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MySQL Cluster: NoSQL Memcached API

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•  Meet New Requirements: Add persistence, sharding, fault tolerance

•  Ease-of-Use: Standard Memcached libraries

•  Simplification: Eliminate cache-coherency & consolidate data tiers

•  Flexible Data Model: Schema / Schema-less storage

•  Flexible Access Patterns: SQL and NoSQL

•  Flexible Deployments: values stored in Cluster, Memcached or both

•  Key / Value Performance: Native access to MySQL Cluster

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<Insert Picture Here>

Program Agenda

•  Overview, MySQL Cluster

•  Memcached API

•  Memcache Overview •  MySQL Cluster (NDB) & Memcache setup •  Sample Application

•  Resources to Get Started

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MySQL Cluster

• Auto-Sharding, Multi-Master • ACID Compliant, OLTP + Real-Time Analytics


• Shared nothing, no Single Point of Failure • Self Healing + On-Line Operations


• Open Source + Commercial Editions • Commodity hardware + Management, Monitoring Toos LOW TCO

• Key/Value + Complex, Relational Queries • SQL + Memcached + Java + JPA + HTTP/REST + C++ SQL + NoSQL

• High Load, Real Time Performance • Predictable Low-Latency, Bounded Access Time REAL-TIME

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MySQL Cluster 7.2 70x Faster JOINs

Fastest Ramp…Ever

8x Higher Per Node Performance


NoSQL Memcached API

Geo-Distributed Clusters

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Memcached API

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Memcached Overview

Memcache Client

Application memcached


memcached memcache key friends:12389!

hash key to find data

hash key to pick server

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Memcache Protocol Elements

• Key Up to 250 characters • Expire Time A number in seconds, up to 30 days •  Flags 32-bit number for application use • CAS ID 64-bit incrementing version number on value • Value Value stored for key; traditionally up to 1 MB.

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Memcache Protocol Commands (1)

•  get key Fetch value for this key •  set key value Store this data •  add key value Store this data (strict insert) •  replace key value Store this data (strict update) •  cas key value cas-id Update with version number check

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Memcache Protocol Commands (2)

•  append key value Append text to current value •  prepend key value Insert text before current value •  incr key amount Add to current stored integer value •  decr key amount Subtract from current stored value •  delete key Delete a key and value •  flush_all Delete all stored values on the server •  stats stat-name Fetch server statistics

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Traditional architecture: Memcached & MySQL

MySQL Slave

more storage (on disk)!more powerful protocol (SQL)!

higher throughput !

lower latency!

mysql client

memcached Memcache



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NDB & Memcache Architecture: Memcache protocol + NDB storage

MySQL Cluster

Data Node memcached

Memcache Client


MySQL Cluster

Data Node

NDB Engine

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Goals • Access stored data directly from memcache client •  Memcached perspective:

•  MySQL Cluster is a write-scalable, replicated data store •  with reliable in-memory storage, •  plus on-disk storage when data is too big for memory.

•  MySQL Cluster perspective: •  memcache is a high performance API •  providing easy access to in-memory data, •  plus an extra layer of caching when data is on disk.

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Measured Latency memcachetest -t 2 -M 7000 -c 25000 !

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Configuration Overview NDB Memcache

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Anatomy of a Memcache key


the prefix the database key

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A key-prefix mapping

Memcache key

prefix Cluster Container Cache


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key prefix Cluster Con-

tainer Cache Policy

Server Role


A memcache server role

key prefix Cluster Con-

tainer Cache Policy

key prefix Cluster Con-

tainer Cache Policy

key prefix Cluster Con-

tainer Cache Policy

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Getting Started MySQL Cluster and Memcached

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“Cluster on a laptop”

• Configuration file cluster.ini • Management server ndb_mgmd • Data node ndbd • MySQL server mysqld • Memcached server memcached

(All of these are present in MySQL Cluster 7.2 distribution)

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Cluster Configuration File

A single central file for the whole cluster Loaded by the management server on --initial And then stored in cache for future restarts Sections:


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[MGM] section: Management Server


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[DB DEFAULT] Section: data node parameters

[DB DEFAULT]NoOfReplicas=1TimeBetweenGlobalCheckpoints=12000HeartbeatIntervalDbApi=15000DataMemory=180MIndexMemory=60M

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[NDBD] Sections: individual data node


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[API] Sections for MySQL & Memcached servers


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Complete cluster.ini file [MGM]NodeId=1datadir=/Users/jdd/sandbox/ndbhostname=localhost[DB DEFAULT]NoOfReplicas=1TimeBetweenGlobalCheckpoints=12000HeartbeatIntervalDbApi=15000DataMemory=180MIndexMemory=60M[NDBD]NodeId=2[API][API] ...

