iiioiiiImuof tola U.,lv. and commended tln m nil. Hedwelt fervently on the mission and ninth. si olthe Churob of England, and said that allchurches oi the New World which had donenurthing toward ailvanclm.- - the enuse of Chri-- twere entitled to the gratitude of tb,. Englishchurch. Th. ) wcr" all laboring Tor n commonCIIUSO.

St. Paul'l .'hureli W densely packed hull anhotti "torn the time beginning the Interestingceremonies of the evening. On the walJ.MCkof the pulpit, was tUsponiTI d a portrait of JohnWeeley, A bank of flowers rested In front oltheib sk on Which tin Moid ' Welcome " ap-peared in crimson .ns un- - Vim s with whiteblossoms Interwoven trailed from the lop ofthe dcaa, nnd nt cither side of the plu'formwa- - a stand of flower.

Hh..riir after h o'clock the Blahopa entered thebody of lln- - clnir.'h ami took seats bark of thepulpii. Blahop romps. .ii, Foster. Harris,Haven I'e k. Andrew. Ames. Wiley, undMerrill with it. - nt Following Ih-i- u cam"the vert Itev. l'e in smnler, leaning upon thearm of Dr. Tiffany. When the Ibsbotsa enteredthe audience arose to receive tl.eni. and nrutxtngam When tin- - trail wa presented to them

Dr. Tiffany opened the ceremonies by refer-ring to ti n hole. i - paid lo tu n. liraiit. ns an,.f this republic, by the p ...pi,. ,,f

if it llriiain un.i sat I thnt un opportunitywas alT"rde.l of Uiiilating llu ir i xnmpln by thetin - pee in ti.'-- , uintry ,.f one of ihe;!ishni.. ,,f ,. ,biy th.. wide y known nndWj Imloved Arthur Penrhin Stanley. Doanui ..esiiainsier. i nc pievnonisi I lilireh shouldespecially honor him. a, one who y.

red Unit ihe Churob i larger than the ostats.Ijsbment. in rioalng, he egpreaaed lb hopethat aneh greeting aa the preaenl might tend t.,roment the ailianee ol christians on both sidesoi the sea. ip. tiiii paid a brtel. but glowingtribute to the nualltja .,f Dean ManToy, andeollednpoo Blanop Harris to preside oi t thefurther exer

Uio'lop Ilnrri . gave out the long nietr" Dox-"!"g-

and reipi strd the nudienee to loin In thidnglug. 1'r.iyer w thnn offered by dr. Fisvsalter which liishop llsriis turned li.wsrd theI . - divine snd ssid: " Very . !.,, of

I take plcasnre In introducing toyy ii the llev. I)r. King, who will pre-.-- nt youwiih the addraaa prepared for tins .. rcaalon. '

The lh'im bowed in resisuis... nnd r. Kingrend the addrooe, whloh wus hnndaomejy "iigreeted upon parehmpnt, It set forth thagreatness In the walk he had Mloaoaclnlniod bun as the property of all Cliist ndoni.nnd dCCMfad that, by virlite ol his Nberallty,Westminster Abbey had be sinie our Me., a. ItMao apoko of ihe triumphs nl Metbodlam Inthe N-- w World, tnd cloaed ly cstentllngto the Dean n cordial welcoine to oi laud, toour Oburcb, to our hearts. "

Adopting the parchment, lean Manley aroennd BgpreMed hi tlinks far to oortllul ngreeting. He lold how begsvs htaper mis looto plao the Wesley in W .stiaiutterAbbey. Whenvfatltfag the City 1! nd Cliaiulwhere John Wesley nilnlst T. d. he asked anold n. an who attended to tho uhnp. I by whomthe building was con-e-'i- nt d. an the manreplied: ' It w, a .crated by the Is.n.-- ofIhul holv man. ihul holy son ..f O . l. John We,,ley.' Tb" Dean then apoko of the elalmawhich tlie ebarueter and career of John W. leyhave not only mi tin- - generation but on Chris-tendom, uud referred to him Kstlo, .nly founderof a creed win. h hud not found a follower grtagt-e- r

than its founder. Il Ipoke of the aptnessof the snuug that Wesley liud "ngeuiuslorgodliness."

A rests. use to It.,an Slanlei's remark wa- -mada b the Bov, Blabon Blmpaoo,

After the exercise, the bean retired tnthelibrary, whore many were presented to himand he was then escoitud to the residouce OlCyrus W. Field.

