Page 1: My Slow Carb Diet experience, hacking with Four Hour Body

Health Sun Mar 6, 2011 7:30am - 7:50am Tepid shower with 1-2 minutes of 50 degree water 8am - 8:15am 30 grams whey protein isolate (no flavor, just water mixed) 8:30am - 8:45am BG 85 single poached egg, including yolk 12:45pm - 1:45pm 8 oz hamburger with salt and pepper, sauteed mushrooms Where: Ruby Tuesdays in Cullman, AL 2pm - 2:30pm 8oz iced black coffee 2:35pm - 2:35pm BG 85 3pm - 3:20pm 6oz iced black coffee 5pm - 5pm BG 80 5:30pm - 5:40pm 25 grams whey protein isolate, 2 soft boiled eggs whole 6pm - 6:30pm Themogenic: ice pack on back of neck, upper back 6:30pm - 6:50pm Soak left foot in ice water to help rehab swollen ankle Where: Soak left foot in ice water to help rehab swollen ankle Health 7:30pm - 7:45pm Soak left foot in ice water 8pm - 8pm BG 94 8:12pm - 8:20pm 6 baby brussel sprouts, 1 boiled egg 9:18pm - 9:22pm 1/4 cup of cooked split peas (no seasoning) Mon Mar 7, 2011 8:37am - 8:40am 16 oz of ice cold water upon waking 9:19am - 9:29am .25 cup cold split peas cooked al dente, 7 pecan halves, 15 grams whey protein isolate 9:22am - 9:32am Ice pack on ankle 10:20am - 10:20am BG 103 11:35am - 11:40am 25 grams whey protein isolate, 5 pecan halves 11:42am - 11:42am BG 85 1pm - 1pm BG 83 Health 7pm - 7pm BG: 102 7:15pm - 7:25pm 1 cup cooked spinach 3.5 egg whites, 5 yolks 8:40pm - 9:40pm Ice pack on neck and upper back

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9:52pm - 9:52pm BG 78 Tue Mar 8, 2011 5:10am - 5:10am BG 80 16 oz ice cold water 5:35am - 5:45am 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 can spinach 5:50am - 6:10am Treading water Where: Aquatic center 6:20am - 6:40am Walk around in 42F air, wet from swimming 7:10am - 7:10am BG 91, take morning meds 7:30am - 7:30am 15 shoulder/bicep lifts 30 lbs each arm 8:40am - 8:40am 50 air squats 8:50am - 9am 4 soft boiled eggs, 1 cup cooked spinach with paprika, pepper sauce and chili powder Health 9:28am - 9:29am 15 push ups 12:20pm - 1:15pm 4 pieces yellowfin sashimi 2:38pm - 2:38pm 2 oz oil roasted and salted almonds 3:23pm - 3:23pm BG 81 4:30pm - 4:30pm 50 grams whey protein isolate 7:50pm - 8:05pm Two fried chicken breasts, breading and skin removed Where: Bojangles 9pm - 9pm BG 94 9:18pm - 9:22pm Half cup cooked lintels 10pm - 10:20pm Ice pack on neck and upper back Wed Mar 9, 2011

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9:30am - 9:30am BG 85 10 oz ice cold water 10:30am - 10:55am 1 cup cooked spinach, 1 hard boiled egg, 1 soft boiled egg yolk, 50 grams whey protein 11am - 11:10am 30 air squats, 50 back leg lifts, yoga rolls, 25 crunches, stretching Health 12:18pm - 12:18pm BG 93 1:05pm - 1:10pm 4 hard boiled eggs 2:19pm - 2:19pm BG 83 4pm - 4:02pm .75 cup cooked lintels, 1 hard boiled egg 8pm - 8pm 5 oil roasted almonds (not really on diet) 9:05pm - 9:17pm Kale with hotsauce 9:15pm - 9:15pm BG 78 11:30pm - 11:30pm BG 74 Thu Mar 10, 2011 12am - 12am BG 74 12am - 12am BG 74 12:30am - 12:50am Ice pack on back of neck and upper back 6:20am - 6:20am BG 78 7:20am - 7:30am 25 grams whey protein, 2 soft poached eggs, 1 cup cooked spinach 8:30am - 8:30am BG 73 Health 10:23am - 10:23am BG 78

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11:20am - 11:24am One soft boiled egg yolk, kale, hot sauce, 25 grams whey protein 11:30am - 12:30pm Doctor visit Where: Dr David Crowder's office 1:17pm - 1:40pm Chef salad with chicken, green peppers, hot sauce and small a amount ofcheese, 1:51pm - 1:51pm 5 oil roasted almonds 2:50pm - 3:10pm 2 cups coffee 4:20pm - 4:20pm 50 grams whey protein 6:30pm - 7pm Free range vegetarian fed chicken breast covered in cayenne pepper, wilted spinach wilted in 2tbsp extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegarwith avocado, red onion, tomatoes 7:30pm - 7:30pm BG 72 8:30pm - 8:50pm Ice bath, sitting up to mid torso in cold water and 20 lbs of ice 9pm - 9pm BG 69 10:10pm - 10:10pm BG 67 Health Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:30am - 5:30am Wake 5:40am - 5:40am BG 74 6:10am - 6:30am 50 grams whey protein, 3 egg yolks 6:35am - 6:45am Floor exercises, stretching, crunches 8:30am - 8:30am BG 78

