Page 1: My Personal Testimony Concerning MissionsMy Personal ... · My Personal Testimony Concerning MissionsMy Personal Testimony Concerning Missions ... Here are the antichrist edicts of

Page 8 White Fields November 1, 2015

Immersions in 2015

We praise God that during the month of January thru September 2015 there have We praise God that during the month of January thru September 2015 there have We praise God that during the month of January thru September 2015 there have We praise God that during the month of January thru September 2015 there have been 4,057 souls baptized into Christ for the remission of sins.been 4,057 souls baptized into Christ for the remission of sins.been 4,057 souls baptized into Christ for the remission of sins.been 4,057 souls baptized into Christ for the remission of sins. These souls were won These souls were won These souls were won These souls were won in Africa in the nations of Guinea, Liberia, Ghana and Gambia, and in India, Haiti, Cu-in Africa in the nations of Guinea, Liberia, Ghana and Gambia, and in India, Haiti, Cu-in Africa in the nations of Guinea, Liberia, Ghana and Gambia, and in India, Haiti, Cu-in Africa in the nations of Guinea, Liberia, Ghana and Gambia, and in India, Haiti, Cu-racao and Cuba.racao and Cuba.racao and Cuba.racao and Cuba. Please pray daily for the 129 native evangelists that White Fields Please pray daily for the 129 native evangelists that White Fields Please pray daily for the 129 native evangelists that White Fields Please pray daily for the 129 native evangelists that White Fields

supports worldwide.supports worldwide.supports worldwide.supports worldwide.

My Personal Testimony Concerning MissionsMy Personal Testimony Concerning MissionsMy Personal Testimony Concerning MissionsMy Personal Testimony Concerning Missions

It all started when I became a freshman at Lincoln Christian College. With my

class mates we were all excited about our future. I knew what I was going to do

with my life at age 14 and I have never deviated from it. Reggie Thomas came

to LCC to hold a revival meeting on campus.—can you believe that-on a bible

college campus. He held a teaching session which I attended on how to win

souls for Christ. I sucked up every word and have been using that inspiration all

over the world.

I was asked to go to Jamaica to win souls, then Hawaii and India, Haiti, Mexico,

French Virgin Islands and I am planning a soul winning crusade in Africa in

2016. The churches where I ministered grew positively because of winning the


Having just returned from my 4th trip to India I can tell you that there is nothing like it. Preaching the gospel

to the Hindus, the non Christians and actually watching them respond, be baptized and setting up new

churches is beyond what I imagined I would be doing. 320 souls on the first trip, 410 on the second jour-

ney, 756 on the third and 1081 precious people on the last. Thrilling! You are able to use most of your

entire talents when you are working with the natives and missionaries of the host country.

You do not sleep in Holiday Inns or even have a place to bath. You can have ants in your bed and you

preach 7 times a day to hungry people who are exciting to hear your testimony. People ask me why I still

go half way around the world and preach----at age 71—I tell them because we have Hungry people that

Want to hear the story of Jesus and need to know how to get to heaven.

I am no more special than my classmates, preachers, elders, etc. I caught fire for souls and I have a pas-

sion to win as many as possible under the direction of the Holy Spirit before I die, not retire, Die!

Remember the ole phrase we learned some years ago. “only what we do for Christ----Counts.

Rich McQuinn

White Fields Evangelist

November 1, 2015

Zane Darnell & Justin AveryZane Darnell & Justin AveryZane Darnell & Justin AveryZane Darnell & Justin Avery

Teaching Preachers In HaitiTeaching Preachers In HaitiTeaching Preachers In HaitiTeaching Preachers In Haiti

Reggie Thomas~ Founder/Director Blythe Robinson~ World Outreach Coordinator Lori Darnell– Director of Orphanage Ministries

Overseas Evangelism & World Ministries P.O. Box 1089 Joplin, Mo 64802-1089 Reggie’s Phone– 417-483-9029 Blythe’s Phone-423-926-0234