Thl ni.Tiiliig nt 10 o'clock be will lie enter-tinne-

at breakfast bv the t ernary CluP nnddurimr the day he wlil visit liinlitiit"'.he I. 'lint Library, and will ,!rn lul'onlrnlPark. In the aflernoon he will meet th" i InAlpha Society at It. SohaiT's, and in tin.evening wnl 1st received by tho CenturyClub. Sunday morning, ut lil.'a o'clock ho willpreach in Dr. nVtier' ehnreli. On Monday hawill meet .litiii-iiiahi- '. llaptist eb rgymen, mthe aftoruoon wiii visit i it of Interest, andIn lh- - evening he will see the M, .,.. IssolniSociety nt Mr. Field's. Tuesday he willtircenwood unmetery and komeoi the pollingpin es. and will luiieii with Preaidi ut Baiuaidof C ilumbin College.

ir. ii,i Babbad oiir Bstkra.Thaaaagof Mra. Ogden ol Nt Fifth avenuo,

who Slkgt a Hint thr wna bound. Pblerflforauat, and r..'.Is-- I while pi her tadronia ,m the uiornnu ot rssd)kUt, POntiaiMI nt uii.teileut ui rvrr. Tin in iitlenunwUo r. I. ;,.,' t Mft ii.d. niis 1... sr. i.i- in hhaH y.U nt uiunioii Iksl hr i pal not hair il. a hpra II in Ha.nninner rvrn had lh blPU at sdrwt nn Ms lauiPUl U.iu in ,.rl Hr 'He rs

tin linnviai last Mr, Ogdpn'idaagllUI told a,l t. . her in. ther wss iar.dvcd la a lobbrrr of thf aairrkind al st Usorgi Dos 1'onttapatsl, Hot. arm i.,..a,ime year ai.. on tnal uvrsplpn s ai rol.l.t s luia111 bar I., in in an appal Morj el Ihr hot. I, and ami. rquail nn itrri. aarlrt in,u. , ii. r i,,,,; , i ou,,r

men.l.aro In.t.u mlgnanl at Ihi uiiiuuaUoai ul i uW ili.ailn. thai liei lor, i,,-

A Hull, end luoipouy Url'ylng the I. aw.WaamynyfON, Nov. 1. Theophllua tTronoh,hlltor et Railroad Aoconau, to lay formally rpoi id to

till r. larv pf Ihe Im, nor that llir Ckntral PsPllo Kailroad l'vlllfll.i hsi nv(kld to roaipl) with any of bilugi "' i ir report ooaepreiaf u aaskwii pspr.tie tu I rub, pr nl isrganlastion, itnam ial rondiUon

C with hi, l.'lliaHd thnt i'a book! ahuiild l.r .lll.inill.d10 1,1- - II,., i. 11, i, Till 'Dally for rrlUPal I. the lortrtturrsfajaii ilkulhaallrUuuupruiorp tha.i klouu n.,todlt ir trananilti nruflrd taUaivuta p asvrti dutinetrvaui k mads by him In Um Hissidpnl of iim cnmiianj

nun.' ." lihi. Ii hue h. ell eumdie.l uilh.nnd rroullllll, I.i.trial prpcpt-ding- under tlta i., bp tskan in Pael rKr ro w ihe j,i.raill U tian.uiittrd tu Ihr Attornc i, rue nil.

Tbe Tramp who faptarad a BHllroad Train.I'nion Ci rv. T0n., Nov. 1, Til one hundred

traini wa,. ppptarpd Condw tor Riggins'i tnun puriuodthuir way Marly Ut PHllea. Ky. Tb.. RPWI lad bpapkkflSplPd lollg llll! rood. Slid the pbj ol Pillion.aimed with thulium,, mi l tho Irani a mile Item I i

Tin. traoipi woi.i.i nit purrrodpr Hnttl tlirestPOPd wiih ,i(oik) I'ei i. I. urdprp.1 lolea.e the lialll, Wlltl'll lli.jdid auili'iilr, and ilruvk nut on fuel on tie tract

bafwrrii Hat palm and M. inpnll have ici.ira"Uni d pgaiaal llir vagal 1.. tin at, ulna to .in a il emIf tilt at... flips ctSilU t" ' ' "in I An., and nth. rnlilluufa, and thai Itipi iuip Inuth atirr vork Tli iuie ,.i n, ii an baiixuipyraud Ills ptiolo, wboluiutvithui' ul'.n . l ia pluadSr.

ktgsram Merai' audlitau,Alderman Morns i owl reoovering. lie

aaid ypitrrday tati alihoiigii be psiiaet ypi ksv hiilinn... Im pi .p ... i n dn 10 nu ploclloii day. lis liiautilb it n; i. nil to put ai ti ami raaiiuiiu) ink, slid hi.n pruuiiu .ai Iii in.. . j .., ii fu runiiuu hiluiprovv.