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9:50am - 9:55am 4 hard boiled eggs 12pm - 12pm BG 71 12:18pm - 12:20pm 50 grams whey protein 5pm - 5:10pm 2 cups green beans with pork flavoring 6:25pm - 6:35pm BG: 63, 1 cup canned pinto beans, 1/2 cup cayenne pepper sauce 7:45pm - 8:15pm 1 can spinach, 5oz chicken breasts cooked with tereso, 1tbsp tereso, 10oz red wine 8:30pm - 8:30pm BG 83 Sat Mar 12, 2011 4:45am - 5am BG 69 4 whole eggs microwaved with pinto beans Health 4:55am - 4:59am Poo (finally, normal) 5:10am - 5:10am Pills: B complex, multivitamin, vitamin C, Vitamin D3 and K2, metformin, antibiotic (eyelid infection), niacin 6:15am - 6:40am Take a walk in the cool dark morning (41F outside) first long walksince latest ankle injury 7:13am - 7:50am Eggs benedict: 6 English muffins, 3 slices of Canadian bacon, 2 poachedeggs, 1.5 cups hollandaise sauce, 3 strawberries, chili powder 8:43am - 8:43am BG 81 11:35am - 12pm 1 big slice keylime cheesecake and coffee

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12:57pm - 12:57pm BG 96 5:45pm - 5:45pm BG 91 9:35pm - 9:35pm BG 101 11:25pm - 11:25pm BG 110 several glasses of water Sun Mar 13, 2011 8am - 8:20am BG 119 6 scrambled eggs, sausage, tomato, .25 can spinach 8:25am - 8:25am Morning pills: vitamin B complex, C, multivitamin, niacin Health 1pm - 1:15pm BG 98 .25 cup scambled eggs and sausage, .75 can of cooked spinach leftovers 1:36pm - 1:56pm Kale, iceberg lettuce, Canadian bacon, soft boiled egg, olive oil with Greek seasoning and balsamic vinegar 6pm - 6pm BG 91 6:10pm - 6:10pm Iceberg lettuce, Canadian bacon, hot sauce 6:26pm - 6:32pm Iceberg lettuce, green and black olives, kale, hot sauce 8pm - 8pm BG 94 10:40pm - 10:40pm BG 87 Mon Mar 14, 2011 All day No food or meds to diary after bed Mon Mar 14, 2011 - Tue Mar 15, 2011 12:15am - 12:20am Kale, olive oil, hot sauce

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1am - 1am Bed (doesn't necessarily reflect time I went to sleep) Tue Mar 15, 2011 All day No food or meds to diary Tue Mar 15, 2011 - Wed Mar 16, 2011 Health Wed Mar 16, 2011 All day No food or meds to diary Wed Mar 16, 2011 - Thu Mar 17, 2011 3pm - 5pm Eye exam Where: Cullman Walmart Thu Mar 17, 2011 All day No food or meds to diary until dinner Thu Mar 17, 2011 - Fri Mar 18, 2011 7:30pm - 7:30pm Plum 8pm - 8:45pm Pork loin, tomatoes, tomatillo salsa, tomato salsa, guacamole, Argentine Malbec Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:20am - 8:35am BG 80 4.5 boiled eggs, 25 grams whey protein 10am - 10am BM large 11:05am - 11:05am BG 89 11:30am - 12pm 2.5 cups of cooked lentils with spices and olive oil, salt, pepper, 2cups pork loin meat 1:30pm - 3pm 4 cups coffee 3:15pm - 3:15pm BM normal, loose Health

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3:30pm - 4pm 2.5 cups cooked lentils with spices and oil 5:30pm - 5:30pm BG 93 7:45pm - 8:05pm BG pre 84, Ice bath, 10 min legs only and 10 min torso (hard to get chest under the water) post BG 92 8:30pm - 9pm Pan cooked chicken, spinach, cayenne pepper sauce 9:16pm - 9:16pm BG 86 10:16pm - 10:16pm BG 92 11:50pm - 11:53pm 3 oz salted ham steak 11:54pm - 11:56pm 45 air squats Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:11am - 12:11am BG 87 12:50am - 12:50am Bed (not necessarily sleep) 6:26am - 6:26am Wake BG 87 6:30am - 6:30am 500ml cold water 7am - 7:05am 25 grams whey protein, 1 boiled egg 10am - 10am BG 86 Health 10:20am - 10:25am 1 boiled egg 10:42am - 10:50am 1 cup lintels in coconut milk, cumin, salt, chili powder 11:20am - 11:31am 1 cup lintels, cooked in coconut milk, cumin, ginger and chili powder

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12:34pm - 12:34pm BG 110 12:43pm - 1pm 1 cup cooscoos with feta cheese, olives, parmesan dressing, buffalo sauce, 12oz Sam Adams Double Bock 1:30pm - 2:13pm 2 cups lentils cooked in coconut milk, cumin, ginger, salt, spices, 1.5 cups Breyer's Natural Vanilla Bean ice cream with 3 oz vodka, .5 cupsvanilla ice cream 1.5oz green apple schnopps 2:15pm - 2:20pm BM normal 3:45pm - 3:45pm BG 126 6:55pm - 7:15pm Miso soup, fried and breaded onion, shrimp, pepper, teriyaki shrimp with fried rice, three nigiri 8:33pm - 8:33pm BG 172 #FAIL! 9:05pm - 9:05pm 455mg cayenne fruit capsule 9:33pm - 9:53pm 20 minute ice bath 10pm - 10pm BM normal, slightly loose Health 10:20pm - 10:22pm 20 air squats, 60 seconds of leg lifts and ab crunches 10:50pm - 10:50pm BG 127 an hour after ice bath 10:55pm - 11:15pm 3.5oz pork loin, 2 cups vanilla ice cream, 3 oatmeal raisin cookies, 3oz vodka Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:40am - 7:40am Wake BG 105