I left for Haiti on October 10 the with our Family Minister from Villa Heights Christian Church, Justin Avery. Our first stop was for three days of Preacher Training in the town of Lambi. Lambi is lo-cated about one and a half hours south of Port au Prince. This was the location

of the epicenter of the earthquake in 2010. It took almost two weeks for anyone to get to them. A US Navy ship was able to bring them food and water. There were many people who were killed or lost limbs. The new preacher at the church in Lambi, his daughter lost her right arm and her left hand. It brought tears to my eyes to hear their stories of survival. I really wished when I was here after the earthquake we could have reached them and tried to help them. The main preacher in this area is Jean Joseph St. Juste and he has started 197 churches all over

southern Haiti . On Sunday morning Justin preached on Elijah at the church in Lambi. The church in Lambi sits on top of a moun-tain. When you look out from the church you see all the beauty of the Caribbean, but you look around the church and you the poverty of Haiti. But you also see the beauty of the people. We started the seminars Monday morning and Justin taught from the Book of Exodus and I taught from the Book of First Timothy. The preachers thoroughly enjoyed it and ask many questions afterwards. It was very encouraging to see them so hungry for the Word.

Page 2: My Personal Testimony Concerning MissionsMy Personal ... · My Personal Testimony Concerning MissionsMy Personal Testimony Concerning Missions ... Here are the antichrist edicts of

Zane Darnell & Justin AveryZane Darnell & Justin AveryZane Darnell & Justin AveryZane Darnell & Justin Avery

Teaching Preachers In HaitiTeaching Preachers In HaitiTeaching Preachers In HaitiTeaching Preachers In Haiti

White Fields November 1, 2015 Page 2

We passed out certificates for completion of the seminar. Many preachers were not able to attend because they live too far away. I've decided for future seminars we will travel to them. We can go to them easier than them coming to us. On Wednesday afternoon we traveled to St. Marc to start our Preacher Training Seminar the next morning. We had preachers from the mountain churches, the churches in Montrois, and the church in St. Marc who attended. Justin taught on the Lord's Sup-per and Baptism and I taught on God and Jesus. There was much discussion and questions during these seminars, which was great. We love when they interact and ask questions. This lets us know

they are really enjoying the teaching and really learning. And these preachers were hungry for learning. I preached Sunday morning in St Marc and had about 75 in attendance. I preached on Matthew 25:14-30 the Parable of the Bags of Gold. My message was to show the people that God never gives us more than we can handle, He knows what each of our abilities are. And how we should invest ourselves into God and He will reward us. It is always a wonderful opportunity to preach in Haiti and other places around the world and really see the people listening and taking notes and opening their hearts to what you have to say. Sunday afternoon we headed to our last destination of this trip, Gonaives. We had heard there had been demonstrations and strikes along the road from St. Marc and Gonaives, although we did not come across any, we did see remains from it. About every 5 to 10 miles there were burned out buses and other vehicles on the side of the road. They would put the busses in the middle of the road and light them on fire so no one could pass. After we got settled in we went to the Jesus Loves Home to see the children. We had gifts that were bought for them from some friends at New Life Church in Henderson, Texas. Since the children are in school during the week we felt like Sunday afternoon was the best time to give these things to them. The children loved their gifts, they each had a bag full of toys and candy, plus they had frisbees, jump ropes , and soccer balls. We had a wonderful time watching them and playing with them. We have some great chil-dren here, they are so appreciative for everything that is done for them. In the evenings on Monday through Wednesday, Justin preached at the Roy-al Christian Church where Jean Raymond Delzume is the Minister. This church is averaging 500 in attendance on Sunday mornings. I preached at the Raboteau Christian Church where Francius Joseph is the Minister and this church is averaging 150 in attendance on Sunday mornings. The crowds were not very big but we had a wonderful time worshipping and sharing God's Word with them. We were able to visit and pray with one of our preachers, Martin Jerome. Martin was in a very bad motorcycle accident a few months ago. We praise God that he only had a broken leg and fractured arm from this, because it could have been much worse. The doctors had to put a steel plate in his leg, so he uses a cane for right now, but goes for therapy three times a week. We pray for quick healing for our brother in Christ.