Craaked hg n- - Itobaksa Ikv Elevaler,Louut to blruaa. a conductor, while deaoend'

ing the Inn ipcll ear licvslor lu UobokPa Willi bitl le U'ldai, Utlellll bd In L a n ! loin Iho pllltlorai, nndlabin.', wu.rrilahrd led, n'l, lllblei !,e wheel.ul tin pi

Viler, ii. imiin u SUl imi two children.

AN f ina l rBIl mi Mi;

One avha a. hr llrsrt.o.lrd ft nm Ik t ollrseor l.onla la Brand, l'wrla.RaUfrora, Fn, Nov. i.- - a fw dayi ago

Ihnrn arrived in Ihi cilv a man of fin" appearnine, wlm registered himself nt one of tho hotelsns Henri no Oouroellea of ara4ulpg Peru.Kliorllr nftor hi arrival he Ittqalrtd abiM Ihedifferent MgnnfaCtMlM eslablishiiiciilM andpartlCUUtrlT IhO iron works. He wna finallytaken In charge by ono of tho oflleer of IhoReading Inni 0 inipany niidshoun nrotind lieIs. tight 12.0li worth of Itael rail und oile rnrll 'lc. nl Ihe rolling mill of Ihe Philadelphiannd Heading Ooal nnd Iron C uiipanv. glvlmj Inmymnnta eight draft g New lora bankinghouse. Then he went nwny without paving hishot' I hill From here he went to the vtllngn ofneetWtKMt. thl coiinly. and ordered fiom thebun of Hdiaeffer. Merk d 4 Co. n slntlonary e

au l a Ini of dumping ears, lo tin. value ofnboiii omi. lie was kindly laktta In chargebv Mr. M'trkel of Ihe firm, who paid Iii-- , hotelbills.

Mr, Herbal was logo lo Philadelphia with theitrnnger to loo one Horatio Llnnvllle, dlaliuralag agent of the Ranaaroad nllvor Mining Com-pnny-

Arenulpa, I' p. n Ivo his aeyfor the good! bought, nnd while al Ihe depot,rcinly to take Um cars for Philadelphia tinsmiming, tlin stranger, who tinned nut In be aswindler, was arretted on n warrant Issued byHqulre Dumm, on Information conue ting himwith Hwliidling opei ul ions ill K astop. plnhidel- -

nhla, Heading. and other p . At tin. hear-ing Im nay- - In, win born in Paris, is I.i years ofage. graduated st Hie Oplletra of Lou la LoQrnnu.aad afterward t... 1, a full course at ihoPolyte 'hub' Hnhool, Pans He speaka French,Spanish, Kngllsh. and Oerninn. He Is of in,dium llae, llghl built, and wear u iiioiist t. heand side whiskers lie wa h Id to nwalt thoarrival oi officers from laislon and I'hlhidolpliia.

BATKOOTB COttBOB IH l l I uaTwo VAIasa Ilralinyril, and IKr l.lliiary

-- llnauusril I n... H .0,0.10Dt HI.IV, Nov. CIlou;,., Iii

the County of Klldare. Is on flic. Kugine- - nndfiremen hnve been despatched .y rn from thiseft) to the aeeno of the disas'.er. This eveningthe southern Md Waa tela poribmsof the col-lege bad b..cii destroyed, uud that part Of thbuilding containing the library atta ki d by thaflnmc. All the valuable look have beens ivt il. Tin- fire Is still raging.

UidHlthi. Tha firo in Maynooth Oollag hagb a n extinguished. Two wings of the colieuowere destroyed. The lil mry was lllghtly dam-nire-

The loss to the collejre I estimated HIISO.OOU. Tb.. stud-il- ls b.t nil theirpronerty. Tin fire wits caused by the Ove-rheating of th" Warming npparulus.