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7:50am - 8am 2 cups of lintels, 24oz water 8am - 8:05am 45 leg lifts on floor, 45 backward crunches on floor 9:30am - 9:30am BG 121 10:30am - 10:30am BG 123, 24oz cold water 12:15pm - 12:19pm 50 grams whey protein, 1/2 cup cooked lintels 1pm - 1:30pm 24 ounces water 3:50pm - 4:08pm BG 92, 2 cup2 cooked green lentils with coconut milk, ginger, cumin, hot sauce, 3oz hamsteak (2% sugar) 4:30pm - 4:30pm BM small 5:29pm - 5:29pm BG 112, 24 oz water Health 7pm - 7pm 1000 extended release metformin 8:10pm - 9pm BG 90, rotisserie chicken without skin, grilled squash, zucchini andbaby brussle sprouts cooked in bacon grease (two slices), 40oz water -(double helping of all) 9:15pm - 9:15pm 500mg Keflex (for eyelid infection), 400mg niacin + 100mg inositol (as inositol hexanicotinate), 81mg asperin 9:46pm - 9:46pm BG 87 10pm - 10pm Bed (not necessarily sleep) Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:30am - 5:30am Wake BG 79

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5:50am - 5:50am 50 grams whey protein, 4x refined fish oil 5:53am - 5:53am BM small 6:50am - 6:50am 500mg Keflex, DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineral supplement, 400mgniacin + 100mg inositol (as inositol hexanicotinate), 2 refined fishoil capsules, vitamin C 7:42am - 7:42am BG 98 8:10am - 8:40am 2 cups of coffee 9am - 9am BM normal Health 9:30am - 11:55am 2 cups coffee, 16oz water 12pm - 12pm BM small 12:13pm - 12:33pm BG 83, 1 cup cooked lintels (with coconut milk, cumin, chili powder) 1:45pm - 1:45pm BG 108 6pm - 6pm BG 81, 1000mg metformin, 500mg Keflex, 81mg asperin, 400mg niacin 7:03pm - 7:33pm Pork chop, tomatoes and cucumbers seasoned with balsamic vinegar andoregano 8 oz dry cab 8:31pm - 8:31pm BG 86, 1.5 liter water 9:35pm - 9:35pm 30 grams whey protein, 455mg cayenne capsule 10pm - 10:20pm 20 minute ice bath

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10:25pm - 10:25pm BG 77, 1 liter cold water Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:08am - 12:12am 1 can spinach (60 cal, 9 grams of fiber), 6.5 soft boiled eggs 7am - 7:10am BG 81, 500ml cold water 7:25am - 7:25am BM large 7:50am - 8am 2 boiled eggs Health 7:50am - 8:20am 750ml water,12oz coffee 10:10am - 10:24am 8oz water, 2 boiled eggs 12:18pm - 12:18pm BG 85 1pm - 1:33pm 50 air squats, 500ml water, 3 boiled eggs with splash of hot sauce, 1cup of coffee 2:50pm - 2:55pm 500ml water 5:50pm - 5:54pm BG 74, 1 can spinach (60 cal) 9:10pm - 9:30pm BG 72, 2 boiled eggs with 2tbsp hot sauce, 8oz dry cab 9:51pm - 9:51pm 500ml water,1000mg metformin, 500mg Keflex, 81mg asperin, 800mg niacin,DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineral supplement, 4 refined fish oilcapsules, vitamin C Wed Mar 23, 2011 6:28am - 6:28am Wake, BG 69, 500ml water 6:45am - 6:45am 500mg Keflex, DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineral supplement, 400mgniacin + 100mg inositol, 2 refined fish oil capsules, vitamin C

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6:50am - 7:25am 3 poached eggs, .5 cup cooked spinach, 2tbsp hot sauce, 500ml water, 1cup coffee 7:35am - 7:50am Stretching, pushups, leg lifts Health 8:44am - 8:44am BG 84 9am - 9:20am Coffee 10:30am - 10:40am 12oz water 12pm - 12:20pm 1/3 cup lintels with coconut milk, ginger, cumin, chili powder, 2boiled eggs, 1 cup spinach, 4oz dry cab 12:30pm - 12:40pm 500ml water 1:30pm - 1:30pm BG 88 1:47pm - 2:07pm [experiment] 45 air squats, Russell Stover Sugar Free Pecan Delight (9.7 grams sugar), 2 Mint Patty (52 grams total carbs), ChocolateTruffle (1 gram total carbs), 11 leg lift crunches, 15 push ups, 12curls 25lbs each arm 3:08pm - 3:08pm BG 88 6:48pm - 6:56pm BG 78, .5 cup lentils with coconut milk, ginger, cumin, chili powder,salt and 2 whole eggs microwaved 8:50pm - 8:58pm 3oz ham steak, 455mg cayenne, 400mg niacin + 100mg inositol, 81mg asperin, 500ml water 9:12pm - 9:12pm BG 89

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9:43pm - 10:07pm Ice bath, BG 73 Health 10:37pm - 10:43pm 1/2 cup lentils cooked with coconut milk, cumin, chili powder, salt Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:07am - 7:07am BG 79 7:20am - 7:20am 500mg Keflex, DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineral supplement, 400mgniacin + 100mg inositol, 2 refined fish oil capsules, vitamin C 7:30am - 7:50am 1/3 cup of spinach, 2/3 cup of lentils cooked in coconut milk, ginger, cumin, chili powder, salt, 3 poached eggs, 750ml water 8:05am - 8:20am Walk to coffee shop (approx .75 mile) 8:30am - 9:20am 12oz coffee with cinnamon 9:21am - 9:24am BM large 9:32am - 9:34am BM small, loose 11am - 11:20am 750ml cold water 12:05pm - 12:05pm BG 80 12:27pm - 12:27pm 50mg metoprolol 12:55pm - 1:30pm Spinach leafs, avocado, tomatoes, edonome beans, feta and cesar styleddressing with 2 chicken breasts, 4oz dry cab and 500ml water. Health 2:58pm - 2:58pm BG 87 3:51pm - 3:51pm BG 84