Page 7 White Fields November 1, 2015

Islam is antichrist History identifies Islam as the world wide enemy of Christianity since the seventh century. As a religion it has

killed more Christians than any other group known to man, and currently it is seeking to dominate the world with the choice of “convert or die.” If Iran gets a nuclear weapon and uses it then the whole earth will be filled with

blood. Here are the antichrist edicts of Islam.

Jesus was only a prophet for the people of His time. Mohammad is God’s final and only true prophet to the world and the Koran, not the N.T., is the final revelation of God to man. To deny these two things demands the death penalty. This is a direct attack on the three elements of the “Gospel” listed in I Cor.15:1-8.

Jesus never claimed to be God and God never came in human flesh. This makes Jesus a liar and a false prophet, yet they call Him a prophet. We are said to teach that God had sex with Mary and by this He is a son of

God. Jesus was not crucified and therefore could not die for the sins of the world. Allah took Jesus to heaven and put

His face on another man who was crucified. This is the “substitution theory” of the Crucifixion because they argue that one man can’t die for another. Yet their “substitution theory” is based on this lie.

There is only one God therefore the doctrine of the Godhead [Rm.1:20; Acts 17:29 with Mt.28:19] is declared to

be a lie. They ignorantly think of God as a physical being and therefore three persons can’t be one person. They are blind to God’s nature. Jesus said “God is a spirit” [Jn.4:24] and “a spirit” is not bound by physical laws. Water, a physical substance, exists in three different states of matter: a liquid-water; a solid-ice, and a gas-

steam. Yet all three are the same substance while having individual distinctions. Since they have no revelation from God they can never hope to understand the things of God as Isa. 55:8-9 forcefully declares.

Christians want to go to heaven to have eternal life with Jesus. Muslim men want to go to Heaven to have eter-nal sex with virgins. It is a carnal, fleshly religion filled with sexual lust. If to a Jihad death and sex are their best,

then who would want the rest! Islam is infiltrating America on an alarming scale. Islamists are coming by the hundreds and soon by the tens of

thousands. They have infiltrated the schools of America disguised as “Common Core,” which teaches our young people deceitful Islamic propaganda such as Islam is a religion of peace along with its basic doctrines, including

the words to say to make one a Muslim while the same schools refuse to teach the truths about Christianity.

The Silent Pulpit of America The information presented here is generally unknown and many preachers fear teaching it. There is a general

fear of controversy which must be avoided at all costs or suffer the assumed fear of losing tax exemption. Islam

doesn’t have this problem. They are willing to die for their faith; would we? Do we respect our Prophet Jesus

and His word as much as they do theirs? We have been called to warn and educate the Christian community.

Remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to remain silent. What will it take for

God’s people to wake up, speak up, and remain silent not more? Will you live to see your children and grand-

children accept Islam as just another denomination which can’t be questioned? Paul said “I am set for the de-

fense of the Gospel” [Phil.1:17]. Are we? When we stand before Jesu, what can we say about our part in de-

fending him and exposing the antichristian doctrines of Islam?

Today’s AntiToday’s AntiToday’s AntiToday’s Anti----ChristChristChristChrist

By Dr Blythe RobinsonBy Dr Blythe RobinsonBy Dr Blythe RobinsonBy Dr Blythe Robinson

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Page 6 White Fields November 1, 2015

This article is only my personal opinion and not necessarily the views of anyone else.

It has been my privilege to study every verse in the book of Revelation, both on the under-graduate and graduate levels. This experience has left me keenly aware of how easily one

can conjure up imaginary threats in its symbols. One of those threats has been labeled as the “the anti-Christ.” This term is often confused with the “man of sin” mentioned by Paul in

II Thess.2:3 ff. In this article I would like to offer some clarifications regarding these terms and issues as they relate to today.

First, a good concordance reveals that there is no such person termed “the anti-Christ,” but there is an “anti-Christ” doctrinal threat clearly identified in the Scriptures.

