Page 1: My Secret Potential STANDARD Test

My Secret Potential STANDARD

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Page 2: My Secret Potential STANDARD Test

MSP Standard Example

Date of testing: 04.03.2012 22:48:43 CET Validity of the test: 3 months

CONTENT 1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................................3 2 Basic personal characteristics.................................................................................................................4

2.1 Use of own abilities..........................................................................................................................4 2.2 Your development potential.............................................................................................................4

3 Atmosphere of relationships....................................................................................................................5 4 My day-to-day roles.................................................................................................................................7 5 How do you respond to stress?.............................................................................................................13 6 How do you respond to change?...........................................................................................................14

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Page 3: My Secret Potential STANDARD Test

MSP Standard Example

Date of testing: 04.03.2012 22:48:43 CET Validity of the test: 3 months


When reading “My Secret Potential STANDARD” please bear in mind that:

1. None of the values can be labeled “good” or “bad”. The values must be interpreted in the context of the personal and professional aspirations of the individual and the specific personal and professional environment. Values that are crucial in one occupation or a particular firm could be a block to work in another job or differently run firms.

2. All values can change and the individual’s performance can be improved. “My Secret Potential STANDARD” provides key information for understanding the individual’s strength and weaknesses, which permits the development of effective strategies for personal development and correct management. Do not look at “My Secret Potential STANDARD” as a psychological typology but as a real aid to better professional engagement.

3. A person is usually part of a group. All the measured values therefore describe individuals’ attitudes and behavior within their respective groups and specific conditions. They represent the mutual influence (interaction) of individuals and their environment. For effective overall group performance it is important to have a variety of roles and approaches within a team. Diversity is essential for the creation of an optimal team, but it can also be a source of conflict

4. Where there is a "normal" position in the graphs, it is based on a research project, where 300.000 individuals were diagnosed. It is thus only an average value and should be used only for comparison.

5. This document contains sensitive personal data. Take care that it is used ethically, with discretion, and in accordance with the law on personal data protection.

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Page 4: My Secret Potential STANDARD Test

MSP Standard Example

Date of testing: 04.03.2012 22:48:43 CET Validity of the test: 3 months


The basic analysis looks at two fundamental parameters that are crucial for you.

2.1 Use of own abilities

Person’s abilities are not used automatically for the benefit of work and personal activities. They keep their distance and cannot be overburdened.

2.2 Your development potential

Person makes full use of their current development potential.

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Uses own abilities automaticallyUses own abilities only in the right conditionsUses own abilities to block and limit activities

Short-term fluctuationsOverloaded potentialFull use of potentialPotential for improvementPotential not fully exploited

The ideal distribution is the ratio 70 : 20 : 10

Page 5: My Secret Potential STANDARD Test

MSP Standard Example

Date of testing: 04.03.2012 22:48:43 CET Validity of the test: 3 months


All of us contribute to and share in the atmosphere of relationships around us. In this part of the detailed test you will find out what sort of an impression you make on those around you.

Overall atmosphere of relationships

Heaven´s Gate

Person accepts with equanimity their working conditions and the existing rules for interaction between them and those around them (including authority). The rules in effect do not limit communication but actively support it. They keep their stability and mutual equilibrium for as long as possible. They need little encouragement to be active, accommodating, to exercise self-control and make use of the space that those around them (including the authorities) “offer for work”. They try to find and offer solutions to work problems and to help colleagues without thinking of any reward.

What is the atmosphere of relationships or shared social climate?

We do not live on a desert island and so (whether we like it or not) we are nearly always part of a smaller or larger group. Through our behavior we contribute to the quality of the social (relationship) climate within these groups.

This aspect of personality is particularly important for personnel management, but also for the leaders of all kinds of interest groups. It indicates how the test subject will support the performance and effectiveness of the group as a whole (proactively, problematically or obstructively?). The shared social climate has a strong influence on the character of other measured parameters. These parameters must be taken as interdependent and not judged separately.

