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how to defend our catholic faith?

By: Bro. Gary Lanuza

"Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account for the hope that is in you." 1 Peter 3:15

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Something that we must be PROUD

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“The difficulty of explaining ‘Why I am a Catholic’ is that there are ten thousand reasons all amounting to one reason: that Catholicism is true.” – G. K. Chesterton

Gilbert Keith Chesterton(29 May 1874 – 14 June 1936) better

known as G.K. Chesterton, was an

English writer.

He is a well-known Christian apologist and was converted to the Catholicism from his former religion – the

Anglican Church.

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In 2003, 100,345 Catholics went to prison for defending their Catholic Faith.

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The First 30 Popes did not experienced natural death

– they were martyred.

Pope Francis is the 267th Pope from St.


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The first hand-written bible (Latina Vulgata) was

compiled by St. Jerome.

The chapters & verses in the bible was divided by

Stephen Langton & Robert Estienne, respectively.

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In 2003, the fastest growing religion in South Korea is Catholic (11% of So. Koreans are


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Nominal Catholic

Cafeteria Catholic


Why is the Catholic Church the most attacked religion, while its attackers are attacking each others?

ProtestantRooted in Christ

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Timeline of CATHOLIC CHURCH history…

The Catholic Church was founded by Christ in 33AD at Jerusalem.





thru St. Peter

Pope Francis




1960(2nd Vatican Council)

(>38,000 Christian


313(Edict of Milan by


Martin Luther founded


Catholic was official religion in



Bible by St. Jerome)

The First Hand-

written Bible

1450(Guttenberg Bible – the 1st printed bible)

1228(Bible Chapters & Verses by Stephen Langton & Robert


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Catholic Church Doctrine Flow Chart

human birth

earthly death



r jud



Hell – Eternal Punishment

Heaven – Eternal Happiness

Purgatory – Temporal Punishment



start here!

TRINITY – Father, Son, Holy Spirit



Venial sin


Rel. OrdersLay People

Satan and his angels

Mary, Angels and All Saints (Communion of Saints)


Penance & Charity

earthly death


If N

o Si


Orig Sin














Finish Line

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Who Founded Your Church?

Religion Founder YearCatholic Church Jesus Christ 33 ADIglesia Ni Cristo Felix Y. Manalo 1914Seventh Day Adv E.G. White 1863Jehovah Witnesses C.T.Russel 1870 PBMA Ruben Ecleo Sr. 1965Ang Dating Daan Elie Soriano 1983Kingdon of Christ Apollo Quiboloy 1985Baptist Church John Smyth 1609Anglican Church King Henry VIII 1534

Born Again Christian Charles Parham 1960

Today: There are more than 38,000 Christian sects all claiming to be the true Church.

And there are thousands more Christian churches founded by mere humans, except the Catholic Church.

Church of Nazarene Phineas Bresee 1908Salvation Army William Booth 1878

Mormonism Joseph Smith 1840

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Dress up a Monkey as you wish, it will still remains a Monkey.

No matter how fashionable you are to dress up a monkey, it will remains a monkey – can never be a human.

The best way to deceive people is to use bible as if their teachings and church name is found in the bible.

However, history will prove to them that their churches was merely founded by men.No matter how many or how big is ‘God’, ‘Jesus’, ‘Christ’, etc. in its name, it cannot convert it to the One & True Church founded by Christ 33AD.

“Oh God, I just had found a church, & I put Your name on it! Forgive

me, but mine is the true “church” – coz it is written in the BIBLE….”

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4 Marks of Church"[We believe] in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.“ - Nicene Creed

How to find the ONE & TRUE CHURCH in the middle of the thousands Christian Churches around the world???

One:Jesus established only one Church, not a collection of different churches (INC, JW, Anglican, etc.)(Mat.16:18)

Holy:Jesus makes the Church holy, just as he is holy. This doesn't mean that each member is always holy. Jesus said there would be both good and bad members in the Church (John 6:70), and not all the members would go to heaven (Matt. 7:21-23). Catholic Church have already produced thousands of saints around the world.