Second, Paul’s term, “the man of sin,” has been shown by the scholars of the Protestant Reformation to be the Pope of Rome, partly because one of his titles was “Lord God, the Pope.” Alexander Campbell, in his famous

debate with Bishop Purcell, successfully identified Mr. 666 of Rev.13:18 as Paul’s “man of sin.” Third, the Apostle John clearly identifies his use of the term “anti-Christ” in the following Scriptures: I Jn.2:18, 22;

I Jn.4:1-3; II Jn.7. In connection with this, it should be noted that the Apostle John’s Gospel and epistles were

written at the end of the first century. In these his consistent emphasis was that Jesus was God in the flesh. Only

his gospel begins [Jn.1:1-3; 14] with dramatic statements declaring Jesus as God in the flesh and co-creator of the world, with God, This is consistent with Moses’ doctrine of the plurality of God in Gen.1:3, 26; 3:22. Paul

demonstrated the same emphasis in Heb.1:1-3. Thus it is a foundational doctrine.

Fourth, the term “anti-Christ” can have a general and a specific meaning. When the general term is used it can

refer to anyone who opposes Christianity in any fashion. However, John, in his epistles, gives specific identifying terms and concepts which will allow us to identify today’s “anti-Christ.”

(1) In John’s time (I Jn.2:18) there were “many anti-Christs” as predicted before by Jesus (Mt.24:5, 24). It is noteworthy that in I Jn.2:18 he said, “We know that it is the last time,” (referring to the last period of Biblical histo-

ry; the Christian age).

(2) He is a liar who denies that Jesus is the Christ [I Jn.2:22], a term for the Messiah (Jn.1:41). This statement would separate John’s teaching from Paul’s regarding “the man of sin.” The Greek term for Christ means “the anointed one.” Only Jesus of Nazareth was God’s anointed One. The significance of this term is found

in the O.T. where only three groups of people were God’s anointed: Prophets, who speak for God, Priests, who offer sacrifices for sin, and Kings, who ruled over God’s kingdom. Today this kingdom is the church of

Christ (Mt. 16:18-19, 28; Col.1:13, 22-23). God anointed only one man, Jesus [Acts 4:27; 10:38-43], to func-tion as all of these. This is specifically denied by today’s Antichrist.

(3). Antichrist deny that God came to us in the flesh [1 Jn.4:2-3]. This rejection of the incarnation is a major iden-tifying characteristic of an antichrist. Thus antichrist deny that Jesus was “Emmanuel”; “God with us” [Mt.1:21-25]

in human form. This contradicts Jesus statement that “I and my father are one” [Jn.10:30], and “He who has seen me has seen the Father [Jn.14:9].” Therefore the Jews sought to kill Him because He “being a man claimed

to be God” [Jn.10:33].

Today’s AntiToday’s AntiToday’s AntiToday’s Anti----ChristChristChristChrist

By Dr Blythe RobinsonBy Dr Blythe RobinsonBy Dr Blythe RobinsonBy Dr Blythe Robinson

Page 3 White Fields November 1, 2015

Zane Darnell & Justin AveryZane Darnell & Justin AveryZane Darnell & Justin AveryZane Darnell & Justin Avery

Teaching Preachers In HaitiTeaching Preachers In HaitiTeaching Preachers In HaitiTeaching Preachers In Haiti

We were able to pur-chase two new motor-bikes for Junior and Jetro that was made possible through one of our wonderful do-nors. These bikes will help them get to school and back and run errands for the orphanage. They were not expecting motor-bikes, so this was a surprise to them. The look and smile on their faces was priceless. They were still smiling when we left. They were so appreciative of this and couldn't stop thanking us.

One of our translators was Jean-Ronel Joseph, who lives in Pignon, Haiti. He is a graduate of Wind-ward Islands School of Evangelism ( WISE )where Justin had taught. It was great to see Justin and Renal sharing stories about their time at WISE. Renal was a tremendous help to us while he was here. We also learned while we are here that a Muslim group, we are not sure if it is ISIS, has come to Hai-ti and are converting preachers by giving them food and money. Then they get them visas to travel to their Muslim country and are being trained as terrorists. This isn't in the areas we work, but it could spread. Please pray that all preachers of the Gospel stay strong and true and not let the lure of Satan

take them off their path. Our last day we were able to go see some of White Fields other churches in the area to see how they were doing and check on pro-gress of some their projects. Everyone seems to be doing great. We also spent time with the children at the Jesus Loves Me Home, to play with them and tell our good byes. Haiti may be a poor country, but they are rich in heart and spirit. they are many things we can learn from the people of Haiti.