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5:53pm - 6:30pm BG 84, 2 chicken breasts, 1/2 cup lintels seasoned with coconut milk, ginger, cumin and salt, 1/2 avocado, 4oz dry cab 7:39pm - 7:39pm BG 81, 500mg metformin, 400mg niacin + 100mg inositol, 81mg asperin,500mg Keflex 9pm - 9pm Bed, not necessarily sleep (but fell asleep pretty fast) Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:15am - 6:15am Wake 6:30am - 6:30am BG 70 6:55am - 7:15am 5 slices of bacon, 3 poached eggs, 1 small tomato diced with salt and pepper, fresh spinach, 1 tbsp olive oil, 2tsp balsamic sherry vinegar 7:39am - 7:39am 500mg Keflex, DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineral supplement, 400mgniacin + 100mg inositol, 2 refined fish oil capsules, vitamin C, 500mg metformin, 50mg metoprolol 8:30am - 9:15am 12oz elderberry tea 10:29am - 10:29am BG 70 Health 12pm - 12:40pm 2 scrambled eggs cooked in .5 tbsp bacon grease, wilted fresh spinach, capers, 1.5 tbsp balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, 1 strip bacon 12:50pm - 1:20pm 500ml water 1:38pm - 1:38pm BG 76 2:30pm - 3:10pm 500ml water

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6pm - 6:30pm Light weight lifting to prep muscles for ice bath: back, stomach,shoulders, arms 6:50pm - 7:10pm 2.5 chicken breasts with dry cayenne pepper powder, 50oz water 8:05pm - 8:20pm BG 72 before, 15 minute ice bath, 69 after 9:40pm - 9:40pm BG 66 10:30pm - 10:30pm Bed, not necessarily sleep Sat Mar 26, 2011 5:30am - 5:30am Wake, BG 75 6am - 6:25am 500ml water 6:20am - 6:57am 7oz prunes, 350ml Gulden Draak Ale, 2 dark Reeses peanut butter cups, 1stick peanut butter Twix candy bar, leftover fried ranch mushrooms andfried green tomatoes Health 7:05am - 7:05am 500mg Keflex, 400mg niacin + 100mg inositol, 1 refined fish oil capsule, 500mg metformin, 50mg metoprolol, 5mg Onglyza (to help withcheat day) 7:20am - 7:30am BM small, loose [note: breaking carb fasts sometimes causes dumping] 7:50am - 8am 1 cup coffee, DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineral supplement 8am - 8am BG 87 8:30am - 9:30am 1500 ml water 8:30am - 8:30am BM small, loose 9am - 9am BG 87

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10:09am - 10:12am BM large, loose 10:19am - 10:45am Rye bread, herb roasted turkey, cheese, 11:02am - 11:07am BM large, very loose 12:47pm - 12:47pm BG 105 1:32pm - 1:50pm Double scoop black cherry vanilla ice cream in a waffle cone with a adding walnuts to saturate bites with black walnuts and coffee 2:15pm - 2:30pm 1/2 bottle Gulden Draak beer Health 2:55pm - 2:55pm BG 134 3:14pm - 4:08pm Yeast roll with butter, lots of water, Ceasar salad, bacon and cheddar encrusted sirloin, stuffed mashed potatoes covered in bacon, cheese andbutter, bbq bacon cheese burger with onion rings, french fries withketchup 5:45pm - 5:45pm BG 137 7:09pm - 7:09pm BG 163 7:20pm - 7:50pm Chick-fil-a large diet lemonade (32 ounce) 8:53pm - 8:53pm BG 122 10:12pm - 10:25pm Ribs approx 6oz 11pm - 11pm BG 112 11:55pm - 12am 3 oz mozzarella cheese, another 3oz mozzarella cheese in olive oil,salt, pepper with fresh spinach leaves, 4oz dry cab

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Sun Mar 27, 2011 8:05am - 8:05am Wake, BG 102 8:42am - 9am 50 grams whey protein, 1 liter water, hand full of black walnuts 11:32am - 12pm 2/3 cup refried black beans and extra hot sauce, hand full of black walnuts, 500ml water, 300ml lapsang souchong tea, steeped for 3.5 min,500ml water Health 12:11pm - 12:13pm BM large 12:30pm - 12:30pm BG 100 12:50pm - 1:10pm 500ml water 1:40pm - 1:44pm BM small 1:47pm - 1:52pm 500ml water 2:20pm - 2:20pm BG 99 3:15pm - 3:40pm Walk in the cool weather 3:51pm - 4pm Decaf coffee 4:30pm - 5pm 1 avocado with hot sauce, 1/3 of a lime, 1/3 cup black walnuts, 1/2 cup refried black beans 6:25pm - 6:25pm BG 90 8:24pm - 8:24pm 1 cup lintels 8:40pm - 9pm 500ml lapsang souchong with 1 spoon of cinnamon 10pm - 10pm BG 99, 400 mg niacin and 100 mg inositol, 500 mg Keflex

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Mon Mar 28, 2011 7:05am - 7:05am Wake up, BG 90, 500ml cold water Health 7:40am - 8am 100 grams whey protein, 1 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 cup black walnuts, 500ml water 8:05am - 8:13am Short run 10 minutes 8:20am - 8:40am Coffee 9am - 11am 2 liters water 9:15am - 9:15am BG 97 11:05am - 11:08am BM small 12:27pm - 12:31pm BM normal, firm 12:35pm - 12:35pm 1 D3, 1 vegan vitamin, 400 mg niacin, 100 mg inositol, 300 ml water 12:38pm - 12:38pm BG 101 12:50pm - 1:02pm Coffee with cinnamon 4:44pm - 5:04pm BG 78, 1/2 cup lentils with garlic, lime juice, olive oil, salt, hotsauce, 500 ml water 7pm - 7:15pm 2 lemons sliced 7:22pm - 7:46pm BG 99, 8oz hamburger, 4oz mushrooms Health 8:02pm - 8:02pm 455 mg cayenne