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Start the Management Server

% ndb_mgmd -f config-file-path

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Start the Data Node

% ndbd

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Configure & start mysqld (my.cnf file)


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Load NDB Memcache configuration tables

% cd /usr/local/mysql/share/memcache-api% mysql -u root < ndb_memcache_metadata.sql

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Sample Application

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"Twitter-like" Application

•  Two Tables •  authors •  tweets

•  Three Perl Functions •  Create a new author record •  Insert a new tweet •  Increment an author's tweet count

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Required Perl Modules

% cpan install Cache::Memcached% cpan install UUID::Tiny

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Sample Application

% mysql -u rootmysql> CREATE DATABASE demo; use demo;

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Data Definition: Authors

CREATE TABLE authors ( author varchar(15) not null, date_created timestamp, tweets bigint unsigned not null default 0, followers bigint unsigned not null default 0, following bigint unsigned not null default 0, PRIMARY KEY (author)) ENGINE=ndb;

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Data Definition: Tweets

CREATE TABLE tweets ( id varchar(36) primary key, author varchar(15), time_stamp timestamp, tweet varchar(140), index(time_stamp), index(author))ENGINE=ndb;

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Configuration: Use the ndbmemcache config schema

mysql> use ndbmemcache; show tables;

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INSERT into containers SET name = 'tweets_table' , db_schema = 'demo' , db_table = 'tweets', key_columns = 'id' , value_columns = 'time_stamp,author,tweet';

INSERT into key_prefixesSET key_prefix = 'tweet:', policy = 'ndb-only', container = 'tweets_table';

Configuration: Create container & key_prefixes

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Two key_prefixes for authors table

•  newauthor: •  ADD an author record and set date_created •  tweetcount: •  INCR tweet count for author

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INSERT into containers SET name = 'author_new' , db_schema = 'demo' , db_table = 'authors',key_columns = 'author' ,

value_columns = 'date_created';

INSERT into key_prefixesSET key_prefix = 'newauthor:', policy = 'ndb-only', container = 'author_new';

Configuration: New Author

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INSERT into containers SET name = 'author_count', db_schema = 'demo', db_table = 'authors', key_columns = 'author', increment_column = 'tweets';

INSERT into key_prefixesSET key_prefix = 'tweetcount:', policy = 'ndb-only', container = 'author_count';

Configuration: Tweet Count

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% cd /usr/local/mysql% bin/memcached -E lib/

Memcached: Start the server

17-Aug-2012 13:53:32 PDT NDB Memcache 5.5.25-ndb-7.2.7 ...Contacting primary management server (localhost:1186) ... Connected to "localhost:1186" as node id 4.Retrieved 6 key prefixes for server role "default_role".Server started with 4 threads.Priming the pump ... done [0.661 sec].

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use Cache::Memcached;use UUID::Tiny;our $mc = new Cache::Memcached( { 'servers' => [ "localhost:11211" ]});

Perl: Startup Code

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Perl: Add a new author

## Takes one parameter: authorsub new_author { my $author = shift; my $time = time(); my $key = "newauthor:$author"; $mc->add($key, $time);}

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## Take two parameters: author and tweetsub insert_tweet { my $author = shift; my $tweet = shift; my $id = create_UUID_as_string(UUID_V4); my $time = time(); # Insert the tweet my $key = "tweet:$id"; my $value = "$time" ."\t". $author ."\t". $tweet; $mc->add($key, $value);}

Perl: Insert a Tweet

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## Increment the author's tweet count.## Take one parameter: authorsub increment_tweetcount { my $author = shift; my $key = "tweetcount:$author"; $mc->incr($key, 1);}

Perl: Increment Tweet Count

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Download MySQL Cluster + Memcached API

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Getting Started

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Scale Web Services with 99.999% Availability

Native Memcached NoSQL Access

Try it out Today!

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MySQL Cluster Architecture

Data Nodes

Node Group 1






e 1


e 2

Node Group 2






e 3


e 4

Application Nodes

Cluster Mgmt

Cluster Mgmt


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MySQL Cluster - Extreme Resilience

Data Nodes

Node Group 1






e 1


e 2

Node Group 2






e 3


e 4

Application Nodes

Cluster Mgmt

Cluster Mgmt