The college bull. ilnys were large, coal ly. andhituilsoiiie. The coll.. go was founded by gctolth" Irish Parliament in 170, and II- - , luaivoinn I,, wit- - Iheedueatlon of eandldatef for th..Cathol:" priesthood, From lBBtolStJ IH.IIUUa rear waa K'yon by theu ivernmenl or lleeup- -perl. Ir IH5 the uraiil wa. rals.-- lo CiU rtiio1 -- r yon and 10.000 win, git.11 for new build-ings. IJndar the Irnb Church at of lsooihisgrant eeaaed.and the sum of 87j,88 w.a- - givenas epmpeneatlna. Tint fa. ulty consist of nPi kldent. f un Dwins, u Pre-fect, a lliir-a- r. four Professor of Moral nndDogmatic Theologr, and Professors of NaturalPhilosophy, Sacred M upluro and Hebrew, I".

eleslaatii'al History. Logic Mi taiihi ilea nndIvt hie, llhetorto nud Belles Ittna. HumnnityKngllsh lib. tori ' nnd French, nnd tin. Irishginauago twtlv in nil. Tbtre uru Bio t,


One a m llr.Mii.iy 11 Polios Paiayl ols Ikrata luitCpll, lila Skull trrlna t't arlurrg.

Oyrtta VThlta, who wan arreatad mi Tues-day by t)fll.'cr Barnwell of the Oak street police,thrown into n cell In the police station. Commit-ted for ail inoaaths in tho Tonaba Polioe Conrt,and thru sent to IJellcvue Hiwpltal vv it Ii a frac- -

tiirci kiiii. whore ho died on Thumdar morn-ing, Wgg born in Ann street nearly fllty ynrago. 111- - fntnllv wa a .."..-- 1 ono.and In- oh.lamed u good education. 11.. t.,iu. the II itsivn poll 'e for ab ut 18U, In throe weoka hswan ruiseil from it patrolman t" ;i -- e.g. mt. andwhui tho DOW Ninth IVceinel wa- - created nlub-p- i lnet he was pin. in commandof It,Moon he wna Ml uie a police Captain. Ho hadtrouble with OMcer l.y n. and was provokedintoan eufountcj with blmlo. Ilia prcecooaoltwo ladle in the isillee ituion, Lyon waa dieUIMCU If .ui toe force, and he thru pursued theCuptain -- o Iborotigbly that th" inner wa- - forcodto resign. Tln ti h" went to the war. and on hitreturn wa ansuecoMful in bulnee, and tooktn .Ii inking.

II - family conalated ( an Induttl Ion wifeand three small children. After ii" began todrink she went t., her mother e, "i7 Mortonsir 1. bite, then entirely foisak.u. as ho ex-pressed it, beenme reckless.

0 "r. ner Ornker made theniniiintion of Whin 's body. Tlionh ie top, iftin skull was crushed in. The w.. uud scornedP. hay,, been made with 11 club. Tint brain wasterribly danreaaed, The theory thai womanbud been run over by a cart w.i thoroughlyexploded by eiamiiiation of Uie wound.

mt: 1 au si in ii 11 01 11 s. Hajerllt iu the Praash gaala.LoxDok, Kt v. I. The reaultotlaal Sunday'

ikrUOBP lor liiiuai ioal del, gat, 4 in 17...' -- n let ...Prae.l lar at la 11 n. h ave, no doubt ot the SfsSlI oi111 SSMtOfisl COStPlU OU th.- 5th ufJatetaii next. Thetetania ar. Sot COiUpkU, l.ul IhOM It'pd go to glowII. al rletrn ilrl.artalrnia. lies reprrariitpd lo twenty.- via Coniervakvi Ikiiatori, lute brrg Wtai to tho1( ice an, nam. ti IfPrsall, Hi- b' tiLoire. Lot. Lut i.iiroiei... Msuellr, Mprtk, llayrningcaip. Nora aiid I'uy di Hon,. 1,. .l..-- t 110 det ai'tinioit. lln. gam it 1, thnn aultli'lrtit tnnun Dip uisjority la uir puak A pubikan majoriiy01 ui ,i.t ikslvp ur nu, un liioafnantlj isnti t. d.