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8:10pm - 8:10pm BG 83 8:30pm - 9pm Warm shower, 50 air squats, 30 minute ice bath 10:07pm - 10:07pm BG 70 11:30pm - 11:30pm Bed (not necessarily sleep) Tue Mar 29, 2011 6am - 6am Wake, BG 81, 500 ml water 6:30am - 7:08am 100 grams whey protein, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 cup black walnuts, 500ml hot rooisbos tea 8:10am - 8:30am Short walk, 12 oz hot yerba matte tea 10:27am - 10:29am BM normal 10:47am - 11:23am Walk 11:40am - 12pm Cup of coffee 12:22pm - 12:27pm 2 soft poached eggs, 1/2 cup refried black beans, hot sauce 12:30pm - 12:40pm Run BG test comparisons between FreeStyle and ReliOn 12:35pm - 12:35pm BG 70 Health 1:46pm - 1:46pm BG 81 4:45pm - 5:10pm 1 cup lintels, 1 soft poached egg, hot sauce 5:52pm - 5:52pm BG 90 6pm - 6pm Finish drinking 2000 ml water (been sipping all day)

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7:48pm - 8:40pm 1 cut lemon, grilled beans, broccoli, coffee 9:11pm - 9:11pm 400 mg niacin, 100 mg inositol 9:52pm - 9:52pm BG 84 11:24pm - 11:24pm 4 oz dry cab 11:40pm - 11:40pm Bed (not necessarily sleep) Wed Mar 30, 2011 6:30am - 6:30am Wake 7am - 7:40am BG 81, 500 ml water, 500 ml rooisbos tea, hand full of walnuts, 6 soft poached eggs, 1/2 fresh lemon 8am - 8:20am Walk, pause 5 min to visit neighbors 11am - 12:30pm BG 86, 1/4 lemon, 1 cup lintels, 3 cloves garlic slightly roasted, 1tbsp hot sauce, 2tsp salt, 1000 ml water, 4oz dry red cabernet Health 11:10am - 11:10am Note: significant ankle discomfort, pain in the joint 11:50am - 11:50am Ketocaine ointment on left ankle 12:50pm - 2:20pm 1000 ml water 1:39pm - 1:39pm BG 90 2:27pm - 2:40pm Submerge left ankle in bucket of ice water 7 min, hot water 2 min 2:40pm - 2:56pm 16 minute hot shower

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3pm - 3pm Apply keprocaine ointment to left ankle 3:35pm - 3:40pm 500 ml water 4:30pm - 5:15pm Vision check up 5:15pm - 5:15pm BM small 6:45pm - 7pm Bg 76, 1/2 cup refried blaxk beans, hand full of blaxk walnuts 8:24pm - 8:43pm 1 squeezed lemon, 5oz sausage, 2.5 cups turnip greens, 1 cup northern beans, hot sauce, water, 455 mg cayenne capsule 9:05pm - 9:05pm BG 83 9:32pm - 9:50pm Ice bath Health 10:27pm - 10:27pm BG 77, slowly sipping 4 oz dry cab Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:45am - 5:45am Wake, BG 85, 500 ml water 6:45am - 7:05am 1/3 cup black walnuts, 1 soft poached egg, 1/2 cup cooked spinach, a few spinach leaves, 16 oz coffee, 1.5 tsp cinnamon, 10 baby brusselspouts, 80 grams whey protein 6:50am - 6:52am BM small 7:30am - 7:35am BM large 8:08am - 8:16am 1250 Omega -3: EPA 650 DHA 500 other 100mg, 400 mg niacin inositol 100mg, D3 5000 U, K2 80 mcg, L-taurine 100 mg, quercetin 30 mg, boron 2mg, DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineral suppliment, 500 ml ice water 8:30am - 9:30am 16 oz elderberry orange pico tea

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10am - 10:12am 16 oz coffee 10:45am - 10:55am 16 oz coffee 10:55am - 10:55am BG 85 12:10pm - 1:30pm 1/2 lemon squeezed, 3 chicken breasts coated in pepper sauce (with somebutter and cayenne), 12 baby brussel sprouts 2:30pm - 2:30pm Finished 500 ml water Health 3:07pm - 3:07pm BG 81 3:10pm - 3:20pm 500 ml water 6:30pm - 6:40pm 1/2 cup lintels 7:39pm - 8:05pm 1/2 cup lentils, 1/4 cup black walnut, 4oz dry red wine 8:21pm - 8:21pm 400 mg niacin, 100 mg inositol 9:46pm - 9:46pm BG 73 Fri Apr 1, 2011 5:45am - 5:45am BG 77, 300 ml water 6:45am - 7am 3 soft poached eggs, 2/3 cup lentils with peppers, cumin, tumeric,chili powder, salt and hot sauce 8:08am - 10:15am 700 ml water, 24 oz coffee, Walk a few miles (sprint .3 miles), 1 cigarette (rare indulgence) 10:26am - 10:26am BG 77