His Church teaches just one set of doctrines, which must be the same as those taught by the apostles (Jude 3).

Jesus' Church is called catholic ("universal" in Greek) because it is his gift to all people. He told his apostles to go throughout the world and make disciples of "all nations“

Nowadays the Catholic Church is found in every country of the world and is still sending out missionaries to "make disciples of all nations" (Matt. 28:19).

The Church Jesus founded is apostolic because he appointed the apostles to be the first leaders of the Church, and their successors were to be its future leaders. At present, there were already 266 Popes in the Catholic Church from Peter to Pope Francis.

For everyone looks out for their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. (Phil.2:21)

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Sign of the CrossLatin: Signum Crucis

Why do Catholics makes Sign of the Cross?

Because Jesus died on the cross for the salvation of mankind. Apart from this obvious answer, it should be noted that as Christians, one essential belief is the Holy Trinity – the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are distinctly separate but one (1 Jn.5:7)

Biblical Reference:The cross is the power of God for those saved (1Cor.1:18)‘Tau’ Cross was marked in the forehead (Ez.9:4-6)The cross is the power of God for those saved (1Cor.1:18)Father’s name written in forehead (Rev.14:1)Name of the Son is written in forehead (Rev.22:4)Marked with the Holy Spirit (Eph.1:13)Cross symbolize reconciliation (Eph.2:16)

Constantine won the battle on 312AD, thru the sign of

the cross with “In Hoc Signo, Vinces”


Chi Rho


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Biblical Proof:


In the creation, God used the plural form ‘Us’ – “Let US make man in our image & likeness (Gen.1:26)Baptized them in the name (not ‘names’)of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Mat.28:19)

Manifested during Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan River (Mat.3:16)

There are 3 that bears witness in heaven, the Father, the Son & Holy Spirit; and these 3 are one. (1Jn.5:7)

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When a catholic wipes his/her handkerchief or even when non-believers accidentally touches the head of Lucifer (at the foot of St. Michael), will he/she commits idolatry by worshipping Satan’s image? Of course NOT!

If I kiss the picture of my girlfriend or if I kneel bow down before a king, am I committing an idolatry? Definitely NOT!

Biblical Proof:

Catholics venerate the one represented by the image, NOT the image itself.

St. Michael - The Archangel Is kissing and kneeling an image prohibited by God?

Ez.41:18-19, 43:3-4 – Ezekiel fell on face down before an image of cherubim

Jos.7:6, Ex.25:21-22 – Joshua fell down worshipping before the Ark of CovenantNum. 21:9 – the bronze snake was venerated by Israelites, yet did not commit sin

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Images & StatuesDo you have pictures of your loved ones? So do we.

Do you worship these pictures or the people they remind you of? Neither do we.

Do you love and honor the people represented in the pictures? So do we.

Catholic Saints

NOT All Images are prohibited in the Bible.

God ordered Moses to make a graven images of

the Cherubim (Ex.25:18-19)In God’s temple has many

images (2Chr.3:3-7,10)

Did GOD violates His own Law???

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WORSHIPLatria - is a Greek term used to mean adoration, which is the highest form of worship or reverence and is directed only to the Holy Trinity.

Dulia - The kind and degree of honor or veneration given to angels and saints. From the Greek root meaning "slavery" or, more broadly,."respect.".

Hyperdulia - is above and beyond the dulia. Hyperdulia, or extended praise, is reserved to Our Lady alone because of her role in salvation history.

WORHIP: One Word, Three Meanings

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Virgin MaryProtestant Verse:

Mary, not ever-virgin?

Joseph had no sexual intercourse with Mary “Until“ She give birth Jesus (Mat.1:25 )Jesus had may brothers (Mat 12:46)James the brother of Jesus (Gal.1:19)Catholic Answers:

The word ‘until’ in Hebrew is ‘heos’ which means ‘even’ or of uncertain affinity The raven that Noah sent didn’t come back ‘until’ the waters dried up (Gen.8:7)Michal had no child ‘until’ she died (2Sam.6:23)The word ‘brother’ in Hebrew is ‘adelphos’ which can mean ‘relatives’ or cousins and a man of the same faithAbraham called Lot as ‘brother’ though he is a nephew (Gen.14:12)About Mary?