Research and analysis have identified the characteristics of eight basic types of climate in three quality bands. These can be described as nurturing, problematic and obstructive climates. The climates are given “friendly” names in the following text.

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Page 6: My Secret Potential STANDARD Test

MSP Standard Example

Date of testing: 04.03.2012 22:48:43 CET Validity of the test: 3 months

Nurturing climates• “Heaven´s Gate” climate• “Pink Glasses” climate• “Bulldozer of truth” climate

Problematic climates• “War Valley” climate• “Mount Everest” climate

Obstructive climates• “Bulldozer of wrath” climate• “Defense in the Trenches” climate• “Hell´s Gate” climate

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Page 7: My Secret Potential STANDARD Test

MSP Standard Example

Date of testing: 04.03.2012 22:48:43 CET Validity of the test: 3 months


This section of the test identifies that roles that suit you best and enable you to give your best performance. The blue color shows roles that you choose automatically, or most frequently consciously chooses, in everyday situations.

Roles used automatically

Person is an important person for a team, keeping track of long-term shared objectives and binding the collective together.

Person requires structured, strongly connected and clear work activities that lead to the achievement of new objectives.

Person prefers to find solutions that are acceptable for all.


The roles form a “snail” shape with the roles that suit you best at the top where values are highest. The lowest values are the roles that do not suit you.

What are social roles?

The concept of roles is not limited to plays and movies. They can be defined as an integrated system of attitudes, arguments, opinions, habits and the specific activities that they produce, which together make up the typical behavior of a person in a group. In work meetings we can see innovators, passive participants and permanent critics of everything that happens or is planned. Many of us behave one way in a “suit” and completely different when at home in a “t-shirt and jeans”. All of us play some sort of a “role” nearly all the time we are in contact with our surroundings.

There is increasing interest in identifying the social roles that test subjects play. This can be crucial to putting together a successful team. No matter how much we try to ignore them, we always end up falling into a role. It is necessary to learn to recognize them and work with them.

The description of roles that we use is based on many years of research and analysis. The names (e.g. strategist, visionary, endurance athlete etc.) have been chosen to provide the best characterization of the basic principles of each role.

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Page 8: My Secret Potential STANDARD Test

MSP Standard Example

Date of testing: 04.03.2012 22:48:43 CET Validity of the test: 3 months

How to read the results of the graph?

The roles are ranked in the graph from the most frequently to least frequently performed. The test subject’s ideal roles are situated at the top of the “snail”. Moving clockwise, the roles are in descending order of how often and with what benefit they can be used.

For a subject, only the first three or four roles are statistically significant (in terms of the frequency and content of use – the need, taste and tendency to perform or fulfill such a role). At the opposite end of the scale are three or four roles that the test subject strongly objects to fulfilling or performing.

In everyday life we do not meet with “role monotypes”. On the contrary, roles tend to come in groups and overlap with each other. It is useful to have a combination of strong and supporting roles. This overlapping ensures that there will be a strong identification between the individual and the group and the group and the individual, which reinforces their adaptive potential.

The form of a circular graph emphasizes certain groupings of roles.We can see the “Snail” – a gradual, balanced decline in the ability to perform a role. The “Seashell”

shows a significant preference for the first half of the roles, while the second half is strongly resisted. The “Sea horse” has a very strong preference for the first two or three roles and then a gradual fall in preferences half way round the circle. Beyond the half-way mark values are minimal.

Here too we should apply the principle of strengths and weaknesses.If the field making up the “snail” is balanced and large, the test subject is able to fulfill and perform

the majority of roles. If the field is oriented towards only a few roles – if there is a strong “snail” shape – it is better to place the test subject only in those preferred roles. At the same time, they should not be expected to manage roles that they dislike or have a low affinity for.

The actual performance and fulfillment of roles depends both on personal choice, delegated powers and other factors such as the structure of the group, function and so on. In groups we are always able to prefer and use a variety of roles.

