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Arts in the MYP stimulate young imaginations, challenge perceptions and develop creative and analytical skills. Involvement in the arts encourages students to understand the arts in context and the cultural histories of artworks, thus supporting the development of an inquiring and empathetic world view. They challenge and enrich personal identity and build awareness of the aesthetic in a real-world context.

LOREM ‘16 MYP ARTS (Music and Drama)

In MYP Arts students have opportunities to function as artists, as well as learners of the arts. Artists have to be curious. By developing curiosity about themselves, others and the world, students become effective learners, inquirers and creative problem-solvers. Students develop through creating, performing and presenting arts in ways that engage and convey feelings, experiences and ideas. It is through this practice that students acquire new skills and master those skills developed in prior learning.

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Middle Years Programme


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Aims The aims of MYP ARTS are to encourage and enable students to:

• create and present art

• develop skills specific to the discipline

• engage in a process of creative exploration and self discovery

• make purposeful connection between investigation and practice

• understand the relationship between art and its context

• respond to and reflect on art

• deepen their understanding of the world

In the MYP, assessment is closely aligned with the written and taught curriculum. Each strand from MYP arts has a corresponding strand in the assessment criteria for this subject group. Assessment for arts courses in all years of the programme is criterion-related, based on four equally weighted assessment criteria: CRITERION A Knowing and Understanding – 8 marks CRITERION B Developing Skills – 8 marks CRITERION C Thinking Creatively – 8 marks CRITERION D Responding – 8 marks The MYP arts objective and assessment criterion B (developing skills) is the same for all year groups. The increase in sophistication of skills is determined by the skill set developed through each unit, over the years of study. At RCHK our Music and Drama teachers plan carefully the skills they expect students to master over each year of the programme in the MYP arts.

The aims of ALL MYP subjects state what a teacher may expect to teach and what a student may expect to experience and learn.

Aims and Assessments