A woman pre-selected by God (Gen.3:15)A virgin who bore the messiah (Isa.7:14Full of Grace (Luk 1:28)Assumed to heaven body & soul (Ps.132:8)

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6 Mary’s in BibleMary – Mother of Jesus

Mary Magdalene – Disciple of Jesus

Mary the mother of James and Joseph (or "Joses") (Mat. 27:56)

Mary the sister of Martha (John 11:1,2)

Mary the wife of Cleophas (John 19:25)

Mary who was greeted by Paul (Rom. 16:6)

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INFANT BAPTISM"'He who believes and is baptized

shall be saved “(Mk.16:16).Only people, therefore, who have

faith can be baptized. So, why baptize infants?

Why Catholic baptize an infant?

Baptism replaces the Jewish rite of circumcision (Col. 2,11-12)

Biblical References:

Baptism cleanses sins (Act2:38, Eph5:26)All are born with sin (Rom.5:12)Original sin is inherited by the child even when still in the womb (Ps.51:5, Wis12:10)

No one can enter heaven even with small sin (Rev.21:27)No one can enter heaven unless baptized (Jn.3:5)Baptism is also for children (Act2:39)Whole household of Lydia & Stephanus was baptized (Act16:14,33 1Cor.1:16)

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Another reason why protestant is against infant baptism.

Probably an INFANT will be drowned, if this is the method of Baptism


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There is a sin that is not deadly. (1Jn.5:17)

Latin: Purgatorium – to cleanseThe state or place of purification or temporary punishment by which those who die in a state of grace are believed to be made ready for the Beatific Vision in Heaven. Only one who dies in a state of grace can be in Purgatory, and therefore no one who is in Purgatory will remain there forever or go to Hell.Biblical Proof:

Nothing impure can enter heaven. (Rev.21:27)Jews offered sacrifices for their dead brothers hoping to be loosen from their sins. (2Mach12:46)

The punishmentt shall be based on the sin committed (Mat.5:22,Luk.12:48)Not all sins lead to eternal damnation (1Jn.5:16)

There is a fire of punishment, yet, can still be saved. (1Cor.3:15)

No way you can read ‘purgatory’ in the bible.

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Did God really prohibits to eat pork?

“Do not eat pork..” (Lev.11:1)

Catholic:God already cleansed meats which were considered unclean (Act.11:9)Let not judge for the meat you eat (Col.2:16)What defiles a man is not the food that enters the mouth but go outside (Mat15:11)

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God is a Just GodPsalm 7:1 God is Just

A child stealing bread

A terrorist killing people


Judgment will be based on what they did on earthNo one can enter heaven if small sins un-repented

Hell is an eternal punishment

Those who commit less sin will

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You can name it what you like, Catholic called it ‘Purgatory’.

To claim that PURGATORY does not exist because

the exact word does not appear in

Scripture is a failure to understand

Scripture.The name does not make the place; the place

must exist first, then we give it a name. We call this place “purgatory” because it means “a

cleansing place.” Therein souls are purged from the small stains of sin, which prevent their

immediate entrance into Heaven.

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FALLACIES:There is no ‘bible’ inside

the bible. Therefore, there is no bible.

There is no such thing as ‘Trinity’ and ‘Incarnation’ in the bible. Therefore, it

does not exist.

You cannot read in the bible that Jesus urinates, therefore, Jesus did not


One might as well even deny that there is something

called the ‘bible’ because no such name is

found in the Bible. Furthermore, one might as

well deny the Trinity, Incarnation, and so forth

because these exact words are not found in the Bible.

Remember: That the bible was not sent from heaven in complete form, it was only compiled on the 4th Century

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ROSARYLatin: Rosarium, meaning "Crown of Roses"

Why do Catholics pray the Rosary?

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