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Justin Avery In HaitiJustin Avery In HaitiJustin Avery In HaitiJustin Avery In Haiti

Page 4 White Fields November 1, 2015

I sit here eating my breakfast in Gonaives, Haiti. Our trip is drawing to a

close. Tomorrow we will return to Port au Prince and Lord willing we will be

back in the states the following day. We have spent 2 weeks teaching and

preaching in churches in various parts of Haiti. We have met with ministers

from every part of the nation. It has been an incredible experience in every

manner of speaking.

It occurs to me that as I am still here in Haiti with some work still left to be

done that I am not equipped to speak about the trip as a whole. Journeys of

this nature are not fully absorbed in the moment but the Spirit is able to show

us deep lessons as we return home and begin to see the contrasts in life, both

practical and spiritual.

I will share one story, one moment that has stood out among the many. We

were conducting a seminar for pastors last week in the Carrefour region south

of Port Au Prince. Approximately 25 pastors from all different parts of the country had gathered and we

shared great times of teaching and encouragement with them. One pastor in particular was very insistent

that Zane and I come visit his church while we were in the area. He assured us that it was close by and so

we took one free evening to let him take us to meet with his church.

We were under the impression that his church was a short 15 minute drive away. We were mistaken. Under

the best of traffic circumstances it would have been a 40 minute drive but on this particular night it stretched

into an hour and a half drive. We were discouraged and frustrated because we had intended to visit another

church as well and it was becoming quickly apparent that this was impossible as well as any hope of return-

ing to our hotel before dark. The road wound higher and higher into the hills until eventually the car could

travel no further. The pastor insisted the church was only a little further (as he had many times already).

Zane needed to stay with the car because the area we were in did not appear to be the place you wanted to

leave the car unattended. He left it up to me whether I was willing to hike the remaining distance to our

friend's church.

When I saw the pastor's face and heard the insistence in his voice I knew I had to go. Ministry can be a lone-

ly place. Being the pastor of a church can easily and frequently lead to feelings of isolation. We become

convinced that we are on our own and our labor for the kingdom is un-

noticed and in vain. I sensed in our friend that he just needed someone

else to know that he was there. He needed to know that there was a

brother in ministry who understood what he was doing.

As I stumbled my way back down the mountain in the dark trying to find

the car I was no longer frustrated and irritated. I was humbled. God

had chosen to use me to be an encouragement to this pastor. He didn't

need me to preach a sermon or bring a gift. He just needed me to be

there, to see him where he was working. He needed to know that he

wasn't alone in his labor and his work was not unnoticed.

White Fields November 1, 2015 Page 5

For the last couple months I have been asking for help with the Jesus Loves Me Home Christmas, I will be asking you again this month! The kids will receive toys and fun things, but they also need everyday things. Clotide says they need at least 11 new mattresses. I know this does not sound like a very fun Christmas present, but to these kids, a new mat-tress is a bigger blessing! They also know that if new pots and pans are in the kitchen, they are going to have good meals. They love the toys but they also appreciate the prac-tical things. Please consider helping us

make this one of the best Christmas’ for them! Any amount will help! Make sure you mark that it’s for JLMH Christmas! Zane, Lacey & I will be able to go to Haiti for their Christmas celebration! Another thing I have mentioned is motorbikes for Junior & Jetro. Thru a very generous, loving donor we were able to fulfill this need. With today’s technology, I was able to tell them. My heart soared to see their smiles and excitement! We are so thankful as this helps everyone at the home.

If you remember, in May, Prospere was involved in an accident that totaled the orphanage truck. Prospere, Jetro & Junior have been searching all this time for another truck with a long bed. In the meantime Prospere tried to fix his truck the best he could. Zane said the motor is badly damaged and will not last long. The good news is that they final-ly have a good truck! Prospere is so happy. It is a relief to him to have a safe vehicle to carry the children to and from school and church. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Jesus Loves Me HomeJesus Loves Me HomeJesus Loves Me HomeJesus Loves Me Home