Definition of roles according to their use

We can divide the roles covered by our test into three basic categories. They can also be categorized according to how “broad” and “strong” they are. In the following we will get to know the roles’ individual characteristics.

Strong, broadly focused rules

These are roles that can be used to good effect in a wide range of social circumstances for the common objectives of large social groups. The provide general examples and models for decision-making. They are ideal for identifying smaller social “sub-groups” with different motivations within a single whole.


Visionaries give priority to the identification, integration and establishment of work and human potential into new functional units – dominant visions. Their priority is the immediate broad availability of opportunities, activities and people. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the function of the person performing the role is to make use of his or her aptitude for finding and using opportunities, activities and human potential.

Team builder

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Page 9: My Secret Potential STANDARD Test

MSP Standard Example

Date of testing: 04.03.2012 22:48:43 CET Validity of the test: 3 months

Team builders emphasize relationships, a human model of cooperation and a working atmosphere conducive to long-term collective activity towards a common goal. Their priority is general satisfaction with the group and relationships. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the function of the person performing the role is to ensure group satisfaction through support for functional models of cooperation and the maintenance of long-term common objectives.

Endurance athlete

Endurance athletes emphasize consistent and long-term development of working procedures that require skill and the acquisition of knowledge. Their priority is the continuous development and application of knowledge. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the function of the person performing the role is to maintain continuity in work procedures, skills, the use of knowledge and its development.


Leaders prefer quick, dynamic and successful work activities involving a high level of personal influence. Their priority is victory, speed, collective and personal success. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the function of the person performing the role is to undertake fast and successful activity that produces the expected benefits for all stakeholders.

Strong, more narrowly focused roles

These roles are effective and useful particularly in small and medium-sized social groups and for the specific common objectives of these groups. The roles provide specific templates and models of decision-making for the personal identification of groups and individuals.


Communicators focus on team activities, contact and cooperation that support positive atmospheres in relationships. Their priorities are contacts, atmosphere, the team and common objectives. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the function of the person performing the role is to maintain contacts, a high quality creative atmosphere and the group’s focus on its shared objectives.


Workhorses emphasize fast, automated work procedures and processes with an emphasis on productivity and success. Their priorities are action, work and measurable successes. Workhorses demand this also from themselves. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the function of the person performing the role is to achieve measurable results in monitored areas.


Innovators prefer precisely structured, strongly interconnected and clearly defined work activities that lead to the achievement of new objectives. Their priorities are long-term strategic decision-making which they attempt to guide themselves. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the function of the person performing the role is to define concepts that are linked to work activities that will lead to the set objectives.

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MSP Standard Example

Date of testing: 04.03.2012 22:48:43 CET Validity of the test: 3 months


Inventors are interested in discovering new means and areas for the application of knowledge and abilities, in particular the performer’s own. Their priority is to put new knowledge into practice and to use it to help achieve group aspirations. Innovators do not leave out their person ambitions. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the function of the person performing the role is to offer more and more new applications within the existing system so that all stakeholders can achieve their objectives.

Complementary (support) roles

This group includes roles that can be used effectively in specific social activities. They support and facilitate the personal identification of individuals.


Democrats prefer a shared arrangement of generally accepted life values. In their work activities, democrats need to be part of a group and in contact with it. The role’s priority is the functionality of the whole. They are able to tolerate differences. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the function of the person performing the role is to ensure stable and good quality of contacts, a common framework that supports communication and shared values.


Appraisers concentrate on setting and implementing criteria for work activities through the use of rationality. Its priority is distinguishing the quality of activity. If the role is expected then it is expected that the person performing the role will primarily act as a corrective by applying reasonable criteria for decision-making which assign priority and distinguish quality in activities.


This role prefers logical and clearly defined cooperation. Strategists promote such forms through their own work. Their priority is mixed working groups, relationships and connections in work. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the function of the person performing the role is to explore and propose forms and methods of cooperation.