Tin- - llvutb ,,r 1. Pi PltPb Stalrtitiatn.Paduajfov.l.- - ismis-Antoriu- e Oaralor-Pa- gi So,

III Hatpiiuaa sad lktofla.hai etaji .0.0.. ., ,..f

!);.;. lite 'IJIV-V- - -- .'".' -- . '"'". oi,, r.' .rj.'t1"1. r '- - i'i"i- -

o .i'innnu.l-il-"-"

"" 4 '"""ITho l ouden BTalklaa llalb,

Loxoog, Hoy. 2. -- At ISiSO o'clock thl morn,tint Iha fellowlRii aeurta had laarn mad in Ui internabolntl WslUllg eifkhi Corkpy. 4W It. nn .VI UoWvllwell lliiiiard. aul: Wi.t n .a... oartnei. in-.- ' Kunl

-' Woatiill aailli'.l tli. trail .'t I I" ii:- ..atand hat not aor leapi emd It 11 rvportid last

Inl- -t ill. lln l.apsaUs'a t oi ka.iiKi i.iN Nov. I.-- Tha poii'c have Interdictedih' aslu ul ISa lotislilU WOfSlol

a Parti arPallileal spmurn fasskThe Bay, J. 11. Roblnaon, bettor known

' IHmlnU" gatleia. tb Bipsblksn rarslidala . IhiAat. nihil 111 inr Hur l Dttlrirl ol I'a-- aie t oinu,. N

wllb Preuk Polvar, Wilthun t Hcurci r. at. Urnry --

Piory, uni ted fri iii Patrrtoa onTliuriday nlshl Pi atlead a polinral puriinj al th c irj rlry uf t'oonIl in WySO tie. wtiei'.. nil sere III 11 VI I tl Wayaypr the Preasi;. . Monnlatn. In tt I. Hi, n can i.jens- - uput, sod luratikil down Uip uf the road wbprr

n.'W grd. ip ttriiip iiisdn M' I'yTvor satiu waitti ionMaara aiTuM lh rllws Im, flu idln ri wen milhiuiai.l Piio tia. apiil back 111 fl i.n mei ..'. a ... it'"' I loin, nn- nn ..ih. i .an, .uu. ni wiiil on and ui .1

Until ltorlltrob'arrew Kaeaa.

A J .Im Tl: m ami Adam Ru w, drivingarroat Hie trSk ..I Hm Maiilnttlita H, ic UsllroOd, ati' iiirst avpanSi Hreukiya, ypiwrday, In aopti arft, Mot iliiukinii "t ant dai a io 'enioUvp, to ahishtwo par wsre sllaetird, dpihpd apon Ihrtn Mr Rndariin d with all Ilia tii'i'iiii to inill hla lioi.ri.tek Ion it,,.I. OIUPllVP alt u.-- He ii le a. I. lo,., Sinu Hie aiinu ildown, io dial 111 III 111 Ii l o t.' ii..' than, rhr horap'auiidri .ai. t.rul pad " :. Il wul n u tun ... .', .1ll will irub. .1 ..,. M..11. .1 ihe 1., a ,,,,,.1 iinhuriII. e "' ' 1. ueilln r I..I.I. UUI pdVSli .it Hiul olill'aadtutrp Ii hlllr trovsTorir it

tlseee Bllllagsi ,ir , in Taw.Je Billing, Jr.. of Ballatou arrived in Ihocitjr y. .te,,lay from Motbil ,, and i. It SuilUt I MrKi ..Ilolll, in Urpsuwioh meet ip. Ipoki rat worn, butPOUVPrlPI ftoply tilth In, ni'.jil.iail in. 1 i.i, i: Ut, i. . ,,,an.l . 'iprsiwi I Hal that ih dltpl trl t nialu la,will bp Iriuinpliaiilly a.iiuilb'd. in- wruir ,leWlsltel 10 hit ,1,; a,, .1 ,,.. ,..';..', ',Kurl Mill. r. H.i. lulull I'uillllv, v tin Ii iidivili.nn ..I a UU ml ip. utiil Iii n Una I', lira., i.i I -Dial ihi w.i. a oi u ii in i, use thai ii ... . iO i.ii,,. I. It li.llnll.l lillu i lial tUiSr.l',ll tllwould reluru It unrpptl Mltp ti not awart 11. .;I.. re. ilia huaiaet. will gptpiii iniu t. ypral dpi .

I'm .ii) HiHMillaa au Urelker,Tuny. Nov. 1. For 'several uton'hs a ui. t

feud bsipslikd t 'me, a Judiou iud I'UMliii t'uri lutirhrothrrt. who m loulh ilrtnvllk, W'aslilugkiiil! "iniiy. riiej ouarnlksl Uiii iilrrnouu, piul t'aal .I ..i is uirr waa nilallr wuuii.leil. lil. brollivi lllluii thi.rlliute .Inni,. Huiiiup, s liyatatslrr, wllu Irie.t liniiirlJu.i.uii usiiaiatpr, suaUti ilrvtl it, hut iir asi it i uurl



Tin: ITOB AN mi,) ashed A tO von UKMBUt nu wins, ti UOLDIBBB,

l.rller lr Ornrrrtlt BtlaUSfe Mag Hooker unaPi nt Brant Bang in hrr Bsbalf itrBsaailaallae on .. n or Mrwdirnarr.