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12:27pm - 1:37pm 3.5 cups lentils with tomatoes, healthy dose of cumin, salt, pepper, turmeric and chili powder 3:15pm - 3:15pm BG 101 (part of my lentils experiment) Health 5:05pm - 5:10pm 455 mg cayenne with sip of red wine and 3 spoon lentils 5:26pm - 6pm BG 89, warm shower, 20 minute ice bath, 1 oz red wine 7:30pm - 8:15pm Lettuce, 3 oz miso soup (not the tofu), green beans, zucchini, onion, steak (shish kabob) 9:30pm - 10pm 6oz red cab Sat Apr 2, 2011 12:22am - 12:22am BG 79, 3 oz dry red cab 6:30am - 6:30am Wake, BG 77, BM large (very) 7:30am - 7:45am 30 grams whey protein, 2 soft poached eggs, 4 oz dry red cab 8am - 8am 1250 Omega -3: EPA 650 DHA 500 other 100mg, 400 mg niacin inositol 100mg, D3 5000 U, K2 80 mcg, L-taurine 100 mg, quercetin 30 mg, boron 2mg, DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineral suppliment, 500 ml water 8:05am - 8:15am Very short walk, in cool April breeze 9:22am - 9:27am 8 oz coffee, 1.5 tsp freshly ground cinnamon (experimenting with grinder) 10:50am - 10:50am BG 85 11:32am - 11:35am 1 cigarette (rare indulgence, not again in April)

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Health 12:15pm - 12:45pm 1 lemon, 1 bottle lager, beef tips, onions, tomatoes, cheese, sauce, mashed potatoes 1:05pm - 1:20pm Deep fried banana pudding, wrapped in tortilla, sprinkled with powderedsugar, dollop of vanilla ice cream, drizzled in maple syrup 1:55pm - 2:05pm 12 oz coffee 2:35pm - 2:38pm BM normal 2:56pm - 2:56pm BG 85 4:42pm - 4:42pm BG 84, 12 oz hot hibiscus tea 6:26pm - 6:28pm 1.75 tsp rough ground cinnamon in 8 oz warm orange pecoe, 18 oz water 6:41pm - 7:43pm Coq Au Vin with chicken, egg noodles, mushrooms, red wine deduction,asparagus, chocolate filled crepe with cinnamon sprinkled, drink: tea,water - very large portions 9:15pm - 9:15pm BG 107 9:40pm - 10pm 4 oz dry red cab 10:30pm - 10:30pm BG 92 11:14pm - 11:22pm Bowl of pasta and chicken, bowl of Doritos Health 11:51pm - 12am Ice pack on upper back for 30 minutes before sleep, going to bed Sun Apr 3, 2011

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12am - 12:21am Ice pack on upper back for 30 minutes before sleep, going to bed 7:20am - 7:20am Wake, BG 102, 500 ml water 7:40am - 8:15am 50 mg whey protein, 3 soft poached eggs, hot sauce, 6 oz coffee 8:21am - 8:21am 455 mg cayenne pepper, 800 mg niacin, 200 mg inositol, 2500 Omega -3:EPA 1300 DHA 1000 other 200mg, , D3 5000 U, K2 80 mcg, L-taurine 100mg, quercetin 30 mg, boron 2 mg, DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineralsupplement, Spring Valley Natural B vitamin supplement, 900 ml water 8:40am - 8:55am Warm shower 10:30am - 10:30am BG 100 12:57pm - 1:26pm 3 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice, 1.5 cups kidney beans, 8oz chicken breast shreaded and cooked in salsa, .75 cup tomatoes, 1/3 avocado, 4oz red wine, 1000 ml water 2pm - 2pm Finished 500 ml water 2:35pm - 2:35pm BG 91 3:15pm - 4:45pm Nap 4:50pm - 4:50pm BG 86 Health 6:17pm - 6:51pm 3 oz chicken thigh cooked in red wine, 2 sliced lemons, 1 cup pinto beans, 2 tbsp green salsa, 1.5 liter water (where much of the lemonended up) 7pm - 7pm 500 ml water 8:23pm - 8:23pm BG 95 8:50pm - 9:23pm Walk with Victoria

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10:30pm - 10:30pm Bed Mon Apr 4, 2011 6am - 6am Wake BG 91 6:40am - 7am 100 grams whey protein in 500 ml water, 2 eggs scrambled and microwaved, 500 ml water 7:35am - 9am Walk to coffee house (1-2 miles), 12 oz hibiscus, 12 oz coffee,socializing 9am - 9:05am BM large 9:10am - 9:16am 500 ml water 12pm - 12:39pm 1 cup red kidney beans, 2 tbsp lime & garlic salsa, 1 tsp hot sauce, 1 squeezed lemon, 1 liter water, 4 oz dry red cab 3pm - 3pm BG 89 Health 3:30pm - 3:30pm 1/2 cup lintels with tomatoes, garlic, cumin, peppers, salt (tastingwhile cooking batch) 6:28pm - 7:23pm 1 cup lintels, garlic, tomatoes, cumin, dry red peppers, 1tsp hotsauce, 455 mg cayenne pepper, 400 mg niacin, 100 mg inositol, 4 oz dryred cab 7:30pm - 7:38pm Warm shower, hand full of air.squats 7:46pm - 8:12pm Ice bath 8:55pm - 8:55pm BG 74 10:30pm - 10:30pm Bed