Executors prefer to apply their work aptitudes and skills within clear and logical rules and procedures. Their priority is contact and self-fulfillment.


Organizers prefer quick and dynamic work activities. They have a need to influence collective work activity. Their priorities are vitality, expansion and success. If the role is expected in the environment, this means that the function of the person performing the role should be a source of fast work activities, high levels of vitality, expansion and consequent success.


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Page 11: My Secret Potential STANDARD Test

MSP Standard Example

Date of testing: 04.03.2012 22:48:43 CET Validity of the test: 3 months

Commanders prefer their own activities, working methods and ambitions. They also try to implant these in their environment. Their priority is personal influence and share in the group’s work activities. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the group is willing to respect the working methods and ambitions chosen or imposed.


Proposers prefer their own ideas, knowledge and work systems, which they see as being necessary and beneficial also for others. Their priority is to implement their ideas and proposals. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the function of the person performing the role is to present suggestions, ideas, working methods and other such activities.


Reformers promote their own knowledge and skills as the basis of change Their priority is to teach others their model of cooperation. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the group is willing to accept the model of cooperation promoted by the reformer.


Diplomats prefer and emphasize common criteria, common objectives and working together as the basis for satisfaction and success in work. Their priority is their own model for involving the whole group. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the function of the person performing the role is to implement common objectives and rules to the satisfaction of all participants.


Defenders prefer the use of their own specific ambitions, knowledge and experience as the basis of shared success in work. Their priority is their own model of self-fulfillment, which they offer to the others. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the function of the person performing the role is to apply their ambition and experience in a way that others can use.


Spokespersons prefer communicating and publicizing common objectives and work activities as a means to their own fulfillment. Their priority is to speak for others and to be visible. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the function of the person performing the role is to present collective activities, objectives, work procedures, results and so on.


Preachers prefer their own understanding and criteria of collective work activities as the only specific correct approach to work. Their priority is to promote their own model of criteria to others. If the role is expected in the group, this means that the function of the person performing the role is to promote their criteria, procedures etc.

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Page 12: My Secret Potential STANDARD Test

MSP Standard Example

Date of testing: 04.03.2012 22:48:43 CET Validity of the test: 3 months


Stress is a feature of normal everyday life at nearly every step. All of us respond to it differently. Some of us remain entirely calm even under high levels of stress. Others skillfully hide the effects of stress. For others, even the effects of a little stress can be a big problem. The results for will tell you how it is with you.

Response to stress

Person experiences a higher level of internal stress and is strongly motivated by stress; they show normal handling of stress outwardly.

What is stress?

Stress is unavoidable. It is an integral part of our work and personal life.A stress reaction is an automatic reflex. It may be perceived positively (stimulation, activation) or

negatively. Stress affects not only physical parameters but also inward emotional experience, reasoning, outward behavior and relationships.

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Showing nothingAttempted cover upModerate expressionStress expressed at high levelsStress always shown

Page 13: My Secret Potential STANDARD Test

MSP Standard Example

Date of testing: 04.03.2012 22:48:43 CET Validity of the test: 3 months


Adaptability is one of the most valuable abilities and characteristics for every person. It has played and plays a key role at all stages in human development. It is precisely a person’s level of adaptability that creates the fundamental differences in how we cope with life. How able are we to adapt to changing conditions and how able are we to adapt conditions to our needs? The results of this part of the test will help to guide your own reactions to changing conditions and your ability to respond to them.

Is person able to make changes?

Person is internally strongly in favor of change, adapts to it quickly and makes it central to life. Changes they think of and see as necessary, they quickly, reliably and acceptably carry out.

What is change?

Being able to adapt to change is one of the basic conditions of successful survival. Our potential for coping with change and adapting to it is an important condition for our social integration and for our success.

Would you like more information?

On the website you will find a manual that will help you to understand the results better.

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Nearly noneLittle and seldomRealistically and normallyQuickly and oftenExcessively and recklessly