Mra, Oarollno 8 Tfllaon, who waa anMrhMi fiin Ellaabeth, n f Hondayi on a ttuuga ol tlbelnir a profits tlonul beggar, gnd who carried nnoto of naoinmeBdatloa From William Oaftog (Bryant, andnpapar ihowlngthal ha had entaI set, J oyer MrOOO in nine month from dkWtg ,giiisli. il peraon, on the rdoa of buying es.bauated her property in aiding Union prison- - i

an during lh war, wa examined before.Justice Osborne, in Rllaabcth, vaatorday, Tinstory of Mr. Wilson' ride from InWI 10 lOWgIn KewJetH-- y. in n earrloge IpeClnlly fili al for I t

hor, aadof hcratopplng nt hotobi andaid froai leading BilhWMi wa told In Tim: HumofWedneaday, urn- - wa put under oath . 1larday, ami told the following toryi

" I wn born in Bpfingfleld, Mass.. nnd mymaidon name was Norton. When o rears obi i Ifwent wllh my litth, Bltr lo live wilh mt mintla Barannah, Oa., mr faiher having iaB died.I wa married lo New Orleana to Mr. OharteaBtewarl Wlktoa, a lawyer, aoi aggagad in prac.Hoc. I do not remembor the eiaetdateof mymirriage, which. I think, was isdehratad in IheViral Preenrteriaa Oburch ot ntal elty, iiyhusband wus engaged iii planting In-

ternals nt jefT'isnu. Texak Immadiateliafb'r our marriage wo wont to Hnvnn-ng-

Oa. remaining thero perhaps twoy.ii- - After that wc iranl to Baiglnnd, whereWe spent tltree years llotiirning to Nowdr- -

leaui ni the enj ot thai time we rotin I tho yel-low rev raging them and wan bote nfufttrnted. While I woo lying aiek my btisl Iuled. I . ai, not te where he pnt bnrlod. AlterI i ooot "re l I went nt onco to my ider'a inHavanii.ili. Bho bud mnrrled Horn",) (illman. alumber merchant mi l mill owner, wi,,, dimlshortly after the beginning of lln war. Hrsstturwaa then overwheliiind with lillgatlon by Iinril's enseil husbaml's brother. lames and Henryand when a utUoinnut was dnall made aharCMlVCd :'.'""tt -- '"'si, pplneltstillr In bank amirailway -- toe' The railroad slnak was lost bo- - ieauaaof the war lu lTi or ls7.ri niy slsler ro- -itioteil to Auburn. N. Y., where ihe i; D gJlfa .Ir-- with her Invalid dsn. fhfr. f r,ini ;l..,1 allmy menus, which ware conaldorahle, duringtha. war in giving aid to (Jnloa oldlera, In f1871 I W"tit t . lt .ston. slopping at tin Wmthr iUHouse, win l" I rollt.'t Mo I .'in., i, , , Iennnoi remember being in Boston in IH77."

At this point in the testimony tho following 'b tter was read by Mr Bergen;

B P. i io lit-I T. Ho. To.. II, t So. 17 fr., o,.s a,. rw-it-, i 1

IHin Sin- -t lead ihe srr. ...l Mr- - I' tt iltnu in lit iday a era aha Is aiayrd pi ain gsne htr KinboprdadwIUi me in the Winthr.-i- liii ,. till,- I r atpropria tot, and lelt will, rot the rot Inard ,1,1. lull for IhiI.n ol h i hoard bill PkBar rill III,, p, a IpU !Slklswyor, sod am lilm toridterl II t

inraiit t'o, eiie you lurih.i usrUculara rrsaloiiulipilii..une. gpipcsintnj. j, it r. ,

t nn nun tail Is lor l"'l. MIS. Wilson lbmilted ihut sin. gave ii. Th" examination wantbon reanmi d and lira, w on aaidi ' I d .iiotr. meniberb tug in Baltimore m IMS and talk- - , lillial, with Mr. Vun Nan r oi In,,: that

v. illiiiiii t nib n Hi yuiit gsve m 1230 to pay theexpenses ,,f my sister ami mvaell in going hfrom nnvannah to Auburn, M.x, Mr. liryantdid. bowover, give me ISS jr that purpoae, ntulbo one i nave mo j2oo to pay the f,.o olaaurgnon who attended me when I broke milimb, in im, I miter t .id a gentlemaa luHlglltalown, N. J., thai Mr. Bryaul wa going toleave me a legacy, ami do not know that heiiiailo provision for me in his wall. I do notknow u man in savannah hi lh" aame nnmo umy djkoenaed husbead, and I never t thl any nnathat anvfard O. vi Uepn. a olerk m tlie courtaiSavnnnnh. was my husband, The idea Is pre-posterous."