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Tue Apr 5, 2011 5:30am - 5:30am Wake, BG 79 6am - 6:15am 50 grams whey protein, 1 microwaved egg 8:20am - 8:23am BM normal 8:27am - 8:27am Finish 2 liters water 9:05am - 9:05am BG 74 9:20am - 9:20am 400 mg niacin, 100 mg inositol, 1250 Omega -3: EPA 650 DHA 500 other100mg, , D3 5000 U, K2 80 mcg, L-taurine 100 mg, quercetin 30 mg, boron2 mg, DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineral supplement, Spring ValleyNatural B vitamin supplement, 85 mg aspirin, 500 ml lapsang souchong tea Health 12:37pm - 12:55pm 1 cup lentils with garlic, cumin, dried pepper flakes, salt, 4 oz red cab, 500 ml water 2:03pm - 2:30pm 12 oz hibiscus tea 5:30pm - 6pm 1 cup kidney beans, 2tbsp salsa, 1 squeezed lemon 6:30pm - 6:40pm 12 oz bibiscus tea, 12 oz water 7:30pm - 7:40pm 1/2 cup lentils, 500 ml water 8:45pm - 8:45pm BG 71 9pm - 9:15pm 4 oz hamburger seasoned, 3 eggs2 tbsp salsa 10:36pm - 10:36pm BG 80 Wed Apr 6, 2011 5:28am - 5:28am Wake, BG 72

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5:30am - 6am 50 grams whey protein mixed in 500 ml water, 3 eggs cooked in leftover hamburger grease with chili seasoning, tomatoes, black peas scrambled,500 ml water 6:19am - 6:45am Walk 6:50am - 6:50am BM normal 7am - 7am BG 86 Health 8am - 8am 500 ml water, 400 mg niacin, 100 mg inositol, 1250 Omega -3: EPA 650DHA 500 other 100mg, , D3 5000 U, K2 80 mcg, L-taurine 100 mg,quercetin 30 mg, boron 2 mg, DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineralsupplement, 85 mg aspirin 8:12am - 8:30am 12 oz yerba matte tea 9:18am - 9:18am BG 74 10:55am - 10:55am BM small 12pm - 12:30pm 3 chicken breasts with hot sauce, bowl of romane lettuce, 50 oz water 2:30pm - 2:30pm BG 82, water, vitamin B complex 2:35pm - 2:40pm 1/2 cup lintels, 1 tsp macadamia oil 4:45pm - 4:45pm BG 75 6pm - 6pm Legs, chest, hams (workout), BG 70 6:30pm - 7pm 1 cup lentils with garlic and 1 cup canned kidney beans with tomatoes, cumin, dried peppers, salt 7:45pm - 7:45pm 455 mg cayenne pepper

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8:06pm - 8:06pm BG 82 8:35pm - 8:55pm Ice water bath Health 9:07pm - 9:07pm BG 77 11pm - 11pm Bed Thu Apr 7, 2011 6:30am - 6:30am Wake 6:50am - 6:50am BG 84 7:05am - 7:25am 50 grams whey protein, 1 egg scrambled in macadamia oil 7:33am - 7:35am BM normal 7:45am - 7:45am 500 ml water, (oval white pill) 400 mg niacin, 100 mg inositol, (golden translucent pill) 1250 Omega -3: EPA 650 DHA 500 other 100mg, , (yellowoval pill) D3 5000 U, K2 80 mcg, L-taurine 100 mg, quercetin 30 mg,boron 2 mg, (orange solid pill) DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineralsupplement, (small round pinkish pill) 85 mg aspirin, High PotencyB-Complex by Spring Valley 8:12am - 8:12am BG 91 8:30am - 9:40am Walk/run to coffee house (~1.5 miles), 24 oz coffee 9:45am - 9:45am BM small 10:05am - 10:05am BG 69 10:14am - 10:14am 1 liter water, 400 mg niacin, 100 mg inositol, 1250 Omega -3: EPA 650DHA 500 other 100mg, , D3 5000 U, K2 80 mcg, L-taurine 100 mg,quercetin 30 mg, boron 2 mg, DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineralsupplement, 85 mg aspirin, 1 Spring Valley Natural B High PotencyB-Complex

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Health 12:38pm - 1:08pm 2.5 cups northern beans (canned) with one squeezed lemon, 6 oz baby spinach wilted in sherry vinegar and macadamia oil, 4 oz cab, 1 literwater 2:25pm - 2:25pm BG 86 4:09pm - 4:09pm BM small 8pm - 8:40pm 12 oz sirloin, baked spaghetti squash, grilled zucchini, 1 lemon, lotsof water 10:34pm - 10:34pm BG 73 10:38pm - 10:53pm Ice bath Fri Apr 8, 2011 3:30am - 3:30am Wake, bathroom visit, back to bed 6:30am - 6:30am Wake 6:54am - 6:54am BG 78, 50 grams whey, 1 tsp macadamia nut oil 7am - 7am 500 ml water, (oval white pill) 400 mg niacin, 100 mg inositol, (golden translucent pill) 1250 Omega -3: EPA 650 DHA 500 other 100mg, , (yellowoval pill) D3 5000 U, K2 80 mcg, L-taurine 100 mg, quercetin 30 mg,boron 2 mg, (orange solid pill) DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineralsupplement, (small round pinkish pill) 85 mg aspirin, High PotencyB-Complex by Spring Valley 7:02am - 7:22am Run/walk .7 miles (to/from Coffee House) Health 12:28pm - 12:58pm 3 chicken breasts, bowl of lettuce, 2 boiled eggs, 2 tbsp buffalo hot sauce 2pm - 2:30pm 12 oz yerba matté tea

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2:50pm - 2:50pm BG 83 5:15pm - 5:15pm 14 oz coffee with 2 tsp fresh ground cinnamon 5:45pm - 6:10pm 2 cups lentils with tomatoes, dry red peppers and macadamia oil 10:15pm - 10:15pm BG 73, 455 mg cayenne pepper, 400 mg niacin, 100 mg inositol 10:28pm - 10:28pm 50 leg lifts 11:17pm - 11:37pm Ice water bath Sat Apr 9, 2011 7:33am - 7:33am BG 77, cucumber sandwich (1 white bread, cucumbers, cream cheese withseasons) 7:36am - 7:42am 2/3 cup lentils with tomatoes, cumin, turmeric, dried red peppers, salt and macadamia oil 7:58am - 7:58am BM large 8:50am - 9:20am 16 oz coffee, 1 lemon, 3 egg omelet with ham and cheese, hash browns with cheese, ham, onions, pecan waffle with butter (fake) and syrup (ofsome unknown origin): Waffle House Health 10:09am - 10:09am BM loose, large 10:28am - 10:28am 1 liter water 11:54am - 11:54am BG 81 1pm - 1pm 4 oz cab