t'hlefof I'oli"e Keron-I'- an you tell nnv Mr.wiison. th" nam of any aoMiar uu aidedduring the war tMrs. Wilson -- I cannot nnmo tln m all. tbtre

Were so many of them.Chief . .f 1'olie..- - Name one. I 1Br. WiltonWell. tbamwacaBtr Peek andMr. lirown. Br.nek w iit to Haven,

lln was nt Anders nvllle, where 1 ironl in digili-- e. 1 insisted u great many In i.ibby t.risoulu IM t.

Mr. ll rgen then read the following fromninoi.g tnuny b tiers found lu Mir. Wil .npossession :

II..,..,, ti ti i . llir isrsitf or .i ru I'.a.a nu IUiuoa line, s u . Jul, a. Us I )

Mi i Wilson Ua loyal Jady, who hp kssa of aralrvk lo I iiio priaonpis asrfsti is wsr, lag ttMrltiIMMsporl .md lymppthyui u i.,) roua I smotUCIId in r to III. Iri. U.I - iu Hie No, Hi. ,. hllle-- .he ioe iiiparch ul imptoysMat ihi dram u potdUoe m ..u 'mU ioI, S teitrbrr. Iron, nn kin.s! dal ot Hie iieiitle.itnnt.i whom iho tebrhteatwd In tin- - .1. i m iheUSVP POP Is Hut) coinyeli ill lu llll nut pipe the maynt 0 F, OlIJHHU, stnk r ll'in il(

Three reara lateral btalnad Iho followingletter from t. n. j..e Hooker i

I hat. lie kilo'., ol the bpSrer "I H II letter PS rplwhat ia law ot hrr ut nit tan hpvc an liaailsnua fa'.'"'III dint ller to He' Luiilll, tt and ilianti igatifStbar it ah 1. a tteti pa dt lion to our ruaatrri wlilk inthr hpu.i-o- t tn- rvbpli II Ii iny ponvarUbii iksl .la-pnukpatlj d irrvlnp llir ai-- t polourt liar asJo, ra llovsPR, Msjur 1ieuer.1i i ...uniatidins.Air., i!. I J

A .iter dub .1 in the Senate Chambar on thalinii of .tune mm .and ilgned John Hhormen,

- ii... 11. .11. W llliam E. Chandler to give Mrs.nilaon employment to relieve In r Immndlalewant, In .Inly of th.. sumo your PresidentGrant writes as billows:

Tin' n. 01 ol Hie Hue 111 t' n. II. 'n and i (ftjAland, in a panda. Savannah, Ua will 1. lute the ilia- - aIfSPPOl nlllllt lot si t.otiuiu. onr lilt., did nil the eoi.pldttni,4 Hi,. 1, h. liiuii lor lit, r, in .a I 1. ion rou- laaulrnl to her url. raimni nt aba i .ma. Irulu Upsr to Utup I s, tiHtti. '

After the letters had been rend. Mr. Bocgoamoved for Mr. Wilpon dlaelinrga upon herow n r guiaanee, saying tho I Iter wore genuloe, and proved there was a ruiinijatlon brheretory, Bbobml, doui u u tan ivery freely, and bad lived extravagantly. IItb" .1 llt..' Was unwilling to e.olieialo Iter nil- -tin ly. h" lUggeatod ihut ah" should I.., r leasedon her own revognlmnou to answer before theOr .ml Jury,

The Court granted Ihe motion, Mr.WIkMgwas .lis. 'Inn.';. .1, and money will be i I to-- "nj her 10 auburn, N, t .