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1:25pm - 1:25pm 100 gr whey with water 5pm - 5pm Pastries 7:20pm - 7:20pm Hamburger, mozerella, cheddar, sauce, tomato, watermelon, grapes 7:48pm - 7:48pm BG 91 9:24pm - 9:24pm 3 loaded tostadas with chorizo, cheese, lettuce, sour cream, avocado, hot sauce 11:41pm - 11:54pm Ice water bath Sun Apr 10, 2011 12am - 12am Cucumber sandwiches 7:30am - 7:30am Wake, BG 90 8:30am - 8:30am 100 grams whey protein, 1 tsp macadamia oil, 500 ml water 8:45am - 9am Warm shower Health 1:10pm - 1:10pm 1.75 cup pinto beans, 1liter water 2pm - 2:26pm 12 oz turkey, 30 oz orange peco tea 6:09pm - 6:09pm BG 89 6:35pm - 6:35pm 2/3 cup kidney beans, 2 tsp salsa, dried hot peppers 8:40pm - 8:40pm Chicken, asparagus, macadamia oil and diet coke Mon Apr 11, 2011 6:28am - 6:28am Wake

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6:38am - 6:38am BG 79 6:54am - 6:54am 100 grams whey, 1tsp macadamia oil 8am - 8am 500 ml water, (oval white pill) 400 mg niacin, 100 mg inositol, (yellowoval pill) D3 5000 U, K2 80 mcg, L-taurine 100 mg, quercetin 30 mg,boron 2 mg, (orange solid pill) DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineralsupplement, (small round pinkish pill) 85 mg aspirin 9:28am - 9:28am BG 88 9:33am - 9:33am 500 ml water 10am - 10am BM small 10:20am - 10:20am 12 oz hibiscus tea Health 11am - 11am 24 oz coffee 12:54pm - 1:12pm 3 chicken breasts, bowl of romain lettuce, hot sauce, 40 oz water 2:30pm - 2:30pm BM 3:21pm - 3:21pm 1.75 cups red kidney beans, 500 ml water, 2tsp cinnamon, chili powder 5pm - 5:20pm 2 sets each, overhead pull down, hams, quads; 25 declined sit ups 5:40pm - 5:40pm BG 78 5:50pm - 6pm Lots of baked chicken, half an avocado, 400 mg niacin, 100 mg inositol, DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineral supplement Tue Apr 12, 2011 7am - 7am Wake, BG 81

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7:40am - 7:40am 5 soft poached eggs, 500 ml water, 400 mg niacin, 100 mg inositol, D3 5000 U, K2 80 mcg, L-taurine 100 mg, quercetin 30 mg, boron 2 mg, DEVAvegan multivitamin and mineral supplement 9:41am - 9:41am BM large 11am - 11am 100 grams whey protein 11:19am - 11:19am BM normal 11:52am - 12:18pm BG 83, 2 cups lintels with tomatoes, cumin, salt, 1bsp macadamia oil Health 1:40pm - 1:40pm BG 88 4:13pm - 4:13pm BG 85 5pm - 5:10pm 1.5 cups lintels, 6 oz chicken, 4 oz cab 5:30pm - 5:48pm Warm shower 7:05pm - 7:20pm 4 oz BBQ pork 8:52pm - 8:52pm BG 77 10:25pm - 10:25pm 1.2 cups lentils Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:30am - 7:30am Wake, BG 84 8am - 8am 50 grams whey, 1tsp macadamia oil 9am - 9am 500 ml water, 400 mg niacin, 100 mg inositol, D3 5000 U, K2 80 mcg,Ltaurine 100 mg, quercetin 30 mg, boron 2 mg, DEVA vegan multivitaminand mineral supplement

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10:42am - 10:42am 1.2 cups lentils with olive oil, dry red peppers, cumin, salt 12:25pm - 1:05pm 8 oz rotisserie chicken, 4 oz spinach wilted in macadamia oil and balsamic vinegar, 3 oz cab 4:16pm - 4:16pm BG 90 Health 6:05pm - 6:30pm 1 cup navy beans with dash of macadamia oil and balsamic vinegar 8:32pm - 8:32pm BG 84, 75 grams whey protein isolate, 500 ml water 9:23pm - 9:53pm Ice water bath Thu Apr 14, 2011 7:30am - 7:30am Wake, BG 81 8am - 8am Blood drawn for labs 9am - 9am Hibiscus tea 9:30am - 9:30am 6 whole eggs 11am - 11am BM 11:30am - 11:30am 1 oz merlot 2:05pm - 2:05pm BG 80, 50 grams whey protein, 500 ml water, 400 mg niacin, 100 mg inositol, D3 5000 U, K2 80 mcg, L-taurine 100 mg, quercetin 30 mg,boron 2 mg, DEVA vegan multivitamin and mineral supplement, 455 mgcayenne, 4 oz merlot 3:50pm - 3:50pm BG 81 4:20pm - 4:20pm 50 grams whey protein isolate, 9 baby brussel sprouts 4:43pm - 4:43pm 8 oz diet coke

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Health 7:30pm - 7:30pm 50 grams whey protein, 6 whole eggs soft poached, 4 oz sour kraut, hot sauce, salt, 4 oz merlot  