Thai Bpitg UMlrag la Vsaaaylvnala.Inquiry in Thompson. Ta.. where two

Irani, laid io Us VP horribly um.uiii. u a roam k'hosl lsabr, tii,,. umien ll'.' hi , kl'.,., Mil dcpprrak llrrlljlll, h. i'orr ihiiMd. ini dalaUi id Iho print, kada to th in , 11,tint waa iniirup.

ho ..ut. iu riimnpaoa ha t heanl of thi trser i,uitiiao liaruiunr tbaiauc laorlui .... ipn'a ast hi pet iu io.,, s vtuUllliy II. ere al le.l.ll I till In hi Inal Ho .to , had

no real u slauoti ihi ri ' mum iu rprl jerikta7.7.flTe?'it uu iruaittoigij tJ , tasa... I I

hi, u.i Iii Vm link Slalr.INivogggi r Kor. I. Phrnier from 11.

" "'" o " ' "i '". I iukM, Klii.ii I, o ' .ir. ui d rovin d miii ihli Hioriilna

'i nr Masai OB rrstllrilsa,Warmer, eloar or partly wenoutliwi t. ... wind 1, HaiiuTiai . r 1.. n prt -- 1.0

JOTTISUH i nn 1;; im VlTtiTin. lav nenrop 11 Voiburph ran n, ,1 Jpriri t'liv yap

P i i.n mi a i...,i ,r hound 11111.

i' m!.',',"" Ihr .tut. luiUllg1, r. "I "lilt u ahoi Iim'ini oiiiii.'l.loi iihn. 1.1,111,,. jlrrvoorti Ihi Rlglil 11 os1.; 0.1 Ipj istr hni md It at tuts win Iter" I hr It, It.s.l lor S. andal " 10 Ihe ma ' ,t In gallatk'aTuptlr, sudlnUippt tilua Uii " lilt all

..Cujlliubla t'nlkw Atliloiir Auailaliuu II inertia utlot Athieiie IMub rrotnul, Moll 11

UsontPl Ralihi sad hip w!fp, Houlii Worrell siusanear In His Kriatdttat Tliratrv in ni ..k in I nd gardm cean dy ni "Ottu, a liurniaii "

rip Npwark i' mm" roun.'il latl ivrulru diitniiaNfruill Pie I. n,. p.di . ,n:, ,,, k . j ,toil,, r 11 f, ui, allittf, 1.' la i ., .

nu iiue Iswliil yratpnlayl t tinail and rabbtlaOlid lb. wa ill oil Mat, Islniid ram with tin 11, ,

uuiit Mn 11. .N. it Vtrk iHiriaiiipn vlgU'd tin laiaitd.Nl. U I'! i".' . hi.I .11 nl o ha Ip,

101 r l iltts 11 .1' il - iouiitt.d to "... .tun ,,,;tA.ylllltl. Mil tiiat h ir wayward tli a um bp, .'

iliv upy.i ciinrtid hlni wlUi iireak.n. im ..I'.iih-- i' Hh el U' 1' unit net st u ... , ,., ,, ,,. ,,

.111 Ilia lino t. Hie r. :,a lair a liaU'lauiUt'lliyjuiind i n ., iit.n. tw ill, I.i Im p. . . mipflhirnl il.. National uii :,.i , ... , ,: mm0 "i . In ni li.iioi ,1

AH.. Hu t. r w.i. - nt, !. o vi llbalf tIII ihe pel, it in, . .In, I. V! HO. Mill li ilei'

rb.ll Mi iS'j Itilll JollMaja ' II twrll I I...-'- nt .V .. ,1 ib Huprd ul I

Pity O: n HronklVtl I". ei. ., .1 .1 01 the MO . ftI...1. ..1 Ltlll I.', 1, ,1 u'l.lll - l, I, d to !. tu lh il 11

..a nip arwrri nd drains iu Hi 1.1 . utli khrd wetsto. hai ml t t. i ijTie- r. p. I'n' r...i t"i ..' Ihp P flu r 0

II .1.. lined pi I. I It to . ii'l'-- lu , il SI Itn.'P ',lugs, un 11... nun 01 tin, i.e. 01, g 1.0 hipiii, 1, no.Inuiulnl The ..lllltt.-r.l- would list. Illd 11 ISalll llll i'iit., k but for iho i.t 1 thai it tisi proviomlt viuasvdtor II .pvrr svniiii llll goii'tay nlphtnalkl '

.ii tu, Hrnrdlii in .wklyu tpiitrday tJiidorrdiiitporlsut it. i iou eu r pu'HiLii ei tt'i.n..,,' 1; 1. Mlicit ill.. trt-e- l 1. t al. in... 1,1.. ..I bulkhead orpie r tn ut . mt md b; ml i.e u,,d rh'barfaiii mr oul) um bona, to in- dlti.l d atioiui Uiut to u.. vl v.U vat- ; tiisvlutca